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  1. Hello! We finally deployed sling loading to the development branch and as usual we'd love to hear your feedback. But first some overview. Sling loading is by default available to all current helicopters except of AH-99 Blackfoot and Mi-48 Kajman. In Helicopter Movement section of Controls you can find two new actions related to sling loading: Rope Interaction (default keybind is B) and Sling Load Assistant (default keybind is Right Ctrl+B). Multiple objects (for example Supply Boxes, Quadbike, Rubber boats etc.) are configured for sling loading so you can just place them in editor and you are good to go. In future we will add comprehensive learning missions, at this moment you can just discover secrets of this new functionailty by yourself. Also as was mentioned in changelog, we added new scripting commands for sling loading so you can have fun with them too. Please be so kind and share with us your experience! We're specifically looking for feedback on these these topics: Usability - is sling loading understandable enough? Difficulty - is lifting cargo too hard or easy? Multiplayer - do you have any issues with sling loading in multiplayer? But we are grateful for all for your valuable, constructive and civil feedback.
  2. Hi all, Hope someone can help me. I have Arma 3 already since 2018 on Win10, never a problem or error. Since a week ago the game keeps crashing after 3min in the game (not even able to reach to the gameplay yet). The issue starts happening since the update of: OPREP S.O.G Update 1.3 The errors comes with several reports as: - Unable to init dxgi - error access denied - access violation I followed the most basic steps already no results, all the options below are I tried already: - Re-install Game - Run game without any mod (all mods are also removed) - Delete all folders regarding to Arma 3 in Documents - Re-install NVIDIA drive + Upgrade / - Downgrade. - Delete and not load any DLC of Arma 3 - Disable the Steam Overlay - Updated all windows updates - Repair all Microsoft visual programs - Verify game files on steam System info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Driver Version 536.23 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @2.20Ghz 7.85 GB RAM 1920 x 1080, 60Hz System type: 64 / Core i7 If there is any info missing, please let me know I'll share all the necessary info what is needed.
  3. I_am_Unicorn34

    Stuck on loading screen

    Me and my friend are using LAN to play together, he host and I join, it was working an hour ago then when I restarted my game for something I just get stuck in the final stage of loading, I join and select my role then it starts loading and gets stuck at about 90%.
  4. Custom load rigging and attaching of helicopter sling loads. Features Set lifting points for objects not configured for sling loading Lift vehicle wrecks Use Forward and Aft cargo hooks on Huron, Mohawk, and RHS and CUP Chinook and Super Stallion, Global Mobilization CH-53G, TFC RCAF CH-147F, Unsung Redux -46 -47 -53, Mi-6 Hook and more Sling load with VTOLs: Blackfish, Xi'an, CUP MV-22, DEGA V-22, FVL V-85 Attach multiple cargo objects to a single cargo hook Use multiple cargo hooks to secure a Dual-point load Adjust length of cargo sling legs Experience more reliable MP sling loading thanks to localizing cargo to helicopter Please comment with other helis/vtols that need to be made compatible. Steam Workshop Requires ACE GitHub Basic Usage Get a Cargo Sling item from the nearest helicopter or the Arsenal. Go up to a cargo object and use the ACE actions under Rig for Sling Load to prepare the load. Once the sling is rigged up, you will be holding the Apex Fitting (the part that goes in the cargo hook). If you drop it, you can pick it up again. Holding the apex fitting, get it near a cargo hook, and use Attach Cargo to hook on. In the helicopter, crew may use ACE action or CBA keybind to Release Cargo. Advanced Usage After the cargo is rigged up to either a cargo sling or a helicopter, use Adjust Rigging to adjust the length of the sling legs, either all together, or singly. If you hold the Apex Fitting and try to move further from the cargo than the ropes allow, you will drop the Apex Fitting. When hooking up a single cargo to multiple cargo hooks, the slings after the first one won't appear connected to the cargo! Don't worry, they will connect to the helicopter once you Attach Cargo. Enable rigging on almost anything! _cargo setVariable ["slr_slingload_isRiggingEnabled", true, true]; Script custom sling points on your cargo. _cargo setVariable ["slr_slingload_liftPoints", [[x1,y1,z1], [x2,y2,z2]...], true];
  5. If you're designing Arma 3 missions, you might have noticed many new or updated interfaces, like loading screens and debriefings. We're documenting them as they're being added in Mission Presentation page on Community Wiki. Please read the articles, link them when someone asks about their contents (e.g., how to configure loading screens) and expand them in case you find some useful info.
