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Found 39 results

  1. In this thread we'll try to describe updates happening in the Development branch of Arma 3. This changelog is not complete, nor confirmed to be working as advertised. Again, Development branch does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with main branch if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread. 12-03-2013 Cross-joining default and Development branch disabled in MP Ifrit config class names changed to O_Ifrit_F and similar Various artwork fixes and tweaks in materials, textures and passenger animations Active Development branch is now indicated in the main menu Showcase: Helicopters - little optimization and conversation timings Various other showcase fixes Multiple crash opportunities fixed First tests of shadow improvements
  2. In this thread we'll try to describe updates happening in the Development Branch of Arma 3 Tools. This changelog is not complete, nor confirmed to be working as advertised. Again, Development branch does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with main branch if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread. The changes are not going to be done daily like the Arma 3 development branch does, but rather in irregular intervals according to needs and additions by our team. 20-06-2014 Fixed: Broken Addon Builder UI Fixed: Copying of files to the target destination in Addon Builder Fixed: "External" feature of Tools Launcher was disabled by error
  3. DnA


    Whereas SITREPs are general development updates, the SPOTREPs will focus solely on big default branch updates to the game. Keep checking the Dev Hub for all details. ---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ---------- Full changelog and SPOTREP
  4. Laurent L

    News & Changelogs

    The latest changes to the game can be found here. Stay tuned!
  5. Pyrit.

    Changelog 0.8.37667

    Added: Server priority for Matchmaking Added: Blueprints are now available in all types of crates including the common crate. Changed: Stack sizes for weapon parts is now 5 instead of just one Changed: Proper collision material for bushes Fixed: No weapons showing in stash when going into Equip tab from Store or Crates Fixed: Switching camera from lobby back to the character Fixed: Booster icons aren't visible in particular case Fixed: Multiple Server crashes Fixed: Insurance marker is no longer displayed on items owned by other players (in the lobby). Fixed: Insurance markers are properly updated when the player activates/deactivates insurance (in lobby). Fixed: Orientation of characters in the lobby Fixed: Loading music should be playing in lobby. Again. Fixed: Character face expressions ( Bunny face ) Fixed: Target cans in shelter making a sound when idle
  6. In this thread, we'll try to describe updates happening in the Experimental build of Arma Reforger. The Experimental build does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with the main release build if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread.
  7. Pyrit.

    Changelog 0.6.30000

    Morning Outlanders, just a quick reminder that a new update went live tonight, fixing and changing many things to make your life easier in the 0.6 Update ;) Added: Teammate's custom marker in Duos Added: Healing sound for antibiotics Changed: Black Screen UI creation to possibly prevent the start of the Encounter issues Fixed: Antibiotics worked after player's death in UI Fixed: Teammate and his marker do not disappear after their death Fixed: UI could be stuck after while displaying multiple tooltips Fixed: Multiple potential crashes Fixed: Swapped open/close character animations when opening/closing doors Fixed: Character is not emitting breath particles after death any more Fixed: Sounds of animations on slopes were multiplicated Fixed: Knife hitting body sound Tweaked: Ladder interaction volume extended on top to make it easier to climb down Updated: Many animations produce their footstep sound at better times
  8. Pyrit.

    Changelog 2.2

    Main New Features New Featured map added: Batterie: Snodekt (snow version of Batterie: Draug) Quick Play + Featured Map (Instead of map selection, to shorten waiting times and prevent teaming) Leaderboards in Stats screen added Season 2 Extention (Season 2 will be extended for 1 week) New weapon stats added Occupied Slots in Customizations Bullet damage over distance revised Challenges distribution tweaked Camera improvements Russian localization Shooting, Weapons & Tools Fixed: Hits from dead players weren’t ignored, therefore they resulted in a larger number of trade kills Fixed: Machinegun stance, machinegun arm additive for aimed Fixed: Tools - Player's position shifted after placing a Tool Fixed: Tents are now more penetrable Added: Aimpoint adjustment for weapons Tweaked: Camera Aim point of ADR Updated: Aim assist on regular scarecrows is disabled Looting Fixed: Deconstruction - Stash UI not updated after deconstructing Fixed: Spawned loot is now distributed correctly Shelter Fixed: Survival rate in Personal Stats is displayed as a percentage instead of a decimal number. Fixed: Charity box - rewards are now properly ordered Fixed: French localization of the Battle Pass level indicator Changed: build shelter improvement challenge will no longer be given to players with a maxed out shelter Changed: Enabled localization and fixed layout related issues from long strings Changed: Added sale label to individual list items Changed: Made sale labels look better Added: Discount Label on Selling Point Button Updated: Craft X consumables challenges now properly responds to tools Movement & Camera Fixed: Initial prone angle is wrong when entering prone in ADS Changed: Move camera further back Changed: Tweaked exit 1PV camera transition to clipless with the uniform whilst left shoulder Added: Female versions of some gestures Visuals Changed: Different pose in the lobby after buying the first booster Tweaked: PA md. 86 reload animations polish Tweaked: Skorpion reload animations polish Added: RPK reload animations polish Added: Steyr AUG A1 reload animations polish Added: M16A2 reload animations polish Added: Silver Pigeon shotgun reload animations polish Added: New animations for different match outcomes (won, died, crushed etc) Added: A new set of prone animations for new prone behavior for RFL PST and UNA Audio Fixed: Lowered volume on waterfall in the Shelter Added: Female variant for some gesture sounds Added: Sounds for headgear and outfit sets equip Tweaked: Audio volumes in the Shelter Other Fixed: Crashed fixes (memory) Fixed: Player stuck in spectator when killed on match start Changed: A map is now correctly showing teammates movement on the map too
  9. Pyrit.

    Changelog 1.2.48851

    Most Important: Tweaked: Radiation speed was lowered by 1/4 and starts after 12 minutes now Tweaked: Amount of loot in all maps was increased Tweaked: Content of airdrop Crates was improved (higher chance to obtain consumable plans, higher chance to obtain tools..) Changed: Weapon parts crafting Value = This makes deconstruction of weapons yield more materials as well Added: New Type of Pack - Outlander Armory pack available in Store - Includes: • 5x M21 + 50x ammo • 5x A74-K + 300x ammo • 5x AUR Para + 150x ammo • 5x ZA M72 + 200 ammo • 5x Combat Magnum + 36x ammo • 650 crowns - This pack may only be purchased once per account and is available for a limited time Other changes: Updated: Player must now own plan for respective tool challenges Tweaked: Made SVD better Tweaked: Sniper rifles nerfed a bit (except for SVD) Tweaked: SVD Textures Tweaked: Pressing retry lets you start from where you stand in shooting challenges Fixed: Player could remain stuck in the Battle Pass Reward Screen under certain conditions Fixed: Rewards for leveling up now use the correct level rewards in Rewards screen Fixed: Crowns bundles are no longer marked as owned Fixed: Suspending game during loading should work better now
  10. Pyrit.

