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Found 7 results

  1. [WIP] Christmas Pack v 3.9 Included so far : 1 Drivable Sleigh 1 Boatable Sleigh 1 Flyable Sleigh 1 Flyable Reindeer 14 Christmas Songs 3 Wearabe Beards 10 Food Items 1 Merry Christmas Sign 3 Large Christmas Decorations 5 Wearable Christmas Hats 6 Wearable Snowmen Hats 1 Wearable Turkey Hat 2 Christmas Hats (Items) 5 Christmas Socks 7 Wearable Christmas Sweaters 3 Wearable Snowmen Uniforms 9 Christmas Presents 2 Christmas Pickable Presents 2 Wooden Sleds 4 Snowmen 7 Toys 4 Christmas Trees 18 Christmas Balls 2 Christmas Stars 2 Decorative Christmas Candy Canes 9 Christmas Candles 2 Christmas sleighs 4 Christmas reindeers 4 Christmas polar bears 4 Christmas penguins 4 Christmas plates 4 Christmas cups 1 Set of Christmas utensils 1 Christmas Wine Bottle 1 Christmas Wine Bottle Screw 1 Christmas Wine Bottle Cork 1 Christmas Wine Glass 1 Throwable Christmas snowball 1 Throwable explosive snowball 2 Snowball Launchers: 1 Lamp with 2 Switches: (switches can be used with addAction scripts and the hideObject command) 4 Christmas Lights with 4 frequency versions each: (WARNING only 6 can be seen flashing at the same time) Christmas vehicle textures for the M-ATV, the MH-9, the AH-9, the Huron, the AH-99, the UH-80, the BTR-K, the Tempest, the Zamak, the Hemmt, the SDV, the Armed Minigun Boat and the Stomper. Christmas weapon textures for the MX SW 6.5mm, the MXC 6.5mm, the ACPC, the Vermin .45ACP, the MK 20 Plain, the SDAR, the MK 20 GL, the TRG 20, the RPG32, the P07 the MXM 6.5mm, the M18 ABR 7.62mm, the M320 LRR .408, for the Zubr .45, the PM 9mm, the TRG-20, the Titan MPRL plus its Compact edition. The ability to create Snow Structures such as Snow Castles! The ability to play soccer via vehicles and a huge snowball! (WARNING the Snowball must have its ability to take damage disabled) Installation how to : Just extract the file and insert the addon in your Arma 3 directory. After that just load the addon via the Arma 3 launcher. If you cannot see the addon just swipe it in the launcher addon sections. All done! QA : Q: How often will updates come out? A: No more updates are planned for 2021. Merry Christmas! Q: Has this addon been tested? A: Many times actually in the editor. I have seen Arma open up so many times in the past few days. Aaaaaaa! Q: Has this addon been signed? A: It has indeed. The key for servers is also included in the file. If something is missing please let me know. Q: Where can I find the items in the editor? A: The classnames are such that using the term Christmas will show all items. The weapons are found in the virtual arsenal. Download link: Website SubLink: here . Direct Download Link: here . Steam Link: here . Changelogs: Some pics of the objects created so far : Hope you like the above guys. Any comments and feedback will be appreciated! First addon so hope its of Arma 3 class
  2. Here's a quick CWR2 winter mission for Christmas! Download from Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1x5qp7zauatbvmd/cwr2_sp_northskirmish_1-00.cwr2_poseidon_w.pbo/file Put it in your missions folder inside your ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead directory. You know the laws and stuff; don't steal my work in your name! Always mention if you want to edit my missions/addons before releasing anything! Merry Christmas!
  3. Hei Outlanders. As always there will be a live stream happening this Wednesday (December 19) at 6 PM CET So please ask any questions you might have right now under this post, so we can make sure to prioritize them and address them once we're live. You can catch us on Wednesday at 6 PM (UTC+01:00) on our streaming channels https://mixer.com/vigorgame https://www.twitch.tv/vigorthegame Se you all there!
  4. Description Made a Christmas themed mission for our mil-sim community. Though it would be nice to share. Can be played with 5 or more people. Not 100% necessary but a Zeus game master makes it more fun (spawning more units/remote controlling them). There are no in game objectives, however the mission requires a lead to give orders. So read the mission goals (only if you will fill this role, else it will spoil the mission). Story Your part of the Santa Security Detail: Elf Team 1. Your team just headed out for a routine patrol when you suddenly receive a distress call from Santa. Mission goals Zeus tips Zeus playtrough Features Zombie elves (Ryan zombies and Demons) Transportable presents (zeus name: 'present') Big presents with ammo (zeus name: "present ammobox') Magic elves with magic ace heal interaction (fully heals unit, cooldown 180 seconds) Themed map Required mods A lot of mods are needed. Mainly because we use them with out unit and I'm using Christmas stuff found all over the place. I get that it's a big list. We use our own distribution client for mods so for us it's no problem. I know this might scare some people into not using this mission. Just wanted to share for those that wanted to take the time :). CBA ACE ACRE CUP RHSAFRF RHSUSAF And either this list of mods: Santa Claus Christmas Objects pack Mallow's Elf Hat Ergon Country EM Buildings Arma 3 Custom buildings HMDs MOD RHS HMDs Ryan zombies Winter Town All Terains Cammo mod Reach Mods These mods will give some config errors, which can be ignored. Download Mission file Editable mission Credits I wanna thank all above mod creators for their awesome mods. Without this I could not have made this mission for our unit.
