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  1. DnA


    Whereas SITREPs are general development updates, the SPOTREPs will focus solely on big default branch updates to the game. Keep checking the Dev Hub for all details. ---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ---------- Full changelog and SPOTREP
  2. note: those're just binaries, no data, that's still WIP, no ETA atm., Linux server to come later too please provide feedback multiplayer incompatible with any older version of A2OA link to Arma discord https://discord.gg/arma channel #end_of_life_arma https://discord.gg/0aWSevYPq5UwEvEP 1.64.144629 (cumulative ontop 144373) https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxvpummd1gw4gcj/arma2oa_164_144629.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EnRk-9nHlkE161r6czFVMGNUbEnUwkB9 1.64.144373 windows https://www.dropbox.com/s/68bkm4br9z7w3dd/arma2oa_164_144373.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sLE9Rb9C2u6AfsNmsv98MN-uhMq4h2tA linux https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocq6m3afsi7oc34/a2oa-server-1.64.144373.tar.bz2?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JRK-A4Ho37rbQaSFRTR8u6pH_WoiRgly 1.64.144343: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gbchk1cy2ssmcvy/arma2oa_164_144343.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d2iOeHFNCdSRtqRjhrowBL9wHu3eo6n8 1.64.144253: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9wow6peuhcwx0y/arma2oa_164_144253.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=17M0R3RCISz0OFkxj0ToegEM5KRfKpHb5 1.64.144246: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tegisi94nv5jxqp/arma2oa_164_144246.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mk-MRvTsQox9RTLppHaUzWCzNkIkNs8R 1.64.144198: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjctemljlpfns8c/arma2oa_164_144198.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ux4z8q1TmK5NG93yLSZGkqb5dwaGVU94 1.64.144191: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i88d9b8jsvi5zjp/arma2oa_164_144191.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TVeBJ4kZlUCeY51IhvarrNVzQiLJwayH 1.64.144160: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcxbjvw0emsasm5/arma2oa_164_144160.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mpWO0vTGljmgamkdjcrsi2ek7e0PENiF 1.64.144152: https://www.dropbox.com/s/857t9wyhkl58l1n/arma2oa_164_144152.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZXp_zjlmp9DF6Q9-LQ_9aE1fTp3neYTs 1.64.144120: https://www.dropbox.com/s/55gji8mck6zupsv/arma2oa_164_144120_with_corepatch.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PeIa-4hnnJWeIN1EU0CUOmWFj98Yh1Q1 1.64.144112: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7gycfsy8orj4v23/arma2oa_164_144112.7z?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Li11k5vv4DHl8_rceNe7WJqxnAyYBW-U
  3. I'm not sure how many people are still interested in tackling this subject.But I thought I'd put these tutorials out there,on the off chance that they may be of use.They aren't doing much good sitting around on my Hd. They revolve around version 2.49b of Blender.I'm familiar with,and use newer versions,but they don't have Vektorboson's excellent P3d scripts.Check out this thread from Sanctuary for more information. Although you can get the model into O2 with uv co-ordinates intact,without exporting to P3d, it's a lot handier to go straight in.As you can unwrap/map,paint and even weight your model in Blender.You can also use layers to create meshes for Resolution,Geometry,Fire geometry, Viewpilot etc.Unfortunately mass and proxies aren't exported and textures need to be redirected. So O2 is still required to take care of this,and finalise the model.Only a small limitation as far as I'm concerned. :) The tutorials also have a particular slant to them.As they were originally intended for members of the Wh40k mod.But that shouldn't make it any more difficult to follow.The processes can be applied to any modeling project. If you find yourself in any difficulty,then let me know,and I'll do my best to sort you out. This link should remain active for 30 days. Tutorials.7z Notes: If you're going to import an existing P3d,to check scale,then make sure you hit CTRL-A. And apply scale and rotation to objData.This should ensure there's no scaling issues on export.
  4. Patches seen in these images are just a small sample of what is included, NOT the entire content! Details: USP Patches - 4525 Unit Patches & Insignias Required Addons: None Signed: Yes, Server Key included Overview: VERSION 1.6: 1350 New Patches & Insignias added. 4525 Total. Not much to say, other than another patches update with tons more added. This update was mainly focused around adding all the country flags, which makes up about half of the pack, with each country flag coming in 3 variants (Frame, Name, & Shield). Also adding in 4 new pbo's for the countries of Greece, Iraq, Israel, and Pakistan. The Field Manual section for this addon has been updated to include better information regarding each individual pack. Started doing some cleanup with the classnames, so as always be sure to check the ClassList if having trouble. Even though this was the biggest update so far, it still didn't quite fill all requests as I had thought. Time is wearing thin for me, so I decided to go ahead and pack what is done to at least get it released. More additions will be coming, to address some of the requests that were missed and to focus more directly on already included addon packs. The roadmap for this addon, from version 1.6 to 1.7, will be to expand further upon included modules which have been neglected since introduced. As well as upgrading many of the outdated (128x) patches to 256x. Hope you all enjoy this update, which is packed full of new morale patches for everyone, and some smaller additions to all previous categories. ORIGINAL: During the process of creating my own custom units, I came across the need for some specific unit patches. Which then turned into an entire project all in its own, as a few patches turned into a library. Seeing as how there aren't very many patch addons in the community currently, I decided to go ahead and begin adding as many patches and insignias as I possibly could to the game. Each and every patch tailored to 'near-perfection', so all would be presented in just as much quality as there is quantity. There are still tons more patches to be added, and with this first pack, I was more focused on U.S. patches, since those are the units I am currently working on. But, I do plan on adding in many more patches based off of different countries around the world. Please note, I cannot ensure the absolute accuracy of the naming of all patches in this pack. All informations have been pulled from internet resources from which the patches were obtained. If you are certain of a name which is incorrect, please do contact me and inform me of the changes and I will be sure to correct them as needed. If anyone has any requests for additional patches, feel free to ask as I don't mind adding in more. Hope you enjoy this small addition and I will try to keep updated as necessary. Thanks for the support. Included: USP_Patches.pbo USP_Patches_Core.pbo USP_Patches_Extra.pbo USP_Patches_Historic.pbo USP_Patches_World.pbo USP_Patches_AFG.pbo USP_Patches_AUS.pbo USP_Patches_CAN.pbo USP_Patches_CHI.pbo USP_Patches_FRA.pbo USP_Patches_GRE.pbo USP_Patches_IRN.pbo USP_Patches_IRQ.pbo USP_Patches_ISR.pbo USP_Patches_ITA.pbo USP_Patches_PAK.pbo USP_Patches_POL.pbo USP_Patches_RUS.pbo USP_Patches_UKF.pbo USP_Patches_USA.pbo Changelog: v1.6 ADDED: 1350 New Patches & Insignias ADDED: USP_Patches_GRE.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_IRQ.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_ISR.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_PAK.pbo UPDATED: Mod Field Manual UPDATED: ClassNames/ClassList v1.5 ADDED: 1000 New Patches & Insignias ADDED: USP_Patches_AFG.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_CHI.pbo CHANGED: File Structure v1.4 ADDED: 770 New Patches & Insignias ADDED: USP_Patches_Core.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_Historic.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_AUS.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_IRN.pbo ADDED: USP_Patches_UKF.pbo v1.38 ADDED: 165 New Patches & Insignias FIXED: Insignias not showing in VA after 1.40 update FIXED: File Prefix & ClassNames CHANGED: ALL Files & ClassNames have been changed, with prefix 'USP_' added. v1.35 FIXED: Server Key not working FIXED: Duplicate Entries in expansions menu v1.3 ADDED: 905 New Patches & Insignias v1.2 ADDED: 120 New Patches & Insignias v1.1 ADDED: 110 New Patches & Insignias v1.0 Initial Release For a full list of the changelog, please refer to the documentation included. Usage: [this,"CLASSNAME"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia; ClassList is provided in the documentation. Issues: None Credits and Thanks: Author: Siege-A Developer: UnderSiege Productionz Special Thanks: [AEF] Duck (Alot of troubleshooting and helped me get the file signatures and key working.) Jackal326 (Helped point me in the right direction for VA fix.) Ckrauslo (Good friend always keeping me motivated since the start.) ZiGreen (Corrections and Russian expertise.) Shunday (Generous donation of high-quality historic patches.) Hawaiian (Joining in the boredom that is config work.) Fingolfin (Generous donation of Iraqi and Afghani patches.) DireOne (My official representative on Steam Workshop.) I would also like to thank the entire ArmA community for making this game so enjoyable by producing the many mods and scripts that we use today, as well as all those that have put in requests. Finally, a big thank you to Bohemia Interactive for creating the ultimate military simulator. Download Links: License: ©2014 by UnderSiege Productions This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ For a full review of the license, please refer to the documentation included.
