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  1. haleks


    Mod version : 0.1.90 (2022.05.26) Hello and welcome to the Ravage Mod Thread! Ravage is a survival mod focused on immersive and dynamic gameplay. Players are to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, where bandits, hunger and the infected will be constant threats. About "Ravage" Ravage is a comprehensive survival modification, inspired by various games such as the Stalker series or the Dayz mod, as well as many novels like The White Plague by Frank Herbert or Ravage by Barjavel. The Ravage mod has been in development since 2013 and is still an ongoing project. It includes demo missions and several editor tools allowing you to create all sorts of scenarios in a matter of minutes. Ravage is designed to be easy to use, performance-friendly and is compatible with many addons. Features SP & MP compatible : Ravage comes with a set of easy-to-use modules, allowing you to create your own survival experience. All modules are designed to work in every environment : single player, locally hosted or dedicated servers. Survival mechanics : Hunger and thirst system connected to Arma 3 fatigue simulation : The more gear you carry running around, the hungrier & thirstier you will be. Eating and drinking will restore a small amount of health (with a bonus near Fireplaces), your health will decrease at low hunger & thirst levels. Zombies : Ravage includes a dynamic zombie spawn system. As the sun goes down, more infected will be roaming the land. Beware! Some zombies are extremely fast and will outrun you if you don't manage your fatigue. (Includes animations from Teacup's pack, Breaking Point and custom skins by Bad Benson.) Bandits & survivors : Survivors are despaired and don't hesitate to kill to obtain whatever they can scavenge. You will stumble upon clans of bandits fighting each other, searching towns for loot or hunting you down. Not all survivors are hostile though; some of them are willing to join you. Quality OST : Including soundtracks from the STALKER games with permission from GSC Game World, as well as a selection of Arma 3 tracks. WIP. And many more : Accelerated time factor. New items (usable by double-clicking them in your inventory). Realistic vehicle repairs. Dynamic weather. Ability to sleep (requires camping items). Radiations, gasmasks (includes breathing sounds function) and Geiger counter. Loot and Dynamic Furnitures systems. Wrecks and derelict vehicles spawning on roads. Character persistency in Multiplayer. Compatible with many addons (details below). How to play? Just launch one of the scenarios listed under "Scenarios/Ravage Mod"; everything you need to know will be explained along your journey. Make sure tutorial hints are enabled in your settings! Kodabar kindly made a video showcasing the demo mission, with instructions on mod installation : If you play a Multiplayer mission wich has character persistency enabled, your equipment, survival status and position will be saved and restored next time you join the same server. All your saved characters can be previewed and/or deleted from the MP save manager (scenarios>Ravage). Mission Making Several modules are available under modules >> "Ravage" in Editor mode. Amongst other things, these allow you to : spawn hostile and friendly ambient AI. spawn zombies. enable the dynamic weather function. cover the map with wrecks and damaged vehicles. enable the loot system and spawn ambient furnitures inside buildings. enable the survival and radiation systems. enable character persistency in Multiplayer. Each module controls one particular aspect of Ravage features and can be used independently. You will usually need only one module of each type, except for the zombie hordes module. Creating a mission for Ravage, be it a singleplayer or multiplayer scenario, requires close to zero scripting knowledge : the modules will detect what kind of environment they are working in (SP, locally hosted or dedicated server) and adapt accordingly. Documentation More informations are available on the Ravage Wiki. It provides valuable informations on survival mechanics or mission-making using the Ravage modules. @MuRaZorWitchKING also compiled a usefull guide on Steam. Make sure to have a read there first if you have any doubt or question! Ravage on Youtube Thanks to Gunter Severloh, the Ravage Mod has its own Youtube Channel! Most, if not all, the videos related to Ravage will be compiled there; if you want to see just how modular Ravage can be, how people play it, or just looking for tutorials, it's definitely the place to go. Make sure to subscribe if you want to stay tuned with the latest additions to the mod! Supported Addons This mod requires CBA_A3! Ravage is designed to be compatible with many addons in order to bring in more variety : Recommended Mods Besides the supported addons, the modding community has been producing many mods for any taste. Here's a list of selected mods that will enhance your ingame experience with Ravage : Performances Tips If you are going to play Singleplayer, consider launching Steam in OFFLINE mode. Always set the Arma3 Launcher to close itself after clicking "play". Be aware that the new Water Reflections can cost up to 10 frames per second, you can turn this feature off from the video options. Credits & Thanks Special thanks to Bad Benson, Cosmic10r, Evil Organ & Tourist for their numerous contributions and precious help testing Ravage MP! Thanks to Kodabar and Gunter Severloh for their support, and to anyone spreading the good word! Gasmasks and Shemags made by Cunico and included with permission (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?174221-Hidden-Identity-Pack-V-2). STALKER:Shadow of Chernobyl soundtrack by Mooze, included with permission from GSC. Loot System based on concepts by Larrow and Na_Palm. Weather system based on randomWeather2 by Meatball (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172817-randomWeather2-Script-Dynamic-Weather-For-A3). Scorch's Inventory Items by Scorch_052 used by some of the new items (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159535-Scorch-s-Inventory-Items). Radioactive Zone Warning Sign texture by Bossmann. Additional models & textures by Giorgygr. Infected skins by Bad Benson. Additional sound FX and config tweaks and dynamic compositions by Evil Organ. Retextured weapons by Cosmic10R. The MP save system was inspired by zooloo75's concept. Zombie animations by Teacup and the Breaking Point Mod team. The "Ghost Hunters" showcase uses VFX based on @aliascartoons's work for his Strigoi concept. License Ravage Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request. Using Ravage Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden. You may not reupload this mod on Steam. Changelog Download Links : Ravage v0.1.90 Mirrors : Ravage Wiki (thanks to Kodabar) : http://ravage.wikia.com/wiki/Latest_version_of_Ravage How can you support mod development? Any contribution can help and will be used to acquire content related to Arma3, and/or survival games, such as DLCs and future BIS releases. Or coffee. Feel free to donate whatever you want, no matter how modest your contribution may be, tokens of appreciation always boost moral and creativity.
  2. Hello everyone, Hope this script helps you in your missions. Feel free to improve my code but, please, don't re-post it on Workshop. Use this thread to share your advice and, if possible, already with your code ideas for fixing/improvement (will be very much appreciated). New features? Why not? Cheers. What to expect from this script AI: With just one unit, it's automatically able to... ...act through a VBIED with its specific behaviors; ...act as a deadman trigger with its specific behaviors; ...act as a suicide bomber with its specific behaviors. Demo: suicidalDoctrine.sqf: Features rules of VBIED method: A suicide operator steers the vehicle bomb (VBIED) to a target and, at the right moment, a remote detonation trigger is pressed by the suicide. All method behaviors are described on the Github readme file. Features rules of Deadman Trigger method: A suicide operator wears a suicidal belt/vest and detonates themselves by releasing a reverse-pressure trigger. All method behaviors are described on the Github readme file. Features rules of Classic Suicide Bomber method: A suicide operator wears a suicidal belt/vest and detonates themselves by releasing a reverse-pressure trigger. All method behaviors are described on the Github readme file. Dependencies: CBA mod; ACE mod; Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Suicidal-Doctrine-Script From Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2739692983 Changelog: 2022-Feb-17, v1.3: news, fixes and notes. Known issues: In Deadman trigger method, when the suicidal is their belt/vest deactivated and, by long distances, they got a non-lethal shot, the suicidal should turn the vest detonation system on, but it's not happening. Although the functionality to lock the steering wheel if the suicide isn't allowed to drive is working, the suicide still insists on being seated in the driver's position. Expected behavior: change to passager seat.
