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Found 91 results

  1. MONTAGNARDS ARE RECRUITING SQUAD NAME - SCU-MONTAGNARDS LOCATION - NORTH AMERICA GAMEMODE PREFERENCE - COOP, PVP, PVE, PVPVE CONTACT EMAIL: montagnards@yahoo.com WEBSITE: https://units.arma3.com/unit/montagnards LANGUAGE - ENGLISH WHO WE ARE We are the Montagnards, an ARMA III focused group formed with the intent of recognizing and honoring the heroic actions of the Montagnard people and other indigenous peoples of the Vietnamese Highlands and their contributions to the Vietnam War. The name "Montagnard" comes from the French language and translates into "Mountain People" and covers a wide range of separate indigenous tribes whom have inhabited the highlands of south central Vietnam. The Montagnard people have inhabited the southeastern Vietnamese highlands since the BC times and predate the Vietnamese people by over 1500 years. WHAT WE DO In ARMA, we utilize historic tactics and loadouts used by members of MACV-SOG, 5th SFG, and their Montagnard companions. Long range reconnaissance, destruction of enemy assets, HVT kill or capture missions, and downed pilot/POW rescue are what we train for and excel at. Since we are primarily a light, mobile recon force, we put emphasis on moving quickly and silently through the virtual battlefields of any server we're on. Make no mistake into thinking we cannot fight however as we make sure to utilize high violence of action and sheer volume of fire when the time calls for it. While ARMA III Prairie Fire is our main focus, we are not an exclusive Prairie Fire group. We also cater to a wide assortment of custom missions covering a wide range of scenarios, time periods, and mission objectives. We have run all types of custom missions from 1940's Spearhead focused amphibious assaults, 70's Rhodesian Bush War, 00's Iraq and Afghan GWOT missions, 2020's proxy war conflicts, and everything in between. Outside of ARMA, we also aim to spread awareness of the Recon Teams of MACV-SOG and the 5th SFG and Montagnard members attached to them. We do this by sharing photos, podcasts, audiobooks, videos, and written accounts of surviving members. WHY YOU SHOULD APPLY If you are looking for a unit that puts a strong emphasis on real life tactics and dedicates time to learning about and spreading the heroic deeds of the seldom remembered heroes behind the scenes, we are the place to go. WHERE TO FIND US DISCORD: https://discord.gg/q7rtXnDnHj EMAIL: montagnards@yahoo.com ARMA UNITS: https://units.arma3.com/unit/montagnards TWITTER/X: https://twitter.com/SMontagnar81380
  2. https://discord.gg/3Hn3DgSspD MOSs of all needed to be filled in PvE Arma 3 unit. 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, are a boots-on-ground combat focused group looking for new members daily with many positions looking to be filled such as Radiomen(JTAC,RTO,FAC), Leadership positions (both officer & NCO), Corpsmen, Enlisted-men (Riflemen, auto-riflemen, AT-riflemen, Engineer), Pilots (both Fixed wing & Rotary), Marksmen & more! No long BCT, we'll take your word for it, though training can be provided if needed. No long application process, just verify and join. OPs at 8pm EST, Saturdays & Sundays with additional FTXs bi-weekly. Reservists available. More info in discord. If link is inactive or does not work, comment on post For personal contact or questions - Boppkins on Discord ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
  3. Let's take the AAF as an example. If parallels are to be drawn with real life western military forces, would all mortar, HMG/GMG, sniper, anti-armour and anti-air units be part of the command company in the 1st regiment, would they be organic to each infantry company within 1st reg or would they all be in the support element of the 3rd regiment?
