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  1. SSAAPS - Sarogahtyps Simple Arena Active Protection System Full Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible. Arma 3 script which simulates the russian Arena system which is an Active Protection System (APS) for tanks. Basically the russian Arena system lifts an explosive charge upto some meters above the tank. There it explodes and directs a few hundred shrapnels in a cone to the ground. If the countermeasure is successfull then the incoming threat is hit by some shrapnels of the cone. The script spawns some bullets above the tank which create the shrapnel cone. Then the incoming threat gets (hopefully) directed to ground. GitHub - Branch GitHub - wiki GitHub - Issue Tracker GitHub - Download GitHub - Direct File Download Dropbox - Download (temporary disabled) Installation (short story) - copy "functions" folder in your missions root folder - integrate cfgFunctions from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you secured your missions remote execution then integrate CfgRemoteExec from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you don't have a description.ext then you can just copy the given one into your missions root folder - apply the script with this line to any vehicle: [tank_1] spawn saro_fnc_arena_start; to stop the script on that vehicle just do this on any part of your mission: tank_1 setVariable ["saro_arena_active", false, true]; to adjust the behavior of the sysem you should take a look into fn_arena_start.sqf I do not recommend to adjust more parameters than skill and reload time. Full installation documentation will follow within the next days/weeks/months 😉 The Download contains an Example mission as .pbo and as unpacked Folder. brand-new shiny trailer video: version 1.0 video: Please tell me all thoughts you have in this thread. Issues and wishes can also reported on GitHub - Issue Tracker Changelog v1.10 - added simulation of the charge container which lifts up, explodes and sends shrapnels to threat - added ability to get threats exploding mid-air instead of smashing to ground only - added parameter to adjust protection skill of the system v1.01 - hot fix - new vanilla example mission created. the old one was mod depended. v 1.0 - initial release
  2. Introduction In these war torn lands no one cares for common people. The locals fall victim to unpunished bandits who plunder the peasants without mercy and murder the resisting. Inhabitants of this village became so desperate, they decided rather to die in defence than to endure suffering any longer. Still, they are simple folk, not familiar with combat. Therefore they decided to seek help of the ronins, masterless samurai. Namely those of them hungry enough to work for food, because villagers have no any valuables to offer. They found seven volunteers. These dangerous people were feared in the village, but ready to die in defence of the helpless. Without a payment, not expecting any gratitude, without hesitation... Video Details This scenario is simple, quick-to-play MP mode, where players job is to save village from brutal bandits attack. Although it can be played solo, SP even, it is meant for COOP. This is my very first project of such nature, I never made anything MP-focused before and that's exactly why I wanted to create just once something of that kind. The village is picked each play at random from any proper locations found on the map (Altis, although porting to other maps should be very easy). Randomized is also available gear (the content from owned DLCs and loaded mods should be potentially included) and hostiles. Scenario includes several mission parameters, that allow to customize the tactical and enviromental factors from the lobby. Melee mode requires KA Weapons Pack NEW (melee mode will autodisable if mod not present). It should be considered experimental, fun mode, work best in solo gameplay, there may be glitches for non-server players. Rules: 1. Players start inside the safe zone. As long any player is out of the safe zone, the countdown is going to zero. 2. When the countdown is ended, the safe zone is removed and the attacks will begin soon. 3. Players can arm themselves from the boxes located in the center of the safe zone, at the flagpole. 4. Bandits will attack from random directions in random waves. 5. If too many villagers die - the mission is lost. 6. If all samurai are dead - the mission is lost. 7. If all bandits are dead - the mission is won. 8. Civilians will 'shout' about known hostiles near using 3D exclamation mark icon over their heads. Color of the mark indicates how close the enemy is (green - far, yellow - close, red - very close). 9. Player names change colors depending on player's status: dead - dark red; generating noise/speaking - white; incapacitated - purple-red; no ammo - yellow; critical wounds - reddish; serious wounds - purpleish; moderate wounds - blueish; all OK - blue. 10. There's no respawn, only spectating mode after death, but revival is often possible. Porting: Need to be confirmed yet, but seems, that porting is as easy, as changing map name in mission folder name, so for example: SevenSamurai.Altis -> SevenSamurai.Tanoa. Target map should have some "NameVillage" locations with at least 20 enterable buildings in 150 meters radius around. Download Seven Samurai 1.02 (Dropbox) Seven Samurai 1.02 (Steam Workshop) Seven Samurai 1.02 - open folder (Dropbox) The Magnificent Seven spin-off Notes The basic premise is based on Seven Samurai movie by Akira Kurosawa. This