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  1. WHILE I'M REALLY THANKFUL TO THE COMMUNITY OR ANYONE WHO'S ENJOYED THE MISSION, I'M REALLY SORRY TO REPORT THAT DUE TO LACK OF TIME AND INTEREST, (HONESTLY GOT A BIT BURNT OUT OF ARMA...)AT THIS TIME THE CAMPAIGN IS NO LONGER FOLLOWED/SUPPORTED BY ME. I'LL GLADLY GIVE PERMISSION TO ANYONE WILLING TO UPGRADE/FIX THE CAMPAIGN. ORIGINAL FILES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. AGAIN, THANKS TO EVERYONE. ZAGOR OUT. Howdy folks... This is the SUMMER version of my GHOST RECON: WINTER WILDLANDS This is an open-world dynamic SINGLE PLAYER mini-campaign, sand-box style with multiple objectives with TOTAL freedom on how to execute the tasks. Main story-driven and SIDE missions tasks, with mini-games, quests, intels searches, sectors clearing, search-and-destroy enemy weapons, drugs, and money caches, and a massive manhunt. Play as you wish: Be a shadow of death or wreak havoc with the firepower of "USS Freedom" carrier support. The Campaign is packed with features like: -Randomly placed MAIN TASKS, so every new game is different -GUI-selectable AI Ghost Recon teammates, from worldwide Tier 1 operators. -GUI-operable heli CAS and TRANSPORT. -Scuba and SVD map-selectable insertion. -Immersive player & AI teammates HALO jump, with HALO-gear swap, free-to move inside the plane, and red/green lights effects. -CRUISE MISSILES support with custom made "lock-on" HUD, target description, and a confirm target command. -Cluster bombs air-strike support. -Supply and vehicle drop with sound fx. -Boat services from the carrier deck. -AI auto revive -Enhanced briefing and tasks overview And some other fun stuff scattered around the island. This is a BETA version, so feel free (actually I encourage you) to report bugs and problems. Many, MANY thanks to all the community that helped along the way, but a special thanks goes to:  - @DÄZ for the AWESOME GUI he made for me - @crazy mike for the Altis WINTER 2035 Terrain - @rickoshay for the awesome HALO and Hose clearing scripts and extensive help with the scuba script. - @pierremgi for the AI revive script, HUD creation. - @johnnyboy and @Magirot for the "sink the trawler" script - @GEORGE FLOROS GR for the supply drop script - @Grumpy Old Man for the carpet bombing script. Not to forget: Leopard20, Grezvany13 Lou Montana ansin11 IR0NSIGHT R3vo Connor And anyone else always ready to help us mission maker, and the truly inspiring HUNTER SIX CAMPAIGN. SORRY if by any chance I left somebody out, but it' 3.45 AM and I'm getting tired...LOL. Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2312555701 NEEDED MODS: CBA CUP Community Faction Projects. CUP terrain core NOTE: Some MODs have their own dependencies. Please, do NOT upload the mission somewhere else without asking permission. All the content it's free to use for anyone that wants to de-PBO the mission and get pieces of it, as long as you give credit to me and/or to script authors. HOPE you'll enjoy playing as much as I enjoy making it, and feel free to give feedback, report bugs, or any other issue. ps: READ THE BRIEFING!!!! The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is not an official add-on or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2018 Zagor64bz rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  2. WHILE I'M REALLY THANKFUL TO THE COMMUNITY OR ANYONE WHO'S ENJOYED THE MISSION, I'M REALLY SORRY TO REPORT THAT DUE TO LACK OF TIME AND INTEREST, (HONESTLY GOT A BIT BURNT OUT OF ARMA...)AT THIS TIME THE CAMPAIGN IS NO LONGER FOLLOWED/SUPPORTED BY ME. I'LL GLADLY GIVE PERMISSION TO ANYONE WILLING TO UPGRADE/FIX THE CAMPAIGN. ORIGINAL FILES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. AGAIN, THANKS TO EVERYONE. ZAGOR OUT. REDUX IT'S OUT!!! Here we go again ladies and gentlemen... ...after extensive work I have REWRITTEN this mini-campaign, cleaned it up and now it runs with good FPS. This is a BETA version, so feel free (actually I encourage you) to report bugs and problems. Many, MANY thanks to all the community that helped along the way, but a special thanks goes to: - @DÄZ for the AWESOME GUI he made for me - @crazy mike for the Altis WINTER 2035 Terrain - @rickoshay for the awesome HALO and Hose clearing scripts and extensive help with the scuba script. - @pierremgi for the AI revive script, HUD creation. - @johnnyboy and @Magirot for the "sink the trawler" script - @GEORGE FLOROS GR for the supply drop script - @Grumpy Old Man for the carpet bombing script. Not to forget: Leopard20, Grezvany13 Lou Montana ansin11 IR0NSIGHT R3vo Connor And anyone else always ready to help us mission maker, and the truly inspiring HUNTER SIX CAMPAIGN. SORRY if by any chance I left somebody out, but it' 3.45 AM and I'm getting tired...LOL. Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2312487711 NEW: SUMMER EDITION: "GHOST RECON: ALTIS WILDLANDS" NEEDED MODS: CBA CUP Community Faction Projects. CUP terrain core Winter Altis 2035 NOTE: Some MODs have their own dependencies. Please, do NOT upload the mission somewhere else without asking permission. All the content it's free to use for anyone that wants to de-PBO the mission and get pieces of it, as long as you give credit to me and/or to script authors. HOPE you'll enjoy playing as much as I enjoy making it, and feel free to give feedback, report bugs, or any other issue. ps: READ THE BRIEFING!!!! The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is not an official add-on or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2018 Zagor64bz rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  3. A Mod based on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, which covers the series from the original era until Ghost Recon Wildlands. It is primarily focused on making a functional and working CROSSCOM 2.0 system in Arma, based on the one from Advanced Warfighter and Future Soldier. Youtube Showcase- https://youtu.be/WH3YTKi3eJ8 Ghost Lead, Kozak, Pepper and 30K sweep through a European village with the CROSSCOM active. Allied squadmates are shown as Blue, while hostiles are Red, civilians white. The shape denotes unit type- infantry are diamonds, vehicles squares, with icon shape, size and color as close to GR's as possible. The small feed in the bottom corner gives a real time grid reference (GRD) and time. (LMT) Here you can see some OPFOR units that have been tagged by the HUD- if the players lose sight of the units the HUD projection/ feed will show a broken outline at their last spotted location, before disappearing over a short time. A screenshot of some players moving through a mission built for the CROSSCOM mod- A Ghost Team deployed to the Mediterranean in order to find and eliminate an enemy BODARK recon team, who are supporting Militia units in the area. This video uses outdated uniforms (VSM V1- and the current uniforms for the various Ghost Recon era soldiers are VSM V2.) Technical mod information- The CROSSCOM will IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) targets out to 200m for infantry, 300m for vehicles, in a colored diamond for infantry, square for vehicle, similar to Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter- Red is hostile or unknowns, Blue is allied squadmates. Weather, time of day and the amount of cluttered terrain or stance all affect the HUD- it's harder to get an accurate read for the CROSSCOM when at night, in bad weather such as a storm or typhoon, and prone targets in brush terrain are harder to tag than standing targets in the open. The HUD also gives a readout of your current grid reference (GRD) and time of day (Local Mean Time, LMT) in the corner of the screen. Squad Linked HUD- The HUD is linked between squad members, meaning if one player spots a target it will appear as tagged for the entire squad if they are in close proximity to each other, out to about 50-75m between the individuals. I recommend disabling the ingame Squad hexagons when using the CROSSCOM. Broken LOS Area marks- If you have no direct line of sight to the tagged target or have lost line of sight to the target, for example if an enemy ducks behind cover, a broken outline of the diamond or square in the respective colour will appear in the last spotted location for a short period of time before fading on your HUD. The CROSSCOM is linked to several inventory items, and will only boot up and be enabled if you are wearing those items- the mod scans your inventory upon spawn and gives you tactical googles if you have no CROSSCOM item, meaning that the mod is usable in all custom missions and even in the official campaign, but bear in mind that it is rather over-powered for the base game campaign. UAV Supported- If you have a UAV overwatch in your mission that is controlled by a player who had the HUD, the UAV can tag targets for infantry or armored units. If a squadmate has the HUD enabled while linked to a UAV drone, the UAV's tag targets will be projected onto the HUD of the UAV operator and all infantry units in that squad, visible as a tag which can been seen through obstacles such as hills and terrain. If your UAV looses visual on the enemy forces the tag is removed after a short period of time. In addition to the HUD, the mod also moves the player's third person camera to an over-the-shoulder perspective, similar to the Ghost Recon games. Ghost Recon Faction- The mod includes a faction of units based on Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group 'Ghost Recon' during the three major time periods over the course of the series. This includes the 'Classic Era', which covers the pre-GRAW (pre 2013) time period, and the soldiers are armed with M4A1 Carbines, M249 SAW's, M14's and MP5's. Classic units are equipped in M81 camo and have no CROSSCOM auto-enabled. Notably lighter gear and lack of helmets compared to later depictions of the units. All unit have loadouts/ units based on the PS2 or PC version of the game, Veteran Difficulty, with some liberties taken for game play reasons, such as adding smoke grenades, which were not in the original. All classes are based on the game's preset kits and options. Yes, before anyone asks the brown Ghille is correct and not a mistake, as both the Island Thunder and Jungle Storm campaigns have the Ghost's Sniper unit wearing a brown Ghille suit. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare/GRAW Era covers the Mexican Civil War period of 2013-2014, and soldiers from the Bolivia campaign in Ghost Recon Wildlands are also included. Credits- Deadfast (Shoulder camera) and TPW for original HUD code, used with permission. List of CROSSCOM supported items- Tactical Glasses, Tactical Googles, VR Headset, Assassin Helmet (Black), Viper helmets. Download Links- Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1274118490 Armaholic- http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31449