  6. Hello, I recently made my own Warlords scenario in Eden editor and everything worked fine, until I ran on a serious problem. After playing the scenario on a server I made and making some progress on the map, I saved the game and quit. The next day I loaded the saved game, still on the server I made, and then a problem occurred. I couldn't open the Warlords buying menu and the voting system stopped working. It seems like after I load the saved game, the Warlords Init just stops working / deactivates. I tried to change the soldier I was playing with but it didn't fix anything. Can anyone tell me how to fix that please? PS. I think it might be fixed by writing a code that tells the init to activate after the game is loaded, but I don't know how to do that (I cannot write scripts) and I'm not sure if it will work anyway.
  7. Hi! I'm looking to force a custom display on top of the arma 3 loading displays. But currently I can't do it. Anyway all works except when I press the "ok" button in the lobby. That's when arma switches its displays to the top. And no way to counter it. I tried several ways: - used a oneacheframe with the command "createDialog ["displayName", true]" - used a oneacheframe with the command "createDisplay "displayName"" - used a oneacheframe with the command "createDisplay "RscText"; _dsp ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,1];" - to override the arma 3 base classes in the config.cpp with their "onLoad" - create a control on the current display. - used an init.sqf (with respect to its initialization order) - used a preInit function (mission and mod side) - used a prestart function Do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance ^^
  8. Hello, A friend of mine and I have been trying to play together via Hamachi. He plays on Mac, I play on Windows which means we have to reverse to a beta branch (1.82). The problem, however is that he we get stuck in an infinte loading screen whilst trying to connect. Whoever is hosting gets the message "friend is connecting", but thats it. It just doesnt go on, there is only the loading screen of the island without the usual loading bar. Whats really weird is that both of us can connect to another friend, who plays on windows and also hosts via hamachi. We have tried basically everything google had to offer on the subject, from creating a new hamachi network, to port forwarding, tweaking the hamachi properties, creating a server via nitrado and using other vpn services, but nothing worked so far. Help would be very much appreciated. Even if you only play on windows: if you had any similar experiences with being stuck in a loading screen, pls answer cause I am really out of ideas at this point and could need some advice 🙂
  9. Hello all! Now I have a tiny bit of a problem, after playing a primarily Zeus run mission with a friend, using about 16 mods, RHS, Project OPFOR, CUP, MCC and CBA_A3 to name some of them. After playing for a long while we decided to take a break, so I press escape, Save and Exit, and we quit the game, upon returning to the said game, I simply clicked on the mission, pressed Resume, loaded in the lobby, people pick their roles, and we load the game. After loading in I access Zeus to find out I can use ONLY the units that I've used in the previous session. For example, I could only use RHS Russian Cars, Soldiers, and APCs because that's all we used, but not tanks, helicopters, planes, they completely disappeared from the Zeus "Create" menu altogether! After a while I tested it out in a singleplayer scenario, if I resume a mission only the vanilla units and the units I used in the last mission are accessible to me, if I use AKs all units with AKs can be used if they are in the same tab under OPFOR for example, but that's it, everything else just disappears! Can somebody please help me this has to be the most annoying problem I've run into so far. There doesn't seem to be an obvious fix for it!
  10. server RPT: https://pastebin.com/TxjrbvU4 myself and others in my community have started to get stuck on this screen, the server RPT seems like the server itself is doing fine, this is happening after installing a few scripts, however i was able to join once, had a database issue, had to wipe/reinstall the database and now none of us can complete joining again, and it doesnt seem like the RPT has any player join or leave messages... any help appreciated. 07 thanks
  11. Me and my friends frequently host servers to play with eachother. Me and one of my other friends often get stuck on the loading when playing, especially when playing on a server that isn't mine or on zeus. For the most part I'm an actual chracter in game still in the loading screen, so my character will go off when he 'sees' contacts and can be killed, while still in the loading screen.