    Season 2: Hunters

    Main New Features : Season 2: Hunters New Weapons Crossbow Mosin Nagant The John New Tools Fake Glint Portable Signal Detector Permanent Price Drop Bullet Penetration revision Character, Camera and Combat polishing Shooting, Weapons & Tools Fixed: The situation where contact bomb could trigger twice if triggered by player & bomb at the same time Fixed: Disabled Hold Breath hint on weapons without a scope – only scoped weapons have this mechanic Fixed: Can't fire indicator while jumping Changed: Damage of contact bomb to 45 Added: Portable detector now filters out broken/in-active transmitters & dead outlanders Added: A hit indicator when damaged by contact bomb Tweaked: Recoil action speed lowered, spread cooldown lowered, adjusted recoil sequences, recoil sizes, and axis altered Tweaked: Screen shake upon contact bomb explosion Tweaked: The damage range of contact bomb Tweaked: Removed stagger from low rarity knives, adjusted roll on scoped weapons, reduced 9mm damage slightly Tweaked: Aim points adjusted Updated: Detonation radius of contact bomb no longer visible in-game Looting Fixed: Interaction markers invisible for dead player bodies Fixed: When the player dies with insurance, he should be getting his experience from looted things aswell Changed: Reward screen now shows new looted gameplay events Tweaked: Airdrop location is updated after 6 seconds instead of the previous 3 Shelter Fixed: Charity Box leaderboards show another Gamertag marked as you - filling order and rank detection reworked Fixed: Charity Box does not refresh in-game after the season ends Fixed: MessageBox informing about insufficient funds doesn't appear in the Stable Store anymore Fixed: Charity Box - Leaderboards - Fast page switching breaks leaderboards Fixed: Targets can't be destroyed after entering the shooting challenge Fixed: Battle Pass - Infinite looping of claim reward Fixed: Daily challenge choosing algorithm can no longer pick Story category as the least used category and therefore find no challenge to pick Changed: Added new challenge condition for when the player leaves the encounter as a threat Changed: Featured Store - Behaviour when you don't have enough currency Changed: Matchmaking can no longer be canceled in the "Waiting for server" state Added: Autorotation & rotation of item in the preview Tweaked: Ui elements position in the charity box due to long texts Tweaked: Battle Pass - Position of onboarding messages to fit the new layout Movement Fixed: Movements attenuation - movements are now centered when ADS Fixed: Prone body angle Added: Collision for the side of stairs Visuals Fixed: Prone camera allows for clipping Fixed: Better left-shoulder camera Fixed: PPSh-41 - Left-hand movement during reload animation Fixed: Knife hands rotation Changed: Rotation for Pukko knife Changed: Proper card item images set for tools Changed: Moved the spectator to be free look camera Tweaked: Thompson SMG reload animations polish Tweaked: The birds are spawned more often for hunters season Tweaked: Suomi KP/-31 reload animations polish Tweaked: Spectator can now rotate around a killer Removed: fog from aurora borealis weather Audio Fixed: Removed looping sound cue of creaks from farms Fixed: Footsteps attenuation and volume Added: New jingles for reward screen Hunter season Added: New wolf howls to start the match (in map animation) - all maps Tweaked: Slightly higher footsteps volume Tweaked: Explosion volume lowered Tweaked: Faster spawning of bird sounds for hunters season Tweaked: Footsteps volume Other Fixed: The player must discover all the places again in every encounter Fixed: Xbox logo in splash screen no longer flicks white Added: URL for changelog added to the game Added: Killer statistics should be now part of the match result structure to be able to show values in reward screen
  11. Pyrit.

    Changelog 1.2.1

    Main New Features & Fixers Updated: Santa took Xmas back to the North Pole Fixed: Connection - leaving with unstable connection doesn't start exit countdown Fixed: Interactions - Player unable to interact with a dead player's crate. For example when it was inside a bush Changed: Interaction markers significantly improved - more visible, easier to interact Added: Welcome notification Added: New loading screen hints Added: Welcome notification now shows discount for items that are currently on sale Tweaked: Adjusted recoil on RPK, PKM, and A-KM Tweaked: XP can be gained through new activities (Looting the vault, Looting the Buried Cache) Tweaked: Higher rarity items are rewarded with more XP Shooting & Weapons Fixed: Weapons remain hanging in the air after the player leaves the encounter Fixed: Sway not working on weapons equipped at the start Fixed: IK for pistols Fixed: Bodyposture in ADS moving Fixed: Tools - Alarm Trap and Contact Bomb don't interact with each other Fixed: Tools - Contact bomb can damage you for the 2nd time after destroying it Fixed: Alarm Trap - the range of the trap is not displayed Fixed: Killing yourself by contact bomb no longer counts as kill/headshot for match performance stats Fixed: Contact Bomb Suicide is now displayed correctly Changed: Fixes to aiming, ragdolling, IK for animations Changed: Aiming better suited for closer camera Tweaked: Increased damage for GFK and KDV-1 Tweaked: ADS of most of the released weapons has been improved Tweaked: Removal of stagger from most weapons Tweaked: Changed ADS and aim point position on Thompson Tweaked: Adjusted roll-on scoped weapons Tweaked: Reduced 9mm damage slightly Looting Fixed: Interaction not possible with Barred house safe and Comm station Fixed: It is no longer possible to Interact with cupboard through the wall Fixed: Second interaction with combination lock container to open the loot UI after solving the code is no longer required; it opens immediately on its own Changed: More buried cache locations in maps Tweaked: Exit volumes rescaled, buried caches added to Ridge and Snow Forest maps Shelter Fixed: Player is displayed in both the global leader board and in his friend’s leader boards as well Fixed: Overlapping of improvement image and build timer when the time is long Fixed: It is no longer possible to initiate crafting of a weapon or consumable if the remaining time to craft previously queued item is 0 seconds. Fixed: Player is no longer kicked out of Shelter to start screen while crafting weapons/consumables in rapid succession. Fixed: Interaction point of Battle Pass Mailboxes is better positioned Fixed: The option to buy premium battle pass no longer disappears when at maximum level Fixed: Purchasing max level of battle pass no longer always results in an error message being shown Fixed: Battle Pass Daily Login notification should now correctly appear when entering Shelter Fixed: Repeated Building Of Same Improvements is allowed and sometimes kicks players to the main screen Fixed: Player can't exit the Battle Pass Rewards Screen if the claim request fails Fixed: Row marking friends in Leaderboards stayed on the same spot even after moving the leaderboards Fixed: Shooting range - Targets can't be destroyed after entering the shooting challenge Fixed: Correct slot is now selected when changing focus to the left in the main Battle Pass screen Changed: The navigation in the main Battle Pass screen. It now allows the pages to cycle Added: Onboarding messages now appear for Battle Pass shelter screen Movement Fixed: Character getting up from prone when reloading Fixed: Prone body bending Changed: Disabled behavior forcing the player out of prone Changed: Crouching behavior made more consistent when climbing and vaulting Changed: Adjusted collision geometry so the player is not getting stuck in the corner Changed: Cleaned up some spots in interiors for better movement Added: Can change crouch stance in mid-air Tweaked: Gestures behavior when other player inputs occur Visuals Fixed: Spectator Teamkiller Status Replication Fixed: Spectator Target Name Replication Fixed: Stuttering movement of spectator camera Fixed: Hair clipping females with certain caps Fixed: Damage Post-Process being visible within Spectator when a player pawn dies from 'one-hit' Fixed: Animations - Interaction - Left-hand gets broken after repeated interaction with an object Fixed: Gestures - Female archetype disjoints left-hand elbow in Thumbs up gesture preview Fixed: Gestures - Slots display mannequin in idle pose after switching tabs Changed: Upon dying to tool “You were killed” message is displayed Added: Destructible mesh for headshot flipping target Added: Headshot target photo for shooting range challenges Tweaked: Ambiences in Bridges map Tweaked: Reward Screen now shows rewards that player gets for leveling up and correctly shows it's experience and achieved actions that rewarded him with the XP Tweaked: Headgear render target preview has hidden some parts of the face Audio Fixed: Sound: rattrap -The ambient sound doesn't stop when collecting the rat trap. Ambient volume changed to make sound hearable only on a given floor Fixed: Attenuation set for cookie timer on the start of the match Fixed: Issue where the wrong sound FX were played when running out of breath to hold Fixed: Switched loop sounds and interact with sounds on all things I previously worked on. Added different sounds on unequipping ammo and consumables (looted sound). Added: missing sounds into onboarding, challenge, shelter builder, crafting table and spectator Tweaked: Made sure other hit sounds cannot play while the last one is playing Tweaked: Audio layers of gunshots now raise volume and pitch with depleting ammo Tweaked: Attenuation for all firearms Other Fixed: Losing 1PV when out of ADS and the network connection is poor Fixed: Ammo name set to wrap to work properly in all languages Fixed: Collisions of several versions of the outbox improvement are incorrect Tweak: Adjusted the tutorial airdrop land location bit up so the airdrop clips into groundless Tweaked: Made the base XP progress show instantly when the player enters reward screen Tweaked: Airdrop position in Reward Screen Scene Removed: Option to swap controller sticks in Controls settings
  12. Pyrit.

