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About fathersarge

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  1. fathersarge

    Sling Loading and Server Lag

    This is the tested (on a dedi) solution for the sling load question. CBA is required for this script. Drop it into the mission init.sqf to install and use. That's it. This is good for anything in your mission, even things spawned in Zeus. This is only setup for vanilla sling loading. However if using Duda's Advanced Sling Loading, the pilot of a helicopter can still get into the driver seat of a vehicle to set locality for the vehicle (just make sure no one gets into the driver seat after the pilot), and they can now use this script to set locality for any other non-vehicle objects you'd like to sling load with Advanced Sling Loading (ammo crates, etc). Thanks for the help everyone. ["lsl_slingLocality", { params ["_heli", "_object"]; private _heliOwner = owner _heli; if (_heliOwner != owner _object) then { _object setOwner _heliOwner; }; } ] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; ["Helicopter", "init", { params ["_heli"]; _heli addEventHandler ["RopeAttach", { params ["_heli", "", "_object"]; ["lsl_slingLocality", [_heli, _object]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent; } ]; }, true, [], true ] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
  2. fathersarge

    Trigger not detecting player in vehicle

    It's entirely possible your trigger isn't wide enough and the helicopter flies through it so fast it doesn't trip it. I had the same issue with players in a c130. Didn't need any fancy script, just made the trigger a few hundred meters wide (we were flying at 400+ though so your trigger won't have to be that much bigger)
  3. fathersarge

    Sling Loading and Server Lag

    Oh nice! For those of us not so scriptingly inclined, how would one implement this in a mission file so it worked across the board, including for in mission spawned Zeus objects?
  4. So this is an issue I encounter on some servers and do not encounter on others. I'm curious if anyone knows what the culprit might be and if there is a fix. For the purposes of this discussion I'm talking about vanilla sling loading, but this occurs more frequently if using Duda's advanced sling loading. In a nutshell, flying around sling loading any object (I really can't stress anymore that is is truly any object completely independent of mass) at a moderate speed (between 40-60kts, appropriate sling speed), the load and the helicopter are treated as completely separate objects and the server will eventually "hiccup" slightly. This causes the server to think the load and the helicopter are beyond range of each other, thus disconnecting the ropes and letting the load fall to the ground. This doesn't seem to happen on some servers, it happens infrequently on others, or even extremely frequently on other servers. Have others encountered this? I don't see any topics about it and to me it seems like a pretty big deal as it essential makes anything other than the old script sling loading completely useless. I can take a guess that is might have something to do with latency between the client and the server but when my ping to the main server I play on is usually less than 50 and I still have this occur all the time, there seems to be something wrong. Let's talk about it.
  5. fathersarge

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    IR illuminators for NVGs to use in conjunction with the new ACE nvg configs ;)
  6. fathersarge

    Throttle System Option

    Welcome to BIS, where we make everything up and the players' opinions don't matter
  7. fathersarge

    Throttle System Option

    Really? Just give the option to use the old controls already. I don't even fly planes anymore because of this update. Are you all just bad at your jobs or something? If you can switch between SFM and AFM for helicopters, what's the problem with the fixed wing controls?
  8. fathersarge

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    A mod that allows a player to set multiple waypoints in-game, dynamically, that cycle from one to the next. To get an idea of what I'm talking about just look to the editor, you can set a waypoint and a trigger so that when the player reaches the first waypoint a new waypoint appears, and so on. I'd like to see people be able to do this in-game without zeus or the mission editor setting it up. In my mind it looks similar to mission markers, so you can set it to side or group (and if possible "individual" so only the player that places it will see it) and you can set the order of these waypoints. As you reach the waypoint (within a certain distance with is set by the player setting the waypoint) the waypoint cycles and you are automatically directed to the next one. Why would anyone care about this? I care about it because it would be the arma equivalent of real life aircraft GPS waypoint systems that cycle to the next waypoint as you cross the previous one.
  9. fathersarge

    Someone decompiled my mod

    You are right, I was in the wrong. Despite having been around this game for years I've never picked up an EULA and read it. I don't understand the rules/guidelines behind this stuff and I have already apologized. I am going to claim ignorance to this and quite honestly the mod in question was cool and it could not be found (to my knowledge after an exhaustive search for it) on A3. I figured it was dead. I believe I even sent pookie a message but I cannot find it asking for the mod on A3 or permission to edit it. I say again, I was in the wrong to do this after reviewing EULA and such. @corporal_lib[br] is correct, it was shoot first. I will do a greater search for any message I might have sent because I have a habit of messaging people about their mods and never get a response back ever. I believe by not releasing it (and never planning to) and approaching the author I chose the correct course after doing what little work I actually did. I could have easily just taken it and ran which I know for a fact has been done to countless people. I approached him with it as a tribute, offered it to him freely. I didn't try to hide what I did. That should prove no ill will and zero malicious intent. Just simple ignorance to EULA. If you want to try and crucify me go ahead, but I doubt others that have done this kind of thing (and knowingly do it) would be so open about it. I'm here to learn and I learned something.
  10. Here you go! Be careful with it, I have a feeling it won't run very well with a ton of stuff on the map because it constantly checks if the vehicle is alive or not. A friend of mine is trying to get it to work with event handlers so it is more optimized but it works great!
  11. fathersarge

    Autopardon Friendly Fire Incidents

    Awesome. I'll def be testing these this week! @crazy538 Actually after looking at that, should it be _player addEventHandler or player addEventHandler? I also found this player addEventHandler ["HandleRating", {0}]; Would that work any different?
  12. fathersarge

    Autopardon Friendly Fire Incidents

    So where would this go? initPlayerLocal? Where would that go?
  13. The problem: You and your buddies are under fire from the advancing enemy. You don't have time to repair your truck which is missing 2 wheels and isn't drivable. You blow it up to prevent the enemy from fixing it and using it against you. Well crap, now the game has labeled you as some kind of traitor and now no one can get in another vehicle that you are inside. This feature or bug (honestly not sure which it is) has always confused me in this game. In ACE3 there is an option to pardon someone of such offenses. My question is... is there a way to either automatically pardon people via a script that runs every time something like this happens or is there a way to disable it from happening altogether? Really could use some help on this one.
  14. fathersarge

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Anyone know of an attachment mod that gives a working flashlight and a laser to the ADR-97 on either side of the sights? All I've found is the stuff in RHS but it puts one of the 2 attachments on top in the way of the sights. Here's an awesome picture from the best show evvaaaa as an example If no mod like that exists it would be cool to have one wink wink