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  1. Hi guys! im playing arma reforger like 25 hrs but suddenly im getting gpu hang problem im gonna put what is saying under this; This report includes files that may contain personal information. For more information about how we process your personal data, please visit https://www.bohemia.net/privacy-policy. Following files will be included in the report (if they exist): C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-08-20_16-24-18/dxDiag.txt C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-08-20_16-24-18/crash.log C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-08-20_16-24-18/console.log C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-08-20_16-24-18/script.log C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-08-20_16-24-18/error.log C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile/.save/ReforgerEngineSettings.conf C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile/.save/ReforgerGameSettings.conf C:/Users/Alperen/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/logs/logs_2024-08-20_16-24-18/ArmaReforgerSteam_2024-08-20_16-36-22.mdmp In addition, following summary information will also be included in the report. User: DESKTOP-PMH0I9R\Alperen Computer: DESKTOP-PMH0I9R Mode: Client Version: Command line: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\ArmaReforgerSteam.exe" -addonsDir D:\ReforgerMods -addonDownloadDir D:\ReforgerMods OS: Windows CPU: AuthenticAMD: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor RAM: 16306 MB GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 VRAM: 5954MB GPU Driver: 560.81 [ 30.7.2024 (22 days) ] Exception: GPU hangs!
  2. Hi Folks. My goal is set in my mp training scenario a kind of randomized CQB "killhouse" generator, and I was lucky to find between my old files a scenario folder that have it. It works perfectly in SP but in MP have a problem, and is when my buddys join in scenario walls and targets are not synchronized between the server and the players. I must clarify that I don't know anything about scripting. I understand that the function of the script is to hide the walls and targets randomly to give a dynamic impression to the killhouse. It works with ACE mod menu. Below I leave the details: In a transfer switch init (Land_TransferSwitch_01_F) named "training_tools": _killhousecategory = ["KILLHOUSE", "KILLHOUSE", "", {}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _targetcategory = ["TARGETS", "TARGETS", "", {}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _rankillhouse = ["KILLHOUSE_RAN", "RANDOMIZE", "", { private["_w", "_walls"]; _walls = []; _w = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 45 do { _w = _w + 1; _walls set [_count, format["w%1", _w]]; if (_w == 45) then { _w = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0; } forEach _walls; for "_count2" from 0 to 45 do { ranval = selectRandom _walls; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _rantargets = ["OPFOR", "[TAR] OPFOR", "", { private["_t", "_targets"]; _targets = []; _t = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 51 do { _t = _t + 1; _targets set [_count, format["t%1", _t]]; if (_t == 51) then { _t = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0.8; } forEach _targets; for "_count2" from 0 to 51 do { ranval = selectRandom _targets; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _ranciv = ["CIV", "[TAR] CIV", "", { private["_civ", "_civilians"]; _civilians = []; _civ = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 33 do { _civ = _civ + 1; _civilians set [_count, format["civ%1", _civ]]; if (_civ == 33) then { _civ = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0.99; } forEach _civilians; for "_count2" from 0 to 43 do { ranval = selectRandom _civilians; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _cleartargets = ["CLEAR", "[TAR] CLEAR", "", { private["_num", "_targets", "_civilians"]; _targets = []; _civilians = []; _num = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 51 do { _num = _num + 1; _targets set [_count, format["t%1", _num]]; _civilians set [_count, format["civ%1", _num]]; }; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject true; } forEach _targets; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject true; } forEach _civilians; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _targetcategory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _killhousecategory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "KILLHOUSE"], _rankillhouse] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _cleartargets] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _rantargets] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _ranciv] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; There are a total of 45 internal walls named consecutively (w1, w2,......w45). There are a total of 51 opfor targets named consecutively (t1, t2,......t51). There are a total of 33 civilian targets named consecutively (civ1, civ2,......civ33) Sorry, my english sucks. Greetings and thanks
