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  1. Pretty much what it says on the tin. I just bought an MX Master 3S and got excited over the idea of being able to bind zoom in and out onto the thumb wheel. Would make adjusting scopes and cameras effortless, or some other action.
  2. LtFrost

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hello! I'm wondering if anyone has the addon that added in Umbrella style vehicles, the addon name on the forums here is called the umbrella corporation mini faction mod and it was on steam, but was taken down as I believe the author's account got deleted. If anyone downloaded them possibly, let me know please and thank you as I really enjoyed using the vehicles for umbrella ops.
  3. Hey, tudo bem com você? 🤓 Gentlemen, I've read the Jets DLC functions to understand how the USS Freedom Carrier accepts landings by planes with tailhook, 'cause I wanna print out a hintSilent "You did it!", but only and precisely at that cables area (X, Y, Z), even if the Mission Editor changes the carrier's spot. A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhookAi How can I smartly track that area to print out the message with no triggers and hidden objects dropped around?
  4. Hello, Here is a request for more hints about work drive, very poorly documented. I didn't find a complete topic or tutorial about P drive, or more recently what BI call a work drive. I read a lot of posts about issues when trying to mount this drive, but, no line about the interest for that. As I'm not fond of unexplained tools, I never mounted this work drive til yet, and my addons were fine so far. But I recently discover ( @Larrow point me the right direction) that such (working) drive could avoid unwanted error, especially for path references like: #include "\a3\3DEN\UI\macros.inc" Such line works in due work environment (so P:), but there is no chance to pbo an addon, with such reference to absolute path, if you are working from some folders in one of your disks. In other words, such path must be consistent where you are working and P drive seems to be your friend... if correctly mounted! So, IMHO, there is a need for a tuto browsing these different points: - why mounting a work drive? (and what is it exactly?) - does it cost a large space on my disk? (does it duplicates numerous files?) - How to do that? Really, the Arma 3 tools is not fair with explanation! You can click on "Mount the project drive".. and you get an empty P drive... or click on "Project drive Management"... for roughly the same thing! And good luck - So what? I have an empty P drive (with more or less 80 Go used!, by what?) - I'm not on buldozer, just because I don't want to mod an object or a map, just an addon for example, So what is the next step with my empty drive?? (I placed my completed addon inside P: and there is no difference between P: and my former folder on E:) So, the consistency for pboing an addon, with absolute paths like I wrote, stays hypothetical at this stage. - and last question, btw, how to dismount a P drive? There are not so much explanation once again. The is no real "dismount" tool, just some hints about: WorkDrive.exe /Dismount ... Good luck if you don't have any clue for running that. If I'm right, you can run that on windows power shell or a "command line"... if you know how to reach this executable of course! (under program files (x86)\Steam\... did you succeed in pointing at such path?) Have fun with Arma (even wasting time with tools)
  5. Right now the mission is loaded from the server .json config. If you want to change missions you need to restart the server and edit the .json. This is completely counter-productive to any community that does not play "open gamemodes" like King of The Hill, Capture and Hold, Zeus/GM etc. Specially if you want to play in different maps. Literally we need the game to read a folder that will contain the missions and display them on a list in-game, so that the server admin can pick a mission. Exactly like we have in OFP, Arma 1, 2 and 3. An ideal solution would be to have a flag on the server .json config that would change the server to use a mission selection screen(OFP,A1,2,3 style) or keep the current system for Reforger(Scenario like). This is such a big deal for us that If this is not implemented I honestly don't see my community playing Arma 4.