  5. I am trying to get to the bottom of why not all assets from some mods are made available for a zeus curator when initiated through an in-game script. Note that this is not related to needing to adjust the module to read "all addons including unofficial ones" in the editor. I have a script which creates a curator module and assigns it to the designated player (usually me), and is supposed to add all addons to it. This works fine with almost everything; all vanilla factions are added without fault and almost all downloaded mods. However, for a couple of faction mods, some assets are not being added even when some of them are. While it is usually quite consistent which fail to add, it is not always completely. At first I assumed it was a case of some assets in the mod having scopeCurator set such that this was intended, but even having been into the configs and successfully changed it, it still fails most the time. It also wouldn't explain why on some occasions these assets do get added. Here is the script I have been using to add the curator and configure it in singleplayer: _unit = player; // Exit if unit is already curator if (!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic _unit)) exitWith { systemChat format["[Zeus] Logic already assigned to %1, remove it first",name _unit]; }; private _curator = missionNamespace getVariable [format["f_zeusCurator_%1",getPlayerUID _unit],objNull]; // Check curator exists, if not create it if !(isNull _curator) then { format["[Zeus] Curator variable already assigned to %1, reassigning", name _unit] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit]; unassignCurator _curator; deleteVehicle _curator; sleep 1; } else { //format["No Curator.", _curator] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit]; unassignCurator _curator; f_var_sideCenter = createCenter sideLogic; format["Creating....", _curator] remoteExec ["systemChat",_unit] }; _var = missionNameSpace getVariable ["l_var_sideLogic","Fail"]; // Create a new curator logic _curator = (createGroup f_var_sideCenter) createUnit ["ModuleCurator_F",[0,0,0],[],0,""]; _curator setVariable ["owner",format["%1",getPlayerUID _unit],true]; _curator setVariable ["showNotification",false,true]; _curator setVariable ["Addons",3,true]; //Set Zeus Vision Modes [_curator, [-1, -2, 0]] call bis_fnc_setcuratorvisionmodes; // Assign the passed unit as curator //_unit assignCurator _curator; _unit assignCurator _curator; private _curator = getAssignedCuratorLogic _unit; systemChat format["Curator: %1", _curator];; if (isNull _curator) then { _curator = _unit; }; // If curator is null or not the correct logic exit with an error message. if (isNull _curator || typeOf _curator != "ModuleCurator_F") exitWith { systemChat format["Failed to resolve curator for %1", _unit]; }; // Decide which addons to add based on passed mode _mode = True; _addons = []; switch (typeName _mode) do { case "ARRAY"; case "STRING": { if (_mode isEqualType "") then { if (_mode == "basic") then { // Load predefined basic modules _mode = ["A3_Data_F","A3_Data_F_Curator","A3_Functions_F_Curator","A3_Misc_F","A3_Modules_F_EPB","A3_Ui_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Curator","A3_Modules_F_Curator_Misc","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Chemlights","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Environment","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Flares","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Ordnance","CuratorOnly_Modules_F_Curator_Smokeshells","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp","A3_Modules_F_Bootcamp_Misc"]; } else { // Convert to array _mode = [_mode]; }; }; { if (isClass (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >> _x)) then { _addons pushBack (configName (configFile >> "cfgPatches" >>_x)); }; } forEach _mode; }; case "BOOL": { if (_mode) then { // If true was passed, add all available addons to curator list _cfgPatches = configFile >> "cfgPatches"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgPatches - 1) do { _class = _cfgPatches select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _addons pushBack (configName _class); }; }; } else { removeAllCuratorAddons _curator; }; }; }; // Nothing to add! if (count _addons == 0) exitWith {}; // Remove existing addons removeAllCuratorAddons _curator; _curator addCuratorAddons _addons; systemChat format["[Zeus] Added %1 addons",count _addons]; // Reduce costs for all actions _curator setCuratorWaypointCost 0; { _curator setCuratorCoef [_x,0]; } forEach ["place","edit","delete","destroy","group","synchronize"]; systemChat format["[Zeus] Curator set-up complete for %1.",name _unit]; _unit assignCurator _curator; I have checked my patch file that is supposed to be fixing this to ensure that the vehicles are listed in cfgPatches, and that the assets I am looking for have scopeCurator = 2. I am not getting any error messages other than: This confuses me because I read on a biki page that addons can be added "on the fly" for a curator, and it works despite this error message for most addons. So I'm not entirely sure what to be looking for from here. Pointers appreciated. Cheers, Law
  6. Hi test pilots! We are finally rolling out our beta patches for TKOH :) Be aware that these are experimental patches, and should only be installed if you are willing to encounter potential crashing and broken features. :icon_exclaim: Please visit the official website for more information. Changelog:
  7. I checked this thread and was not sure anyone mentioned this so here goes. I have been searching out emulators for ZX spectrum / Arcade / Amiga 500 mainly and found some good sites. First of all MAME works out of install with many arcade roms for all old classic cabinet arcade machines: MAME (arcade) can be downloaded here: http://mamedev.org/updates.html Games for install "Roms" (you place them in the "Roms" folder and let the software validate them) http://www.freeroms.com/mame.htm Amiga (winaeu) can be found here: (click alphabet) http://www.rom-world.com/dl.php?name=Amiga&emulator=yes Games: http://www.freeroms.com/amiga.htm ZX Spectrum http://www.worldofspectrum.org/ Games: http://www.worldofspectrum.org/games/a.html Having some fun playing Way Of The exploding Fist, Lesuire Suit Larry, Outrun, and simply laughing at some of the games I loved in my school days.
  8. A small environmental themed patch for Napf Winter: Replaces rain with snow. (Snow courtesy of CUP) Tweaked SimulWeather classes. (Sullen Skies) Adds birdlife. (Crows/Eagles) Removes rain sounds. Server Key. Steam Workshop.
