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  1. Hi, I'm still looking for the best way to manage some revive heal in SP and MP session. SP works fine but I can't find a reliable solution for MP, with the EH handleDamage. Restarting from the basement, I'd like to share this test I can't explain the result: I placed 2 playable groups in editor. and 1 trigger (true) to run this code: {_x addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { params ["_unit","","_dam"]; hint str (getAllHitPointsDamage _unit); _dam min 0.86 }]; } forEach allunits; This code is running on each hosted/clients. The EH is supposed to limit all the hits at 0.86 max. This way the unit is wounded but never die (OK in SP or units on hosted server). PS: I know, I can write the hint inside of a loop rather than inside of the EH, but that doesn't change anything for the following issue: If I JIP on the 2nd group leader, so the group will be remote to the client's PC. The group owner changes. Normal. Then if I continue to fire against these remote units, the EH still fires (I can see the new value for getAllHitPointsDamage), so the hint is "ok" then the EH code runs but the remote units die! - I can shoot the units of my group: they never die, - all remote units are dying... Everything goes as the EH fires locally (normal: E.L.) but this localization is not updated to the new localization of the unit! This EH is hard to manage, even for so small behavior as modifying a value for hit damage. I miss something, probably. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Hi all, Here is a new WARLORD ,CUP oriented scenario, if you love Chernarus in winter! You can play in MP only but this scenario is fine on solo MP (but hard). You need all CUP mods (+CBA). Recommended addons: Enhanced movements, JSRS sound mod (with some limitations on CUP assets) MGI Tactical pack (for beginners). As usual now, there are plenty of mission parameters, coming from Warlord or added for: - All AIs in a played leader group can heal and be healed/revived by player or Ais. - you can opt for civilian life , and opt for human bombers also (enemy for reds/blues). - you can opt for weapon loots in houses. - you can mark unconscious and/or dead units. There are some enemy areas, all the map. So be cautious when you plan a path to next sector. Have fun! on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1618406445 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gmbt17zovk39ou/CHERNARUS_WARLORDS.Chernarus_Winter.pbo?dl=0
  3. As the title says, im having a problem, and i have not the faintest idea on what. Im a mission creator for my group. Im experiencing that in missions i've made with player slots that has custom loadout i've made through the virtual arsenal in the eden editor, end up being naked when they spawn into the game. It was not always like this, but suddenly a few weeks back - it started. No idea why. This is really annoying, and somewhat game breaking for my missions at the current time - so if anyone has an idea on whats going on here, please help! Its somewhat urgent timewise - we're playing a mission this saturday, and if I dont have a fix till then i'll have to make some really unconvenient workarounds. This is the modlist we're using (steam collection): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1627983524
  4. In the MP game mode "Commander" you'll play a commander like in "Warlords" but here are just two sides, the NATO vs CSAT & AAF (on Altis & Stratis) ore only NATO vs CSAT (on Tanoa & Malden). You have as commander of your troop fix resources wich you can use (infantry, vehicles) but this depending on the count of towns, villages and strategic important structures they're under the control of your side. It mean, smaller your resources are, smaller your vehicles and count of infantry. In "Commander" also exist a fix command structure, at first the "General" (AI follows a fix scripted plan) who gives orders, at second you and other players (as commander). There are a lot of normal infantry commanders (motorized inf) but also commanders of special groups (with special tasks), commanders of tanks, commanders of artillery, commanders of parts of the air wing, commanders of naval forces and commanders of support and vehicle service. All becomes orders from the "General" but it's on you how you get your goal. Every commander need the others, all units need ammo, fuel, repaire, not every fithing ground of you will be easy to arrive with your resources and not every operation have his fix line of happenings, the other side will try everything to stopp you on your way to the victory. All sides are playable or just one side is playable, but i think the game play will be better when all sides are playable. I would suggest, that also civil losses/causalties can lower the resources of your troop. When you have ideas, write them, i would really like to see that in the future in A3 Vanilla.
