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Found 12 results

  1. Marc13Bautista

    WW4 + ECP Config Update

    Recreated the ECP config for Sanctuary's WW4 mod in order to get the models to work (Sanc seemed to have left these out). Get the config here and overwrite it after a full installation of ECP 1.085e (with the patch applied after) and the WW4 pack. If you want to use noob1's gun MODERN pack (with JAM) of re textured guns and sights, download his pack and overwrite with this config.cpp (remove the "(2)"). If you're using noob1's CLASSIC pack of re textured guns and sights (without JAM or any special ammo changes, download this config.cpp and overwrite. (remove the "(3)").
  2. Add-on for WW4 EXTENDED, an unofficial expansion for WW4 v2.5 (by Sanctuary) Requirements WW4 v2.5 WW4 Extended v1.0 or greater (full installation) WW4 Extended: Cold War Kegetys' Winter Nogojev v1.1 Download Version 1.3 - https://www.mediafire.com/download/yd1tit11htfdnhz/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v13.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v13.zip Patch 1.3.1 Install after the main download. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/cyxy87v31kwmgy6/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v131_patch.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_Patch_v1.3.1.zip Hotfix Install after the patch. https://copy.com/ONYWMvPAi4CgV39v Arctic is now also bundled in the new WW4 Extended installer. You can find download links here if you want an automated, no hassle, way to install all this. Manual installation Shortcut method Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one. Create a shortcut of the ColdWarAssault.exe file. Right click on the new shortcut and click on Properties. In the Properties window add the following line in the Target text field, just after the path to ColdWarAssault.exe : -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC; Launch the game by using the new shortcut. Steam method If you don't want to use shortcuts and use the Steam version: Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one . In your games list right click on Arma: Cold War Assault and select Properties. In the Properties window click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS... button. Write this in the text field: -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC Click OK. Click Close. Click Play. If you want to skip the OFP intro you can add -nosplash before the -mod line, like this: -nosplash -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC Editor Categories You can find the units and vehicles in: You can also find premade groups with those units in the GROUPS (F2) window. Available winter islands for OFP/CWA Check this list: http://ofp-faguss.com/islands.php?type=Winter&reviewed=Any&sort=Rating&order=DESC Screenshots Album (v1.0): https://imgur.com/a/hWHzJ Changelog Credits - Sanctuary (WW4!) - Kegetys (Winter Nogojev sounds and vehicle models and textures) - krzychuzokecia (help on several aspects for v1.2 release) - Apocalypse83 (feedback and testing)
  3. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Texture Templates

    WW4 Texture Templates Hello all! Today I'm presenting a set of files that may be useful for many addonmakers - begineers or not. These are texture templates for WW4 mod, that allow to make a fairly detailed textures for WW4 models. While WW4 Modder Resources contain most thing that You would need, they lacked good templates for vests. Due to this most of the WW4 retextured vests are of "camo-all-over" nature like on picture below. See the difference? I've wanted to have some more details, like visible webbing or PALS. Also I couldn't find any template for PASGT vest. So I've jumped into GIMP and made what I wanted to have. Most of this work is quite old, earlier versions of these files were used to make units for Revan's Brotherhood Rising mod, but now I've revamped them a little bit and released to public. I hope some of You will find them useful. Download here. To edit the .xcf files GIMP is needed - for those who don't know it's a free but very useful (and powerful) image editor. Get it here. When You're done save as .png or .tga, and then conver to .pac using Your converter of choice. Included are: 1. Uniforms: BDU - containing also webbing for units without vests BDU with baseball hat - that was made by Sanctuary later and never got into Modder's Resources Pullover - useful for civilian-looking insurgents. 