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Found 36 results

  1. All-in-One Single-Player Project by Leopard20 Short description: All-in-one Single-Player project is (at this time, will be) a collection of 3 separate addons that work in tandem to create the ultimate single-player experience. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Long description: Hello guys. I'm sure everyone agrees that the current state of ARMA single-player is not really playable (unless you're alone!). The AI are always a burden and hard to manage. Well, in this project, my goal is to change that. Check out the latest development videos on Superior Intelligence (aka Super AI) in the next post! This project will consist of 3 addons: 1. All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe ver.): The improved and enhanced version of my old , dusty mod, All-in-one Command Menu which itself was basically an improved version of WW AI Menu by Windwalking. 2. Superior Intelligence (WIP) 3. ADDON #3 (WIP) The other two addons are not "command menus" but something entirely different and crucial to the single-player game, and interaction with them will primarily be through All-in-one Command Menu. I will update this thread about the latest development status. Stay tuned! All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe Version) Current version: v1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2023) Some of you may have used, seen, or at least heard of my All-in-one Command Menu mod, which added many new capabilities to the vanilla AI. When I started working on that mod, I was completely inexperienced in scripting, and the mod, despite its great feature roster, became a poorly optimized and buggy mess over time. So I decided to rewrite the mod from the scratch; updated the visuals, rewrote most features and added many new stuff. Without further ado, let's jump into the feature list! Release Trailer: Additional Screenshots: Feature Overview: What's new since All-in-one Command Menu classic: This is a complete rewrite of the classic mod, so obviously there's so many changes. Here is some of the most important ones: Manual (MUST READ): Some of this stuff might be a little hard to grasp at first (but once you learn them you realize how easy and intuitive they were!). I'm very busy right now so I'll add a video tutorial later. For now, try to make do with these! Download: Steam Workshop GitHub Dropbox (Outdated) Google Drive (Outdated) Armaholic Installation (non-Steam): Note: The name of the mod folder has changed! Please delete the old "@AIO_AIMENU" folder if you have the classic version. F.A.Q: Donation and Support: If you like my mod and would like to support it, or you just want to buy me a drink, etc., you can become a Patron! Requirements: Community Base Addons (CBA)
  2. Hello everyone, Here is a small project that may be helpful to everyone that doesn't always have access to internet/the wiki, or to everyone needing the biki when it is down. With the support of peeps in the #community_wiki Arma 3 Discord channel, I managed to extract wiki data to make a COMREF (Operation Flashpoint flashbacks intensify) This is basically offline documentation for commands and functions in all Arma titles - note that some glitches are still present, but the data is pretty much usable. newest version: 2022-08-17 COMREF (before BIKI update - v2.08) old versions: - 2020-11-23 COMREF (update after 2.00) - 2020-06-12 COMREF (added messagebox colours and better parsing) - 2020-06-10 COMREF (first version) My little helpers: @Grezvany13, @Dedmen, @x39, @optix, @Heyoxe, @A3_Stickie
  3. Hey Ho, I am creating a pvp mission where you can capture different bases. In those Bases are some AAF Statics which will join either BLUFOR or OPFOR once you activated a trigger. Let´s say BLUEFOR captured the Base and all AAF-statics joined BLUEFOR, when CSAT now attackes the Base and destroies those statics they will respawn as INDEPENDENT again, but I want them to spawn as BLUEFOR since the Base is captured by BLUEFOR. Sorry for this complicated and very confusing explanation ^^ To break it down to one Question: Is there a command to enter in the respawn module to let the vehicle respawn with the same side (BLUEFOR, OPFOR, INDEPENDED) which it had at the moment of destruction? :)
  4. Inspecteur Derrick

    Command list

    Hi everybody ! Is there any way to find and update admin command on this page ? Some of them are not working #exec kick for exemple https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands Lewis EDIT: I changed the link, it was the wrong one