  5. Hi, I am currently trying to find a way to check if local player is function caller in sqf file. I have civilian with addAction, which calls this script: _caller = _this select 2; if (local player == _caller) then { _handle = createdialog "Interaction"; } I need to show the GUI only to player using the action. Sorry if it's somewhere on these forums, but I was unable to find it. Thanks for your answers 🙂 WendAF
  6. I really need some help here guys, this script has been keeping me up for the last 6 days and nothing seems to make it work correctly when called by Clients connected the my Hosted Server (No errors thou): The first part when executed on the server (host player) works perfectly, I left it in inside the If (isServer) as a reference to the simplest version that works for the server. Then under the If (!isServer) is the reworked script that I made for the clients. Lots of options that I tried are now with // just as reference to what I tried with no success.
  7. Steam workshop link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1618325439 MISSION Russians have invaded the small peaceful island of Malden, and are holding it's citizens captive! Execute missions to weaken the russian presence on the island and set it's citizens free! A randomly generated campaign, execute missions and lead the United States Armed Forces to capture the island of Malden and win the war against the Russian Federation. FEATURES Random AO - One of Malden's cities, the main airport, or the military island base will be selected to attack. Finish one and another is generated. Random Selectable Side Missions - If you want a bit more excitement, you can choose a side mission from the mapboard at base. It will open the map and show you all available missions. Side missions range from diffusing a bomb on your officer, to stealing an enemy supply truck, to finding and rescuing a downed pilot, plus much more. Every time you open the side mission map, there will be different missions at different locations, so if you don't like what's available, just close it and reopen it. Civilian Population and Traffic - There is a heavy civilian presence on Malden, its citizens populate most of the island and are driving cars (shocking!), and walking around everywhere. They aren't hostile to our forces. In fact the reason we are on malden is for them, as the russians have invaded and are making their life a living hell. Recruitable AI - You can recruit AI units from the officer at base. Please allow them a few seconds to get deployed and join your group. If you wish to dismiss a unit, simply walk up to him and select 'Dismiss.' Mobile Respawn - There are 3 mobile respawn vehicles, a 4 door Humvee, an unarmed M113, and an unarmed MRAP. They should have green letters above them saying M.H.Q. 1, 2, or 3. When you die, simply choose which M.H.Q. you wish to respawn on, or just choose to spawn at base. If a M.H.Q. is destroyed, it will respawn at base. Revive - You can be revived by your teammates if you are incapacitated. There is a 5 minute window to be revived before you die. Players can only revive other players, A.I. units do not revive or become incapacitated, they simply die. HALO Jumping - You can HALO Jump by choosing H.A.L.O. Jump from the mapboard at base. You can also choose H.A.L.O. Group to jump with your squad members. CAUTION: if you have joined another players group, it will force ALL GROUP MEMBERS to jump as well! Dynamic Group System - Press the Teamswitch key (Default "U") to open the group menu. Here you can create/disband your own group, invite other players, join or leave another players group. Virtual Arsenal - There is an ammobox at base with virtual arsenal, and all MHQ vehicles are virtual arsenal enabled. You may also call in a supply drop which has virtual arsenal. AVAILABLE SUPPORT (Called with 0-8 on Radio) Supply Drop - An ammobox will drop near you and be marked with green smoke. This box will have virtual arsenal. UAV Recon - Click a location on the map and after the data from the UAV comes in, all hostile and friendly units will be marked for 3 minutes. These markers will not be updated, so be aware units may move around. Artillery, Mortars, Carpet Bomb - Choose one of the 3 from the support menu and click on the map to rain down some good ol' american pop rocks on the enemies. Caution when using in cities, as it may result in lots of civilian casualties, our mission is to protect the civilians, not kill them. Laser Designated Missile - If you have a laser designator, you can call in laser designated missile strikes. You must keep your laser designator on the target until the missile strikes. (There might currently be a bug that removes the missile if you turn the designator off). Fast Travel Transport Helis - A UH-60 and MH-9 are available to transport you around Malden. When you select the heli you want, it will mark an LZ near your location and head that way. Green smoke will automatically be popped at the LZ when the Heli is near. Once you get in, choose "Give a LZ to the Pilot" and it will head to that location. After a few seconds, the screen will go black and you will fast travel to the location. If at any moment the heli becomes bugged out, choose "Detonate Heli Transport' from your action menu to destroy the heli and make the support available again. Paratroop Reinforcements - Click on the map and a squad will paradrop on your location. After the squad has landed, they will fall under your command (Or your group leader's, if you are in another player's squad). Requires both RHS USAF and AFRF. Credits: DUWS by Kibot. Modified Version by BigShot. EOS script & Occupation mission by BangaBob Civilian scripts by Enigma ATM Airdrop HALO script by PokerTour. Defuse Bomb script by Cobra4v320. Thanks to Kempco for the mapsize script. Thanks to FrankHH for correcting the typos. Thanks to Yumsum, Porte and Phil for all their patience in testing.
