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Found 29 results

  1. ToH Characters Faces of Bohemian Interactive for Arma 2 & Take on Helicopters ported to Arma 3. The mod of the ToH characters, including the faces that appear in Take on Helicopters, Arma2, Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2 British Armed Forces, Arma 2 Private Military Company, Arma 2 Army Of Czech Republic... adapted for Arma 3, have their limitations as they are poor quality Arma 2 textures. But they have been adapted and the necessary textures have been created to make them look as good as possible. It currently includes: 👨180 & 👩45 TkoH/A2/A2OA/A2BAF/A2PMC/A2ACR faces 💆‍♂️18 & 💆‍♀️7 heads ready to be played ‍🦲+5500 Combinations for AI https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2:_CfgIdentities New story characters! I've started a new project in the MOD, it's about bringing these faces to life in the Armaverse. So, I'm creating story characters that can be used in missions or campaigns to create new and exciting scenarios. In addition to the character, I am adding a brief description of them, to give possible ideas of what or who they might be. How to do a face conversion from A2 to A3? Some people have asked me where is the difficulty in taking some textures from Arma 2 and adding them to Arma 3. Well, behind this mod there is a lot of technical and artistic work. Given the amount of faces that existed, I looked for a way to automate the process to some extent and thus be able to work with such a volume of faces. It is not a simple copy and paste, as it requires a total deconstruction of quality and detail in the faces of A2. You can download from now in Workshop, enjoy: @ToH Characters https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2170387941 (Available via WorkShop). Todo.txt @ToH Characters Known Bugs: -Some textures could be improved. -Women's bodies. Any advice on the old faces of A2 or ToH to give a greater resemblance to the original, will be welcome. Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) Take On Public License Share Alike (TOPL-SA) Arma 2 & Take On Helicopters is made by Bohemia Interactive. based on Public Data Pack
  2. Peacekeepers in South Zagoria Russian Army intervention in Chernarussian civil war Two singleplayer missions created by Kalle AKA Teurastaja. Arma 2 vanilla + Operation Arrowhead are required. Google Drive download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hSsUuApCVM8sLBw35pm9vn8N18a2voCT/view?usp=share_link Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
  3. Screenshots: "- [ Screen 1 ] - [ Screen 2 ] - [ Screen 3 ] -" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Download: To download my ArmA 2 Profile Editor tool visit my website: "www.Zey64.net" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Features: Easier editing and managing of player profiles for "ArmA 2" & "ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead". Overview of all face and glasses classes for you character. (Face Customization!) Custom face and glasses support. You can enter a longer player name. Duplicate current player profile with all saved settings ingame. (Duplicated profile have "_2" postfix) Creates new player profile for "ArmA 2" & "ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead". (the profile has the default settings!) File status check. (shows which files are already included in the profile and which are not) Single files like "*.ArmA2Profile" or "*.ArmA2OAProfile" can also be loaded. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alternative option: If you don't want to use my tool or it doesn't work on your device, i have another alternative to change your character design! Here you can find the list of all face and glasses classnames that you can use in the game. ::: "ArmA 2 Faces" & "ArmA 2 Glasses" - Library ::: Tutorial on how to edit without the tool can be found here: Set Class Yourself ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Don't be surprised if the changes are not visible in the player profile, but they will be visible in the game. Works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer mode. Have fun. best regards - Zey64
  4. Combat Animations Speed Tweak version 1.8.2 Description: C.A.S.T. tweaks through config most infantry animations speed, and optionally adds some Arma 2 animations, removes idle animations and some other tweaks. Features: Rifle, pistol, launcher, binoculars and unarmed movement speeds customized Swimming without diving suit is x1.5 faster Swimming with diving suit left/right with proper speed Player and AI affected Auto lower rifle when running (optional) No idle animations for player and AI (optional) Still cargo animations (optional) Arma 2 animations for walking, running and sprinting. Requires cast_auto_lower_rifle.pbo (optional) Auto lower rifle when tactical kneeling (optional) No prone sprint (optional) Compatible with ACE3 Compatible with Ravage Compatible with Project Injury Reaction Compatible with ArmA3 Old Running Animation by MasterWolf Download: Google Drive Usage: Unzip to your mods folder. Notes: Untested in multiplayer. Known issues: none License: Non Military - You may not use the content of this addon as a whole or any part of this addon for military purposes. No Monetization - You may not use this addon as a whole or any part of this addon on monetized servers. Attribution - You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material). Noncommercial - You may not use this material for any commercial purposes. Arma Only - You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in other games than Arma. Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license. Credits: Bohemia Interactive Logo by cleanpng.com Thanks to: Foxhound and Armaholic.com. Mondkalb and the Global Mobilization CDLC team for copy/paste of their EULA from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1284731930 Everyone supporting me @BI Forums. Media: Changelog:
