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  1. The Red Hammer Studios team is very proud to announce our first major release for Arma 3 - RHS: Escalation! Under this name we present two totally standalone mods: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and United States Armed Forces (if you download them separately and play with both enabled, you are effectively playing Escalation). This is all just a tiny preview of what is to come from our side, with many nice things and improvements planned for the future. FEATURES: - Countless new vehicles: tanks, cars, IFVs and APCs for both sides to use, as well as atmospheric objects like radars. - Completely new soldier models and dozens of gear objects make for over 700 possible unit customization possibilities. Use the supplied virtual ammo crates to quickly make your own custom setups. - New weapons and attachments. Have everything at your disposal to take on your enemy. - Realism enhancements: full PhysX support and realistic configurations, complex Fire Control Systems for applicable vehicles. New user interface items representing control and awareness systems of vehicles to increase atmosphere and gameplay dynamics. Also our constantly expanding and improved decal system has even migrated to the US side. - Fully ZEUS compatible. - Fully ALiVE compatible. Many thanks goes towards ALiVE team making sure RHS Evolution can be enjoyed using ALiVE Framework! - Fully Task Force Radio compatible. Many thanks to the developers of TFA and their effort making sure everything was in place for you to enjoy it right out of the box! TFA will even contain new radios made in the style of our units! - Future-proof: sling-loading will work once they make their way to the stable branch. If you are playing on development branch you should have these features enabled already! FFV will come later as releasing it now would cause problems for those of you playing on the stable branch. Many many more... ROADMAP This is just the beginning! As you might already know, RHS Evolution development will not stop with MANW competition, we will build on it in order to polish the existing, add new content and features! - Further optimization: Especially for the US side, some of the vehicles will receive more resolution lods.It will come in future builds, or even as hotfixes. Rest assured though that with hundreds of hours of testing we have yet to receive a performance drop complaint. - Commercial logos on weapons and equipment. For the sake of avoiding complications in the legal department we decided to change those on the US side with our own. This was mostly to do with MANW. In the near future we will change it back for the sake of authenticity. - Missions. We ran out of time on this one and are not able to deliver a set of missions that we are confident would reflect the type of quality we would want to deliver. However, may mission makers have had access to our alpha build and have been independently producing missions with our content. Expect to see them shortly. We have also teamed up with the producers of the hugely successful King of the Hill game mode to produce a special version of KOTH. It will also go live just a little after the MANW submissions close. - Bugs squashing. As we were adding new content almost to the last day before release, there might still be some left. We had a large group of dedicated players testing around our stuff for almost a month and were able to polish a lot of errors in time for MANW. If you encounter any sort of pesky bugs (although you really shouldn’t), please let us know as fast as possible. - Functionality. In future development builds every piece of equipment will be useable to some degree or another. For now, some of the things that were originally envisioned to have a little more functionality are simply for eye candy. A good example of this are the radars that come along with the pack. - Content and features - while we don’t want to disclose anything at this very moment, we can safely say there is a lot of work that is going on behind the curtains that we haven’t had the chance to finish in time for MANW, but it is still obviously planned to be implemented into future builds. INSTALLATION Unpack the two folders (RHSAFRF and RHSUSF, note that if you downloaded them separately then the following instructions apply to either/or) from the downloaded archive into the root of Arma 3 installation. Add the mods to the start up using either your favorite launcher or by adding the -Mod=RHSAFRF;RHSUSF; (note the absence of the @ symbol) to the launch options of Arma 3 in Steam. If you downloaded the Escalation package, you will find 3 missions contained in the archive. You can extract these to your `Arma 3\Missions` folder. USAGE All the stuff included in the mod is accessible through the in-game editor. The 3 small missions available within the game through `Play>Scenarios`. DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS Full documentation can be found here: http://doc.rhsmods.org/ DISCLAIMER AND LICENSE ALL THE COMPUTER PROGRAMS AND SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, THAT THEY ARE FREE OF ERROR, OR ARE CONSISTENT WITH ANY PARTICULAR STANDARD OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR THAT THEY WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS FOR ANY PARTICULAR APPLICATION. THEY SHOULD NOT BE RELIED ON FOR SOLVING A PROBLEM WHOSE INCORRECT SOLUTION COULD RESULT IN INJURY TO A PERSON OR LOSS OF PROPERTY. IF YOU DO USE THEM IN SUCH A MANNER, IT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR USE OF THE PROGRAMS. By downloading and using the Red Hammer Studios: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Red Hammer Studios: United States Armed Forces or Red Hammer Studios: Escalation mods, you hereby agree to the following license agreement. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT The work contained in this distribution is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. You can view the license by clicking on the icon at the bottom of this page. Please note that the above mentioned agreement gives the right to Red Hammer Studios to waiver any of the conditions, thus feel free to contact us to obtain permission to modify our work. This add-on is provided for Arma 2: Combined Operations or Arma 3 and is not to be used with VBS or any of its derivatives built for the purpose of military training. That is it on bulky lists. The last thing to do is give you the links so you can start battling it out! IMAGES Links Downloads <- http://www.rhsmods.org (.torrents only right now until mirrors are up) Documentation <- http://doc.rhsmods.org UPDATE SERVER KEY FILE HOTFIX (both for users and admins) For 0.3.0<- http://www.rhsmods.org/downloads UPDATE 2 It's a little late but 0.3.5 is finally at a stage where we feel it is stable enough to hold the fort until 0.4. Head over to http://www.rhsmods.org/ to grab the torrent files, read the changelogs and generally goof around! UPDATE 3: 18.01.2015 Public Continuous Release Program Open! Red Hammer Studios is very excited to announce that we are moving towards a once per month release program! The first version is available tonight and if you follow the instructions (http://www.rhsmods.org/updater) you will be on your way! It will also give us the opportunity to fix and release critical bug fixes much quicker. Our initial aim is to have a new version available through the updater at least once a month. Updated changelogs are available for both factions: ftp://ftp.rhsmods.org/beta/rhsafrf/CHANGELOG.txt and ftp://ftp.rhsmods.org/beta/rhsusaf/CHANGELOG.txt and from now on will also be available in Russian thanks to the guys at TEHGAM community! UPDATE 4: 28.02.2015 Version 0.3.6 Released! Tonight we are pleased to announce the release of 0.3.6! Head over to http://www.rhsmods.org/page/updater if you still