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  1. Greetings Community, I needed a gas mask overlay script for a MP mission I'm making. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that works across respawns... so I modified the overlay part of the script made by ALIAS - "Radiation - DEMO", after heavy modification the overlay is now MP compatible. There are currently some issues, which I hope I can resolve in near future: * Gas mask overlay will remain after respawn until the player equips and then unequips the "Gas mask" * For some reason the script doesn't work with the "Contact DLC" gas masks. It actually works. It appears the unit (cbrn_specialist) spawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_nofilter_F" and later respawns with "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F", keep that in mind. Feel free to contribute, I'm stuck as it is. I'll provide further updates in the github repository Enjoy! Modified multiplayer compatible overlay script. https://github.com/SubXi/arma3-2d-mask-overlay Original script: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=909790601
  2. As you can see by the title, I'm trying to make a custom support CAS menu by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu. The script that activates after u call in support would make the player say something with apex subtitles and send in chopper support. Problem is, that it seems like the script only activates to whoever calls in the support. What I mean is that the player who called in chopper support would see the apex subtitles and the chopper incoming for CAS. But to the other players, they won't see the apex subtitles and only see the chopper incoming. Is there any way to make the script activates for all players by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu? I'm still considered a rookie when it comes to scripting, so expect me to be a little dumb. And this is one of my first posts on the forums.
  3. HEAD OVER TO THE RELEASE THREAD FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THIS PROJECT RHS Uniform Unit Patches By: Kband1 Current Status: V1.0 Release Date: January 12, 2016 Requirements: Community Based Addons A3 RHS: United States Armed Forces Download Links Google Drives: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yB9MY0xJSjeWFfTWRWTUkyWUk Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b2sqt1krg82cdhl/%40RHS_Patch.rar Armaholic: UPDATING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION A little project that came to mind at the last moment of making my Custom Unit Patches, This will be implementing many missing Infantry Divisions, Armored Divisions, and especially Special Forces Patches to RHS Type Uniform Standards (Not how RHS has it 3d modeled on the uniforms so I'll try my best). The patches will also work with any and all Vanilla Uniforms. I created this mod to help those MILSIM, Realism, and ARMA Units get the patches they need all in one for RHS: USAF Uniforms WITHOUT THE STRETCHING OF THE TEXTURES OR HAVING TO INSTALL AND USE VANILLA RESKINNED UNIFORMS! PATCHES IN THE PACK AS OF NOW Over 130+ Patches for RHS: USAF Uniforms x40 - Infantry Divisions/Infantry Brigade Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x12 - Command, CORPS and Army Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x5 - Armored Division Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x6 - Cavalry Regiment Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x16 - Ranger Regiment Patches with interchangeable Ranger Tab or no Ranger Tab ACU and Multicam Variants x4 - Military Police Brigades ACU and Multicam Variants x8 - Aviation Brigade/Regiment Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x2 - Engineer Brigade Patch ACU and Multicam Variant x4 - EOD Ordnance Group Patches ACU and Multicam Variant x20 - Field Artillery Brigade Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x16 - Special Forces Groups and Command Patches with interchangeable Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab or Both ACU and Multicam Variants Future Plans! --US MARINE CORPS-- Infantry Divisions MARSOC Units Force Recon Units Aircraft Groups --US NAVY-- SEAL Teams CVNs Air Wings --US AIR FORCE-- STS Air Wings --US COAST GUARD-- Districts Cutters --Miscellaneous-- Miscellaneous Items NEW IMAGE SET http://imgur.com/a/SPSAj Some seem tilted due to the Arm Position on the RHS Uniforms Model, I guarantee that once you raise a weapon or lower a weapon and your arm is bent then they will look a little better. If you would like to suggest any other patches please PM me the Image, I do accept custom Unit patches too, in color also :) Also please note, this is just a little project that came to mind randomly after creating my custom unit patches and will take a little bit as I do still have school and work to deal with, but it shouldn't take to long to work on them and release them to perfect standards. As for using this mod for your own personal use and editing it up, I am completely fine with that.