  8. Hello, community! I am creating a MP mission, but I want to use a script for saving my proffered loadout. For example, when I get killed, I need to spawn with the same gear. I did a little research last night and I found a script that works for me only. I haven't tested it with friends, but it doesn't work for bots. There it is: in init.sqf // Set Units current Loadout Fnc_Set_Loadout = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit setVariable ["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout _unit]; }; // Get Units current Loadout Fnc_Get_Loadout = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit setUnitLoadout (_unit getVariable ["Saved_Loadout",[]]); }; in initPlayerLocal.sqf player addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this spawn Fnc_Set_Loadout}]; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this spawn Fnc_Get_Loadout}]; Would it work for other players when they use the playable units or not? If not, what could be done? Thanks in advance and cheers!
  9. Greetings, I have been running a dedicated Arma 3 server for about 10-15 players with 32 mods. I've noticed that players weapons, after they were done firing, would continue to fire. For example, if player X fired down range then holstered his rifle, his rifle would continue to fire for all the other players in the server. This happens when there's 2 or more players on the Zeus server without anything else spawned in. Its more so obnoxious when 10-15 players are in a firefight and there is continuous rifle fire even though the battle has ended and everyone is yelling at each other to stop firing. The players on the server all have a ping of 100m/s or lower. The server specs are decent. I've tried running the server without mods to see if this was a mod related issue but found it continued to persist. I've spoken with another community about this issue and they have also experienced the same problem. Anyone know what might be causing this and if there's a way to fix this?
  10. Hi, im getting a strange message when i try to launch and join MP servers, i know it all worked fine before i moved some things around from one drive to another, i've played Arma and recently also downloaded Apex, it all works fine except when i want to join and play on a server. I can\t launch my own server, i tried various ways, nada, always the same error message: "No entry: C:\Users\(*Myusername)\Documents\Arma3\mpmissions\tempMissionMP.Altis\mission.sqm.Mission" I think maybe i deleted some folder by mistake and now it cant find some directory to launch or something. Does anyone know how i can fix this please? looked online cant find anything. Many thanks if you can help. BTW i was trying a MP on Tanoa so not sure what the Altis .sqm had to do with it anyway?
  11. Hired Guns 2 - Mercenary Co-Op Campaign [1-15+] 64-bit/32-bit Version Steam: Mission File Mod File Armaholic: Mission File Mod File 32-bit only (older version) Steam Workshop Host Mod GDrive: Mission File Mod Main Features: ~100 unique, hand-crafted, story-linked jobs Progress/Gear/Vehicles/Money saves to the host Hire players/AI to unite Tanoa, or just to raid supplies! Other Features: 70 Leader missions, 28 'Personal Jobs' (supply raids and Final Mission), 4 taxis, Interact with voice-acted leaders to lead a mission for them, and hire a team to carry it out, Money-List highscores, Ambient civilian populations to hire for missions, Multiple teams can play different jobs simultaneously, Custom squad-building GUI, Headless client optional (Werthles' Headless Module built in but not essential to run), Alternate units possible for each enemy faction (re-write unit class-lists and rebuild). Backstory In a moment of CSAT weakness, leaders across Tanoa rose up to expunge their CSAT oppressors. CSAT will be back, and in force. The only way to unite Tanoa before their return is to strengthen these leaders against the spectre of anarchy. -- Prologue vid wot i dun -- Mission Style Assassinations, demolitions, total eliminations, deliveries, detonations, escorts, defences, Slowly increasing difficult, Jobs can be taken from any leader, 10 jobs per leader, Respawn at any leader's home once you have met with them, Raid weapon caches, banks, steal vehicles, helicopters, planes with 'Personal Jobs', Cannot pay for more 'hired guns' than you or the Tanoan Leader can afford! Public Server: port 2302 Or search for 'Hired Guns' (Hired Guns 2 - Mercenary Co-Op Campaign - Werthles' Public Server). Host Mod: This required for the host of the mission in order to load/save missions/progress. Game will not work without the host running this! Other players do not need to run this though. Special thanks to: Voice of The Old Man - Johnny Castagneto Voice of The Cult Elder - The Uncertain Man Voice of The Investor - PlantLamp Voice of The Market Protector - Reid Granke Voice of The Slave Commander - Reid Granke Voice of The Rich Man - Reid Granke Voice of The Mine Supervisor - PlantLamp Meatball's RandomWeather2 - Meatball iniDBI - code34 Tester, Adviser, Mission Helper - ian Happy New Year!