2. Vests: 6B23 - Russian style vest with webbing inspired by RD-54 and Neva LBE IBA - early version with OTV shell with PALS/MOLLE PASGT - contains ALICE webbing for Your Cold War purposes. Credits go to Hyakushiki (author of the models which Sanctuary used as a basis for his work), Sanctuary ('nuff said) and Jklv (who made "wrinkle" textures for IBA and 6B23). I've just put it all together, made PASGT template, cut the details (straps, webbing) and so on. Uniform models have lapels deleted so on-body webbing (without vest) will look nicer. For more clothing parts and camo patterns check aforementioned WW4 Modder Resources. You may also find useful a camo patterns made by SomerenV. Also, there are some more templates in my cooker, namely Ranger Body Armor (Blackhawk Down!) and IOTV variant of IBA. Oh, and the best part - it's all open-source! :)
  4. Unofficial expansion for WW4 v2.5 (by Sanctuary) Features Lots of new units and vehicles that expand the original WW4 selection for all sides Several support call options (CAS, transport, fire missions) Custom menu to issue squad orders and call for support Infantry units can be equipped with rucksacks, and AI units are able to use them Visual and sound effects (tracers, bullet cracks) All extra features are toggleable Fixes to some vanilla WW4 bugs Requirements WW4 v2.5 (already bundled in the installer version) Download Installer WW4 Extended v1.1 Complete Installer This installer contains the main expansion plus the Cold War and Arctic extensions. Vanilla WW4 is also included in the installer. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/f6x39b45drv0mkh/WW4_Extended_v1.1_Setup.exe Mirror: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ww4-extended/downloads/ww4-extended-v11-complete-installer OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_full_v11.exe WW4 Extended v1.1.1 Patch Installer Installer that patches WW4 Extended to version 1.1.1. It includes the previously released scripts hotfix. Apply this patch after the main installer. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/jry2rnbcsr0uc3x/WW4_Extended_Patch_v1.1.1_Setup.exe Mirror: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ww4-extended/downloads/ww4-extended-v111-patch-installer OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_Patch_v1.1.1.exe Hotfix https://copy.com/vhAGUc9cqkurWiC4 Zip files Main EXT v1.1 Infantry, objects, scripts and music. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/yxc227kn2bf86rd/WW4_EXT_v11.zip Main EXT v1.1.1 Patch - https://www.mediafire.com/download/r654y307y6ssdyp/WW4_EXT_v111_patch.zip Vehicles EXT v1.1 Just vehicles. Requires Main EXT. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/5nx4nkc7t4oydh6/WW4_EXT_VEH_v11.zip Vehicles EXT v1.1.1 Patch - http://www.mediafire.com/download/4dum8u1qhg8jmge/WW4_EXT_VEH_v111_patch.zip OFP v1.96 compatibility patch Rename the file from ww4ext_inf_cfg.pbo.OFP to ww4ext_inf_cfg.pbo and place it in the addons folder inside WW4_EXT. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/86d97zspupnjk9c/WW4_Extended_OFP_patch_v111.zip Manual Installation Shortcut method Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4_EXT and related folders) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4_EXT folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one. Create a shortcut of the ColdWarAssault.exe file. Right click on the new shortcut and click on Properties. In the Properties window add the following line in the Target text field, just after the path to ColdWarAssault.exe : -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH; Launch the game by using the new shortcut. Steam method If you don't want to use shortcuts and use the Steam version: Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4_EXT and related folders) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4_EXT folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one . In your games list right click on Arma: Cold War Assault and select Properties. In the Properties window click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS... button. Write this in the text field: -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH; Click OK. Click Close. Click Play. If you want to skip the OFP intro you can add -nosplash before the -mod line, like this: -nosplash -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH; I've written more detailed instructions here. Configs for non-bundled vehicles For them to work properly you'll have to download both the custom config and the addons proper. All these