  5. Arma Project – is a player community that was created for hosting team-based tactical games that imitate real-life armed conflicts through the use of modern technical means. The project aims to achieve interesting, tactically coordinated plays of already created missions. One life per mission, first-person only, no bots, realistic camouflage, armament and vehicles. Main event – Arma Project Games (APG) runs on Fridays and Saturdays from 21:00 Moscow time (GMT+3). Games run on their own assembly of mods for ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, based on Advanced Combat Environment 2 (Complicates ballistics, adds many weapons, equipment, artillery, etc.), many additional islands (Napf, Winter Cherno and Vostok, Caribou, Emita, Fallujah, Fata , Isla Duala, Franken, Zernovo, Isola Di Capraia, Lingor, Celle, Panthera, Queshkibrul, Sahrani, Thirsk, Spritzisland, etc.), many additional mods (RHS, weapons, vehicles, uniforms, various features, etc.), and also a radio exchange mod. The game on the project is very different from vanilla ArmA 2, adding realism, simulator and complicated model of ballistics / weapons / equipment. Arma Project Games (APG) There are 2-3 missions for 100-220 slots; confrontation between two sides (red and blue), which consist of 3-8 detachments with their own commanders and structures; the parties prepare in advance for the mission: they plan their actions, arrangement, tasks, etc. Each mission takes between 30 minutes and 2.5 hours. TeamSpeak: ts.armaproject.ru It was originally a Russian community, but recently we present the English version of the ArmaProject! Translated information about the project, game installation, short rules, Steam guide and community, forum interface and home page. Przewodnik dla początku gry na polskim (Polish guide) An non-Russian section of the forum has been created for communication. TeamSpeak has translators to answer questions and guide you through the game. We look forward to new players and your feedback!
  6. Hello guys, ı have been trying to change some of the loadouts of game classes such as rifleman, grenadier, and medic with a different weapon that is already in-game. How can I do this? Whenever ı edit the regarding config.bin files with Editpad+ it just doesn't work, it gives me out of memory errors and it doesn't really work. Am ı missing something or just doing it wrong please show me the true way for config_men loadout customization. Please help me to fix this annoying issue, ı just want to spawn "rifleman" with m4 without needing to write any codes to the Initialization sector.
  7. ArmA 2 Animations To ArmA 3 This mod is in development, so if you notice any problems just let me know. - Short Description: ArmA2 Anims To ArmA3 (A2ATA3) - mod for ArmA3 that change the most part of movement animations in A3 to A2 animations. - Features: Movement animations in A3 changed to animations from A2 Completely working, fully fixed animations Trailer down here:
  8. Hello all! First off: I have not been around for a while, had a few different deployments in support of 1st Special Operations Group and I am now back in a stable environment to get some other projects done, mostly S.E.R.E. School Hosting for the USMC @ https://discord.gg/RV7QaWR There is some amnesty for Milsim Operators although don't click that link if your soul is a dirty filthy whore. Haha. Either way, just to let everyone know back in 2013 we help trial runs for different operations for the United States Army Rangers and certain recon Marines in Afghanistan. The time has come to replan and get back into the dirty dirty. I have free time with my PC until Memorial Day and I the original plan has been delayed for over 8 months and I am getting breathed on heavily. Either way we still have a job to do. The original plan was to go with the Official DayZ mod with the packs installed and run under Operation Arrowhead. I need some updated guides and also I will not be streaming (as of right now) RDV would be ProfessorJive on Twitch. Can anyone help me on this? I do have a stable network and a stable PC. Add me on Steam: HipHopHypnosis you will see the original LYFEwithZombies logo as my steam name. Currently RECON68. Asking for assistance. Welcome groups: Chechnians, British, Israelis, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Canadians, French and Swiss along with our Austrians. Cheers! I will update this forum frequently. Thanks for the support over the years, I'm still alive, barely. hahah... 🙂 PROST@! -Chris aka LYFE
  9. I have a lot of mods in my game, as I haven't played in a while I decided to refresh myself. I activated my mods, and the game restarted- then it popped an error about a cyclic redundancy check. Checking the crash logs I saw that ACE (not ACEX) is the one causing this problem. I cant remove the mod from in-game now since I cant launch ARMA beyond the check mark screen. How do I fix this? Can you guys help?
