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  1. nugetaa

    Some suggestions

    Hello Reforgers and Bohemians (Bolek Bolek, as I wrote it, I immediately remembered beer), So after some time (about 500+ hours in-game) I decided to contribute on the forum with my own topic. On which I will try to expand it and not place it to the suggestions of other users where it will surely be lost. HQ and building system The freedom to build bases adds a twist to the game. But first there should be a command vehicle in the game to build the base. This vehicle should be able to move if the base position has been exposed or destroyed. It would also be nice to come up with a system to approve the transfer of the base. For example, a quick vote to move the main base would have to be called at the command post board, with the 3 highest ranks of the party voting for the new location where the base will be moved. Also, the game needs a new design of the base building with the levels (we don't need separate light and heavy vehicle depots, because it would be accessible through the building level). This building should be completed regularly to look like a construction site. that is, not 20 percent for one shovelful of sand (that's probably a joke in that game). Anyway, it's a simulator, so make it look like a simulator. Iconic (and favourite) vehicles What should be in that game from the beginning is not in it (M113 and BMPs as opposed to brdm and LAV(?!) is the basic) and above all of its iconic vehicle of the OFP series. and immediately remove the LAV-25, no one wants that sh*t in the game. Commanders and squads We need commanders to have a gps locator. But that locator should show the coordinates as in the original OFP. Also for the case of the gps locator, it should not show the exact location of squad commander on the map, but should show the circle in which the commander is located, so that the player must find the way to his squad. The player should play with his squad, so it would be nice if the player had to follow his squad and stay close to him, say at least 300 meters. If he does not do so, his accumulated XP will gradually be deducted, and thus even from the rank of major, he may return to the rank of private after some time. And no, it is not a disadvantage, it is an advantage to force players to play the way they are supposed to play. With their squad. Better visibility of allies Player name tags should be better visible even from a longer distance. Some of the helmet designs look awfully like ruSSian ones and are hard to visible. Better visibility on the map And of course don't forget the map. Sometimes it is very difficult to find your own squad on the map when everywhere you see only Atlas White, Red, Purple, Pink, Magenta, Smaragd (and other ridiculous names of squads) and as a bonus a number to make it even more difficult to find. There is still room for improvement in both Arma Reforger and possible ideas for Arma 4. I have no doubt that Arma 4 will be great, but it can be even better. I'll add more suggestions soon (I have some, but I'll leave them out for now) and I'd love it if you could post your ideas here too. Perhaps some discussion regarding the proposals will also please. Anyway, these are basic suggestions that could have been integrated from the start to really punish players who don't play as a team in a team game.
  2. Hello Reforgers and Bohemians (Bolek Bolek, as I wrote it, I immediately remembered beer), So after some time (about 500+ hours in-game) I decided to contribute on the forum with my own topic. On which I will try to expand it and not place it to the suggestions of other users where it will surely be lost. HQ and building system The freedom to build bases adds a twist to the game. But first there should be a command vehicle in the game to build the base. This vehicle should be able to move if the base position has been exposed or destroyed. It would also be nice to come up with a system to approve the transfer of the base. For example, a quick vote to move the main base would have to be called at the command post board, with the 3 highest ranks of the party voting for the new location where the base will be moved. Also, the game needs a new design of the base building with the levels (we don't need separate light and heavy vehicle depots, because it would be accessible through the building level). This building should be completed regularly to look like a construction site. that is, not 20 percent for one shovelful of sand (that's probably a joke in that game). Anyway, it's a simulator, so make it look like a simulator. Iconic (and favourite) vehicles What should be in that game from the beginning is not in it (M113 and BMPs as opposed to brdm and LAV(?!) is the basic) and above all of its iconic vehicle of the OFP series. and immediately remove the LAV-25, no one wants that sh*t in the game. Commanders and squads We need commanders to have a gps locator. But that locator should show the coordinates as in the original OFP. Also for the case of the gps locator, it should not show the exact location of squad commander on the map, but should show the circle in which the commander is located, so that the player must find the way to his squad. The player should play with his squad, so it would be nice if the player had to follow his squad and stay close to him, say at least 300 meters. If he does not do so, his accumulated XP will gradually be deducted, and thus even from the rank of major, he may return to the rank of private after some time. And no, it is not a disadvantage, it is an advantage to force players to play the way they are supposed to play. With their squad. Better visibility of allies Player name tags should be better visible even from a longer distance. Some of the helmet designs look awfully like ruSSian ones and are hard to visible. There is still room for improvement in both Arma Reforger and possible ideas for Arma 4. I have no doubt that Arma 4 will be great, but it can be even better. I'll add more suggestions soon (I have some, but I'll leave them out for now) and I'd love it if you could post your ideas here too. Perhaps some discussion regarding the proposals will also please. Anyway, these are basic suggestions that could have been integrated from the start to really punish players who don't play as a team in a team game.
  3. Sarogahtyps Simple Loot Spawner - SSLS V-1.2 Spawns weapons, items and bags in buildings near to alive players maybe inside a trigger area or marker area. Deletes stuff if players are not close enough anymore. The script doesnt care about any trigger preferences except the trigger area. Soft delayed item spawning to prevent performance impact. Script reads your missions config files and should spawn loot of your mods (e.g. CUP weapons, Etc.) as well DOWNLOAD V-1.2 DOWNLOAD V-1.1 Usage: initServer.sqf fnc_spawn_loot = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "SSLSv1-1.sqf"; _d = [] call fnc_spawn_loot; you are able to stop the loot spawning script at any time by SSLS_script_switch_off = true; If you set up high spawn chances (see top of script) and have a high player count on your server then I recommend to make trigger or marker areas for spawning to get the needed performance. But if you do not encounter performance issues then spawning loot everywhere near players should be okay. Tweakable features (can be found on top of the script): //***** EDIT BELOW TO ADJUST MAIN BEHAVIOR // (L) means lower values are better for performance - (H) means the opposite SSLS_script_switch_off = false; //if you want to stop spawning loot then set this to true at any time in your mission _trigger_array = []; // contains the names of triggers/markers in which area loot should spawn. _spawn_chance = 100; // (L) The chance to spawn loot inside of a specific house. _launcher_chance = 30; // chance to spawn a launcher as weapon instead of rifle, pistol or machine gun _item_chance = 70; // chance to spawn an item instead of a weapon _bag_chance = 50; // chance to spawn a backpack instead of an item _max_magazines = 7; // the maximum number of magazines spawned for a gun _max_magazines_launcher = 3; // maximum number of ammo to spawn for rocket launchers _max_magazines_gl = 5; // maximum number of ammo to spawn for grenade launchers _house_distance = 25; // (L) houses with that distance to players will spawn loot _player_exclude_distance = 15; //if 2 players or more are closer together than this then only 1 player is considered _exclude_loot = []; //classnames of items which should never spawn (blacklist) _exclusive_loot = []; //add classnames here and nothing else will be spawned (whitelist) _use_bohemia_classes = true; // for spawning bohemia created stuff set this to true _use_mod_classes = true; //// for spawning stuff from loaded mods set this to true _debug = false; //information about number of places where items were spawned or deleted // if you have performance issues then consider introducing spawning areas (_trigger_array) before changing following values! _spawn_interval = 1.5; // (H) desired runtime for the main loop. time which is not needed will be used for soft spawning or a break. //***** EDIT ABOVE TO ADJUST MAIN BEHAVIOR details: Changelog 1.1 (download) -fixed a major bug which showed an error message during spawning -added feature to enable/disable Mod/Bohemia classes spawning -huge performance optimizations (shorter arrays, better smooth spawning and other stuff) Changelog 1.0 (download) -added script
  4. Please please please bohemia you need to sort out being able to ban xbox players. It is sullying the experience for many people. Allowing the, although few, players who keep on trolling by Shooting out tires on supply trucks/destroying vehicles at spawn hindering match progress, and now, with free building, using up supply's at the start of the match too stop progress. Also using grenades to TK at spawn and then themselves respawning to avoid negative ranking to avoid a temp ban. Spamming proximity and radio with nonsense and racist comments, spaming text chat with racist comments. Please do something or at least update us on some progress to fix this issue. You will lose players otherwise and with the limited amount of people playing I don't think you can afford to lose many. Today I hopped on, as soon as I joined I noticed a players name and knew the match and matches thereafter would be filled with trolling and greifing. I knew that once that player would be temp banned eventually he would just return with on of his many alt accounts, of which I have captured video evidence of from a previous match. The guy then when on an alt and did the same stuff to the opposing side. The same game there were at least three people actively tolling and greifing make gameplay pretty much impossible. Fix it it.
  5. So after many years away from Arma I have decided to take up modding again, and as a refresher project I have decided to make a US Embassy Building and the surrounding compound. This isn't based on any specific embassy and has to be kept within a scale of what will run well in arma - so is quite small by real world standards (though i guess kinda big by arma standards) but i'm hoping it would fit against many backdrops and offer somne opportunity for interesting scenarios Currently the main building is in game and some basic features have been implemented, but there is still much detail, features and fixes to complete - here are some screenshots and video though 🙂 Current model in game and some features: Still work to be done 😄
  6. Hello, Here is a request for more hints about work drive, very poorly documented. I didn't find a complete topic or tutorial about P drive, or more recently what BI call a work drive. I read a lot of posts about issues when trying to mount this drive, but, no line about the interest for that. As I'm not fond of unexplained tools, I never mounted this work drive til yet, and my addons were fine so far. But I recently discover ( @Larrow point me the right direction) that such (working) drive could avoid unwanted error, especially for path references like: #include "\a3\3DEN\UI\macros.inc" Such line works in due work environment (so P:), but there is no chance to pbo an addon, with such reference to absolute path, if you are working from some folders in one of your disks. In other words, such path must be consistent where you are working and P drive seems to be your friend... if correctly mounted! So, IMHO, there is a need for a tuto browsing these different points: - why mounting a work drive? (and what is it exactly?) - does it cost a large space on my disk? (does it duplicates numerous files?) - How to do that? Really, the Arma 3 tools is not fair with explanation! You can click on "Mount the project drive".. and you get an empty P drive... or click on "Project drive Management"... for roughly the same thing! And good luck - So what? I have an empty P drive (with more or less 80 Go used!, by what?) - I'm not on buldozer, just because I don't want to mod an object or a map, just an addon for example, So what is the next step with my empty drive?? (I placed my completed addon inside P: and there is no difference between P: and my former folder on E:) So, the consistency for pboing an addon, with absolute paths like I wrote, stays hypothetical at this stage. - and last question, btw, how to dismount a P drive? There are not so much explanation once again. The is no real "dismount" tool, just some hints about: WorkDrive.exe /Dismount ... Good luck if you don't have any clue for running that. If I'm right, you can run that on windows power shell or a "command line"... if you know how to reach this executable of course! (under program files (x86)\Steam\... did you succeed in pointing at such path?) Have fun with Arma (even wasting time with tools)
  7. Hi guys, I am bashing my head with something very easy (hopefully 🙂). I want to make a script to fill some buildings (sorted by classname or random) with enemies in given location (town, village, etc.). The old way I used before was just making a trigger next to every big building in the location and pasting this in on activation: private _group = createGroup [WEST, true]; _unit1 = _group createUnit ["CUP_B_US_Soldier_OEFCP",(nearestBuilding thisTrigger buildingPos 1),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit1 disableAI "PATH"; _unit1 setUnitPos "UP"; _unit2 = _group createUnit ["CUP_B_US_Soldier_MG_OEFCP",(nearestBuilding thisTrigger buildingPos 2),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit2 disableAI "PATH"; _unit2 setUnitPos "UP"; _unit3 = _group createUnit ["CUP_B_US_Soldier_GL_OEFCP",(nearestBuilding thisTrigger buildingPos 3),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit3 disableAI "PATH"; _unit3 setUnitPos "UP"; _unit4 = _group createUnit ["CUP_B_US_Soldier_OEFCP",(nearestBuilding thisTrigger buildingPos 4),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit4 disableAI "PATH"; _unit4 setUnitPos "UP"; _unit5 = _group createUnit ["CUP_B_US_Soldier_MG_OEFCP",(nearestBuilding thisTrigger buildingPos 5),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit5 disableAI "PATH"; _unit5 setUnitPos "UP"; _unit6 = _group createUnit ["CUP_B_US_Soldier_GL_OEFCP",(nearestBuilding thisTrigger buildingPos 6),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit6 disableAI "PATH"; _unit6 setUnitPos "UP"; Its terribly tedious and I want to change it to a proper script executed by the server. Any ideas?
  8. Hi there. I go to my question straight away. Is there a way or a script to tell AI they can walk freely inside a certain area. Like making an area on a city and then they walk around randomly inside this city until something happens. I'm pretty new to builiding missions and any help on this would be useful., Thanks.