vehicles listed here are entirely optional. Download non-bundled configs for v1.0: - https://www.mediafire.com/download/sx6fgmb7l8v6e6r/WW4_EXT3P_v1.zip Check the readme of the configs for detailed instructions and a list of the required pbos for each listed addon. Mi-2 Requires: Mi-2 version 1.1, by Our Weapons team(ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/Mi-2pack_byNO.exe) Extra Addons for EXT These are already included in the installer version. WW4 Extended: Cold War: Infantry and vehicle units from the 80’s Cold War era for all sides (already bundled in the installer version) WW4 Extended: Arctic: Infantry and vehicle units for arctic and winter islands from the 80’s Cold War era for all sides (already bundled in the installer version) Editor Categories You can find the units and vehicles in: You can also find premade groups with those units in the GROUPS (F2) window. Vehicle and Unit Classes There's now some txt files with class names inside WW4_EXT\_docs\Class names. Here you can check spreadsheets with the unit names and classes of the vehicles and units used in WW4 EXT: (Outdated) https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By2CaodBQ84GT3RYVW5fWEIzT1k&usp=sharing&tid=0By2CaodBQ84GN1RDM0ctazhyNlk#list Screenshots v1.0 album: http://imgur.com/a/NXoiC Assorted images from previous versions: Extra Features Manual The Extra Features Manual can be found here. This document is also bundled in the zip and installer files. MLODs and textures for v1.1 I've finally gone ahead and sorted and updated almost everything used in v1.1. The only things you won't find are the models that aren't explicitely public domain or that I'm able to share for one reason or another (middle east units, zils, BTRs, BMDs...) and the vehicle texture masters. With that said, if there's still something that shouldn't be there please let me know and I'll reupload the zip files with those models removed. WW4 Extended v1.1 MLODs WW4 Extended v1.1 Infantry textures WW4 Extended v1.1 Infantry textures for Cold War and Arctic Note that the texture masters are in GIMP format (.xcf). Use them at will, as long is in an Arma game (there's the ported Arma vehicles there, and those have that restriction). No credit is required, although it'd be appreciated. Changelog You can see the full changelog here. Credits Credits can now be found here. This document is also bundled in the zip and installer files. -- EDIT: Updated to v1.1.1
  5. Add-on for WW4 Extended, an unofficial expansion for WW4 v2.5 (by Sanctuary) Requirements WW4 v2.5 by Sanctuary WW4 Extended v1.0 or greater (both infantry and bundled vehicles) Download v1.1 - https://www.mediafire.com/download/6w738syn3o2mgdg/WW4EXT_CW_v11.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_CW_v11.zip Hotfix - https://www.mediafire.com/download/eozc382t51oe4v1/WW4EXT_CW_v111_mission.zip Cold War is now also bundled in the new WW4 Extended installer. You can find download links here if you want an automated, no hassle, way to install all this. Manual installation Shortcut method Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_CW folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_CW folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one. Create a shortcut of the ColdWarAssault.exe file. Right click on the new shortcut and click on Properties. In the Properties window add the following line in the Target text field, just after the path to ColdWarAssault.exe : -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW; Use the new shortcut to launch the game. Steam method If you don't want to use shortcuts and use the Steam version: Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_CW folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_CW folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one . In your games list right click on Arma: Cold War Assault and select Properties. In the Properties window click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS... button. Write this in the text field: -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW; Click OK. Click Close. Click Play. If you want to skip the OFP intro you can add -nosplash before the -mod line, like this: -nosplash -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW; Editor Categories You can find the units and vehicles in: West WW4 EXT/US Cold War/Rifle WW4 EXT/US Cold War/Recon WW4 EXT/US Cold War/SOF WW4 EXT/US Cold War/SOF/Rangers WW4 EXT/US Cold War/Vehicles WW4 EXT/US Cold War/SOF/Vehicles East WW4 EXT/Soviet Cold War/Rifle WW4 EXT/Soviet Cold War/Spetsnaz WW4 EXT/Soviet Cold War/Vehicles Resistance WW4 EXT/Guerrilla Cold War WW4 EXT/Guerrilla Cold War/Vehicles You can also find pre-made groups with those units in the GROUPS (F2) window. Changelog Credits Sanctuary (WW4!) krzychuzokecia (help on several aspects for v1 release) Apocalypse83 (feedback and testing)