  4. I try to setup multiplayer gaming (host and/or dedi) on Chernarus Winter. The problem is, that in every mission style (escape, dynamic recon) all units still have summer clothes. In Antistasi, I managed to pick up artic units which have winter clothes, but all civilians are still running in summer shorts. Someone gave me a hint, that I could edit mission file and add units there but I have 0 skills in editing. Is there an easy way to do this trick? I had basic experience 20 years ago to create simple missions in Operation Flashpoint without scripting, but now new tools look very unfamiliar to me. I tried to google this but couldn't find anything.
  5. 28th Regiment About Us The 28th Regiment is a Semi-Milsim, Semi-Serious Unit set in the Modern British Armed Forces. We are a combined arms force with an Infantry, Recon, Armored and Aerial detachments. We deploy all around the globe typically assisting local forces with emerging or serious threats. We do not operate off a Ranking System but instead slot people based on Qualifications and Trust meaning that members can obtain any role they wish simply by completing the relevant training. we also offer a Reward system to show off your achievements to the rest of the Unit. 28th regiment also runs an Antistasi mission on weekends. this will switch to a Liberation mission once the Antistasi is over. All aspects of these missions are voted on by all unit members, keeping things fresh and interesting. Operation Times Main Ops - Fridays 20:00 GMT Fun Ops - Anytime, Any day Antistasi - Weekends, any time Requirements to join .Must be 16+ .Own a Legal Copy of ARMA 3 .Own a working Microphone and/or Headset Unit detachment requirements Infantry (Sphinx) Riflemen Medics Machine-gunners Grenadiers Team leaders Are you Ready to be cannon fodder? Signed: Stacey - Sphinx 1st Platoon Lead Scouts (Jackal) Riflemen Marksmen Snipers Spotters Medics May god have mercy for we won't. Signed: - Napalm - Jackal 1-1 Team Lead Amour (Scarab) Drivers Gunners Commanders We will support the infantry and fix their vehicles...even if they stupidly drive into IED's. Signed: Gunnar - Scarab 1-1 Commander Aerial (Vulture) Rotary pilots Fixed wing pilots Training available for those who prove themselves worthy. Signed: Ekberg - Vulture 1 Commander Join us now https://discord.gg/ZMKr6xShp7
  6. Hi everyone, I need little help with spawning defender/garrison/static units into my mission. My question is if this is the right way to do this? What I do is open new mission on the same map as my main mission, carefully and precisely place all defender units (units that will stay on one position) save and export to SQF. I paste the code in "someTown.sqf" and then use this to spawn it in the main mission: ["someTown.sqf", "BIS_fnc_execVM", false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; Probably there is more up to date and efficient way to do this via remoteExec but I cannot understand how to do it ... please help. Coding every static gun or defender position and heading is much slower and consumes much more time ...
  7. After trying for weeks with my scripting and googling everything to find some answers, I am still without success. The script should be small and simple, I knew scripting isn’t easy but I can’t believe this hurts so much. I'm trying to make a script that will count all the dead units and destroyed vehicles of one side and put it in the trigger and activate it via radio. _count = {side _x == resistance} count allunits; hintSilent format ["Alive AAF Units: %1", _count]; // Count all alive units of Resistance side, it works fine. 0 = [] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 0.1;} _aafScore = {getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "side") == 2} count allDeadMen; hintSilent format ["Dead AAF Units: %1", _aafScore]}; // Count all dead units but it works not fine.
  8. Ok...so I've been playing Arma3 about two weeks, have 1 Unit I created and one other Unit that I joined in the first week. Now the "MY UNITS"" section of the Arma3 Launcher has been showing "Arma 3 Units data acquisition failed". The Unit I created still is appearing in game but I am without a way to change my Unit due to this error blocking the Launcher section. Is this error related to user side of server side?? (I've logged-on to everything and opening Steam as an Admin.)
  9. yangyangyanga