  3. CSWR is an Arma 3 script that allows the Mission Editor to spawn AI units and vehicles (by ground or air paradrop) and makes those groups move randomly to waypoints forever in life, where spawn-points and waypoints are easily pre-defined by Mission Editor through Eden marker's positions. CSWR accepts faction loadout customization, including additional customizations for sniper teams and paratroopers. CSWR almost doesn't change any original Arma AI behavior, saving server performance and Arma 3 integrity. Creation concept: bring life to the mission through non-stop units' movements with some level of unpredictability without losing control of server performance and what AI units can do. Special thanks: To the old (but gold) "T8 Units" script for the inspiration over the years. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Controlled-Spawn-And-Waypoints-Randomizr-Script/blob/main/_CSWR_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from the CSWR script: No dependencies from other mods or scripts; Manually define which markers the faction can use as spawn-points; Create unlimited different types of spawn-points: Common spawn: for units and ground vehicles; Vehicle spawn: exclusive for ground vehicles; Heli spawn: exclusive for helicopters; Paradrop spawn: for units and ground vehicles; Sectorized spawn: all spawn types can be sectorized to be available only for specific groups/vehicles inside a faction; Spawn-points can be triggered by: Mission starts: right after the mission gets started; Timer delay: a down count; Trigger delay: when some editor's trigger is activated; Target delay: when a specific unit or vehicle or building is killed/destroyed; Once the spawn-points are created, the script will spawn the groups randomly through their faction spawns; There is no re-spawn. Death is death for units and vehicles spawned by CSWR; Vehicles with turrets spawned by CSWR, when damaged, their gunners never leave the vehicle, doing the last standing in combat until death; Manually define which markers will be used as one types of destinations (waypoints) for AI units and vehicles; Create unlimited different types of destinations: Move: groups will move randomly through your predefined move-markers; IMPROVED! Watch: sniper groups will search for the best high position to cover one of your predefined watch-markers; Hold: soldiers, civilians, or ground vehicles (mainly tracked ones) will set position facing a specific direction predefined by you with hold-markers; IMPROVED! Occupy: soldiers and civilians will search for a building around a predefined occupy-marker, and will go there, get in, and stay; IMPROVED! Sectorized destination: all destination types can be sectorized to be available only for specific groups/vehicles inside a faction; Once the destination markers are created, CSWR will take care of taking (or not) the groups there, randomly; Manually set the number of soldiers, who they are, their loadouts, who belongs in each group type, and even ground vehicles and helicopters; Add or remove Night-Vision-Goggles and Flashlights for one or more factions, easily through "True" or "False" management; There are 7 infantry templates and 8 vehicle templates to customize (with modded or vanilla things) for each faction; Define easily how many AI groups are in-game, what squad types they belong to, and their behavior: safe, aware, stealth, combat, chaos. For more details, check the documentation; IMPROVED! Available white and blacklist for buildings and ruins when groups are using Occupy movements; All vehicles and units spawned by CSWR can be (ON/OFF) editable by Zeus; Set if the CSWR should wait for another script load first on the server; Debugging: friendly error handling; Debugging: hint monitor to control some AI numbers; IMPROVED! Debugging: full documentation available. . Video demo: Check the file above on GitHub. Check the file above on GitHub. Link on this post header. (Above) Editor set if all one side can use night vision goggles (or just parachuters, or only sniper teams), or only flashlights, or both gears or none. If flashlights are available they need to be on all the mission long or just when each AI decides. (Above) WATCH destination (specific for sniper groups) is working much better with high natural terrains, regardless of whether the map is an official one. (Above) Group executing OCCUPY destinations can get in high towers with better distribution positions inside. (Above) Group executing OCCUPY, if they select an acceptable ruin/destroyed building, the group will always get in a crouch in this kind of position. (Above) Even heavy ground vehicles can be paradropped. (Above) All groups paradropped, when touched the ground, they will focus on regrouping with their squad leader before starting their missions. (Above) Helicopters automatically identify where all safe and not busy helipads are to land if they need to rearm, repair, refuel, or heal their wounded crew. Dependencies: None 😉 Download: - On GitHub: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Controlled-Spawn-And-Waypoints-Randomizr-Script - On Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2740912514 Missions using it: Tanks & Helicopters (light): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424050518 Escape from Kherson: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878171355 Ukrainian ATGM Team: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2847369831 Fake SDF in Syria: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2728537885 Tanks Theater: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2160397214 ISIS VBIED: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2732654349 - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Apr, 14th 2024 | v6.5.2: news, fixes and notes. Known issues: - Watch > Sniper groups still not considering buildings when no natural highlands to take a position for overwatching; - Occupy > If you hide a building and the building can be occupied, the groups will consider that hidden building as a regular place to occupy; Paradrop > When parachuters are civilians, they're crouched right after landing and stay like this forever. - Move Hold > Sometimes tracked vehicles are not facing exactly the marker direction configured by the editor; - - - - - - - - - - - Video tutorials:
  4. Dynamic Animal/Game Spawn Script This script will continuously spawn animals that can be hunted (and butchered with the ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module active) in proximity of the player. Showcase Video: (This is just showing the basic functions with speed up despawn times and reduced spawn/despawn distances FYI) Functions of the script: - spawn loop for animals - random number and type of animals - can be butchered (using the ravage mod and a knife) - despawn once player moves away - customizable code How to create, use and Install the script: Step 1 - init.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code -------> [] execVM "animalspawner.sqf"; 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name -----> init.sqf 5. Move the init.sqf to your mission folder. =================================== Note - if you already have an init.sqf then just add the code from 2 to it. Step 2 - "animalspawner.sqf" 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code below into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> animalspawner.sqf 5. Move the animalspawner.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= animalspawner.sqf code: Script Dependencies: No dependencies. However, the Ravage mod and the mods "Survival systems" module is required to butcher the animals and process their meat. You can find all about the Ravage mod here: LINK Setting up the Script in the editor: 1. Find the Ravage section in your Editors "Systems" tab. 2. Place the module "Survival systems" Note: you need a "Gutting Knife" (from the Ravage mod) to butcher the animals 5. Place your player and start your mission. Using the script without Ravage mod: - the script runs without the Ravage mod active, no changes needed Credit: the basic template for the spawner came from a fellow ravager, however I can not trace back the specific post anymore. so shout out to all the friendly scripters from the ravage comunity for all their input;)!