  6. This is something I wanted to post several weeks (months?) ago, but never got to do. It's a series of scripts, single and packs, that some of you might find useful. Beware that some of them aren't properly tested or simply unfinished (meaning that they basically work, but might contain bugs as aren't properly tested or developed). I'll tag those as I list them (and as I remember). -- MAP AI RUCKSACK - WW4 v1.0 REQUIRES: MapFact's rucksacks - WW4 Gives rucksacks to WW4 units and allows them to use the ammo stored there when needed. Every time the unit runs out of ammo it'll check its rucksack. If compatible mags are found it'll proceed to use the rucksack the same way a player does (crouching, etc). If no magazines are found and the unit has a LMG it'll ask to his mates for ammo. If any other unit in his group has compatible ammo that will be auto-magically* transferred to the unit requesting it. Tents, etc aren't supported by this script. Only rifle, pistol, etc mags and grenades (hand, smoke, launcher). *This is done to prevent breaking missions, scripts, player orders, or simply to avoid AI units pingponging between locations. DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jwdzaj12bpspvbt -- HEAL GROUP v1.0 This script pack will automate the healing process of a whole group, as long as there's a medic in their group. It is initiated by selecting the corresponding option in the player's action menu. When using the MapFact's rucksacks - WW4 addon, units lightly damaged will try to heal by using their own bandages before calling for a medic. DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?93ks69dru11n1s9 -- kVEHICLES v0.1 Unfinished/Untested Several fixes and features related to vehicles in OFP. FEATURES - Replaces empty vehicles with clones, to force AI units in the player's group stop firing at it - Crew bails out if vehicle can't move, can't fire or has no ammo - Cargo of land vehicles dismount if vehicle is hit or in danger - It might work in MP (I'm not sure if I included it in this version) IMPORTANT: In kVeh\start.sqs you'll probably want to change this: kVeh set [ 0, "wgl_units"] to this kVeh set [ 0, "list allUnits"] Or whatever array you use to keep track of all units. This is needed in order to vehicles to know when they're in danger DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?98ck2f6aewysu2b -- WGL AI RUCKSACK v1.0 Allows AI units to use items stored in their WGL rucksack. Every time the unit runs out of ammo it'll check its rucksack. If compatible mags are found it'll proceed to use the rucksack the same way a player does (crouching, etc). If no magazines are found and the unit has a LMG, MG or some type of rocket launcher it'll ask to his mates for ammo. If any other unit in his group has compatible ammo that will be auto-magically* transferred to the unit requesting it. Bandages and other items aren't handled by this system. Hand grenades (explosive and smoke) are, though. *This is done to prevent breaking missions, scripts, player orders, or simply to avoid AI units pingponging between locations. DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bi15575ln8w3y3a -- REASSIGN WEAPONS WW4 v4.2 This had its own thread somewhere, but I'm adding it here for convenience. Equips individual units or whole groups with predefined sets of weapons. The weapon sets are based on the ones being used by the different types of WW4 units. It can also equip high dispersion (HD) ammo, suppressors, night vision goggles, antimaterial rifles (for the snipers) and grenade vests or flare pouches (for the grenadiers). CHANGELOG: DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?af5f2gjl4ycc62h -- kFLARES v1.0 The passed unit will be equipped with a grenade launcher and flares and will shoot them during nighttime if it detects enemies close DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3ttaelx2na4dopy -- kINFOSHARE v1.2 Allows group leaders to automatically share information about enemy units with each other. The distance at which they can transmit this information will depend on their side and wether or not they have an RTO or a vehicle with a radio in their group (in this case they can transmit