    Update 3.2 Changelog

    Main New Features Troll Mementos (collectible items) You can find the 90s Trolls in the maps If you collect one, it is displayed in the Shelter menu and also on the rocks above the water stream You can find hints in the Shelter menu D-pad up takes you to the Outlands menu Introduced for easier and quicker matchmaking Ability to set the Shelter appearance based on a level Ping System Changes Contextual system Interaction fades Interaction dots do not just pop in and out - they fade in and out with distance It is less distracting New target types in the Tutorial The bottles were replaced with more diverse target types (cans, traffic signs, etc.) Titles are 20% bigger in the lobby and reward screen Shooting, Weapons & Tools Fixed: Weapons - Shotguns are not loaded from the start of the Encounter Fixed: Exploit of double usage of painkillers Changed: Fire mode is now indicated by an image instead of text Changed: Shooting restrictions loosened (the red cross was removed) Added: Weapon image was added to the Weapon info Tweaked: Semi and Autofire are now aligned. Recoil slightly increased across the board. Silent weapons no longer flash their muzzles. Looting Fixed: Missing airdrop after killing the looter in a precise time Fixed: Dummy cache no longer completes the challenge of being first to interact with buried cache Changes: When aiming at ping a hint of action is displayed to the player Changed: Players cannot ping empty lootable. Contextual pings are placed on the middle of the object. The player cannot ping the same item twice Changed: Added Ping Marker to objects Changes: Contextual ping can now show the rarity of the pinged item Tweaked: Shootout rewards were increased (to 100 and to 50 pieces of food) Tweaked: Places with Combination Locks were updated Shelter Fixed: Battle Pass notifications, Welcome Back notification and Onboarding messages in the Shelter can no longer appear during the loading screen Fixed: Reset Onboarding in "Options -> Game" now correctly initializes onboarding sequence for the first time shelter visit Fixed: Character no longer jumps after player closes First Shelter Entry Onboarding message Fixed: Focusing Replay Tutorial button in-game options no longer changes the layout of the UI by collapsing the hint widget Fixed: Clicking the Replay Tutorial option will no longer close the game options widget Fixed: Crafting Booster - The player is kicked back to the splash screen when the player does not have enough money for it Fixed: Texts in the matchmaking notification now correctly differentiates between Encounter and Shootout Fixed: Warning messages about the incomplete loadout are not shown anymore in the Shelter Map in case the Shootout is selected Fixed: Lobby onboarding is not shown anymore if the Shootout is selected Fixed: BattlePass Titles are displayed with incorrect Lawless/Order side in the lobby Fixed: Battle Pass Reward Screen now shows the correct amount of items in the slots Fixed: Remove second Friends List for players in the same game (engine bug) Fixed: Onboarding welcoming message was being played again and again and again on each level change Fixed: Level-up screen in the BattlePass UI shows only when it should Fixed: Loaded meshes and materials in Titles UI are now stored so that they don't get stuck Changed: Onboarding that appears when the player visits shelter for the first time now appears only after the player is greeted by a voice-over message Changed: Welcome Back notification no longer appears the first time player enters the shelter Changed: For new players who have not visited shelter before, What's New screen is postponed until the second shelter visit Changed: Unified way of the Battle Pass Rewards Screen and Encounter Reward Screen set and get the data from the Battle Pass slot Changed: Single and double press for ping was added to controller scheme Changed: Preview images in Shelter UI look better thanks to additional light sources Added: 3.0 dashboard icon Tweaked: "Interact with the world map" onboarding message was removed Movement & Camera Fixed: Interacting with doors right before using ladders breaks the climbing animation Fixed: Traversal bugs (movement on the map, overcoming obstacles) Changed: Riverbank Erosion assets no longer block the interactions Changed: Moved prone cam slightly down to accommodate the 3pv discrepancy Tweaked: Spawn probabilities lowered Visuals Fixed: Rotation of pumpkins Fixed: Offset HP bar of your teammate Fixed: Stamina bar got dizzy and moved incorrectly Changed: HUD visual polish replaced textures with higher resolution ones Tweaked: Update welcome screen SFX Tweaked: Render distance of interiors in garages was changed Tweaked: Buildings in levels rebuild Tweaked: Depth of field Tweaked: Phone Booth visuals Audio Fixed: Shelter music can no longer start playing during the loading screen Fixed: Removed footsteps in Shootout countdown Fixed: Wolves were removed from the match start animation Fixed: Dial phone duel sound was lowered Tweaked: Round Start sound changed Tweaked: The volume of the wind in Batterie Snodekt was increased Other Fixed: The game crashes when the player switches a user account Fixed: Scarecrow challenges do not miss the description in Russian Fixed: Player Controller has it's input disabled when winner screen starts Fixed: Typo which might prevent users to retry download cloud data if it failed due to connection issue Fixed: Set Rich presence text as a normal text by default Changed: Spanish translation of the Biker helmet Changed: Challenges are no longer shown in Game Info while the player is in the tutorial Changed: View Profile action in Shootout scoreboard is now mapped to RS (Right Stick press) Changed: Increased "Save Game" size Added: Connection error delegate to Session System Tweaked: Maps were updated Tweaked: Onboarding texts were updated Tweaked: Outlands onboarding line was tweaked
  13. Pyrit.