  4. build 1.63.130810 has just been released on Steam in Beta branch for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Engine: Data: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?191811 note: this is newer than released 'stable' 1.63 ! warning: as data differs to stable 1.63 it might cause issues on some servers / mods - please tell mission authors/mod creators/server owners to work on support new data before it become new stable
  5. In modules, I'm trying to use Set Position/Rotation, however the module will not let me change "Rotation" from Yes to No for some reason. I have all the objects pointed in their own directions and I was wondering if there was a reason why this module won't let me change it to not force rotation. http://i.imgur.com/xFPFEnR.jpg (147 kB)
  6. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php WARNING: this build is major build 1.63.x thus not compatible backward with 1.62 clients ! both client and server must have this beta build the build contain quite some of crash fixes (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also not yet deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  7. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php mirror : the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  8. hello, i remember i read somewhere that you could put satchels on walls, vehicles, and stuff like that. but i am not able to do anything of that. when i try to put them on vehicles they just happen to be put on the ground instead.. is this a planned feature?
  9. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php mirror : the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  10. The smoke grenades are so ineffective. They should spread more smoke, which is also more 'leakproof'/heavy and more sustained. Take a look on smoke grenades on internet or in the BF 2 Mod 'Project Reality'. The smoke grenades must be tweaked.
  11. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php mirror : the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  12. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php mirror : the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks (if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files (compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH) BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ... note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419) +++ Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP) Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391 More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)
  13. ArgusNastyCrab

    Movement mode resets

    Taken from this post by Warmbrak: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155675-Game-Update-0-58-Movement-mode-resets-between-crosshair-amp-iron-sights This thread was closed because the issue is apparently resolved in the feedbacktracker. It has also been confirmed a week ago on the forums that this would be fixed in the next dev update, but after a week the bug is still not fixed on the devbranch. I think this bug is very annoying and I hope BI did not forget about this one :-)
  14. Hi, tracker yesterday (sorry, MadDogX, brain wasn't on), I hope it is ok to post this in here. after I half-sleepingly wrongly posted this to the feedback My thoughts on how to improve the overall driving experience in ArmA III. Feel free to comment, review or to add your own thoughts. I will insert them, provided I remember to look here. :D Most thoughts refer to on-road driving with cars. Some could be/are duplicates. Improve sound. Sound specifically needs some work on those sections: Sound of quad at top speed is buggy: Constantly repeating accelerate noise. Braking sound is really bad and also quite general. (I actually think I have already heard the sound somewhere) The braking sound also occurs in certain cases when "drifting" at high speeds on the road. This sounds very strange. Add unterground-dependent sound. (asphalt, concrete, gravel, (rain), etc) Engine sound should have some random noise. (misfire etc) Currently it's always the same sound. Improve general handling and driving athmosphere. Driving over a bush does makes it "fall" (don't know the right word), but does not cause any damage. Because of that, you often don't even try to avoid them because you know they don't mean anything. Making them cause a scratching noise (causing the driver to notice it and think "oh shit, I have damaged the car") and some damage will do the job. Signs are too small, not really frequent and/or complete and too late and too difficult to read when driving fast. All this makes driving without looking at the map all the time or having a copilot. My suggestion: At crossings (or T-junctions), optionally have one early sign indicating that a crossing is coming and then signs for all possible ways. Generally, make the font size bigger. Fonts of real signs aren't that thin. Properly implement handbrake: A vehicle standing on a slope will roll if handbrake is not applied. Upon activation, handbrake stays activated. Upon deactivation, handbrake stays deactivated. Add wipers (Hugely improves atmosphere if graphics are done right) Some aquaplaning. (Really unimportant) Driving offroad should make the screen shake, create dust etc When driving slow-medium speed (e.g. 20 km/h), the engine makes a "accelerate" noise and the speed is almost constant, even driving on a gravel road. Add more friction and play the "roll out" noise, not the "accelerate" noise! It is not possible to brake without starting the engine, i.e. if you roll (w/o engine) and press S then the engine starts. Improve graphics. (Some details, most of it looks fine) Make streets more plastic. (especially gravel roads) Add some random noise to the roads. Hoping I've done it right Scogol PS: Indentation is a bit broken.