were not using the updater. If you were following the beta before, just run the updaters! Want to quickly check what has changed while you download? Check out the changelogs: ftp://ftp.rhsmods.org/beta/rhsusaf/CHANGELOG.txt and ftp://ftp.rhsmods.org/beta/rhsafrf/CHANGELOG.txt Enjoy! RHS Team UPDATE 5: 19.04.2015 Version 0.3.7 Released! With a little delay we are proud to present to you 0.3.7! This released from the beginning was planned as a bug fixing version so we focused mainly to stabilize the platform and add some realism features, including getting the mods up to scratch with all the things added to Arma 3 1.42 version. But don't be afraid! There are still plenty of new toys to play with! Read the full changelogs here: http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/1#changelog and http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2#changelog The mods can be downloaded via our updaters (download v1.1 from our site) or Torrents. IMPORTANT! From version 0.3.7 we have moved to version and mod based server keys. This should stop people with incorrect versions joining servers. To get the keys head to the mod's respective download pages. Enjoy! RHS Team UPDATE 6: 11.06.2015 Version 0.3.8 Released! We're live! Another month, another update. Ok a bit more than a month but we think you will see that the wait was worth it! Many bug fixes, many new things around. Just turn on your updaters or head over to http://www.rhsmods.org/ to grab the torrents. Enjoy! Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/redhammerstudios) and rate on moddb (http://www.moddb.com/mods/rhs-armed-forces-of-the-russian-federation-a3 and http://www.moddb.com/mods/rhs-united-states-armed-forces ) Feedback Tracker: http://feedback.rhsmods.org/ Class Documentation: http://class.rhsmods.org/
  2. Overview Charlie Company, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is an NA based Arma 3 milsim unit centered around a modified rifle squad attached to a Light Armored Reconnaissance section, set in the GWOT era, focusing on the use of USMC infantry and LAR doctrine. Operation Times: Saturdays at 1100 PST - (this time slot also accommodates our UK/EU members) Key Points Unit focuses heavily on application of infantry and LAR doctrine Immediate slot assignment upon acceptance - training mostly comes “On the Job” Modpack includes: ACRE KAT medical RHS Other mods tailored to emphasize firefight experience Leadership with extensive Arma 3/milsim experience, some active duty military Available roles: 0311 Rifleman 0313 LAV Crewman/0341 Mortarman (dual role) 0331 Machine Gunner Hospital Corpsman CLS (Combat Life Saver) certification Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/h6QfyNrxYd
  3. El_Guiguitre and crooker12 are proud to release the RHS replacement pack. Since discovering the superb RHS Escalation mod, we have been waiting for someone to release a pack to swap the vanilla weapons, items and vehicles for their present-day equivalents. Unfortunately, such a pack didn't materialise, and eventually we decided to create one ourselves. Our aim is to allow any mission with vanilla assets to be played with RHS assets, without any further modification of the mission being necessary. In order to keep the number of mod dependencies to a minimum, only RHS assets will be used in the core mod. After all vanilla assets have been replaced, we may go back and add optional gear packs that use content from other mods. However, if this does occur, it will be in the distant future. So far, we have replaced the NATO Altis faction with the US Army, and other factions will follow When They Are DoneTM. All NATO Altis (and CTRG Altis) weapons, vehicles, aircraft, uniforms, and items have been replaced with their RHS equivalent. Update 20/12/2016 - CSAT has now been replaced with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/48bd61ycc8sxdz8/AADGMEcYykD-RqomF_pbxLTFa?dl=0 Known issues: There are several duplicate items in the arsenal. This is caused by the same RHS asset (for example, the patchless SPC) being used to replace multiple vanilla assets. Since each vanilla item is replaced individually, loadouts resemble vanilla in terms of magazine numbers etc, rather than being 100% real-life-accurate. The PCML has not yet been replaced. This will hopefully be fixed in a future version. CSAT optics replaced with Russian equivalents still fit on all rifles, not just Kalashnikov mounting systems. Future plans (not necessarily in order of appearance): CSAT Altis to be be replaced with Russian assets (complete) AAF to be replaced with assets from the RHS GREF pack FIA and guerillas to be have a mix of the equipment of the occupying forces (Russian and GREF) NATO Pacific to be replaced with USMC CSAT Pacific to be replaced with appropriate Russian forces We would like to thank BIS for their amazing game, eduardcomando for his NIArms replacement pack that inspired this mod, and the RHS team for doing the hard work that made this mod possible. We would like to stress that this mod is NOT an official RHS release - any issues with it are our fault, not the fault of the RHS team.
  4. Borw524315135

    Problem with RHS mods

    (Google Translate) Hello, when I turn on one of the RHS mods, I don't see the diamond and square target lock icons, they're just invisible to me. Is there a solution to this problem? Everything works fine without mods. thank you in advance
  5. Let's make Arma Great Again! I have always wanted to do a complete OPFOR or red faction. For nearly 10 years now I have worked Project RACS to build up the Royal Army Corps Sahrani. I continue that work for Arma3 but it has lost a lot of steam with me. My mood for being a loyalist has soured a bit over the years. It is time for a little revolution.....or at least something different. The core of this mod will be based around RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The extension portion will be based round legacy models and contributions provided to me by my wonderful friends in this community. Namely RKSL-Rock, Vilas, and many, many others have contributed to what will be absolutely fantastic. Combine this with support from my friends at RHS this mod will be huge. We are going to do big things here, absolutely wonderful big things. As usual this project will not necessarily be about having the most perfect model, but providing you with a complete playable faction. Plans for the SLA 2017 include.... Regular Army: T-72B, BMP-1, BMP-2, BTR-60, Shilka, SA-6, SA-8, S-60, ZPU-4, ZU-23, D-30, M-46, D-44, SA-13, SA-9, MTLB, MTLB Zu-23, Ural trucks, and various static machine guns and AT weapons, Troops will include Light Regulars, Regulars, Especas, Military Police, as well as crews and officers. Air Force: Mig-23, MiG-27, MiG-28, MiG-21, Su-22, Su-24, Su-25, all with varying loadouts. (hopefully more!!!) Helicopters: Mi-24, Mi-28, Mi-8, Ka-50?? Guards Division:??? BTR-80??? BMD??? T80U??? Idea still fluid.... Navy: Basic patrol/missile/gunboat My basic frame of mind for the current situation on Sahrani..... I have always worked around the lore of the original Arma1 storyboard for Sahrani. An archipelago of islands contested by two governing powers. The end of the Sahrani Civil war and the unification of the island for me was about unifying Sahrani and the immediate islands under the King. The Democratic Republic of Sahrani still exists on the remaining islands they control. That was years ago now. This is a new political climate.... Ideas for missions and campaigns swirl around a coup in the Kingdom and the country destabilizes..... or a UN mandate requires the return of occupied territories to the DRS..... or one of many other ideas that would lead to direct return of SLA troops to the mainland.... whether it be militarization, occupation, or blatant re-invasion.... media