  9. 191 Syrian and Iraqi civil war patches including: Syrian Arab Army and allies Syrian Democratic Forces and allies Free Syrian Army and jihadists Iraqi Army and special forces Popular Mobilization Units Iraqi Kurds Islamic state Few others such as: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Saddam era Iraq and 19 flags classnames list: https://pastebin.com/20pSKwPj Arsenal with access to insignia: (you have to put this code into init of item you want to be arsenal) this addAction ["<t color='#ffa500'>Open Virtual Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; Init code for units to set insignia for them. ("saa1" is an example, other classnames can be found using arsenal) [[this, "saa1"], "fnc_permanentInsignia", nil, true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; If you want to attach flag to a vehicle - position it how you want it and use this code in flags init [flag, vehicle] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; File with classnames inside the mod folder and here: https://pastebin.com/20pSKwPj Thanks to everyone who contributed. If you have something you want added to the mod and can provide good source leave the comment below. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1309096383
  10. Hello all. I'm a non-coder, trying to figure this out, and have put together my first ever patch, to change a loadout in ITC's SPHs. I've got 99% of it ironed out, but am running into an issue where I get an error in CBA every time I load a mission with it included - trying to polish this to use w/ Zeus-based MP server, and would love to eliminate this error. Here's the relevant error section from the RPT. This repeats several 10's of times, over a couple seconds. 23:01:10 Error in expression <ba_settings_fnc_openSettingsMenu'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error position: <SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: slx_xeh_compile_new 23:01:10 File \x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_addSetting.sqf [CBA_fnc_addSetting]..., line 5634 23:01:10 Error in expression <nit.sqf', 'cba_settings_fnc_init'] call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error position: <SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; ['\x\cba\addons\set> 23:01:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: slx_xeh_compile_new 23:01:10 File \x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_addSetting.sqf [CBA_fnc_addSetting]..., line 5622 23:01:10 Error in expression < call SLX_XEH_COMPILE_NEW; }; }; call cba_settings_fnc_init == 0 }> 23:01:10 Error position: <cba_settings_fnc_init == 0 }> 23:01:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: cba_settings_fnc_init 23:01:10 File \x\cba\addons\settings\fnc_addSetting.sqf [CBA_fnc_addSetting]..., line 5655 And here's the fairly simple cfgVehicles.hpp (called with an #include from the Config.cpp) /// Magazines macros definition /// #define mag_2(a) a, a #define mag_3(a) a, a, a #define mag_4(a) a, a, a, a #define mag_5(a) a, a, a, a, a #define mag_6(a) a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_7(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_8(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_9(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_10(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_11(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_12(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_15(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_20(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_24(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_30(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a #define mag_35(a) a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a class CfgVehicles { class LandVehicle; class Tank: LandVehicle {}; class Tank_F:Tank { class Turrets { class MainTurret {}; }; }; class MBT_01_base_F:Tank_F { class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret {}; }; }; class MBT_01_arty_base_F:MBT_01_base_F { class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret {}; }; }; class B_MBT_01_arty_base_F:MBT_01_arty_base_F { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret {}; }; }; class itc_land_SPH01_base:B_MBT_01_arty_base_F { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret { //animationSourceBody = "turret_source"; //animationSourceGun = "gun_source"; turretInfoType = "ITC_Land_RscIGS_SPH"; weapons[] = {"itc_land_155mm_howitzer"}; magazines[] = { mag_35("itc_land_g155hex"), mag_10("itc_land_g155smo"), mag_5("itc_land_g155ill"), mag_10("itc_land_g155lgm"), mag_10("itc_land_g155pgm"), mag_5("itc_land_g155map"), mag_10("itc_land_g155mat") }; }; }; }; class itc_land_b_SPH_Sholef2:itc_land_SPH01_base { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret { //animationSourceBody = "turret_source"; //animationSourceGun = "gun_source"; //turretInfoType = "ITC_Land_RscIGS_SPH"; //weapons[] = {"itc_land_155mm_howitzer"}; magazines[] = { mag_35("itc_land_g155hex"), mag_10("itc_land_g155smo"), mag_5("itc_land_g155ill"), mag_10("itc_land_g155lgm"), mag_10("itc_land_g155pgm"), mag_5("itc_land_g155map"), mag_10("itc_land_g155mat") }; }; }; }; class itc_land_b_t_SPH_Sholef2:itc_land_b_SPH_Sholef2 { class Turrets:Turrets { class MainTurret:MainTurret { //animationSourceBody = "turret_source"; //animationSourceGun = "gun_source"; //turretInfoType = "ITC_Land_RscIGS_SPH"; //weapons[] = {"itc_land_155mm_howitzer"}; //magazines[] = { // mag_35("itc_land_g155hex"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155smo"), // mag_5("itc_land_g155ill"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155lgm"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155pgm"), // mag_5("itc_land_g155map"), // mag_10("itc_land_g155mat") //}; }; }; }; }; You'll note I've commented out some strings, trying to figure out what I can cut from the file, and what needs to stay - the last two classes at the end ("...b_SPH..." and "...b_t_SPH..." weren't changing when I put their parent class in (itc_land_SPH01_base), so there's an inheritance issue somewhere, but I was able to get it to work. Less concerned about that (I can do iterative revisions to figure it out) and more concerned about the CBA errors. Any thoughts as to what might be causing the CBA error, or resources I can dig into to figure it out, are all appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  11. SpartanViperz


    What is this mod? This mod Improves the way the default NATO soldiers look in the game by replacing them with gear already existing in the game, as well as some slighlty retextured helmets. I aimed for them to look like how they were in the alpha, beta and release candidate of the game. I mainly did this by making the Enhanced combat helmet the norm compared to the combat helmet as I personally think they look alot better and suit the 2035 setting alot more. I also restricted the use of the Carrier special rig and GL Rig to certain roles as I think they were over used and I personally dont like them as I think they're "too chubby". I also retextured the ECH and LCH slightly by adding a US flag so they look like they did in the Pre-alpha version of Arma 3. Why download this mod? Small file size - 17.7 mb! Better looking units that work on any mission. New retextured helmets to incorporate US flag while not compromising the normal ones so you can still use them for other missions. This is my first mod I've ever made, so while its only small and simple, any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Workshop Download/Page You can also view some screenshots on there^ It's been on the workshop for about a week now but I've decided to put it on here as well to hopefully expose it to more people and gather some other feedback 🙂 I'd also like to thank Night515/AverytheKitty for inspiring me to make this mod and being very generous in helping me with any issues. 😄
  12. The amount of crownes from antennas was bad enough before, but now it is pointless upgrading the antenna...nobody is putting in for better crates anymore since it’s impossible to earn crownes unless you pay the overpriced cost for a few. Devs seriously need to fix the amount of crownes earned and reduce the cost of them on the store; or at least reduce the prices of crates etc. If this does happen, they will see a huge increase in profit since it’s far less risky to spend your own money on crownes, and the game economy will be smoother allowing greater interest and thus a greater player-base. until this is sorted, i’m not playing. It is really boring playing for just common crates and 100-200% loot boosts every game, with around one crate boost every 20 matches or so. At least fix the damn glitches first if you’re gonna be tight around the crownes.
  13. All-In-One AI Command Menu A "WW AI Menu" Patch By Leopard20 & WindWalking This thread is no longer updated! For the latest release, check here Hello everyone. As you know, the WW AI Menu was one of the first and best AI mods released in the early days of ARMA 3 release. It addressed a lot of issues and shortcomings with the vanilla ARMA commanding system, and packed a lot of handy features including: - Infantry commands such as healing, garrisoning & clearing building, rearming, .... - Vehicle commands such as engine on and off, horn and eject with parachute. - Waypoint system with the ability to assign multiple waypoints to your squad members. - Weapon accessories (silencers, flashlights, ...) - Unsticking units. and .... Read more about the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/153621-ww-aimenu-complimentary-commands/ Unfortunately, when Windwalking left the community some of the features ended up broken, and due to the community rule forbidding people from taking over and/or changing an author's work without their permission, nobody has stepped up to bring this mod back to life. Until now. I decided to bring this mod back to life in a way that respects the community rule and the author's work. Namely, "patching" the original mod by adding features and fixing broken ones. As a result, you will need the original mod installed for my mod to work. You can activate the menu by pressing Y .If you use the "Y" key for Zeus or anything else you can either change the keybinding for those features (I personally use "Ctrl+Y" for Zeus) or change the keybinding for the menu by navigating to: "OPTIONS > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS > (dropdown menu) All-In-One Command Menu". I've also included a userconfig file where you can add support for your mods (if they are not supported already). Currently you can add support for: Resupply vehicles, AT soldiers (used in the rearming script) and the Handgun suppressors. Note that you might need to enable "file patching" for the config file to work (either add the -filepatching commandline or enable it in the launcher parameters). This mod is compatible with other commanding mods (such as C2). Although I don't recommend using both for issuing the same command at the same time (e.g when you use C2 to order your units to mount a vehicle, don't use the same command in this mod, as it may cause conflicts and unforeseen consequences) I also recommend this mod as it makes issuing regular and frequent commands a lot easier: (you may need to change the default keys used by the mod, keys 1, 2, 3 , 4, as these keys are used for switching weapons) Advanced Command System (ACS) All features were tested using the vanilla ARMA vehicles/weapons (including all DLCs up to the time of release), and work as intended. However some features (the most important of which being weapon accessories) may not work in other mods (such as RHS or CUP). Edit: As of version 0.50 Beta most features should work with other mods without issues. If they don't please post your feedback in this thread. Here's a quick overview of what is changed: Unchanged: Fixed/Modified/Removed: Added: Screenshots: Notes: Special thanks to: - @Windwalking for his awesome mod. - @Muzzleflash for helping me with showing objects on the map and also teaching me a lot about scripting. He's one of the best guys on this forum. - @mad_cheese for allowing me to use the "Bounding Box" function used in his legendary mod, C2. - and everyone else who kindly answered all my questions on the forum. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee this mod is completely harmless. Please back up your ARMA 3 directory located in the "Documents" folder (C:\Users\YOUR_PC_NAME\Documents\) prior to using this mod (especially the file *.vars.Arma3Profile and the "saved" folder because they are the only files that may be affected). Multiplayer support is in alpha state and not fully tested yet. Dear Moderators, The current release still uses the scripts from the original version. Also, to avoid some conflicts, I had to rename the global variables. If you think this mod is still not in compliance with forum rules please let me know to come up with a solution (you can PM me or post it here). By installing this patch, the original mod will be disabled (If you want me to leave it enabled please leave a feedback and I'll re-enable it). Download Link (Current Version: v1.2.1): GitHub (always up-to-date) DropBox Armaholic (updates with a slight delay) How to Install: Future Plans: Changelog: Requirements: CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 WW AI Menu by Windwalking: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Since v1.0.0, WW AI Menu mod is not required anymore. It's because some users reported they had trouble setting up WW AI Menu (mostly because of FilePatching used in WW AI Menu, which complicated things), so I decided not to make it necessary to have this mod. A couple of such reports:
  14. Hi, I made a package of patch for old maps (before 1.60 version) with black sky. I choose to patch only consistent map (not in pre-alpha version or unfinished maps). If you want absolutely a patch for a map that is not in the list, send me a PM. To use it : activate the patch of the map you want and activate the map (map not included, it's only a patch). Open the map with "fix" name in order to not have the black sky. Download here Patch available for : - Atlantis Map - Bornholm (lite and normal) - BTC_Al_Jak - Diaoyu - Hindukush - Kandahar Province - Khogyani - Lost Island (normal and winter version) - Sangin - Tilos
  15. I believe there's no prohibition regarding the patching of terrains since this doesn't alter the original files themselves. Is that true for all terrains including BI's or is there some limitation? I know it is possible to adjust sky values in a cfgworlds patch like Jack Ost has done for fixing old community maps. Does anybody has had experience with patching other items like ground textures, replacing plants or any other thing and can show me an example? Also is there a possibility of making these kind of changes on a mission basis, that is, different configs for different missions?