to all friendlies on the map, without distance restrictions). Singleplayer and multiplayer. DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/download/isz92piv9bawpe8/kInfoshare_v12.zip -- REFILL CRATE WW4 v1.0 Refills crates or vehicles with ammunition (and weapons) associated to a given side The type and amount of ammo and weapons to be used as cargo is predefined in the code You can fill a cargo with ammo and weapons from several sides at once. You can also fill it as many times as you want from a single call, or fill it only with high dispersion (HD) variants of the ammo DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qdbejdjsj2868k0 -- BAS STAND AND CROUCH v1.0 Modification of the BASriverStandup.sqs script Original script by Rom These are two separate scripts, one for stand up and the other for crouch. Periodically forces all the units inside a trigger area to crouch, and reverts them to auto when they are outside. Those units that can't stand up (hurt legs), are inside a vehicle, don't have any ammo left or are players are automatically excluded DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?g7lkx5sv39a71go -- WALKERS MANAGER v1.0 Standalone version of the CivPopulate script Adds a unit to the walker manager The walker manager then will take care of moving them around at random intervals to random positions [i just noticed I didn't include a proper readme for this, so I'll post the instructions below] INSTRUCTIONS Put this line somewhere (like in init.sqs): [] exec "walkersManager.sqs" Add this line to any units you want to walk randomly (values are just examples): [this,getPos this,30,"full","careless"] exec "addWalker.sqs" It has this format: [<unit>,<current position>, <wander range>,<speed>,<default behaviour>] exec "addWalker.sqs" DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?0623ap6rnp5q114 -- HD AMMO WW4 v1.0 Changes every magazine of any array of units to its HD (high dispersion) equivalent, if it exists DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?vcyfkgrokcusldm -- That's all, folks.
  7. "PR MOD" , new modification, total replacement, based on WW4, created to play online. units used: RHS (MI24, all east and res tanks), OWP (Mi17), Sapper (PV3S now Zil), CSLA (UAZ, BMP, BMP2, GAZ) SFM Manfred (Urals), LSR (weapon), SJB (weapon), BAS (weapon, UH60, Kiowa), INQ (Chinook), CBT INQ (M1A2, M2A2, HMMV, Truck 5T), World -replacement of trees,bush and buildings of the OFP Resistance , and more... new effects (unified effect of the explosion and fire for all vehicles, flash firing tanks, smoke launcher, heli dust, incoming missle, flares, granade, blood) new sound (weapon, explosion, engine vehicle....) new musics, first aid. assistance in the creation of mod: krzychuzokecia, faguss DXDLL SMAA (recommended! unpack and put loose into the game directory) Requirements: OFP Aspect Ratio http://ofp-faguss.com/?item=ofp+aspect+ratio file Aspect Ratio.hpp is set for a 16: 9 monitor, if you have another monitor edit the file and change the parameters file Aspect Ratio.hpp copy in the game directory and change the values as in the picture =========================================================================== PR MOD (2017-10-10) hotfix10 (2017-10-10) 804mb If you download the full version you do not need a hotfix, the full version already has it Final version of PR MOD can be downloaded both as an .7z archive or installer. file size: 2.3 GB PRMOD.exe 2.7 GB important !!! sequence mods : run: (example) "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ARMA Cold War Assault\ColdWarAssault.exe" -nomap -nosplash -mod=@PRMOD =========================================================================== readme: -full optimization, rewritten addon configuration files, consolidate all vehicles for individuals, removed malfunctioning or causing problems addons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPMissions for WW4 PR MOD 1666 missions (crCTI, MF CTI, COOP, DM) 275mb (2017-09-10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPMissions 360 missions (single player missions) 285mb (2016-11-27) (pre-tested, some may not work) Campaigns 30 campaigns (single player campaigns) 385mb (2016-10-16) (pre-tested, some may not work) ========================================================================== PR MOD ECP 1GB (20.11.2016) Another version, based on ECP, this version will no longer be developed only version WW4 This version does not work in multiplayer, multiple scripts, new models of vehicles are causing a server crash PR-ECP 2.0: ==========================================================================