  9. durobulo@gmail.com

    Building type

    Hi, I would like to know, how to get information about building type - such as military, industrial, civilian etc. I can read the building class (name) - but is there any function that returns what type it is? Or is it coded in building name? _nBuilding = nearestBuilding player; hint str typeOf _nBuilding; thnx
  10. (Mod Logo) This mod aims to add modern Japanese-style architectures and props. It will help to make terrains that themed Japan. But it's based on realistic Japan, so there is no building like Gama Hospital in Hitman. There is much to do, and I haven't made 3d models before, so it may take a long time until it is released, please look forward until it's done. I'll do my best. If you have anything you would like to see added to this mod, please contact me! [All of the content is subject to change without notice.] I'm Japanese and not good at using English, so I'm sorry if my English isn't correct. Thank you for watching! Contents ▼Buildings Housing Complex(団地) Apartments(Reworked) Some houses Construction site Convenience store Commercial buildings Bridge Shrine Temple Factory Train station And more… ▼Props Vending machine Utility poles(and varieties!) Road marking traffic light patterned walls, fences sign Tombstone Lamp And more too...
  11. Dreamshot-068069dd371912f1

    Objects behind glass are white

    So, im onto this problem for several hours now. im texturing a building rn but some of the objects/walls behind my glass are white. i tried to fix the faces, move the faces to the top, repair, turning and so on but it still wont work. i really dont know what i could more. does anyone of you have an idea?
  12. Here's a couple fire related functions, you_createFire, *Updated you_fnc_houseFire (demo), Burn buildings to the ground! Spawn one central fire with smoke and a number of FX fires (performance) in the building. The building takes damage over time. Once the building is destroyed the performance fires are deleted and later the main fire. Fire will spread based on the distance supplied to the function ("_dist"). Use the parameter "_damage" (default true) to make persistent fire that does not damage the building over time or spread to other buildings.* Use parameter "_time" to determine how long each building will burn (default: 10, demo: 1). 1 second is equal to 20 seconds total burn (each iteration is %10 damage) and the main fire burns for the same amount of time again (1x10x2). The default value is 10 or 200 seconds (100 to collapse and 100 more to extinguish). 1) create a helper object on/near the building(s) ** 2) paste the function in init.sqf (or wherever) 3) see call methods in demo init.sqf * keep track of effects in the supplied array ** editor placed buildings may be "_caller" Have fun!
  13. InsanityGamer

    Satchels Only

    If i wanted to make a script that requires a satchel to be placed on a radio tower to destroy it, what would be a method i could use? Basically im trying to make it so players cant just shoot it with CAS or Artillery. someone has to physically walk up and place a satchel on the tower to blow it up.
  14. Hello, I have more than 100+ models of buildings/apartments purchased from many 3D sites, in short, medium & large sizes. Can deal with their resolutions, roadways, memories, paths etc. all the time, there's no issue. However, it seems like a very laborious task to create geometry lods separately for each large building. Especially, if there are interior parts of the big 8-storey building for instance. Well, it isn't what I didn't do, I always made the buildings' geometry lod beforehand by combining the various quadrilaterals manually. These were the little houses. And then they didn't cause much trouble, they didn't take my time. - But in this, when the building is so large and it has many interior parts, applying the same old method can turn into a torture. You just cannot simply create a few geometry lod square and leave model alone thereafter. Worse, it will delay the releasing date of the building pack Would like to know if there is a more practical, faster way to create easily geometry lods for big static objects (with interiors) Many thanks -cdrv
  15. GF Building Replacement Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Building Replacement Script - Mod , replace the buildings with your desired. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Building Replacement Script - Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5P7gp3x90 and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ BI Forum Ravage Club Owner : https://forums.bohemia.net/clubs/73-bi-forum-ravage-club/ Notes: GF Building Replacement Script - Mod , replace the map's buildings with your desired. It is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v2.0 Added a distance check and blacklist zones Added more options v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40364 Armaholic GF Building Replacement Script - Mod
  16. _bpos = []; _origin = ((get3DENSelected "object") select 0); {_bpos append (_x buildingPos -1)} foreach (nearestObjects [_origin, ["House", "Building"], 50]); { _bp = selectrandom _bpos; _bpos = _bpos - [_bp]; _x setpos _bp; } foreach (get3DENSelected "object"); The code is used in the 3den editor CONSOLE to place the SELECTED units/objects to all buildings in 50m radius. You need to select your units in the editor, then press ctrl + D to enter the console, then you run the code. Works with editor placed buildings/fortifications. the units will be put into nearest buildings, the 3den markers will update AFTER testing the mission, to make them stay you should put {_x disableai "PATH"} foreach units this into the composition of the group