project is my humble homage to this movie in fact. I highly recommend to watch this classic, it is great, highly inspiring piece of art and also knowing it helps you feel and tune in better during the gameplay. It may be easy to die in this battle, so remember - do not feel bad about your death. It is anticipated and welcomed. You're a samurai, and this is a good, honorable death, such is your way. Savor such a noble end of life! Credits & licenses Scenario utilizes slightly customized A3 Wounding System - AIS Revive by @Psychobastard. My thanks to: @Gunter Severloh for testing, video overview and some good advices. Katana for melee mode from KA Weapons Pack NEW by KICKASS. Additional sound effects (edited: stereo to mono, normalized, most shortened/cut fragments) from: 1. http://soundbible.com/ By: Mike Koenig, Sound Explorer: Attribution 3.0 license, Vladimir: Public Domain license, man: Sampling Plus 1.0 license; 2. https://www.zapsplat.com By: ZapSplat, Audio Hero, PMSFX: ZapSplat's standard license, Still North Media: CC0 1.0 Universal license. Changelog Terms of Use
  3. Introduction Who in lawless lands will stand up for the weak? Poor mexican village is harassed by brutal banditos. The villagers grow desperate and finally decide to resist. But what chance these poor folk may have against well armed gang of marauders? They weren’t able to buy enough weapons with these very few posessions, they have left. Instead they found seven gunslingers for hire, brave souls ready to defend the poor against the oppression of the wicked. After all – in these lawless lands men are cheaper than guns. Details This scenario is simple, quick-to-play MP mode, where players job is to save village from brutal bandits attack. It is a spin-off of the Seven Samurai scenario. Although it can be played solo, SP even, it is meant for COOP. This is my very first project of such nature, I never made anything MP-focused before and that's exactly why I wanted to create just once something of that kind. The village is picked each play at random from any proper locations found on the map (Altis, although porting to other maps should be very easy). Randomized is also available gear (the content from owned DLCs and loaded mods should be potentially included) and hostiles. Scenario includes several mission parameters, that allow to customize the tactical and enviromental factors from the lobby. Melee mode requires KA Weapons Pack NEW (melee mode will autodisable if mod not present). It should be considered experimental, fun mode, work best in solo gameplay, there may be glitches for non-server players. Rules: 1. Players start inside the safe zone. As long any player is out of the safe zone, the countdown is going to zero. 2. When the countdown is ended, the safe zone is removed and the attacks will begin soon. 3. Players can arm themselves from the boxes located in the center of the safe zone, at the flagpole. 4. Bandits will attack from random directions in random waves. 5. If too many villagers die - the mission is lost. 6. If all Magnificent are dead - the mission is lost. 7. If all bandits are dead - the mission is won. 8. Civilians will 'shout' about known hostiles near using 3D exclamation mark icon over their heads. Color of the mark indicates how close the enemy is (green - far, yellow - close, red - very close). 9. Player names change colors depending on player's status: dead - dark red; generating noise/speaking - white; incapacitated - purple-red; no ammo - yellow; critical wounds - reddish; serious wounds - purpleish; moderate wounds - blueish; all OK - blue. 10. There's no respawn, only spectating mode after death, but revival is often possible. Porting: Need to be confirmed yet, but seems, that porting is as easy, as changing map name in mission folder name, so for example: MagnificentSeven.MCN_HazarKot -> MagnificentSeven.Altis. Target map should have some "NameVillage" locations with at least 9 enterable buildings in 200 meters radius around. Download The Magnificent Seven 1.00 (Dropbox) The Magnificent Seven 1.00 (Steam Workshop) The Magnificent Seven 1.00 - open folder (Dropbox) Original Seven Samurai scenario Requirements Hazar-Kot Valley Optional: Technically below mods are not required to run the scenario, but western-style weaponry, clothes etc. are taken from them. Without weaponry scenario is unplayable in practice, so at least some of them should be loaded, all of them - recommended. CUP Units CUP Weapons IFA3_AIO_LITE Project Infinite Nolosha Pack Western Notes The basic premise is based on The Magnificent Seven movie by John Sturges, which in turn is a remake of Seven Samurai movie by Akira Kurosawa. I highly recommend to watch these classics, knowing them helps you feel and tune in better during the gameplay. Credits & licenses Scenario utilizes slightly customized A3 Wounding System - AIS Revive by @Psychobastard. My thanks to: @Gunter Severloh for testing, video overview and some good advices. Katana for melee mode from KA Weapons Pack NEW by KICKASS. Additional sound effects (edited: stereo to mono, normalized, most shortened/cut fragments) from: 1. http://soundbible.com/ By: Mike Koenig, Sound Explorer: Attribution 3.0 license, Vladimir: Public Domain license, man: Sampling Plus 1.0 license; 2. https://www.zapsplat.com By: ZapSplat, Audio Hero, PMSFX: ZapSplat's standard license, Still North Media: CC0 1.0 Universal license. Terms of Use
