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Found 21 results

  1. Hello, I played on the official Arma Reforger servers. And then I get kicked out of the game “the blocked player cannot participate in the session.” I thought this was temporary, but two weeks have already passed and I paid so much money for the game that I can’t play on the official servers? Is there any way to fix this? My steam account - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144740280/ Arma account - 263e47fe-0b75-46b7-83fd-c12940361ba9
  2. Dear Bohemia Interactive Support Team, My name is sukablat025, and I recently submitted an appeal to lift the ban on all official Arma 3 servers. My Steam nickname is sukablat025, and my Steam ID is [ 76561199433988722]. The ticket number for my appeal is [ #306847]. I previously sent a reminder yesterday, but I have not yet received a response. Could you please provide an update on the status of my request? I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, sukablat025
  3. Hi! Again 2-3 dudes mess up US-Server Games by dismantleing Radios. I am sincerly asking for the feature to autoban players who dismantle radios more than once. There might be a reason to do which i do not know but please make this a thing in conflict everon servers.
  4. After searching for information on the Internet, I realized that I was banned from dayz standalone. At that time, my Steam account was stolen and while I was regaining access to the account, the thief managed to play on the account with dayz cheats and get banned. I don’t know how to prove this, maybe because in those days I wrote to steam technical support about the theft of my account. I have never cheated in games and in arma 3 at the moment only 25 minutes. What should I do? I used Google Translate to write this message, sorry. BattleEye: Global Ban #41fdb6
  5. Hello, I am currently banned from the official Arma 3 Discord. I believe it was due to a mistake on my part by DM'ing a person who was looking for a Unit and that was against the rules at the time. It is my current understanding that this is now allowed. I would love to speak with someone or find a way to be unbanned from the discord. It was around 3 years ago and I would love to come back into the community.
  6. Please please please bohemia you need to sort out being able to ban xbox players. It is sullying the experience for many people. Allowing the, although few, players who keep on trolling by Shooting out tires on supply trucks/destroying vehicles at spawn hindering match progress, and now, with free building, using up supply's at the start of the match too stop progress. Also using grenades to TK at spawn and then themselves respawning to avoid negative ranking to avoid a temp ban. Spamming proximity and radio with nonsense and racist comments, spaming text chat with racist comments. Please do something or at least update us on some progress to fix this issue. You will lose players otherwise and with the limited amount of people playing I don't think you can afford to lose many. Today I hopped on, as soon as I joined I noticed a players name and knew the match and matches thereafter would be filled with trolling and greifing. I knew that once that player would be temp banned eventually he would just return with on of his many alt accounts, of which I have captured video evidence of from a previous match. The guy then when on an alt and did the same stuff to the opposing side. The same game there were at least three people actively tolling and greifing make gameplay pretty much impossible. Fix it it.
  7. In the course of 1 year I have bought dayz 7 times. You banned me while on live stream while I was doing absolutely nothing but base building. I proved it in my video but yet you guys ignored it and kept me banned without a reply. And every time after that with a new account no matter where I go or what I do I get banned. And I proved it’s your guys fault too because last night I started with a brand new pc that had nothing to do with my other account and yet BAM you guys still ban me. You have stolen so much money from me it’s pathetic and even more pathetic your company is so lazy you can’t give out reply’s. Dude fix your damn game and stop scamming people out of your service. I proved in videos I sent to you guys a year ago I wasn’t doing anything yet it’s still a problem.
  8. Magner85

    Ban Appeal steam: magner85

    Hello to whoever reads it. Sorry if my English is bad. The christmas holidays are coming, the period when I bought Arma3 nearly 3 years ago, maybe even more. Unfortunately I had to fight for my life a couple of days soon. Can`t tell the diagnosis but it doesn`t matter I think. The problem is that I managed it and live a relatively happy life. There`s only one issue. I had to return back my steam account because It was hacked or stolen, I don`t know. It took me 2 month to prove the steam support that that account actually is mine. When I finally returned it everything was ok except Arma3 game block... Maybe it`s too late to talk about it now, maybe no one plays Arma3 today, but I still would like to try ArmStalker or Arma3 DayZ or BreakingPoint. Tis game is quite expensive at the place i live, but that`s not the problem. Since 2018 theres no opportunity to transfer money anywhere outside Donetsk. Sorry if I waste your time, but... Please, remove the game block or at least tell me something about it. If it is impossible to remove ban, please delete the game from my steam account. I get upset every time I look through my game library and see the game I have but can`t play. Here is my steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402495477/ I tried to contact Arma3 developers, but the only thing I got are letters about new game content to my e-mail. Hope you`ll have good holidays With best regards, Magner
  9. Vanderman