  6. Since we are not getting .dll extensions, a mod running on the server should be able to make use of the REST API. Reasoning: Enabling AAR tools like OCAP. https://github.com/OCAP2/OCAP
  7. Hey Guys, i love playing Arma, but there is one thing that always bothered the hell out me... Why we have no way to save player data like custom weapon configs, player outfits etc with our account and access them on multiple multiplayer servers like "King of the Hill" or "Altis Life"? Over the past months i've tried to figure out a way to make this happen. I found the wonderful Add On https://github.com/playnet-public/ArmA3URLFetch, which gives us the possibility to access API Endpoints from your local machine in multiplayer missions. The last days i developed an open django api endpoint, which can be requested by the player in the mission and there fore, there can be exchanged data, without the need of a local database. Of course, there's the question on how to authenticate the unique player in the mission. I'm trying to rebuild an OAUTH like workflow, where the local server acts as an authentication provider, by calling the api endpoint as well. Here's the workflow: In my opinion, this new approach gives mission creators a very powerful tool... Creators can now access every possible player information through one endpoint from multiple servers: Here's a multiple server setup: This gives mission creators the ability to share player information across every server of their mission and maybe host a mission website to access player information outside of Arma. At the moment i've developed a "proof of concept" iteration to ask for feedback if there is a need for such a system. I'm looking forward to your feedback and i would love to implement such a system in an upcoming multiplayer scenario. Here's an example example multiplayer mission. Here's the open django api endpoint. Best Regards, Luke PS: Sorry for the bad paint pictures, i'm broke 😉 Here is how its done: (authentication stuff is still in work...) Call the authentication in the initPlayerLocal.sqf and give player action (just for testing purposes) player addAction ["Handle Request", { [] spawn it_fnc_handleRequest }]; // handle the authentication [] spawn it_fnc_handleAuthentication; define the handleAuthentication function _cliendid = [ "", "GET", ["uid=xyz"], true ] call a3uf_common_fnc_addClient; [ _cliendid, ["Content-Type: application/json"] ] call a3uf_common_fnc_setClientHeaders; _response = [ _cliendid ] call a3uf_common_fnc_clientRequest; _test = parseSimpleArray _response; _next = _test select 1; _u = _next select 0; _auth_token = _u select 1; diag_log "AUTH TOKEN"; diag_log _auth_token; _token_string = format["token=%1", _auth_token]; _cliendid = [ "", "GET", ["uid=xyz", _token_string], true ] call a3uf_common_fnc_addClient; [ _cliendid, ["Content-Type: application/json"] ] call a3uf_common_fnc_setClientHeaders; _response = [ _cliendid ] call a3uf_common_fnc_clientRequest; _test = parseSimpleArray _response; _next = _test select 1; _u = _next select 0; access_token = _u select 1; diag_log "ACCESS TOKEN"; diag_log access_token; define the handleRequest function _cliendid = ["", "GET", [], true] call a3uf_common_fnc_addClient; _auth_string = format ["Authorization: Bearer %1", access_token]; [_cliendid, ["Content-Type: application/json", _auth_string]] call a3uf_common_fnc_setClientHeaders; _response = [_cliendid] call a3uf_common_fnc_clientRequest; _test = parseSimpleArray _response; _next = _test select 1; _u = _next select 0; _name = _u select 1; hint format["Hello %1", _name]; diag_log "REQUEST"; diag_log _auth_string ; diag_log _response; define endpoints in views.py # api endpoint for user to access saved informations @api_view(["GET"]) def user(request): print(request.headers) token = request.headers.get("Authorization").split(" ")[1] # find the player by given access token try: player = Player.objects.get(token=token) # get the player # except User.DoesNotExist: except: # player with given token not found, return error return Response({'error': 'Player with token not found'}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) return Response({"name": player.name})
  8. May I ask if anyone is interested in helping me with retexturing a uniform in ARMA 3? (btw what should I do after the texture is returned to PBO Manager and TexView 2?)
  9. Percy Fieldsten

    Request for retexture

    May I ask if anyone is interested in helping me with retexturing a uniform in ARMA 3? (btw what should I do after the texture is returned to PBO Manager and TexView 2?)
  10. Hello all! I've been spending the last few months working to go through data on ordinance and vehicles in Arma 3 to figure out how things work. My first project was to create a spreadsheet of detection ranges vs different vehicles in Arma 3 click here to see that . Now with this information, I want to do some further testing and to do that I need some cameras to watch how ordinance locks and tracks things. I need a script or mod that allows me to see through the eyes of the bomb with the Arma 3 sensors menus PIP. This is already possible with weapons like the Macer and Skalpels. The line of code that allow the pilot to see through these missile's perspective is: cameraViewAvailable = 1; For now, I just need this to work with the SDB and GBU however I hope to have this on all airborne ordnance along with the 82mm, 152, and 230mm weapons as well because it would be awesome to watch your rounds impact form their perspective. While I see this type of script as helpful for people doing testing I think it might also be great if this could be released as a mod on the workshop because I think we can all agree its super awesome to watch your missile hit an enemy tank from a first-person perspective. Would anyone be able to provide assistance? I'd learn how to do all this scripting and modding myself but I am rather busy for the next two months..
  11. Hello. Could anyone help me port this mod to ArmA 3? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6111 Config is very simillar, but base classes are different than the ones in A3. Thanks in advance.