  12. Long time reader of forums first time poster. This has been driving me up a wall for a while, I'm trying to figure out how to use "addMissionEventHandler ["eachFrame", {" properly when scripting for multiplayer missions. As it stands right now I'm using the following bit of code to make an empty prop object (big1) move smoothly through the air during the outro to the mission. addMissionEventHandler ["eachFrame", { big1 setVelocityTransformation [getPosASLVisual big1, getPosASLVisual big1 vectorAdd [0,10,0],[0,10,0],[0,10,0],vectorDirVisual big1, vectorDirVisual big1, vectorUpVisual big1, vectorUpVisual big1, 0.1]}]; Its works great in single player, and in multiplayer the host sees the object moving during cut-scene, but client players just see a stationary object. The code is executed in outro.sqf which is executed when the final task trigger is activated. I've tried using "if (hasInterface) then {..." in attempt to get it to run client-side, but that doesn't seem to be the answer. How can I get all clients to see this? Or, If I'm barking up the wrong tree and there's a better way of doing this any help or hints would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hi. I have some problem to make this script run on Dedi Server. I want to spawn a group and hunt the player/team that activate the trigger. The spawn is correct and they are directed to the position of the one that activated the trigger. The update of the player's position also works correctly. The problem is that the _BadGuys are not deleted if the one that activated the trigger moves away more than 700 meters. I placed a trigger, with OnAct: null = [thistrigger,thislist] execvm "hunter_on foot.sqf"; and the script: _posTrigger = _this select 0; _TeamActTrigger = _this select 1; _1stManTeamActTrigger = _TeamActTrigger select 0; if (isserver) then { if (count allunits < 90) then { //verify that there are no more than 90 units on the map before spawn group _spawn = position _posTrigger ; _BadGuys = createGroup EAST; _BadGuys = [_spawn, EAST, ["O_G_Soldier_SL_F","O_G_Soldier_lite_F"],[],[],[],[],[],260] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _chief = leader _BadGuys; _chief move (position _1stManTeamActTrigger); _BadGuys setCombatMode "RED"; _BadGuys setBehaviour "AWARE"; _BadGuys allowFleeing 0; /////////////////////////////////////////// //Original Script below: anthonyfromtheuk// /////////////////////////////////////////// //If the distance with the player is greater than 700 the team is deleted 0 = _BadGuys spawn { while {true} do { sleep 3; if ((_1stManTeamActTrigger distance (leader _this)) > 700) exitWith { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _BadGuys; }; }; }; //UPDATE the player's position and start moving to the new position while {true} do { _chief = leader _BadGuys; if ((unitReady _chief) && {(alive _chief)}) then { sleep 5; if (({ alive _x} count (units _BadGuys)) != 0) then { _chief = leader _BadGuys; _chief move (position _1stManTeamActTrigger); _BadGuys setCombatMode "RED"; _BadGuys setBehaviour "AWARE"; _BadGuys allowFleeing 0; }; }; }; }; }; Any clues? Thanks!