  5. SBP (Slovenian Black Panthers) Team and IceBreakr invite you to a special XMAS event this Friday, 23rd at 2100 CET (2000 UK). Meet point: ts3 server ts.vojak.si - pass Pilatus Required mods: Advanced Combat Environment 3.8.1 Community Base Addons v3.1.2 CUP Terrains - Core CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Units 1.8.0 CUP Vehicles 1.8.0 CUP Vehicles ACE Compatibility CUP Weapons CUP Weapons ACE Compatiblity FAP Units 1.2 IceBreakr's Panthera 3.8 Slovenian Armed Forces (SIAF) STHud Repository for PWS: pws:// (to automatically download all the mods). People signed up so far (just drop your nicknames and team names here in the topic!): 1. IceBreakr 2. Diablo 3. Spidi 4. -FM- 5. Anze G. 6. Tilen 7. Chef Loggert 8. Miha K. 9. Tolovaj 10. Skipper 11. Jastreb 12. Lewis 13. Dean Khalifa 14. Tomaz S. 15. Domokun
  6. Hello everyone! Today we released another update to the Main branch. This fixes many bugs, freezes, and general unpleasantries. Aside from fixes it also features the newly implemented Materials Refinery, which you can use to break apart MarsRock, Water, Carbon Dioxide, and so on. It also allows recombining of materials. In addition to the Refinery, 3D GUIs have been implemented with multiplayer support, so the Huge Monitor that can be placed on walls is now properly synchronized. Not to mention oxygen zones within the Manned Mobile Laboratory, so now inside you can take your suit off. The MML also features several new monitors, which allow viewing of CCTV cameras around the vehicle, and also allow use of the newly added crane system, which utilizes an electromagnet to grab objects. So here are the highlights in a nutshell: - 3D GUI system for controlling monitors and such, fully synchronized over multiplayer - New crane system on the Manned Mobile Laboratory used for lifting heavy objects - Oxygen zones within the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which depressurize when doors are opened - Many fixes to various crashes and freezes - Many more minor improvements I'd also like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your support, it has been a great year for Take On Mars, and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. To that end I would also like to let you know that the development team will be away on holidays from tomorrow until the 5th of January, 2015. From the dev team, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!! Martin Melicharek (Dram) Project Lead Change Log: 19th December 2014: - Added level of details without GUI to each monitor for better performance - Updated all scenarios with the new Manned Mobile Lab (with crane) - Finished Materials Refinery GUI - Implemented a chemical reaction system in the Materials Refinery 17th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI screen to the Materials Refinery - Fixed issue with NULL pointers to widget when client was connecting 16th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI controls to the Mobile Lab crane 15th December 2014: - Fixed stack overflow crash when assembling/disassembling huge buildings - Fixed crash that occured when starting a multiplayer game, returning to menu, and starting one again - Fixed incorrect info display of scenarios in the multiplayer Create Game menu 12th December 2014: - Added particle effects such as kicked up dust/rocks to footsteps - Added 30sec delay before playing 'active' idle animations on the player 11th December 2014: - Added atmospheric zones to the Manned Mobile Lab - Added dynamic atmospheric zones - Disabled experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs 10th December 2014: - Added experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs if holding focus/rotate object - Added 4 CCTV cameras viewable from the driver's seat of the Manned Mobile Lab - Added proper animations to seats in Manned Mobile Lab - Added Picture-in-Picture views for rear, undercarriage, interior, and airlock in the Manned Mobile Lab 5th December 2014: - Added 3D GUI monitors to the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which control the airlock and rear door - Fixed broken packet issue in vehicles, possibly causing crashes in MP 3rd December 2014: - Fixed issue where exiting Gravon from fullscreen had hidden menus - Fixed animations not playing on Atmospheric Processor and Drilling Rig - Added MP synchronization of the Huge Monitor - Added saving/loading of values of the Huge Monitor 1st December 2014: - Fixed crash/freeze caused by a texture handling issue 30th November 2014: - Added synchronization of the cursor for 3D GUIs over the net
  7. I found half of this code on a topic explaining Event handlers and started playing with it while adding a bit more. What I want is essentially a script that will zoom in and show enemy after the fatal shot hits as they fall down. I do not want this for every bullet or non fatal hits(So not using HitPart EH). The code currently includes the bullet camera because without it, it will complain about "No owner" in the RPT and "Generating ST on the fly is very slow" errors. I left that in at this point so you guys can at least test this and see the effect I was going for. Just Run it with a trigger. Any help is appreciated. See code: