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Found 83 results

  1. GF Set Custom Loadout Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Set Custom Loadout Script , Set your Custom Loadout to AI and Players. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Set Custom Loadout Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: It is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. It is possible to set the loadout also for the spawned units. There is an exclude list available or add in the init of a unit: this setVariable ["Var_GF_Set_Custom_Equipment", true]; More information inside the .sqf Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v3.0 Added extended options , in order to spawn a different loadout for each side. Several Fixes. v2.0 Added files for : CUP mod , RHS mod , Unsung mod , with different variables for everyone. Full ACE3 mod list Added options for Ravage mod and ACE3 mod. Several fixes. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40244 Armaholic GF Set Custom Loadout Script Informations about exlude or spawn : There is also available a Mod with userconfig to apply settings:
  2. Hey guys. So I started an antistasi dedicated server and I’m wondering how I change my difficulty to custom? I searched on the internet and tried setting it in the server.cfg and didn’t work. Can someone explain me how i set it up for dummies? Thank you!
  3. Hello everyone, I made a little script to simulate a missile POV while in flight for a cutscene. Basically i move an invisible target via keyframe animation to have a smooth trajectory, while a script creates the camera that follows the invisible target with a while cycle, and it works perfectly. Now, i would like to add a shakyness effect in the moments right after launch for more realism, however when i try to add the addCamShake command in the launch keyframe my custom camera doesn't shake at all. The player camera shakes just fine, so the command is working, but not on the camera i want it to. I think it has something to do with the addCamShake not taking the camera variable name, like other camera manipulation commands (camSetTarget, camSetPos etc.), however i'm also using the setCamUseTi command and it works fine. Is there any way to add shake to a custom camera? Thanks
  4. Hello people, I have been struggling to make a working custom ticket system for my mission. My goal is to have a maximum of 7 global west tickets as I have 7 available player slots. To make it more fair, I want one ticket to subtract from west side every time a new player respawns on west side, but not when they respawn again. Server should keep track of tickets subtracted and add ticket back if player chooses to change sides to east or if he disconnects the server from the west side. My guess is, i have trouble making database work... Now I don't have any real coding experience and this is my idea of the code which I heavily edited multiple times using logic and ChatGPT: onPlayerRespawn.sqf // Variable ticket system private _uid = getPlayerUID player; // Retrieve player data private _playerData = [_uid] call TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData; private _tempSideRespawned = side player; private _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast; private _tempHasReturnedTicket; private _lastRespawnedSide = profileNamespace getVariable ["lastRespawnedSide", east]; if (!isNull _playerData) then { _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast = _playerData select 1; _tempHasReturnedTicket = _playerData select 2; } else { _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast = false; _tempHasReturnedTicket = false; }; // Handle ticket decrement and increment based on the respawned side if (_tempSideRespawned == east && _tempSideRespawned != _lastRespawnedSide) then { [east, -1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _tempHasReturnedTicket = false; } else { if (_tempSideRespawned == west && _lastRespawnedSide == east && !_tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast && !_tempHasReturnedTicket) then { [west, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast = true; _tempHasReturnedTicket = true; }; }; // Update the player's last respawned side private _lastRespawnedSide = _tempSideRespawned; profileNamespace setVariable ["lastRespawnedSide", _tempSideRespawned]; // Update the player's data in the database [_uid, [_tempSideRespawned, _tempAlreadyRespawnedAsEast, _tempHasReturnedTicket]] call TAG_fnc_storePlayerData; initServer.sqf execVM "Scripts\functions.sqf"; // Global array to store each player's data in the TAG_database if (isNil "TAG_database") then { TAG_database = []; }; // Event handler for player disconnect addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerDisconnected", { params ["_id", "_uid", "_name", "_jip", "_owner", "_idstr"]; // Get the player's data from TAG_database using UID private _playerData = [_uid] call TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData; if (count _playerData > 0) then { private _side = _playerData select 0; private _hasReturnedTicket = _playerData select 2; if (_side == west && !_hasReturnedTicket) then { [west, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; // Add one ticket to West side on the server diag_log "Ticket returned to West"; // Mark that the ticket has been returned for this player to prevent multiple returns [_uid, _side, true] call TAG_fnc_storePlayerData; }; }; // Remove the player's data from TAG_database upon disconnect TAG_database = TAG_database - [_uid]; }]; functions.sqf TAG_fnc_storePlayerData = { params ["_uid", "_data"]; private _playerIndex = -1; { if ((_x select 0) == _uid) then { _playerIndex = _forEachIndex; true } else { false }; } forEach TAG_database; if (_playerIndex < 0) then { TAG_database pushBack [_uid, _data]; } else { TAG_database set [_playerIndex, [_uid, _data]]; }; }; TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData = { params ["_uid"]; private _playerIndex = -1; { if ((_x select 0) == _uid) then { _playerIndex = _forEachIndex; true } else { false }; } forEach TAG_database; if (_playerIndex >= 0) then { TAG_database select _playerIndex select 1; } else { []; }; }; TAG_fnc_getPlayerIndex = { params ["_uid"]; private _playerIndex = -1; { if ((_x select 0) == _uid) then { _playerIndex = _forEachIndex; true } else { false }; } forEach _database; _playerIndex; }; description.ext class CfgFunctions { class Anthill { class MissionFunctions { class fnc_startTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_stopTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_resetTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_checkEmptyServer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_missionTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class fnc_scheduleTimer { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class TAG_fnc_storePlayerData { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class TAG_fnc_retrievePlayerData { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; class TAG_fnc_getPlayerIndex { file = "Scripts\functions.sqf"; }; }; }; }; I have sorted all errors in RPT files, and I still can't manage to execute full onplayerrespawn.sqf... I don't know where is the problem or how else i can diagnose it beside diag_log which doens't always work. Thanks for insights
  5. Is there any plans to support different controller properly? I want to use my Fanatec Wheel and pedals to drive the vehicle but the game doesn't even recognize them. I would also likely configure my pedals to movement and maybe something else. Arma 3 had good support and you could configure sensitivities etc. Those are like minimum requirements for good controller support.
  6. Hello there, as the title says, when I am adding a Spawn on Custom Position to my mission, an error shows up that I have never encountered before and I have done a lot of mission making in this game. I have done this so many times without any issue, so I am a bit confused why this happens all of a sudden and have not managed to find any solutions on the web yet. I get stuck on the spawn/map screen without any interface to choose spawns, and this error keeps spamming; [_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error position: <_list] call BIS_fnc_showRespawnMenuPosit> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _list 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuPosition.sqf..., line 41 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression <_textDisabled]} else {_textDefault}; _ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlCounter ctrlShow false; _ctrlCou> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrlcounter 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 145 10:24:45 Error in expression < _maxRespawnTickets ]; } else { _ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error position: <_ctrlTickets ctrlsetstructuredtext parse> 10:24:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrltickets 10:24:45 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Respawn/fn_showRespawnMenuHeader.sqf..., line 75 10:24:45 Error in expression < ["%1/%2",_livingCount,_playersCount]; _ctrlTeam ctrlSetText _playersText; Any tip or feedback greatly appreciated
  7. Screenshots: "- [ Screen 1 ] - [ Screen 2 ] - [ Screen 3 ] -" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Download: To download my ArmA 2 Profile Editor tool visit my website: "www.Zey64.net" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Features: Easier editing and managing of player profiles for "ArmA 2" & "ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead". Overview of all face and glasses classes for you character. (Face Customization!) Custom face and glasses support. You can enter a longer player name. Duplicate current player profile with all saved settings ingame. (Duplicated profile have "_2" postfix) Creates new player profile for "ArmA 2" & "ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead". (the profile has the default settings!) File status check. (shows which files are already included in the profile and which are not) Single files like "*.ArmA2Profile" or "*.ArmA2OAProfile" can also be loaded. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alternative option: If you don't want to use my tool or it doesn't work on your device, i have another alternative to change your character design! Here you can find the list of all face and glasses classnames that you can use in the game. ::: "ArmA 2 Faces" & "ArmA 2 Glasses" - Library ::: Tutorial on how to edit without the tool can be found here: Set Class Yourself ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Don't be surprised if the changes are not visible in the player profile, but they will be visible in the game. Works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer mode. Have fun. best regards - Zey64
  8. Just want to know when we can expect custom servers will be available. I believe I’m speaking for all Xbox players when I say, this is super exciting and what we want the most!! Assuming that this will also allow larger lobbies then 16 players. I know that if you do this soon, your game will blow up on console. Maybe becoming biggest game on console. The modded servers will make the game much more inviting! Thank you for all your amazing work Bohemia!!
  9. Hi, there. I am trying to make two "factories" in my mission - one producing fuel and the other vehicle ammo points. Both factories should produce a box filled with fuel and "ammo points" respectively. The fuel and ammo points use ACE3 framework. For the fuel factory I made these script and it works perfectly (executed via initServer) : while {true} do { sleep 1800; _fuel = "CargoNet_01_barrels_F" createVehicle [4694.33,9483.27,0]; [_fuel, 1000] call ace_refuel_fnc_makeSource; _marker = createMarker ["Fuel Produced!", [4697.51,9475.91,0]]; _marker setMarkerType "loc_Truck"; sleep 300; deleteMarker "Fuel Produced!" }; Every half hour it produces one barrel with 1000 fuel (ACE). I tried to make the same thing with ammo points for vehicle rearming but no success. I am trying to implement ACE3 Rearm framework code (taken from https://ace3.acemod.org/wiki/framework/rearm-framework.html) : while {true} do { sleep 600; _ammobox = "CargoNet_01_box_F" createVehicle [5058.03,6888.37,0]; _ammobox = setVariable ["ace_rearm_isSupplyVehicle",true]; [_ammobox, 1200] call ace_rearm_fnc_setSupplyCount; _marker = createMarker ["Ammo Produced!", [5056.13,6886.58,0]]; _marker setMarkerType "loc_Truck"; sleep 300; deleteMarker "Ammo Produced!" }; But it doesn't spawn anything, it doesn't show any error and I have no clue why isn't working. Big thanks to everyone who wants to help a big script nOOb like myself.
