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Found 659 results

  1. GF Vehicle Radio chatter script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Vehicle Radio chatter script , configurable script. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Vehicle Radio chatter script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/Notes: Notes: Configurable Script. You can display Custom or game's default sounds, select distance from vehicle and repeat time. The radio is disabled for the civilian vehicles and there is available an exclude list. It is working on any type of vehile (Landvehicle,Tank,Air,Ship). It is working also for the spawned vehicles. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Special Thanks to : @tpw https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/762937-tpw/?do=content&type=forums_topic&change_section=1 For helping , with sharing part of his mod / script . @TPW MODS / tpw_radio https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/154944-tpw-mods-v20180630-enhanced-realism-and-immersion-for-arma-3-sp/ Changelog: v2.0 Reedited code. Added a Mod version ,possible to unpack and edit. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40143 Armaholic download GF Vehicle Radio chatter script
  2. GF Auto Loot with userconfig by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Auto Loot with userconfig , will detect the enable Mods , without editing lists. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: To install GF Auto Loot with userconfig , you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded. Please visit the Arma 3 Mod install instructions page for more information about using custom mods and addons in Arma 3. Place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually: "C:\Program Files (x64)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3". You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons and/or mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: This mod , is including a userconfig folder. The userconfig folder , must be in the main arma 3 game folder. Inside the userconfig folder , are the settings. To make changes in the userconfig , you need to close the game. GF Auto Loot with userconfig , will detect the enabled Mods , without editing lists. There are 4 options available : 1 = Load every Mod + Bohemia Items , 2 = Load every Mod - No Bohemia Items , 3 = Load Bohemia Items Only , 4 = Custom items only There is a Possibility option available. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players , to prevent the loot from spawn. The loot will spawn also , at the spawned or placed in editor Buildings. More information inside the Settings.sqf It is also posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v3.1 Fixed , working now also on Dedicated , with auto init.  v3.0 A lot of the previous code is reedited. Added option for the spawned items number. Code optimization. v2.0 It is possible to add your custom item list. There are 4 options available : 1 = Load every Mod + Bohemia Items , 2 = Load every Mod - No Bohemia Items , 3 = Load Bohemia Items Only , 4 = Custom items only Changed the codes for the search of the configs. Minor Fixes. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40300 Armaholic GF Auto Loot with userconfig
  3. Hello Dear Community! So I am using agents for my Civilian needs on a coop mission but the mission also requires that some of those civilian agents rebel and attack players. Since agents are very basic and cannot attack I must find a way to smoothly replace said agent for a REGULAR UNIT when the WITNESS´s rebel state triggers. Here is how I do stuff so far: PS: As you can probably tell by the script I am going for a "as optimized" as posible script since there will be lots of Witnesses and Enemy Units on the map as well as objects so I am tight on frames.
  4. Hello everyone, I need a little help I try to create, through a script, a combination of modules to add a civilian presence to the cities crossed by the player. The problem is that at the launch of the mission, despite the generation of three modules (visible and existing in Zeus mode) the main module (ModuleCivilianPresence_F) does not link with the other two modules (ModuleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot_F and ModuleCivilianPresenceUnit_F), and I have the following error message : "bis_fnc_moduleCivilianPresence [x] Civilian Presence L-Alpha 1-2: 1 terminated." There are at least 1 spawnpoint and 1 position module. " How to make dialogue, synchronize the three modules, created via a script, ingame ? This is just a piece of extracted code; the rest of my project works perfectly : Do not pay attention to the two ways to create a unit, both ways work exactly the same, I put the necessary characters to hide the text for reading the script > /* and */ _townLoc = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal","CityCenter","Airport"], 2500]; if ((count _townLoc) > 0) then { sleep 0.01; _townPos = locationPosition (_townLoc select 0); /* sleep 0.50; _MCP_Spawn = (createGroup sideLogic) createUnit ["ModuleCivilianPresenceUnit_F",_townPos,[],0,"NONE"]; _MCP_Spawn setvariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false]; sleep 0.50; _MCP_SafeSpot = (createGroup