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About CptStampede

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    Arma3 / MMO´s / Simulations

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  1. CptStampede

    Ravage Devastated Altis

    Hey mate, sorry but i cant help you right now cause i cant locate the problem... On other mashines the Missions seems to work fine. Do u got all Dlc´s?
  2. CptStampede

    Ravage - A Man and his Dog

    - Added more loot possibilities, but lower loot chances - Added Alias Nuke Script - Changed Starting area a bit - Added Car Patrols
  3. CptStampede


    Yeah that was also my first idea but i already placed a building with very much stuff in it, and i dont want to change everything... I thought of a function like the from the wiki. But i will blacklist it then first. Thnx a lot EO!
  4. CptStampede


    Ok that would be a workaround, but if i just want it for 1 or 2 self placed house? I mean your workaround would stop spawning for all buildings with the same class, right?
  5. CptStampede


    Hey guys i need an advice, how can i prevent a house from spawning furniture?
  6. CptStampede

    Ravage Devastated Altis

    I changed the Vanilla DLC dependency, pls check if it works now! I added a new version on steam and im uploading it to my dropbox too.
  7. CptStampede


    Never had that problem... Are u using any other AI spawning mods or scripts too like maybe ALiVE or something?
  8. CptStampede

    Ravage - A Man and his Dog

    - Added 3 possible survivors on the Map, maybe they can help u a bit on your way through Malden? (This is like an easter Egg, go find out urself ;) )
  9. CptStampede

    Ravage Devastated Altis

    I added a version for dedicated Servers that should work fine! Pls tell me if u got any problems with it!
  10. CptStampede

    Ravage Devastated Altis

    Mission got an Update: - Added patroling Darter to BLUFOR Base(s) (Not connectable for players) - Added Artilery Option for Players (only at Mainbase!) - Changed behavior of Guards at Mainbase (They should now attack all kind of enemies) - Made a few additions to Mainbase - Added small Outpost next to Base - Added Artillery Base - Changed some Markers at the Map
  11. CptStampede

    Ravage Devastated Altis

    Thnx @kaotixkc ! Love to hear player enjoy my Mission. Well yeah its a bit hardcore i know, but i think thats the spirit of Ravage! I will think about adding a few more starting items like medipacks to the players starting equipment. If u play solo try to take a recruit with you, they will help u a lot! There are 2 at the mainbase right now and 1 hidden ;) somewhere else :P
  12. CptStampede

    Ravage Devastated Altis

    Thank god there are translators at the internet! Well buddy, 550 Subscribers at steam were playing this the last days... Can you describe your problem in more detail? I also uploaded a fresh version on my dropbox too!
  13. CptStampede


    The Gear trader seems to be broken. He sells so much stuff u cant see everything cause the list is too big... I dont know if selling works, havent tried it before :)
  14. CptStampede


    Wonderful kodabar! Can i add this to my missions at steam to give a short overview about ravage?
  15. CptStampede

    Ravage - A Man and his Dog

    I Updated a few things: - added OPFOR Bandits (More Action on the Map now!) - Possibility to find intact cars is higher now - Added some Mission Stuff (Outro Music and some small stuff by myself) - Added Gutting Knife to Player inventory - Changed starting Daytime from 8:00am to 2:00pm - Changed Random Radioactive Zones to static, u will still need ur Geiger Muller Counter!!! Thnx for your attention!