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Compilation/Validation not working?
Badger 2-3 posted a topic in Arma Reforger - Configs & Scripting
Few months ago I was working on a project for Reforger. Things worked! Came back today and I feel like things just.... don't work anymore? Anyone else having problems where the script editor no longer validates? For instance, I had a syntax error, clearly indicated at the beginning of the line with a circle w/ red X. However, when validating/compiling scripts everything was fine. Additionally I noticed the intellisense only works on Arma's stuff, when it used to work on my custom classes/variables and such. For giggles, thinking my project was just... old and needed an update - I created a new project and created a simple entity and component script. Neither of which were made available in the editor. What in tarnation am I doing wrong? Event tried this attribute which worked in the past. [EntityEditorProps(category: "GameScripted/GameMode/Badger", description: "Defines a spawn area for a given side")] Have uninstalled, deleted everything (backed it up because that was a lot of work), then reinstalled both reforger and workbench. Nothing has worked so far. Any ideas? -
Vehicle floats but does not steer or accelerate in the water
CN_Lurker_1011 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
I copy the PhysX part of APC_Wheeled_03 (AFV_4 in game) for my Wheeled APC, and followed all the steps of ShipX on the BIS wiki, everything working fine, but it does only floats (always keep on the speed of 8km/h when floats) does not steer or accelerate in the water(No propelling force, No friction, just like a space ship lose power in outer space) I had tried to copy the PhysX part form BTR80 of RHS, also not work, (not the problem of PhysX i guess) (Important)Also, my animations what use the sources of "InWater" "propeller" does not work, like the game dont think my APC is floating on the water I have made one successful Tracked Amphibious Vehicles before use the PhysX from BMP3 of RHS CfgVehicle: PhysX.hpp: buoyancy=1 was added to the geometry LOD and geometry_physX LOD (i confirmed it deterministically) -
*Resolved by using Mikero's Tools in lieu of ARMA 3 Addon Builder - Thanks PuFu! Hello all, I've been pulling my hair out for about a day and a half trying to get my intended textures working in ARMA. I'm able to see the effects of my Normals map, etc. in substance painter, but I don't see any of it in ARMA itself. The colors are also quite a bit darker. I'm suspicious that the .rvmat isn't being applied correctly. I've verified the paths inside numerous times. This is my first time modeling and texturing from the ground up so I'm sure I'm just missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Edit: Also, here's what I'm seeing in Oxygen: I'm not sure if the "Not Mapped" bits are common in Oxygen?
Exporting a vest with multiple textures in Blender (with Arma Toolbox)
WPK-ArmedVeteran posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MODELLING - (O2)
Hi! So, here's my problem, which I haven't found a solution for. Right now I have a vest model, which consists of 2 objects: the actual vest and a belt. Those two objects have separate materials (and separate UV maps obviously). Now, exporting them to P3D with Arma Toolbox results in only one object being exported and if I understand right, for Arma to interpret them correctly to assign separate textures to them I need to have separate vertex groups in one object, not two separate objects as I have them now. The following problem applies in both cases, either if the objects are separate or when I merge them and create separate vertex groups: the hidden selection name changes simultanously, regardless of the group (or object if they are separated) I have selected (so for example I select the vest vertex group, change the hidden selection name from "camo" to "camo1" and then select belt vertex group and the hidden selection is the same [meaning it already is named as "camo1"]). @EDIT Or maybe I understand it in a wrong way? Is it enough if I just have the vertex groups and they will automatically be made separate hidden selections after export? How can I make it so that it is exportable to P3D, while having separate UVs, hidden selections and in result separate textures for the belt and the vest? -
Starting a vehicle performing a useraction
jo spanner posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi, I have an addon vehicle in my mission, and I want it to start the mission by performing one of its actions. Specifically, it turns on a set of lights. I have found the action I need in the vehicle's useractions section, under the cfgviewer. How do I go about scripting it to perform that action? The only thing I've found is the function "action", which doesn't really seem to be doing what I want. Even when doing it like so, trying to make myself as the player perform it, it still doesn't work, giving me a "Foreign Error" and "unknown enum value": player action ["some_useraction"] or player action ["some_useraction", vehicle player] What should I be doing? -
Hey all, I am (still :D) trying to create a medical training framework for a unit playing a persistent mission. All is going (quite) good so far and now I am stuck with an issue. The unit uses players to practice medical and some of them die in the process. They have a respawn time (I think is somewhere around to 1 minute, but this is irrelevant) to discourage ramboing. So, the goal is to find a way to respawn instantly (override the normal respawn time) those who didn't make it through the medical practice of their fellow aspirant medics and then move them back to the medical training facility where they died. I believe the second part to be quite easy. Probably with just a setPos (although this may not be the case if I don't have access to the unit object). So, at the moment I am stuck as to how I can instantly repsawn units (but not all units, just specific ones). I have looked at the BI's respawn functions, but there are no examples and the wiki/docs seem to be completely deserted. I did try to use BIS_fnc_respawnInstant but seems that it does NOT do what I want it to do. After quite some time searching I was unable to find something (or was unable to recognize it) that would help me accomplish my task. Any insight, ideas or suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks in advance, Achilles.
Every once and a while and whether I'm in singleplayer or multiplayer the graphics become potato like and the fps drops to 3. After a minute or so of this the game crashes, please help.
Hi, I'm trying to create some occupation scripts, and more specifically a script designed to fill military towers with various units. Problem, the script make units spawn on ground and not in the tower. Here is my script : //exec: server params["_center"]; { _u = "KICC_SNIPER" createUnit [(_x buildingPos 17), (createGroup [east, true])]; _u setPosATL (_x buildingPos 17); _units = ["KICC_OFFICIER", "KICC_FUSILIER", "KICC_TIREUR_PRECISION", "KICC_SENTINELLE_RADIO"]; for "_i" from 0 to 16 do { if(random 1 > 0.6) then { _u = (selectRandom _units) createUnit [(_x buildingPos _i), (createGroup [east, true])]; _u setPosATL (_x buildingPos _i); }; }; } forEach (_center nearObjects ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", 1000]); On ground, all units seems to be in the right X and Y position, only Z position seems to miss the point. It's strange because I'm using the exact same syntax than in the example 1 on the Biki. What am I missing ? EDIT : when trying to set the position of the player character, in the exact same way, through the debug console, all is working as expected : the player is placed on top of the tower. I've also tried to hint the used position to check that it's a AGL position, and it is. For example for the sniper the Z value is something like 14m. And I'm definitely using setPosATL which is supposed to use this Z value and count it above ground level. I'm a bit lost...
Question about Multi-dimensional arrays
noilliz posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm currently working on a vehicle selector script, but I seem to have trouble putting the array in my list box The code below will shot 1 till 4 in the listbox. _list = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]; _ctrl1 = (findDisplay 7720) displayCtrl 1500; { _ctrl1 lbAdd _x; } forEach _List); However, that's not what I want, I only want 1 and 3 to show while still being able to expand the array for as long as I wish. So i thought why not make it a dimensional array and select 0 of each array but how? How do i get _list = [["1", "2"], ["3", "4"]]; to output 1 and 3. I have been trying a lot but I can't seem to get it to work properly, A quick google search gave me no results. If it's there excuse me for not finding it. Cheers, Joey