  5. Stranded An event occurred. It's origin unknown. Some say it's just nature restoring the balance. Some say it's a virus from outer space. Some say it's Judgement. Nobody truly knows. What we do know is that one day the dead started to rise. Everyone who dies rises again to attack the living and create more walking corpses. Countries that had the infrastructure managed to withstand the event whereas countries torn by civil war, famine and scarcity were not so lucky. Altis was not so lucky. You are a drifter. A faceless roaming survivor of the aftermath earning a meagre living scavenging and selling loot. You are nothing. A nobody and when you die you become another nobody. Over and over. Explore and pillage the island nation of Altis where the further you go the harder it gets. Battle across high risk/high reward loot zones where the better the gear the more dangerous the foe but don't stay out too long. You don't want to be outside a safe zone when night falls. Take on odd jobs. Kill zombies and bandits for money. Build up your cash to buy better gear to take on harder loot zones but beware, If you die you lose it all. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3210541042 Gameplay Videos Mission Summary Features - Random Events - Safe Zones - Vendors - Loot Zones - Tiered Loot system - Tiered enemies - Somewhat balanced progression - Repeatable missions - Mag repacking - Ambient, non intrusive, music - Custom dynamic spawn system that changes depending on day/night cycle. - Hire-able AI in safe zones. - Wanted / Bounty system - If you kill friendly units then bounty hunters will come after you until you pay it off or die. - Integrated Tinters furniture script. The main feature of this scenario is what I hope to be re-playable fun that you can either enjoy in short spurts or play over a couple hours. Future Whilst this project is functionally completed there is more I would have liked to do with it however due to time constraints / inexperience I've had to cut features out. Over time I would like to add things like a sort of bounty system / reputation system plus expand and add more variety to what's in this scenario. I can't make any promises, beyond bug fixing support, that I'll continue to add to this project though. Changelog For a complete list of changes please see the changelog on the steam workshop page. Requirements - Apex - Contact - All free DLC - Ravage Reccomended Mods All these mods are located on the steam workshop. For long play through's I recommend the m3mory mod by Haleks. JSRS Sound Mod JSRS Reload Sounds Better Inventory Death Hit and Reaction Sounds Enhanced Movement Enhanced Movement Rework CE: Movement CQB Weapon Stance Dynamic Camo System Impact Moving Stacks Rework No more Soul-Less Eyes Project SFX: Remastered Webknights Two Primary Weapons - This mod introduces an unintended consequence in the respawn system whereby the second primary weapon isn't removed. Rested Weapon Movement Modernized controls collection Enhanced Soundscape I use the above list of mods with this scenario however there are a couple very minor interactions with my scripts. Bug Reporting / Feedback / Suggestions Leave a comment here or on the steam workshop page I greatly appreciate any feedback and/or support. Credits Haleks for providing Ravage. Bohemia Interactive forums, for all the coding snippets, advice and support shared between members. George Floros [GR] for his excellent scripts, including single player respawn and clean-up Bangabob and Strider42 for the EOS scripts outlawed for the mag repack script. HallyG for the money shop scripts. R3evo for his simple conversation script. IndeedPete for his conversation system. IndeedPete for his drunk script. Rydygier & Gunter Severloh for the excellent Herne script. Tinter for the excellent Tinter furniture script. Music Credits None of the music present within this scenario is of my own work. All rights belong to the respective authors of the music played within this creation. Ambient Noodling - Rabea Massaad - https://www.youtube.com/@RabeaMassaad Serenity - Das Ungesagte - https://www.youtube.com/@DasUngesagte MooZe - Stalker OST Soundtrack - GSC Gameworld Ambient Song - andy othling - https://www.youtube.com/@AndyOthling
  6. Hello! ETHICS is a full solution script for ARMA 3 that provides wide creation and management over statics kill zones like minefields, UXO zones, and trap zones. Built for single-player and multiplayer, ETHICS include kill zone doctrines such as land anti-personnel, land anti-materiel, naval anti-materiel, unexploded ordnance, and booby-trap. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script/blob/main/ethics-minefields.Altis/ETHICSMinefields/_ETH_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from ETHICS script:   Drag and drop a marker on Eden to create a full and unique kill zone such as minefields; Also easy to build naval minefields, Unexploded ordnance zones (UXO), and Trap zones; Ethics control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting explosive devices through civilian areas; Topography control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting over rock clusters and mountains; NEW v1.5 UXO doesn't respect Ethics or topography rules, and can be dropped under the water; NEW v1.5 Boobs-trap doesn't respect topography rules and they are always hidden, never in the open; Anti-personnel (AP) landmines avoid roads and streets; Anti-materiel (AM) landmines can be planted (ON/OFF) only on roads and streets; Classic minefields can be also hybrid, bringing AP and AM mines features; Customize each doctrine's explosive with devices from RHS, CUP, or anyone mod; Set (or not) for each kill zone has a faction owner; NEW v1.7 Set (or not) for each kill zone a percentage of presence, controlling the kill zone spawn probability; Easy explosive devices amount management through the global intensity presets: lowest, low, mid, high, or extreme; Easy way to hide all markers on the map (ON/OFF), even to kill zone owners; Debugging: friendly error handling; Debugging: a hint monitor, and systemChat feedbacks for the mission editor; Debugging: full documentation available. Video demo: Soon. Script config: Dependencies: None 😉 Download: On GitHub: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script On Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2926204522 Missions using it: Escape from Kherson: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878171355 Sharia in Raqqa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849325560 Adsumus: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1838939661 Tank hunting: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2468255648 - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Feb, 11th 2023 | v1.8: news, fixes and notes. Known issues: UXO cosmetic smokes are not working properly on Dedicated Server (WIP); Dynamic Simulation looks not work properly with mines; Mines is not editable by the Zeus module yet;
  7. 🙂 PAC is a script for ARMA 3 that provides a full solution to control the map limits for players in multiplayer (Coop, PvP, TvT), preventing players from leaving the mission area. Creation concept: to be super easy to implement and customize, compatible with any mainstream mod, and functional for all types of servers: coop missions, PvP, and TvT. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script/blob/main/_PAC_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from PAC script: No dependencies from other mods or scripts; PAC functions are in server's side (run once), but the checking (looping) is on the client's side; Easy installation: the playable area is defined by one named trigger added on the Eden Editor; The editor has the option to allow or not air vehicles (including drones and parachuters) to be tolerated when outside the playable area and on air; The editor has the option to allow or not minimum speed restriction if there's air-tolerance out of the playable area; The editor has the option to allow or not to notify the player about rules if they break some; Full documentation available. Video demo (old): Check the file above on GitHub. Check this data frame. Dependencies: None 🙃 Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Playable-Area-Control-Script From Steam Workshop (no respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835758829 From Steam Workshop (with respawn): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835759780 Missions running it: All my missions - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Nov, 30th 2023, v1.7: changelog Known issues: None. Feel free to bring some.