  10. Hi, I'm having a trouble when I create CfRadio in my Description.ext file. It says "radio message GodDamnit not found". Class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {"GodDamnit"}; Class GodDamnit { Name = "GodDamnit" ; Sound[] = {"Goddamnit.ogg", db + 1, 1.0}; Title = "For FUCK SAKE!"; }; };
  11. Here's a quick CWR2 winter mission for Christmas! Download from Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1x5qp7zauatbvmd/cwr2_sp_northskirmish_1-00.cwr2_poseidon_w.pbo/file Put it in your missions folder inside your ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead directory. You know the laws and stuff; don't steal my work in your name! Always mention if you want to edit my missions/addons before releasing anything! Merry Christmas!
  12. The title basically explains everything. I recently got back into playing the arma 2 campaign, and as of now i'm on manhattan, but there's one big problem i'm having; when i'm driving around in my humvee my character will randomly tell the gunner to shoot at anything close. It started out with sheep and cows, but during the mission he all of a sudden targeted a civilian and later on a cdf officer which made everyone turn on me. I really don't know what's going on or how to fix it and would appreciate any help.
  13. Greetings. I made this topic for mission ideas only. My own imagination has died some time ago. My newest mission ideas went to shit, so if you have any ideas for some simple missions, please let me know and I'll think about it. *Do not post any editing stuff, it does not belong to this section*. Kalle Määttä.
  14. Here are some missions for Arma II. Army of the Czech Republic and other possible DLCs are required. Lite versions should do the job fine. Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gppim76iwu5op92/Kalle's_Mission_Pack.zip/file Fourth update is here: #1 Fixes to some missions, as usual. #2 Added COOP 04 - Top Gun. Follow the instructions for installing coop-missions. Remember to delete the old mission pack completely! If you are unfamiliar in installing missions, then follow these steps: #1 - Create a folder named "Missions" in your game installation folder, if you dont have one. #2 - Copy or cut the folder "Kalle's Mission Pack" to your "Missions" folder inside the game installation folder. #3 - Missions with "co" or "coop" are COOP missions, which can also be played as singleplayer. If you want to play them as singleplayer, then follow the steps #1 and #2. If you want to play them as COOP, then create a folder called "MPMissions" inside the game installation folder if it doesn't exist and put the .pbo files from folder "Kalle's Mission Pack" there. If my instructions are not understandable, then search the internet for help. Anyway, enjoy the missions! - Kalle
  15. I have recently re-downloaded Arma 2 and OA to go back to the Arma 2 DayZ mod. I also re-downloaded Arma 3 from a few months ago to play Exile. When I joined a server, it turns out I was Infistar banned on both games. I never hacked on these games so I thought someone got into my steam account and hacked. I am looking to find a way to change my CD key on steam.
  16. Hi all, A quick question, and I think I already know the answer. I really love some of the single-player scenarios in ArmA2, specifically 'Village Sweep' and OA's BAF Single Missions, and I wanted to see if anyone had ported them to ArmA3 using CUPS or AIA, but no dice. So, using the @bardosy incredibly useful guide (and object dictionary), and using CUP assets, I set about learning to do it myself. So far I have 'Village Sweep' working with one or two scripting quirks (replacing some secops scripts) left to fix. My question is, could I share these via Armaholic or the Workshop? I suspect it isn't allowed, but no harm in asking, right?
  17. LordJarhead

    Where did everyone go...