    by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Try to Survive ... Coop ... or Not! This mission supports playing Solo or Multiplayer ,Coop or PVP and also supports EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3). 20 Different Enemy Faction VS NPCS or Zombies. Gameplay with a lot of options (MODULAR environment). It is a survival mission based in the features (thirst + hunger and loot system) of Ravage mod, that can be played from one player to coop mp or PVP (like Dayz gameplay), with a modular environment, selections via missionparameters for everything included , environment,ambience,loot,enemies,type of mods that you want to play with, ex: Unsung loot items + VC_Village_Guerillas enemies and can be played to every map,by changing the name of the map, ex: SALVATION.CSJ_SEA ( the selection of the map will have effect to the loot spawned cause of the buildings.) It doesn't need a server running , like exile and you can play this also on Dedicated. Features: playing Solo or Multiplayer ,Coop or PVP Supporting EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3) VCOM AI 20 Different Enemy Faction Gameplay with a lot of options (MODULAR environment) And much more Installation: Place the mission file in the MPmissions folder inside your Arma 3 installation. Your ArmA3 installation should be in yoursteamfolder/steamapps/common - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Usage: Recommended and/or optional addons and mods to use with SALVATION: CUP Terrains Complete http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30045 CUP Weapons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489 CUP Units http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29301 CUP Vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29716 RHSUSAF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 RHSAFRF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 RHSGREF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 Zombies and Demons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28958 Max Zombies http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33696 RSO Buildings Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32088 ArmA 3 Custom Buildings - Original http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29678 The Unsung Vietnam War Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29948 Notes: It is supporting EVERY map ! (ArmA 1/2/3) , just by changing the name at the end of the mission name like : SALVATION.Stratis to : SALVATION.Tanoa You can search the static objects of the map for loot. Extra Loot Script by BangaBob (works on every map) is also available. The percentage of loot can be adjusted according the Map selection (can be counted from the server by hitting 0-0-2 in game). To Check + test the spawn of the items , there is also an option on the parameters , on the Loot Probability , to Enable Debug Weapon = 0 Magazines = 1 Items + Ravage items = 2 Vests = 3 Backpacks = 4 Ravage items = 5 extra pics to see the spawn of the items: Select your desired Environment There is included in the selections , also Loot for , Community Upgrade Project [ CUP ] and The Unsung Vietnam War Mod. To activate it you must have the certain addons . For changes , go to the mission parameters . Your Selections may have effect on the performance , check more the parameters settings. Every time you are starting the mission , the starting position will be on random. - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Credits & Thanks: haleks [ Ravage ] ryandombrowsky [ Zombies and Demons ( Ryanzombies ) ] Maxjoiner [ Max Zombies ] Community Upgrade Project [ CUP ] RED HAMMER STUDIOS [ RHS ] RSO Creations [ RSO Buildings Pack ] mattaust [ ArmA 3 Custom Buildings - Original ] UNSUNG Mod Team [ The Unsung Vietnam War Mod ] TAW view Distance Script by Tonic Loot system Script by BangaBob Advanced Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Urban Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Towing - Script by Duda NRE Earplugs Script by NemesisRE VCOM AI Driving Script by Genesis92x Vcom AI Script by Genesis92x Mag Repack Script by Outlawled Snow Storm Script by aliascartoons Thunderbolt Script by aliascartoons Road Flares Script by aliascartoons Real Weather script by code34 Generic Dust Particles Script by Goon Generic Snowstorm Particles Script by Goon Randomly generated roadside IED's script by brians200 AI HALO Jump Script by cobra4v320 Engima's Civilians Script by Engima Engima's Traffic Script by Engima [R3F] Logistics Script by Team R3F Injured Ai simple script by Persian MO Phronk's Furniture script by Phronk Left Shoulder Scripted Weapon script by ArtyomAbramov No Kill Zone Script by SuperChicken Productions Headshot + Killfeed Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Custom DeathScreen Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Earthquakes_GF Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Crashsites_GF Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: Version 3.0 Enabled the default save option. Added compatibility with: Max Zombies by Maxjoiner Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33696 + minor fixes Version 2.0 Added compatibility with: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29948 No Kill Zone Script by SuperChicken Productions Road Flares Script by aliascartoons + minor fixes Version 1.0 Requirements: @CBA http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 @Ravage Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29638 Forum topic: - BI forums https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/212528-salvation/ - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=198511#198511 Download : Armaholic Salvation v3.0
  15. I made two missions that allow me to see and edit players and models that other Zeus spawn in real time without having to add-editable-objects every time with Achilles. Each Zeus can also see each other's players placed in the editor. To do I simply placed four players, four game master modules, and set each player as the owner of a module - I also put in a respawn point - and it worked. However, when I tried the same thing later for another map, it did not work. Each player was a Zeus but could not collaborate like in the other missions. Also, the Zeus could no longer see their player models placed in the editor. I found a video, and it solved not being able to see the player models but it did not answer the main problem. I also have tried this, but I cannot seem to get it to work. Why can multiple Zeus collaborate in the first two missions I made, but not when I do the same exact thing on other maps? Also, is there a sure way of making a multiple collaborative Zeus mission that works every time?