  8. WHILE I'M REALLY THANKFUL TO THE COMMUNITY OR ANYONE WHO'S ENJOYED THE MISSION, I'M REALLY SORRY TO REPORT THAT DUE TO LACK OF TIME AND INTEREST, (HONESTLY GOT A BIT BURNT OUT OF ARMA...)AT THIS TIME THE CAMPAIGN IS NO LONGER FOLLOWED/SUPPORTED BY ME. I'LL GLADLY GIVE PERMISSION TO ANYONE WILLING TO UPGRADE/FIX THE CAMPAIGN. ORIGINAL FILES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. AGAIN, THANKS TO EVERYONE. ZAGOR OUT. Howdy folks... This is the SUMMER version of my GHOST RECON: WINTER WILDLANDS This is an open-world dynamic SINGLE PLAYER mini-campaign, sand-box style with multiple objectives with TOTAL freedom on how to execute the tasks. Main story-driven and SIDE missions tasks, with mini-games, quests, intels searches, sectors clearing, search-and-destroy enemy weapons, drugs, and money caches, and a massive manhunt. Play as you wish: Be a shadow of death or wreak havoc with the firepower of "USS Freedom" carrier support. The Campaign is packed with features like: -Randomly placed MAIN TASKS, so every new game is different -GUI-selectable AI Ghost Recon teammates, from worldwide Tier 1 operators. -GUI-operable heli CAS and TRANSPORT. -Scuba and SVD map-selectable insertion. -Immersive player & AI teammates HALO jump, with HALO-gear swap, free-to move inside the plane, and red/green lights effects. -CRUISE MISSILES support with custom made "lock-on" HUD, target description, and a confirm target command. -Cluster bombs air-strike support. -Supply and vehicle drop with sound fx. -Boat services from the carrier deck. -AI auto revive -Enhanced briefing and tasks overview And some other fun stuff scattered around the island. This is a BETA version, so feel free (actually I encourage you) to report bugs and problems. Many, MANY thanks to all the community that helped along the way, but a special thanks goes to:  - @DÄZ for the AWESOME GUI he made for me - @crazy mike for the Altis WINTER 2035 Terrain - @rickoshay for the awesome HALO and Hose clearing scripts and extensive help with the scuba script. - @pierremgi for the AI revive script, HUD creation. - @johnnyboy and @Magirot for the "sink the trawler" script - @GEORGE FLOROS GR for the supply drop script - @Grumpy Old Man for the carpet bombing script. Not to forget: Leopard20, Grezvany13 Lou Montana ansin11 IR0NSIGHT R3vo Connor And anyone else always ready to help us mission maker, and the truly inspiring HUNTER SIX CAMPAIGN. SORRY if by any chance I left somebody out, but it' 3.45 AM and I'm getting tired...LOL. Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2312555701 NEEDED MODS: CBA CUP Community Faction Projects. CUP terrain core NOTE: Some MODs have their own dependencies. Please, do NOT upload the mission somewhere else without asking permission. All the content it's free to use for anyone that wants to de-PBO the mission and get pieces of it, as long as you give credit to me and/or to script authors. HOPE you'll enjoy playing as much as I enjoy making it, and feel free to give feedback, report bugs, or any other issue. ps: READ THE BRIEFING!!!! The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is not an official add-on or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2018 Zagor64bz rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  9. NOTE: to reset the progress when hosting the mission locally, select "yes" as "wipe the game's save" parameter. then start then game. once you see the map/briefing interface, exit the mission and start it again. now the progress is reset. Version: BETA 0.135 Overview This sandbox mission is greatly inspired by Far Cry series. You take the role of a man who fled this homecountry, Tanoa, with his mother, at a very young age due to the boiling civil war between the royalists and the nationalists. His father died when general Solomon - as known as 'the Vulture', usurped the power from the royale, and with the help of eastern super powers, almost killed off all nationalists. Twenty years later, with the experience of several years serving in the U.S. Army and a dying wish from mother, the protagonist returns to his birthplace, to seek vengence against the man who mercilessly killed his father. Features -A fun sandbox & single-mission campaign and several side quests.(WIP, 3 infinite random side quests and 7 main quests, plus 1 intro quest avaliable thus far) -A shop system for players to buy and sell weapons, buy clothing and buy vehicles at will. -Gun shop supports vanilla, RHS and SMA weapons; NIArms weapons are added but pricing is still WIP. All weapons' prices are subject to changes. -20 safe houses across the map avaliable for purchase. You can save player's gear, location and money in the bed at safe houses; a stash crate is also avaliable at each safe house to store equipments for later use. As long as you have saved, you can just start a new game to resume your progress. DON'T HAVE TO USE ARMA 3's BUGGY SAVING MECHANISM AT ALL. -11 radio towers for players to hijack and reveal hidden POIs on the map. (Most POIs are still WIP) -Random friendly/enemy patrol teams/vehicles. The southern areas are controlled by the Royal Army(enemies) and the rebel(friendlies), and the north is controlled by CSAT. -Ambient traffic and civilians - Tanoa is teeming with life. -Recruitable civilians - hire them to fight by your side. Hired civilians randomly pick a gun from the weapon list -Lootable enemy corpses for cash. Different factions yield different amounts of cash. -Property system - still WIP. Requirements APEX DLC. CBA A3. Supported Mods (all optional, but highly recommended) RHS USAF (weapons purchasable) RHS AFRF (weapons purchasable) RHS GREF (affects what kind of enemies you fight in the early game; adding more immersion) RHS SAF (Not yet used, but may use it in the future) http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843770737 Special Military Arms (weapons purchasable) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699630614&searchtext=SMA NIArms series (added, not yet detailedly priced) http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=665702172 Changelog v0.135 Removed (unwanted) MCC dependency Known issues -Some delay when spawning enemies. TODOs: -Finish the story quests. -Finish the property system. -Add more side quests. Credit Enigma's simple tasks/civilians/traffic scripts. gpgpgpgp1234's coding helps. HoverGuy's simple shop system. IndeedPete's conversation system. Zenophon's framework. Download https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwxW21OcfZ_LWWYxdHVPUzhnS0E Workshop (reuploaded) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906561138 Oh thank you Bohemia, for your stupid design to have me got my old mod page accidentally deleted by simply double-tapping enter. THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU MORONS.
  10. Hi there, Vehicles Overhauling (VO) is a system of repairing, refueling, and rearming vehicles by proximity and with any asset of your choice. Also, the services are divided by doctrine: Ground, Air, and Nautical. Each doctrine and even service is easily turned Off or On, according to the editor's needs. If needed, the editor can allow repairing just for ground vehicles while unavailable for air ones, for example. Triggering or code via Eden Editor is needless. VO is configured through only one file, prioritizing implementation simplicity and quick change management that the mission editor might want. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Vehicles-Overhauling-Script/blob/main/vehicles-overhauling.VR/vehiclesOverhauling/_VO_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from VO script: Define what vehicle type have automatically access to ground, air or nautical services (rearm, repair, refuel); Define what service each station (asset) will provide: repair, refuel or rearm or all of them (full service); Every object/asset on Eden Editor can be traceable as station automatically, it's up to the mission-editor; Once defined which assets are stations, on Eden you just drag and drop the asset and the script will track them; All repair, refuel, and rearm Arma 3 and its DLCs assets are already tracked; All repair, refuel, and rearm RHS and CUP assets are already tracked; 100% compatible with CBA+ACE. No code or triggers is needed on Eden Editor; Just one file to set your mission needs easily: fn_VO_parameters.sqf; Script working as gold on hosted and dedicated servers; Demo: Main file > fn_VO_parameters.sqf: Dependencies: None! Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Vehicles-Overhauling-Script From Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2758919670 Missions running it: Tanks & Helicopters (Light) Tanks & Helicopters Livonia Tanks Theater TvT Bradley Furious - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: 2022-Oct-07, v2.2: news, fixes and notes here. Known issues: Critical > Dedicated Server > If two or more players are in the same armed vehicle, the vehicle will rearm two or more times after spend some ammo ------ (WIP) Critical > RHS on > Air Doctrine > RHS airplanes are NOT rearming properly. ------ (WIP) Important > ACE on > Repairing > if the vehicle got damage only in wheels/tracks, guns and/or turret, the repairing doesn't run; Minor > ACE on > Refueling > I'm trying to hide the pump hose; Minor > ACE on > Repairing > If the vehicle starts to cook-off with a repair station close, the vehicle gets repaired, but still cooking. Cheers, thy
  11. haleks


    Mod version : 0.2.8 (2022.05.29) Remnant (formerly known as the MyST project) is a new mod inspired by Death Stranding, and aims to offer a fun and sandbox experience, with sci-fi and paranormal twists to the survival genre. This is a work-in-progress endeavour, and both scope and releases will gradually evolve over time : very much like Ravage, it will start "small" and grow up... And hopefully provide fun and appealing ways to play Arma 3! Premise With this project, I want to take a slightly different route for the sandbox & survival style. Arma 3 is a great platform for survival & zombies scenarios, but its near sci-fi context is often at odds with our usual idea of what it will/should be like. The idea behind Remnant is to make the best of both worlds, and to propose an alternative take on the "end of the world", more grounded in science-fiction and technology (and a bit of paranormal too!). Release Plan Tools First : Remnant will be very similar to Ravage in design, providing ready-to-use modules for mission making. Those modules will include spawn systems, random objectives generators, light survival mechanics, but also less orthodox, immersion-based tools. The Endgame : The mod includes demo missions to showcase new features, but the ultimate goal is to assemble an interesting premise with room for both "classic" Arma gameplay and new ways to challenge the players. Remnant will offer sandbox and objectives-based scenarios for both SP and MP. Features *The Phantoms More Coming Soon... Changelog License Remnant Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request. Using Remnant Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden. You may not reupload this mod on Steam. Special Thanks This project would be stuck in a temporal loop if not for the help of my supporters on Patreon - thank you guys! And of course a big shout out to the broader modding community for sharing knowledge and tips. Download : Remnant v0.2.8 How can you support the Remnant Mod? If you want to support me, you can donate any amount you want, no matter how modest it may be, or support me on Patreon.