  16. Hello! Looking for someone to help me with texturing, scripting, creating and posting an patch/insignia to steam workshop. I have to original file at hand needed to be made into a mod. Contact me for future discussions about work and compensation. Best regards -DWhale
  17. Hi. How can I patch a mod? To be more specific, here's what I want to do: Let's say I have a mod identified by: class CfgPatches { class My_mod { units[] = { }; weapons[] = { }; requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers"}; version = "0.993"; versionStr = "0.993"; versionDesc= "My mod"; versionAr[] = {1,0,0}; author[] = {"Me"}; }; }; All scripts are in the main mod folder (for example, \My_mod\...) Now I want to patch this mod by altering some scripts and adding a few more scripts to the mod folder. Is it possible to use the same class for this patch as well (i.e My_mod)? Should I change the name of the patch folder? ( \My_mod\ ) Should the script I want to "patch" (i.e fix) have the same name as the script in the original mod? I'd appreciate any help with this.
  18. When I start Arma 3 without any mods and try to join a King of the kill server I get a message after a while that says: Connection failed. I then looked at the server browser and Koth servers have a red cross to the left of them, saying I have the wrong version. I then went back to Main menu and there is a message down to the right from "Spotrep" which linkgs to the Devblog about patch 1.7. My game version is apparently: Launcher version: 1.5.141155 Game version: 1.68.141559 Branch: profiling Why can't I download 1.7? Is that the problem? Best regards
  19. Hey peeps, Just wanted to share something I discovered. I cannot see it has been mentioned here on the BI forums before. After meddling with a ECP + WW4 + WW4EXT mod combination, I noticed that I started crashing on startup when adding a few extra islands to the mix. It seemed like some memory limit was reached somehow due to all the mods I had loaded. There were also some strange issues with sudden extreme lag, all textures (including menus) where blurry and some random objects showed the lowest level of detail, even though I was up close. I have previously messed around with mods in Morrowind/Oblivion, and remembered an application called the 4GB patch by NTCore, which basically allows 32-bit application to utilize 4GB of virtual memory instead of 2GB. This only works in 64-bit environment however. After downloading the application I patched ColdWarAssault.exe, and now it runs sweet as hell with all the mods I want. After patching, I have played approx 10 hours of single player, and have not encountered any crashes or instabilities. I was using the steam version of Arma Cold War Assault, but I also tested briefly on the GOG-version and encountered no issues there either. Just wanted to share this piece of information to anyone having similar issues. The patch can be found on the link below (please note that I have no affiliation with NTCore what-so-ever). The application also backs up the original file (ColdWarAssault.exe.Backup) in case you would experience any issues. http://ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php Cheers.
  20. I was wondering if there are CHANGELOGS for the 2 Arma 2 updates (42.1mb and 35.1mb) that just arrived via Steam ?
  21. Moving this into performance tweaking topic-no need for anew thread. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/155563-arma-3-performance-tweaks-and-settings-guide/
  22. Fellow members, I am working on a tweaked realism version of the beautiful mod GWAR3 made by GossamerSolid. I noticed after patch 1.54 the attachment purchasing is broken. I am still investigating this issue but maybe someone here more experienced can point me to the right direction. Sorry for the long ass code but I want to avoid giving too few info. The attachment part is processed in line 502. Thank you for your time. disableSerialization; _display = _this select 0; //Block UI for network call _netBlockBGCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1110; _netBlockBGCTRL ctrlShow true; _netBlockTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1111; _netBlockTextCTRL ctrlShow true; //Vars GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = false; GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = false; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = false; GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT = false; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = false; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = false; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = false; GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_GETTEMPLATES = false; GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE = false; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; GW_PUREQUIP_TOTALCOST = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = []; GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM = 131072; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR = 0; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX = 0; //Redraw template inventory fnc_purequip_redrawInventory = { private["_parentDisplay"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisplay = _this select 0; _uniformCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1200; _vestCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1201; _backpackCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1202; _headgearCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1203; _faceCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1204; _nvgCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1205; _binocsCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1206; _mapCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1222; _gpsCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1223; _radioCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1224; _compassCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1225; _watchCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1226; _primaryCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1207; _primaryMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1210; _primarySideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1211; _primaryTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1208; _primaryBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1209; _secondaryCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1212; _secondaryMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1213; _secondarySideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1214; _secondaryTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1215; _secondaryBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1216; _handgunCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1217; _handgunMuzCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1218; _handgunSideCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1219; _handgunTopCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1220; _handgunBipodCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1221; _removeUniformCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1606; _removeVestCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1607; _removeBackpackCTRL = _parentDisplay displayCtrl 1608; //Uniform _uniformPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_uniform_gs.paa"; _uniformTT = "No Uniform"; _uniformClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0; if (_uniformClass != "") then { _uniformPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _uniformClass >> "Picture"); _uniformTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _uniformClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_uniformClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_UNIFORMS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_uniformTT = _uniformTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_UNIFORMS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeUniformCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeUniformCTRL ctrlShow false}; _uniformCTRL ctrlSetText _uniformPic; _uniformCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _uniformTT; //Vest _vestPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_vest_gs.paa"; _vestTT = "No Vest"; _vestClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0; if (_vestClass != "") then { _vestPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _vestClass >> "Picture"); _vestTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _vestClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_vestClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_VESTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_vestTT = _vestTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_VESTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeVestCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeVestCTRL ctrlShow false}; _vestCTRL ctrlSetText _vestPic; _vestCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _vestTT; //Backpack _backpackPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_backpack_gs.paa"; _backpackTT = "No Backpack"; _backClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0; if (_backClass != "") then { _backpackPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backClass >> "Picture"); _backpackTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_backClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_BACKPACKS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_backpackTT = _backpackTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_BACKPACKS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _removeBackpackCTRL ctrlShow true; } else {_removeBackpackCTRL ctrlShow false}; _backpackCTRL ctrlSetText _backpackPic; _backpackCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _backpackTT; //Headgear _headgearPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_helmet_gs.paa"; _headgearTT = "No Headgear"; _headClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 0; if (_headClass != "") then { _headgearPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _headClass >> "Picture"); _headgearTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _headClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_headClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_HEADGEAR] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_headgearTT = _headgearTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_HEADGEAR select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _headgearCTRL ctrlSetText _headgearPic; _headgearCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _headgearTT; //Facewear _facePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_glasses_gs.paa"; _faceTT = "No Facewear"; _faceClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 1; if (_faceClass != "") then { _facePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _faceClass >> "Picture"); _faceTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgGlasses" >> _faceClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_faceClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_FACEWEAR] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_faceTT = _faceTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_FACEWEAR select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _faceCTRL ctrlSetText _facePic; _faceCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _faceTT; //NVG _nvgPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_nvg_gs.paa"; _nvgTT = "No Head Mounted Display"; _nvgClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 3; if (_nvgClass != "") then { _nvgPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nvgClass >> "Picture"); _nvgTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _nvgClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_nvgClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_nvgTT = _nvgTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _nvgCTRL ctrlSetText _nvgPic; _nvgCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _nvgTT; //Binoculars _binocsPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_binocular_gs.paa"; _binocsTT = "No Binocular"; _binocClass = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 2; if (_binocClass != "") then { _binocsPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _binocClass >> "Picture"); _binocsTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _binocClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_binocClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_binocsTT = _binocsTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _binocsCTRL