  8. BennySouthSt

    23rd Realism Regiment

    23rd Realism Regiment Tactical, Organised Game-play in Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault Who are we? We're the 23rd Realism Regiment. A relatively recently created group, the 23rd Realism Regiment attempts to build and maintain the tactical, organised style of game-play that Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault in known for. With over 50 member, about 20 of which play with us regularly, we're able to hold relatively large scale co-op missions and, if we keep growing, eventually hope to host large scale, tactical PvP missions. We have a whole range of members, from traditional Operation Flashpoint veterans such as Alex to newer players such as myself. The same goes for ages and nationalities - our players are from countries across the world including but not limited to America, England, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Spain and Singapore just to name a few. As long as you're mature and can understand basic English, you're welcome within our ranks. We usually have weekly Sunday sessions at approximately 12:00 EST, with smaller, lighter sessions sprinkled in at other times in the week. Our WW4 EXTENDED server is up 24/7, as is the TS server we use to communicate and organize ourselves. Slightly interested? Give us a shot, and check out our steam page! All screenshots are taken In-Game and are of the 23rd Realism Regiment Minimum Joining Requirements - MUST have a Steam account that is in regular use. - MUST be running ArmA:Cold War Assault V1.99 (Steam version is already updated to this). - MUST be mature and possess the attitude described in this post. - MUST have a working microphone and Teamspeak 3 installed. - MUST understand basic English - it doesn't have to be perfect, but you gotta understand what's going on. Recommended - OFPMoniter is a great asset - it allows you to browse and join any public servers after the GameSpy closure and can launch the appropriate mods for any servers you join (assuming they're installed already). - CrossTalk for Teamspeak 3 - Only really necessary as a leader for distinguishing whispers from squad chat, but pretty cool/useful none the less. - The Mod - we'd appreciate it if you could get the mod installed before you join, but it's understandable that people would be hesitant to download something before they're part of the group. Need help installing it? Feel free to ask us! Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/23rdrr Want to join? Add Dan_The_Man or BennySouthSt on Steam, expressing your interest. We'll run you through the basics and invite you to the group. Server IP: TS3 Server: TeamSpeak 3 is our primary method of communication on our games. I'd recommend installing the CrossTalk Teamspeak plugin - It allows you to set radio effects in Teamspeak. Although it's not necessary, I find it very useful when receiving whispers; if they have radio static, it's easy to tell you're being whispered to and aren't listening to chatter in your channel. Plus, it sounds freaking cool! YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJgSRjRHTZUJoNDA7tI2Thw Not sure if the group is right for you? Take a look at our YouTube channel, organised by Saroonva! It currently features some snippets of some of our operations (and, i'll admit, a lot of me talking over the radio by accident!) Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/efh9k10nvh1v13d/23rd_WW4.7z We're currently running WW4 EXTENDED with a few extra maps thrown in - All credit goes to Kenoxite and Sanctury for WW4 and it's expansion, WW4 Extended! A 23rd tailored version of WW4 EXT is currently under development by yours truly, but won't be around for a while - even then, it's mainly back-end stuff i'm doing. For the average play, you won't notice the difference; enjoy the joy that is WW4 Extended! Admin Steam Profiles: BennySouthSt - Group 1IC - General Administration and Mods Dan_The_Man - Group 2IC - Recruitment and Operation Organisation Saroonva - Group 3IC - Youtube and Media ​Eazy - Server Maintenance Kotakulu - Missions and Scripting Got any questions about the above categories? Feel free to contact any of the above people! If it's not on the list, get in touch with me - using steam is preferable, but i'll respond to you on the forums too! Organisation and Gameplay The way we operate depends on a few things: The number of players in the session, whoever's