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Found 8 results

  1. XiaoPangQKX

    Warlords - Combined War

    I hope this mission can be load on official server https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2860245307 Warlords - Combined War
  2. Its a heavely customized version for veteran gameplay type (no extented map content...), the parameter are locked and i will explain why later. Parameter of the mission : -Each side start with 1 sector (base) and 0 CP. -Each base got an helipad unlocked. -Teleport to contested sector is disabled, only teleport to owned sector is avaible. -Time acceleration x6, date set on June for shorter night. -Random weather. -Starting time early morning (4h30). Warlord sector : -A total of 36 sector. -The little location give a poor income, they are mainly used to be able to counter attack. -Sector like harbor or industrial area give a good income. -Sector town give normal income. -The big town and Airport give a huge income. -Each side must capture 6 sector (shorter way) to reach the airport. -Each base is separated by 7 sector. -Each harbor sector are connected, so it can be used to cross some part of the island. -Each sector are guarded by AAF, with a reaction force. Custom Asset - Infantry : -Recon unit added, x2 cost for exemple a rifleman cost 100, a recon scout 200... -Support unit added, unit that can carry static weapon. -Cheap unit, crewman and helicrew are avaible for 50 cp. Custom Asset - Vehicle : -Slammer UP added, more expensive. -Rhino MGS UP added, more expensive. -T140K Angara added, more expensive. -Armored Artillery added, very expensive, a side need to conquer a maximum of sector to be able to buy that, i added this if the game stuck in the mud. Custom Asset - Defense : -Static mortar, expensive. Class and speciality : -The OFFICER : He is the high commander, he can assign waypoint to his AI subordinate via zeus interface, Zeus camera and unit edition is locked. He got also the power to call air support (30 min cooldown), and mortar to defend base (15 min cooldown) the mortar used by the officer is out of range the enemy base. !!Its like the officer take in charge the AI calculation, so that reduce server load but reduce performance for the officer if there no player in his side, im not sure of this!! -The SQUADLEADER : They are able to call Airtaxi, 10 min cooldown and its global for the faction, if a player call an heli insertion the other player must wait 10 min to call an other one. -ENGINEER : They are able to repair and build sandbag wall everywhere, they must have a toolkit. -MEDIC : They can heal. Special Weapon and electronic warfare : -There is few truck (CSAT truck device) that carry special weapon, they spawn semi-randomly at mission start, the possible location are marked on the map. They can carry 2 sort of special weapon usable 1 time for each truck : -EMP weapon, this weapon will neutralize every vehicle, launcher, GPS, NVG in a 1km radius, most effective at night. -Atomic Ray, that will destroy everything in a +500 meter radius. Note the weapon can't be activated at long range, so for the ray if somebody want to use it he will die too. For more info check the Alias script, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1462497370 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884555116 Other feature and community script for gameplay enhancement : -R3F logistic : Player can carry and load in the vehicle the ammobox, fortification and static weapon to create a frontline, thats why I desactivated the ability to teleport to contested sector. -R3F log (creation factory) : Each side can build fortification and structure to protect a sector, note huge structure like tower or building cant be loaded in a vehicle, its mainly to defend the base. An other note about the creation factory there a hard limit to avoid performance issue. -AIS Revive : Player can see an injured friend on the map, the injured player can be revived by an AI squadmate (press/spam H key). -Advanced sling loading, tranport object by air. -Advanced towing, transport object with ground vehicle. -NRE Earplug, earplug. -TAW Dynamic View Distance, ability to set up viewdistance and terrain quality. Steamworkshop link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586185062 Direct download link : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m_34BBS-IhgcAxtA7AhU1zcJFfmURP0_
  3. Hi all, Here is a new WARLORD ,CUP oriented scenario, if you love Chernarus in winter! You can play in MP only but this scenario is fine on solo MP (but hard). You need all CUP mods (+CBA). Recommended addons: Enhanced movements, JSRS sound mod (with some limitations on CUP assets) MGI Tactical pack (for beginners). As usual now, there are plenty of mission parameters, coming from Warlord or added for: - All AIs in a played leader group can heal and be healed/revived by player or Ais. - you can opt for civilian life , and opt for human bombers also (enemy for reds/blues). - you can opt for weapon loots in houses. - you can mark unconscious and/or dead units. There are some enemy areas, all the map. So be cautious when you plan a path to next sector. Have fun! on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1618406445 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gmbt17zovk39ou/CHERNARUS_WARLORDS.Chernarus_Winter.pbo?dl=0