ctrlSetText _binocsPic; _binocsCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _binocsTT; //Map _mapPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_map_gs.paa"; _mapTT = "No Map"; _mapClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 2; if (_mapClass != "") then { _mapPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _mapClass >> "Picture"); _mapTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _mapClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_mapClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_mapTT = _mapTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _mapCTRL ctrlSetText _mapPic; _mapCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _mapTT; //GPS _gpsPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_gps_gs.paa"; _gpsTT = "No GPS"; _gpsClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 1; if (_gpsClass != "") then { _gpsPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gpsClass >> "Picture"); _gpsTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gpsClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_gpsClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_gpsTT = _gpsTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _gpsCTRL ctrlSetText _gpsPic; _gpsCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _gpsTT; //Radio _radioPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_radio_gs.paa"; _radioTT = "No Radio"; _radioClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 3; if (_radioClass != "") then { _radioPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _radioClass >> "Picture"); _radioTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _radioClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_radioClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_radioTT = _radioTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _radioCTRL ctrlSetText _radioPic; _radioCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _radioTT; //Compass _compassPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_compass_gs.paa"; _compassTT = "No Compass"; _compassClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 0; if (_compassClass != "") then { _compassPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _compassClass >> "Picture"); _compassTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _compassClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_compassClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_compassTT = _compassTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _compassCTRL ctrlSetText _compassPic; _compassCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _compassTT; //Watch _watchPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_watch_gs.paa"; _watchTT = "No Watch"; _watchClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 10) select 4; if (_watchClass != "") then { _watchPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _watchClass >> "Picture"); _watchTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _watchClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_watchClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_OTHERS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_watchTT = _watchTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_OTHERS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; _watchCTRL ctrlSetText _watchPic; _watchCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _watchTT; //Primary Weapon _primaryPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_primary_gs.paa"; _primaryTT = "No Primary Weapon"; _primaryMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _primaryMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _primarySidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _primarySideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _primaryTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _primaryTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _primaryBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _primaryBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _primaryClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 7) select 0; if (_primaryClass != "") then { _primaryPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryClass >> "Picture"); _primaryTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_primaryClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_PRIMARY] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryTT = _primaryTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_PRIMARY select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _primaryAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 7) select 1; if (_primaryAttach select 0 != "") then { _primaryMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _primaryMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryMuzTT = _primaryMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if (_primaryAttach select 1 != "") then { _primarySidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _primarySideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primarySideTT = _primarySideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if (_primaryAttach select 2 != "") then { _primaryTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _primaryTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryTopTT = _primaryTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_primaryAttach select 3) != "") then { _primaryBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _primaryBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_primaryAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_primaryAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_primaryBipodTT = _primaryBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _primaryCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryPic; _primaryCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryTT; _primaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryMuzPic; _primaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryMuzTT; _primarySideCTRL ctrlSetText _primarySidePic; _primarySideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primarySideTT; _primaryTopCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryTopPic; _primaryTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryTopTT; _primaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _primaryBipodPic; _primaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _primaryBipodTT; //Secondary Weapon _secondaryPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_secondary_gs.paa"; _secondaryTT = "No Secondary Weapon"; _secondaryMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _secondaryMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _secondarySidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _secondarySideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _secondaryTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _secondaryTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _secondaryBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _secondaryBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _secondaryClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 8) select 0; if (_secondaryClass != "") then { _secondaryPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryClass >> "Picture"); _secondaryTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_secondaryClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SECONDARY] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryTT = _secondaryTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SECONDARY select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _secondaryAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 8) select 1; if ((_secondaryAttach select 0) != "") then { _secondaryMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _secondaryMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryMuzTT = _secondaryMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 1) != "") then { _secondarySidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _secondarySideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondarySideTT = _secondarySideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 2) != "") then { _secondaryTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _secondaryTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryTopTT = _secondaryTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_secondaryAttach select 3) != "") then { _secondaryBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _secondaryBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_secondaryAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_secondaryAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_secondaryBipodTT = _secondaryBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _secondaryCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryPic; _secondaryCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryTT; _secondaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryMuzPic; _secondaryMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryMuzTT; _secondarySideCTRL ctrlSetText _secondarySidePic; _secondarySideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondarySideTT; _secondaryTopCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryTopPic; _secondaryTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryTopTT; _secondaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _secondaryBipodPic; _secondaryBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _secondaryBipodTT; //Handgun _handgunPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_hgun_gs.paa"; _handgunTT = "No Handgun"; _handgunMuzPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_muzzle_gs.paa"; _handgunMuzTT = "No Muzzle Attachment"; _handgunSidePic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_side_gs.paa"; _handgunSideTT = "No Side Attachment"; _handgunTopPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_top_gs.paa"; _handgunTopTT = "No Optic Attachment"; _handgunBipodPic = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc\RscDisplayGear\ui_gear_bipod_gs.paa"; _handgunBipodTT = "No Bipod Attachment"; _handgunClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 9) select 0; if (_handgunClass != "") then { _handgunPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunClass >> "Picture"); _handgunTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunClass >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [_handgunClass, 0, GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SIDEARM] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunTT = _handgunTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_WEAP_SIDEARM select _itemIndex) select 1]}; _handgunAttach = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 9) select 1; if ((_handgunAttach select 0) != "") then { _handgunMuzPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 0) >> "Picture"); _handgunMuzTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 0) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 0), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunMuzTT = _handgunMuzTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 1) != "") then { _handgunSidePic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 1) >> "Picture"); _handgunSideTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 1) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 1), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunSideTT = _handgunSideTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 2) != "") then { _handgunTopPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 2) >> "Picture"); _handgunTopTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 2) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 2), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunTopTT = _handgunTopTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; if ((_handgunAttach select 3) != "") then { _handgunBipodPic = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 3) >> "Picture"); _handgunBipodTT = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_handgunAttach select 3) >> "DisplayName"); _itemIndex = [(_handgunAttach select 3), 0, GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then {_handgunBipodTT = _handgunBipodTT + format[" - $%1",(GW_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS select _itemIndex) select 