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  1. Hello! First | The basic premise of what I am attempting to do is two-fold. A) respawn existing vehicles (of different types - i.e. some jets, some helicopters, some ground vehicles), with the same custom pylons - for the jets/helis - set by the pylon/dynamic loadout editor in 3den. This part works fine thus far (see below). And B) apply unlimited ammo on a delay (i.e. it takes 45 seconds for the ammo to restore) to both the original vehicle and its respawned clone. The main trouble I am having is getting unlimited ammo to work with the new, respawned vehicles. Second | A code dump and summary of what is where: The code below is my unlimited ammo expression in the existing F/A-181 (and other vehicles). Ideally, the missiles & bombs refresh on a delay, hence the {sleep 45} segment. This part works perfectly for my purposes. this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 45};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1}}]; This code is present in the expression of a Game Logic and synced to all relevant air vehicles. It works perfectly for my purposes; no errors and functions as intended. [this] call { if (!isServer) exitWith {}; params ["_thisObject"]; _vehs = synchronizedObjects _thisObject; _initScript = { params ["_vehicle", ["_pylons", "none"]]; if (typeName _pylons == typeName []) then { private _pylonPaths = (configProperties [configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent" >> "Pylons", "isClass _x"]) apply { getArray (_x >> "turret") }; { _vehicle removeWeaponGlobal getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "pylonWeapon") } forEach getPylonMagazines _vehicle; { _vehicle setPylonLoadout [_forEachIndex + 1, _x, true, _pylonPaths select _forEachIndex] } forEach _pylons; }; }; { [_x] call _initScript; } forEach _vehs; [_vehs, _initScript] spawn { params ["_vehs", "_initScript"]; sleep 1; _respawnlist = []; { _respawnlist = _respawnlist + [[_x, position _x, [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x], getPylonMagazines _x]] } forEach _vehs; while { true } do { sleep 1; { _veh = _x # 0; _respawnpos = _x # 1; _playerdistance = 200; { if (_veh distance _x < _playerdistance) then { _playerdistance = _veh distance _x }; } forEach allPlayers; if (!alive _veh || (_veh distance _respawnpos > 20 && _playerdistance > 20)) then { _vehType = typeOf _veh; [_veh, _respawnlist] spawn { params ["_veh", "_respawnlist"]; deleteVehicleCrew _veh; _veh lock true; _inSpawn = false; waitUntil { sleep 0.5; _inSpawn = false; { _respawnpos = _x # 1; if ((_veh distance _respawnpos) < 30) exitWith { _inSpawn = true; }; } forEach _respawnlist; _inSpawn || ((speed _veh == 0) && (isTouchingGround _veh)); }; if (!_inSpawn) then { sleep 30 }; deleteVehicle _veh; }; sleep 10; _newveh = _vehType createVehicle _respawnpos; _newveh setPos _respawnpos; _newveh setVectorDirAndUp (_x # 2);[_newveh, _x # 3] call _initScript; _respawnlist set [_forEachIndex, [_newveh, _respawnpos, _x # 2, _x # 3]]; }; } forEach _respawnlist; }; }; }; This is the current code present in the "System Specific - Vehicle Respawn" Module expression (not its Init). It does not work at all. params ["_newVeh", "_oldVeh"]; [_newVeh addEventHandler ["Fired", { [_newVeh select 0, getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_newVeh select 4)/"explosive")] spawn { if (_newVeh select 1 >= 0) then { sleep 5 }; _newVeh select 0 setVehicleAmmo 1 } }]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; The Vehicle Respawn Module: It throws the no errors upon mission launch and no errors upon vehicle respawn. My friends and I suspect it is not even executing properly. Here are a few screencaps of the 3den editor of the scene in question if it helps you: // Overview of the whole airfield. The Vehicle Respawn Module on the Right by the center of the airfiled is exlusively linked to ground vehicles. It respawns the vehicles fine but without the unlimited ammo. // The test F/A-181. // The Game Logic. // My two primary test subjects (Left is experimental; Right is the control). As you can see, the left F/A-181 is the primary test subject for the Vehicle Respawn Module, as it is synced to both the Vehicle Respawn and the Game Logic. The right F/A-181 (and all other air vehicles) is synced only to the Game Logic. Both jets initially spawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts and unlimited ammo, as expected vis-a-vis the 3den editor settings. Both jets respawn with the proper pylons/dynamic loadouts. Neither jet respawns with unlimited ammo, currently. I feel close to solving this, but I am blind to what I am missing/adding unnecessarily. I have tried numerous other variations with even less luck. I am sure there is some redundancy between the Vehicle Respawn Module and the game logic, and I would appreciate any simplifications there. However, that is a secondary concern. Thanks for reading this far! Hopefully, you can help me and anyone else who wants to do this.