sideLogic) createUnit ["ModuleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot_F",_townPos,[],0,"NONE"]; _MCP_SafeSpot setvariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false]; sleep 0.50; _MCP_Module = (createGroup sideLogic) createUnit ["ModuleCivilianPresence_F",_townPos,[],0,"NONE"]; _MCP_Module setvariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false]; */ sleep 0.50; _MCP_SafeSpot = "ModuleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot_F" createUnit [_townPos, createGroup sideLogic, "this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false];", 0.6, "PRIVATE"]; sleep 0.50; _MCP_Spawn = "ModuleCivilianPresenceUnit_F" createUnit [_townPos, createGroup sideLogic, "this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false];", 0.6, "PRIVATE"]; sleep 0.50; _MCP_Module = "ModuleCivilianPresence_F" createUnit [_townPos, createGroup sideLogic, "this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false];", 0.6, "PRIVATE"]; }; Otherwise I also tried another method : I to place the necessary modules in the 3den editor, then move them by script when the player is near a locality. The modules change position, but the created civil entities always go to the moduleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot module's initial position, ie the position of the module when it was placed in the editor, even if it was changed position. :/
  5. Description: This is a GUI that allows the person who executed the script to add/assign or remove/unassign Zeus to any specified player(s). Downloads & More Information: GitHub: Pastebin: Video: Steam Guide: Curator Creator Version 1.0: * New version is coming out soon. The script was broken so I am going to re-make it myself. *
  6. Hi, I am just getting started in scripting. I have a basic script that makes a unit walk a certain distance. Then i wanted him to salute while another player is alive "t1". But it seems even when i kill "t1". He keeps saluting. Should the while loop not automatically finish when the condition "while {alive t1}" isn't met? I got around this by adding an exit condition, but this doesn't seem right as it defeats the purpose of a while loop. Thank you for any help. //S1 Move and salute for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { s1 playmove "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDf_ver2"; }; while {alive t1} do { hint "He's Alive"; s1 playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn"; sleep 0.769; if (!alive t1) exitwith {}; }; if (!alive t1) then {hint "He's Dead"};
  7. Hi Community ! I'm happy (and a bit proud) to present my work : Macaco's mod… A mod everyday ""work in progress"... for now 9 modules... - AI Reaction (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) With this module you can activate the "hearing" of the AI, which will hear you when you speak with TASK FORCE RADIO - Timer (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module you can activate a timer, based on the DAYTIME variable (totally rewritten) - FollowMe (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to enable an ACE interaction menu that allows the player to have some AI commands run: *follow me *stop *lying *stand up * go up to the nearest vehicle * wears protective clothing (helmet + harness) * handcuffing (use a band) *to free - "Logistic Vehicle" module. (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module (can be synchronized with just one faction vehicle) it is possible to create a logistic vehicle for refueling / resetting and vehicle repair ... Also you can use an AI that "simulates" the repair of the vehicle but that if killed will make subsequent repairs impossible ... - "Earthquake" (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows to create earthquakes with destructive areas; the intensity of the earthquake is adjustable ... - Module "HQ" (Requires CBA, TASKFORCERADIO) The module allows you to create an HQ vehicle with different features: * Equip the vehicle with aeronautical radio with 40km range (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle (in the inventory) with UAV backpack (Darter), batteries and terminal (depending on faction) * Equip the vehicle with an omnidirectional radio disturbance antenna (Task Force Radio) * Equip the vehicle with a directive antenna (movable) to increase the range / power of the radio (Task Force Radio) -"Sounds Of War" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to create areas with war sound effects and possibly (real) explosions and light flares, useful for example to delimit areas game recreating a more realistic situation ... -"Supplies" module (Requires CBA, ACE) The module allows you to request a supply case, with a virtual arsenal set by the editor. The module is equipped with various options for operating dynamics. -"Watch" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) With this module it is possible to activate a clock (with graphic interface) that creates two alarms, publishes useful variables for triggers and executes sqf files at the end of alarms .... - "Advanced Stamina" Module (Requires CBA, ACE) (feat. Hollywood) This module manages advanced stamina, adding the possibility of drinking, eating, etc ... Note for those who used the previous mod "Advanced Stamina Mod": Edit the missions with the old mod and then re-insert the modules with Macaco's Mod ON STEAM WORKSHOP: Macaco's mod ON YOU TUBE: Macaco's Channel (Tutorials) SECONDO REGGIMENTO INCURSORI ( 2RGT ) : http://www.secondoreggimento.it/