  4. Its a heavely customized version for veteran gameplay type (no extented map content...), the parameter are locked to not breack the mission and balance. Direct dowload here : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DoZPVmoMKwIChmd1dNj0fJzFwmsgQwQY Steamworkshop link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1614180127 Parameter of the mission : -Each side start with 1 sector (base) and 0 CP. -Each base got an helipad unlocked. Warlord sector : -The little location give a poor income, they are mainly used to be able to counter attack. -Sector like FOB or Oil field area give a good income. -Sector town give normal income. -The big town and Airport give a huge income. -Each sector are guarded by Middle East Militia Balanced mission and strategy : The Irakian forces are supported by the USA, so they can order few American asset for a higher price. The Islamic faction can order cheaper vehicle like T-34, T-55 so they can get a cheap armored force. The 2 Faction can order BMP-2 and other similar vehicle for the same price. For the weapon both side can order cheap russian and launcher crate, the Irakian can order more expensive U.S. weapon and launcher, in return the Islamic faction can order cheap static AT weapon (Spg9, Metis, Kornet). With the R3F logisitic script its easy to load/unload static weapon. The assset will look like expensive at first, but there a lot of sector and strategic sector (good income), to force the player to conquer and keep strategic sector like FOB, Oil field and big town. The side who own this sector will have a good income and that will take few minutes to buy the most expensive asset. The airport is working, plane asset are avaible and separated by 4 sector for each side. Player class : *The squad leader can order CAS, and Airtaxi : -Irakian Faction can call USA support, more effective (AH-64 and A-10) but with a longer cooldown. -Islamic Faction can call SU-25, Mi-24 AT less effective but with a shorter cooldown. *The engineer (or Bomber for Opfor) can build sandbag everywhere if they have a toolkit. No night There is no night, the mission start at 6 am. The time from 6 pm to 6 am is skipped. Logistic Player can carry and load in the vehicle defensive structure and static weapon. Defensive structure can be build at base. Other feature and community script for gameplay enhancement : -R3F logistic : Player can carry and load in the vehicle the ammobox. -R3F log (creation factory) : Each side can build fortification and structure to protect a sector, note huge structure like tower or building cant be loaded in a vehicle, its mainly to defend the base. An other note about the creation factory there a hard limit to avoid performance issue. -AIS Revive : Player can see an injured friend on the map, the injured player can be revived by an AI squadmate (press/spam H key). -Advanced sling loading, tranport object by air. -Advanced towing, transport object with ground vehicle. -NRE Earplug, earplug. -TAW Dynamic View Distance, ability to set up viewdistance and terrain quality. -Ambient Aircombat
  5. Hi all, Here is a WARLORD ,CUP oriented scenario, on UnitedSahrani island. You can play in MP only but this scenario is fine on solo MP. You need all CUP mods (+CBA). Recommended addons: Enhanced movements, JSRS sound mod (with some limitations on CUP assets) MGI Tactical pack (for beginners). There are plenty of mission parameters, coming from Warlord or added for: - All AIs in a played leader group can heal and be healed/revived by player or Ais. - you can opt for civilian life , and opt for human bombers also (enemy for reds/blues). - you can opt for weapon loots in houses. - you can mark unconscious and/or dead units. There are some enemy areas, all the map. So be cautious when you plan a path to next sector. Have fun! on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1604493442 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eaeg7n34fkiwdl9/SAHRANI_WARLORDS.sara_dbe1.pbo?dl=0
  6. Hi all, I'd like to create my own factions, customizing a warlord scenario from @Jezuro. The warlord init module is too restrictive with one faction per side. So, I intend to enlarge a new one (per side) with much more groups. I read several pages on forum(s) but I can't have a clear idea if I need to create a config.ccp (in a mod) or some classes are enough in description.ext. I just need to create groups/factions with existing units/vehicles. I saw that an ALIVE mod ORBAT tool could help, but the question remains the same: addon or not? Thanks for your experience.
  7. i'm trying to make warlords mission with RHS and ACE. here is the problem. "fixed uniform" i'm trying to give a choice to player about loadout. vest or other gears are fine. but, the uniform has fixed by warlords init module. can i disable the fixed uniform issue? ---------- + this is not a BI or warlords issue. i can not connect to 'class.rhsmods.org/' is there any other place to check class names? i really need it for asset price change.(also with vanilla class names)
  8. Hello i would like to know how to sync a playable/respawnable unit to a module in MP environement. I try to make playable unit displayed with the HC ui after respawn but thats not work, i search on the web but its like its not possible to make it work without issue. So i have try with zeus + "ModuleCuratorAddEditableObjects" but same issue the unit wont show up after respawn. I have tried different way with this command without success. I want to add a commander feature inside a custom warlord similar to liberation, where the zeus commander can only see blufor unit, same with opfor commander. Somebody know how to transfer new blufor unit to zeus interface ?