acting as IC (Dan, Saroonva and I have very different command styles!) and the mission at hand. For example, if Dan was leading one of our weekly operations and we had a large player count, you could expect an open net between team leaders and command. I, on the other hand, would (probably) operate with a closed net, with fire-team leaders only communicating with the other fire-team leader and squad lead, who then communicates with command - trust me, it makes sense in game! Similarly, our more casual "Assassinate the President" mission would be significantly more relaxed than an organised "Zeus" mission (and yes, that is ArmA 3 Zeus in OFP - Check out this link for Kotakulu's amazing mission!). Generally speaking, your first few sessions will have you operating as a team member - you won't have to worry about the command structure or setting up whispers for a while. It's important you balance a decent level of initiative and discipline; whilst running off towards the T-72 might work, it's not the reason we play the way we do and will be frowned upon (and probably shot by some guy sat in a bush). Similarly, nobody is gonna object to you running 50m to that low wall to get a great flanking position on the hostile squad - it's better than clinging to you Team Leader and all getting wiped out by that lucky AI grenade, right? The ranks structure exists as a way to demonstrate leadership and experience - Simply having a load of hours in the game will not guarantee a rank,nor will topping the score board every game - you need to show an understanding of the best tactics and strategies for the mission as a whole as well as demonstrate your leadership abilities. Don't worry about a load of bollock-y "Sir, yes Sir" stuff - having a rank system simply makes it easier when determining who's taking what roles and what positions. You'll be granted "Cadet" once you join the group and will be promoted to "Private" once you complete your first large operation (or a series of smaller, weekly sessions if no op is running at the time).
  9. If so, how do I do that? Is there a script to copy or something for me to have a GRAA-like 3rd person cam for WW4?
  10. WW4 resources These are all the MLODs and textures released by Sanctuary, originally made public separately and now compiled in a single 7zip file. Download WW4 MLODs and textures compilation Permissions All these resources are public domain. No credit is required, although it'd be appreciated. Credits Sanctuary WW4 Extended resources Here is almost everything used in v1.1 of WW4 Extended. The only things you won't find are the models that aren't explicitely public domain or that I'm able to share for one reason or another (middle east units, zils, BTRs, BMDs...) and the vehicle texture masters. With that said, if there's still something that shouldn't be there please let me know and I'll reupload the zip files with those models removed. Note that the texture masters are in GIMP format (.xcf). Download WW4 Extended v1.1 MLODs WW4 Extended v1.1 Infantry textures WW4 Extended v1.1 Infantry textures for Cold War and Arctic Permissions Use them at will, as long is in an Arma game (there's the ported Arma vehicles there, and those have that restriction). No credit is required, although it'd be appreciated. Credits Sancturay - Base models and textures for infantry units kenoxite - Models and textures for anything not credited below (including the porting to OFP of the Arma 1 and 2 vehicle models) Bohemia Interactive - Original OFP, Arma 1 and Arma 2 models of the ported vehicles Macser - Desert 5t trucks Offtime, Jack, Agent Smith, FAB, Alderous - BRDM-2 Apocalypse83 - Desert retexture of BIS vehicles krzychuzokecia - National Army units ivosm - Unit textures afghan era SomerenV, Rusty and other members of the facepunch.com community - Digital Flora and other russian camo patterns