  3. Spawn civilian hostage with init, and problem with addAction. The addAction does not work, I have tried several calls like... _x, _this, this, leader CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1... and nothig. Helpme please and thanks. //nul = [] execVM "spawns\CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_Loop_1.sqf"; //while {true} do { [west, ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B"], ["Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes.","Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes."], none, "CREATED", 2, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; systemchat "CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1"; CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1 = [getPos player, civilian, ["C_Man_formal_4_F_tanoan"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //{_x doMove ASLtoATL getPosASL PenBLU_OTANDESERT_MEN_Obj_1; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setCombatMode "RED"; _x setskill ["courage",1];_x setUnitPos "UP"; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1; //{ _x setCombatBehaviour "SAFE"; [group _x, getPos _x, 10] call BIS_fnc_TaskPatrol; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1; { _x disableAI "PATH"; _x setCaptive true; _x setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; // Add rescue action _x addAction [":: Rescue - Rescatar :: ", { ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1","succeeded"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate; {_x setCaptive false; _x enableAI "PATH"; _x setUnitPos "AUTO"; {[_x] joinSilent group player;} forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1; } ]; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1; waitUntil {({alive _x} count units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) < 1;}; ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B","CANCELED"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate; //};
  4. I am new to Arma modding. I am making a addon for my squad to play with. Im making a troop transport vehicle with a mg on top like the m113. The turret rotates when i move the mouse but when I fire the bullets keep shooting in the original turrets direction. I have watched videos and searched the forums for a solution for this problem but I haven't been able to find a solution. I'm using Blender for the modeling with the Arma toolbox addon. Many of the posts by the people with the same problem as i have very little responses or solutions that haven't worked for me. The only clue for fixing this, is a forum post I found that had the same problem. I have obviously tried the solutions mensioned here but none of them have worked except I didn't understand the last reply. If any of you have experienced this problem and know a solutions or have a suggestion please leave it here or if there is a forum post with a solution that i havent found then link me to it. Also on a side note if anyone knows how to make the models walls not seethough on both sides without extending the walls to make them two planes then please leave it also here. Thank you.
  5. Problem: So i hosted a Arma Server on my dedicated PC, that is on a alt account, after i set up everything with TADS as i always do i try to log in through LAN on my main account and i get "You were kicked of the game. Steam Authentication Failed", the main problem and it's a confusing one is that i only get this error when i try to join my new fresh server, if i join Warlords or any OFFICIAL servers i have no issue. What i tried: I tried to run the server with my main account where i own Arma3 but i found out that you can not HOST and play ARMA at the same time, steam gives me an error when ever i try and either disconnects the server or it doesn't let me play/launch the game.
  6. Please please please bohemia you need to sort out being able to ban xbox players. It is sullying the experience for many people. Allowing the, although few, players who keep on trolling by Shooting out tires on supply trucks/destroying vehicles at spawn hindering match progress, and now, with free building, using up supply's at the start of the match too stop progress. Also using grenades to TK at spawn and then themselves respawning to avoid negative ranking to avoid a temp ban. Spamming proximity and radio with nonsense and racist comments, spaming text chat with racist comments. Please do something or at least update us on some progress to fix this issue. You will lose players otherwise and with the limited amount of people playing I don't think you can afford to lose many. Today I hopped on, as soon as I joined I noticed a players name and knew the match and matches thereafter would be filled with trolling and greifing. I knew that once that player would be temp banned eventually he would just return with on of his many alt accounts, of which I have captured video evidence of from a previous match. The guy then when on an alt and did the same stuff to the opposing side. The same game there were at least three people actively tolling and greifing make gameplay pretty much impossible. Fix it it.
