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About Bren_Silent

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  1. Bren_Silent

    CO 6 Survival

    Hey guys, I created a mission which i would like to present here. In my "Survival" mission you and up to 5 friends will try to defend a compound on the small island of Porto against endless waves of enemies. This mission can be everything from some lighthearted "just shooting at stuff" down to a pretty realistic training in group combat. How does it work? You start out in the center compound of Porto with nothing but a pistol and a big Box with a basically empty Ace Arsenal. As soon as one of you leaves your starting Area the enemies will start to spawn. After you defeat a wave (or the groupleader decides to call in the next one) everybody who died during that wave will respawn and (for the first 24 waves) new equipment will be added to the Arsenal. After that it is basically more of the same. The longer the game is running the more Infantry will run into your position, and soonish after the start even vehicles will start to make an appearance. Via a Startparameter you can choose if you only want to fight on the east side of the island (recommended for up to 4 players) or on the whole island. There are 4 different spawn points in the east and 2 more in the west. On each of these the enemy groups may spawn randomly. After a few runs you will know how many enemies will be incoming but without some recon you wont know from where they will come. To get rid of the tedious task of searching that one single enemy that is lying somewhere in a bush and is preventing you from finishing a wave the last few enemies will be marked on the map. After you defeat a wave there are roughly 30 seconds until the new wave spawns in. And they might have quite a short walk to your base. Therefore causion is advised if the whole group is bunched around the arsenal to equip the latest fashion trends. Thanks to the high amount of randomness this mode provides a very high replayability aswell as quite a sharp learning curve. Dont give up if you die in the first five waves a couple of times. The first five are actually harder than the following 10 due to limited equipment and the feeling that you NEED to equip the new stuff right away. If you work together as a group you should be able to overcome this issue. Another option is to skip the first 5 waves (via parameter) to start with basic equipment already unlocked. This mission hasn´t had a big playtest yet. I tried to make sure though that there are no gamebreaking bugs anywhere to be found. I would appreciate feedback about any issues you might find. As soon as i am kinda sure it runs smooth the Beta label will be gone. Necessary mods are: CBA, ace, BWMod (+ace compat), Cup terrains core + maps Possible addition: CUP (Weapons, Units, Vehicles) + ace compats. Adding Cup will actually change the enemy waves and will double the vehiclepool from which the enemy vehicles are chosen. There will also be more content added to your own arsenal but i didnt want it to be overkill therefore it is normaly only 1 or 2 options extra per wave. I also highly recommend using TFAR for the missions if you want to play them even semi-seriously. Players who died switch into spectator mode and they shouldnt be able to tell the people alive about enemies around corners. Furthermore you have to pay more attention if the southeast guard suddenly isnt anwsering on the radio anymore. ACRE should work aswell but as i never played with it i have no idea how to set the mod up. If someone wants that in the mission and is able to assisst me i am happy to add it as long as it doesnt create a dependency for the mod. Further additional mods are also possible but they wont have any effect on the mission. But you can decide to unlock the whole arsenal at wave 25 or even at the beginning. If you got other mods loaded their weapons will also obviously appear in the arsenal. Now finally. Here is the link to the mission: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614670962 Have fun and if there are any bugs, feedback or feature requests feel free to reach out.
  2. As someone who found this thread 1.5 years later and still has to use this not so easy way of handling the role i am REALLY thankfull for the work you two did. Just as a mention for people who might be here after me and wondering why it constantly shows "NOT SET": You have to change "RespawnRole" to "JWL_respawnRole" in the init.sqf. Everything then just works fine. And if you want the loadoutname instead of the role (cause there can be several loadouts per role) you can still use the _respawncombo from HallyGs second post. That works fine aswell :)
  3. Bren_Silent

    [WIP] Tilos Island - 2016 Version

    Anthariel PLEASE put the effort in your old 2015 Tilos to fix the Sky and lightning. It is one of the most beautiful maps i ever played.
  4. Bren_Silent

    [WIP] Tilos Island - 2016 Version

    Damn i had a notification on this date since he announced it. :( Patience it is then. :P
  5. Bren_Silent

    [WIP] Tilos Island - 2016 Version

    Well it is the 24th... yet i cant find it anywhere. You got a link to download it?