    Unable to join organization

    The connection response of the joining unit has timed out. Status code 500
  10. So I have recently started my own unit (Australian Operation Team), and I have gone to my page, and hovered over the events section. It says it is a 'wishlist' feature. What does that mean? I haven't been able to find anything... Also, one other thing, how do I edit my unit?
  11. I have loaded CUP Terrains, CUP Vehicles and CUP Units on my Arma 3 server. But whenever I want to load the mods crash the server. The RAM consumption then breaks down from 2.5GB to 0.6 GB and the server is no longer to be found in the server browser. I once unloaded all my other mods and just loaded the CUP mods and it happens the same thing. But with my other mods, the server works. Only the CUP mods don't work. I did everything right. I put the mod folders in the /arma3 directory on the server and placed the keys from the keys folder of the mods in the keys folder on the server. But it doesn't work. why? Can someone help me? Because we need CUP on the server. I also want to load RHSUSAF on the server but I'm afraid that the same thing happened with CUP. Can who help me? If who needs the log files so he will tell me. I rented my server from Nitrado. Thx.
  12. Hi everybody, Im making a mission with multiples objectives like "Go to a location and kill a General" or "Go to another location take confidential documents and destroy enemy radar". But i have encountered a problem that is the game only support 288 NPCs, and Im looking for a way to spawn enemy units like CSAT and others to defend that locations where the objectives is, when a player like BLUFOR entering a trigger. Like the Liberation mission but with tasks already determined. It's basically the mission starts and the players can see what tasks have to do but only when the players " BLUFOR" gets closest to the objective the AI spawn to defend that location. I think with this mode i can make a mission with more of 288 NPCs bcs they only spawn when players enter the trigger. Anyway theres a way do to this? Can someone help me with that? Thanks :)
  13. EO Factions will provide a selection of post apocalyptic/survival themed factions using gear from my own gear packs and various DLC's, first up.... RFG Survivors: 8 Individual units, groups with vehicles. Street Patrol. Scavenger Squad. Zodiac Boat Patrol. Prowler Patrol (Armed/Unarmed). Zeus compatible. Server key included. RFG Survivors play as BLUFOR. Steam Workshop. Coming soon...
  14. Group: United Task Force (UNITAF) Branch: Flexible Schedule / Attendance - MILSIM just without the Yes Sir no Sir. Availability: Join on operations as often or as little as you like, including reserve roles if you want to join but aren't sure you'll make it. Language: English Time Zone: Central Europe (but we have plenty of people from the Americas and Pacific and wouldn't say no to more) Our Arma-integrated Website: United task force Discord: discord Operation Times: CEST/GMT/UTC - Flexible schedule (attend by choice from 1 to 20 ops a month) using our dynamic ORBAT deployment application. Operation Type: COOP (from 5-man Special Operations missions to 40-men+ beach assault we have it all) Mods: ACE / TFAR / RHS (Full list: mods) Roles available for:- Marksmen- Snipers- Leadership- Fixed Wing pilot- Rotary pilot and gunner- Tank crew- Autorifleman- Anti-tank/anti-air- Everything, seriously, any role is a potential option. Other Information: United Task Force is a one-of-a-kind session based cooperative MILSIM experience for the Arma series. A unique blend of realism, solid teamwork, just without the yes-sir-no-sir. Our Website: United task force FAQs and more information about UNITAF on the website. - 24/7 Public Server - Just search for UNITAF in the public server list. - Private session based MILSIM operations. - Numerous training sessions so you can become an expert in whatever roles you choose. - Our one-of-a-kind game integrated MILSIM website application. - Full of cool and friendly people from across the world. - Powerful and well maintained servers to reduce frame-drops and keep the game as immersive as possible. Email adress: hq@unitedtaskforce.net Website features: /- Order of Battle: Deploying on our missions looks something like this which makes it super easy to keep track of what team you're in and what your radio frequency is etc ORBAT Snapshot /- Operations Order [OPORD] are written in full for all official operations. To add immersion and let you know exactly what you should be doing on operation. OPORD Snapshot
  15. Hi all, I'm interested in a script that would detect AI units that get stuck for a while and are not in combat. If you have good ideas on the subject, don't hesitate to post them. I am creating a mission where, once a city is taken, reinforcements are spawned at random and secure positions and must reach the city. So I don't want to be bothered by vehicles stuck on the way slowing the reinforcements, I prefer to delete them if they are not in combat. for the moment, I've this: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; timeIdle = 60*10; // 10 minutes //timeIdle = 30; // TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mission_fnc_idle = { params ["_gr"]; //{_x disableAI "PATH"} forEach units _gr; // TEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _distToDelete = 5; // Get all group's vehicle(s) _vehs = [_gr, true] call BIS_fnc_groupVehicles; // initialize vars {if (alive _x) then {_x setVariable ["idlePos", position _x]}} forEach units _gr; _timeOut = time + timeIdle; // MAIN LOOP while {{alive _x} count units _gr > 0} do { sleep 5; if (isNil "_gr" or {{alive _x} count units _gr < 1}) exitWith {}; // CHECK IDLE UNITS if ({alive _x} count units _gr > 0 and _timeOut < time) then { _units = []; _unitsToDelete = []; _vehsToDelete = []; // get all units near their idle position {if (alive _x and _x distance (_x getVariable "idlePos") < _distToDelete) then {_units pushBackUnique _x}} forEach units _gr; { // if unit in vehicle if (vehicle _x != _x) then { _veh = vehicle _x; if (!((crew _veh) call mission_fnc_isEngaging)) then { {_unitsToDelete pushBackUnique _x} forEach crew _veh; _vehsToDelete = _vehsToDelete + [_veh]; }; }; // if unit not in vehicle if (vehicle _x == _x and !(_x call mission_fnc_isEngaging)) then { _unitsToDelete pushBackUnique _x; }; } forEach _units; // delete idle units and vehicles {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _unitsToDelete + _vehsToDelete; // reset vars {if (alive _x) then {_x setVariable ["idlePos", position _x]}} forEach units _gr; _timeOut = time + timeIdle; }; }; }; // Thanks to rübe mission_fnc_isEngaging = { /* Author: rübe Description: returns true if anybody of the given unit(s)/group is engaging Parameter(s): _this: unit(s)/group (unit, array of units or group) Returns: boolean */ private ["_units", "_engaging"]; _units = []; _engaging = false; switch (true) do { case ((typeName _this) == "ARRAY"): { _units = _this; }; case ((typeName _this) == "GROUP"): { _units = units _this; }; default { _units = [_this]; }; }; { if ((currentCommand _x) in ["ATTACK", "ATTACKFIRE", "FIRE"]) exitWith { _engaging = true; }; } forEach _units; // return status _engaging };
  16. Hi, I would like to make the tank mentioned above more durable against rounds fired from the other tanks, for example the T100. Is there any way to do it? Are there any scripts reducing the damage of shells fired from T100 or other tanks? Does anybody know some scripts increasing MBT 52 health/armour?
  17. GDemestos