    Hello folks, some of you maybe know me, and maybe that's because I'm a old timer when it comes to arma... I was here when ArmA1 was still a thing... today I feel like I wasted thousands of hours with that game but nope... ArmA3 is number one, over 1600hours I believe *shame* Well, I just want to say, things here have changed. I guess the good old day are the golden times of ArmA2 and when OA was released. I guess that was when everything was so great. That was when I didn't need any other mods but sounds and ACE. And seen from the forums point of view, damn there were things going on here! You wouldn't believe it. When ever we made a thread or a post it took seconds to get posts and responces and people having conversations for hours. This forum was alive... and now? I kinda unsure where people went... what are they doing now? So many good old people left these forums and went on with other things. Now I have the feeling its almost dead silent... or is it just me? What do you guys think, where did they go, what other games or simulations could satisfy us so equaly? Or what could even be better than ArmA??? I mean I dont think there is anything but well... Did people maybe went to Squad? I've played that game like onces and thougt it was cool but not as amazingly sandbox-like like arma ... just let's have a talk maybe :) LJ
  18. ZBot ( An experimental project. ) -> For any BattlEye rcon game supported! Current version: 1.0.2 A Discord bot that can roam your Discord server and function as an RCON client for your BattlEye game servers. Screenshots at the bottom. What can it do? Print all chats in different discord text channels in their respective colours ( Side, Vehicle, Global, ... ). (Tip: Print sidechat in a channel that everyone can read !) Execute RCON & Server commands to your arma server in the assigned Command channel. Protect these commands with an appropriate Discord Role. Reply to user commands when they type ingame. These replies can be printed ingame and in discord. ( eg: !admin -> Admins can be found on discord -> @Admin some asked for an admin ingame. ) Web panel to configure your rcon-game servers. List players, admins & bans trough rcon commands. ( All BattleEye commands supported ). Country flags when using command !rcon players+ Automated messages configured in web panel ( these can contain command which will be ignored by the bot -> No endless loop :p ) Future plans: Support other types or RCON ( steam, minecraft,... ) Open for ideas. How to add it to my server? https://bot.devzupa.be/ Follow the flow of the site. It should be straightforward. Always remember to save a page if needed before navigating to another page! Add the bot before or after you filled in all the info. ( The button on top ). Always be sure the chosen roles and channel exist in your discord server! ( channel names are without the # ) Whenever you make changes in the config panel you need to reload the config of your server onto the bot. This can be easily done by just typing in a channel: !zbot reload This commands also refreshes your rcon instance if it would have stopped for some reason. All rcon commands can be viewed in the assigned 'command' discord channel. List these commands by typing !rcon All commands are prefixed with that aswell. 1 example for a global message by the bot: !rcon say all Welcome you our server! All rcon commands: # ZBot BattlEye RCON commands **All commands are prefixed with !rcon** ## Commands players List all players admins List all admins bans List all bans load scripts Reloads al BE scripts load events Reloads al BE events say all [text] Sends text to all users say [playerId] [text] Sends text to specific user id MaxPing [ping] Sets the maxping of the serve. kick [playerId] [reason] Kicks player (eg: kick 32 Language pls.) ban [playerId] [minutes] Bans online player (eg: ban 11 0 Duping) 0 = forever [reason] addBan [GUID|IP] Bans on/off player (eg: addBan 0 Duping) [minutes] [reason] removeBan [banId] Remove bans (eg: ban 11 ) version Display the BattlEye version update Check for a newer BattlEye version loadBans Reload Bans from bans.txt writeBans Rewrite Bans to bans.txt disconnect Disconnects the rcon exit Exits the whole rcon client ## Server Commands **All commands are prefixed with !rcon** #shutdown Shutdown the GAME server #lock Locks the GAME server #unlock Unlocks the GAME server #missions Stops current missions and goes to mission list #reassign Moves all players back into the lobby #userlist Displays the list of users on the server #kick [serverPlayerId] Kicks an online player #exec ban Bans an online player [serverPlayerId] Please provide as much feedback as possible ! 1 mistake by myself can crash the whole bot. So if there are still use cases where it fails we can finetune it! You can join our discord server to discuss or report bugs ( or the topics ). https://discord.gg/WYbeSKR Technical info about the bot. Hosted in france on a good server. Coded in NodeJS ( Ecmascript 6 ). Modular build. Oauth2 authentications. The bot will be hosted by myself until we encounter any problems we can't solve that way. If i ever stop hosting the bot i will release the sourcecode. I might also release the sourcecode earlier. ( If i know you, you can ask me for access to the code). Credits - Testers MGT -> DB Edge of Sanity -> Tobias Solem Screenshots
  19. can I still host it now that gamespy is no more?