  12. Welcome to Vandeanson’s Apocalypse All info is kept up to date below: Workshop Vandeanson's Apocalypse DISCORD
  13. Let's have some fun! This is a shooting range made with one goal in mind, an endless sandbox. The range features explosive targets, popup and non-popup targets, distance signs, vehicle targets, drones you can control and drop explosives with, and much more! Watch the trailer for this scenario: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUa75OlTJVM Range 69 features four radio triggers Spawn an enemy group of five people 200m away from player and they will run towards your location (they will engage when seeing the player). Spawn an enemy chopper (non-lethal) that will loiter around the shooting range. Holy boom (just made for fun). Spawn 4 puppets, ready to eat some bullets (non-lethal). More features The range plays music and features 8 custom songs. The music can be stopped by shooting the radio. You can reset all pop-up targets by using the laptop. You can skip 7 hours by using the action at the camping chair. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818095797 This is a range located in Tanoa so you need the APEX DLC to play this.
  14. Hello, we are currently developing a Arma 3 sandbox server where you can basically do anything, the problem is, that the vehicles only respawn when they are destroyed, when someone takes a plane and lands it somewhere like molos airfield it will remain there until someone picks it up. I want that the vehilces respawn when thy are left alone but the built in feature doesn´t work at all, so my idea was to trigger the respawn like every 60 seconds that all vehicles respawn but how can i trigger every 60 seconds for ever ?!? thanks for your help Marvin Letsche Admin at German-Gamers.net
  15. (WIP) Weapon Attachment Trader Script for Ravage Fellow Ravagers, in case you want to be able to buy weapon attachments such as scopes, silencers, flashlight or laser pointers in your Ravage mission, in addition to the original Ravage traders, look no further;) Functions of the script - Spawns a trader at a marker position (multiple markers are possible if you want the trader to move around) - Matching attachments for weapons as defined per array - the first item the trader sells matches the players current weapon (if carrying any) - uses rvg_money as currency - checks if you have enough money and enough space in your inventory before you are able to buy an item - the base price per item is set at 90 with some randomization (per item sold) each time the script is triggered - currently the items sold refresh after you select "Back" in the scroll menu. Each time you press back you get to call for new items to be offered. - after successfully buying an item, the position will be removed from the scroll menue How to create, use and Install the script: Step 1 - init.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code -------> [] execVM "TraderspawnAtt.sqf"; 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name -----> init.sqf 5. Move the init.sqf to your mission folder. =================================== Note - if you already have an init.sqf then just add the code from 2 to it. init.sqf: Step 2 - Back.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> Back.sqf 5. Move the Back.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= Back.sqf : Step 3 - TraderspawnAtt.sqf 1. Open notepad. 2. Copy this code ------> from the spoiler below 3. Paste the code into your notepad doc. 4. Save the notepad document with this name ------> TraderspawnAtt.sqf 5. Move the TraderspawnAtt.sqf to your mission folder. ========================================= TraderspawnAtt.sqf OR: add custom items: If you want to define the attachments that may be sold by yourself, copy the below code into TraderspawnAtt.sqf instead of the above and add your attachment classnames in the array AttachementArray =["classname1","classname2"]; Script Dependencies: - Ravage mod is required to run this script - CBA (required by Ravage) Using the script without Ravage mod: If you want to use this without the Ravage and CBA mod, you would replace the currency ("rvg_money") with whatever classname of an item that you use as currency. Setting up the Script in the editor: 1. Start your mission via editor and place markers named: mrkrTR_1 2. To name a marker, add the above name into the Variable Names field like this: mrkrTR_1 Place your player and start your mission. Personalize the script - (additional markers) The trader will keep respawning at one location, if only one marker is placed. 1. To place more markers and achieve that the trader is "moving around", just add additional marker names under _traderspawn = [.....]. in the script. 2. The last marker needs to end without comma "mrkrTR_5"];. Leaving a comma at the end of the array "mrkrTR_5,"]; would not work. 3. Place the new markers on the map. Adding items The script selects Weapon Attachments based on randomly selected weapons from WeaponArray =[...]; Add remove weapons there to ensure attachments that match your weapons will spawn. To Dos: - find a way to sell back Weapon Attachments (to a lower price) - general code/script optimization and simplification - i might add some delay before the item list can be refreshed with "Back". - gather your input and change stuffs to make it better;) - MP not tested, happy to receive input on how to make this MP friendly Other stuff that is in the pipeline @ Vandeansons script factory: - Different Tier of traders connected to a reputation system (would be a separate script) - Vehicle trader (Planes, Helis, Cars,...) - currency exchange to allow for two different money systems (e.g. trader ravage currency versus the currency from HG Simple Shops) - Adaptation of the EDN_Fortification Base building mod to include it into your Ravage mission (spawn in collectible Blueprints, spawn in building materials, customize and add own blueprints) - Dynamic and infinite ongoing task generator connected to reward system (e.g. Money, equipment...) - tasks are either automatically assigned one after the other upon completion or document folders are spawned into in buildings around the player that, after collecting it, will assign a new task =================================== Changelog v.0.1 2018.08.22 - release of working version
  16. I've been writing code to optimize runtime and immersion. Here's a quick video I did of the features. If there is interest I will continue development and steer it with feedback. MTW integration House loot etc, prior to MTW Short Looting Video
  17. This is a persistent campain using the Drongo RDC Module, check the mod page for more information about this mod. Note, this mission is builded to be played for 25 player on a dedicated server. Steamworkshop link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1867605255 Main features and rules Drongo RDC is designed to make dynamic campain progression, so its depend if the player complete or fail the mission on each session, so here a quick description on how the mission work. Ticket management There is 40 ticket for the whole team of player, 1 death = 1 ticket lost, 0 Ticket = mission fail. To avoid any exploit every immobilised player cannot leave the session, he must die or be revived. Custom HQ The player can get all the vehicle faction at base, recruit AI, HALO Jump and fast travel between the FOB and MHQ. AI Management The mission is playable alone (or for low amount of player), so each player can recruit 10 AI max/group at the HQ or FOB. Each AI cost 1 Ticket, they can be dismissed and get back the ticket, they also benefit from the same insta death protection, so they can be revived or revive any player. F.O.B The player side got 3 F.O.B box where the player can recruit AI, rearm, build fortification and get soft vehicle or static weapon. The FOB system is totaly persistent, the box and all the construction made by the player are saved between server restart or new generated mission. Secondary features and credit Unique Class Features -Any squadleader class is able to call C.A.S, Air transport, Ammodrop. -Engineer is able to build sandbag wall, woodplank and pole, so they build nice homemade bunker everywhere on the