  12. So this is an issue I encounter on some servers and do not encounter on others. I'm curious if anyone knows what the culprit might be and if there is a fix. For the purposes of this discussion I'm talking about vanilla sling loading, but this occurs more frequently if using Duda's advanced sling loading. In a nutshell, flying around sling loading any object (I really can't stress anymore that is is truly any object completely independent of mass) at a moderate speed (between 40-60kts, appropriate sling speed), the load and the helicopter are treated as completely separate objects and the server will eventually "hiccup" slightly. This causes the server to think the load and the helicopter are beyond range of each other, thus disconnecting the ropes and letting the load fall to the ground. This doesn't seem to happen on some servers, it happens infrequently on others, or even extremely frequently on other servers. Have others encountered this? I don't see any topics about it and to me it seems like a pretty big deal as it essential makes anything other than the old script sling loading completely useless. I can take a guess that is might have something to do with latency between the client and the server but when my ping to the main server I play on is usually less than 50 and I still have this occur all the time, there seems to be something wrong. Let's talk about it.
  13. Hi, I've noticed it takes about 1 minute to load a savegame, even if you are loading it from the same location, e.g. after being shot on the spot. Is this normal? Would one of the game developers kindly explain why does it need to take so long? If the game engine reloads everything from scratch, it looks like very inefficient approach, considering the textures, polygons and data should already be in the GPU memory and/or in RAM. It would be nice if loading a savegame after you've entered the game didn't take more than 10 seconds. Thanks and regards
  14. Story This is a script that I wrote a few weeks ago for a friend. It's supposed to simplify the loading of cargo onto vehicles by the player. There are several routine integrated to avoid script errors. A description can be found inside the SQF file, how to execute the script. It's SP/MP/Dedicated and HC compatible. Have fun. Content It is a single ~140Code-Line-Big Script to enable the Player to attach objects with other objects via the action menu in a simple way. Purpose The aim of this script is to make it easier to implement a universal script, which enables the player to attach objects in a specific manner. Download Missions and Script on GitHub ArmaHolic Link Credits Script & Media: Rockhount Examples
  15. Hello. I am wondering how to create a custom Arma 3 loading splash screen. I mean the one that shows when the game is first loading. The graphics are in ui_f_data.pbo, but I cannot find the config entry for this. I extracted the files for Alive mod that has a custom screen, but the code was obfuscated. I just want to use a custom screen for my mod to make it stand out, but I came up empty searching of Google, as I could only find results for making custom mission splash screens. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Ok so i'm creating a mission on Tanoa where i need to have players load 2 prowlers into a blackfish, once the vehicles are loaded i need that to signal the pilot to take off and air drop at designated location. Now taking off and air dropping i've got working but how do i make it signal the AI pilot to waitUntil the 2 prowlers are loaded. For the waypoint i have this doMove (getMarkerPos "DropPoint");
  17. Alright, I have a small dedicated linux server with arma 3 server on it. We do some small scale zeus missions on it, But since day or 2 the server doesn't want to start up any more. Server starts up just how it should without any error, we use some mods like, ACE, CBA, Task force radio, Ares and RHSUSAF. But whenever someone want to join the server, the server see the id of the player etc. but the player stays in the loading screen (no lobby). Player can't get in at all, the server doens't even show any errors. Also tried a vanilla mission didn't work but a APEX campaign mission loaded without any problem.