  2. There are a lot of resources on how to make a trigger activate a support module, but how do you make a support module activate a trigger? I've been scouring the net and even trying chatGPT for an answer but I'm coming up empty. I'm trying to trigger an event when my player calls in an airstrike. Specifically, I'm try to keep my CAS plane from taking off from TeTeT's Nimitz mod aircraft carrier before the air strike is called in. There are a lot of other applications that I would like to use this for as well. Is there anything I can put in the trigger's condition field to activate it when the support module gets activated? Something like "supportModuleActivated"? I'm at a complete loss. 😩
  3. Hello, A friend and i recently started playing Arma again after a few years and im amazed by the new 3den Editor, i only knew the old one and never bothered to learn it properly. Now i wanted to create a custom coop scenario on a modded map with some mods also. Those mods are: 3den Enhanced AGC - Advanced Garbage Collector Automatic ViewDistance Better Convoy (NOT USED in Scenario) BWMod (Mainly Used for Blufor units) CBA_A3 CUP Terrains - Core CUP Terrains - CWA CUP Terrains - Maps (Chernarus2020 used in Scenario) CUP Terrains - Maps 2.0 CUP Units (Mainly Used for Opfor units) CUP Vehicles CUP Weapons Enhanced Movement Enhanced Movement Rework JSRS SOUNDMOD JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP VEHICLES MOD SOUND SUPPORT JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP WEAPONS MOD SOUND SUPPORT Specialist Military Arms (SMA) Version 2.7.1 Switch weapons while moving When it comes to the way my friend connects to me (im hosting), we use Hamachi, because for whatever reason (tried everything in the book for UPnP and Port Forwarding - didnt work) i cant use anything else. Besides some hicups we managed to get over by making firewall exceptions etc. it worked perfectly for Vanilla Maps and Scenarios. Also when i first started building my Mission with the first few Tasks and Triggers i showed it to my friend and he could join no problem. Now i finally finished my mission and wanted to try it with my friend, but he can't join. What happens is, that i host the game through Lan and on the create mission screen i select Chernarus 2020 and my Mission. When my friend joins i get the message that he connected, but he is stuck on the Stratis loading screen and can't get to the Unit Select screen. On my side he is shown grey and only after some time his ping changes from 0 to usually like 25. If i assign him myself to a unit (only two available) and start the mission he still doesnt change from the stratis screen until i actually start the Mission by pressing continue on the briefing screen and ignoring the message that not all players are ready. Once i load into the game my friend usually gets either a message that the Mission Data is being downloaded (which sometimes works and sometimes gets stuck or shows 0kbs out of 0kbs) and after downloading is stuck on "Receiving Data". If i look at his character ingame it shows his username behind the units role e.g. Rifleman (Friend). Now we tried him getting the mission files from me directly and placing them into his mpmissions folder (including one very basic script i wrote), but no luck. Curiously when closing the hosted game and restarting it my friend can join vanilla games with missions (even little custom ones) no problem, also i build a little test mission on the same map (Chernarus2020) with just a few triggers, commands and tasks as a test and this one he can also join no problem. We don't understand what is wrong. I'll include his and mine .rpt file and also the Mission + script if anyone wants to have a look at the Scenario im trying to build. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YPRdyf97Imw03thshXZlsW5_grB2IMCR?usp=drive_link in this drive you have the Mission and both .rpt files. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. A few things we still haven't tried out is resetting both our routers, reinstalling the game + mods and maybe building the Mission from scratch step by step and testing when my friend can't join. Thank you.