  12. Dear developers, some mods like 'NIArms' by toadie2K feature diffrent magazine models for one weapon dependant on which magazine is actually loaded. That reminds me a lot of the proxy magazine models of the dynamic loadout feature for aircraft which has been implemented with the Jets DLC. Since this seems to be technically possible would you be able to introduce this feature to the existing ArmA 3 weapons? I don't know however what toadie2k did to get this working. I imagine something like having a memory point at the center of the first bullet in the mag and a direction the bullet is facing and another direction the bullets are feeded from. That way it should be possible to load every mag into every weapon and get reasonably good results. It would probably even allow to put a 30 Round mag sideways into a beltfeeded machinegun. There would probably be some clipping issues when putting magazines into weapons that were not supposed to feature them before but I'm fine with that. I think this would be an awesome addition to the game and I really hope this can be done. Especially weapons that feature multiple sizes of magazines within its series would benefit from it like the Spar, Car-95 and MX series of weapons. Thanks a lot Venator
  13. U l t r a S i m p l e H e l i c o p t e r R e q u e s t I'd like to share a little thing, nothing big. KeyCat asked for this feature in another project and it didn't fit. Since I can not say no to cats, I wrote an extra mini addon. Description: Mini dialog to request any helicopter of your side, with a small crew that joins your group. Should work in any mission and with any properly configured addon, 2 chopper limit. Download: Community Base addons A3 Signed: Nope, since no MP restrictions were made and you could trick the script and spam choppers. Usage: Press Hotkey (default: END) to bring up mini-interface. Choose and request helicopter. Helicopter will spawn a few clicks away and report in after 10 seconds, then fly towards your position. There is a limit of 2 choppers at a time to prevent spamming. Known issues: Helicopter can crash on spawn in rare cases. Please note: There is nothing official about this. What you see here is me returning a favor to an old battle buddy and sharing it with you lot. No support, no updates, just so you know. Changelog: Enjoy!
  14. willyd2000

    Revisiting previous islands

    I bet it has been discussed to death, but a perspective that I HOPE is new may bring it back to the forefront of discussion. I see that out of ten different secret locations, you can only get four, one for each island, so if you could return, I think that the map should be able to be reset with a new layout with a different secret location, it solves two problems, the issue of not being able to move freely from islands and not being able to get all of the secret locations in any single run.
  15. Feature Request What I would like to see is additional functionality in BankRev to extract a list of file types rather than extracting everything. Example: bankrev.exe -f myPbo.pbo --types="cpp,sqf". The result would the entire folder structure would be extracted as well as only cpp and SQF files out of myPbo.pbo. All other files, like .ogg and .p3d files, would not be extracted. "But Why?" This would be useful for getting config functions and SQF script files to aid in IDE assists. Instead of waiting 10 minutes to extract one 4GB PBO and deleting everything you don't want, you can skip the data of non-exported file types. Besides just getting SQF files and config.cpp files, you could also just get models or sound files. This would also automatically reduce the disk space needed to extract what you want out of the PBOs. Also, there are already attempts to read PBO's without extracting the data made by the community. I personally would prefer official support of it or this requested compromise for security and compatibility reasons. I don't feel like distributing a DLL when I have no idea what's in it or where it came from. Urgency This is more of a convenience feature than something that really needs to be done. If it was implemented though, I would be very grateful. Cheers.
  16. I am needing some help on making a sector control, but to capture the point, you must perform an action (scroll wheel action, that is) on an object to start the capture. I've tried everything to my knowledge of scripting, but it is not very extensive.. Thanks in advance!
  17. What is happening: Objects attached to the player do not rotate on position change such as leanLeft leanRight or going prone. How to test this: Use the example here and attach explosives to your player. _expl1 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position player; _expl1 attachTo [player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"]; _expl1 setVectorDirAndUp [ [0.5, 0.5, 0], [-0.5, 0.5, 0] ]; _expl2 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position player; _expl2 attachTo [player, [0, 0.15, 0.15], "Pelvis"]; _expl2 setVectorDirAndUp [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0] ]; _expl3 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position player; _expl3 attachTo [player, [0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Pelvis"]; _expl3 setVectorDirAndUp [ [0.5, -0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0] ]; Now try to lean left/right and go prone, you'll notice that even thou it is attached to a memory point (which should know about its rotation?) the rotation doesn't change. What I suggest: Add the option to attach objects to the bones so they rotate according to the playing animation (This has been done in VBS already)
  18. Hello. I'm the leader of a milsim unit titled the 137th Guards Kubanskiy Kazachiy Order of the Red Star Parachute Regiment, and I have a request. The 137th, in 2014, participated in the battle of Ilovaisk ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ilovaisk ); I would like for this town and the country-side around it to be emulated in Arma 3 terrain. I researched how to develop maps and it seemed like a full time commitment, and I have many commitments including doing essentially everything for my unit, so attempting to create this map is somewhat out of my range, unfortunately. The benefit would be mutual, I would create and awesome mission that I may publish on the Steam Workshop with a link to the map and of course the credit of whoever developed the map, and the developer of the map could publish it on Steam and/or Armaholic for many people (namely those interested in the Ukrainian intervention) to enjoy. Google Maps image: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ilovais'k,+Donetsk+Oblast,+Ukraine/@47.9253116,38.187229,7799m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x40e0f1afe1fb636f:0xa4fac5886ccdaeae!8m2!3d47.9257046!4d38.1957157 . My Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082286024/ .