  18. I have made a sector control mission. It worked previously, but I made minor changes and now it doesn't work.It only really started once I added in the system where the re spawn on the sectors changes owners depended on who owns the sector. What I mean is when I load up the game on localhost, it loads, asks me to re spawn, and then goes back to the loading screen, displaying unnamed mission, and I am stuck forever. Any ideas? I will post the mods it needs and you can see for yourself. Mods used- CUP_AirVehicles_CH53E CUP_AirVehciles_AW159 A3_Missions_F_Curator CUP_TrackedVehicles_M113 CUP_Creatures_Military_USArmy CUP_TrackedVehicles_ChallengerII sab_CU CUP_WheeledVehicles_LR CUP_WheeledVehicles_Coyote CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ridgeback CUP_AirVehicles_AH64 CUP_WheeledVehicles_Wolfhound CUP_TrackedVehicles_FV510 CUP_Creatures_Military_BAF CUP_AirVehicles_Mi8 CUP_TrackedVehicles_2S6M CUP_Creatures_StaticWeapons A3_Air_F_Heli CUP_AirVehicles_Ka52 CUP_Creatures_Military_Russia CUP_TrackedVehicles_T90 A3_Soft_F_Exp CUP_WheeledVehicles_UAZ CUP_WheeledVehicles_BRDM2 CUP_WheeledVehicles_BTR90 A3_Weapons_F A3_Structures_F_Households A3_Modules_F CUP_CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_Market CUP_CAMisc CUP_Misc3_Config CUP_Weapons_AmmoBoxes A3_Characters_F A3_Structures_F_EPC A3_Supplies_F_Heli A3_Static_F A3_Structures_F_EPB A3_Soft_F A3_Structures_F_Ind A3_Structures_F_Heli A3_Structures_F_EPA A3_Structures_F_Mil A3_Structures_F
  19. ok first of im not sure if this is the correct forum to post this?....but anyway, basically, im haveing a few issues as when i have a few scripts running on my dedi server sometimes it freezes on load screen (but i can hear sounds and seem to be able to walk around), it mostly does it when i try to rejoin the server as first time it loads straight in, i can can upload my mission file here if someone would be willing to have a look, i am a bit of a newbie when it comes to scripting, but it all works fine on lan server and iv researched this like hell and anything i have tried doesnt help. ps iv been through all the trouble shooting for being stuck on load screen, its defo something to do with my scripts, im 90% sure its how im executing them, so would really need someone to take a look, sure let me know!!! :)
  20. Hello. I have been having an error ever since workshop modding came out where I cannot access any of my workshop mods at all, whether through the launcher or by moving them into the directory so I can control them manually. Steam frequently updates and downloads workshop content as necessary, but there is no way for me to use it and it is incredibly frustrating. For more info, I had my Arma directory located on my C: Drive but got a new HD and decided to port it to my E: as mod content was taking up so much space. I have re-installed numerous times, to no avail. Please let me know if I can fix this, or there is a steam issue.
  21. cybercoco

    Loading screen

    Why is there two bars in the loading screen in Arma 3 (one small and one long). Is one loading the world and the other the scenario files ? And why does they each have to fill twice ?
  22. So I'm more then likely gonna have to do all this by script. I'm new to the mission making scene. But this is what I would like to do. *I'm using the Operation Trebuchet mod* I have 3 pelicans on the Altis runway. Each will carry about 12 ODST's. I also have 2 Falcons, 1 will carry a full load of ODST's and the other myself and another ODST. ODST troopers load into their Pelicans (About 12 ODST's per Pelican.) Players to load into their Falcon. Once players are loaded, all aircraft take off and head to objective. Once at objective aircraft land and unload troops and return to base. I can create the insertion and the pelicans returning to base. If the troops are already in the pelican. But not from this start point. I'm using waypoints right now. But I can't seem to figure it out. The troops load, thats as far as I get. Video attached for better understanding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfsFfBNdjBk&feature=youtu.be
  23. Hey there, I´ve recently run into a problem with my new terrain. It was working fine and I was able to preview and place objects using Buldozer. But when I´m placing the forest I run into a problem. When I´m placing 8000+ objects Buldozer will freeze. Its loading fine for the first couple of seconds but when its loading the objects, it will just return to an empty white terrain and freeze. So the problem is related to loading lots of objects, but I´ve not had this problem a couple of months ago. Has anyone else encountered this problem or knows how to fix it?
  24. Right now when you place minemarkers as ZEUS these markers can be seen for all the players on the map. Is there some way to remove so that this wont show at all? Thanks!
  25. hello I just wanted to know how to edit the game rules and the team speak address in the map