  6. by Gunter Severloh Hello Arma 3 community! Here is a mission i built that i have been working on and off since November 2018: Story After a recent reconnaissance mission in Afghanistan, Intel reports ISIL forces have established a foothold in the Southwestern area of Kunduz using local Afghan compounds as their place of operations. Your mission is to locate and clear these compounds, eliminate the anti air threat, destroy their ammo, fuel, Radio, and eliminate the ISIL commander leading the occupation. Screenshots Video This video is a play through for the original mission with all mods. Video doesn't represent the latest build. The ISIL Foothold no mods & DLC version playthrough Download MISSION FEATURES General 6 Player Coop with Revive. Player apon death will have option to be revived if playing coop with other players. Player apon death will respawn at at base 5 seconds. Player can self revive/self heal without needing to respawn if a fak/medkit is in their gear. Player's body will delete on respawn. Player's loadout will save on respawn. You can change the AI difficulty in the MP parameters. You can change the weather in MP parameters. You can set the hour to any time of the day or night in MP Parameters. You can turn stamina/fatigue on or off in MP Parameters. You can change the grass density in MP Parameters. You can change the view distance in MP Parameters. You can change the weapon sway & recoil in MP Parameters. Friendly Assets 2 dune buggies seats 4 - (no respawn). 2 Humvee's with .50cal - (no respawn). 1 Ammo, fuel, & repair truck - (no respawn). 4 Artillery (Mortar M252) Fire missions. 6 calls for a helicopter to: CAS, Transport, pickup,fastrope, and Supply Drop - (Slingload or Paradrop). Access to Virtual Arsenal at Base to change uniform, weapons, loadout & gear. Recruit AI Custom Map Mission set on Kunduz, Afghanistan Map - (Fixed Doors version so you can open the doors). Over 1,075 custom placed buildings, walls, objects, sandbags, and wrecks in and around the compound areas. Gameplay Soldiers randomly garrisoned in and around the compounds - (Each play through is different!) Roaming infantry patrols will seek you out if you make your presence known. Random starting positions of several of the objectives. If you play solo you will respawn when you die. Option to recruit AI infantry to command. Full Briefing with Tasks. 18 objectives with tasks. Use your map to locate objectives based on their description for the task. Your enemy is the ISIL forces, also known as ISIS. Player's faction is Blufor (RHS - USA SOCOM / MARSOC). Start at a large FOB and drive, or fly to the AO. Advice & Tips Know that the enemy has anti air, locate it and destroy it before flying in or calling in for CAS support. Take your time, patience and recon are crucial in surviving in this mission. Theres no wrong way to approach or do an objective, but rushing and carelessness will cost you. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Check the rooftops, windows, doorways, and your corners before you make your move. Shooting your weapon will draw their attention, so shoot and scoot! Use your support Assets, they are limited but can maximize your efforts if used at the right time. Playing Coop means working together, covering the other guy, reviving/giving aid/ammo. Use the terrain to your advantage, as a long range fighter many threats can be eliminated from afar. Move to cover from cover, and look for the next position of cover for your next move. Do your recon, assess the terrain, plan your move, look at where there is cover. When in doubt throw a grenade. When the enemy has an idea or is zeroed in on your position, MOVE! Move diagonally, laterally, not straight when being shot at. Arc your doors and openings, doing so will allow you to peer the inside flanks. Close your flanks - after moving into a house with doors, close the door behind you. Dont try to out shoot an enemy that already has a bead on you, move! Use natural, and other light sources to illuminate the enemy surroundings. Dont crest hills and become a silhouette, always crawl and use rocks or bushes to conceal your shape. When searching for enemy, look for silhouettes, or shapes that dont belong, dark on sand stands out. When trying to move closer while an enemy is spotted ahead, put objects (buildings, stones, hard cover) in front of you while moving to hide your movement, and give you cover. Watch my video to see how i do it 😉 HOW TO PLAY 1. Go to Multiplayer 2. Server browser 3. Host Server 4. Type in server name, # of players, pw 5. Choose map on left mission on right. =================== Mission works on a dedicated & GSP Servers! =================================== CREDITS I want to thank the following members of the Arma community for their work/help with my mission: Rydygier - for his insights in using !ALive code, sorting out bugs with mission end. Larrow - for his code on Multiple support requesters. pierremgi - for his help with code for transferring the briefing on teamswitch. Kronzky - for his Urban Patrol Script. Sushi - for his [TOG] GARRISON SCRIPT. Simmax - for his Kunduz FOB Template which i upgraded. Rydygier & myself - for HAS - Hermes Airlift Services Mod. Red Hammer Studios - for their RHS Mod. AccuracyThruVolume - for his fantastic Iraqi-Syrian Conflict Mod. James2464 - for his original map Kunduz Afghanistan. Moser - Bon's Infantry Recruitment Redux script. Ghost - Halo script. Hortzy - for his help with parameters. Other members of the community that contributed: * fawlty * Harzach * froggyluv * Play3r * ZaellixA * Kalle M. ================= Changelog:

    Zombie Survival Course

    by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Survive - Loot and Clear the Areas. 31 Different Enemy Faction. Fight VS Zombies or NPCS.Supporting almost EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3). Gameplay with a lot of options (MODULAR environment). Features: Respawn VCOM AI Psycho's aid system JIP compatible Game Mode selection 31 Different Enemy Faction Supporting almost EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3) Long lasting Gameplay with a lot of options And much more Installation: Place the mission file in the MPmissions folder inside your Arma 3 installation. Your ArmA3 installation should be in yoursteamfolder/steamapps/common - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Usage: Recommended and/or optional addons and mods to use with Zombie Survival Course: Heros Survive http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31161 CUP Terrains Complete http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30045 CUP Weapons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489 CUP Units http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29301 CUP Vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29716 RHSUSAF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 RHSAFRF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 RHSGREF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 Operation: TREBUCHET http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28614 Notes: It is supporting almost EVERY map ! (ArmA 1/2/3) , just by changing the name on the end of the mission name like : Zombie_Survival_Course.Stratis to : Zombie_Survival_Course.Tanoa 3 Game modes to choose A. Clear Area , ( Suggested for Zombies ) B. Clear Area + Destroy Communication tower ( Suggested for NPCS ) C. Capture + Hold Area ( Only for NPCS ) It is possible even to play with Virtual Arsenal available , if you enable it from the Extra Mission options . The Loot spawn system from Heros Survive is DISABLED . The Loot Script by BangaBob will be running instead + it works on any map . To Check + test the spawn of the items , there is also an option on the parameters , on the Loot Probability , to Enable Debug Weapon = 0 Magazines = 1 Items + Heros Survive items = 2 Vests = 3 Backpacks = 4 Heros Survive items = 5 2 extra pics to see the spawn of the