  10. Hello, As the title implies, I've made my first custom faction using Alive ORBAT and everything seemed fine, worked, and appeared in Editor and when I zeused it locally on my PC for trying. But when I uploaded it on the server it didn't appear when I wanted to use it in Zeus (Yes I installed the mod correctly on the server) The GameMaster Module also has enabled all the Unofficial addons. I used this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC9eLS7fCWQ&t=1660s&ab_channel=WarIsHell Can somebody please help explain why? Thank you 😞
  11. Dynamic ISIS War System ATTENTION: - 01/22/2019: Mission is under development again! I will upload it to Steam, when I get something ready! Heavily modified version of the famous DUWS-M, originally developed by Kibot (DUWS), modified by Bigshot and rlex (DUWS-M) and enhanced by myself (DISWS). In this version player(s) have to fight the Islamic State as well as the Al-Nusra Front. On each restart you'll get a dynamic, procedurally generated campaign, playable on any map you like (not tested on all maps! Please report back!). It's all about asymetric warfare against an enemy who is sometimes difficult to find. Even when you cannot find any differences between the enemy and the civillian population! Face suicide bombers, ISIS supporters and a lot of new features which are making the famous and great DUWS even more enjoyable! NOTE: If you like this mission, please leave me a rating. Thx! ******** A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N ******** !!! This mission does NOT run on dedicated servers !!! I'm very sorry for this, but there are so many scripts and for now it's just too much work to change them all. I once started creating this mission for SP for myself. - Update 1.80 - See Changelog below --------------------------------------------------------- *** Check the LATEST required mods *** --------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES It's basically DUWS - but with a LOT of new stuff! I turned it into a Insurgency-style dynamic whole-map mission with a lot of atmosphere. All new elements are working seamless together with the DUWS mechanics. Commandpoints can be earned by shooting Al-Nusra fighters, disarming IEDs, get intel by locals, finish missions based on intel, and more. You can choose several winning conditions for your playthrough in the mission parameters (lobby). Additionally to taking over ISIS held zones you have to help the locals defending their villages against the Al-Nusra Front. If you help them, they will forgot about civilian casualties and there will be less suicuiders and other supporters. Also Al-Nusra and ISIS are hostile to each other. I.e. if you get intel from the locals about an ISIS weapons cache, that one might be placed on a location where Al-Nusra fighters are hiding - or attacking. They will fight each other and you can use this situation to your tactical advantage, just to name one example. The whole situation provides a nice "dynamic chaos" with unforseen situations happening. AL-Nusra also likes to ambush their enemies - for example they hide in buildings and shoot from windows. So you might need to kick in doors and search houses to get them out of the towns. There are so many possible things happening around a playthrough that I really cannot write it all down. For DETAILS about using new features please check the DISWS-Manual (map ingame diary)!! Reputation System: Civilians will whether like or hate you, or just being neutral. Depends on the amount of casualties and if you help them defending their towns against Al-Nusra. The occupied/attacked villages will change on each new playthrough. You will never know where they are, so you have to check the villages. A red marker will appear when you find a occupied/attacked village - and turns green when you defended it succesfully Al-Nusra is able to re-take villages in some rare cases. If you fail to defend a place against one of their attack waves, they will occupy it and you have to plan an attack to re-take it. The more civilians get killed, the more people will join the enemy = More suiciders and ISIS Supporters will operate against you! Civilians are "divided" into religious groups who hate each other (Sunni and Shia muslims) You can gain your reputation by defending towns against the Al-Nusra Front. Conversations: You can ask civilians about their opinion and thoughts. Talk to them to monitor your progress about occupied and defended villages, as well as civilian casualties. Search civilians and dead bodies for intel and items - but take care. A suicider doesn't like to get interrogated! More sidemission from found intel! (Weapons caches, HVTs) Perform your own playstyle (missions from HQ, from Intel, or just clear villages or fight against ISIS) Command your team or command the whole army! It's up to you. Like in DUWS there's an AI commander, but you can of course add HC squads however you want Full RHS U.S. troops and equipment for WEST. ISIS and Al-Nusra Front troops and equipment for enemies (and some stolen vehicles from the Syrian Army) IEDs Arsenal Buy, recruit units, vehicles, weapons, support, AI squads, platoons, tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. Fire for Effect (Immersive Artillery System. See ingame description) Supply Drop includes Arsenal Logistics (transport any object with vehicles like trucks, helis, etc..) Respawn at homebase or any established FOB There's a chance for a dead man's switch triggering when shooting a suicider. So keep distance. Immersive Mine Detector for IEDs (it detects also materials used to construct IEDs which can lead to false alarm) Ambient soundscape (Prayer call, music, radio at houses and other places, ambient chatter - ONLY with TPW MODS) Support for Weapon Mods (Can be equiped via Arsenal) All progress is persistent and will be saved with your savegame All scripts and features written with performance in mind! But