  4. Hi all, I'm trying to script some plain ellipse markers in 3den I have my own module for that. If I use the createMarker command, everything goes well but these markers vanished at preview. Normal. But when I come back to 3den, the markers are no more present. I don't want that. So, I'm trying to use create3denEntity. that means to know what the cfgMarkers class is: _mk = create3DENEntity ["markers", "class", position] The problem is that all available cfgMarkers classes seem to be for iconed markers but not area ones. I tried "system", "ellipse", "", "empty"... Only empty is a defined class, so it's works... for an empty marker. Then I added lines like: _mk set3DENAttribute ["itemClass","ellipse"]; _mk set3DENAttribute ["markerType",1]; _mk set3DENAttribute ["brush","solid"]; Nothing works. The marker remains "empty". Any idea to add a solid area marker by create3denEntity ? Thanks
  5. So i saw a cool function of the cargo platforms from Contact DLC, where if you place them close together the game will snap the second cargo platform to the first one making them stay perfectly next to each other, making them perfectly leveled next to each other. Question is, how do i replicate that? I'm working on a 'Modular Site' mod, where i need it for ease of use while laying out the facility in the 3den editor. This, basically
  6. ========================= EDEN EXTENDED OBJECTS ========================= This mod has been out for a while but I realized that I've never properly presented it. Eden Extended Objects is mainly targeted for terrain building, however you can also use it to extend the standard maps in your missions. If you do so, your users will need to download this mod in order to play the missions. Abusing of this mod in a mission file may result in loss of performance. This small editor extension adds these three functionalities. 1. Insert items that are not available in Eden vanilla. Trees Bushes Clutter Plants Signs Castle ruins Power Wires These items can be accessed under the appropriate Eden categories. LEGAL NOTICE: this mod does not contain any Arma 3 content. All this mod does is expose the existing items from their original Arma 3 file locations in the Eden editor and in user-made scenarios. 2. "Multiply" a selection of objects, thus facilitating the creation of forests, rocky areas, civilian groups, etc. To access this functionality, select one or more objects that you would like to multiply, right click on your selection and in the contextual menu click on "Extended Objects: Multiply". Objects will be created around your original selection. 3. Rotate objects. Apply a random different rotation to each object of a selection by pressing F9. You can find it on the Steam Workshop here. Best, _SCAR.
  7. Eden WYSIWYG emitter editor Use particle and light emitters in your scenarios without any scripting. Adds an emitter editor akin to the old "utility mission" editor that has floated around since the original OFP and the "Eden way" of adding emitters via object attributes. Does NOT create dependencies, as in this mod is not required to play the scenarios edited with it. Before you get all excited you must remember that this is just scripted pile so it is not 100% stable, you will break it, you will possibly ruin your scenario with it etc. So bear that in mind. Features include: - add emitters (particle/light) and edit their parameters in Eden, in real time. WYSIWYG, will appear in scenario as it does in Eden - Attach emitters to virtually anything (Eden entities, terrain objects, object selections) - Save emitter parameter presets - Export emitter parameters in sqf format like with the old "utility mission", sometimes you just want/need to script it - Export emitter parameters as config class, greatly speed up creating your CfgCloudlets and CfgLights effects - Includes "scenario function set" to deal with the emitters added with this tool in "mission runtime" - Full set of Eden tutorials !IMPORTANT NOTE!: If your game crashes with error "DX11 ERROR BUFFER MAP FAILED" while using this tool it in most cases means that your Particle Quality setting in the game Video Settings is too high. Lowering it should fix this. License: You are not allowed to make any derivative works of this mod or it’s documentation in portions or as a whole. You are not allowed to repackage or distribute a repackage of this mod or it’s documentation. Obviously Steam Workshop EULA additionally applies to the Steam Workshop version of this mod and it’s documentation. Changelog: A few videos: Obtain from: - Steam WorseShop - Ye olde skool download Documentation: https://emed.ofpec.com/doku/doku.php?id=start Contacts: - Discord Thans to: - Everybody making proper bug reports - kju - Undeceived - R3vo - savedbygrace - sokolonko + the rest of the NF single girls - sa8gecko - BI
  8. Hello, I hope this isn't too much of a stretch to ask but there's one thing bugging me. I have the Zeus Enhanced mod and I was wondering if there's any way to use systems made available by it in 3D Editor. What I mean by that is for example - I wanted to use the suppressing fire module provided by the Zeus Enhanced mod, connect it to a trigger and have units appear and fire as the module allows. Also some tools like "Tracers" are way way simpler to use as Zeus, with graphical interface instead of inputting certain weapon names and such. Has anyone encountered an issue like this? Is this mod conflict or a base game limitation? Is there a way or a workaround I could implement? I would be extremely grateful if anyone could be so kind to help me.