    Update 4.0 Changelog

    Hi guys, we recently started posting our changelogs to vigorgame.com since from there they are also linked directly to the game and you can access them through your Xbox as well. But some of you were unhappy with the fact that we will no longer post them on the forum - so we will continue posting them here as well. So here is the one Changelog that was missing for Update 4.0 - currently available on Xbox and Nintendo Switch. Main New Features New Battle Pass theme Battle Pass is now cheaper - 690 crowns instead of 900 crowns New game mode - Elimination 5 vs. 5 - team-based game mode Only random teams - friend based teams will come in the future Arcade game mode Armory Cellar Facepaints Customize your character with intense Facepaints Cover yourself or stand out! New Tools Jammer Mortar strike New Weapons Bugle F1 Uk vz. 59 M249 RM14 New Mementos: Lighters A new set of mementos Some of the lighters can be found only on a specific map Comm Station Overhaul You can find multiple (3) Comm Stations in the Encounter now The Comm Station can newly affect the airdrop in multiple ways (buffs and debuffs) It can be used up to 4 times Shooting, Weapons & Tools Fixed: Shootout - shotgun comes with no shells in the chamber Fixed: Weapon levitates when switched to the left shoulder and close to an obstacle Changed: Team kills no longer count as kills (and headshots) for player stats Changed: Weapon fire mode and ammo is now hidden for weapons/ in cases when it doesn't make sense to have them visible Changed: FakeGlint, Transmitter and Jammer are destroyable by interaction Added: Linked new generic string for suicide by contact bomb/mortar Tweaked: Semi and Autofire now aligned. Recoil slightly increased across the board. Silent weapons no longer flash their muzzles Tweaked: UK vz. 59 Recoil increased, M249 spread and recoil increased Tweaked: Adjustments to recoil to emulate older behaviour. Adjusted slight error with Shotgun spread in hipfire Tweaked: Updated weapon collisions via weapon collision tool Tweaked: Reduced speed of main heal timer, was too fast Tweaked: ADS reticle Removed: Unused score counting from Shootout based on healing - this was causing the majority of Shootout issues Looting Changed: Looting mementos no longer counts for loot X containers challenges Changed: Rarities settings of troll mementos and troll memento items Changed: Pool of troll types per map Added: Fire troll spawn points Added: Flower (suave), cave, air and fire troll spawn points Tweaked: Spawn probabilities in Bared house, Buried cache and Combination lock Shelter Fixed: It was possible to accidentally trigger Battle Pass level up during connectivity issues Fixed: Battle Pass Claim Rewards Screen could appear at certain conditions in different Shelter tab Fixed: Veteran title is now based on airdrops collected rather than matches won Fixed: Challenges - the system is prioritising new challenges above all else Fixed: There was a possibility to open a shooting range challenge with the default shooting range, which shouldn't be possible anymore Fixed: Scoreboard no more bloating memory with unused objects Fixed: Mementos section in Guide now has a correct icon (instead of a question mark) Fixed: D-pad up - Widget is visible again on shelter waiting screen (open after both, stash & level, are loaded) Fixed: Sorting of titles - now sorted by rarity, not alphabetically Fixed: Texts in the matchmaking notification now correctly differentiates between Encounter and Shootout Fixed: Warning messages about incomplete loadout are not shown anymore in the Shelter Map in case the Shootout tile is selected Fixed: Lobby onboarding is not shown anymore if Shootout is selected Fixed: BattlePass Titles are displayed with incorrect Lawless/Order side in the lobby Changed: Required killcount lowered for weapon-specific challenges Changed: Placement of trolls in the preview scene adjusted to reflect new rarities Changed: Shelter waiting screen -- implementation moved to shelter layer Added: Optimization for Leaderboards Added: Highlighting of friends in the Leaderboards Added: Timeout for read/write leaderboard requests. The lack of it caused the stucked leaderboards Added: Elemental layers for trolls in the Shelter Tweaked: Changed position of shelter camera so it reflects the new placement of Crafting Table Tweaked: Difficulty of some challenges Removed: 2D map texture from the Shelter Movement & Camera Fixed: Getting stuck in cylinders Fixed: Delaying player respawn during force respawn so players won't get stuck Changed: Interaction dots now fade in the last 40% of radius instead of just last 30% Changed: Improved visuals, applied to centre to the camera so the player's head is always in the middle of the render target Added: Blocking volume for interiors Visuals Fixed: Compass and HealthBar don't blink at the beginning of the tutorial anymore Fixed: Animation glitch which happened when swapping skeletal meshes Fixed: FPS issues occurring in Shootout Fixed: Rebuilt houses Fixed: The bugs on Luger's toggle joint animation is too slow when firing in 1st person Fixed: Offset HP bar of your teammate Fixed: Stamina bar got dizzy and moved incorrectly Fixed: Consumable - animation system gets confused (when the player is trying to use the item again) Fixed: Gestures - animations in preview get restarted by themselves before they are finished Changed: Challenges are no longer shown in UI while the player is in the tutorial Changed: Character selection in the tutorial Changed: Warehouse rebuilt Added: Contextual ping icons Tweaked: Weapon and Health UI set to always visible Tweaked: Objects placement in interiors of houses Tweaked: Ping icons in compass now distinguish ownership of the ping Tweaked: Troll positioning in the shelter menu Tweaked: Wrong combination lock chest replaced Tweaked: Garages rebuilt Audio Fixed: Troll giggle was played only once by troll lootable objects Changed: Memento preview sounds now fade out when different memento is in focus Changed: Preview sound of individual mementos is now played only if it has been previewed for at least 0.25s so that scrolling across the whole collection doesn't play all the sounds Added: Preview sounds are now played for troll mementos in the Shelter UI Other Fixed: After using a healing consumable server gets spammed and gameplay negatively affected Fixed: "Typo" caused wrong calculation of the minimum amount of items spawned Fixed: Scoreboard in shootout respawn screen now correctly shows the score Fixed: Crash when the player switches user account Fixed: Tutorial - At the start, there is a twinkle with hints Fixed: A typo which might prevent users to retry download cloud data if it failed due to the connection issue Fixed: Challenges - player character looting won't call events for other players Changed: Pings now ignore open doors, destroyed barricades on doors and open windows Changed: Phone Duel call is interrupted if calling player dies or leaves match before the duel starts Changed: Spanish translation of the "Biker helmet" Added: Optimisation in Shootout- all items which can't be moved to a corpse container (consumables, persistent) are deleted when the player dies Added: New hints for 4.0 Added: PingMarker to objects - furniture Tweaked: Added some sublevels to data table for Sawmill map Tweaked: Ping system now uses sockets on pinged actors Tweaked: End match result screen time Tweaked: Grontheim map updated Fixed: Crafting table - hovering objects throughout all LODs Tweaked: Phone duels blink on the compass when a player can see your position Removed: Consumables - get rid of unused and obsolete code
  14. Pyrit.