  8. L_ambiDrive by LAxemann (Formerly L_Civs. For AI Civilian population, check out L_ambiCivs) A lightweight script suite that allows multiplayer-compatible civil traffic. Civilians will drive around on the map and de-spawn again if the closest player exceeds a specified distance. Features blacklisting areas and players. The script runs COMPLETELY SERVER-SIDE. Quick Start 1. Drop the "L_ambiDrive" folder as well as the "initServer.sqf" into your mission folder. That's it. 1.1 If you already got an initServer.sqf, paste the following anywhere into the file: #include "L_ambiDrive\init.sqf" Quick configuration 1. Navigate into the L_ambiDrive folder within your mission folder. You may want to look into three files: "config.sqf","classes.sqf" and "blacklists.sqf" 2. Config.sqf: Basic settings like spawn distance and speed limits. (Tip: Lower the city speed limit if the map features sharp turns within cities) 3. Classes.sqf: Vehicle and civilian classes that will be spawned. 4. Blacklist.sqf: Blacklisting areas vehicles shouldn't spawn in and players that should be ignored by the script. !! All parameters can be changed on the fly during a mission !! Requirements CBA_A3: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=german&id=450814997 Known issues - ArmA will be ArmA. Vehicles might crash into each other and/or the terrain. The script detects stuck vehicles but can only do so much to un-stuck them. License You are free to modify the script to your liking within your mission, but please mention the modification. Uploading a modification of the script as a "standalone" version is not permitted. Download: https://github.com/LAxemann/L_ambiDrive (1.05)
  9. Hi, Im trying to made a simple scenario when players will be facing some units with AT launchers, my problem is that vehicles i'm currently usinng isn't that "tanky" i want to be. I was searching trough various of places to find a remedy to my problem. So i will more than glad if someone helps me out with a script that makes certain vehicles invulnerable to hull damage to prevent being destroyed
  10. i need some help whit this i want to (if player get Damage and that Damage are enough to kill player then spawn fnc_tazed )
  11. I need a easier way to spawn random units instead of individually pulling all classes from the in game editor and pasting it while adding quotations and commas like this: ["B_mas_med_Army_ENG_F", "B_mas_med_Army_EXP_F", "B_mas_med_Army_GL_F",]. I want to use a script that when called it will pull a random unit from a given side of a given type (infantry, land, air) and spawn them in a group. The group will be filled with random units. I also want it to pull units from mods that I download. I dont want to have to keep updating the script every time I download another unit mod. The mod MMC sandbox has no problem in doing this but I dont know how they did it.
  12. I need either a script or in trigger action that will kill AI units that leave the area. I want to also separate the types, example: I have an inner radius lets say 250 by 250 that AI infantry units must stay in. If they leave this area then they will die. Then I have an outer radius, 500 by 500, that allows AI Land vehicles to operate through, they are also allowed in the inner radius but if they leave the outer radius then they will be destroyed. The land vehicles include all land vehicles, not just tracked and tanks. I have thought of using multiple triggers to compare what is in the larger circle which is not in the smaller circle at which the trigger will kill the AI that is not within both triggers but I am not sure how to do that or if there is an easier way.
  13. Good evening, community! I have found and used a couple of scripts that make enemy AI units surrender in singleplayer (SP). For example, when almost the entire enemy squad is dead and only 1 or 2 units are alive, they will surrender no matter other conditions. And I said "other conditions" because during the last 2 days I've read a lot of topics with information about their behavior and moral as a condition to make them give up. But this is not the case or the result I am looking for. I need a proper script for cooperative and multiplayer missions to give any enemy the possibility to surrender when forced to. If that with the moral is the right way to succeed, I am in! Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  14. a simple script to change faction allegiance retaining their waypoints here it changes AAF to fight for opfor faction if you want them to fight the LDF INDG = allgroups select {faction leader _x == "IND_F"}; { _groupold = _x; _groupnew = createGroup east; (units _groupold) join _groupnew; _groupnew copyWaypoints _groupold; } foreach INDG; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* null = [] execVM "INDtoOPFOR.sqf"; */; drones work fine, helicopter behaviour issues - transports don't unload troops as per waypoint
  15. Can anyone help me with this? tried making a zombie scenario. I would like a random generated missions that involves zombies thank you!