if you still get low FPS, try these: Ingame distance view setting (CH View. See ingame Manual) AI limiter (can be enabled via mission poarameters) ZBE Caching (can be enabled via mission parameters, if you're encountering low performance after trying other settings) All DUWS-M features are included and working - I won't name them here, they're too many Commandpoints will also be rewarded for disarming IEDs, shooting Al-Nusra Fighters and finishing tasks provided by intel Select the win conditions in mission parameters (lobby) DISWS-Manual can be found ingame (map). Check it for full features description and How-To Currently work in progress - So far everything is fixed now! I'll be working on future plans soon. SINGLEPLAYER: Use the server-browser and start a local host (LAN session). Save your progress using the custom save function (radio: 0-8-1 - Sitrep). - Default map is Takistan! But you can play it on any map you like. It might case trouble on real small maps. On some maps the random placement of zones/hq may not work properly - or placing zones out of the maps range. First try to decrease the distance from HQ, the zone radius or place them manually. To play on another map, just rename the PBO, i.e. to DISWS_1_66.Altis.pbo (Keep in mind that Windows maybe does not show file endings! Just make sure the file ends with ".pbo") DOWNLOAD PBO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B81rpxl19DuQQVRneW9iZHpjWGs/view?usp=sharing STEAM WORKSHOP: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159 CHANGELOG: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159462402 KNOWN BUGS: - If you loose the Request Menu and other action menu items after respawn or when resuming a save, just respawn again or use the Save/Rest action at HQ or FOBs. REQUIRED MODS - CBA_A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 - RHS_AFRF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 - RHS_USF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 - RHS GREF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 - RHS SAF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32203 - CUP Weapons: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Units: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Vehicles: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains CORE: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains MAPS: http://cup-arma3.org/download - Takistan Civillians for CUP: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32020 - Iraqi-Syrian Conflict: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28406 - Revos's Mine Detector: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29929 STEAM-USER click here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=908457911 *Thx, bcmaster Not needed, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - TPW Mods: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/154944-tpw-mods-v20170208-enhanced-realism-and-immersion-for-arma-3-sp/ - RYD Liability Insurance: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27485 A word on TPW Mods: Sometimes (dunno why) the mission fails to disable unnecessary features from TPW. Better disable those in TPW's userconfig file. Specially Civilians, Croud, Cars, Helis, Fall, Puddles, Fog and Animals. SUGGESTED MODS - JSRS-Soundmod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32317 - Unit_SFX: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28888 - Virtual Projectile Sounds Reality: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31799 I don't recommend ACE because the mission includes a lot of custom scripts. But when using ACE, you'll also need: - ACE3 RHS Compatibility files: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31281 When using ACE, the 'Special Forces Training' Feature (no fatigue) might be overwritten by ACE Advanced Fatigue! Download this mod in this case: - Remove Stamina ACE (main mod required): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31792 Weapon Mods are supported. You're able to use them via Arsenal. CREDITS - BIS: Arma 3 - Kibot, BigShot, rlex: DUWS-Unofficial - BangaBob, ReVo: Their great scripts! - GigaS: Some partial scripts and support! - [ToS]HadeS, [ToS]AUT_Cyclon, [ToS]Zauberbesen: Help and testing! - R3vo: Mine Detector - TPW: TPW Scripts and helping me! Thank you! - AuTigerGrad: Ambient Sound Pack - Rydigier- Fire for Effect - Community for all the great stuff!
  12. Hello everyone, and thank you for taking the time. As the title suggests this is what I am trying to work out and I have been trying to learn and figure this out on my own for almost two weeks now. I have done many different tests and workarounds but not managed to solve it; What I am trying to create is a script that when any and all AI is killed, pre-placed or spawned, all numbers of a specific inventory item .. in this case first aid kits are removed. I don't want any of the enemies to have any first aid kits at all. In my case as a Zeus, I want to manage the number of first aid kits given to players on my own and that they will not loot them on bodies for themselves. - removeItem command solves the issue, but it also removes many other items. - removeItem(s) has not worked out during my testing either. - removeAssignedItems is not what I am looking for either. Some different attempts so far which has not worked: { if (!isPlayer _x) then { _x removeItems "vn_o_item_firstaid_01"; _x removeItems "vn_b_item_firstaid_01"; _x removeItems "vn_o_item_firstaidkit"; _x removeItems "vn_b_item_firstaidkit"; _x removeItems "Item_FirstAidKit"; }; } foreach (allUnits); if (faction _killed == "O_PAVN") then { removeItems "vn_o_item_firstaid_01" _killed; removeItems "vn_b_item_firstaid_01" _killed; removeItems "vn_o_item_firstaidkit" _killed; removeItems "vn_b_item_firstaidkit" _killed; removeItems "Item_FirstAidKit" _killed; deleteVehicle (nearestObject [_killed, "WeaponHolderSimulated"]); }; Any feedback is appreciated!