  17. Extended Fortifications Mod Sustainable security solutions for your safety. More than 1 year after announcing and hundreds of working hours, im happy to release the third public version 0.7 of the Extended Fortifications Mod. It contains a variety of 94 modular base elements aiming at the extension of vanilla fortifications by adding the possibility of creating contorted military outposts on small areas, mountain bases, checkpoints aswell as the refining of big sized, military bases. As Im going to be absent for 6 month from September on, please submit suggestions or bugs before that time. Benno FEATURES - 94 single models - Up to 6 range LODs - "Simple object" option in Editor - Editor preview pictures - Server key (.bikey) included - Zeus integration PLANNED FEATURES - Ace integration - More assets KNOWN ISSUES - CHANGELOG Version 0.7 (02.09.2017) ADDED Note: Updated license! EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_c_opfor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_blufor EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_c_blufor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled_c_blufor EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled_c_opfor EFM_wood_wall_2m_door EFM_beam_wood_h_4m EFM_beam_wood_h_4m_railing EFM_coverage_camo_net_2x2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2x2m_opfor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2_8x2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2_8x2m_opfor EFM_stair_wood_1m EFM_stair_wood_1_7m EFM_stair_wood_2_7m EFM_ladder_metal_1_7m EFM_ladder_metal_2_7m EFM_ladder_metal_3_7m Fixed fixed performance issues for revetment_wall_types missing zeus objects deleted unsupported UV Sets _______________________ Version 0.6 (24.08.2017) ADDED Zeus integration EFM_wood_wall_2m_beam EFM_wood_wall_2m_door EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_half_beam_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_single EFM_wood_wall_2m_single_filled EFM_wood_wall_2m_support FIXED Added "simple object" possibility in EdenEditor Server key now working properly EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_beam - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_fortified_A - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_beam - changed _as for top side EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_fortified_A - changed _as for top side EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m - fixed alpha texture EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double - fixed geometry / fire / physX LOD ____________________ Version 0.5 (03.08.2017) ADDED EFM_beam_wood_angular_bearer_01 EFM_beam_wood_h_1_5m EFM_beam_wood_h_1_5m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_1m EFM_beam_wood_h_1m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_2m EFM_beam_wood_h_2m_railing EFM_beam_wood_h_3m EFM_beam_wood_h_3m_railing EFM_beam_wood_v_0_5m EFM_beam_wood_v_1_5m EFM_beam_wood_v_2_75m EFM_beam_wood_v_2m EFM_concrete_barrier_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_half_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_new EFM_concrete_wall_big_new_camo_blufor EFM_concrete_wall_big_new_camo_opfor EFM_concrete_wall_big_pillar_new EFM_concrete_wall_half_new EFM_concrete_wall_new EFM_concrete_wall_new_camo_blufor EFM_concrete_wall_new_camo_opfor EFM_concrete_wall_pillar_new EFM_coverage_camo_net_1_5m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_1_5m_opfor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2m_blufor EFM_coverage_camo_net_2m_opfor EFM_coverage_concrete_2_7m EFM_coverage_concrete_2m EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_beam EFM_coverage_plywood_2_7m_fortified_A EFM_coverage_plywood_2m EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_beam EFM_coverage_plywood_2m_fortified_A EFM_ground_surface_2x2m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_2x2m_soil EFM_ground_surface_4x4m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_4x4m_soil EFM_ground_surface_8x4m_dirt EFM_ground_surface_8x4m_soil EFM_rack_wood_big_new EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil EFM_revetment_wall_0_80x0_60x0_90m_soil_double EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil EFM_revetment_wall_1_60x0_60x0_90m_soil_double EFM_stair_wood_3_5m EFM_support_hole_dirt EFM_support_hole_soil EFM_mobile_barrier_A EFM_mobile_barrier_B EFM_mobile_dragons_teeth_small EFM_mobile_dragons_teeth_small_orange EFM_pole_B_01_yellow EFM_pole_B_02_black EFM_pole_B_03_black_white EFM_slide_gate_small EFM_tetrapod_line EFM_tetrapod_line_wet EFM_tetrapod_pile_big EFM_tetrapod_pile_big_wet EFM_tetrapod_single EFM_tetrapod_single_wet CONTENT DOWNLOAD Steam Workshop Armaholic Included Files EFM_basic_textures.pbo EFM_modular_base.pbo EFM_road_barrier_items.pbo EFM_road_barrier_static.pbo LICENSE By downloading and using my work, you hereby agree to the following license agreement. Creative Commons Attribution by nc-nd-4.0 International Public License -Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives For more info, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode Additionally to this license, I prohibit the use of this software or parts of it in any "pay-to-play" monetization scheme and / or server. This addon is provided for Bohemia Interactives Arma 3 series only. Please report any infringement of the license above directly. CREDITS Special thanks to Jay, Jokoho, Da12thMonkey and X3KJ aswell as the whole ArmaWorld and Discord Community for helping me out with bugs and scripting. DISCLAIMER One or more textures used on the models included have been created with images from http://www.textures.com/ These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit http://www.textures.com/for more information. _________________________________ THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES.