  5. Drongo's Command Enhancement Version 021 released DCE greatly enhances control over your AI squadmates and lets you take command of large-scale combined ops, letting you switch to any unit at any time. DCE delivers a huge array of vital enhancements to Arma 3 battles in SP or MP: Streamlined and expanded squad control Command large scale combined-arms operations (platoon, company or even battalion) Detailed information sharing (contact reports, map-markers for enemy and friendly units, casualty reports) Many vital quality of life features Squad dialog: Command dialog: Version 21 trailer: Overview: Squad Engine If you're reading this, you've probably at one point been tempted to headbutt your monitor in rage at your insubordinate AI or the cumbersome vanilla command menu ("F5, F6,0,0,7, argh I'm dead!"). With a single intuitive click DCE lets you control: formation stance behaviour combat mode and more DCE also expands control of your squad with commands such as: quick-posture (Contact!, Patrol, etc) deploy/undeploy statics garrison structure heal self/others dismount cargo only eject all all/dismounts only/vehicles only halt/follow and more Command Engine DCE seamlessly brings all the elements on the Arma 3 battlefield together for that only-in-Arma combined arms experience. Command your tank platoons forward, order your infantry to secure buildings, call in gunships for search and destroy missions, insert your spec ops with via helo. Play Arma 3 as a real-time tactics wargame with a first person option. Control AI groups with single-click orders controlling: waypoints (add, change type, delete, etc) mount/dismount vehicles crew/decrew vehicles formation combat mode behaviour speed altitude landing (helos only) deploy statics formation direction searching garrisoning and more Take control of any unit on your side to get into the action yourself. InfoShare Maintain situational awareness with friendly chatter and reports: Contact reports (reporting enemy composition, size and position) Map markers for friendly elements Map markers for spotted enemy elements Casualty reports Quality Of Life We've all been there. You're engrossed in the thrill of capturing that a bitterly-contested town when suddenly a "friendly" APC rear-ends your tank and now your MBT is sitting in the middle of the vital crossroads on its roof. A quick dash of DCE magic sees everything put right. Other blood-pressure reducing features include: Teleport (great for when AI groups just don't want to move) Dynamic view distance settings Enable/disable Dynamic Simulation at any time Clean up dead vehicles Animation fixer FPS counter and more DCE also offers 14 function keys which can be assigned to any script by mission makers. This is extremely useful when testing or when you want to make a custom mission but don't want the hassle of writing a dialog from scratch. Using in game To bring up the menu, hit your DCE key ("Window App" by default, change under CONFIGURE > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS in mission). Most of the buttons and functions are self-explanatory or can be learned by playing around in the editor for a few minutes. Known Bugs Not a bug, but a limitation: Only a single group at a time can be given dialog orders (in HC you can select multiple groups and give orders) Using the Switch button from the Command menu seems to disable the AI of the unit switched to Future Plans Make units report when they are under fire with no casualties Scripted modules for quickly setting up company-scaled combined arms missions with objectives, end-game conditions and automatically generated enemy forces Permissions You may not adapt the dialogs for your own usage. The rights of any 3rd party scripts used in this work belong with the owner. I do not and have never claimed ownership over the work of other people. All 3rd party scripts are used in good faith. You may NOT reverse-engineer this addon for your personal use without my written permission. You may NOT publicly distribute altered versions of this system without my written permission. You may NOT use this system or any derivatives thereof in any way for monetary gain. You may NOT use this system or derivatives thereof as part of any submission to any contest of any kind. Credits Thank you very much to SaMara and Tonic-_- for allowing me to use their dialog code in earlier releases. Drongo69: concept and coding. Chops: testing and input. RootLocus: testing DT for OFP. Sanctuary: help with DT for OFP. Macser: help with DT for OFP. Vektorboson: help with DT for OFP. Grumpy Old Man: for letting me use his code for spotting and reporting units. Kenoxite: icons idea, some icons BIS: some functions Requires CBA Download version 21 (~402 KB)