    [Closed]Discord Ban Appeal

  10. SwiggidyDiggity2

    Application to be in-banned

    Hello! I have been a member of the Arma 3 community for years and I’ve met some very great people on the Arma 3 Official discord over that time. I was banned today out of nowhere and cited for “advertising” in DM’s. I mentioned my clan to a person and all of a sudden I was kicked with no warning. I saw no rules against that otherwise I would never have said anything. I’d like to request this ban be undone if possible. B. Zack on the Discord.
  11. Magner85

    Arma 3 Steam Game Ban

    Dear Bohemia Interactive I bough arma3 in steam nearly 2 years ago and went to the hospital for 1 month. I haven`t even played arma3. When I was discharged from the hospital I found that my steam account was stolen. It took me nearly 2 weeks to recover it. Then I found out that my account has Game Ban. I wrote to steam support. Steam support said to write to Bohemia Interactive directly. I did it. 2 years passed and nothing. The game costs really much for the country I live in. More than that, it`s impossible to donate to steam here. I don`t even know the reason of my ban. Please help me if you can. I have the screenshot of the account recovery but in Russian language. Here is my steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402495477/
  12. Hello folks. Before asking my question there is a need for a short explanation. I've played countless hours of Arma2 and DayZ mode, then moved on to Standalone. Played legitimately with no bad behaviour up until the beta seemed to become abandoned (6 months or so with absolutely no info from devs). And then yes, I cheated. And then got banned. And before some of you call me the devil or the cancer of community - I know that. The banwave was actually a huge relief as that was the moment I knew DayZ wasn't abandoned yet. I embraced my personal lifetime ban and while I am still not proud of it, I absolutely do not want to explain or excuse myself - this is entirely not the case here, so chill - please. As time flies I could start a new Steam account, buy the games (even easier to do with all these sales lately) and ignore my ban on a new PC, leaving absolutely no trace of my old activities. Thing is, I still believe the ban was deserved. Doing this would be another spit to the devs and the community. What I want to know is if I could somehow re-buy myself on my old Steam account. I believe my post here kind of prooves that I've grown up much since the said ban. I know I have absolutely no temptation to ruin other players experience anymore. So here's the question: With a global ban on DayZ:Standalone and Arma 2, will I be able to play Arma 3 after buying it? Or am I really forced to create another Steam account?
  13. Good evening. At First Sorry for my Bad English So I got a Arma Server a few Years, and yet i got no big Problems that i have solved myself or with help from Google or Forum like this. But now my Own Server keept banning me for no Reason, when i Join my Server i came to the Missions choice so as i Want and when i Wait i get Banned or i got enough time to select a Mission but the Server said no youre are Banned 😞 and i Only but 2 new Mods and a new Mission on the Server, befor everythink works fine... So i do this not for the first Time, I Downloaded the RPT file and Scroll to the end and there only stands "User name='JakoI3', pid=490450230, steamID=76561198101165559 banned" and Nothing else, i tried to Google what pid=490450230 means but witch no Result. So what have i Tried so far. yes i have unbann myself but the server keep Banning me. I Tried to turn off battleye but the server keep banning me .... I Tried to Remove Infistar but with no result. I Have Reinstalled the Server but with no result again 😞 So I Hope you can Help me out? and here are the Mods there are on the Server. DLCs Global Mobilization Mods CBA_A3 Task Force Radio RHSAFRF RHSUSAF RHSGREF LEN - Cold War Aircraft There are 2 Modpacks by Myself but i nerver has any Problem with them. New on the Server are Global Mobilization and LEN - Cold War Aircraft, and i try to run KP Liberation on Livonia but the Mission should´t Ban me. But anyway, thanks for any answer and have a nice evening. Full RPT Log
  14. Gaara-

    Am i Banned ??