  20. Hello, Task Force 1776 is proud to offer a new Tanoa Domination mission for Arma 3. We have all the new equipment & goodies plus all the great features of domination for the new Tanoa Map in Arma3. If you are not familiar with TF1776 we have been running Domination in Arma 2 since 2011 and still have pretty much the only active domination server left in Arma 2. We offer a unique twist to domination that most players have come to identify as the top version of the mission. Please visit us on the server and let your friends know about it. We also have a teamspeak, so feel free to hop on with a few of your friends and use a room to communicate. Thank you, Task Force 1776 Representative Ministry of Bureaucratic Administration and Activity Oversight Compliance Division www.TF1776.com Teamspeak: TS3.TF1776.com
  21. Hello guys, How do I change the loading splash of weapon 2(arma II)? Imagem>
  22. Hello everybody, i am currently working on a very big and detailed plan to make a properly done arma 2 dayz mod mod oldschool style proper first day of release. I have played dayz since the very first day i know what its all about and i have done alot of research on what was there and how everything setup, unfortunatly i cant do all the coding and modding myself as my skills are limited on the heavy hitters. So i am looking of for some modders and coders who share my vision and passion for the old dayz and are down to work on this unique project, the project it aims to catch tha flair and feel of the good ol days of dayz arma2 mod. As some of you might know, there like 1 or 2 other server out there trying to do this and even tho they do horrible job on it, yet their server are still filled to the brim allmost allways so emagine what a proper done server will achive. A little overview of what is planned https://www.pic-upload.de/view-33301738/Overview.png.html (about 15 pages font size 11 in total and still growing) The main tasks would be : -Getting the hud up to date or rather down to date https://www.pic-upload.de/view-33301742/512231231.jpg.html means all the icons changed (i allready have all the icons ready to go just needs to be changed) -Importing all the guns we need from arma 2 into arma 3 (full list of all guns that where in the game back then is ready) and making them work with sound animations and very important ZEROING, obviously back then guns didnt have attatchments so now they wont have them either which means every gun has fixed attatchments (i allready started with that task) -Map changes chernarus back then was looking quite a bit different obviously this needs to be changed to fit aswell im sure you can find the code for the special dayz mapping somewhere in the dayz files (i got allmost every dayz version file from vanilla to now) but if that wont work ill just map in the stuf. -Custom loottables will ofc also be a task that needs to be done i allready got everything planned out on what spawns where just needs to be added in a lootcompiler -Importing skins from arma2/dayz to arma 3 and make them work i thought of putting them in the vest slot since i plan on giving certain skins more armor like the hero skins to encurage less kos. -Importing all the sounds from arma 2 to arma 3 including the (background music from dayz (dont know if we are allowed to do that might have to get a license)) -Getting custom models from arma 2/ dayz for all the misc items bloodbags, car parts, etc. -Also getting a repair system working because the normal all in one duct tape exile fix is just boring. -Possibitly of making cars damaged and also make guns spawn with attatchments if needed -Getting a debug monitor running -Adding helicopter crashsites with special loot Thats roughly the goal to get these things done and working. I know very well that this is no over the weekend project or even over a few weeks but this project would go off like a rocket i already asked many ppl (100+) if they would be interested in playing on such a server with highly positive responce. I am looking very much forward to translate this into action and make a proper oldschool arma 2 dayz server. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION Best regards. Chris. STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046410470/
  23. So, i'm making a mission in which i used the Unit Capture and Unit Play functions so a pair of helicopters could land on a clearing in a dense forest, but i want it so that when they get off the chopper they head to an officer and the briefing starts, but i'm trying to setup a trigger that detects alive players but if i set it up to detect all 10 slots, then if mission is not full it wont start, so i want to know if you guys could help me, i remember it was something like: if !alive UnitName or _____ Any ideas? Thanks a lot! :)
  24. Hello, Task Force 1776 is proud to offer a new Tanoa Domination mission for Arma 3. We have all the new equipment & goodies plus all the great features of domination for the new Tanoa Map in Arma3. If you are not familiar with TF1776 we have been running Domination in Arma 2 since 2011 and still have pretty much the only active domination server left in Arma 2. We offer a unique twist to domination that most players have come to identify as the top version of the mission. Please visit us on the server and let your friends know about it. We also have a teamspeak, so feel free to hop on with a few of your friends and use a room to communicate. Thank you, Task Force 1776 Representative Ministry of Bureaucratic Administration and Activity Oversight Compliance Division www.TF1776.com Teamspeak: TS3.TF1776.com