  6. CUSTOM OPTIONS, OPS CENTER, ROLE-PLAY, and EFFECTS (Central Framework for Zero Dark Zero) by Richard Von Quest VERSION: v0.7.0 beta UPDATED: 17 APR 2021 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Custom Starting Options and Ops-Center from my SpookWarCom Project. It was the "core" or heart of my projects. This will add numerous player options that you can set easily for those of you who are new or the non-computery types. It also adds off-site Tactical Operations Centers which you can operate from that's isolated from the actual map allowing for better behind-the-lines feel before you are boots-on-the-ground. The Tactical Operations Center is a command post that you can role-play as starting in another nearby country, or location (recommend placing in corner or over water). Use as many, or as few options as you wish. The Ops Center is not required. Feel free to remove the .pbo files (sonic cracks, icons, etc) you do not want loaded. There are so many people that love this hobby but are too intimidated to wade into the technical and modding-side, or just don't have the time. Let me know what Player & Starting Options you would like to see, and I'll attempt to design or script it for the this Addon. Feel free to post requests in this Forum. More Donations equals faster updates and custom requests honored. To use the Ops Center in its fullest, you will need my other Addons as well (SOCOM, FROGS, LEAP, etc). PLEASE READ the DOCs included for more info, keybinding, menu, details, etc! To place the Ops Center, you MUST set the Vertical Mode to "Sea Level" (straight line) in the Editor BEFORE placing the composition. Place inside the map area, or some things will not spawn in. "The Only Easy Day, Was Yesterday" // FEATURES: Tactical Operations Centers (compositions) Heli Support, Transport, Rearm, Infil/Exfil, etc Starting Time Options - Random w/ Full Moon Randomized Starting Weapon Option Starting Camp Site - Random Locations Covert & Unarmed System (Black-Ops) Holster Weapon - Start & Menu Option Weapon Sway Aim CoEfficient Player Fatigue On/Off Option Starting Info Text - 3 Lines to Customize Custom Weapons, Gear, and Equipment Movie-Style Archetype Weapons (extra power, etc) Movie-Style Silencers, Ballistics (ultra quiet, sound efx, etc) CIA - SAD/SOG Operatives, Agents, SEALs, etc Remove Reload Icon .pbo file option Remove Ammo Count .pbo file option Replaces "Sonic Cracks", with "Zip, Wiz" efx Long-Range Support Radio System Damage EFX & Blood Splatter on screen Carry & Drag both Alive and Dead units Tactical Reload (no reload from Backpack) Tactical Throw (no throwing from Backpack) Tactical Explosives (set/pickup manually) ...And More! // NOTES: More Info coming soon. This was just an upgrade into a Stand-alone Project. Many more cool options are right around the corner. Let me know in the Forums what you want to see added for Custom Player Options. // KEYBINDING: Shift + D // REQUIRED: 1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3 2. Eden Objects - TOC2 - Advanced Ops Center (optional) // DONATE: OPTIONS & OPS CENTER Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // CREDIT & THANKS: *BangaBob (Drag Dead Bodies)
  7. As default, the arma 3 (and 2) the space makes you select all of your units, but for no reason at all that i could find in controls, when i press space it immediately tells everyone to dismount. Why on earth would somebody think that this is a great idea? I just want to have the Arma 2 unit control scheme, i actually tried it but for some reason "select all units" is §. When i changed it to the space bar, the problem remained. I checked all the controls i could find, and i did not find anything that would cause the game to do this.
  8. When using execVM (which I do almost never do) I use the following syntax: someParam execVM "someScript.sqf"; Are there circumstances where you have to do the following with execVM: null = someParam execVM "someScript.sqf"; I ask because today I found someone saying a script would not work without using the latter syntax: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/189445-exec-or-execvm-call-or-spawn/?do=findComment&comment=3001417 In the past I have played around with scripts that use the latter syntax and changed them to my syntax without any apparent issue. I do appreciate that execVM does return a value (a script handle) that can be used with the scriptDone and terminate commands.
  9. Hey Guys, Does anyone know if you can delete the Main Command Menu bind, the default bind is grave (~/`) key (key next to 1 key on US keyboard). I can't find where this bind is located.. Thanks, Fisher
  10. Hi, I'm trying to find way how to assign teams/colors for squad in editor. I only found - [this assignTeam "COLOR"] ,but it doesn't work for multiplayer. Anyone knows some command?
  11. Script Example (which I use in my mission): [ Truck, "<t color='#58D68D'>Enganchar UH60</t>", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 3) && (Truck_Bar distance Heli_1 < 10)", "(_Caller distance _target < 3) && (Truck_Bar distance Heli_1 < 10)", {}, {}, { null = ["Scripts\Interacciones\Remolcador\Soltar_Heli_1.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [Truck,_actionId] call BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove; }, {}, [], 5, 6, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, Truck]; ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When I put this Script in my Init.sqf file, one appears every time a player joins my dedicated server. Is there a way to fix that? the problem is where do I put my script? or is it a typical Arma 3 problem?
  12. While using this command the sqf editor doesnt recognize it (it's colored as global variable), I get an error message (missing ; ) and the loiter altitude doesn't change. _waypointLoiter setWaypointLoiterAltitude 500;
  13. All-In-One AI Command Menu A "WW AI Menu" Patch By Leopard20 & WindWalking This thread is no longer updated! For the latest release, check here Hello everyone. As you know, the WW AI Menu was one of the first and best AI mods released in the early days of ARMA 3 release. It addressed a lot of issues and shortcomings with the vanilla ARMA commanding system, and packed a lot of handy features including: - Infantry commands such as healing, garrisoning & clearing building, rearming, .... - Vehicle commands such as engine on and off, horn and eject with parachute. - Waypoint system with the ability to assign multiple waypoints to your squad members. - Weapon accessories (silencers, flashlights, ...) - Unsticking units. and .... Read more about the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/153621-ww-aimenu-complimentary-commands/ Unfortunately, when Windwalking left the community some of the features ended up broken, and due to the community rule forbidding people from taking over and/or changing an author's work without their permission, nobody has stepped up to bring this mod back to life. Until now. I decided to bring this mod back to life in a way that respects the community rule and the author's work. Namely, "patching" the original mod by adding features and fixing broken ones. As a result, you will need the original mod installed for my mod to work. You can activate the menu by pressing Y .If you use the "Y" key for Zeus or anything else you can either change the keybinding for those features (I personally use "Ctrl+Y" for Zeus) or change the keybinding for the menu by navigating to: "OPTIONS > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS > (dropdown menu) All-In-One Command Menu". I've also included a userconfig file where you can add support for your mods (if they are not supported already). Currently you can add support for: Resupply vehicles, AT soldiers (used in the rearming script) and the Handgun suppressors. Note that you might need to enable "file patching" for the config file to work (either add the -filepatching commandline or enable it in the launcher parameters). This mod is compatible with other commanding mods (such as C2). Although I don't recommend using both for issuing the same command at the same time (e.g when you use C2 to order your units to mount a vehicle, don't use the same command in this mod, as it may cause conflicts and unforeseen consequences) I also recommend this mod as it makes issuing regular and frequent commands a lot easier: (you may need to change the default keys used by the mod, keys 1, 2, 3 , 4, as these keys are used for switching weapons) Advanced Command System (ACS) All features were tested using the vanilla ARMA vehicles/weapons (including all DLCs up to the time of release), and work as intended. However some features (the most important of which being weapon accessories) may not work in other mods (such as RHS or CUP). Edit: As of version 0.50 Beta most features should work with other mods without issues. If they don't please post your feedback in this thread. Here's a quick overview of what is changed: Unchanged: Fixed/Modified/Removed: Added: Screenshots: Notes: Special thanks to: - @Windwalking for his awesome mod. - @Muzzleflash for helping me with showing objects on the map and also teaching me a lot about scripting. He's one of the best guys on this forum. - @mad_cheese for allowing me to use the "Bounding Box" function used in his legendary mod, C2. - and everyone else who kindly answered all my questions on the forum. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee this mod is completely harmless. Please back up your ARMA 3 directory located in the "Documents" folder (C:\Users\YOUR_PC_NAME\Documents\) prior to using this mod (especially the file *.vars.Arma3Profile and the "saved" folder because they are the only files that may be affected). Multiplayer support is in alpha state and not fully tested yet. Dear Moderators, The current release still uses the scripts from the original version. Also, to avoid some conflicts, I had to rename the global variables. If you think this mod is still not in compliance with forum rules please let me know to come up with a solution (you can PM me or post it here). By installing this patch, the original mod will be disabled (If you want me to leave it enabled please leave a feedback and I'll re-enable it). Download Link (Current Version: v1.2.1): GitHub (always up-to-date) DropBox Armaholic (updates with a slight delay) How to Install: Future Plans: Changelog: Requirements: CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 WW AI Menu by Windwalking: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Since v1.0.0, WW AI Menu mod is not required anymore. It's because some users reported they had trouble setting up WW AI Menu (mostly because of FilePatching used in WW AI Menu, which complicated things), so I decided not to make it necessary to have this mod. A couple of such reports:
  14. Dear Developers! I send this request here, because I don’t want to wait for years until it is noticed on the feedback, There are always more chances to be noticed. Please reduce fire accuracy of subordinate AI-gunner vs air-targets: I'm not saying that a tank cannot shoot down a helicopter, but such a scheme - one shot - killed, one shot - killed, one shot - killed - is not normal. The player inside the tank (commander) has the ability to kill helicopters from the first shot (120mm cannon), while other tanks (AI) will not shoot at 120mm a helicopter in generally! It turns out that when a player is in a tank and his opponent is a AI-helicopter, then the player has the advantage before AI (player can destroy the helicopter from the one-two shot). Or when a player in a helicopter and attacks a AI-tank, he again has the advantage! (since the AI in the tank will not shoot him) As seems to me - All you need to do is to adjust the fire-accuracy (much lower) of the AI-gunner in the tank, against air targets, then it will explain why the AI does not attack the helicopters with the help of 120 mm - this is not effective. Or set it up so that the AI can also use ability fire helicopters. If I am mistaken and such sniper-accuracy is possible in real life, then give the AI the same ability! This will correct the deformation of abilities - Player/AI Repro steps: 1. place in the map your tank (player commander) 2. place in the map enemy helicopters (must move in your direction) 3. run game and order to your gunner attack them
  15. Hi, I searching for a way to spawn units randomly in a marker. I've tried something with radius etc but it seems that units spawn even out of the marker and even on water... I'd like to spawn those units only on ground and in the definided marker. And I have another problem, The units I try to spawn are zombies... And when I choose to spawn 2000 of them with a debug marker to know where each zombies are, I don't find any zombies at the markers positions... is there any units limit on Arma 3 ?
  16. Hey y'all folks! Let me get this from the very beginning. My hard drive broke down about 2 weeks ago, resulting in all the data lost. I've started to rework on my projects, and I managed to retrieve some codes, but I've run into very unspecific issues. The only problem is, I have problem with basic functions! _gen = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _gen removeAction _id; cuttext ["", "black out", 8]; _caller switchmove "Acts_TerminalOpen"; sleep 10; cuttext ["", "black in", 4]; _caller switchmove ""; triobj1 setdamage 1; lamp1 setdamage 0; lamp2 setdamage 0; lamp3 setdamage 0; lamp4 setdamage 0; lamp5 setdamage 0; lamp6 setdamage 0; hint "You've successfully secured this place!"; cuttext ["You've successfully secured this place!", "plain down"]; The first 4 selections are: Object, Player, ID of the action. The 4th line is supposed to remove the action since it's been done. The purpose of this code is very, very simple - get player into animation, restore the light (repair custom-placed lamps) and notify player about it. triobj1 is a object which fires up a trigger responsible for giving out task. Now the issue: After firing up the script, Arma popped me this: _gen = _this select 0 It said that there's undefined variable in _this. Afterall, it could not recognize the _caller, so the animation state would not play at all. The rest of the script would be executed no problem. Now there is even weirder issue: if (alive station1) do { "Station_NoPower.sqf" remoteExec ["ExecVM"]; }; The purpose of this code is to check whenever that object is alive and if it is, execute a script called station_nopower, as you can see. The only problem is, that Arma 3 pops me up an error saying Such command as IF does NOT exist at all! What the heck is going on? My Arma is all up to date, I verified the cache twice, still the same problem. I've been a mission dev for about a year now, and never had such a problem before. Thanks in advance for any replies guys!
  17. Hennenmann

    CTI/Warfare bug

    Hi guys, I know this bug already got reported, but it didn't get fixed. So, if I press right click on the map as commander in warfare (high command enabled), then the menu (city menu, move, patrol, etc.) doesn't pop up. To reproduce this bug, you have to start a new CTI/Warfare game, save it and resume it. Voila, right click doesn't work anymore. There is a workaround where you vote for an AI commander and then get commander again, but that workaround is pretty annoying, because the AI does a lot of things I don't want it to. Does somebody know another workaround? And please Bohemia Interactive, fix this bug. The bug is reported here also: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/17295 https://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/2/458605613409297272/
  18. What is happening: Objects attached to the player do not rotate on position change such as leanLeft leanRight or going prone. How to test this: Use the example here and attach explosives to your player. _expl1 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position player; _expl1 attachTo [player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"]; _expl1 setVectorDirAndUp [ [0.5, 0.5, 0], [-0.5, 0.5, 0] ]; _expl2 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position player; _expl2 attachTo [player, [0, 0.15, 0.15], "Pelvis"]; _expl2 setVectorDirAndUp [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0] ]; _expl3 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position player; _expl3 attachTo [player, [0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"]; _expl3 setVectorDirAndUp [ [0.5, -0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0] ]; Now try to lean left/right and go prone, you'll notice that even thou it is attached to a memory point (which should know about its rotation?) the rotation doesn't change. What I suggest: Add the option to attach objects to the bones so they rotate according to the playing animation (This has been done in VBS already)
  19. Hello ! I'm creating a mission in wich an Ai mortar team has to shoot a target located in an other area of the town. I've tried many things without succeeding. To try to figure out my problem, in a simplier scenario, I made a soldier shoot a car with this : team1 reveal car1; soldier doTarget car1; soldier dofire car1; ps : it work fine with a trigger, but the car must not be hidden from the soldier's view Then I tried placing the soldier in a mortar or a DShKM UAZ. He targeted the car but didn't shoot. So where the problem comes from according to you ? Am I missing a command somewhere ? Must the unit see it's target ? Thanks for your answers !
  20. Hi guys, I know this bug already got reported, but it didn't get fixed. So, if I press right click on the map as commander in warfare (high command enabled), then the menu (city menu, move, patrol, etc.) doesn't pop up. To reproduce this bug, you have to start a new CTI/Warfare game, save it and resume it. Voila, right click doesn't work anymore. There is a workaround where you vote for an AI commander and then get commander again, but that workaround is pretty annoying, because the AI does a lot of things I don't want it to. Does somebody know another workaround? And please Bohemia Interactive, fix this bug. Every official CTI/Warfare mission is affected of this bug. The bug is reported here also: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/17295 https://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/2/458605613409297272/
  21. Hi guys, I know this bug already got reported, but it didn't get fixed. So, if I press right click on the map as commander in warfare (high command enabled), then the menu (city menu, move, patrol, etc.) doesn't pop up. To reproduce this bug, you have to start a new CTI/Warfare game, save it and resume it. Voila, right click doesn't work anymore. There is a workaround where you vote for an AI commander and then get commander again, but that workaround is pretty annoying, because the AI does a lot of things I don't want it to. Does somebody know another workaround? And please Bohemia Interactive, fix this bug. The beta is also affected of this bug. The bug is reported here also: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/17295 https://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/2/458605613409297272/
  22. Hennenmann

    CTI/Warfare bug

    Hi guys, I know this bug already got reported, but it didn't get fixed. So, if I press right click on the map as commander in warfare (high command enabled), then the menu (city menu, move, patrol, etc.) doesn't pop up. To reproduce this bug, you have to start a new CTI/Warfare game, save it and resume it. Voila, right click doesn't work anymore. There is a workaround where you vote for an AI commander and then get commander again, but that workaround is pretty annoying, because the AI does a lot of things I don't want it to. Does somebody know another workaround? And please Bohemia Interactive, fix this bug. The bug is reported here also: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/17295 https://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/2/458605613409297272/
  23. Hi guys, I know this bug already got reported, but it didn't get fixed. So, if I press right click on the map as commander in warfare (high command enabled), then the menu (city menu, move, patrol, etc.) doesn't pop up. To reproduce this bug, you have to start a new CTI/Warfare game, save it and resume it. Voila, right click doesn't work anymore. There is a workaround where you vote for an AI commander and then get commander again, but that workaround is pretty annoying, because the AI does a lot of things I don't want it to. Does somebody know another workaround? And please Bohemia Interactive, fix this bug. The bug is reported here also: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/17295 https://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/2/458605613409297272/
  24. Hello. I am looking for some addon or script which provide simulation of high command in certain area. For example I would like enemies AIs to share info about my position between squads and if they get contact with enemy then the HQ will send reinforcements and if they lost enemy of sight they will send reconnaissance helicopter. etc. Does anybody have some experience with such addon or script?
  25. Hi, It seems to me, BI changed the behavior of the findNearestenemy command. I use to display this "nearest enemy" (of player) by an icon using this command. What i remarked since Apex or 1.58 (not sure), is that the nearest enemy is no more the nearest one. Explanation: If player knows about ground unit and planes, the "nearest enemy" is quickly marked on plane, even if this asset is flying away more than 2Km and ground units fire at you. Same for tank, armored vehicle, in a lower priority than plane. Same for emptied vehicle. If crew dismount and fly, the "nearest enemy" remains for a while the emptied car, even if dangerous units are closer than it. If you are civilian, "nearest enemy" is an OPFOR, even if it has no intention to open fire at you... So, please, could you make that findNearestEnemy recovers this former behavior and hits the geographically nearest unit/asset able and motivated to kill the unit which is parameterized? I don't dislike the idea to have some classification by asset dangerousness, but this aim fails most of the time with the context (plane flying away, emptied car,..). Just focus on distance and "canfire" could be great. Thanks