1]}; }; }; _handgunCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunPic; _handgunCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunTT; _handgunMuzCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunMuzPic; _handgunMuzCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunMuzTT; _handgunSideCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunSidePic; _handgunSideCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunSideTT; _handgunTopCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunTopPic; _handgunTopCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunTopTT; _handgunBipodCTRL ctrlSetText _handgunBipodPic; _handgunBipodCTRL ctrlSetTooltip _handgunBipodTT; }; //Populate list depending on category selected fnc_purequip_populateGearList = { private["_categoryIndex","_parentDisp","_equipPopulateNetCall","_equipPopulateNetCall"]; disableSerialization; _categoryIndex = _this select 0; _parentDisp = _this select 1; //Clear lists lbClear 1500; lbClear 1501; lbClear 1505; GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; //What array should we work with GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST = Call Compile Format["GW_PUREQUIP_%1",lbData[2100, _categoryIndex]]; //Populate the main list { lbAdd [1500, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1500, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1500, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST; if ((count GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST) > 0) then {lbSetCurSel [1500, 0]}; //If a primary entry is selected, attempt to populate related magazines if ((lbCurSel 1500) > -1) then {GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = true}; }; //Populate the magazine list depending on what weapon is selected fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList = { private["_currentSelectedPrimary","_weapClassname","_configMagsArray"]; _currentSelectedPrimary = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1501; //Figure out what classname of weapon is selected in the main list _weapClassname = (GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST select _currentSelectedPrimary) select 0; //Get a list of magazines the gun can use from the config (Safe to hardcode CfgWeapons) _configMagsArray = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "magazines"); _allConfigMagsArray = _configMagsArray; //Check for magazines under muzzles _muzzlesCfg = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "muzzles"); _muzzleMags = []; { if (_x != "this") then { _muzMagList = GetArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> _x >> "magazines"); _allConfigMagsArray = [_allConfigMagsArray, _muzMagList] Call fnc_shr_mergeArrays; }; } forEach _muzzlesCfg; //Parse out magazines list GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST = []; { _cfgMagsClass = _x; { if ((_x select 0) == _cfgMagsClass) exitWith {GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST set [count GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST, _x]}; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_MAGAZINES; } forEach _allConfigMagsArray; //Populate the second list { lbAdd [1501, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1501, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1501, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_SECONDLIST; }; //Populate attachments list depending on what weapon is selected fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList = { private["_currentSelectedPrimary","_weapClassname","_configCows","_configMuzzle","_configPointer","_configAttach"]; _currentSelectedPrimary = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1505; //Figure out what classname of weapon is selected in the main list _weapClassname = (GW_PUREQUIP_MAINLIST select _currentSelectedPrimary) select 0; _configAttach = []; { configProperties [ configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapClassname >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems", "_configAttach pushBack (configName _x)", true ]; } forEach ["CowsSlot", "MuzzleSlot", "PointerSlot", "UnderBarrelSlot"]; //Parse out attachments list GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST = []; { _cfgAttachClass = _x; { if ((_x select 0) == _cfgAttachClass) exitWith {GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST set [count GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST, _x]}; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHMENTS; } forEach _configAttach; //Populate the attachment list { lbAdd [1505, format["$%1 - %2",_x select 1,(getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName"))]]; lbSetPicture [1505, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> (_x select 3) >> (_x select 0) >> "Picture"))]; lbSetData [1505, _forEachIndex, (_x select 0)]; } forEach GW_PUREQUIP_ATTACHLIST; }; //Populate inventory container list fnc_purequip_populateContainerList = { private["_containerIndex","_containerContents"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; //Clear list lbClear 1504; _containerContents = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex) select 1; { _classname = _x; _cfgClass = _x Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; //Get the price of the item (we don't know what category it's in, so unfortunately we need to search the entire equipment array) _price = 0; _classNameIndex = [_classname, 0, GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_classNameIndex != -1) then {_price = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _classNameIndex) select 1}; _displayString = format["$%1 - %2",_price,(getText (configFile >> _cfgClass >> _classname >> "DisplayName"))]; lbAdd [1504, _displayString]; lbSetTooltip [1504, _forEachIndex, _displayString]; lbSetPicture [1504, _forEachIndex, (getText (configFile >> _cfgClass >> _classname >> "Picture"))]; } forEach _containerContents; }; //Can an item fit in a specified container fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer = { private["_itemClass","_container","_cfgClass","_canFit","_classType","_allowedSlots"]; _itemClass = _this select 0; _container = _this select 1; _canFit = false; //Make sure the container actually exists in the template if (_container != "") then { if (_container == "Uniform") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; if (_container == "Vest") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; if (_container == "Backpack") then {if (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0) != "") then {_canFit = true}}; }; //Check if the item can fit inside the container if (_itemClass != "" && _canFit) then { _cfgClass = _itemClass Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _classType = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "type"); if (_classType == GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM) then { _configsProperties = []; configProperties [configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "ItemInfo", "_configsProperties pushBack (configName _x); true", true]; if ("allowedSlots" in _configsProperties) then { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "ItemInfo" >> "allowedSlots"); if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; } else { _canFit = true; }; } else { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "allowedSlots"); if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; }; }; if (_cfgClass == "CfgGlasses") then {_canFit = true}; if (_cfgClass == "CfgMagazines") then { _allowedSlots = getArray(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _itemClass >> "allowedSlots"); if (count _allowedSlots == 0) then { _canFit = true; } else { if ((_container == "Uniform") && (801 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Vest") && (701 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; if ((_container == "Backpack") && (901 in _allowedSlots)) then {_canFit = true} else {_canFit = false}; }; }; }; _canFit }; //Get item's mass fnc_purequip_getItemMass = { private["_mass","_cfgClass","_classType"]; _mass = 0; if (_this != "") then { _cfgClass = _this Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _classType = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "type"); _mass = if (_classType == GW_PUREQUIP_TYPE_ITEM) then {getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "ItemInfo" >> "mass")} else {getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "mass")}; } else { _mass = getNumber(configFile >> _cfgClass >> _this >> "mass"); }; }; _mass }; //Get a specific container's current mass fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass = { private["_currentMass","_containerArray","_itemMass"]; _currentMass = 0; _containerArray = []; if (_this == "Uniform" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 1); }; if (_this == "Vest" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 1); }; if (_this == "Backpack" && (((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0) != "")) then { _containerArray = ((GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 1); }; //Go through container's contents { _itemMass = _x Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; _currentMass = _currentMass + _itemMass; } forEach _containerArray; _currentMass }; //Get a specific container's max mass fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass = { private["_maxMass","_cfgClass","_containerClass"]; _maxMass = 0; _containerClassName = ""; if (_this == "Uniform") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 4) select 0}; if (_this == "Vest") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 5) select 0}; if (_this == "Backpack") then {_containerClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select 6) select 0}; if (_containerClassName != "") then { _cfgClass = _containerClassName Call fnc_shr_getEquipCfgClass; if (_cfgClass == "CfgVehicles") then { _maxMass = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClassName >> "maximumLoad"); }; if (_cfgClass == "CfgWeapons") then { _containerClass = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _containerClassName >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass"); _maxMass = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClass >> "maximumLoad"); }; }; _maxMass }; //Update all container's masses fnc_purequip_updateMasses = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR = "Uniform" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX = "Uniform" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGUniformMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1102; _BarUniformMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1105; if (GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX == 0) then { _BGUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarUniformMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGUniformMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGUniformMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarUniformMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarUniformMassCtrl; _BarUniformMassCurPos set [2, _BGUniformMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX)]; _BarUniformMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarUniformMassCurPos; _BarUniformMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR = "Vest" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX = "Vest" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGVestMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1103; _BarVestMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1106; if (GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX == 0) then { _BGVestMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarVestMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGVestMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarVestMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGVestMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGVestMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarVestMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarVestMassCtrl; _BarVestMassCurPos set [2, _BGVestMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX)]; _BarVestMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarVestMassCurPos; _BarVestMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR = "Backpack" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerCurrentMass; GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX = "Backpack" Call fnc_purequip_getContainerMaxMass; _BGBackpackMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1104; _BarBackpackMassCtrl = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1107; if (GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX == 0) then { _BGBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow false; _BarBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow false; } else { _BGBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BarBackpackMassCtrl