  13. Hello people I have dire need of help with identifying the source to a problem. Pic related: http:// Ignore the missing head and texture, they have simply not been added yet. The problem is the invisible gear, like vest and weapon's. I suspect that it has something to do with the model it self, and that some thing has to be done in Object Builder. The guide's and tutorial's that I have found are ofte incomplete, utdated, or just not touching on the subject of uniforms. Many are sadly also very difficult to understand. I am sadly quite new to modeling in 3d (blender) and I fear that have missed something important during the prosess. Posting config's just in case they are the source of the problem. Model config Config
  14. I am trying to get to the bottom of why not all assets from some mods are made available for a zeus curator when initiated through an in-game script. Note that this is not related to needing to adjust the module to read "all addons including unofficial ones" in the editor. I have a script which creates a curator module and assigns it to the designated player (usually me), and is supposed to add all addons to it. This works fine with almost everything; all vanilla factions are added without fault and almost all downloaded mods. However, for a couple of faction mods, some assets are not being added even when some of them are. While it is usually quite consistent which fail to add, it is not always completely. At first I assumed it was a case of some assets in the mod having scopeCurator set such that this was intended, but even having been into the configs and successfully changed it, it still fails most the time. It also wouldn't explain why on some occasions these assets do get added. Here is the script I have been using to add the curator and configure it in singleplayer: _unit = player; // Exit if unit is already curator if (!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic _unit)) exitWith { systemChat format["[Zeus] Logic already assigned to %1, remove it first",name _unit]; }; private _curator = missionNamespace getVariable [format["f_zeusCurator_%1",getPlayerUID _unit],objNull]; // Check curator exists, if not create it if !(isNull _curator) then { format["[Zeus] Curator variable already assigned to %1, reassigning", name _unit] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit]; unassignCurator _curator; deleteVehicle _curator; sleep 1; } else { //format["No Curator.", _curator] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit]; unassignCurator _curator; f_var_sideCenter = createCenter sideLogic; format["Creating....", _curator] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit] }; _var = missionNameSpace getVariable ["l_var_sideLogic","Fail"]; // Create a new curator logic _curator = (createGroup f_var_sideCenter) createUnit ["ModuleCurator_F",[0,0,0],[],0,""]; _curator setVariable ["owner",format["%1",getPlayerUID _unit],true]; _curator setVariable ["showNotification",false,true]; _curator setVariable ["Addons",3,true]; //Set Zeus Vision Modes [_curator, [-1, -2, 0]] call bis_fnc_setcuratorvisionmodes; // Assign the passed unit as curator //_unit assignCurator _curator; _unit assignCurator _curator; private _curator = getAssignedCuratorLogic _unit; systemChat format["Curator: %1", _curator];; if (isNull _curator) then { _curator = _unit; }; // If curator is null or not the correct logic exit with an error message. if (isNull _curator || typeOf _curator != "ModuleCurator_F") exitWith { systemChat format["Failed to resolve curator for %1", _unit]; }; // Decide which addons to add based on passed mode _mode = True; _addons = []; switch (typeName _mode) do { case "ARRAY"; case "STRING": { if (_mode isEqualType "") then { if (_mode == "basic") then { // Load predefined basic modules _mode = ["A3_Data_F","A3_Data_F_Curator","A3_Functions_F_Curator","A3_Misc_F","A3_Modules_F_EPB","A3_Ui_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Curator_Misc","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Chemlights","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Environment","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Flares","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Ordnance","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Smokeshells","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp_Misc"]; } else { // Convert to array _mode = [_mode]; }; }; { if (isClass (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >> _x)) then { _addons pushBack (configName (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >>_x)); }; } forEach _mode; }; case "BOOL": { if (_mode) then { // If true was passed, add all available addons to curator list _cfgPatches = configFile >> "cfgPatches"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgPatches - 1) do { _class = _cfgPatches select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _addons pushBack (configName _class); }; }; } else { removeAllCuratorAddons _curator; }; }; }; // Nothing to add! if (count _addons == 0) exitWith {}; // Remove existing addons removeAllCuratorAddons _curator; _curator addCuratorAddons _addons; systemChat format["[Zeus] Added %1 addons",count _addons]; // Reduce costs for all actions _curator setCuratorWaypointCost 0; { _curator setCuratorCoef [_x,0]; } forEach ["place","edit","delete","destroy","group","synchronize"]; systemChat format["[Zeus] Curator set-up complete for %1.",name _unit]; _unit assignCurator _curator; I have checked my patch file that is supposed to be fixing this to ensure that the vehicles are listed in cfgPatches, and that the assets I am looking for have scopeCurator = 2. I am not getting any error messages other than: This confuses me because I read on a biki page that addons can be added "on the fly" for a curator, and it works despite this error message for most addons. So I'm not entirely sure what to be looking for from here. Pointers appreciated. Cheers, Law
  15. Sulon480

    [sp campaign] Operation Fikoj

    Author: Sulon480 Version: 1.0 ChangeLog: 1.0 (current) Operation Fikoj is a simple campaign taking place on Malden. The plot is simple; As a Soviet soldier you most lead your men in 12 various missions and slowly take control of the island. Fun fact: I'm not a pro, just an OFP fan, been making missions for a few years but only for myself. My friend persuaded me to make a full campaign from several missions, so here it is. As I said earlier it's not comparable to the official campaigns for example (no fancy cutscenes) let's just say, that I just binded some missions together in chronological order. Features: 12 missions with briefings which connect to each other. Hope you'll have fun playing it! 😉 Known Bugs: no Required Addons: -none link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iyIiorHi54k5-os1YfEtrgg_5xT0xQlB/view?usp=sharing
  16. Hello guys, I've tried the new Modded Keybinding, but it's not working for me. Even if using the examples: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Modded_Keybinding WHAT HAPPENS: in the keybinding settings there will be a new category "Mods" with three entries: "Camera" "Editor Camera" "Mod Section" (the one created by the example) but the keybind option "My test action" (Mod_MyActionName ) will be under "Editor Camera". The created entry "Mod Section" is empty Everything else working fine. You can set the keybind and scripts are executed. Any idea what I'm missing, to push the created entry into "Mod Section"? EDIT: The "Camera" and "Editor Camera" settings are default settings. They just appear under "MODS" after adding the custom keybind. The default settings for "Editor Camera" are all gone and replaced by the custom keybind (Mod_MyActionName). Thanks for throwing your brain cells into it 🙂
  17. As you can see by the title, I'm trying to make a custom support CAS menu by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu. The script that activates after u call in support would make the player say something with apex subtitles and send in chopper support. Problem is, that it seems like the script only activates to whoever calls in the support. What I mean is that the player who called in chopper support would see the apex subtitles and the chopper incoming for CAS. But to the other players, they won't see the apex subtitles and only see the chopper incoming. Is there any way to make the script activates for all players by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu? I'm still considered a rookie when it comes to scripting, so expect me to be a little dumb. And this is one of my first posts on the forums.