  9. I feel like I'm missing something here but I can't drag any units from the Entities list on the left side of the 3den editor into the camera's view any more. When I try it the cursor seems to lose the unit when I try to drag it outside of the list. Tried it without mods after just noticing it (thought it might've been 3den Enhanced), but it's been a while since I've tried to do much editing so I'm not sure when it might've started. Have I changed a random setting somewhere or is this a bug?
  10. Hi anyone knows why my custom module works when the attribute isTriggerActivated is disabled? (it didn't work when its enable). # Config: class CfgPatches { class FCLA_Modules { units[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; author = "hozlucas28"; version = "2.0"; authorUrl = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137876583/"; requiredVersion = 2.0; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class FCLA_Modules { side = 7; priority = 1; displayName = "FCLA"; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class FCLA_Modules { class 3DEN { class createACEObjectAction3DEN {file = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\functions\ACE_Actions\fn_objectAction.sqf";}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Logic; class Module_F: Logic { class AttributesBase { class Default; class Edit; class Combo; class CheckBox; class CheckBoxNumber; class ModuleDescription; }; class ModuleDescription { class Anything; }; }; class FCLA_Module_ACE_Object_Action_v1: Module_F { author = "hozlucas28"; displayName = "Crear acción (ACE - objeto)"; //icon = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; //portrait = "\FCLA_Modules\3DEN\data\ACE_Interaction_Object.paa"; category = "FCLA_Modules"; function = "FCLA_Modules_fnc_createACEObjectAction3DEN"; is3DEN = 0; isGlobal = 1; canSetArea = 0; isDisposable = 0; canSetAreaHeight = 0; isTriggerActivated = 1; scope = 2; class Attributes: AttributesBase { class FCLA_Name: Edit { tooltip = "Nombre que tendra la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Name"; displayName = "Nombre"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Icon: Edit { tooltip = "Icono de la acción, opcional.\n• Se recomienda que el tamaño sea de 32x32 en formato '.paa'."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Icon"; displayName = "Icono"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Condition: Edit { tooltip = "Determina que condición/es deben cumplirse para que la acción se muestre.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Condition"; displayName = "Condición/es"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Statement: Edit { tooltip = "Determina el código que se ejecutara al seleccionar la acción.\n• Variables reservadas:\n - _target = entidad asociada a la acción.\n - _player = unidad que ejecuta la acción."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Statement"; displayName = "Sentencia/s"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Associated_Object: Edit { tooltip = "Variable de la entidad a la que se le asociara la acción, opcional.\n• Si no se define ningúna variable, se le asociara la acción a la entidad sincronizada solo si es la única sincronizada al módulo."; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Associated_Object"; displayName = "Variable"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class FCLA_Type_Of_Action: Combo { tooltip = "• Propia: solo la entidad asociada tiene acceso a la acción.\n• Externa: todas las entidades ajenas a la asociada tienen acceso a la acción."; typeName = "NUMBER"; property = "FCLA_Type_Of_Action"; displayName = "Tipo de acción"; defaultValue = 1; class Values { class Self { name = "Propia"; value = 1; }; class External { name = "Externa"; value = 0; }; }; }; class FCLA_Parent_Path: Edit { tooltip = "Determina en que acción padre se colocara la acción que queremos crear.\n• Por ejemplo:\n- Acción externa = ['ACE_MainActions']\n- Acción propia = ['ACE_SelfActions', 'ACE_Equipment']"; typeName = "STRING"; property = "FCLA_Parent_Path"; displayName = "Padres"; defaultValue = "''"; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription {}; }; class ModuleDescription: ModuleDescription { description[] = {"Crea una acción ACE 3D asociada a una entidad específica.<br/>• Más información: <a href='https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html'>https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html</a>"}; }; }; }; # Function: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Author: hozlucas28 * * Description: * Crea una acción ACE 3D para una entidad específica. * * Public: [No] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ params [ ["_module", objNull, [objNull], 0], ["_synchronizedObjects", [], [[]], []], ["_isActivated", true, [true], 0] ]; if ((is3DEN) || (isNull _module) || (!