  7. Hi, Im trying to setup a server with some mods. Initally I started the server without mods and worked fine but now i keep getting this error and i can't find a solution: $ ./arma3server -mod="@CMBA_A3;@cupterrainscore;@LAMBS_Turrets;@LAMBS_Suppression;@LAMBS_Danger;@ace;@ACRE2;@ACRE_Animations;@dui_squadradar;@FOW_ACRE2_compatibility;@FrenchArmyS-35_MediumTankStandaloneMod;@IFA3_ACRE2_compatibility;@IFA3_AIO;@IronFrontArmA3-ACE3_compatibility_patch;@ironfrontarma3-facesofwar_compatibility_patch;@KAT-AdvancedMedical@NavalLegends;@ZeusEnhanced;@ZeusImmersionSounds;" -port=2302 -name="SM90 Mission" -config="server.cfg" OUTPUT: 12:47:18 Could not enable linux core dumps. Error 1 - X�����P�� 12:47:18 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible! 12:47:18 Initializing stats manager. 12:47:18 Stats config disabled. 12:47:18 sessionID: 7f9b501a2a8769a95a0b08035917bd8ab1efb263 ErrorMessage: Cannot open file '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamcmd/arma3/@FrenchArmyS-35_MediumTankStandaloneMod\addons\gr_s35' Application terminated intentionally 12:47:22 ../lib/Network/networkServer.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! Cannot open file '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamcmd/arma3/@FrenchArmyS-35_MediumTankStandaloneMod\addons\gr_s35' 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Critical:Destroying running thread! 12:47:22 Extensions: Thank You
  8. Guys please if someone can do a quick test of what is happening with such a simple command? is it broken or what? No error, RPT is empty, tested every possible variant: player removeItems "rvg_money"; R01 removeItems "rvg_money"; {_unit = _x; {_unit removeItems _x} forEach ["rvg_money"]} forEach (allUnits select {!isPlayer _x}); both single and multiplayer and nothing happens!? Command removeItem works normally, but of course, as you know it removes only one item from any unit inventory storage starting from uniform, but if there are 10 items I need to run code 10 times to remove all. It is not resolving the problem because the items that the unit is carrying are obtained from one part of the mission and carried over to another phase of the operation so I don't know how many of the items the unit will carry, but I need him to be "clean" of that specific item at all so the only way is to run code thousand times to be sure - what is not cool at all. I am so sad that I need to create a new topic for such a small problem but I don't see any other way also I need it urgent to be served tonight and nobody of my dudes can't test it on another computer right now so please if anyone can do this or knows the other solution. Thanks in advance
  9. Hello. I've had a problem with many vehicles lately. The AI is not shooting vehicles that are marked as "MRAP". I should mention that the AIs with a rocket launcher or an AT can and will shoot at the intended vehicle. The other AIs are literally ignoring the vehicle and just going away even when the gunner is shooting at them. I've already seen a couple people with this problem on MRAPs, and I can fully understand that the AI is programmed to consider a vehicle too strong for them to shoot at it, BUT I have a mod, that's called "Pedagne Mod" (it's an Italian mod that ads a lot of Italian vehicles) and there are vehicles that are certainly not too strong. The Italian army uses the VTML Lince a lot, and that's why I want to use it too. I invite you to see an image of the Lince on Google so that you can get an idea of what I'm talking about. I'm not using any kind of AI mod. Only LAMBS sometimes. I've tried searching the config.ccp file in the Lince but I couldn't find anything relevant. Please help, I'm literally going crazy.
  10. i have recently set up my server and headless client. but there is 3 of it in server browser. why is that? any way to fix it?
  11. Olliestir4884

    unit media upload issue

    Hello, i am currently having problems uploading media for my unit, whenever i upload the media it says it ran into an unknown error, i have been trying two days in a row now. I use opera GX and run an ad blocker, not sure if this has an effect? thanks, ollie
  12. Look - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm49wREACiU Pleas, help
  13. Hi Does anyone know why I get this error message when running the mission. Here is my code: Here is what is in my ORBAT module: What have i done wrong?
  14. Hey! I've tried solving this a couple of times in the Arma discord, but no-one seemed to know what was happening. Whenever I try create a cinematic moving-shot on my custom-map, there is a very noticeable shadow-flickering ruining the shot. I think I've tried all different kinds of cinematic-settings, and even attempted re-building most of the lighting in my level, but the problem still persists.. and I am out of Ideas of what to do 😅 (This only happens on one of my maps) Example: As you see, the shadow end up in all different kinds of directions (only happens with the high-detail shadows) Does anyone know what's going on, or what I could try to fix this?