  18. Hi anyone knows why my custom module works when the attribute isTriggerActivated is disabled? (it didn't work when its enable). # Config: class CfgPatches { class FCLA_Modules { units[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; author = "hozlucas28"; version = "2.0"; authorUrl = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137876583/"; requiredVersion = 2.0; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class FCLA_Modules { side = 7; priority = 1; displayName = "FCLA"; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class FCLA_Modules { class 3DEN { class createACEObjectAction3DEN {file = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\functions\ACE_Actions\fn_objectAction.sqf";}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class AttributesBase { class Default; class Edit; class Combo; class CheckBox; class CheckBoxNumber; class ModuleDescription; }; class ModuleDescription { class Anything; }; }; class FCLA_Module_ACE_Object_Action_v1: Module_F { author = "hozlucas28"; displayName = "Crear acción (ACE - objeto)"; //icon = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; //portrait = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; category = "FCLA_Modules"; function = "FCLA_Modules_fnc_createACEObjectAction3DEN"; is3DEN = 0; isGlobal = 1; canSetArea = 0; isDisposable = 0; canSetAreaHeight = 0; isTriggerActivated = 1; scope = 2; class Attributes: AttributesBase { class FCLA_Name: Edit { tooltip = "Nombre que tendra la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Name"; displayName = "Nombre"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Icon: Edit { tooltip = "Icono de la acción, opcional.\n• Se recomienda que el tamaño sea de 32x32 en formato '.paa'."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Icon"; displayName = "Icono"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Condition: Edit { tooltip = "Determina que condición/es deben cumplirse para que la acción se muestre.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Condition"; displayName = "Condición/es"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Statement: Edit { tooltip = "Determina el código que se ejecutara al seleccionar la acción.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Statement"; displayName = "Sentencia/s"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Associated_Object: Edit { tooltip = "Variable de la entidad a la que se le asociara la acción, opcional.\n• Si no se define ningúna variable, se le asociara la acción a la entidad sincronizada solo si es la única sincronizada al módulo."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Associated_Object"; displayName = "Variable"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Type_Of_Action: Combo { tooltip = "• Propia: solo la entidad asociada tiene acceso a la acción.\n• Externa: todas las entidades ajenas a la asociada tienen acceso a la acción."; typeName = "NUMBER"; property = "FCLA_Type_Of_Action"; displayName = "Tipo de acción"; defaultValue = 1; class Values { class Self { name = "Propia"; value = 1; }; class External { name = "Externa"; value = 0; }; }; }; class FCLA_Parent_Path: Edit { tooltip = "Determina en que acción padre se colocara la acción que queremos crear.\n• Por ejemplo:\n- Acción externa = ['ACE_MainActions']\n- Acción propia = ['ACE_SelfActions', 'ACE_Equipment']"; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Parent_Path"; displayName = "Padres"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription {}; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description[] = {"Crea una acción ACE 3D asociada a una entidad específica.<br/>• Más información: <a href='https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html'>https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html</a>"}; }; }; }; # Function: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Author: hozlucas28 * * Description: * Crea una acción ACE 3D para una entidad específica. * * Public: [No] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ params [ ["_module", objNull, [objNull], 0], ["_synchronizedObjects", [], [[]], []], ["_isActivated", true, [true], 0] ]; if ((is3DEN) || (isNull _module) || (!_isActivated)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 1"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;}; //Verificar argumentos. _name = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Name", ""]; _icon = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Icon", ""]; _condition = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Condition", ""]; _statement = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Statement", ""]; _parentPath = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Parent_Path", []]; _typeOfAction = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Type_Of_Action", -1]; _associatedObject = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Associated_Object", objNull]; _numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects = {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")} count _synchronizedObjects; if ((_name == "") || (_condition == "") || (_statement == "") || (_typeOfAction <= -1)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 2"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;["¡Error! El/Un módulo 'Crear acción (ACE - objeto)' no se pudo inicializar con éxito."] call BIS_fnc_error;}; //Pasar ruta de padres y classnames asociadas al formato correcto. _parentPath = parseSimpleArray ([_parentPath, """", "'"] call CBA_fnc_replace); _findedEntity = _synchronizedObjects findIf {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")}; _associatedObject = if ((_findedEntity > -1) && (_numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects == 1)) then {_synchronizedObjects select _findedEntity;} else {call compile format ["%1", _associatedObject];}; //Crear y asociar acción. _actionCreated = [_name, _name, _icon, [_statement] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, [_condition] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, {}, [], {[0, 0, 0]}, 2, [false, false, false, false, false], {}] call ACE_Interact_Menu_fnc_createAction; _return = [_associatedObject, _typeOfAction, _parentPath, _actionCreated] call ACE_Interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; //Eliminar módulo. //deleteVehicle _module; ["FCLA (server log): Entro " + str _associatedObject + " " + str _return] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;
  19. MONTELLA TERRAIN MOD ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Hello everyone, Its been more than two yeard since I started this project and I think it is time to make it public and breathe a sigh of relief. I hope you will enjoy every piece of it, just like i did making it. The Terrain is inspired by a mountainous region in Campania (Italy) south of Naples, yes it’s not an island. The vibe is the same as in “Chernarus” but with a touch of Italian Culture. The map is a scale 1: 1 with the real areas (Parco Regionale Dei Monti Picentini - Irpinia). It is essentially a big valley between two large mountains “Verteglia” and “Laceno” both with their points of interest, towns and much more. The valley has 3 big towns: the most important “Montella”, then “Bagnoli” and “Cassano”, two of which have already been completed. Also, an entire section has been removed to create an area that actually does not exist in real life, the “Irpinian Sea”. Being a rural area there are not many roads that connect the town easily therefore you will have to cross rivers and ride on top of high cliffs and mountains. The map uses at its best the Arma 3 assets both the vanilla and the Tanoa ones also, we imported some from Arma 2 and other mods. Update: Terrain is still Work in Progress The terrain is now in a condition i feel many of you can consider "playable". This does not mean that the mod is completed or that it represent a finished product, it still is a Work In Progress. You can download the mod from the workshop here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053485750/myworkshopfiles/ Latest Video: - Map size is 10240x10240m - Grid size is 2048 cells - Cell size is 5m circa - Sat/Mask size is 15360px - Citys and Villages 6 - Airports 2 Completed Task: - Towns: “Montella” and “Cassano” with their surroundings. - All the areas covered by trees are completed. - 20 km of rivers. - Almost all of the roads are completed and connected. - Custom highway that joins the two sides of the map. - Custom handmade “satellite map”. - Custom “mask map”. - All configs are written and ready. - A test server with a Custom made Exile Mission is fully functional. To do list: - Second largest city “Bagnoli”. - Small city on “Laceno”. - Harbor and its surroundings. - Fields and houses to fill the areas between each town. - A lot of small adjustments in cities like light-poles benches garbage’s bin and many other small details. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================ I regularly post updates on my twitter and my YouTube channel and sometimes Stream at: https://twitter.com/MontellaTerrain https://www.youtube.com/user/avatar1924 https://www.twitch.tv/mistermark My Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053485750/myworkshopfiles/ If you want to contribute and help with the project you are welcome to Support the Team at: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=22T9PSBBVQD2U
  20. Hi! I found a program called "Flashpoint Campaign Wizard 1.0.1 by Miker Andrew" This was made as a tool to easily make a full ofp campaign. So I quickly tied two of my random Arma missions to see if it worked... It actually did so I just started making proper missions (with story, descripitons and music and such) so I could make some kind of campaign to my friends or to upload it somewhere idk. I already made like 8 missions, wanted to test it but for some reason it doesn't work. Maybe cause this program was made for ofp, and not arma? I mean those are the same games, only different versions... So anyway, is there any way a simple mission maker like me could easily put a campaign together? I mean I don't need them fancy cutscenes and stuff, just like 15 mission after one another you know... BTW I hope this is the right place to post this... lol
  21. Its a heavely customized version for veteran gameplay type (no extented map content...), the parameter are locked and i will explain why later. Parameter of the mission : -Each side start with 1 sector (base) and 0 CP. -Each base got an helipad unlocked. -Teleport to contested sector is disabled, only teleport to owned sector is avaible. -Time acceleration x6, date set on June for shorter night. -Random weather. -Starting time early morning (4h30). Warlord sector : -A total of 36 sector. -The little location give a poor income, they are mainly used to be able to counter attack. -Sector like harbor or industrial area give a good income. -Sector town give normal income. -The big town and Airport give a huge income. -Each side must capture 6 sector (shorter way) to reach the airport. -Each base is separated by 7 sector. -Each harbor sector are connected, so it can be used to cross some part of the island. -Each sector are guarded by AAF, with a reaction force. Custom Asset - Infantry : -Recon unit added, x2 cost for exemple a rifleman cost 100, a recon scout 200... -Support unit added, unit that can carry static weapon. -Cheap unit, crewman and helicrew are avaible for 50 cp. Custom Asset - Vehicle : -Slammer UP added, more expensive. -Rhino MGS UP added, more expensive. -T140K Angara added, more expensive. -Armored Artillery added, very expensive, a side need to conquer a maximum of sector to be able to buy that, i added this if the game stuck in the mud. Custom Asset - Defense : -Static mortar, expensive. Class and speciality : -The OFFICER : He is the high commander, he can assign waypoint to his AI subordinate via zeus interface, Zeus camera