ctrlShow true; _BGBackpackMassMaxWidth = (CtrlPosition _BGBackpackMassCtrl select 2) - 0.02; _BarBackpackMassCurPos = CtrlPosition _BarBackpackMassCtrl; _BarBackpackMassCurPos set [2, _BGBackpackMassMaxWidth * (GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR / GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX)]; _BarBackpackMassCtrl CtrlSetPosition _BarBackpackMassCurPos; _BarBackpackMassCtrl CtrlCommit 0; }; }; //Get the value of the current template fnc_purequip_updateCost = { private["_parentDisp","_totalCost"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; _equipArray = _this select 1; _totalCost = 0; //Get the value of the current template _templateCost = GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE Call fnc_shr_getEquipmentCost; //Get the value of what's on the player _playerEquip = player Call fnc_shr_getEquipArray; _playerCost = _playerEquip Call fnc_shr_getEquipmentCost; //Difference between them (Can't refund, $0 is minimum) _totalCost = (_templateCost - _playerCost) max 0; _textColor = if (_totalCost <= GW_CVAR_MONEY) then {"#269024"} else {"#c75454"}; if (_totalCost <= GW_CVAR_MONEY) then {ctrlEnable [1604, true]} else {ctrlEnable [1604, true]}; _totalCostCTRL = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1109; _totalCostCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Total Cost of Equipment: <t color='%1'>$%2</t>",_textColor, _totalCost]); GW_PUREQUIP_TOTALCOST = _totalCost; }; //Remove item from equipment fnc_purequip_removeItem = { private["_itemSlotArray","_invQuery","_preSaveArray","_innerPreSaveArray"]; _itemSlotArray = _this; _invQuery = ""; //Helmet, Facewear, Binocs, NVGs if (count _itemSlotArray == 1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 0, ""]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; }; //Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Sidearm or Assigned Items if (count _itemSlotArray == 2) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 1, ""]; //Removed weapon, be sure to remove attachments as well if (((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 7) || ((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 8) || ((_itemSlotArray select 0) == 9)) then { if ((_preSaveArray select 0) == "") then {_preSaveArray set [1, ["","","",""]]}; }; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _preSaveArray]; }; //Weapon Attachments if (count _itemSlotArray == 3) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1); _innerPreSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 2, ""]; _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _preSaveArray]; }; //Call for update of inv GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; }; //Remove a given index from the selected container fnc_purequip_removeContainerItem = { private["_itemIndex","_refresh","_preSaveArray","_innerPreSaveArray","_item"]; _itemIndex = _this select 0; _refresh = _this select 1; //Don't do anything if there's no container selected (shouldn't ever happen) if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == -1) exitWith {}; //Remove specified item _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select 1; _innerPreSaveArray set [_itemIndex, "REMOVE"]; _innerPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray - ["REMOVE"]; _preSaveArray set [1, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _preSaveArray]; //Call for update of inv (Set this to false if emptying entire container, then redraw once at end) if (_refresh) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; }; }; //Remove container fnc_purequip_removeContainer = { private["_containerIndex", "_preSaveArray"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; _preSaveArray =+ (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex); if (_preSaveArray select 0 != "") then { //If the container previously selected matches our removed one, update container selected logic if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == _containerIndex) then {GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true}; //Update template _preSaveArray set [0, ""]; _preSaveArray set [1, []]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_containerIndex, _preSaveArray]; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; }; }; //Empty container fnc_purequip_emptyContainer = { private["_containerIndex"]; _containerIndex = _this select 0; //Update template _preSaveArray =+ (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _containerIndex); _preSaveArray set [1, []]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_containerIndex, _preSaveArray]; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; }; //Can an attachment work on the weapon fnc_purequip_attachmentFits = { private["_attachClass","_weaponClass","_configAttach","_newAttachClasses","_oldAttachClasses"]; _attachClass = _this select 0; _weaponClass = _this select 1; _attachmentFits = false; _configAttach = []; { configProperties [ configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems", "_configAttach pushBack (configName _x)", true ]; } forEach ["CowsSlot", "MuzzleSlot", "PointerSlot", "UnderBarrelSlot"]; //Search for our attachment { if (_x == _attachClass) exitWith {_attachmentFits = true}; } forEach _configAttach; _attachmentFits }; //Add item to template fnc_purequip_addItem = { private["_ctrl","_clickIndex","_itemIndex","_itemSlotArray","_itemClassName","_itemSlotArray"]; disableSerialization; _ctrl = _this select 0; _clickIndex = _this select 1; _itemIndex = [(lbData[_ctrl, _clickIndex]), 0, GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST] Call fnc_shr_arrayGetIndex; if (_itemIndex != -1) then { _itemClassName = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _itemIndex) select 0; _itemSlotArray = (GW_PUREQUIP_FULLLIST select _itemIndex) select 4; //Helmet, Facewear, Binocs, NVGs if ((count _itemSlotArray) == 1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; //Equipable item if ((_itemSlotArray select 0) != -1) then { if ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 0)) == "") then { _preSaveArray set [_itemSlotArray select 0, _itemClassName]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; } else { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; } else //Only fits in a container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Sidearm or Assigned Items if ((count _itemSlotArray) == 2) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select (_itemSlotArray select 0); //No current item if ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1)) == "") then { _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _itemClassName]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [(_itemSlotArray select 0), _preSaveArray]; } else //Current item is already populated, try to put in container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Weapon Attachments if (count _itemSlotArray == 3) then { _equipSlot = (_itemSlotArray select 0); _preSaveIndex = -1; if (typeName _equipSlot == "ARRAY") then { _gunIndex = 7; if ((lbCurSel 2100) == 1) then {_gunIndex = 8}; if ((lbCurSel 2100) == 2) then {_gunIndex = 9}; if (_gunIndex in _equipSlot) then { _preSaveIndex = _gunIndex; }; } else { _preSaveIndex = _equipSlot; }; _preSaveArray = []; _gunClass = ""; _attachmentSlot = ""; _attachmentFits = false; //If we found a suitable slot to equip if (_preSaveIndex != -1) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select _preSaveIndex; //Does it fit on the weapon? _gunClass = (_preSaveArray select 0); _attachmentSlot = ((_preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1)) select (_itemSlotArray select 2)); _attachmentFits = if (_gunClass != "") then {[_itemClassName, _gunClass] Call fnc_purequip_attachmentFits} else {false}; }; //Has a weapon for the attachment type if (_gunClass != "" && _attachmentSlot == "" && _attachmentFits) then { _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select (_itemSlotArray select 1); _innerPreSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 2), _itemClassName]; _preSaveArray set [(_itemSlotArray select 1), _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE set [_preSaveIndex, _preSaveArray]; } else //Current item is already populated, try to put in container { if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerName = ""; _containerMassCurrent = 0; _containerMassMax = 0; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerName = "Uniform"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_UNIFORM_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerName = "Vest"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_VEST_MAX}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerName = "Backpack"; _containerMassCurrent = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_CURR; _containerMassMax = GW_PUREQUIP_BACKPACK_MAX}; _canFit = [_itemClassName, _containerName] Call fnc_purequip_canFitInContainer; if (_canFit) then { _itemMass = _itemClassName Call fnc_purequip_getItemMass; if ((_containerMassCurrent + _itemMass) <= _containerMassMax) then { _preSaveArray =+ GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE; _innerPreSaveArray = _preSaveArray select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL; _innerSubPreSaveArray = _innerPreSaveArray select 1; _innerSubPreSaveArray pushBack _itemClassName; _innerPreSaveArray set [1, _innerSubPreSaveArray]; _preSaveArray set [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL, _innerPreSaveArray]; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = _preSaveArray; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; }; }; }; //Request redraw GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; }; }; //Purchase current template of gear fnc_purequip_purchaseGear = { GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _buyNetCall = ["equipment","buy",[(getPlayerUID player), GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, false, true], "GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _buyNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to purchase gear - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; //Update last purchased template GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES set [0, ["Last Purchased", false, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_BUYNETCALLRETURN select 1)]]; //Equip the player _unitEquipScript = [player, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE] spawn fnc_shr_equipUnit; waitUntil{scriptDone _unitEquipScript}; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; }; }; //Populate Templates List (Don't get array from server) fnc_purequip_populateTemplates = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Populate the list lbClear 1502; { lbAdd [1502, format["%1",(_x select 0)]]; if (_x select 1) then {lbSetColor [1502, _forEachIndex, [0,0.7490,1,1]]}; } forEach GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES; }; //Load template fnc_purequip_loadTemplate = { private["_index","_templateSelected"]; _index = lbCurSel 1502; if (_index != -1) then { _templateSelected = GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select _index; GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE =+ _templateSelected select 2; GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = true; GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = true; GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = true; }; }; //Save new template fnc_purequip_saveNewTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateNameCTRL = _parentDisp displayCtrl 1400; _templateName = ctrlText _templateNameCTRL; if (_templateName != "") then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templatenew",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to save new template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; lbAdd [1502, format["%1",_templateName]]; lbSetColor [1502, ((lbSize 1500) - 1), [0,0.7490,1,1]]; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES pushBack [_templateName, true, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_ADD select 1)]; _templateNameCTRL ctrlSetText ""; }; } else { systemChat "Templates must have a unique name"; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Update template fnc_purequip_updateTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateName = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 0} else {""}; _canModify = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 1} else {false}; if (_templateName != "" && _canModify) then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templateupdate",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to update template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES set[(lbCurSel 1502), [_templateName, true, GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE, true, (GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_UPDATE select 1)]]; }; } else { if (_templateName == "") then {systemChat "No template selected to delete"}; if (!_canModify) then {systemChat "You can only modify templates you made"}; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Delete template fnc_purequip_deleteTemplate = { private["_parentDisp"]; disableSerialization; _parentDisp = _this select 0; //Get name of template _templateName = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 0} else {""}; _canModify = if ((lbCurSel 1502) != -1) then {(GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES select (lbCurSel 1502)) select 1} else {false}; if (_templateName != "" && _canModify) then { GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE = ["GW_NETCALL_WAITING"]; _templateNetCall = ["equipment","templatedelete",[(getPlayerUID player), _templateName],"GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE"] Spawn fnc_clt_requestServerExec; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateNetCall}; if (!(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE select 0)) then { playSound "UIFail"; systemChat format ["Unable to delete template - %1",(GW_PUREQUIP_TEMPLATE_DELETE select 1)]; } else { playSound "UISuccess"; lbDelete [1502, (lbCurSel 1502)]; GW_CVAR_TEMPLATES deleteAt ((lbCurSel 1502) + 1); }; } else { if (_templateName == "") then {systemChat "No template selected to delete"}; if (!_canModify) then {systemChat "You can only modify templates you made"}; playSound "UIFail"; }; }; //Button should be hidden by default _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow false; //Fill the purchase categories combobox with all the categories lbClear 2100; lbAdd [2100, "Primary Weapons"]; lbSetData [2100, 0, "WEAP_PRIMARY"]; lbAdd [2100, "Secondary Weapons"]; lbSetData [2100, 1, "WEAP_SECONDARY"]; lbAdd [2100, "Sidearms"]; lbSetData [2100, 2, "WEAP_SIDEARM"]; lbAdd [2100, "Ammo & Ordnance"]; lbSetData [2100, 3, "MAGAZINES"]; lbAdd [2100, "Attachments"]; lbSetData [2100, 4, "ATTACHMENTS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Headgear"]; lbSetData [2100, 5, "HEADGEAR"]; lbAdd [2100, "Vests"]; lbSetData [2100, 6, "VESTS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Uniforms"]; lbSetData [2100, 7, "UNIFORMS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Backpacks"]; lbSetData [2100, 8, "BACKPACKS"]; lbAdd [2100, "Facewear"]; lbSetData [2100, 9, "FACEWEAR"]; lbAdd [2100, "Other Items"]; lbSetData [2100, 10, "OTHERS"]; //First template shown should be what the player currently has equipped GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE = [player, true] Call fnc_shr_getEquipArray; //Select primary weapons by default lbSetCurSel [2100, 0]; GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = true; //Need to draw the inventory _redrawUI = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_redrawInventory; _recalcPrice = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateCost; _recalcMass = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateMasses; _templatePop = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateTemplates; //Unblock UI for network call _netBlockBGCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1110; _netBlockBGCTRL ctrlShow false; _netBlockTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1111; _netBlockTextCTRL ctrlShow false; //Main Updater while {dialog} do { //If player dies, close dialog if (!alive player) exitWith {closeDialog 60003}; //Disable/Enable purchase button depending on if there are enemies near the player _hostiles = [GW_CVAR_SIDE, (getPosATL player), 100] Call fnc_shr_getHostilesInArea; if (_hostiles == 0) then {(_display displayCtrl 1604) ctrlEnable true} else {(_display displayCtrl 1604) ctrlEnable false}; //User selected to load a template if (GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_LOADTEMPLATE = false; _templateLoad = [] Spawn fnc_purequip_loadTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateLoad}; }; //User selected purchase equipment if (GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT) then { GW_PUREQUIP_PURCHASEEQUIPMENT = false; _gearPurchase = [] Spawn fnc_purequip_purchaseGear; waitUntil {scriptDone _gearPurchase}; }; //Changed category (Need to halt execution to make sure it's done populating) if (GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY) then { GW_PUREQUIP_CHANGEDCATEGORY = false; _gearPopulate = [(lbCurSel 2100), _display] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateGearList; waitUntil {scriptDone _gearPopulate}; }; //Recalc Total of Template if (GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_TOTAL = false; _recalcPrice = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateCost; waitUntil {scriptDone _recalcPrice}; }; //Figure out mass of containers if (GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS) then { GW_PUREQUIP_RECALC_MASS = false; _recalcMass = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateMasses; waitUntil {scriptDone _recalcMass}; }; //Changed primary selection (Only need to do this if we're on the weapons categories) if (GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED) then { GW_PUREQUIP_PRIMARYLISTCHANGED = false; _categorySelected = lbCurSel 2100; if (_categorySelected == 0 || _categorySelected == 1 || _categorySelected == 2) then { _currentSelectedPrimary = lbCurSel 1500; if (_currentSelectedPrimary != -1) then { //Make sure our selected index is a valid index within the new category if ((lbSize 1500) > _currentSelectedPrimary) then { _magsPopulate = [_currentSelectedPrimary] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList; _attachPopulate = [_currentSelectedPrimary] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList; waitUntil {scriptDone _magsPopulate && scriptDone _attachPopulate}; } else { //If there's at least 1 weapon in there, select that one if ((lbSize 1500) > 0) then { lbSetCurSel [1500, 0]; _magsPopulate = [0] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateMagazineList; _attachPopulate = [0] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateAttachmentList; waitUntil {scriptDone _magsPopulate && scriptDone _attachPopulate}; } } }; }; }; //Container Changed if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED) then { GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERCHANGED = false; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL != -1) then { _containerClass = (GW_PUREQUIP_CURRENTTEMPLATE select GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL) select 0; if (_containerClass != "") then { _containerPop = [GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL] Spawn fnc_purequip_populateContainerList; waitUntil {scriptDone _containerPop}; } else { GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL = -1; }; }; //Update container text if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == -1) then { lbClear 1504; _containerTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1108; _containerTextCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["No Container Selected"]); _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow false; } else { _containerText = ""; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 4) then {_containerText = "Uniform"}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 5) then {_containerText = "Vest"}; if (GW_PUREQUIP_CONTAINERSEL == 6) then {_containerText = "Backpack"}; _containerTextCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1108; _containerTextCTRL ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Contents of %1",_containerText]); _emptyContainerCTRL = _display displayCtrl 1609; _emptyContainerCTRL ctrlShow true; }; }; //Redraw requested if (GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV) then { GW_PUREQUIP_REDRAWINV = false; _redrawUI = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_redrawInventory; waitUntil {scriptDone _redrawUI}; }; //Update selected template if (GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_UPDATETEMPLATE = false; _templateUpdate = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_updateTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateUpdate}; }; //Delete selected template if (GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_DELETETEMPLATE = false; _templateDelete = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_deleteTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateDelete}; }; //Save new template if (GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE) then { GW_PUREQUIP_SAVENEWTEMPLATE = false; _templateSaveNew = [_display] Spawn fnc_purequip_saveNewTemplate; waitUntil {scriptDone _templateSaveNew}; }; uiSleep 0.1; };
  23. HEAD OVER TO THE RELEASE THREAD FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THIS PROJECT RHS Uniform Unit Patches By: Kband1 Current Status: V1.0 Release Date: January 12, 2016 Requirements: Community Based Addons A3 RHS: United States Armed Forces Download Links Google Drives: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7yB9MY0xJSjeWFfTWRWTUkyWUk Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b2sqt1krg82cdhl/%40RHS_Patch.rar Armaholic: UPDATING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION A little project that came to mind at the last moment of making my Custom Unit Patches, This will be implementing many missing Infantry Divisions, Armored Divisions, and especially Special Forces Patches to RHS Type Uniform Standards (Not how RHS has it 3d modeled on the uniforms so I'll try my best). The patches will also work with any and all Vanilla Uniforms. I created this mod to help those MILSIM, Realism, and ARMA Units get the patches they need all in one for RHS: USAF Uniforms WITHOUT THE STRETCHING OF THE TEXTURES OR HAVING TO INSTALL AND USE VANILLA RESKINNED UNIFORMS! PATCHES IN THE PACK AS OF NOW Over 130+ Patches for RHS: USAF Uniforms x40 - Infantry Divisions/Infantry Brigade Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x12 - Command, CORPS and Army Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x5 - Armored Division Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x6 - Cavalry Regiment Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x16 - Ranger Regiment Patches with interchangeable Ranger Tab or no Ranger Tab ACU and Multicam Variants x4 - Military Police Brigades ACU and Multicam Variants x8 - Aviation Brigade/Regiment Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x2 - Engineer Brigade Patch ACU and Multicam Variant x4 - EOD Ordnance Group Patches ACU and Multicam Variant x20 - Field Artillery Brigade Patches ACU and Multicam Variants x16 - Special Forces Groups and Command Patches with interchangeable Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab or Both ACU and Multicam Variants Future Plans! --US MARINE CORPS-- Infantry Divisions MARSOC Units Force Recon Units Aircraft Groups --US NAVY-- SEAL Teams CVNs Air Wings --US AIR FORCE-- STS Air Wings --US COAST GUARD-- Districts Cutters --Miscellaneous-- Miscellaneous Items NEW IMAGE SET http://imgur.com/a/SPSAj Some seem tilted due to the Arm Position on the RHS Uniforms Model, I guarantee that once you raise a weapon or lower a weapon and your arm is bent then they will look a little better. If you would like to suggest any other patches please PM me the Image, I do accept custom Unit patches too, in color also :) Also please note, this is just a little project that came to mind randomly after creating my custom unit patches and will take a little bit as I do still have school and work to deal with, but it shouldn't take to long to work on them and release them to perfect standards. As for using this mod for your own personal use and editing it up, I am completely fine with that.
  24. Yes, I'm another guy stuck at Mission 09: Shakedown. The older threads have no answer to my problem, so here goes. SPOILER ALERT: obviously, stop reading if you haven't reached mission 9 yet ! Thanks !
  25. Nice surprise I just got this morning! My Steam version of the game got updated to 1.6.0004. I'm eager to put this one to the test. :cool: The first thing that struck me, is that Walrus AI definitely seems to be better. Well, I haven't played long with it but so far, they're following pretty smoothly. As for the lighting issue, I can't tell yet, because I'm currently in the campaign, at one of those snowy islands. Thus, not very sunny... Well, good work BI. Thanks a bunch for the continuing support! :)