_isActivated)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 1"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;}; //Verificar argumentos. _name = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Name", ""]; _icon = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Icon", ""]; _condition = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Condition", ""]; _statement = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Statement", ""]; _parentPath = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Parent_Path", []]; _typeOfAction = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Type_Of_Action", -1]; _associatedObject = _module getVariable ["FCLA_Associated_Object", objNull]; _numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects = {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")} count _synchronizedObjects; if ((_name == "") || (_condition == "") || (_statement == "") || (_typeOfAction <= -1)) exitWith {["FCLA (server log): No Entro 2"] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;["¡Error! El/Un módulo 'Crear acción (ACE - objeto)' no se pudo inicializar con éxito."] call BIS_fnc_error;}; //Pasar ruta de padres y classnames asociadas al formato correcto. _parentPath = parseSimpleArray ([_parentPath, """", "'"] call CBA_fnc_replace); _findedEntity = _synchronizedObjects findIf {!(_x isKindOf "EmptyDetector")}; _associatedObject = if ((_findedEntity > -1) && (_numberOfCompatibleSynchronizedObjects == 1)) then {_synchronizedObjects select _findedEntity;} else {call compile format ["%1", _associatedObject];}; //Crear y asociar acción. _actionCreated = [_name, _name, _icon, [_statement] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, [_condition] call FCLA_Common_fnc_stringToCode, {}, [], {[0, 0, 0]}, 2, [false, false, false, false, false], {}] call ACE_Interact_Menu_fnc_createAction; _return = [_associatedObject, _typeOfAction, _parentPath, _actionCreated] call ACE_Interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; //Eliminar módulo. //deleteVehicle _module; ["FCLA (server log): Entro " + str _associatedObject + " " + str _return] call ACE_Common_fnc_serverLog;
  11. alkanet

    Eden 2.0

    Eden 2.0 Introduction Eden just got upgraded. Now with inspector view, easier access to tools. With this flowgraphs are introduced. Visual scripting that you can use to create advanced missions/systems. This project goal is to update eden to become a better editor. More things will be added on request of the community. What is flowgraphs? Flow Graphs, in which you connect individual actions and values in a specific order. That order of execution is what we call the flow. If you have used Unreal Engine before, you might find they are similar to the Blueprints visual scripting language. Download Steam Workshop Dependencies/Client/Server If you want to use flowgraphs, eden 2.0 need to run on both client and server. All tools leave no dependencies and all changes you make is saved to the mission file. Tutorials Flowgraph Tutorial Add a tool to the menu Features FlowGraph system. Inspector view. Tools. Ingame debug console. Alot of functions that i created during my years with arma. CfgFunctions_Extended(Experimental) I have ideas/found a bug/want to contribute Visit the Discord. You are all welcome. More stuff will be added but i have released it early so you can help with testing.
  12. Hi everyone, I have written a function that will allow people to configure an aircraft in the 3den editor and have it able to respawn with that exact loadout. I found that I was having very inconsistent results when the respawn module was set to delete or delete with explosion. It has been rock solid since setting the module to preserve. The function deletes the old vehicle once it has all the old data anyway. Instructions You will need two things for this function to work: You will need to create an init.sqf file in your mission folder and paste the code below into it. You will need a respawn module in your mission with the customized vehicles synced to it. Put this code into the Expression section:: [_this, 2] call RESPAWN_VEHICLE; Note: The number allows you to customize what happens with the cargo of the respawning vehicles (guns, medickits etc etc). It is all listed in the function below Optional If you want to be able to edit and move the vehicles as Zeus, you will need to add an "Add Editable Objects" module to your mission and name it ZEUS_EDITABLE and put the variable name of your zeus player unit in the owner section. In the script do a search for "ZEUS_EDITABLE" and uncomment it. Things I am trying to work out currently: - Why the sync commands don't work at all. My goal was the have it pick up all the objects the old vehicle was synced too. Alas I haven't worked that out yet. - Work out if its possible to get all the customizations like missing doors on vehicles from the old vehicle and pass them onto the new one. I have tested this in Multiplayer and it does work. DEMO MISSION AVAILABLE HERE
  13. Gents, Looking for some assistance. I've tried just about everything I can think of. When using the Eden editor, normally I would hold the right mouse button to move the view around. However, this results in what I can only describe as a view aneurysm. The camera jumps all over the place making it unusable. Moving the camera with the numpad is fine. Also, when using other editor functions, the mouse behaves normally. When playing the game or testing maps, the mouse also behaves normally. Anyone else experience this? Solutions? I have tried: Adjusting mouse sensitivity in options, turning mouse acceleration on/off, updating mouse drivers, using a known good control profile from another machine. Halp!