map. (they must have a toolkit in bag) Dynamic Ai Patrol (AI Spawn Script Pack) All vehicle and soldier type. (enemy and friendly) Dynamic AI Artillery (RYD_FFE Script) AI can handle any artillery piece against enemy player or AI. (RYD_FFE Script) Logistic (by R3F team) -Every object builded at the F.O.B can be moved or loaded in vehicle. -Advanced sling loading is used by default in the mission. Client features -Dynamic View Distance (by TAW) -Mag Repack (by Outlaw) Note on client and server performance I spend some time on optimisation client and server side, so the mission is highly optimised and offer a good framerate for client/server and lag free, more detail below : -Dynamic sim is used on each vehicle spawned at base. -Configured GF Cleaning script, so the player vehicle are not deleted (no bad surprise) -ZBE AI cache Script is used. -Max view distance is 3500m. -Every secondary object like vegetation, box, wreck, trashbin are hidden in town to offer the best framerate client side. Mod compatibility -Any sound or movement mod is recommended. -The mission should be compatible with ACE and TFAR. -The new AI mod LAMBS.danger should be compatible. !!!do not use this AI mod!!! -VCOM AI and TCL will breack the mission so do not use it. (I didn't try with ASR AI)
  18. Welcome to Vandeanson's Basebuilding! In this thread I will cover everything about my WIP basebuilding mod. V0. 2: feature showcase and introduction V0. 3 - I have re-written the blueprint creation function. It is now easy for users to add new custom blueprints or delete default blueprints when creating a mission. - added an option to rotate the object (the object that is being built) - added an option to get object closer or further away (max distance can be limited, currently at 5m) - GRAD persistency enabled for placed stuff (tested in client hosted and dedicated) - placed objects can be destroyed, you get back scrap materials (which can be refined into other materials again later) - moving an object will save its new position via GRAD - added a few new materials - added place-able light source with on / off switch. I plan to add a feature that requires a generator connected. See light showcase: next steps: - release updated showcase video - add more blueprints - add GRAD setting to save collected material per player - "Move" and "deconstruct" addactions to be saved via GRAD - adding possibilities to destroy other players placed objects - adding blueprint spawners, so players can collect and learn new blueprints - material traders - loot system for all materials that may be found (currently wood, stone and sand can be farmed) Looking forward to receive any input, suggestion or ideas from the community. A playable mission demo will follow shortly. Cheers VD 
  19. Direct download : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XqYe2BydiXoGRWNWDPY2cjtTz7-67KPj Steamworkshop : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1711959480 !!! Mission for dedicated server!!! Video exemple : Description of the game mode : Sandbox game mode with the CSATs, the base of the mission is quite simple, enemy occupied areas (NATO) are generated randomly, once the secure area a new one will be generated randomly. Incidentally there is a small playable NATO team (5 slot) to oppose an additional resistance, thus creating more difficult and unforeseen situations. Configuration of the mission : CSAT : -Main base or all CSAT vehicles are available. -Recruitment of up to 10 AI per player. -Vehicle maintenance area. -Aircraft Configuration Zone (Pylon custom). -3 box F.O.B (fortification construction, static weapon, light vehicles, AI recruitment, arsenal, respawn point), note that the F.O.B are brand so that opposing players can know where they are located, in order to create conflicts around the F.O.B CSAT. -HALO Jump. NATO : -Rudimentary post, only light vehicles and light helo are available (transport, combat), heavy vehicles will need to be requisitioned from NATO IA. -Recruitment of up to 10 AI per player. -1 F.O.B crate (fortification construction, static weapon, light vehicles, AI recruitment, arsenal, respawn point), take note that the NATO F.O.B will be invisible in order to give an advantage to NATO players who are 4 times fewer in number. Globale content : -Approximately 80 operating areas. -Dynamic IA activity that adapts to the actions of players such as setting up mortar camps, S.A.M, land and air patrol. The zones where the AI are setting up installations are not indicated on the map, so as NATO gradually tries to block you with barrage shots or to defeat any air action. -Engineers can build sandbagwall (need a tool kit in inventory). -Zeus interface for server admin. -The group leaders of each faction have the automatic support (C.A.S, transport, ammunition drop). -Cleaning system (performance manager) every hour empty vehicles, body, stuff on the ground are removed to keep good server/client performance over the long term, players will be notified 2 minutes before the cleaning sequence. Script : !!! Be careful not to use the modes already included in the mission !!! -!!! NRE Earplug !!! -!!! Outlaw mag repack !!! -!!! Advanced sling loading !!! -!!! TAW view distance !!! -!!! AIS medical system !!! -!!! ZBE Cache !!! -Bon recruit unit -AI spawn script pack -R3F logistic -Virtual vehicle spawner
  20. Vandeanson's Apocalypse - the Mod: A "plug and play" mod that will spawn various sites and AI, fully randomly placed that will be dynamically de and respawning for ongoing survival action! NOTE: This is not a MISSION. This is a dynamic site and event spawner, that runs on top of any mission that you start while the mod is active. It spawns in sites based on player position, terrain and your settings (to change settings, you must edit your mission in Eden Editor - > Settings - > Addon Options). Never again will it be pointless, dull and boring to run around in armas beautiful forrests, just because all the loot and action is stuck in cities and other remains of civilisation! My mod will spawn in bandit camps to raid, small survivor hideouts to find and loot in the deepest forest, crashed helicopters that should definitely be searched before other survivors get there, ferocious packs of wild dogs that will jump you in the dark or animals to hunt for survival. Find a tame horse as a compagnion and tie it up next to your homebase while setting up barricades and boobie traps to fend off attacks against your newly claimed home. Zombies just got deadlier with the infection feature. When getting hit, you might catch a deadly infection that will drain your stamina and lifeforce over time. Stack up on anti virus pills to cure yourself! You will never rest easy, knowing that your steps may be watched from far and the moment you get too comfortable at a place, bandits pick up your trace and hunt you down! VANDEANSONS APOCALYPSE (STEAM DOWNLOAD) INSTALLATION: 1. Subscribe to the mod and activate it and CBA_A3 in the A3 launcher Whenever you start any mission (self made or from steam) , the mod will start to spawn in sites according to the default settings. 2. to adjust VA settings, open the mission you want to edit, or create a new one in Eden Editor, go to Settings -> Addon Options -> select the "VDA" options to see what you can change (there are a lot of options for customisation) 3. NOTE: the plane spawner requires you to place the following markers by default, else the planes spawn in the debug zone: "VD_PlaneMrkr_1,VD_PlaneMrkr_2,VD_PlaneMrkr_3,VD_PlaneMrkr_4". You may add or remove markers. 4. if you play on maps like chernarus, cover the empty terrain with large area markers and name them. enter the area markers name into the field under "VDA -1- General Settings" to blacklist that area from landsite spawns. 5. similar for shipwrecks and boats (cover inland lakes with additional area markers) so the shipwrecks and boats wont spawn in lakes inland. 