  18. Hi all! I am trying to implement a sound on a specific building on my new map. (cf pmc wiki : https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:environmental-sounds) But I do not understand the variables, I do not understand or the config will look for the object in question. Can you help me? Another question, is it possible to directly implement a smoke effect (cars exploded) directly on the map? Or do you have to do it via EDEN editor with the modules? Regards, Casseburne
  19. Attention Arma modelling community! A strong proposed Arma 3 Creator DLC project with a mil-sim focus is seeking capable artists from within the Arma modding community: 1 character artist 1 building artist 1 vehicle artist 1 fx artist 1 terrain artist to join a large, friendly, professional team who have already delivered paid game content for the Arma series. Time commitment is 10-20hrs per week, for 10-15 months. Typical income $30k+++ and a fair risk/royalty share. Blender or Max / Substance Painter workflow demo required. Some coaching can be provided, if you're 90% there with skills. We're hoping to hire from within the Arma community, so if you're a capable artist and wondering if you can go professional, now is the time to make contact. 10 hours per week would be the minimum commitment. It may mean giving up your modding hobby, to spend time on this work (paid at the end of the project). If you already have a job, but feel your life isn't too busy, and you have spare time in the evenings /weekends to make the transition to professional developer, this would be the ideal project. Please pass this on to any talented people you know, who might be interested in this opportunity. Please send pm for details. cheers Rob Graham Savage Game Design Ltd. Discord: Rob (Eggbeast)#3291 Linked-in https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-graham-3a807a10/
  20. So I was testing my model in-game to verify everything worked out (Scale/Layout), and it did...... ......except for the fact that I couldn't interact with the model at all. So, I went back into Object builder, Selected all components, Set them all as Geometry, and Exported. However, when loading Arma back up and attempting to place the building down; the model does not show (The model does have physical properties though- Stops vehicles/players). Anyone got any ideas or help on this matter? *Update* I have (in desperation) duplicated the structures LOD in OB and set one as Resolution and the other as Geometry, and a third as Volume Shadow. Exporting this and loading it into the game however, only leads back to the same issue as the first attempt. The building is visible, but players and vehicles pass right through it.
  21. Hello armaholics! I've run into some trouble with AI and a certain building. I've put AI Waypoint to go into to a military cargo building. The problem is not if they can go inside. The group leader goes where he's suppose to, but some other group members start crawling under the building, then standing up. This results the AI half under and half inside the building. Link to image of the building Is there a way to disable AI from crawling? Forcing them to not go under the building. I'm aware of putting AI to only stand or only crouch, but I want them to be able to crouch and stand. Just removing the crawling aspect. Thanks in advance! Some of my missions: [CO-04] Last Stand - Compound [CO-04] Last Stand - Town [CO-04] Terrorist Hunt - Village [CO-04] Terrorist Hunt - Factory
  22. Is this building complex in the A3 campaign? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1439480527
  23. Hi guys i have some questions about creating a custom building for arma 3. Did i need to model a new door with hinges, handles if i want to put a door in my building ? Windows need a model too ?
  24. Hi , i am looking for a script to building a bunker in few minutes, i wanna do a place where you use a addaction "build defense", than you wait few minutes and spawn a bunker in a specific position,. If posible, also create a task at beginning building and suceedees task at end of the time. Can anyone help me pls¿?¿¿ Thanks you very much!!
  25. socs


    I am currently in the midst of creating yet another mission and im curious to know if anyone has a template for an underground bunker for tanoa... I just thought of the idea of downloading another map that already has one but I've poured a ton of time into this mission and would hate to go back and have to redo it... If not, which i doubt there is after hours of searching, is there a way I can create my own or at least just the visual aspect of having one, then when entering, have it teleport you to a completely different place? I tried seeing if i could use one of the islands and just start building some sort of base there that just has the visual effect of being a part of the ground when in reality theres only 1 entrance from another part of the map but i cant seem to find any actual like, I guess "building material" to get started, meaning i cant really find platforms, actual building walls, floors, etc... So if anyone could point me in the right directions or give me a few suggestions to more mods/addons for the editor that'd be great... Thanks in advanced!