items Select your desired Environment There is included in the selections , also Loot for , Community Upgrade Project [ CUP ] to activate it you must have the certain addon [ Weapons + Units + Vehicles] . For changes , go to the mission parameters . Your Selections may have effect on the performance , check more the parameters settings. If you want to enable the Heros Survive (SURVIVAL mode) , enable from the parameters and also you MUST have enable this addon , in order to play this mode! If the Survival mode is enabled , you will see on the right side the survival icons . Every time you are starting the mission , the starting position will be on random. If it stops generating objectives , then you should restart the mission. - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Credits & Thanks: A3 Wounding System Script by [TcB]-Psycho- =BTC=_TK_punishment Script by BTC Giallustio TAW view Distance v1.4 Script by Tonic AI HALO Jump Script by cobra4v320 Heros Survive Scripts by heros Loot system Script by BangaBob Advanced Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Urban Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Towing - Script by Duda NRE Earplugs Script by NemesisRE VCOM AI Driving Script by Genesis92x Vcom AI 2.81 Script by Genesis92x Mag Repack Script by Outlawled Monsoon Script by aliascartoons Snow Storm Script by aliascartoons Real Weather by code34 Generic Dust Particles Script by Goon Generic Snowstorm Particles Script by Goon Situational Music Script by DemoCore Addon-Free Stat Save System [BETA] by Stealthstick/Zooloo75 Randomly generated roadside IED's by brians200 Engima's Civilians Script by Engima Engima's Traffic Script by Engima findSafePos Script by Joris-Jan van't Land taskPatrol Script by Joris-Jan van't Land Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v2.3 Added Headshot + Killfeed Script v2.0 Optimize Unit Spawn distance , for Roaming Selections Optimize for Suiside Bombers Spawn Minor fixes v2.2 Downgraded A3 Wounding System Script by [TcB]-Psycho- to 15102016 ,because of errors v2.1 Optimized Unit Spawn for Roaming Selections Updated A3 Wounding System Script by [TcB]-Psycho- to v24062017 Added Suiside Bombers (civilians) v2.0 added options for: Civilians , Vanilla / APEX or CUP Civilian traffic , Vanilla / APEX or CUP ( vehicles ) Ambient life , Vanilla ( animals ) Roaming ZOMBIES Roaming NPCS ,Vanilla / APEX / CUP / RHS Roaming NPCS vehicles ,Vanilla / APEX / CUP / RHS / TREBUCHET Weapon Jamming Vehicle Crew Display Killing Civilias feed AI chatter Ambient Radio Chatter BIS_sandstorm v1.2 Minor fix (error with Ryanzombies) v1.1 Fixed some issue with Zombies and Demons classnames Added compability with , Operation : TREBUCHET v1.0 - Zombies and Demons Forum topic: - BI forums - Armaholic forums Armaholic Zombie Survival Course v2.3
  8. Hi All, please see the details below. What we are looking for: We are looking for two open minded team members, with healthy egos with: One who wants to join us on our Australian/New Zealand Friday evening event which is hosted at 2100 AEST AND One who wants to join us on our American Saturday (CST) which is hosted at 2000 CST Who we are: We are a tight knit group of former seasoned realism unit members (20 years cumulative) and casual Arma Players (easily 5000+ hours cumulative) that have been running for a little while now, we pride ourselves in running a group that is very casual outside of ArmA 3, but fairly serious within ArmA 3. We have modeled ourselves around the CAG/ACE/Delta Force/1stSFOD, and in honesty is a result of liking their mission set & equipment, which also plays well into ArmA. We do not use ranks, but rather use titles to designate member obligations/accountability, i.e Team Leaders responsible for getting their team on to events, HQ members responsible for coordinating Team Leads and mission makers, but never at the cost of the life blood, which is the general member base. We are a zero bull/toxicity group, that encourages new and senior members to mix and collaborate with one another, we do not want to run a gossip group, and we also promote a zero obligation policy for general members, meaning even if you join, and while we would like to see you at all events that your team is assigned to, we do not hold against you if you cannot make it, and even if you need time away for an extended period of time, we support that as long as you communicate with us. We offer two event days on alternating fornights, this is because we have a mix of Australian's and American's within the group, one event is Aus based time hosted on Friday evenings AEST, and the other event is US based Saturday evenings CST, both events are broken into teams of 4 members, with tag alongs typically rounding it to about 6 - 8 members per event, even if you are part of the Friday team you are welcome to the Saturday event (and vice versa). We have taken reasonable strides to research and understand what we can about the CAG, and not making the error that many groups do which is confusing the CAG (or whatever name it goes by at the time) with SF/ODA, which is also a pet hate of ours in general. Of course we will never get it perfect but we are confident in our offerings around the space, for how we wish to run it in ArmA. How to join and what happens next: There is no formal training pipeline, but we do have a variety tactics and procedures that we have developed, and teach to the new guys, we function more off assumed knowledge, and the success or failure of a group member is down to their ego and their ability to learn and improve. But to get through the door you, all you have to do is... 1) Express interest ArmA 3 units page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/cag6 2) Join our Discord (our primary platform outside of ArmA 3, we use Teamspeak 3 on event days but not as a place to hangout): https://discord.gg/HuvEPrxBpv 3) Download our mods (we do use a few, primarily ACE, ACRE, RHS, a variety of SOF Equipment mods, and Quality of life mods that makes you feel a little more operator): Our ArmA 3 Modlist HTML is stored on our Discord, so once you are on there you will be provided access to it 4) Get on and get intergrated with the guys and play: Simple enough once you are processed, introduce yourself and come join us, you will also need to download teamspeak 3, as we use ACRE, but teamspeak details will be provided once you are processed, and any of our members can help out. Summary: So as a general member what are your commitments? - Ideally show up to your team events as much as possible (only two a month), but know it's okay if life comes first at times. - Be willing to play in ArmA 3 in a serious and almost milsim way in terms of tactics and equipment (but without all the admin and outside of event day training headaches). - Be willing to be part of a very casual group outside of ArmA 3, thick skin required, and a good (if not warped) sense of humour. - Be willing to download our mods, get on our Discord, and join Teamspeak 3 on event days. Beyond that... If this place sounds like a place for you come and reach out, while we are only looking for two members at this time, we will never say no to more (within reason), and it doesn't matter if you are new to ArmA or a veteran we will teach you our ropes, but be warned even though we are casual group outside of ArmA, we do expect each member to get with the standard in ArmA, and to abide by our standard, we are forever growing, and refining our processes too, so having an open mind is important. And don't forget. At the front however, we pride ourselves in the way we play ArmA, and the fact most of our members make friends for life (for as corny as that reads), but we do not believe in white anting, and rather collaboration and support, if this sounds like a place for you, come join our Discord and we will take it from there. Thanks. CAG TF6 HQ