  16. Re-Activated December 28 2018 to counter the growing threat of CSAT and insurgents forces. All new recruits are to report to their nearest recruiting office for assignment. Recruiting Station https://discord.gg/NHzqFws Who Are We? -We are a Arma 3 tactical realism community for those who seek tactical team play, and others who want to relive that awesome military life with out the garrison customs and courtesy drama like cult thingy. Our community fosters new players and understands most have been playing fortnite, battlefield and Call of Duty their entire lives. We are here to help you transition from run n gun Rambo lone wolf solid snake American sniper tactics into awesome well oiled CSAT killing tactical machines. We also understand that sometimes a lot of what we teach doesn’t make sense to those accustomed to player revives with a dirty reused needle. So here we offer open membership to all our causal players to come and join us on our Dedicated Server and teamspeak channel to help us take some of these towns on the chaotic KP liberation mission. If you find out that you kinda like the team and some of the Official unit members then ask to officially join the unit. What do I have to do to join the Unit? -Good question! Most of that information can be found in that discord channel I posted in the beginning. But to give you a barnie style breakdown, you first need to attend the units basic training which is broken down into 3 30-60 minute sections Red, white and blue phase. The basic training will go over unit standards, tactics and all roles available for you to fill. After that there is specialized courses for various roles. You can specialize in one or be a jack of all trades, it’s up to you! When do you guys play? - the peak hours among the unit is around 1800 Gmt and we normally hold training on Tuesdays and Fridays, with unit operations on Saturdays. Any other days of the week are normally casual days so jump on and have fun. Can I be pilot? -Sure.....in casual gameplay, going to go ahead and assume you just downloaded the game. So if you want to be a unit pilot I’d prefer you practice, and learn to hurry up and wait. Because having planes blaze down an entire village before the troops get there is kinda a immersion killer. Can I fly Transport? -only if you can land Why do you only have slots for certain roles? -let’s put it this way, if your playing on a football team your likely not running the football if your a lineman and probably not catching the football if your the quarterback. Every position has a role and specific task and if one person is not sticking to their role the whole team fails. So in the 32nd ID we build our squads in a way where just about all tasks can be completed with the least amount of players. A Squad typically consists of about 9-12 players —ALPHA TEAM— Team leader Rifleman. (AT) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman --BRAVO TEAM— Team Leader Rifleman (SDM) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman —Command Elment— Squad leader Medic RTO/FO/JTAC Machine Gunner Other roles are planned for the future as the unit expands but for now we ask that players become familiar with the available roles. And fill them when needed. How to I get into the server or teamSpeak? - super easy, first join the discord and look in the appropriate channels or direct connect here: https://units.arma3.com/unit/32ndinfantry Hopefully you fill all warm and fuzzy inside about what we offer here, and muster up the courage to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask either here, the discord or in game and will try are best to answers all reasonable questions. See you soon........
