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Found 8 results

  1. Let's make Arma Great Again! I have always wanted to do a complete OPFOR or red faction. For nearly 10 years now I have worked Project RACS to build up the Royal Army Corps Sahrani. I continue that work for Arma3 but it has lost a lot of steam with me. My mood for being a loyalist has soured a bit over the years. It is time for a little revolution.....or at least something different. The core of this mod will be based around RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The extension portion will be based round legacy models and contributions provided to me by my wonderful friends in this community. Namely RKSL-Rock, Vilas, and many, many others have contributed to what will be absolutely fantastic. Combine this with support from my friends at RHS this mod will be huge. We are going to do big things here, absolutely wonderful big things. As usual this project will not necessarily be about having the most perfect model, but providing you with a complete playable faction. Plans for the SLA 2017 include.... Regular Army: T-72B, BMP-1, BMP-2, BTR-60, Shilka, SA-6, SA-8, S-60, ZPU-4, ZU-23, D-30, M-46, D-44, SA-13, SA-9, MTLB, MTLB Zu-23, Ural trucks, and various static machine guns and AT weapons, Troops will include Light Regulars, Regulars, Especas, Military Police, as well as crews and officers. Air Force: Mig-23, MiG-27, MiG-28, MiG-21, Su-22, Su-24, Su-25, all with varying loadouts. (hopefully more!!!) Helicopters: Mi-24, Mi-28, Mi-8, Ka-50?? Guards Division:??? BTR-80??? BMD??? T80U??? Idea still fluid.... Navy: Basic patrol/missile/gunboat My basic frame of mind for the current situation on Sahrani..... I have always worked around the lore of the original Arma1 storyboard for Sahrani. An archipelago of islands contested by two governing powers. The end of the Sahrani Civil war and the unification of the island for me was about unifying Sahrani and the immediate islands under the King. The Democratic Republic of Sahrani still exists on the remaining islands they control. That was years ago now. This is a new political climate.... Ideas for missions and campaigns swirl around a coup in the Kingdom and the country destabilizes..... or a UN mandate requires the return of occupied territories to the DRS..... or one of many other ideas that would lead to direct return of SLA troops to the mainland.... whether it be militarization, occupation, or blatant re-invasion.... media
  2. Hello BIF, because of the ongoing Covid crap and I'm very interesting to do something for our great ArmA / OFP (with his Bugs 😉 ). Chechen Caucasus War 2.0 retextures (early working titel) I want to help the community to make something for. I'm totally noob in modding and my english skills a very bad but I try. So first steps was with eden Editor and setobject texture. Look: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2370132955 For retexturing the new great stuff made by lodu for RHS AFRF in the devbranch I need help. For example I need free templates with Russian/Soviet camo. So maybe @fingolfin or other Members can help with?
  3. RPT > https://pastebin.com/2a5VLKRL Hello all, Currently having trouble with AFRF causing "Access Violation" type crashes. I have uninstalled/reinstalled ARMA3 3+ times as well as removed and redownloaded the mods the same amount along with making sure all my drivers are up to date. I have also given the folder full control permissions and I have run out of road on troubleshooting. Please assist, thanks in advance. -Shy
  4. Malden Insurgency 2019 RHS AFRF VERSION Realistic combat mission complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is a unique experience, the 1st edition of the mission and is a rolling release. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment on a dedicated server and for experienced players, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Stay sharp in this dynamic combat environment. Steam Link; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1610831210 GitClone; https://github.com/rcantec/Malden_Insurgency_2019_ace_RHSAFRF.Malden.git Mission includes support for Ammo drops and Heli extraction/transport, CAS, Artillary; Mission contains view distance settings, dynamic earplugs. Roadside IED's are dynamic throughout the locale. Side tasks are included as well as various active A/O zones to capture. Mission is a rolling release updated regularly for multiplayer performance. To play this mission ace; ace compat rhsusf3,RHSAFRF3; CBA_A3; task_force_radio; RHSUSAF; RHSAFRF addons are required. The mission is compatible with all addons. To begin using the Software; To edit the mission move the file into the following directory ~\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, sethduda, cobra4v320, Soolie, aliascartoons, tonic & PHRONK. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software (mission) is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2016-2019 RyanD rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  5. Hey! I've been trying to modify the civilian presence module by BIS to be used on community ported maps like Chernarus. I've got this code working so far (Put in "Code On Unit Created"): // Set clothes _civs = [ // Factory "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_02", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_06", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_05", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_07", // Forest "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_06", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_05", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_02", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_04", // Town "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_06", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_05", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_07", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_02", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_01", // City "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_02", // Gay "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_02", // Village "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_02" ]; _loadOut = getUnitLoadOut (selectRandom _civs); _this setUnitLoadout _loadOut; // SetFace _num = round Random 23; _face = ["whiteHead_", _num] joinString ""; if (isServer) then {[_this, _face] remoteExec ["setFace", 0, _this]}; // SetName However their names are still greek. Since Bohemia didn't allow us to select a faction but rather "Auto detects" whether we're on Tanoa or Altis using this module in a community made map is 99% of the time going to be a pain. Is there anyway to use #include "rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_troops\identities.hpp" and grab names from identities.hpp files like you do in mods? Use use setName to turn Garkos Kortas into Roman Bytchok?