    Every game or server i joun it just says u where kicked from the game ?? so i am banned ? and for what ?
  15. Snake.Pliskin

    0x2000 Temporarily banned??

    This is the worst auto-ban policy I have ever seen. First off, there is no notice to the user that I have been banned. I did not know I was banned until the loadout screen of the next map. I then realized I did not have my loadouts. Ok, I need to relogin, and I get this message: User is temporarily banned. [0x2000] WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?! WHY AM I BANNED AND FOR HOW LONG?!?!? It makes no sense to me, I didn't go and intentionally kill teammates, I said I was sorry after each teamkill. I was not being a jerk. Did someone report me? So I had to do a little investigating for the answer. Now from what I have seen on the forums its for 5 team kills in 24 hours. Seriously Bohemia, you need to give more details when you ban people AND WTF we cant make mistakes? And how long is this ban for?
  16. I just realised that my global ban will be almost 5 years old (happy birthday! ). I got it in late 2013 when I decided to use a memory editor on a long dead wasteland server. It was a dumb mistake that I made in the heat of the moment which I regret every time my friend brings up KoTH or Altis life. Since then I played mostly with my friends running coop missions and playing with my unit. Now I've tried to get my ban repealed multiple times with no luck. I've given up on ever seeing the light again, all I want to know now is why is there such a harsh punishment for one time/first time offenders? I don't understand why it's a perma ban and not a monthly ban or a yearly ban. I've put over 700 hours into the game, and I feel like my probation should have been long over by now.
  17. tucker_chaney

    Banned for no reason

    I just got Arma 3 yesterday for the steam autumn sale, I played a good bit of arma 2 and a lot of dayz mod. I immediately asked my friend who actively plays exile how to start playing it and after the game itself was done downloading I started downloading A3 launcher and the mods required for the servers. Roughly 6 hours and 50 GB later I was able to press the play button instead of the download button. But as I tried to launch it I received an error message saying I couldn't load a specific Hummer skin, my friend informed me this is usual and I pressed close. Directly after, before anything that resembled loading into the server started, I received a notification that said "you are banned" I had no clue what the could be for. But my friend and I decided we would try another server as it was very late and no admins on the server could help us out. We have since tried 2 other servers and both also gave me a message instantly saying that I was banned without even loading in. I would be very upset if an issue with arma 3 is causing me not to be able to play the game I just bought. Thanks for any and all help.
  18. Hello, I am writing this topic to understand why am I permanent ban of the koth servers, I don't cheat I don't use glitch, I don't teamkill. I just play like all players and I am now ban of practically all the koth servers. Sorry if my English is not good ^^ And thx to have read my litle topic ;)
  19. mrtigreh

    Just a quick question!

    Hello! Just after some information, I found in another thread here: The moderator (@ineptaphid) said "...there is a specific address to send complaints/queries to-not a general thread on the forum." Any idea on where I can find this? I'm new to the forums and can't seem to find it!
  20. Hello to BIS and community. I apologize if I has written in incorrect thread of forum, sure this beyond Arma 3. There some questions I'm worried about upcoming 1.64 update introducing VAC flags for accounts which were banned by Battleye. https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00171Logistics section. First question is it retroactive? So if account was banned before this update is it still going to be flagged by VAC? I'm sure this shouldn't be retroactive, just like real life laws (see ex post facto law). Also these VAC flags can have consequences on certain servers and communities.
  21. Agalloch

    How to get unbanned?

    So let's say a year ago, I decided to do something that ended up getting my friend really mad. If you want more details, was playing a MFCTI mission and I accidentally blew up a plane he has been saving up for. Now we're cool, but he still has me permanently banned, because we do not know how to get the game to unban me. I tried reinstalling, and I think one of those admin commands which may have been something like "unban (User id)." Both did not work. Anyone got an idea? Edit: Oh well, it has been fixed. We deleted a ban.txt file that was outside the game folder.