  9. Edward Eman.

    Picture in Picture

    I hope this is the correct section to post this ; i would like to know if there is the possibility to enhance and optimise Picture in Picture (PIP) in general, for vehicles, body cams and most importantly (for me) SCOPES. As many know in the RHS mod there is the ability to enable PIP scopes, unfortunately it doesn't look that great, i believe this is because the game is not optmised for PIP in general, but if you could work on an update, enhancing PIP graphics and optimising it for FPS drops that would be GREAT. (and appreciated by the whole community) Having PIP scopes (that work propperly) would personally enhance the realism and the feel in general. Thank You.
  10. Hey everyone, I got a real quick question. So, I've started making a lot of custom factions with the ORBAT tool, and I'm looking to create custom camo for different uniforms in order to make certain factions for my unit's campaigns. To get to the question itself, I've extracted the .paa file from the .pbo, I've converted it into a .png using TexView 2 from ArmA 3 Tools, and now I'm stuck at Photoshop since there are no templates that I've found I ran into a problem. I tried using Overlay to apply my camo to the .png, I removed the boots, belt, and whatnot using selection so they don't get affected. But my problem is this, whenever I apply my fairly bright camo to the darker variant from RHS, it darkens my camo, basically ruining it, the old camo is still very much so visible below it and all the little details like the folds and stretching in the clothing, where the clothing bundles up and the stitches all of it just is either barely visible or gone. From what I saw I seem to need a template to properly do this, so I can apply my camo over theirs, but I haven't found a template. I know people have managed to retexture before and I asked RHS but they say they can't provide the .PSD files which I completely understand. So is there a way for me to retexture this and how did the other people do it, since I was quite a few retextures both big mods and small private ones.
  11. This addon includes Chernarussian National Party guerillas. "Nationalist guerillas of the National Party is an underground movement lacking sophisticated weapons, but their knowledge of the country, military expertise from civil war and underground network make them serious opponents to both communist guerillas and government forces." This is retexture mod made of both RHS and vanilla units. I tried to make them as similar as possible to the units from ARMA 2.The same camouflage, equipment, weapons, etc. Also required RDS Civilians addon for the presence of civil guerillas. Features: - Set of NAPA units like in original A2 - RHS and vanilla vehicles, static weapons - Civilian guerillas armed with WW2 weapons, hunting rifles, etc. And few more civilians retextures - Added different groups like in A2 Known issues: - Automatic Rifleman armed AK-74 with 45rnd mags instead of RPK-74 (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) - Chikom vest replaced by another chestrig. - Wooden SVD replaced by plastic one (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) Thanks RHS for their great mod, Reyhard for his Civilian pack. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507820054
  12. This addon represents Chernarussian "Red Star Movement" units retextures based on RHS mod. I've made set of units like in original A2 game, with different camo uniforms on them and another variants in full camo suits with insignia. Features: - Original A2 camos - Original A2 berets, beanies and alice pack. - CHDKZ Insignia - Added many groups - Added RHS CHDKZ vehicles with my crew in it Known issues - Automatic Rifleman armed AK-74 with 45rnd mags instead of RPK-74 (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) - Chikom vest replaced by 6sh92 - Wooden SVD replaced by plastic one (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) Requires: - RHS AFRF - RHS GREF - RHS USAF - YuEmod Thanks RHS for their great mod, Yura Esin for his vests and Denis Fomenko for straps model on Alice pack. Changelog: v 1.01 - Fixed some config errors v 1.0 Links: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216707909
  13. I made RHS air weapons and ACE Laser Guidance compatibility mod. I don't really have experience in scripting and ArmA modding in particular, so please feel free to report bugs or/and strange missile/bomb behaviour. Have fun! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2786904792
  14. Sooo.... I'm currently working on a mission, using the Mi-24G by RHS. The only problem me and other players of my clan encountered were that the helicopter has no missile warning system. Or at least it has one which doesn't work. Over the HUD is like a picture of the helicopter with lamps surrounding it. A lamp would light up at the clock direction a missile would be coming from. Unfortunately not even the vanilla Spike launchers manage do get this thing working. So I was wondering if there might me some sort of script which allows me to have a working missile warning system. Even if its on one of the side MFDs. Thanks in advance!