  4. Steam Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1979428795 MISSION Survive each wave of enemies, that gets harder and harder each wave. Vehicles and snipers spawn in the later rounds. Earn cash from killing enemies that you can spend on upgrading your base, pop-a-perks or support. If you die, you can't respawn until the end of the wave. If all players die, the wave is lost and resets. FEATURES Customize your game with parameters Choose to fight against the AAF (Default), CSAT, NATO, FIA, Syndikat or RHS Russians. virtual arsenal (unlocked at wave 3) revive, spectator custom base and arena unlockable support (UAV recon, laser guided missile, mortars, artillery, carpet bombing) custom level system and base unlocks enemy body armor and vehicles level up each wave enemy helicopters spawn with snipers on benches weather and time changes every few waves (customizable) custom music and sounds SUPPORT Laser Designated Missile - If you have a laser designator, you can call in laser designated missile strikes after wave 15. You must keep your laser designator on the target until the missile strikes. (There might currently be a bug that removes the missile if you turn the designator off). Artillery, Mortars, Carpet Bomb - Choose one of the 3 from the support menu and click on the map to rain down fire from above. UAV Recon - All hostile units will be marked for the remainer of the round. These markers will update every few seconds to track enemy movement. Rearm - Reapplies last loadout that was equiped when arsenal was closed. Invisibility - Makes enemies ignore you until the timer expires. God Mode - Makes you immune to damage until the timer expires. POP-A-PERC SHOOTER PERC - Lowers weapon sway and recoil. Located near the box at spawn. CLUTCH PERC - Speeds up how fast you revive teammates. Located near the hospital. SPEED PERC - Increases your movement speed. Located on the ground near the main tower. BEAST PERC - Increase how much damage you can take. Located at the top of the main tower. TIME CYCLE (Default of 3 waves per level but customizable) Morning Noon Evening Night Night (Dark) Morning WAVE UNLOCKS Wave 2 - Heal (Support Menu) Wave 3 - Virtual Arsenal Wave 4 - Rearm (Support Menu) Wave 7 - UAV Recon (Support Menu) Wave 8 - Medical Healing Building Wave 9 - Invisibility (Support Menu) Wave 10 - God Mode (Support Menu) Wave 11 - Mortars Wave 15 - Laser Guided Missile Wave 17 - APC at base Wave 20 - Artillery Wave 23 - Tank at base Wave 25 - Carpet Bombs CREDITS HUGE thanks to @Larrowfor help with heli waypoints and the support menu prices. Also a huge thanks to @killzone_kid for help with the action for buying towers. Big shouts out to Daxx for the arena compositions Thanks @austin_medic and @lsd for their composition packs Thanks @shukofor the random position script Thanks @kibot for the support scripts from DUWS Thanks @wogz187 and @pierremgi for help on the forums Big thanks to Phil, Bruno and Porte for all their patience during testing. Custom images, sounds and music by @JR Nova. REQUIREMENTS None but choosing an enemy faction of RHS Russians requires RHS AFRF and GREF BUGS Sometimes an AI group will spawn and not move. If this happens, either you can use the UAV to find and kill them or use the action on the debug laptop at base to advance the level. No cash reward from destroying vehicles sometimes. NOTE: You don't get the bonus for completing the wave if you advance with the debug laptop. CUSTOM FACTIONS To use custom factions, open classNames.sqf and scroll down to "case (6)". You'll need to enter the classnames for enemy clothes, armor, weapons & vehicles. You can add as many items as you want or one, but the arrays can't be left empty or there will be errors. WANT TO HELP? Github repo: https://github.com/novakoda/Alamo Could use some help with adding GUI and any features, suggestions, code optimization, etc.
  5. noven

    Embassy Defense

    Embassy Defense Defend the Embassy! Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=519535469 Google: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2QmSUTLN4c_c1VRSi15SklMMkE/view?usp=sharing Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29533 A coop mission to defend an embassy against waves of AI attackers. Features money/economy system, civilians, suicide bombers and VBIEDs, air support, supply drops, and 9 different mission locations to defend. Buy weapons and defenses, then para drop in to the embassy. Build defenses to secure the embassy perimiter. Players receive money from killing enemies or surviving to the day. A bonus is granted for every surviving embassy staff member. Call air drops to remain supplied in the field. Use air support to help in tough situations.
  6. Hello guuuys, I have a question. Especially with the most recent AI overhauls, AI tends to like to move around a lot. This is problematic, especially when making defensive missions where the AI are placed in prepared, covered positions. Instead of remaining in them and using the meticulously planned ambush position to best effect, they instead leave the position and start racing around (and are shot up much more quickly as a result). Waypoint type does not seem to matter, they leave the position once they spot an enemy no matter what. The type of vehicle also does not matter. Independent cover selection by the AI is extremely bad for vehicles in defense, so I am looking for a workaround for this. Any Ideas? I have thought about using disableAI, but that is something I'd rather not use because once taking hits, I want the AI to move. As waypoints don't seem to work, and I do not know how to script, I am out of Ideas myself. Any help is appreciated. Cheers Instagoat