  15. I'm gonna be crazy with sqf. 🤯 What's my goal? How did I tried to get that? I've tried it in different ways and my best try was like that: Initialization: Up to here it works fine. Now I want to include the exercise to the addAction of the laptop and put it in another .sqf. The Exercise (and the problem): Any idea? If I now post all my tries I think it take to long. I think I got it as compact as possible to understand what I've done. That's just to one range. There are much more in the initializing but I deleted it here because not necessary at this point. I've no errors until I try to implement a number of maximum targets. 😞
  16. Hello everyone. I make a mod and easily switched standart ammo (B_65x39_Caseless) into a custom ammo in Type 115, but i have some troubles with second ammo (50BW) I looked through a lot of forums, lines in the ARMA 3 configurator and even converted BI Config, but I didn't see a single class responsible for using Type 115 50BW. I already have ready config for the magazines, but they only replace the basic magazines on the Type 115. Thanks for any help and sorry for grammatical mistakes. // here only ammo and rifle, because the configuration has 1000 lines, but I can throw off the entire config. class CfgAmmo { class BulletBase; class V_20_Ball_Corp_F: BulletBase { airLock=1; hit=22; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; typicalSpeed=550; airFriction=-0.0020000001; caliber=4.1999998; cartridge=""; model="\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_green"; tracerScale=1; tracerStartTime=0.050000001; tracerEndTime=1; nvgOnly=0; dangerRadiusBulletClose=12; dangerRadiusHit=16; suppressionRadiusBulletClose=8; suppressionRadiusHit=12; }; class V_20HE_Ball_Corp_F: BulletBase { airLock=1; hit=25; indirectHit=3; indirectHitRange=3; typicalSpeed=550; airFriction=-0.0020000001; caliber=4.1999998; cartridge=""; model="\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_green"; tracerScale=1; tracerStartTime=0.050000001; tracerEndTime=1; nvgOnly=0; dangerRadiusBulletClose=12; dangerRadiusHit=16; suppressionRadiusBulletClose=8; suppressionRadiusHit=12; }; class V_55x50_Standart: BulletBase { hit=13; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; cartridge=""; aiAmmoUsageFlags=64; dangerRadiusBulletClose=3; dangerRadiusHit=4; suppressionRadiusBulletClose=1; suppressionRadiusHit=2; cost=1.2; airLock=1; typicalSpeed=1100; caliber=1,5; model="\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; tracerScale=1; tracerStartTime=0.050000001; tracerEndTime=1; airFriction=-0.00089999998; }; class V_55x50_HE: BulletBase { hit=16; indirectHit=1; indirectHitRange=1; cartridge=""; aiAmmoUsageFlags=64; dangerRadiusBulletClose=3; dangerRadiusHit=4; suppressionRadiusBulletClose=1; suppressionRadiusHit=2; cost=1.2; airLock=1; typicalSpeed=1100; caliber=1,5; model="\A3\Weapons_f\Data\bullettracer\tracer_red"; tracerScale=1; tracerStartTime=0.050000001; tracerEndTime=1; airFriction=-0.00089999998; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Default; class CA_Magazine; class CA_LauncherMagazine; class 5Rnd_20_Mag_Corp_F: CA_LauncherMagazine { author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; scope=2; displayName="5 патр. 20мм"; descriptionShort="$STR_A3_CfgMagazines_10Rnd_50BW_Mag_F1"; ammo="V_20_Ball_Corp_F"; count=5; initSpeed=580; picture="\A3\Weapons_F_Exp\Data\UI\icon_10Rnd_50BW_Mag_F_ca.paa"; tracersEvery=0; lastRoundsTracer=0; mass=12; }; class 5Rnd_20HE_Mag_Corp_F: CA_LauncherMagazine { author="$STR_A3_Bohemia_Interactive"; scope=2; displayName="5 патр. 20мм (Гранаты)"; descriptionShort="$STR_A3_CfgMagazines_10Rnd_50BW_Mag_F1"; ammo="V_20HE_Ball_Corp_F"; count=5; initSpeed=580; picture="\A3\Weapons_F_Exp\Data\UI\icon_10Rnd_50BW_Mag_F_ca.paa"; tracersEvery=0; lastRoundsTracer=0; mass=12; }; }; class CfgMagazineWells { class VAR20Mags { VAR_Magazines[]= { "5Rnd_20HE_Mag_Corp_F", "5Rnd_20_Mag_Corp_F", }; }; }; class arifle_ARX_blk_F; class arifle_ARX_V_F: arifle_ARX_blk_F // Type 115 { author= "Vuldemar"; _generalMacro= "arifle_ARX_V_F"; baseWeapon= "arifle_ARX_V_F"; displayName = "VAR-520"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; picture= "\V_weapons\Data\VAR-520\UI\VAR-520_icon.paa"; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo1", "camo2" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\V_weapons\Data\VAR-520\arifle_ARX_blk_01_F_co.paa", "\V_weapons\Data\VAR-520\arifle_ARX_blk_02_F_co.paa" }; magazines[]={"40Rnd_55VAR_mag"}; magazineWell[] = {VAR55Mags,VAR20Mags}; //VAR20Mags in this line, replace main magazines }; };