  15. Find here one evergreen of Gruppe Adlers TvT Missions: Breaking Contact. Well suited for groups from 20 but living to its full potential with much higher player counts. Supports up to 112 players and many maps (CUP TP and more). Very high replayability value - free spawn selection. Best played in a roughly 2:1 attacker defender ratio. Dependencies CBA, ACE3, ACEX, RHS Escalation, TFAR, optionally RDS_CIV Mission Concept Russians have to protect their radio truck from destruction from US forces. At the same time they have to deploy antennas (send radio message) a preselected total amount of time to win. When deployed the radio truck is marked on the map for US. If US manages to neutralize the truck or kill all Russians, the game is over. At their start vehicle both factions can buy a limited range and number of vehicles with a preselected amount of credits. US forces have air superiority whereas Russians can field a little bit more raw fire power. Rules no respawn, no play area restrictions, ACE spectator, no scopes, basic medical, fixed loadout, quick start Parameters Time, Weather, US Spawn Distance, Money, Deploy time to win, Time Acceleration, Ingame Replay Accuracy, JIP time, BFT toggle, Civilian Traffic Toggle (needs RDS_CIV!) Setup Info * Doesnt work locally, you need a Dedicated Server * Opfor Commander Slot is mandatory, otherwise you are stuck in a waiting loop * For testing purposes with only one player you might fill up Blufor with AI Additional info * Admin slot is Zeus to help out teleporting JIP and fight bugs * Russians might redeploy, the sum of deployed time counts for winning - makes for very dynamic gameplay * Russians might buy a mobile radio box, which takes the radio truck as a relay. Sending on its own it only has half the power (or if the distance is above >500m from radio truck). This enables more static positions if necessary (destruction of radio truck does not lead to win anymore but only destruction of mobile box, if bought). * Its highly recommended to use the predefined amount of money * For every player there is a little bonus in money * Check the mouseover in the buy menu to get info about what you will purchase (Ammo Truck/Ammo M113 comes to mind) * You can eradicate the helipad in the buy menu when you are fully equipped to hide your spawn * Mission is localized in English and German * BIS dynamic group system can be used with <U> * US Camo automatically chosen (hardcoded for every map) * NVG are to be found in the start vehicles (HMMWV/radio truck) * Arrows above heads will disappear after 5mins ingame. They hint on Teamleads and SQLs to increase start time * There might be features I forgot to mention here 🙂 Known issues in this version * JIP players will spawn in strange places. Use Admin Zeus to teleport them Currently supported maps Altis, Beketov, Bornholm, Chernarus, Chernarus Summer, Clafghan, Esseker, FATA, Gorgona, Capraia, Kunduz, Namalsk, Panthera, N'Ziwasogo, United Sahrani, Stratis, Sugarlake, Takistan, Tanoa, Taviana, Thirsk, VT5, Bystrica, Zargabad Download (ZIP, rename PBO to any island suffix you need. supported suffixes in compatibleIslands.txt) https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis/releases/tag/2.9.0 Source https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_BreakingContact.Stratis (conversion for other maps than stratis is done with build script) I will continue to tweak and balance the game mode and release stable versions when I see fit. Please report any issues or make proposals to github. Screenshots http://imgur.com/a/QNhju
  16. hi, i need RHS USAF vehicles class name. but i cant see http://class.rhsmods.org/ site. occurred time out error. help me...
  17. This addon represents Chernarussian Defence Forces and other law enforcement structures units retextures based on RHS mod. As usually, you can see original A2 type CDF units. Also you can find in this addon Chernarussian airborne forces, national guard, Ministry of interior special force "Orel", KGB special force "Alpha" in different equipment. Features: - Original A2 CDF camo and some other camouflage patterns - CDF now wearing PASGT helmets instead of 6b27 - Added many groups - Added RHS CDF vehicles with my crew in it - Some new vehicles retextured to CDF camo - Added CDF airborne forces flag Known issues - Automatic Riflemans armed AK-74 with 45rnd mags instead of RPK-74 (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) - CDF Militia unit uses rhsgref_chicom class vest, that's not done yet (Hopefully new update will fix it :-) ) - Wooden SVD replaced by plastic one (by reason of its absence in RHS weapons) Thanks RHS for their great mod, Zedderick for his CDF Kamaz textures, Soviet Armed Forces mod and Xacino for his RD-54 model. Steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1550624597
  18. ***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS*** Hello There! I am currently in the process of designing a Campaign and want feedback on my idea and eventually when I start rolling out mission's them as well. Since moving over to ACE I've loved the ballistic system as part of it. I was inspired by Igneous01 - ArmA 2 Campaign and wanted to create something similar but on the ArmA 3 Platform. However, I wanted to make something that is also co-op but was unsure if that is possible so please feel free to comment down below. I also didn't want thousands of mods I wanted to use mods that are the most popular on the Steam Workshop but like I've said if you have any suggestions please mention them below. Here's a general summary of my campaign: MODS: ACE RHS USAF RHS AFRF Apex Now I know this campaign won't be for everyone but I would appreciate any idea's that great community can provide. ***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS***
  19. This add-on depicts generic North-Caucasian rebel forces in different types of clothing and equipment and Russian special and regular forces (Army, VDV, MVD and OMON) based on the mods done by the Red Hammer Studios. The aim is to have an enemy faction for RHS AFRF which only requires the RHS mods. The rebel units are equipped with older soviet-style weapons, use 6SH92, Vydra 3M and Serbian MD-99 vest and wear a variety of different uniforms and headgear. Please note that the gear and equipment of the units isn’t a 100% according to their real-life counterparts, but since I can’t model, it’s the closest I could get. The Russian forces come in many different camo variants and carry the appropriate gear for a 2000 till 2012 timeframe. It’s recommended to use this add-on with ASCZ Heads or other beard add-ons. More screenshots Changelog 1.3: • Naval Infantry in TTsKO, VSR and Flora camo • VV and MSV troops in Afghanka uniforms • Sfera and Sfera-S helmets • ANA V95 vests in many camo patterns • reworked loadouts for many units (thanks to scimitar's advice) • improved/reworked textures • many small config fixes • some more stuff I forgot to mention... 1.2.1: • fixed errors in the Russian translator (my fault, not Basher's) • new OMON beret thanks to max1048 • uniforms with collar badges (VDV and MSV) 1.2: • Russian Motorized Rifle and Airborne troops in VSR and Flora camo • VV OBrON troops in VSR, Podlesok urban and summer camo • Vityaz units in SMK camo (two patterns) • ZSH-1-2 helmets • OMON units in Kamysh camo (two patterns) • many small config fixes • Russian translation thanks to Basher • RPK units via an optional config (requires Toadie's AK pack) • a few things I certainly forgot to mention... 1.1: • name changed to “Caucasus Insurgency” • new Russian faction: Ministry of Internal Affairs’ special forces (OSN) • Gorka-E variants, SPOSN, Krot and SKLON suits • 6B23-2 vests • fixed: units did not show up in ZEUS • more small config fixes 1.0: • config fixes • improved textures 0.9: • working blood textures on the M88 uniform • replaced the vanilla tactical vests with the new SAF vests • AKS-74 added to some units • RHS SAF is now a requirement 0.8: • added shemaghs and pakol hats • M93 retextures Known issues · no blood textures on the M93 uniforms Download https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B78y5Tai3PVRaDNYdTVVa3pkN0k http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32226 (Version 1.2.1) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=848358281 (More mirrors are welcome.) Requirements • RHS AFRF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 • RHS USF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 • RHS GreF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 • RHS SAF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32203 Additional requirements when using the optional RPK config • CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 • NIArms Core: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24620 • NIArms AK: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25099 • NIArms AK - RHS Compatibility: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30901 Credits Since I only did some of the textures and wrote the config and this add-on is mostly based on other people’s work, here’s the list of credits. Many thanks go to: • the outstanding Team of the RED HAMMER STUDIOS for most of the gear and weapon models and textures • the team of the Serbian Armed Forces Mod for the uniforms and the MD-99 vests • -Rusty- for the Kamush, Flecktarn, VSR and Flora textures • SomerenV for the Podlesok textures • Evrik and 3CB for porting the shemagh and pakol hat models from ArmA2 and helping me out with these • Basher for the Russian translation and advice • Temon for advice • max1048 for the OMON beret and the Sfera models • Basher and max1048 for the V95 models and the base textures • and to Bohemia Interactive for a great game and their continued support. Disclaimer For personal entertainment purposes only. Do not edit and redistribute without permission of the author. Creators claim no responsibility for any damages this add-on or mod may cause, use at your own risk.
  20. Hi Folks, this is my problem: I've got a OH6-helicopter (classname: RHS_MELB_MH6M) which has a camera on the co-pilots seat. I want to stream that picture ( exactly which is shown on the internel OH6-monitor) to another external monitor, so the teamleader (remained in base) can watch the progress of the helicopter-crew searching for the target. See this video, I've made... I've tried KillzoneKids drone-camera-stuff, but it seems not to work. It works well with an uav-drone, but not here. Does anybody have a clou? (Probably it's the name of the gunner-seat-cam or something like this, I can't find this stuff in config! And another thing: If I leave the area of the monitor, the picture will be lost. > black screen on monitor. In the script below I've tried the lasermarker as cam-copy, but this isn't either working... ("rhsus_weap_LWIRCM") monitore setObjectTexture [1, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(_oh6CamTgt,1)"]; // Global? _oh6cam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _oh6cam camSetFov 0.3; // The zoom level is from 0.01 for the nearest and 8.5 for the furthest zoom value, with a default zoom level of 0.75. Needs the call of camCommit to be conducted. _oh6cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "_oh6camTgt"]; _oh6cam attachTo [oh6,[0,2.5,-1.8], "rhsusf_weap_LWIRCM"]; //"_uavcamTgt" setPiPEffect [0]; //"_uavcamTgt" setPiPEffect [1]; // Normal - [0], Night Vision - [1], Thermal - [2], inv.Thermal = 7, oder S/W: [3,1,1,0.4,0,[0,0,0,0],[1,1,1,0],[1,1,1,1]]; _id = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _dir = (oh6 selectionPosition "rhsusf_weap_LWIRCM") // original by KK: PiP0_pos vectorFromTo (oh6 selectionPosition "rhsusf_weap_LWIRCM"); oh6cam setVectorDirAndUp [ _dir, _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0] ]; }]; Thanks for any help! Greetz Purzel
  21. This addon will add Cold War era aircraft reskins to your A3 for several NATO and Warsaw pact armies. It is intended for use together with the GM DLC to give the some air mobility. It also adds pilot gear for both sides. RELEASE DATE: 28-Apr-19 UPDATE V 1.03: 16-December-19 AUTHOR: Lennard (Steam name: Thunderstreak) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSNAMES: BW UH-1D - "len_uh1d_bw" CSLA Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_cs" LWP Mi-8 - "len_mi8amt_lwp" LWP Mi-24D (AT) - "len_mi24d_AT_lwp" LWP Mi-24P (AT) - "len_mi24p_AT_lwp" LWP Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_lwp" NVA Aero L-39 - "len_l39_nva" NVA Mi-8 - "len_mi8amt_nva" NVA Mi-24D (AT) - "len_mi24d_AT_nva" NVA Mi-24P (AT) - "len_mi24p_AT_nva" NVA Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_nva" SCREENSHOTS: REQUIREMENTS: Arma 3 RHSAFRF RHSUSAF RHSGREF KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES: None known at the moment. CREDITS: BIS - Arma 3 game RHS - A2 Ports da12thMonkey - Config help EULA: By downloading this content you agree with the following: - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author. - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon. - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES: V 1.01 - Added ZEUS compatibility - Added pilots for BW and NVA V1.02 - Added NVA Mi-24D and Mi-24P variants - Added NVA L-39 - Added NVA pilot gear - Updated NVA pilot uniform V1.03 - Added LWP Mi-24D and Mi-24P variants - Added LWP Mi-8 variant - Added CSLA, LWP, NVA Mig-29A - Added LWP pilot uniform Download direct Steam workshop Mirrors are welcome! Have fun!
  22. Previously called the "US Army 2005" addon, now i renamed it to "US Forces 2000s", so the addon can have a wider scope and can include more branches. This pack includes Soldiers and Marines wearing BDUs in Desert camo or M81 Woodland camo and Interceptor Body Armors in M81 camo, 2004-2006 era Marines wearing Marpats, IBAs, Nomex Flightsuits, and there are also 2007 Era US Army units that wear Full UCP camo. They use RHS weapons and vehicles, GSTAVO's M16A2s are also used by most of the Marines from 2001-2003, and also rear echelon US Army units Features: - Units, primarily US Army and USMC, from 2001 to 2007, wearing appropriate uniforms and gear for each year - units are mostly available in woodland and desert variants (except for later US Army, wearing universal camo pattern, of course) - Generic Special Forces Units, from 2001s to 2005 era - Adapter for users of RH Accessories pack is available, inside the "optionale" folder found in the mod's directory (@simc_uaf_08_rhs). using RH Optics will give more period accurate attachments not found in RHS, primarily PEQ2s and Aimpoint M2s, also TA01 ACOGs Gear: - ACU Uniform (UCP camo, IR flag option) - MICH helmet (UCP, M81, and DCU camo, and coverless versions) - MICH battery pack accessories made by Lennard - PASGT helmet (M81, DCU, 6-colour, and Marpats) - LWH Helmet (Desert and Woodland Marpat) - Interceptor Body Armour OTVs (a shitload of them, really, in M81, DCU, and UCP camo, also plain coyote brown) - CIRAS vests - SPEAR BALCS vests - FLCs (on its own and on top of IBAs) - ILBVs (on its own and on top of IBAs) - BDU Uniforms (M81 and DCU) - Raid BDUs (M81 and DCU) - Units have randomised helmets - Nomex Flightsuit (model by Cinco) - ESS and SWD Goggles - few other glasses, ESS V12 and Birth Control Glasses (Made by Lennard) - Watch Caps for early years SF (Also Made by Lennard) - PVS7 NVGs on rhino mounts - optional ace compatibility for all glasses and NVGs available, config made by lizardbolo, optional config comes in a pbo located in "optionale" folder under the mod's directory - patrol caps, utility caps, and boonie hats, in DCU and M81 - Fleece jackets and MOPP suits Planned stuff: - Wound textures - m40 gasmask + hoodie - editor icons - some additional SF Vests Full Changelog: Known Issues: - Nametapes does not receive shadows (idk how to fix this yet, material issue or smthing i have no idea even) - Wound textures not yet working Credits: - Bohemia Interactive: A2 Sample models, for base of uniform model and also the pouches - bolo861: Helped me fix loades of config errors, beta testing, and made config for the glasses ace compatibility - punky: original FLC model - bigstone: Scrim helmet model, ISAF patch texture, and several other texture for other unit patches, and lots of advices - cinco: NOMEX fligtsuit model - Johannes for his awesome SF template for Arma 1 - RHS team: Awesome mod in general that becomes the base for this mod (vehicles and weapons) - GSTAVO: That wonderful M16A2 - Lennard: Several great models that he gave me, including the watch caps, glasses, and battery pack - John Hansen (of Brazilian Defense Force mod) for ALICE webbing models - everyone here who helped me discover all the bugs that appear due to mijn clumsiness, and also for all the suggestions and critics! image albums: https://imgur.com/a/hdcjLq9 https://imgur.com/a/DaEScEM https://imgur.com/a/WWkAhrA https://imgur.com/a/dVLSUVv Download: Steam Workshop ------------- Additional Units Optionally, if you want some more units, you can grab some here. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1116198232 The extra units that are included in this optional pack are: - 173rd Airborne Bde (2004 and OEF) - 10th Mountain Division (2004 and OEF) - 101st Airborne (OEF) - 3rd Infantry Division (OEF) - 4th Infantry Division (2004 and OEF) - 1st Infantry Division (2004, 2007, OEF) - 1st Cavalry Division (2004, 2007, OEF) - 2nd Armoured Cavalry Regiment (2004, OEF) As always, the 2004 ones wears DCUs and M81 IBAs, and a mix of MICH and PASGT helmets. The OEF units are in Full ACU gear and they wear ISAF patch on their left arm.
  23. Hello BIF, because of the ongoing Covid crap and I'm very interesting to do something for our great ArmA / OFP (with his Bugs 😉 ). Chechen Caucasus War 2.0 retextures (early working titel) I want to help the community to make something for. I'm totally noob in modding and my english skills a very bad but I try. So first steps was with eden Editor and setobject texture. Look: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2370132955 For retexturing the new great stuff made by lodu for RHS AFRF in the devbranch I need help. For example I need free templates with Russian/Soviet camo. So maybe @fingolfin or other Members can help with?
  24. Frontline is a PvP mod that brings the same structured teamwork orientated gameplay found in games such as Project Reality, Squad and the Tactical Battlefield mod back to Arma 3. The aim is to create a set of realistic game mechanics and systems that puts the responsibility on the players to play as a team to win. The majority of the features of the mod will be very familiar to players of the aforementioned games/mods. Roles and squads Commander features and command structure Rally points and forward outposts Weapon re-balance, smoke and particle rework Defensive structures construction Vehicles and assets become available at specific player numbers. Medical system Custom suppression effects Squad radar Spotting system Heavily modified and enforced TFAR version 3D Interaction (Easier door opening, ladders and more) Vehicle Maintenance Freakishly simple 2-clicks-from-vanilla-arma-to-being-screamed-at-by-your--squadleader launcher. Excellent performance relative to other game-modes that have large player numbers Smooth and polished interface and systems AI fighters only for when the server is waiting for actual players to join But why is it called Frontline? Because we fight on the Frontline! Gone are the days of fighting over arbitrary buildings and locations, now territory is king. You decide what locations are tactically relevant the whole battlefield is your playground. Push the Frontline by taking and holding ground, the team with the most territory bleeds the other of tickets, the more territory the faster the bleed. The Frontline constantly updates and flows with the shape of the battle forces the teams to play together, communicate and fight in a realistic manner. Flank enemy squads to cut them off from reinforcement and supply, probe for undefended gaps in the Frontline and breakthrough. Timelapse 40x speed of a battle (youtube) Typical reaction of a player seeing the frontline for the first time At the moment the mod is played in conjunction with either RHS or Iron Front mods . The only place to play it is on the server run by the development team (this will change as the player-base expands). The mod and it's dependencies are available on steam workshop. If you have any problems installing please use the launcher we made. It's idiot proof. The steam workshop is there because people wanted it, and it works just fine, but we will only support/help people installing with the launcher. Details of the launcher in the second post of this thread and you can get it on the website. The server also uses CUP terrains, Kunduz and some custom terrains that are all in the mod pack delivered by the launcher. Teamspeak is mandatory because of the mod-integrated Task Force Radio, but even if you don't have TS, the launcher will help you install teamspeak, take care of all the TFR plugins, open the frontline teamspeak, put you in the right channel, open TrackIR if you have it, launch Arma, put you into the server, and make you a nice cup of tea just the way you like it.) We have a website here frontline-mod.com but nearly all interaction with/between the community is on the discord On the discord we discuss feedback, trash-talk and organize events and playing times. We play at specific times, we don't yet have the player-base to have spontaneous games so we set specific game nights to get bigger games with more players and combined assets unlocked. So yes the server is empty most of the time, and no that does not mean the mod is dead. Come to the discord to find the time of the next fight, but right now it is every Wednesday (RHS), Saturday (RHS) and Sunday (Iron Front) at 1800GMT. Some background on the development: The mod has been in development for several years now, starting with a sub-section of the dev team that developed Tactical Battlefield. The SQF coding is built on top of the framework made by the AAW team. The tech behind the Frontline itself is something entirely unique to this mod. A whole Python extension framework has been built from scratch just to be able to execute our Python code on the server that takes care of "capturing" the terrain and computes a realistic frontline based on the situation in the AO. On a side note: we're quite proud of how we implemented it. In fact, we're so proud of our ingenious tricks used that we're currently (early 2018) going to Python conferences and giving talks about the gamemode. Its pretty cool stuff and as the bonus of fantastic performance.
  25. WSXCGY'S RHS EXTRAS 2.1.1 Description A collection of miscellaneous items intended to complement RHS, including helmets, vests, and uniforms depicting over 15 different nations. Preview Images Requirements Credits Changelog Download Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iUjJy7OpIoXQjiOamlghosEdTZZ8Lpah Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=916062070 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32708