  16. Hey all, I am trying to find a way to restrain the movement of the mouse. The aim is to restrain the movement of the weapon to lie inside the aiming deadzone so that the player won't be able to steer the unit with the mouse. So far I have used vectorDir, weaponDirection and some vector manipulation commands in order to find what the angle between the facing-direction of the unit is and the direction the weapon is facing. Seems to work OK (unless I am missing something), but regardless of the functionality of this part of the script I can't find any way to restrain the mouse movement. If you have any idea (or a source to point me to) please let me know. Thanks in advance, Achilles.
  17. Script name: Arma 3: Custom chat commands Version: 1.0 Release: https://github.com/ussrlongbow/chatcom/releases/tag/v1.0 Issues: https://github.com/ussrlongbow/chatcom/issues Source: https://github.com/ussrlongbow/chatcom This script allows to implement custom chat commands in your mission, started from a special character. You may configure commands like "!help", so when people playing your mission enter this as regular chat message - the associated code will be executed. See video for demo. https://youtu.be/pUQspFb7vf0
  18. Greetings to all. I usually use this script to spawn (on trigger position) hunters to hunt the players (on foot) in my multiplayer mission (dedi) and its works perfect. But updating the mission and adding vehicles for the players I realized that when a player is inside a vehicle and activates the trigger and then gets off the vehicle and continues on foot, the hunters reach the position of the abandoned vehicle and stop there, do not continue chasing the player on foot. Any help or advice is welcome. Thank You! Trigger size: 390 x 390 Activation: Any Player ActType: Present Server Only: yes Cond: this OnAct: null = [thistrigger,thislist] execvm "4hunters.sqf"; 4hunters.sqf _PosTrigger = _this select 0; _objetives = _this select 1; _objetive = _objetives select 0; if (isserver) then { private ["_hunters", "_leaderhunters"]; _CountEnemies = {alive _x && side _x == independent} count allUnits; //Spawn hunters if less than 100 enemies on the map if (_CountEnemies < 100) then { _SpawnPos = position _PosTrigger ; _hunters = createGroup independent; _hunters = [_SpawnPos, independent, ["I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F","I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F"],[],[],[],[],[],260] call BIS_fnc_SpawnGroup; //Move to player position _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; _leaderhunters move (position _objetive); _hunters setCombatMode "RED"; _hunters setBehaviour "AWARE"; _hunters allowFleeing 0; 0 = [_hunters,_objetive] spawn { while {true} do { params ["_hunters","_objetive"]; sleep 3; //If the player who activates the trigger moves more than 400 meters away, the hunters are deleted if ((_objetive distance (leader _hunters)) > 400) exitWith { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _hunters; }; }; }; //When the hunters reach the position where the trigger is activated (and the player is not there) wait 3 sec and update the player's new position. while {true} do { // _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; if ((unitReady _leaderhunters) && {(alive _leaderhunters)}) then { sleep 3; if (({ alive _x} count (units _hunters)) != 0) then { _leaderhunters = leader _hunters; _leaderhunters move (position _objetive); _hunters setCombatMode "RED"; _hunters setBehaviour "AWARE"; _hunters allowFleeing 0;};};}; }; };
  19. I'm interested in writing a script that would allow a trader/s, for example Black Market Trader to be the only available sell point for certain items. Excluding or blacklisting the selected traders from being able to sell a (item_x) for a player if not listed. Ive searched online for all the information i could but nothing really defines this function/script I'm trying to create plus being a noob doesn't help either, lol. If someone out there has the knowledge on how i would go about this could you please help me out. As of now i have a Black Market Trader and Farming on my server but the items from farming i would like them only to be sold at the Black Market Trader. As of now your able to sell them at all traders, how can i fix this or can someone direct me into the right path to writing a script for this to add into the server to prevent those items from being sold at the other available traders UNLESS its a Black Market. How would i go about getting this added? List of items ``` "DDR_Item_Mushrooms", "DDR_Item_Drugs_Weed", "DDR_Item_Silver_Ore", "DDR_Item_Gold_Ore", "DDR_Item_Crystal_Purple", "DDR_Item_Crystal_Green" ```
  20. This page is for discussion of script features in Fly Tanoa Air. Mod page available now. Dev Files Current Version 0042 This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Live readMe [FTA] Guidebook