  14. 3den Enhanced Description This modification adds new functionalities to the Eden Editor, without creating any dependencies for players. That means, mission builder can use this mod to make their lifes easier without making the lifes of the players harder by forcing them to download additional mods. Features - Many new tools accessible from the context menu or menu strip - New entity, mission and editor attributes - New Functions Viewer - Vehicle Inventory Manager - ...and much more. See Wiki for a full list Feedback Feedback is always welcome and will help me to find bugs and improve this modification. Please post feedback, suggestions or bug reports either on the Steam Workshop page or GitHub. GitHub & Translation This modification is available on GitHub. Feel free to contribute! Documentation https://github.com/R3voA3/3den-Enhanced/wiki Download Steam Workshop Changelog Credits License This work is licensed under a Arma Public License Share Alike
  15. johnnyontheshot2020


    Alright, Arma finally beat me. This is my first time on a forum, so i'm sorry if i'm doing anything wrong haha. I need help. I've been playing Arma for about 5 years now and I started making missions and scripting about two years ago so i'm not completely green, but i'm still learning for sure. Far from expert, but I have a troubleshooting problem I can't seem to figure out. A buddy of mine got a PC just so he could play Arma with my group and me. The issue is we got everything downloaded and installed, but when he went to join a mission I made on a server I hosted his game crashed with the STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error. We updated his drivers, verified his game files, and changed his game to run in 64 bit instead of the 32 bit it was running. Same issue. So I published the game to the workshop and had him host it, this time MY game crashed. For testing, I created a quick mission that only consisted of two units and made myself the zeus gamemaster, created a server, and he was able to get in fine. I was able to spawn all of the modded assets as well (we run a lot of mods). Could it be as simple as one of my mods causing a crash when the mission file is being downloaded? If so, how do I find out which one and is there a way to fix it besides removing the mod?
  16. I been trying to give the eden editor better tools so more people can create better content. I like to know what you think so far and what features you think can be useful. FlowGraph You create nodes which you connect together. A node is basically a function which can call on other functions when it´s done executing itself. This gives you a interface to "script" your own mission. Much easier than learning the script language and faster. When you save it will be stored in the mission file. A start event will always be called on mission start. In this example it has been connected to the position node. The position node has been connected to the log node. They will call on eachother in that order. Hover over a connect button to see which are connected to it. Click on it to edit a connection. You can move around by dragging, scroll to zoom in and out. Drag the top of a node to move it around. Inspector & Tools The inspector(see blue)has replaced the assets position and been moved to the left(see red) This will include tools that are relevant to and eden object, position, rotation e.t.c.. All selections can be collapsable Inspector Tools Some examples: Hide GUI, Rotate marked object by scrolling, show building position. Show objects layer name, measure distance from selected object to mouse position in world. The design will be changed. All selections can be collapsable. Click on "Enviroment" and "Time" and "togglegrass" will be hidden. And yes i lost my windows 10 activation when i bought a new computer and refuse to pay for new one. 🙂
  17. Hello. For the past hour or so I've tried to link an addaction to another addaction in the init field of a data terminal. Here's my notes for that init section and the script. //Add an action to a data terminal to open it //When that action is activated by a player, it will add another action //When that second action is activated, it will run an .sqf file that //consists of the nopop variable this addAction ["Startup Terminal", {[KillhouseControl,1] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; this addAction ["Start Killhouse", targetup.sqf}]]; this addAction ["Shutdown Terminal", {[KillhouseControl,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate;}]; //To-do: Remove action First of all, is there anything I'm doing wrong? Second of all, is there a way to do this?
  18. so on my units server we are running a clean up script, due to the lack of mass graves and body piles withing arma we are trying to a manual mass grave but due to the clean up script it stops that from happening is there away to stop that script running on certain objects?
  19. Hi, I'm trying to quickly set up some supply boxes in the editor. I know that I can set up the box through the right-click -> attributes -> "object: equipment storage" section, or via code with "addItemCargo". The problem I have with this is that it is difficult to find the guns and equipment that I want that don't require DLCs (not all of my players have them), and then find the matching mags for them. The Arsenal system is great for searching through lists of weapons, for example, but obviously I can't create a box with that. For example, there is the CUP Makarov, and the Apex Makarov. It is not obvious which one is which from the in-editor list. Or, choosing the compatible magazines for a gun. The process seems to be quite laborious, with a lot of trial and error. Is there a better way?