  6. This mod adds Takistani Army themed retextures of several variants of T-72s and BMP-1/2s found in RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. I am not affiliated with Red Hammer Studios. All textures in this mod originate from RHS: AFRF and RHS: GREF. I'm too lazy for a proper photoshoot (I even copied the text from an old thread), but here's an album: https://imgur.com/a/bwGzZ How to access the textures In the 3D editor, select the skin through the vehicle's attributes screenshot Dependencies RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation License 1. If you re-use any content in this mod, the credits specified must be retained or added to, but never removed. 2. This content can not be used on monetized servers, even if the server is approved for monetization by BIS. 3. Do not upload this mod, or any derivative of it, to the Steam Workshop. This is because the original authors (Red Hammer Studios) have the same policy. 4. Adhere to the terms of the EULA bundled with RHS: AFRF, which is required to use this addon. The terms apply to the content of this Arma 3 addon and any derivative works, must be bundled with the addon and must not be altered or otherwise discarded. The terms can only be lifted by the original authors (Red Hammer Studios) and their EULA. Credits Red Hammer Studios: original textures Bear: new texture variations Thanks Red Hammer Studios for their kind permission and Splendidâ„¢ work Team One Tactical Links Red Hammer Studios www.rhsmods.org Team One Tactical www.teamonetactical.com Download (18 MB) Armaholic
  7. The mod is now redundant: the textures are part of RHS: AFRF since patch 0.4.1. This mod adds desert themed retextures of several vehicles found in RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. I am not affiliated with Red Hammer Studios, and these retextures do not necessarily portray actual paint jobs used on their real world counterparts. That said, the content is meant to look authentic/believeable. All textures in this mod originate from RHS: AFRF or the data released by BIS. I'm too lazy for a proper photoshoot, but here's an album: https://imgur.com/a/bOsQL List of retextures TV: 2S3 VDV: BMP-1/2, BTR-70, BTR-80, GAZ-66, UAZ, Ural VPVO: ZSU-23-4 All variants of vehicles mentioned above are included, excl. armed UAZs. Additional vehicles (e.g. T-72) might be included after the next RHS patch. Dependencies RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation License 1. If you re-use any content in this mod, the credits specified must be retained or added to, but never removed. 2. This content can not be used on monetized servers, even if the server is approved for monetization by BIS. 3. Do not upload this mod, or any derivative of it, to the Steam Workshop. This is because the original authors (Red Hammer Studios) have the same policy. 4. Adhere to the terms of the EULA bundled with RHS: AFRF, which is required to use this addon. The terms apply to the content of this Arma 3 addon and any derivative works, must be bundled with the addon and must not be altered or otherwise discarded. The terms can only be lifted by the original authors (Red Hammer Studios) and their EULA. Credits Red Hammer Studios: original textures BIS: original textures Bear: new texture variations Thanks Red Hammer Studios for their kind permission and Splendidâ„¢ work Team One Tactical Links Red Hammer Studios www.rhsmods.org Team One Tactical www.teamonetactical.com Download (28 MB) Armaholic Play withSIX It's modular, just make sure you keep main.pbo.
  8. Summary: Two teams fight for control of pre-defined sectors using limited assets — the team with a majority of sectors held bleeds the others tickets, with the match ending when one team reaches 0 tickets. The intent of this missions is balanced and fun infantry combat. Armed vehicles have limited respawns and longer respawn timers than their soft-skinned counterparts, and the better equipt classes have fewer available slots than standard riflemen. My friend who worked on this mission and I are hoping this resembles gameplay you'd get from games like Project Reality or Battlefield's Conquest game-mode — except in ARMA. Feature list: Respawns available at your base and on your Squad Leader's rally point (Destroyed on Squad Leader's death) Lightweight niceties like earplugs, squad name markers, health display (all toggleable, F1-F5 keys) Custom bleeding values using RHS ammo class names (So larger calibers can cause higher tiers of bleeding) Custom medical - very slow health regeneration that can be somewhat sped up by sitting down. This is to avoid players deciding to respawn (losing their team a ticket) if they're too badly injured to continue. Pre-defined classes with unique roles, while not being unfair — you won't get a rubbish PDW simply for going medic. RPG assistants also carry a disposable 1-shot launcher along with the ammo for their reloadable counterpart carried by the primary AT role. There are also two types of standard rifleman. Opfor have the choice of an AK74m or AK-103 rifleman, while Bluefor have the choice of an M4 or M16. Magnified optics are reserved for Designated Marksmen and Special Forces. Limited vehicle selection. While there is some asymmetry with vehicle loadouts, this is hopefully both balanced and flavoursome. Only the largest version (Athira) includes high-tier modern vehicles. This is primarily an infantry mission and we did not want thermals or high-power vehicle weapons / GMG's to be common. REQUIRED MODS: RHS: AFRF RHS: USF DOWNLOAD (current version: 1.01) : Steam Workshop: 32vs32: Pyrgos Kore Athira* 16vs16: Terminal * The Athira version is an experimental mission with one very large capture zone, plus high-tier vehicles and gear (Tanks, jets, high-end helicopters, plus a crate at base with static ATGM, GMG, and MG backpacks). Servers: N/A Future plans: If anyone actually plays this and likes it we might expand this mission with new areas (perhaps also on upcoming maps like Tanoa or Taunus), add extra features (BIS revive was tested but disabled in this release due to a bug with spawning), make prettier FOBs (The current bases are quite lazy but I wasn't going to waste time on immaculate item placement at such an early stage), add side missions or other random events. If you have feedback this is the place for it; there may still be some rough edges here and there, so if you notice a problem or have comments on balance/ticket values, let us know and we'll take that into consideration for the next iteration. The new 1.60 respawn screen also now appears to allow class limits, so we'll take a look at using that rather than the arma 3 lobby for role selection (so you can change your kit on respawn w/ a preview of its gear).