6. Place your player and play. (Place the gamemaster module to check if the mod is working as ZEUS) FEATURES : - random and automatic position finder for all features. No marker placement needed (see INSTALLATION gor exceptions) - sites de and respawn after a adjustable time and while no player is close - Bandit Camps - Hideouts - Shipwrecks - Crashsites - Tradercamp (custom weapon attachment trader, custom trader for ravage respawn tent backpacks, all ravage traders) - AI Patrols - Animal Spawner (Goats & Sheep, can be gutted and eaten with the Ravage mod) - Spawners for Boats, Planes, Helicopters - Medical Sites - Zombie Infection Script for the RAVAGE mod (change the zombie parent if you want this to apply to other zombie mods) - JBDOG feral dog spawner - DBO Horses spawner (you need to subscribe to this mod separately, if you wish to use the spawn feature) - No Rest! spawner (checks if player stays at a place for too long, if so, might spawn AI hunters ) - loot spawns at all sites - Max Joiners melee weapon mod is automatically included in the loot economy and player equipper. AIs wont spawn with melee weapons however. This requires the max_melee weapons mod. No dependency is created. GENERAL: - dynamic simulation is enabled for all spawned AI and structures. Simulation is enabled based on your view distance settings minus fog, plus scoped view distance to save FPS - automated loot arrays based on active mods (e.g. CUP, RHS,... will be integrated into the features) - option to blacklist items from loot arrays - option to exclude Arma 3 Vanilla and DLC items from loot table - option to exclude various mod sub content (e. g. CUP Uniforms, or IFA3 Backpacks...) - adjustable AI equipper (or option to use Ravage Equipper) - adjustable player equipper (or option to use Ravage Equipper) - CBA_A3 Settings to tune features in Editor while making a mission - possibility to add blacklist area markers for land sites (e.g. Bandit Camps) and coastal sites (e.g. shipwreck and boats) - adjustable spawn ranges and despawn timers - MP compatible to my best knowledge, please report any issues - the default currency is the ravage money, fyi. Without ravage mod active, it will just not spawn without error - adjust the amount of sites/features that at spawn to your needs or disable specific features if you dont like it - plane spawner: the only feature that requires you to place markers, check the CBA3 settings for it. 4 markers are pre defined, you may add as many as you want and place such markers at airfields. All placed markers will be a potential spawn position for planes - This mod creates NO dependency! UPCOMING/PLANNED FEATURES: I have quite a bunch of ideas for new features and plan to improve and extend the mod going forward, no ETA gor such features however. AI Spawner: - AIscavengers that move from house to house in a city and then return to a hideout z nearby to drop off loot, then go back to scavenging - AI spawner in case players spend a lot of time at the e same place (e.g. Looting a city) - chance for AI groups in any feature to be military grade geared, rather than random low quality survivor gear - some sort of simple basebuilding, crafting and ressource gathering feature - a mission generator - optional loot economy (to fill buildings with loot) - option to include heroes survive - option to include zombies & demons (e.g. A ambient Z spawner) - fake underground sites such as bunkers or caves TO DO'S: - not all arrays are automated (automated means, items or structures of active mods are put into category for use in my script) - automate heli, plane, heliwreck, boat arrays based on active mods - automate inventory items REQUIREMENTS : Note that this mod requires CBA3. CUP Terrain Core is also recommended, as some structures from it are used. There is no dependency however. Ravage has been the inspiration for the mod and this mod is made with Ravage in mind. There is however no dependency, you can use the mod with our without Ravage. THANKS: Thanks to all the great guys on the BI forum for their help and advise. With special thanks to George Floros GR, Johnnyboy, Mr H., HazJ, Larrow, pierremgi, Haleks, Grumpyoldman, Gunter Severloh, the Ravage folks, all followers of my topic thread and anyone i might have forgotten right now. HELP TO IMPROVE: Please subscribe, rate and let me know any issue that might occur, I would appreciate receiving any feedback that helps me improve the mod. Cheers VD
  21. Here we go... again...... INGLORIOUS BASTARDS Live up to your (in)famous name by shattering enemy's operations, leading a squad of the deadliest SF operators in the world. No fame, no glory...just the gratitude of the man beside you. This is my FIRST COOP MISSION, so even if I tested it extensively, there may be some bug/fruck-ups...which I beg you to report. Play COOP or recruit AI SF operators, take advantage of superior technology and assets to strike fear into the heart of the enemy. Operate in the shadow or full power. Play as you like!!! SITUATION: -After a powerful Islamization of the island of Malden, right offshore the coast of norther-west AFRICA, the extremist faction known as Boko Haram carried out a coup, overturning the legitimate government. Some units of the regular army still oppose a tenuous resistance, but the hopes are few. Due to the presence of ''sensitive assets'' useful to our government (i/e offshore oil rigs and selenium mines ), a task force of SF operatives is deployed with the task of ''crippling'' the rebels in preparation for a landing of the UN blue helmets. MISSION: -The mission is based on Drongo's Area of Operation, which will give you random tasks and objectives. To win the campaign, players must 500+ victory points (from killing enemies and completing missions). Killing an enemy troop gives .5 points, completing a mission gives 10 points. There is also a ''Political Will'' rating which is reduced by civilian casualties and failed missions. If it reaches zero, the campaign will be failed. Campaign progress is automatically saved at the end of a mission. MISSION TYPES: Sweep: Enemy forces have garrisoned various buildings near the objective. Clear the enemy from the area Demo: Locate and destroy the objective. SEAD: Locate and destroy the SAM/AAA vehicle. Assault: Destroy the enemy forces occupying the town. Downed Helo: Locate the downed helo and recover any sensitive items from the wreck (move next to the wreck for a few seconds). Search and Rescue: Locate the downed pilot. Move close to him and he will join your squad. Bring him back to base. QRF: Send a Quick Reaction Force to rescue an ambushed squad and bring them back to base. HVT: Locate the HVT and use the interact key (TAB by default) to first arrest him, then interrogate him. Destroy Squad: Kill all members of the designated squad. Destroy Vehicle: Destroy the designated vehicle. Seize Intel: Seize intel documents from an enemy commander. Assassinate: Kill the enemy HVT. FRIENDLY ASSETS: -At your disposal, you'll have: * Recruit option, with a selection of SF operators. * CAS and TRANSPORT full heli support. * INCON-AIRPOWER bomb strike support * UAV Drone surveillance * Access to Virtual Arsenal. * Supply and vehicles Drop. * Satellite access. * HALO drop. MOD REQUIRED: COMMUNITY FACTIONS PROJECT (CFP) CUP TERRAINS CORE DRONGO's AREA OF OPERATION HERMES AIRLIFT SERVICES 1.8 (NOT NEEDED FOR THE SINGLEPLAYER ONLY EDITION) NOTE: CFP mod has his own dependencies. CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS: @GEORGE FLOROS GR for the CARGO DROP SCRIPT and his invaluable help with the recruit script. Bon's Infantry Recruitment Redux -- by Moser @Dankan37 for his JDAM bomb script. @pierremgi for his REVIVE SCRIPT @rickoshayfor his cool HALO+C-130 script. @Gunter Severloh AND @Rydygier for the HERMES AIRLIFT SERVICES @Incontinentia for INCON-AIRPOWER SCRIPT Drongo for his AREA OF OPERATIONS mod. CFP team for the cool Community Factions Project CUP team. EVERYONE ELSE THAT HELPED ME directly or indirectly, which due to my aging brain, I 'm forgetting. EDIT: "I told ya my brain is getting old and forgetting things....." HERE'S THE LINK: STEAM PAGE SINGLE PLAYER ONLY EDITION: STEAM LINK Included in the SINGLE PLAYER edition, custom GUI squad selection, full heli CAS & transport menu, with more immersive operators personal background and units logos. OK...HIT ME NOW..HARD😜