  4. Sorry, but due to unpleasant comments in the Steam page of this mission, i/e "absolute crap.." "learn to optimize..." ,overall regarding low frame rate issues, I DELETED the links and the campaign will be ON HOLD until further notice. Real life matters are my priority right now, but when (and IF) I'll get motivated again I will try to to optimize It. Never the less, thanks to all the peoples that played the mission and actually enjoy it. This is the NEW AND IMPROVED SUMMER version of my GHOST RECON : WINTER WILDLANDS. The snowy terrain was heavy on the CPU and most players reported low fps and stuttering. Changelog: -removed all the mods dependencies (ONLY REQUIRE CBA) -Most scripts cleaned up and/or improved -Support-unlocking tasks added -Boats operation & support -New DLC cruise missile support -New DLC cluster bomb support -Flyable Heli and Fighter planes -Improved briefing with pictures SITUATION: Year 2025: uncontrolled illegal immigration carried out for years in southern Europe and the economic collapse of many Mediterranean countries provide fertile grounds for the rise of organized crimes groups.Their grow was undisputed and hardly controllable.Inspired by the newly acquired power, new generation of Mafia Bosses did the unthinkable,something their grandfathers thought never possible: form an alliance. Italian,Russian and Balkans Mafias instead of fight each others unite in a massive crime enterprise, a.k.a. "CERBERUS inc.". Like the three headed mythological monster, guardian of the underworld, it keep peoples in their living hell. Thanks to the resources at their disposal, they have set their base of operation on a island, Altis, from which they direct illegal weapons, drugs, prostitution and money laundering business. The Island small military force was quickly overthrown by a well trained and equipped private army, hired by the criminal's coalition.The few local government opponents have been corrupted, threatened or worse, eliminated. Kidnapping,tortures,public executions are carried out daily to keep the population under control. The world's governments have decided to end the reign of terror on Altis. A task force with the best elements from some of the world elite's Special Forces was created: they are the GHOST RECON . Their mission is to dismantle all operations of the "CERBERUS" organized crimes coalition on Altis by cutting the monster heads, in preparation for a major peacekeeping operation. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** This is a SP/Mini campaign, open terrain mission, where you decide what to do and how. Be a shadow of death or wreck havoc with the firepower of "USS Freedom" carrier support. The Campaign is packed with features like: -Custom GUI for in-game team members selection -Custom GUI for Transport / Cas -AI auto-revive -Dual main weapon script -New DLC CRUISE MISSILES strike support -New DLC Cluster Bombs run -Custom supply and vehicle drop with radiochat -Scuba UDT action and BOAT Ops -Rest / skip time feature -Side mission with mini-games and custom intels -Randomly placed MAIN TASKS, so every new game is different -ONLY REQUIRE CBA The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2018 Zagor64bz rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Castle Composition

    Hi folks Something I built a while ago for one of my GR Campaigns and thought I should just release the castle walls as a composition. Not sure how to upload a composition via Steam - search on Google tells me not possible so let me know if there is a way or I'll upload it on Armaholic. Background is, original Ghost Recon had a brilliant map called Castle which featured in missions but was extremely popular for PvP. The key features were walls which you could run around on, towers you could enter and 3 choke points to enter the castle from. Obviously there are no castle walls you can run on in Arma 3 but using some innovation, I flipped some ruin walls around on each and voila. Also towers couldn't be climbed but you will find access to the walls via several wooden staircases and through some small entrances at the base of 2 of the towers (clever use of tower windows ;) ). You will have to crouch as you move between tower doors as they are low overheads, but all in all, it should provide some fun. I left the middle empty so once placed on the map you can fill the castle with things like buildings, fortifications, more castle ruins, etc. Check from 4 minutes for moving across the walls - note if player crouches he will get through the with relative ease. Link to file - http://fileshare.link/3ff0614d047ad5eb/castle_walls_1.rar
  6. can anyone point me in the right direction on how to install the Ghost Recon mod? I am having trouble