    Changelog - Update 3.1

    Fill out this survey and let us get to know you: https://forms.gle/SNPTZPYtaRWDVHPj9 Changelog: Main New Features Skill-based Titles Based on airdrops optained Kill based Based on Shelter improvements Special Title for Founders Ping System Players can now visually ping a location or a material It is displayed on their duos screen Phone Duel Event There are several phones on the map Players can interact with it and call to the other phones When someone picks up, they become Rivals in a duel - they can see each other on the map New sorting of weapons, ammo, and consumables in Stash Owned Craftable Unavailable Consumable Selection Wheel Improvements It newly contains only consumables that the player has in their loadout Shooting, Weapons & Tools Fixed: Weapon doesn't process reload automatically when the player picks it up from the ground Fixed: Near Miss indicator was too sensitive Fixed: Weapons - Shotguns are not loaded from Encounter/Shootout start Fixed: State machine - Players can start sprinting while reloading, resulting in an empty mag Fixed: Sniper Rifles – SKS, SVD, Mosin Nagant, SSG-82, vz. 52 Reduced rate of fire Fixed: Disabled Aimpoint socket and manually placed Aimpoint Added: Missing compatible ammo information Tweaked: Added LODs with Morph targets Tweaked: Vz.52 reload animations polish Tweaked: VSS reload animations polish Tweaked: SKS reload animations polish Tweaked: KK 62 reload animations polish Removed: Autofire UI for M21 Looting Fixed: Consumables - The tools and meds stays in hand when returned to stash Fixed: Com station - changing the airdrop location changes direction of radiation -- if radiation is already initialized do not reinitialize it on drop change Fixed: Consumables - Consumables are still visible (even when they should be in "bag") Changed: Loot amount increased by 12 - 18% depending on a map. Changed: Tweaked loot screen Shelter Fixed: Shelter - Starting position changed when switching from the user in the tutorial Fixed: Shelter upgrade - After upgrading to next shelter level the default bag appears on the outlander's outfit set Fixed: Titles - Missing shortcut to battle pass for unavailable titles Fixed: It is not possible to close the Rewards by spamming A during the green Level Up animation Fixed: Loot Crate - Background & Loot Card Colors Change After Crate Is Opened Fixed: Titles were missing in the guide in-game menu Fixed: Caffeine pills and iodine tablets are no longer usable in the shelter Fixed: Scrolling in the Shelter Builder's details panel Fixed: Shooting range MessageBox that could remain stuck on the screen at certain conditions Changed: Encounter - When a player dies after his teammate left the game, he is awarded teammate protected Changed: Action to equip previously used consumable no longer equips other types of consumables if the player no longer has any consumable of the previously used type Changed: Made it so gloves do not rotate in buy scene Changed: Items in Shelter stash are now sorted by craftability (descending) then by rarity (descending) and finally by name (ascending) Tweaked: Updated Box of Herbs description as we changed the position of improvements Tweaked: Shooting challenge volume to no longer allow the player to get in front of the wooden pallets during a challenge Movement & Camera Fixed: Bugfix when player get under the stairs Fixed: Bugfix when player get stuck between trains Visuals Fixed: Reward screen - Visible transition animation from default stand to the death Fixed: Tracers have become invisible Fixed: Afroamerican archetype female – hair clipping with caps Fixed: Rotation icon inconsistent Fixed: Lobby - visual effects -- no more snow cover nor weather lighting in the lobby Fixed: Lobby - Incorrect female gesture animation Fixed: Machine gun - Stock clipping with chest Tweaked: Grip position, replaced socket Tweaked: Safe return animation updated Tweaked: Backpack straps clipping with uniform „Hunter“ female variant Tweaked: Head collision Audio Fixed: Gesture audio still playing after death Fixed: Other-player-threat hint won't play for the player when he is the threat already Other Fixed: Tutorial - Missing archetypes Fixed: Consumables - hold RT prompt visible after death Fixed: Several typos in onboarding messages Fixed: Typo in one of gameplay event descriptions ("Box of Valubles Retrieved" => "Box of Valuables Retrieved") Fixed: winner screen now shouldn't let you switch back to your character Changed: Updated Replay Tutorial Localization and UI button functionality Tweaked: Timer in lobby increased from 42 to 60 seconds
  15. Main New Features Battle Pass Season 1: Preppers Tools (Contact Bomb, Transmitter, Alarm Trap) Crafting Boosters Teamkiller Looting Disabled Charity Box Rewards Shooting Range Moving Targets Colour Blind Options New Guns (SVD, Gewehr 3 SG1, A-KM, GFK, KDV-1) New Challange Types Weapon Destroying Faster Radiation Christmas Assets Shooting & Weapons Fixed: WeaponState - full auto fire shows unnecessarily when the player is killed during fire Fixed: Maschinengewehr 3 magazine clipping with left arm Fixed: There are no bullets coming from PPSh-41 and PKM Fixed: Shooting for too long lowers your weapon and you stop shooting Fixed: State machine - Crash when finished action evokes another action Fixed: Colt Python pushback to prevent wall-peaking Fixed: Melee and ranged damage does not interrupt the application of healing consumables Fixed: Melee does not work in waist-deep water Fixed: Misaligned weapons in 1st person view iron sights (or scopes) Fixed: RPK-74 reload animations desynchronization Fixed: Unwanted delay present before player switches from weapon to consumable Changed: Aim assist slows the aiming sooner than before when close to overlapping with character Changed: Lowered stack sizes for all weapons Added: HUD message which informs the player that ADS is only allowed in prone (KvKK 62, M60 E3, PKM) Tweaked: PPSh-41 Recoil lowered slightly, readjusted stack sizes and weight Looting Fixed: Barricaded House planks no longer block interactions on the client when falling off Fixed: Looting some containers can cause a crash on other clients Fixed: Buried cache - Player is able to interact with the buried cache from a distance Fixed: Buried Cache no longer has an interaction dot, for real this time Fixed: Character is no longer stuck in looting pose when canceling interaction with buried cache Fixed: Buried Cache no longer has dirt out visuals when not yet excavated Changed: Loot in tutorial fixed Changes: Airdrop and spawn fixes Changed: Food placement Tweaked: More loot attached to Tourists Rest point of interest Changed: New buried cache photos for Grontheim Added: Objective items in inventory are now displayed with special effect Tweaked: Loot containers added to several locations, fuel removed from Cabin in the Woods point of interest Tweaked: Interaction volumes tweaked to be intractable from all stances Shelter Fixed: Leaderboard now shows all players correctly Fixed: Unlocked Shooting Range Challenges went back to being locked if the player didn’t own the challenge weapon Fixed: Shooting range could be reset after completion of a challenge Fixed: Weapon In 1PV view becomes invisible at a shooting range after completing a challenge Fixed: Targets remain in the shooting area if you take a challenge during an active one Fixed: Friends in global Leaderboards now has their rank visible to each other Fixed: Friends are now highlighted when browsing leaderboards Fixed: Shooting Range Challenges - Cancelling a challenge by MENU interaction keeps the challenge loadout Fixed: Shooting Range - Leaving during animation will keep character holding weapon Fixed: When player is at the bottom of the leaderboard, he is no longer shown twice Fixed: 3D character preview in wardrobe - smooth transition from main menu to submenu Fixed: Generators now show correct "material" icon Changed: Shelter builder progress bar now shows more comprehensible values Changed: Shooting range challenges HUD improvements Changed: Shooting range challenges are now grouped per weapon Changed: Gesture wheel on Customization > Gesture slot enlarged so long names fit better Changed: Destroy action in Loadout UI can now be performed on any item Changed: Assigned new photos to challenges Added: Moving targets on Shooting Range Added: Thematic sale labels added to both Stable and Exclusive shop Tweaked: Position of the countdown in Shooting Range Tweaked: Graphics of Shooting Range challenges UI Added Challenges: Be the last player to leave the encounter Craft X amount of weapons Deconstruct X amount weapons Heal a total of X amount of health points Loot X amount of resource/item (just loot, not bring back to the shelter) Be the first to interact with the buried cache Deal X amount of damage to Players (team members excluded) Kill X amount players, with a minimal/maximal distance of Y Use X amount of consumables Leave with the airdrop with 0 kills Visuals Fixed: Pinky finger clipping on Pistols and Scorpion Fixed: Typo in Portuguese localization that resulted in the text not being displayed at all Fixed: Weapon magazine was disappearing too soon and not synced with the left hand Fixed: Spectator Target Name did not refresh when the Spectator Target changed Fixed: Maschinengewehr 3 position was slightly adjusted so it doesn't clip with the left arm Fixed: Threat and team killer marker didn’t disappear when the marked player left the level Fixed: Health post-process shouldn't be visible in the spectator anymore Fixed: Insurance markers are once again correctly displayed on all relevant items Fixed: Hand interacting with a magazine looking off during reload animation of M1 Carbine Fixed: Hand pose when grabbing the radio during the tutorial cutscene Fixed: When using the PKM, it's chamber door is not animated when empty casings are ejected from the weapon Fixed: Hand is not interacting with a magazine while reloading Zastava M72 Fixed: PA md.86 Magazine reload animation was playing twice Fixed: Hand was not interacting with the magazine during reloading of Luger Fixed: Holding of rifles was not correct when the character is in deep water Fixed: PKM - Wrong grip when looking down with the gun Fixed: Localization - Spanish Language: Rubik's Cube - Background Gradient Shorter Than Text Fixed: Localization - Spanish Language: Button Tool Tip Is Not Centered On Map Fixed: Display name of Vz.52 rifle now starts with upper case letter, making it consistent with other weapons Fixed: Encounter notifications that are received while in spectate mode are no longer displayed in the shelter (or possibly even new encounter) Fixed: Healing progression wheel is visible when using consumables in prone Fixed: Spectator Target Name did not refresh when the Spectator Target changed Fixed: The chamber door for empty ammo casings was not animated Changed: Airdrop parachute falling - visual improvements Changed: New photos for Buried chase Changed: Additional text displayed next to "Invite Friend" action in Game Menu no longer mentions Shelter while the player is in Tutorial Changed: Leave area message is now displayed in the upper half of the screen Added: Missing recoil animations (PH_M82 / ZA M76) Check if its to be released in 1.2 Added: Wounded post-process effects Added: Missing RPK-74 Hands reloading animations Added: Shortcut button to details panel of the exclusive shop to buy HC when the player doesn't have enough Added: New option that allows the player to change the color of their crosshair to one of predefined colors (White, Aqua, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Magenta) Added: Colour palette table which serves for defining different colors based on the player's color vision deficiency setting Added: New options for players with color vision deficiency. Players can now optionally select one of 3 modes (Deuteranopia, Protanopia, Tritanopia) as well as strength of the selected mode Tweaked: Added missing chambering and weapon fire animations Movement Fixed: Movement network refactor. This should fix multiple bugs, such as characters bugging out on ladders, position desync, also some occasions of the character getting stuck in prone near objects Fixed: Crouch/Standing transitions with sidearms makes hand overlap with the body Fixed: Transitions running sideways with the rifle had the wrong ending pose causing some sliding (Stand to Prone) Changes: Fall damage updated Added: Transitions running sideways with the rifle (Prone to Stand) Tweaked: Gesture animations polish Audio Fixed: Shooting range target plays multiple bullet hits at the same time Added: Sound for stamina male character Added: New music for loading to Brodalen Bridges Added: Sound layer for more boosters bought Tweaked: Heartbeat volume lowered Tweaked: Ambient sounds in Trainstation Tweaked: Ambient sounds in Brodalen Bridges Tweaked: Volume up on water bullet hits Other Fixed: Encounter Hint 'Player Near Airdrop' Fixed: Encounter Hint 'Other Player has picked up the airdrop' Fixed: Daily challenges - UI does not refresh when opened, the countdown goes below 0 Fixed: HUD message informing the player about possibility to hold/release breath is now correctly displayed in multiplayer Fixed: Translation of "Team killer" in the French localization Fixed: Taking another challenge during an active one keeps the challenge loadout Fixed: Threat player does not become a team killer after killing his teammate Fixed: Consumables - Healing continues during interaction (and looting UI) Fixed: Low Health Post Process remaining in Spectator Changed: "Leave Team" action in Game Menu is now activated on hold (used to be press) Added: Plugged in the new health post-process (Hit, Miss and Damage indication) Added: Unique Spawn in Shelter after Tutorial -- radio lady & achievement Added: New Credits category and names of employees
  16. Pyrit.

