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About Casio91Fin

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  1. Casio91Fin

    GF Fog Script - Mod

  2. The problem is that when the ownership of the sector changes. It also resets my counter and starts over. (the counter resets when the players clears the sector of enemies. And the players is inside the sector itself too.) How would I get the counter to remember? Otherwise, it won't happen even if the enemy takes over the sector and the players later take it back. initServer.sqf .......\Mission.sqf";
  3. I finally solved the problem after many steps and experiments. If anyone has the same type of problem here is the script for it.
  4. how could I fill the random helicopter with soldiers? some helicopter only has 6-8-12-more +++ seats, how could they be filled. how to get the script to calculate the free positions and fill them with infantry. I have looked at other people's works, but they are very confusing scripts. _Helicopter = [_SpawnHeliPos, _dir, _UseHeliTransport select floor (random count _UseHeliTransport), east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _Heli = _Helicopter select 0; _totalSeats = [_Heli, true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount; _crewSeats = [_Heli, false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount; _cargoSeats = _totalSeats - _crewSeats; for "_x" from 1 to _cargoSeats do {..spawn....inf.....}; the script does not recognize BIS_fnc_crewCount at all ???
  5. how to reset the timer if the other team takes even one of the three sectors and how to even make such a timer?
  6. How would I get the AI to spawn around an area if the sector is owned by "Blufor"/"IND"/"Opfor" and attack those sectors? And if the AI has taken over the sector and the AI should then be ordered to defend the sector after it has taken over the sector. Or to go inside houses. SectorA, SectorB, SectorC this is just an example: while {_TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { while {count units west <= _MaxActiveAI - 1 && _TotalSpawned < _MaxAiTeams} do { //Infantry 1. if (_MaxActiveAI - count units west >= 10) then { for "_x" from 1 to 1 do { private ["_Team_Leader", "_New_Soldier"]; New_AI_Team = createGroup [west, true]; AI_Team_Spawn_Pos = [AttackCenterPoint, 1000, 2000, 4.5, 0, 1] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _Team_Leader = New_AI_Team createUnit [TeamLeadersClass select floor (random count TeamLeadersClass), AI_Team_Spawn_Pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _Team_Leader setRank "SERGEANT"; _Team_Leader allowFleeing 0; _Team_Leader setSkill (0.62 + random 0.18); {_Team_Leader disableAI _x} count ["MINEDETECTION","LIGHTS"]; {_Team_Leader enableAI _x} count ["COVER","AIMINGERROR","SUPPRESSION"]; sleep 1; for "_x" from 2 to (2 + (round random 3 + 5)) do { _New_Soldier = New_AI_Team createUnit [InfantryClass select floor (random count InfantryClass), AI_Team_Spawn_Pos, [], 0 ,"NONE"]; _AI_Random_Rank = selectRandom ["PRIVATE","PRIVATE","PRIVATE","CORPORAL"]; _New_Soldier setRank _AI_Random_Rank; _New_Soldier allowFleeing 0; _New_Soldier setSkill (0.55 + random 0.15); {_New_Soldier disableAI _x} count ["MINEDETECTION","LIGHTS"]; {_New_Soldier enableAI _x} count ["COVER","AIMINGERROR","SUPPRESSION"]; }; New_AI_Team deleteGroupWhenEmpty true; { _x addEventHandler [ "Fired", {_magType = "MRAWS_HE_F"; if ((_this select 1) == "MRAWS_HE_F") then {(_this select 0) addMagazine _magType;} else {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1;}}]; //When unit gets killed it goes into ragdoll state for a short while. _x addEventHandler ["Explosion", { params ["_unit", "_damage"]; if (_damage < 0.01) exitWith {}; _unit awake true; _unit awake false; }]; _Infantry = _Infantry + 1; } forEach units New_AI_Team; New_AI_Team setVariable ["canMerge", false, true]; 0 = [New_AI_Team] spawn {_grp = _this select 0; {_x enablegunlights "forceOn";} forEach (units _grp); _grp setSpeedMode "FULL"; while {{alive _x} count (units _grp) > 0} do {waitUntil {sleep 5; count (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") > 0}; _justPlayers = allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F"; _player = ([_justPlayers,[],{(leader _Grp) distance _x},"ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy) select 0; _pos = getPosATL _player; if ((_grp knowsAbout _player) isEqualTo 0 && {random 10 > 1}) then { _pos = [getposASL _player, (15000/(_player distance2D (leader _grp))) max 1, (20000/(_player distance2D (leader _grp))) max 5, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;}; _grp move _pos; sleep ((random (((leader _grp) distance2D _player)/4)) max 60);}; deleteGroup _grp;}; _TotalSpawned = _TotalSpawned + 1; format ["Enemy Team Spawned: %1 / %2 \n More Info: \n Infantry: %3 \n Land Vehicles: %4 \n Aircrafts: %5", _TotalSpawned, _MaxAiTeams, _Infantry, _LandVehicles, _Aircrafts] remoteExec ["hint"]; }; }; }; sleep 10; }; update: I found something similar, but only based on the color of the marker they attack the target. progress: I could get it working, but a new problem arose. The sector takeover notification didn't appear and the sector remained dark even though I was able to take over completely and the enemies spawned as they were supposed to. progress 2: working version received, has been tested on SP but not on MP and server. initServer.sqf Mission.sqf
  7. I finally got the defense module to work, but the problem is the planes that spawn directly on the ground and not fly directly? And how do I get only certain factions to spawn? or certain characters. And the second question is how to prevent night time from coming? The third question is how to set the parameters in the Defense module? ideas for these questions.
  8. Casio91Fin

    lock it AddAction

    Thank you very much and I'm going to test it on the weekend when my friends have more free time. I'll tell you how it worked. I promise there will be feedback. feedback: is good and functional, even though a lot of work has been done.
  9. Casio91Fin

    lock it AddAction

    @mrcurry you are free to help and build the script
  10. Casio91Fin

    lock it AddAction

    @mrcurry thanks for your help, it works very well. but now i have to figure out how to release the role if the player wants to change the role to someone else e.g. auto rifleman or other character.
  11. Casio91Fin

    lock it AddAction

    i have made progress lite bit, but still i need help with this. Now i need to know, how to stop given to other players this gear. so long that player release this role/gear. script: this addAction ["<t color='#339933'> Take gear 'AutoRifleman'", { if (diag_tickTime < (uiNamespace getVariable ['tag_cooldown', -1])) exitWith { hint (format ['Toon soon! Please Wait %1 seconds. \n There is a possibility that someone has already taken this role %2', (round ((uiNamespace getVariable ['tag_cooldown', -1]) - diag_tickTime))]); }; _cooldown = 180; uiNamespace setVariable ['tag_cooldown', (diag_tickTime + _cooldown)]; [] execVM "AutoRifleman.sqf"; }, [], 1, false, true, "", "_this distance _target < 3"];
  12. How could I lock the AddAction, for example someone would have taken the role "AutoRifleman" or "AT Rifleman " and if the player gives up the role it would somehow appear as free to take. And that role could somehow maximize how many people could get that one.
  13. @Crazy_Man is it possible to get as a file? I know it's been a while since this has been done, but it would be nice to try it out of curiosity
  14. how i replace dead gunner with own team member?