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About Janez

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    Master Gunnery Sergeant

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  1. You solve this how Steam solved it by having client side chat filters and mute options instead of this ridiculous public laundry on display here. Repressive measures are a double edged sword and are never ending. In GTA Online for example it got to a point where you cannot even use word basement without it being censored out because it consist of a word they deem inappropriate. I let the readers work that one out.
  2. https://forums.bohemia.net/guidelines/
  3. Janez

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Hi Pierre, Have you merged you custom theme with updated files for SQF before? So in same .sqf file, older commands are blue and new ones from 2.16 (getFuelConsumptionCoef for example) are white? Or are all scripting commands now white? In case of former, you probably saved you custom highlighting into different place then you copied new file and now they're conflicting. Did you edit your colors in N++ itself and just hit save? In that case, it probably got merged into userDefineLang.xml file (or something like that, it may got shuffled around a bit in some version) located in "%AppData\Notepad++" or one of it's sub-folders. If latter is the case, then something went wrong and you should remove SQF in 'Language >> User Defined Language >> Define your language... >> Select SQF from drop down list >> Select Remove'. Also, search for SQF.xml in aforementioned AppData folders and delete them. Then reinstall. Obviously, this would wipe your custom theme. So how to keep that or even make a backup of just the theme that you can then apply to any subsequent updates? Great question! All we need to do is go through ReadMe.txt and check How to modify styles? section at the bottom. I think you will manage to copy and paste a block of code around but if you're like me and get confused, let me know and we'll figure something out. 🙂 Good luck & take care! P.S.: make sure you are on latest version of Notepad++.
  4. Janez

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Updated for Arma 3 version 2.16: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h4mtXreTKK8SHsG2_LY1Qimhy7QCffIZ/view?usp=drive_link 20. June 2024 ChangeLog: - added: scripting commands, functions and preprocessor commands introduced with and up to Arma 3 update 2.16
  5. Wow, how did I miss this? I suppose there is always that one guy or in this case some company. Reminds me of that clip Kalashnikov made, where they went around some expo, showcasing with permission pretty much everyone's guns and everyone from CZ to Glock were like: "Oh cool, Kalashnikov came to visit our booth". Except this one guy made a thing out of it as if they were stealing some top secret space tech, when they were just showing their bolt-action rifle on YouTube. He turned a lighthearted promo into bad press.
  6. Janez

    My probelm with operation resistence

    4€ on GoG 😎 https://www.gog.com/en/game/arma_cold_war_assault
  7. Don't know of any workarounds to make these work together but Contact was also causing issues for Old Man custom map UI which is official content. So yeah, it will likely conflict with anything that alters those things, not just this mod.
  8. Janez

    help to understand

    Well there's this faq, take it for what you will but I meant is that Reforger's still in pretty rough state with rate of progress being what it is, so what would there be to show in regards to Arma 4 and even if there is, would it be in good taste? Regardless, I fail to see the point of this thread so I better bow out but perhaps some other, smarter people then me have something interesting to add here.
  9. Janez

    help to understand

    I mean, isn't the state of Reforger an answer for you?
  10. And this has something to do with Arma 3 devbranch? Perhaps you have some specific thoughts on the matter you'd like to express?
  11. Oh right, apologies. No idea how that happened, must have misclicked somehow. And yeah, sure but some context would be nice. @stburr91, you're up I suppose. 🙂 Can you link to that/those statements?
  12. I don't really keep up, can you elaborate on that?
  13. Janez

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Just a bit of positive news this time, Lou confirmed that main Scripting Commands page is up to date so above post should contain everything up to version 2.14. New Scripting Commands page has also been updated. Seems we're set here for now, guys. Take care!