  21. GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Spawn Random Crash sites , will detect the enabled Mods , without editing lists,for loot and vehicles. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Spawn Random Crash sites , will detect the enabled Mods , without editing lists,for loot and vehicles. There are 4 options available : 1 = Load every Mod + Bohemia Loot , 2 = Load every Mod - No Bohemia Loot , 3 = Load Bohemia Loot Only , 4 = Custom items only. Custom arrays can be used as well. There are Blacklist Zones available , 5 from default and a safe distanse from players . This is the new reedited version of the previous GF Crashsites script , so there are a lot of changes and options. More information inside the GF_Auto_Loot_Crashsites.sqf There is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.2 It is possible to spawn normal alive vehicles , with crew or not or just wrecks. NOTE : The normal vehicles , might also not spawn loot at all , due to the vehicle destuction. Fixes about spawning. Minor Fixes. Added more options. v1.1 Minor Fixes. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40312 Armaholic GF Auto Loot Crashsites Script - Mod
  22. Working with Altis life 5.0.0 I have a marker being created and working as intended but the Text does not show up. I am wondering how to set the text color also. The Text was fine until i changed the marker color. Heres the original that works - i want a red ellipse as i would like it to be a Kill On Sight zone - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; }; I adapted it to this and it shows the ellipse but no text - if(_Create_Markers) then { _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [625,625]; Thank you Tried this - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "STR_Airdrop_Items"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; AND _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "AIRDROP"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; Did not work I went back to the original and only changed the marker shape to an ELLIPSE - this seems to be the problem of the text disappearing - _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [600,600];
  23. Vandeanson's Apocalypse - the Mod: A "plug and play" mod that will spawn various sites and AI, fully randomly placed that will be dynamically de and respawning for ongoing survival action! NOTE: This is not a MISSION. This is a dynamic site and event spawner, that runs on top of any mission that you start while the mod is active. It spawns in sites based on player position, terrain and your settings (to change settings, you must edit your mission in Eden Editor - > Settings - > Addon Options). Never again will it be pointless, dull and boring to run around in armas beautiful forrests, just because all the loot and action is stuck in cities and other remains of civilisation! My mod will spawn in bandit camps to raid, small survivor hideouts to find and loot in the deepest forest, crashed helicopters that should definitely be searched before other survivors get there, ferocious packs of wild dogs that will jump you in the dark or animals to hunt for survival. Find a tame horse as a compagnion and tie it up next to your homebase while setting up barricades and boobie traps to fend off attacks against your newly claimed home. Zombies just got deadlier with the infection feature. When getting hit, you might catch a deadly infection that will drain your stamina and lifeforce over time. Stack up on anti virus pills to cure yourself! You will never rest easy, knowing that your steps may be watched from far and the moment you get too comfortable at a place, bandits pick up your trace and hunt you down! VANDEANSONS APOCALYPSE (STEAM DOWNLOAD) INSTALLATION: 1. Subscribe to the mod and activate it and CBA_A3 in the A3 launcher Whenever you start any mission (self made or from steam) , the mod will start to spawn in sites according to the default settings. 2. to adjust VA settings, open the mission you want to edit, or create a new one in Eden Editor, go to Settings -> Addon Options -> select the "VDA" options to see what you can change (there are a lot of options for customisation) 3. NOTE: the plane spawner requires you to place the following markers by default, else the planes spawn in the debug zone: "VD_PlaneMrkr_1,VD_PlaneMrkr_2,VD_PlaneMrkr_3,VD_PlaneMrkr_4". You may add or remove markers. 4. if you play on maps like chernarus, cover the empty terrain with large area markers and name them. enter the area markers name into the field under "VDA -1- General Settings" to blacklist that area from landsite spawns. 5. similar for shipwrecks and boats (cover inland lakes with additional area markers) so the shipwrecks and boats wont spawn in lakes inland. 