  17. I made this large scale (120 slot) CTF mission at the end of last year but haven't done anything with it since so I thought I'd release it. My main intention is for it to be reading material for other developers however setup instructions are included so you're free to host it if you wish. I wouldn't look through this for quality scripting practices and optimization tips because even I'm a bit triggered by some of the stuff I saw while preparing for public release, but the concepts and general structure of the main systems could be helpful for some. The full story is on the repository so be sure to give that a read, and hopefully someone finds some use from it. Repository: https://github.com/ConnorAU/Capture-The-Flag Discord: https://discord.gg/DMkxetD
  18. # Malden Insurgency 2019 Realistic combat mission task orientated, complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is a unique experience, the 1st edition of the mission and is a rolling release. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment on a dedicated server and for experienced players, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Stay sharp in this dynamic combat environment. Steam Link; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1605460540 GitClone; https://github.com/rcantec/Malden_Insurgency_2019_ace.Malden.git Mission includes support for Ammo drops and Heli extraction/transport, CAS, Artillary; Mission contains view distance settings, dynamic earplugs. Roadside IED's are dynamic throughout the locale. Not added yet Side tasks are included as well as various active A/O zones to capture. Mission is a rolling release updated regularly for multiplayer performance. To play this mission ace; ace compat rhsusf3; CBA_A3; task_force_radio; RHSUSAF addons are required. The mission is compatible with all addons. To begin using the Software; 1. To edit the mission move the file into the following directory ~\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, sethduda, cobra4v320, Soolie, aliascartoons, tonic & PHRONK. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software (mission) is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2016-2019 RyanD rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  19. Hi all, Here is a WARLORD ,CUP oriented scenario, on UnitedSahrani island. You can play in MP only but this scenario is fine on solo MP. You need all CUP mods (+CBA). Recommended addons: Enhanced movements, JSRS sound mod (with some limitations on CUP assets) MGI Tactical pack (for beginners). There are plenty of mission parameters, coming from Warlord or added for: - All AIs in a played leader group can heal and be healed/revived by player or Ais. - you can opt for civilian life , and opt for human bombers also (enemy for reds/blues). - you can opt for weapon loots in houses. - you can mark unconscious and/or dead units. There are some enemy areas, all the map. So be cautious when you plan a path to next sector. Have fun! on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1604493442 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eaeg7n34fkiwdl9/SAHRANI_WARLORDS.sara_dbe1.pbo?dl=0
  20. Hi all, Welcome back to Kunduz and its caves. Taliban are now reinforced by heavy assets. Well... Destroy the base and sweep them off this region. You need: - CBA, - all CUP (Steam workshop), - any Kunduz map (fixed doors by author James2464, or script). I do recommend the enhanced movement mod by badbenson. Anyway, walls are collapsible by vehicles. You can choose a lot of parameters such as: - revive/heal for AI bros, - time acceleration, - weapon loots in houses, - civilian life + kamikazes, - and more... Be sharp with your resources and have fun! On steam: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1594586819 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/60o3gastrnwyz7b/Another_day_at_Kunduz2.Kunduz.pbo?dl=0
  21. Good evening everyone ! I've got a few problems with my mission. I need to make a mission that is playable in local with 8 players in total. I've put my two playable teams of 4 player each (with respawn points specific for each team and respawn points synchronised to each member of the groups) and put objects (building and vehicles) and triggers (with timers) in order to make my mission. I've got Eden Enchanced installed and I've put scripts (description.ext, init.sqf, initServer.sqf, loadout.cpp and onPlayerRespawn.sqf). Here are my problems: -When people are joining and the host launches the mission, even though the host can play the mission, players joining them are stuck to the mission loading screen (put they can still hear the ambient sounds of the mission). I later found out that if I remove the possibilty for people to revive their squadmates, this problem doesn't exist anymore (although it's annoying that i have to do that for making my mission work). But this leads to the second problem... -When people who joined are in the lobby when the mission starts, they will spawn as seagulls. If they join the server during the mission, they will spawn as normal soldiers. There, sorry everyone to have disturbed you and I hope that you can help me solve this problem asap. If you need other infos, you can ask me. Have a good night !