  22. Foreword Hey all. I got into scripting after we, our small group, hat countless accidents within Antistasi, gamebreaking Shenanigans and very unfitting situations. Basically that made me look into scripting as i 'wanted to make it better'. Antistasi was hell lot of a fun experience and we had great moments. Still, we kind of wanted something on our own. Something fitting to our Mercenaries Style. Mods We made this with the mods we use. So, sorry, no CUP, no German Army or anything else. Here's the Mods we use (we go for 'Less is More'). I dont list mod-musts and prerequisites. Like cba and acex. - Complete RHS Set - ACE - ADV ACE CPR - inidbi2 (Database) Used Map: -Altis We like Altis and how it offers so many diverse Regions. -Tanoa When Beta the Beta of the Default-Mission ends. Feature List: - Arsenal Dump Script Basically, takes all the vehicles, unloads them, sorts everything out and puts everything, that you (may) have unlocked into the ace arsenal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFaBeSf4F8g - Satellite Scan Scans your surrounding for Units and Vehicles. Markes them for short duration as 'Unknown' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAerUgexcTw - Realistic Parking For Air & Land Vehicles we have designated spots. Your vehicles is parked (and saved for persistence) as it is. Which means: The better you park, the more vehicles you can use. No virtual parking garage. (Video below Faction ID) - Faction ID As we use Vehicles from all Factions, that is also represented for the Players itself. You can take over the Vehicle's Faction to be 'one of them' unless you start hurting those people you 'represent' for the time of the disguise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTeFBTiyGT4 - Money Its a very simplistic system currently, but we can already earn money and it will be saved through the persistent campaign. WIP Features - Shop System with Ace Arsenal Users want the maximum experience and the ace arsenal is near perfect. Choose, pay, get back on the battlefield. - Civillian Mission Set A broad variety of missions based around Civillians. All from medical services up to bodyguard service. Our/My Vision on PMC Setting We all like a realistic scenario und good (scripted) missions. Sadly, i never found any unit doing all kind of Future Setting Missions and participating in a Future Setting Like War. The PMC Setting was the same Missions, just named differently by so many other Clans/Units. Instead of wearing Camo Outfits, they wear Cargo Shorts and white Shirts. Task Force Crow (Einsatzgruppe Krähe) was always meant to be a Mercenary Force. We are hired guns. Not Military. We are a Private Military Security Company. Thus we started to create exactly that scenario. We have two clashing forces: East & West. They fight a war. We are taking Contracts. Missions. Humanitary ones, Military ones, Civillian ones, Illegal Ones. The possibliities doing such a scenario are huge. What if i tell you, that you can capture a vehicle, and instead of using it, you can try to sell it on the black market. But not a virtual marked, where you just click and hope for a good price? What if i tell you, you have to bring the vehicle to someone, to hope that this someone is now screwing you over. To get a offer of money for the vehicle. And what if i tell you, that the possibliity is there, that, whoever vehicle this was before, may show up with special forces to bring it back? We dont talk about a freaking Toyota that cost maybe a couple thousand dollars. We're talking big Numbers. And, since we like it as realistically as possible, the numbers respect that as well. You dont pay 25k to unlock a tank and when it's gone you say "Eff it, we gonna get another one". You will be hurt when your tank is blown up. You will feel it, the time you did to get that huge machine. We try to create a Mission-File that takes the Sandbox to the PMC-Side. To offer you: Do what you want. You will do it for money. And you will decide where your goal will be. Total Domination on your own? Support an Armies Cause? Or will you fuel the war so you will be 'freaking rich'? Yes, we aim for a very script heavy mission but the time spent is worth it. We already use the Zeus to make the Missions and use the scripted features we already have. It grows and, with the start of the alpha-phase, you could also play this mission. At least, if you're interested in the PMC-Setting. Since the majority of ARMA-Players understand and/or speak English, we make everything within the Scenario in English language. Later, at the alpha-phase, we will also offer a german version with futures updates. Alpha/Closed Alpha Start - Closed Alpha: August 2019 - Main Alpha Start: December 2019/January 2020 If you have questions, or you think i am missing information(s), just ask here and i will (try to) give you an answer. Until then: Have a good time and see you soon.
  23. Ravage Guide This is a Small guide concerning how to Survive in Ravage. Made by Myself, Haleks, Gunter, EO, And Gill. Hope you all enjoy it!
  24. Old West - Wild West Map Description: Have you ever thought of playing actual western-type sandbox in ArmA III? It could happen really soon. The Old West is the first mission-map for ArmA III, that is set up in the American Wild West. It is made on Altis, though it doesn't look like one. It was remade with old west architecture to feel the entourage. And you know what is the most exciting thing here? It's 100% vanilla. Plot: You're living in a harsh world of the American Old West. The world is actually set up in Monument Valley, Arizona-Utah, USA. There is a lot of locations. Towns, villages, Native Americans tribes and etc. Towns are living, saloons, stores, churches, and other places are waiting for you to come (and spend some money, if you want). Snapshots: https://imgur.com/a/3CuC6 (old) https://imgur.com/gallery/TmphF9l (new) Features: Big map Western atmosphere Ambient music script Enterable stores and saloons Many more... Optional content: DBO_Horses Project Infinite - All In One Status: Still in development. Approximate release date: very soon.
  25. Description: At Malden, there's nothing but death and ruin. All that's left are wandering infected plunderers and murderers. You are slowly but surely running out of food and your dog's stomach is growling. You have no choice but to go. In the north of the island there may be a boat at a small hiding place to escape from here! Features: Ravage Features:http://ravage.wikia.com/wiki/Beginner's_guide Scripts in Mission: GF_Earthquakes, Alias Duststorm and Nuclear Strike Script, Vandeansons Dynamic Bandit Camps and JohnnyBoy´s JBOYDog THIS MISSION IS WITHOUT ZOMBIES CAUSE THE DOG DONT DO DMG TO THEM OR GET KILLED BY THEM FAST! - Play in Singleplayer and try to Escape Malden with ur best friend - Command your dog through the dangerous areas of Malden (PRESS T FOR COMMAND MENU) - Open World Escape Survival - Fight against Renegades and OPFOR Bandits, no one is friendly! - Eat, drink and try to find a tent or a bed for the night - Radioactive Zones (TURN ON YOUR GEIGER MULLER COUNTER!) - Ravage Bandit Camps - Hunt animals for meat, and let boomer bring you the hunted meal Mods u need: - CBA_A3 - Ravage (Ravage is NOW also available at Steam, but u can download and discuss Bugs here also: Other recommended Mods: - JSRS Soundmod - Dawn of the Dead: Infected Skins Addon - Enhanced Movement - QS Mag Repack Compatible Mods: - Friths Ruins - RHS Complete Pack - Cup Weapons & Units - Warfare Thai Mod - Iron Front Lite KNOWN PROBLEMS: - Boomer sometimes need some time to follow you (FIXED; New version with better behavior) - Dog Script doesnt works correctly sometimes (FIXED; Should work much better now) - Sometimes there are Sound errors (FIXED) - Dog Commands dont work after loading a safegame (FIXED; thnx a lot to Johnny Boy!) Planned Stuff: - Adding JBOY Birds of Prey script Special Credits to Johnny Boy for his amazing work with the JBOY script, and respect for his deceased dog! Dropbox Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ilqhmbk56rmz9c/A_Man_and_his_Dog_SP.Malden.pbo?dl=0 (Just right click, download) Steam Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1388181081 I hope you will enjoy it and even if not there are other very good Ravage Missions out there! Just search the WWW for Armaholic or the steam Workshop.