  19. Hi all, Among the most used modules, I guess plenty of scriptwriters would like to have better results with support ones. - First of all, for all support modules, virtual support is an acceptable alternative as far as you accept to spawn/delete a unit for a task. Artillery disappear as soon as the last shell is shot, regardless of the trajectory ETA; So, there is a bullet coming from a null object, traveling the map and never mind the shooter. Script with that! - For all modules again, the "real" unit option allows more immersive condition as far as you have to protect this asset. And, then one thing is absolutely missing, the condition fields for enabling/disabling the support. You can't imagine the lines I had to write just because I decided only a radio equipped guy could call artillery. Try it!.. grab a radio backpack (or any radio), (enabling the link between requester and provider), then drop the radio (disabling the support), then grab/drop... Oups that doesn't work anymore, except if you write something bis_fnc_addSupportlink and bis_fnc_removeSupportLink (So many hours to find that!). So please, add enable/disable condition fields for support. About CAS support, so much things to improve: - Please, make unguided bombing run workable on any surface, with no objective underneath! I mean bombs must strike the marker position, like a GPS release if you want. That's all! No need to have something special. Actually your BIS_SUPP_LASERTGT, laserTargetE or laserTargetW types, along with a "destroy" waypoint, doesn't work on Tanoa forest for example. And please, don't explain we need an object objective... Let's the player bombs where he wants! - Furthermore, your FSM just take driver into account. That means there is no chance at all to get CAS from a crewed aircraft (pilot/gunner). So, bye bye so many CAS aircraft from UNSUNG DELTA mod: Intruder, Skywarrior, F4 Phantom... Please make unguided bombing CAS firing on any position of the CAS marker and make all CAS aircraft workable what crew can be. - lets the player choose the number of bombs to be released! About helicopter transportation: - First problem: the map can't be zoomed in/out for marking destination. You have to cope with your last map zoom before the call?!? - then, you can't alter your destination underway. I wrote a script to be transported in any AI manned vehicle (car , helicopter), with instant destination altering or cancellation. (MP compatible). Code on demand. So please, make transportation module (not only helicopter) more versatile, with alter/cancel destination, and correct the map zoom bug. Thank you for your attention.
  20. Hello everybody After the news about the Jet DLC, i couldnt help but wonder why something has never been done about amphibious/littoral operations, namely something around the concept of a Marines DLC. More than a third of all vanilla maps are made of water, but in turn the only seafaring vehicles available are the RHIBs, the minigun boat and the submarine thingie. Way too little, considering all the operations that can be conducted from the sea. Burnes had started to make some landing craft utility boats, namely the LCAC and the Mk10, but due to a hardware meltdown everything was lost and the project has been halted since. But i feel there should be more in terms of amphibious operation vehicles -moreso than jets, BTW, but as far as i am concerned thats gonna be a badly needed Sensors DLC with some planes thrown in as a bonus. In particular, there should be for both west and east sides, something on the category of a LHD (more on that later), LCU, AAV and LCAC or heavy cargo lander. About the issues pertaining such a large ship as a LHD, there are some unexplored problems: there hasnt been such a big vehicle yet, so there is no reference about it's physics, hitpoints, vulnerabilities, how it should be damaged and eventually break and sink, etc; there is an engine issue about moving objects with people standing on them which wont stuck on the surface of said object but will slip away (or rather they stay still while the vehicle moves away), and this is a problem that also Burnes met when working on his landing crafts of his; and if our maps are waaaaaay too little for jet operations the very same thing can be said about naval operations (once you create a LHD for both sides it stands to reason that then youll place them both in a map and try to have the both of them throw things at each other). But if the first two are engine's problems, the third one is rather easy to solve: the space outside the map of Tanoa and Altis is still seawater, so you can go off the map as much as you want to. But then again, i dont plan to solve all the problems: i dont have the skills to address these issues. And the smaller vehicles are useful for storming beaches and badly in need to put all this water to some use. I only wanted to raise awareness on this issue and gather (or maybe just test) the interest of the community. So, what say you?
  21. Hi, I spent time, thinking about HUD displays (MGI Tactical Glasses v2, MGI tactical Pack v3). I know B.I. devs are planning something for HUD depending on new difficulty settings. What I would like to suggest: - weapon mode ("safety", "single shot", "burst", "automatic") should always been displayed,( even if no ammo in magazines), just because we are behind keyboards and not fingering on a true weapon; - stance; - and, last but not least, the current "throwable ammo", such as grenade, smoke, chemlight, should also been displayed as well, because it's weird to have to start toggling between these mags to know what you're about to throw. In other words, even in the hardest mode of the game, player could benefit of some HUD data where a keyboard can't reproduce such basic feelings.