  22. Operation Ayahuasca 56th Recon Division and MERC Gaming group are hosting a open-to-public event. This event is a series of dynamic missions spread over 2 operational days. Organized combined arms will be utilized to achieve mission-specific objectives. Multiple missions will be run on each day, with organized breaks in-between to re-kit and change roles as needed. This event is intended as a recruitment for both individuals and other units to join us on our regular, private operations that are held weekly on Saturdays and Sundays. RSVP by the end of Friday Dec. 14th with which op dates you are interested in: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKqkngrBimXwohBXlfdmI1_wzTw3akwkmACCZ6HDhR-tnMgg/viewform Primary Contacts: https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD, https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC See also: mercgg.com, MERC Discord https://discord.gg/UUZXzd8 Event Dates: Saturday Dec. 15th, 2018 @ 5:00pm PST Sunday Dec. 16th, 2018 @ 5:00pm PST Event Requirements: TeamSpeak 3 Client Microphone Arma 3 Mods setup according to the modlist Op modlist: https://mercgg.com/arma3/56RDvR1.html TFAR should be set up and checked prior to op! Expectations: A basic knowledge of Arma Mods & TFAR setup Maturity & patience - disruptive players and/or groups are not welcome About us 56th Recon Division and MERC Gaming group have worked together for over 5 years. Having forged a strong alliance in Planetside 2, we have brought our friendship to Arma 3 and have been running joint operations over the past year. Now, we hope to find more players and/or groups that are looking to join in on our growing operations. Both 56th Recon Division and MERC Gaming group are recruiting Arma 3 players. For recruitment details of 56RD, contact https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD. For MERC recruitment details, please contact https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC. Do you have your own unit (of any size) and want to come out to our regular events as a group? Contact https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD or https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC for more information, or join MERC’s discord (look for this event’s channel!) https://discord.gg/UUZXzd8 REMINDER: Event dates: Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 15th & 16th @ 5:00PM PST RSVP by the end of Friday, Dec. 14th with which op dates you are interested in. RSVP Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKqkngrBimXwohBXlfdmI1_wzTw3akwkmACCZ6HDhR-tnMgg/viewform Contacts: https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD, https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC, https://discord.gg/UUZXzd8
  23. Hello all, I would like to introduce our new mission: [SP/CO19] Operation Iron Fist Multi-player mini-campaign/coop for up to 19 players created by FF Studio. Whole mission is written in SQF language and contains more than 10.000 lines of code. ****************************************************************************************** AUTHOR NOTES: ****************************************************************************************** Mission is inspired by real battles in Staszow area on 11-13. august 1944. Our goal was create mimi-campaign but fully playable in multiplayer. Therefore mission can be completed only with 1 player. Mission is dedicated for players who would like to enjoy amazing WW2 atmosphare and feel a battles from this era. ****************************************************************************************** MISSION ****************************************************************************************** Poland, August 1944. German 16th Pz.Div launched counterattacks in an attempt to eliminate bridgehead and throw the Soviets back across the Vistula river. FEATURES: - dubbing (english only) - reviving teammates - gradually assigned tasks - player markers on map (mission parameter) - vehicle respawn - sergeant can recruit AI soldiers - sergeant can call air-strike and artillery support (0-8) THANKS: - development team of IFA3 AIO Lite MOD - development team of IFA3 Liberation MOD - development team of CBA MOD - development team of CUP Terrains - Core MOD - Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS] / updated by SPJESTER for vehicle respawn - Kronzky for String Functions Library - Johnnyboy for BirdFormation script - W0lle for Unit Map Icon Set - BIS for this great game! NOTES: - ambulance trucks represents MHQs DOWNLOAD: Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552231544 HAVE A FUN AND ENJOY IT !
  24. # Takistan Insurgency 2019 RHS Insurgency style mission complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is a unique experience, the 1st edition of the mission and is a rolling release. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment on a dedicated server, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Steam Link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1567472309 Github; https://github.com/rcantec/Takistan_Insurgency_2019.takistan Mission includes support system for Artillary, CAS, Ammo drops and Heli extraction/transport; Mission contains view distance settings, dynamic earplugs, vehicle spawns, rearm points, Zeus. Vehicle IED, suicide bombers and hidden roadside IED's are dynamic throughout the map. Side tasks are included as well as various active A/O zones to capture. Mission is a rolling release updated regularly for multiplayer performance. To play this mission CBA_A3; CUP Terrains-Core, Maps, Weapons, Units, Vehicles, TFAR and RHSUSAF addons are required. The mission is compatible with all addons. To begin using the Software; 1. To edit the mission move the file into the following directory ~\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, sethduda, cobra4v320, Soolie, aliascartoons, tonic & PHRONK. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software (mission) is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. This mission is (c) 2016-2019 RyanD rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  25. I am in need of a team of people with scripting knowledge thAT can help make a mission or edit existing missions with and add ace for extra realism benefits the mod and or missions Im trying to reincarnate is Tactical battlefield. please contact with replies.