  17. Hello! I bought recently Arma 2 complete collection=all dlc-expansions pack I played Arma 2 a lot of years ago (retail) on a worse machine that the one that i have and i dont remenber this kind of performance this is what happens: changing graphics settings affect my FPS (at low set high fps and at high set less fps) ok? Well, the problem is that the game almost look the same, ugly. It looks even worse or similar to Arma 1! And im talking from the lowest to the highest setting. Yes, some things change a bit, but the big graphic thing remains the same. Every texture looks like it is low resolution, like OFP!! Im not pretending to play at the highest settings, but at least, medium one with a logic look Besides that, there is some texture popping up, or slow rendering (when you go far from an object) the strange thing is that, some things have excellent detail, for example: the humvee has arma 1 textures but you can see the water/moist on the headlights The player ped and the IA look decent too Its like, there is a texture, but there isnt a 3d thing going on And the weirdest thing: i can run arma 3 on decent fps and, looking more normal and logic my specs: intel i5-5200u intel hd620 Ram 8Gb DDr4 And when playing the game isnt even close to 60/70% on the cpu thanks!!
  18. So i tried to play Arma 3 after seeing that 3,7GB update but i can't connect to servers because of "wrong version of the game". This is the same for the modded and not-modded version. Veryfication of local data doesn't work too.
  19. nathan miller

    Missing items

    As of late I have noticed some items from my inventory owned (not loadout) have been dissappearing. This was noticed after I loaded up the game and noticed certain guns where at a lower count. This has incorporated many weapon variants and from white to gold. Also some consumables have also vanished and are now at a lower count for no reason? I can post a list following a response if necessary. The latest removal overnight was that of 1 ADR, 2 aur hbarT, 1 a74 KSU, 2 M22, 1 a74k, 1 vz.52 , 3 m2 carbine, 2 Thompson, 1 mp5k ,1 Remy m870, 2 svd, 1sharftschutzengewehr 82, 1 mgv. This is an example just from last night to this afternoon that has dissappeared. Please help.
  20. When I play on xbox and shoot while aiming, no damage is done to players and objects. There are also no signs of a hit. When I shoot without aiming, there is damage and hits. Someone had a similar problem? I tried playing on different servers and nothing changed. ( I play keyboard and mouse)
  21. I'm probably just stupid but I play on linux and the game always starts directly from steam without opening the launcher. How can I open the Lauchner?
  22. I have a problem, where only in Armia 3 I had 120 hz monitor graphics card 2070 rtx The problem is that the game looks normal when I want to move suddenly the gamma jumps and there is a streak of such white something behind the characters, it can be seen in the recording than in the photos but I can't upload the video here could anyone help? I realy dont know what to do. I am also sending a photo of 2 normal soldiers where I did not move and I took the photo. Other photos 2 with these problem are down on post.
  23. paulipauli120

    Arma 3 local server problem

    Hello. When I host a local ArmA 3 server via the server browser menu, my friends cannot join. I have set in my router that my PC can independently release all ports it needs and I have also released all ports separately for arma to be on the safe side (port: 2302 ...) but under which IP can the server be reached? I've tried sites like whatsmyip but my friends can't join at this address. I have an IPV6 address. I want to buy the new Vietnam Dlc when it is available and then play the co-op campaign and therefore I want to see how it works with the local servers.
  24. Hi, Yesterday I tried to publish my mission to workshop but I couldn't do that because my space "bar" was red. It says that I need more space, but even if I delete 10 old missions and gain more MB free, space requirement gets higher so bar is still red.. I'm playing arma for a while now (1500 hours +) and I never saw anything like that anywhere.. if you know solution, please help me
  25. Hello. When I host a local ArmA 3 server via the server browser menu, my friends cannot join. I have set in my router that my PC can independently release all ports it needs and I have also released all ports separately for arma to be on the safe side (port: 2302 ...) but under which IP can the server be reached? I've tried sites like whatsmyip but my friends can't join at this address. I have an IPV6 address. I want to buy the new Vietnam Dlc when it is available and then play the co-op campaign and therefore I want to see how it works with the local servers.