  11. MAPFACT RUCKSACK WW4 Hi all, This is a special release of MapFact's Rucksack that adds ammo from the WW4 v2.5 mod and fixes some bugs that happen in CWA. It also adds east mines to the rucksack ammo. This addon is based on Mapfact's Rucksack v1.1, so it also contains all the features present on that version. While initially this addon was created for personal use, BadAss kindly granted permission to make it public. In order to differentiate this version from the regular MapFact releases he asked me to rename it to “WW4†instead of continuing the version numbering (which would make this v1.2). So, this is finally version 1.0 of the WW4 branch. Please refer to the “Readme_eng.htm†file in the “old v1.1 docs†directory (online version), in the linked file, for extended info and instructions about how to use this add-on. You can also find more information in the old release thread of v1.1. Also, in the included pdf you'll find a list with the class names of all the ammo. You can also read the file online here. The linked file below also includes a demo mission. Download MAPFACT'S RUCKSACK - WW4 v1.0 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jmg4me45m8purk5 - http://www.multiupload.nl/ASISRBCMTJ More screens: ADDING RUCKSACKS TO YOUR MISSION Copy/Paste this in your mission's init.sqs: ; Init MAPFACT's Rucksack - WW4 ~1 [] exec "\MAP_Rucksack\Scripts\MAP_RuckInit.sqs" To add the rucksacks to units it's recommended that you use this script package: MAP AI RUCKSACK - WW4 It will automate the process of adding rucksacks and will also allow AI units to make use of them (so they can use the ammo stored in them when they run out of it). USE: [<unit>,<template to use>,<SD ammo?>,<HD ammo?>,<rucksack type>,<generic class>] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" EXAMPLES: [this,"west_shadowops",false,false,"MAP_RucksackAlice"] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" [e1u2,"east_army",false,true] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" [unit1,"west_recon",false,false,"","sniper"] exec "MAP_AIruckWW4\add.sqs" Check the readme in the linked file for more info. DEMO MISSION: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?uc8bkauh29oa9ts Includes the scripts MAP AI RUCKSACK - WW4, HEAL GROUP and an updated version of REASSIGN WEAPONS WW4. If you don't want to allow AI units to use rucksacks or you have your own method to add them, you still need to add this "fired" eventhandler to the units you want to use their rucksacks: _unit addEventHandler ["fired",{if (_this select 1 in MAP_RuckSackTypes) then {_this exec "\MAP_Rucksack\Scripts\MAP_DropMag.sqs"};}] HOW TO USE THE RUCKSACK To take a magazine out of a rucksack you need to do the following: Select the rucksack in the actions menu If the desired magazine isn't loaded, select the desired mag in the actions menu and reload it Fire the rucksack like any other weapon You will bend down and put a single magazine on the ground Pick up the magazine you just dropped. Don't take too long to pick up the dropped magazine, as it will disappear after a couple minutes. AIs aren't able to use the rucksacks. If you're the squad leader you can order an AI to drop a whole magazine pouch, so you can pick it up and drop single magazines yourself. Then order the AI to pick up those single magazines. Please use the med-kit only when you're hurt. Otherwise it'll be wasted. CHANGELOG WW4 v1.0: - Added support for WW4 ammo - Dropped magazines are a bit ahead from the player now, so they're clearly visible - Players can interact with dropped magazines instantly - CWA: Fixed player being stuck when placing or packing tents and camonets - Fixed instance where player wasn't able to pack something if he still had loaded (although empty) the thing that he wanted to pack - Minor corrections to stringtable.csv - Added Mine East CREDITS Original addon: BadAss, Flashpoint_k and raedor (see “Readme_eng.htm†for extended credits) WW4 version: kenoxite
  12. I've been collecting, expanding and creating documentation for various addons and mods. Initially this was done for myself, as I found very convenient being able to access all of them on a single place via browser, but I think this might be useful for someone else. The current compiled documentation consists of: WW4 - Units: name, class, 3d model, weapons, magazines... - Weapons: real name of the weapon, class, muzzles, magazines... WGL Everything in the docs directory of this mod, with some added info. - WGL5 manual (draft) - WGL4 tech and field manuals - Ammo values - Damage values - Groups - Infantry units - Laser designator values - Crew, magazines, weapons, etc of weapons and vehicles - Rucksack magazines - Vehicles - Weapons (with muzzle names added) - WGL ZM classes, global vars, etc CoC - CoC NS2 guide (the one already posted) Markers Names and classes of markers from several addons - Default BIS markers - USMC markers - WGL markers You can browse and view the documents here: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0By2CaodBQ84GN1RDM0ctazhyNlk/edit?usp=sharing The documentation provided here might be expanded in the future. If so I'll notify about here to let anyone interested know.