  20. Hello, I have written a module for carpet bombing for Sabre's secret weapon and Unsung. Unfortunately it's quite hard to use as one needs to know the class name of the plane (easy to get in Eden though) and the bomb weapon classname (very hard to get, through config viewer). Now I want to ease the setup of this module via a custom entry in the tools menu of Eden where one can select a bomber and bomb type through browsing an additional config entry, CfgCarpet. Before setting up dialog and what not, I tried to alter the config of a script placed unsung carpet bomb module in the Eden debugger. When setting the 'bomb' variable this change is not reflected in the module, though in the debug script the new value is shown: e = create3DENEntity ["Logic", "uns_ModuleCarpet", screenToWorld [0.5, 0.5]]; systemChat str (allVariables e); systemChat str (e getVariable "bomb"); e setVariable ["bomb", "flip"]; systemChat str (e getVariable "bomb"); The last systemChat prints flip. But when I double click the uns_ModuleCarpet Eden entity I still see the old value. Any solution to this, I suspect that the setVariable doesn't work to well with Modules. Alternative approaches to the problem of configuring a module is also welcome! Cheers, TeTeT
  21. _bpos = []; _origin = ((get3DENSelected "object") select 0); {_bpos append (_x buildingPos -1)} foreach (nearestObjects [_origin, ["House", "Building"], 50]); { _bp = selectrandom _bpos; _bpos = _bpos - [_bp]; _x setpos _bp; } foreach (get3DENSelected "object"); The code is used in the 3den editor CONSOLE to place the SELECTED units/objects to all buildings in 50m radius. You need to select your units in the editor, then press ctrl + D to enter the console, then you run the code. Works with editor placed buildings/fortifications. the units will be put into nearest buildings, the 3den markers will update AFTER testing the mission, to make them stay you should put {_x disableai "PATH"} foreach units this into the composition of the group
  22. Hey everyone, Was wondering something for a while now and I am pretty stumped. Whenever I create my child displays with: finddisplay 46 createdisplay "displayMenuChild" I can still interact with the parent display (i.e. Can press buttons and interact with listboxes etc.) I also use the same controls as used in the 3DEN Editor displays. I create my parent display as a dialog with: createdialog "displayMenuParent"; Maybe I need to create it another way? Thanks in advance, Skirmish_
  23. Hey everyone, I've been wondering this for a while now, maybe someone here can help me out. I've been making UI's the same way for a long time, via the GUI Editor and exporting them using SafeZone. However this positioning technique overlaps controls when you're on different resolutions and display sizes. I looked around the 3DEN displays and controls in their configs and saw that the positions and completely different to safeZone: class Picture: ctrlStaticPictureKeepAspect { text="\a3\3DEN\Data\Displays\Display3DENMsgBox\picture_ca.paa"; x="( (0.5 - 0.5 * 75 * (pixelW * pixelGrid * 0.50))) + (2) * (pixelW * pixelGrid * 0.50)"; y="( (0.5 - 0.5 * 25 * (pixelH * pixelGrid * 0.50))) + ( 5 + 2) * (pixelH * pixelGrid * 0.50)"; w="10 * (pixelW * pixelGrid * 0.50)"; h="5 * (pixelH * pixelGrid * 0.50)"; }; Is there a way I can start creating displays using this positioning technique? Thanks in advance, Skirmish_
  24. Hey everyone, I've been wondering this for the longest time now and I've had no real answer to this question. How are the Displays - 313 (Display3DEN) and 46 even getting spawned? As you can obviously move while they are on screen. I am asking in regards to the displays being overlapped: finddisplay 313 createdisplay "Display3DENNew"; and the parent display still being visible on screen while the child display is open. I cannot get this to work by myself and I've copied basically everything bohemia have done when it comes to configs etc. I've tested pretty much everything and have came to the conclusion that it definetly has something to do with the parent display and how it is opened. Example - Overlapping displays Thanks in advance, need all the help I can get at this point. Skirmish_
  25. Hi, I've been wondering for a while on how Bohemia have done this, maybe someone can help here. The 3DEN Displays all have actions that display a new box on the screen (e.g. Clicking new scenario button will display a another box and wont let you interact with anything behind it): https://gyazo.com/956ab95d3148cd87e4c9de5902d591ca I was thinking they made it so when the user clicks on the button, the controls get made in the script, but I don't know. Thanks