    Changelog 2.1

    Main New Features Personal Stats New Reward Screen Wardrobe Shop Ready Button Fake Buried Cache Shoulder Mirroring Shooting, Weapons & Tools Fixed: Gameplay - After using a consumable, it should load "Last Equipped Weapon" and not "Primary Weapon" Fixed: Hit indication is displayed even though the player doesn't receive any damage Fixed: Crossbow - 'Near hit' SFX are not triggering correctly Fixed: Fingers obstructing the view in 1ps view Changed: Less occurrences of the red cross, only showing when ADS or attempting to fire Changed: Melee damage now counts as a valid kind of damage for challenges Changed: Improved ADS transition Tweak: Melee should now hurt players in prone more effectively Tweaked: Damage over distance values adjusted - min damage now between 40-50% of full Looting Changed: Added "for everybody" to loot booster description Shelter Fixed: Shelter Builder - focus disappears after Shelter level up screen Fixed: Charity box - don't skip lines when paging Fixed: Charity box - when showing the first rank, really start with first Fixed: Charity Box - Player's position not visible in Leaderboards first page Fixed: Charity Box - Donating in rapid succession kicks to the Title screen Fixed: Reward Screen wasn't displayed and the player was moved to Shelter after exiting a match Fixed: Shelter Stash no longer stops updating after switching sub-tab to 'Deconstruct' Fixed: Rate of fire value in the Shelter UI is correctly updated even for weapons that have the full-auto mode only Fixed: The Reward Screen is Blackened when leaving the encounter Fixed: "None" in character customization screen is now properly localized Fixed: Broken slot focus in Battle Pass UI Changed: Battle Pass screen will now hide information about buying/owning battle pass when it is not owned but the premium product is not available Changed: Battle Pass ui moved to left by 10px to match with other screens, reward icons in tile moved up Changed: UI - animated arrows tweaked, description position tweaked Changed: Shelter builder screen X-alignment unified with other screens, obsolete background textures removed Added: String for Waiting for server timeout added Added: Challenges for fake glint & portable detector + fixed some improper difficulty parameters Added: Displaying killer's stats to the Reward Screen Leaderboards Added: Onboarding to the Shelter Leaderboards Updated: Set up the difficulty for challenges & adjusted challenge prerequisites Movement Changed: Disabling pushing when unable to leave prone (connected to prone changes) Changed: Change of prone behavior, the head doesn’t sink into walls, blocking the player from going on back, allowing for proning anywhere but pushback only under condition Added: Chambering for prone and crouch Tweaked: Carry more, run further, the stamina limits have been lessened Tweaked: Tweaked mesh and collision to make toilets more accessible Visuals Fixed: Camera adjustment at steep angles Fixed: Camera smoothing on desync Fixed: Disabled rotation for item types which should not rotate Changed: Stash scrollbar styled, stash UI moved to the left to match other screens Audio Added: Arrow shot whizzes Other Fixed: Button for reset onboarding tips doesn't work Changed: Onboardings positions tweaked to fit new screens layouts Changed: Blocking volumes bug fixing (maps related)
  17. Pyrit.

    Changelog 1.1.46963

    Fixed: It's no longer possible to peek through walls with a revolver Changed: Lobby multiple boosters - Player can buy multiple boosters of the same kind - new feature (Insurance is not influenced, only Better Crate and More Loot) Changed: The Better crate booster is now cheaper (From 45 to 30 Crowns) Added: New weapon PKM machine gun
  18. Pyrit.

    Changelog 1.1.46453

    Shooting: Fixed: Game crashing when someone kills a player who is firing at that time Fixed: Aiming with knife pose Changed: Shotgun shells have a reduced penetration. Changed: shotguns no longer receive spread bonuses when crouched or in prone. Changed: AUR A1- recoil reduced all round Changed: A74-K- semi-automatic recoil reduced. Changed: Izh43 - stagger adjusted Changed: Aur Para - Spreadcooldown time and spread sequence increased slightly, semi-automatic recoil reduced Changed: Skorpion - semi-automatic recoil reduced. Changed: MGV-176 - semi-automatic recoil reduced. Added: Muzzle flashes and muzzle particles for weapons that were missing them. Tweaked: ZA M72 - 40 rounds, adjusted bolt action rifle Looting: Changed: All consumables now weight 1 metric Vigor. 1 metric Vigor is an established unit of measurement. Changed: Polaroids have lost weight, weigh 0.04. Changed: Resources weigh less - between 1 and 3 per full-stack. 50% reduction on some items. Added: All ammunition is in larger stacks, and weigh less (roughly 50%), with the exception of shotgun shells which weigh slightly more(20%). Tweaked: Improved loot for a buried cache Tweaked: Electronics resource spread throughout the Ridge level Visuals: Fixed: Alien/Sausage hands with Vest uniform on Male archetype Fixed: Archetypes in Tutorial not displayed in the correct order Fixed: Magazine offset during reloading animations was removed Fixed: Female poses were adjusted so the look correctly in Lobby Fixed: PM position was slightly adjusted so it doesn't clip with the left arm Fixed: Hand grenades as a description of some weapons Other Fixed: Switching language while in the lobby now correctly changes all text Fixed: Advanced Controls in Options screen are now scrollable. As a result, gamepad input actions are properly visible in all languages. Changed: Visual of hint/tooltip in Options. Changed: Lootbox Reward Screen Back button now functions of input released instead of pressed Tweaked: Level design fixes in Brodalen Bridges Shelter Fixed: Shelter - Antenna shows generate per hour value instead of a per day Movement Fixed: Jumping in place with Rifle was playing Unarmed animation Added: Movement in water animations with Pistol in all directions Tweaked: Arms position when moving forward in the water with Pistol Tweaked: Machine Gun position adjusted again. All Machine Gun locomotion animations were slightly tweaked so the right hand stays away from the body avoiding clipping. Shop & Crowns There are also various changes done when it comes to Hard Currency and Shop. Changed: Starter Pack - instead of 500 Crowns Player will now receive 650 Crowns Changed: Outlander Pack - instead of 3000 Crowns Player will now receive 4000 Crowns Changed: Crowns Pack 1 - instead of 155 Crowns Player will now receive 195 Crowns Changed: Crowns Pack 2 - instead of 310 Crowns Player will now receive 390 Crowns Changed: Crowns Pack 3 - instead of 620 Crowns Player will now receive 780 Crowns +155 Crowns Bonus Changed: Crowns Pack 4 - instead of 1550 Crowns Player will now receive 1955 Crowns + 575 Crowns Bonus Changed: Crowns Pack 5 - instead of 3100 Crowns Player will now receive 3900 Crowns +2100 Crowns Bonus
  19. New Features: New Map Brodalen Bridges map added Buried Cache addition of a new game event: Buried Cache pictures spawn at random locations in levels and will display the location of hidden treasure, players who manage to figure out the location of this buried cache will be rewarded with its contents New Weapons MGV-176 Combat Magnum SSG-82 ZA M72 Weapon Changes Tweaks to sway, spread, recoil. Character Customization new color variants of existing assets New cosmetics Challenges re-balanced challenge conditions re-balanced challenge rewards Loading Screen Hints on the loading screen to shelter and levels are added text hints they are randomly selected hint changes after 7 seconds Threat and TK distinction addition of a new icon "Team Killer" Improved visuals of the "Threat" icon killing your teammate no longer marks you as "Threat" but now marks you as "Team Killer" players marked as "Team killer" can no longer become a "Threat" players marked as "Threat" can still be marked as "Team killer" upon team killing Team kills no longer count towards kill progression in challenges "Threat" and "Team Killer" status are now visible in spectator mode Hit/near miss indicator changes Changed frequency of miss/hit indicator changes Shooting range refactor new challenges for the new weapons of 1.1 Combat Magnum SSG-82 ZA M72 fixed the glitch that allowed the same challenge to be active multiple times, which enabled players to get impossibly high scores re balancing of challenges & challenge times reset of challenge high scores Camera and Movement Changes Inventory Load Machine Gun Stance Loot rebalance Store rarities simplification Other than that: Fixed: Unpenetrable bushes Fixed: Wrong rotation on prone and sprinting Fixed: Misplaced interaction on some door frames and objects Fixed: Weapon preview is empty Fixed: Shooting sounds and muzzle flash are not played on client Fixed: Ability to change stance during digging Fixed: Locked customization variants are visible/shown in the wardrobe Fixed: - Rat Trap - The assets are invisible in the shelter Fixed: Insurance markers are once again correctly displayed on all relevant items. Fixed: Food is now insured. Tweaked: Sway reduction across the board Tweaked: 0.22 lowered damage Tweaked: Combat Magnum - increased recoil, spread sequence and cooldown time Tweaked: Combat Magnum, Makarov, Luger - reduced recoil Tweaked: Knives - re-enabled KnifeADS Tweaked: AUR - adjusted semi fire recoil, spread cooldown Tweaked: G3 - spread cooldown, spread area, sequence Tweaked: A74-K - spread cooldown, spread area, sequence Tweaked: Vz. 58 P - spread cooldown, spread area, sequence Tweaked: PA md. 86 - spread cooldown, spread area, sequence Tweaked: M1 carbine - adjusted recoil sequence Tweaked: Suomi KP/-31 - nerfed Tweaked: PM-63 RAK, Skorpion - reduced semi recoil Tweaked: Gal - Spread increased Tweaked: loot containers content Tweaked: Leap of faith now possible Changed: gesture wheel on Customization > Gestures enlarged so long names fit better Changed: edited icons for heavy machine guns, not all require crouch/prone to ADS
  20. Added: Team member marker. Added: Player becomes a Threat after killing a teammate. Added: Random duos. Changed: Icon over players head in the lobby made visible. Changed: Layout of the random duos panel in the Shelter Map. Fixed: Fix GroupSystem events when using GroupSimulate console command. Fixed: Try setting only one GroupSessionId for random duos joining together on Xbox. Fixed: Retry multiple times on a client when creating Xbox team for random duos. Don't run multiple Xbox requests at the same time. Fixed: Player is not marked as a threat after killing a non-team player. Fixed: Player isn't marked as a threat multiple times after killing more teammates. Fixed: Create a public group session for random duos to fix joining. Fixed: ActionMachine - game crashes when actions get stuck. Fixed: Bushes playing foley sound when they shouldn't. Fixed: Interaction was not possible in bushes. Fixed: Listener was following camera always. Fixed: Move through foliage attenuation. Fixed: Music stops when player kick the cans. Fixed: AudioVolumes in buildings were not working. Fixed: Headshots work again on Scarecrows. Fixed: Fix generated GroupId for random duos. Tweaked: Optimization for head and foolproofing. Tweaked: Disabled rain/snow effect at all optics materials. Tweaked: Foliage is less penetrable. Updated: Resaved audio files with samples volume adjustments. Updated: Bugfix for an infinite audio range of unlocking sound for the combination lock. Updated: Increased Threat kill threshold from 3 to 4.
  21. Pyrit.

    Changelog 0.9.43577

    Changed: Interactions are now again exclusive. Changed: Character is now more responsive to input controls. Fixed: Shooting range challenges renamed so it doesn't look like there are some missing. Fixed: Unable to close onboarding widget Fixed: Crash when changing stance Fixed: Offset position of weapons of lobby mannequins Fixed: Weapon Skins applied on lobby mannequin Fixed: Leaderboards -- displaying of 10 worst players fixed, no overflow if too many friends Fixed: Localization Fixed: Landing animations notify keys timings Fixed: [Reward Screen] - Weapons are not attached to the player Fixed: Missing slower speed in prone was added. Fixed: Mipmaps on a mannequin Fixed: Added missing crate images. Fixed: Gestures - Player cannot set a gesture slot to "None" in the Gestures tab Fixed: Windows vaulting fix - buildings were rebuilt Fixed: Wrong positions of muzzle flash sockets fixed Tweaked: Melee on crouched players was extremely difficult, lowered the height. Tweaked: Reloads Tweaked: Jump animations sounds Tweaked: turning cards SFX is heavier Tweaked: interaction time prolonged Tweaked: New polishing iteration on Screen Reward animations Tweaked: buy the item in shop SFX Updated: New materials for older windows
  22. Pyrit.

    Update 0.8: Signal

    Added: Game Events Comm Station There is one com station in the level - it is marked on the map The station can be used from the start of the match until 2 minutes before the airdrop spawns The station is used to change the drop location for the airdrop The player who interacts with the comm station first gets to select the new landing spot Other players interacting with the comm station receive exact location of incoming airdrop Other players receive a notification: "Airdrop landing zone has been changed." Radio Signals Detector There is Radio Signal Detector in every level - marked on the map Interact with it to reveal positions of other players in the match (they will be marked in your map) Visible on the map for 20 seconds, the position is not updated There is a 120-second long cooldown for use There is a sound notification to all players when the Radio Signal Detector is used Combination Lock Locked chests can be found in different levels They contain more loot than regular containers There can be 0 up to 5 locked chests in an encounter To open the chest, the player must unlock the combination lock Interacting with the combination lock will provide the player with vibration feedback and sound clues, that can be used to figure out the correct combination Once the combination lock has been unlocked, the chest can be looted by everyone Shooting Range Challenges In the firing range, the player can interact with the challenge menu, placed on the table on the left Each challenge is weapon specific and the player must have the required weapon equipped to start the challenge Each challenge has its own requirements and time requirements Once a challenge has been completed, the time is saved & every challenge will store the player's best time Player Lobby Player will get to player lobby after matchmaking The lobby has a time limit (42s), 5s before limit ends purchase of boosters is forbidden After the limit is up the player is sent to encounter. Things players can do while waiting in the lobby: Focus on a specific player: see his equipment (weapons only), Buy booster for the match Boosters More Loot - will increase loot quality and/or quantity in the encounter Better Crate - will change the quality and/or quantity of the airdrop crate. Insurance - Player will keep items that he has at the point of death in encounter except for the airdrop crate Crowns (Hard Currency) The player can interact with a stack of magazines in the shelter or switch UI screens in the shelter to get into the store In the store, there are 5 packs of hard currency In-Game Hard Currency is called Crowns and in 0.8 They can be used to exchange for boosters. Gestures System The player must hold Dpad Right to open Gesture selection wheel while he chooses the appropriate slot with a gesture 8 gestures available: wave, thumbs up, point right, point forward, dusting of hands (Founders Only), point down, point left, thumbs down New Character customization New Hair variants for the female character Weapon Changes + Sniper Features Hold breath mechanic present for aiming scoped weapons.: Activated by pressing L3 when in 1PV, If the player holds their breath for too long the camera will shake Scope Glint when players aim using a scoped weapon - Glint is present when 10m away from an aiming opponent. Rarity re-order of all weapons. The weight of weapons is now more diverse and effects Speed Scoped weapons have no aim assist. Different types of Crates Common (15 slots) Uncommon (12 slots) Rare (9 slots) Military (9 slots) Special (6 slots) Crafting has been reworked. Economy rebalanced UI Improvements Character Mechanics & Animations Improvements New woman skeleton + uniform tweaks New animations for female characters: sprint, run, walk. crouch, jump New animations for male characters: run, crouch, stop & turn New Sounds & Music Founder’s Pack Items Vigor Trucker Cap Dusting hand gesture 1400 Crowns Outlander gadget Tomato Timer Camera and Movement changes Reduced delay while moving character, Jumping is higher, While jumping it is impossible to shoot, Cooldown after jumping
  23. Camera and Movement Changes Max-Speed affected by total backpack weight. Forward movement when sprinting. Fall damage is less deadly. Take less damage when falling into the water. Ladders rework: Sprinting and sliding behaviors.. Improved interaction markers. New animations - hands Climbing/Vaulting rework: Hands should be placed in the correct places when moving. Weapon Changes Re-balanced Weapons Staggers have been added Recoil smoothing Aim point transition smoothing. Aim assist smoothing when toggling between 1PV and 3PV. Weapon lower/raise times tweaked. Adjusted holding positions for weapons. Character Changes Reworked Stamina Stamina bar added. New hit reacts/death reacts. Melee Changes Character Customization 2 new female archetypes Variety of new character cosmetics New default uniform: (Rain Jacket (Green)) New default backpack: (Travel Bag (Tan)) Gestures 15 new gestures available The player can now customize gestures selection wheel in the shelter - Customize/Gestures - can assign up to 8 gestures 7 default gestures available + Dust off hands for owners of Founder' pack gesture's position in the selection wheel: Level Events New & improved hints for Signals Detector usage New icons below compass displaying various player states Threat icon which blinks when the position is revealed Tracked by airdrop icon which blinks when the position is revealed Spotted by signal detector icon which blinks when the position is revealed The Safe and Locked Chest now scale properly with the number of loot boosters Firing Range Challenges New shooting challenges Shooting challenges now need to be unlocked through acquiring the respective weapons New shooting range challenge unlocked UI pop-up Various shooting range challenges menu improvements 2 new shooting targets Paint spray: destroyed when shot Big traffic sign: destroyed when taking enough damage Multiplayer Lobby Visual overhaul for the lobby Improved UI, visuals & audio for purchasing of boosters Duo's are now marked in the lobby as a duo (next to each other + icon) Purchasing of a booster now has a pop-up confirmation Social Boosters Loot booster price changed from 45 to 30 crowns Crates Full re-balance New on-boarding crate added New items have been added to crates Crafting re-balanced crafting costs for all items Shop Added a rotating shop where cosmetics can be purchased for crowns Challenges Added voiced story challenges for player onboarding with rewards Added daily challenges with rewards (up to 3 at a time) Challenges can be seen in the encounter screen Daily challenges can be canceled Story challenges cannot be canceled Tutorial Improved tutorial Improved player onboarding with directive voice lines Added cutscenes Achievements The player can unlock achievements of various types
  24. Strike1313

    Changelog 0.5.24516

    Changelog 0.5.24516 Changed: the Up-to-date version of Tog Station with a batch of improvements and bugfixes Changed: the Up-to-date version of Grontheim with a batch of improvements and bugfixes Changed: Game Preview disclaimer splash screen is available slightly longer Fixed: Options no longer persist after the user is changed Fixed: Disconnect when joining staging dedicated server due to missing dev signature key Fixed: Various weapon related crashes Fixed: Black Screen should no longer happen during the encounter on Xbox One X
  25. Strike1313

    Changelog 0.6.29886

    Added: Add players on Xbox to session during the match. This will fill players Recent list on Xbox Changed: Interaction dot was seen through another interaction volume Changed: The better position of a player in Rewards Screen Fixed: More animations now play sound at the correct time Fixed: Possibility to get free ammunition Fixed: Sprinting sideways from prone puts you back into prone Fixed: Aim assist disabled for group buddy Fixed: It was impossible to craft some weapons from weapon plan Tweaked: Shotgun ammo damage is higher Tweaked: Grips on weapons fixed, reload of revolver fixed Updated: Minor values on stamina sounds Updated: Optimized bloody particles