and unit edition is locked. He got also the power to call air support (30 min cooldown), and mortar to defend base (15 min cooldown) the mortar used by the officer is out of range the enemy base. !!Its like the officer take in charge the AI calculation, so that reduce server load but reduce performance for the officer if there no player in his side, im not sure of this!! -The SQUADLEADER : They are able to call Airtaxi, 10 min cooldown and its global for the faction, if a player call an heli insertion the other player must wait 10 min to call an other one. -ENGINEER : They are able to repair and build sandbag wall everywhere, they must have a toolkit. -MEDIC : They can heal. Special Weapon and electronic warfare : -There is few truck (CSAT truck device) that carry special weapon, they spawn semi-randomly at mission start, the possible location are marked on the map. They can carry 2 sort of special weapon usable 1 time for each truck : -EMP weapon, this weapon will neutralize every vehicle, launcher, GPS, NVG in a 1km radius, most effective at night. -Atomic Ray, that will destroy everything in a +500 meter radius. Note the weapon can't be activated at long range, so for the ray if somebody want to use it he will die too. For more info check the Alias script, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1462497370 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884555116 Other feature and community script for gameplay enhancement : -R3F logistic : Player can carry and load in the vehicle the ammobox, fortification and static weapon to create a frontline, thats why I desactivated the ability to teleport to contested sector. -R3F log (creation factory) : Each side can build fortification and structure to protect a sector, note huge structure like tower or building cant be loaded in a vehicle, its mainly to defend the base. An other note about the creation factory there a hard limit to avoid performance issue. -AIS Revive : Player can see an injured friend on the map, the injured player can be revived by an AI squadmate (press/spam H key). -Advanced sling loading, tranport object by air. -Advanced towing, transport object with ground vehicle. -NRE Earplug, earplug. -TAW Dynamic View Distance, ability to set up viewdistance and terrain quality. Steamworkshop link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586185062 Direct download link : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m_34BBS-IhgcAxtA7AhU1zcJFfmURP0_
  22. ❗️🔍What and who we are Welcome, all to a new server and community thriving with content. FreeBeerGaming Custom Server has plenty of mods to keep you looting and on the move for more. Our server is Third person/First. Traders... will be added later. We welcome clan warfare. Our server has a party system so keep you and your team mate's in a group at all times, but don't feel left out for any reason we always are willing to talk to you and sort things out. feel free to use our public music channel for your entertainment. Our server has more then 100 vehicles around the map. Check Out Our First Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI4ZV9Ldk90&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=FreeBeerGaming ❗️Information [WARNING ALL CONTENT CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE !] THIS SERVER IS MODDED AND FOR ARMA 3 ALL SERVER IP'S NEEDED MODS WILL BE IN OUR COMMUNITY DISCORD : https://discord.gg/UjNYasD YOU CAN USE THE NORMAL ARMA 3 LAUNCHER OR YOU CAN CONNECT THOUGH : https://a3launcher.com/ THANKS FOR WATCHING! Arma 3 Server UPDATE_V_1.0.3 All Our Game Servers ip's Start with: [] Arma 3 is: Mods Required to join is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrejAgMKmF_UdkC9zWnDlwliKx92ANn-/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrejAgMKmF_UdkC9zWnDlwliKx92ANn-/view?usp=sharing Steps top install this file. 1. Download and save to a place on your pc where you will remember it. 2. Open Arma 3 launcher though steam. 3. Go to [More] "Import List of Mods From File" then steam will Download/load mods to load order for Arma 3 https://imgur.com/Hkp7lzQ
  23. So, I'm very much new to making any kind of mod for Arma 3, my only experience with mod making is making mostly some QoL stuff for STALKER and its various standalone mods (I was making a pretty big mod for Anomaly that included its own storyline and assets, but the Anomaly devs told me to just put it on hold and wait for STALKER 2 to come out and then make my mod for that instead), and I'm about beginner level in terms of knowledge with Blender. With it being the month of spook, I want to make a set of custom facewear that are modeled as bird heads and bird skulls, but I honestly have no clue what to do to make it possible. Want to make something akin to the skulls and deer skulls in monk1junk1's Not what they seem... mod. So I'm looking for some help to get me started on the right track and guide me a bit in making something I can use to spook my unit during our spooky ops.
  24. As the title stated above, I've been having a hard time trying to create or find a way to make an addon for creating a custom HUD's for custom helmets.I want to add a health bar, Motion detector(like from halo), ammo bar and compass to this HUD. Any methods, suggestions or tutorials? Any and all help will be appreciated. I'll credit those who give any help in my addon!
  25. I'm testing an addon that adds things to a campaign I'm working on. At the moment the config.cpp file only adds one character to the editor and one vest. It looks like this: I have everything in its current state in a folder labeled "@Test_Mod" and inside is an addons folder and within that is the pbo titled "Test Mod.pbo". The mod shows up in the launcher and when I open the game it shows up in the bottom left corner of the main menu, but neither the custom unit nor the vest show up in-game. I'm still very new to making configs, so it's incredibly likely that I missed something, but what would it be?