6. Place your player and play. (Place the gamemaster module to check if the mod is working as ZEUS) FEATURES : - random and automatic position finder for all features. No marker placement needed (see INSTALLATION gor exceptions) - sites de and respawn after a adjustable time and while no player is close - Bandit Camps - Hideouts - Shipwrecks - Crashsites - Tradercamp (custom weapon attachment trader, custom trader for ravage respawn tent backpacks, all ravage traders) - AI Patrols - Animal Spawner (Goats & Sheep, can be gutted and eaten with the Ravage mod) - Spawners for Boats, Planes, Helicopters - Medical Sites - Zombie Infection Script for the RAVAGE mod (change the zombie parent if you want this to apply to other zombie mods) - JBDOG feral dog spawner - DBO Horses spawner (you need to subscribe to this mod separately, if you wish to use the spawn feature) - No Rest! spawner (checks if player stays at a place for too long, if so, might spawn AI hunters ) - loot spawns at all sites - Max Joiners melee weapon mod is automatically included in the loot economy and player equipper. AIs wont spawn with melee weapons however. This requires the max_melee weapons mod. No dependency is created. GENERAL: - dynamic simulation is enabled for all spawned AI and structures. Simulation is enabled based on your view distance settings minus fog, plus scoped view distance to save FPS - automated loot arrays based on active mods (e.g. CUP, RHS,... will be integrated into the features) - option to blacklist items from loot arrays - option to exclude Arma 3 Vanilla and DLC items from loot table - option to exclude various mod sub content (e. g. CUP Uniforms, or IFA3 Backpacks...) - adjustable AI equipper (or option to use Ravage Equipper) - adjustable player equipper (or option to use Ravage Equipper) - CBA_A3 Settings to tune features in Editor while making a mission - possibility to add blacklist area markers for land sites (e.g. Bandit Camps) and coastal sites (e.g. shipwreck and boats) - adjustable spawn ranges and despawn timers - MP compatible to my best knowledge, please report any issues - the default currency is the ravage money, fyi. Without ravage mod active, it will just not spawn without error - adjust the amount of sites/features that at spawn to your needs or disable specific features if you dont like it - plane spawner: the only feature that requires you to place markers, check the CBA3 settings for it. 4 markers are pre defined, you may add as many as you want and place such markers at airfields. All placed markers will be a potential spawn position for planes - This mod creates NO dependency! UPCOMING/PLANNED FEATURES: I have quite a bunch of ideas for new features and plan to improve and extend the mod going forward, no ETA gor such features however. AI Spawner: - AIscavengers that move from house to house in a city and then return to a hideout z nearby to drop off loot, then go back to scavenging - AI spawner in case players spend a lot of time at the e same place (e.g. Looting a city) - chance for AI groups in any feature to be military grade geared, rather than random low quality survivor gear - some sort of simple basebuilding, crafting and ressource gathering feature - a mission generator - optional loot economy (to fill buildings with loot) - option to include heroes survive - option to include zombies & demons (e.g. A ambient Z spawner) - fake underground sites such as bunkers or caves TO DO'S: - not all arrays are automated (automated means, items or structures of active mods are put into category for use in my script) - automate heli, plane, heliwreck, boat arrays based on active mods - automate inventory items REQUIREMENTS : Note that this mod requires CBA3. CUP Terrain Core is also recommended, as some structures from it are used. There is no dependency however. Ravage has been the inspiration for the mod and this mod is made with Ravage in mind. There is however no dependency, you can use the mod with our without Ravage. THANKS: Thanks to all the great guys on the BI forum for their help and advise. With special thanks to George Floros GR, Johnnyboy, Mr H., HazJ, Larrow, pierremgi, Haleks, Grumpyoldman, Gunter Severloh, the Ravage folks, all followers of my topic thread and anyone i might have forgotten right now. HELP TO IMPROVE: Please subscribe, rate and let me know any issue that might occur, I would appreciate receiving any feedback that helps me improve the mod. Cheers VD
  24. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 I am trying to lock multiple doors - e.g. in the Police station building - this building has 15 doors. I would like only the Police to be able to open and close them. I have got this working in the init of the building, but it only works on one door - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", 1, false];} I am unsure what the format is to add the rest of the doors, I have tried the following with no success - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", && "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", && "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot" || "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2" || "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} Thank you
  25. FuRixX Lamborghini

    Code question

    Any one can help my with this code that is a name filtering. script example: _letrasFuRixX = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","ñ","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","Ñ","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]; jugadorFu = name player; { checkeoFuRixX = [_x, jugadorFu, false] call BIS_fnc_inString; if (!checkeoFuRixX) exitWith { sleep 2; hint "You name is not valid in this server"; endMission "END1"; }; } count _letrasFuRixX; The problem is that I need to sparete the name player letter to letter like a string or anything: ["P","e","t","e","r"];