    Zeus editing

    Zeus Editing Hi, My names demestos, i like making missions and recently i've been given a question about restricting zeus's to certain factions and having said units in the factions cost. I unfortunately have no enditing experience with this request and have been puzzled to find out what to do. If anyone could help me make a template sort of thing where a CSAT officer has zeus, but once opened only has access to CSAT, CSAT Pacific forces, empty assets and modules and then having units in the tabs cost. Thank you in advance and i hope to hear from someone soon! 🙂
  18. MILITIA FAST FACTIONS Scripted factions compatible with your favourite weapons mod: Veteran Mod, CUP, RHS, or just plain vanilla FEATURES: - Compatible with your favorite weapons mod: Veteran Mod, CUP, RHS or just plain vanilla (not so realistic considering the available assets), - Factions can be of any side - There can be limitless factions without cluttering your assets - Variation and randomness, loadouts are created at spawn based on probabilities - Works with spawn scripts - Language, faces and names are coherently assigned to each faction (considering the available choices) - Each faction has an assault team that can be used as special force or different loadout pattern from the main faction - Custom insignia and flags for each faction, they are added to vehicles used by faction and can be removed or replaced in-game - Special (scripted) ammobox with specific faction weapons - Custom made uniform textures - Spawn modules that work with most CUP ME and RSO buildings (only the ones that work), - User created/adapted factions can be reloaded on-the-fly with no need to relaunch arma (makes it much less time consuming) - Extending factions for VTN mod users without infringing their rules REQUIRED ADDONS: -works with just vanilla but it's intended to work with Veteran mod, CUP or RHS. DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2062342317 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=35984
  19. Hello, I am trying to make a TreeView dialog that allows me to select units (in fact what I would like is exactly the same treeView of the Eden Editor) and I have been making filters and using the configClasses but I just did not like the result. Anyone know how I could get something like that? I'm using this to filter, but it doesn't seem to be a good approach I think, because some strange units still appear fn_load.sqf _cntrlTree = (findDisplay 1500) displayCtrl 0; _ManList = ("configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND configName _x isKindOf 'SoldierWB' AND (getText (_x >> 'faction')=='BLU_F') AND (getText(_x >> 'editorSubcategory')=='EdSubcat_Personnel')" configClasses (configFile / "CfgVehicles")); { _text = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "displayName"); _text0 = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "editorSubcategory"); _cntrlTree tvAdd [[],_text]; _cntrlTree tvSetTooltip [[_forEachIndex], configName _x]; } forEach _ManList; _cntrlTree tvSort [[], false]; The following is in case someone serves as I am doing the treeVIew, although to solve the problem it may not be necessary. Thanks for the help.
  20. Vazlekk

    My Unit Emblem Error

    As the title implies, I am trying to upload an emblem to my Arma 3 Unit. We've put a lot of work into it when I upload it and click save, the file load fills up, it says "Unit Updated" and then a second later a red tab comes up on the right side of the screen saying an error has occurred and removes the emblem. Any help would be much appreciated!
  21. Grüezi Miteinander Arma Unit für alle Schweizer tretet hier bei Kurz Infos Schweizer Armee [Armee24] Schwyzer Armee Gegründet 13.03.2017 Von James Bond und David GibsonDie Schweizer Armee teilt sich in die Teilstreitkräfte Heer und Luftwaffe auf. Die beiden Teilstreitkräfte sind für ihre Lehrverbände zuständig. Weiter Infos Schwyzer Armee Die Schweizer Armee teilt sich in die Teilstreitkräfte Heer und Luftwaffe auf. Die beiden Teilstreitkräfte sind für ihre Lehrverbände und weiteren untergeordneten Verbände wie Brigaden und Dienststellen verantwortlich. Eine Besonderheit der schweizerischen Streitkräfte ist das Milizsystem. Es gibt insgesamt nur fünf Prozent Berufs- und Zeitsoldaten. Alle übrigen Angehörigen der Armee (AdA) sind Wehrpflichtige im Alter zwischen 20 und 34 Jahren, in Stabs- und Spezialfunktionen bis 50 Jahren, die jeweils nur für die Dauer des Ausbildungsdienstes ihrer Einteilungsformation einrücken. Wegen des Milizsystems, dem im Zweiten Weltkrieg errichteten Reduit und der weltweit einzigen Form der Volksbewaffnung, bei der Angehörigen der Armee ihre Uniform und ihre persönliche Waffe zu behalten, entstand die Redewendung «Die Schweiz hat keine Armee, die Schweiz ist eine Armee!» . Nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges wurde durch die Armeereformen der Mannschaftsbestand sukzessive reduziert, jedoch man am Milizprinzip gehalten und der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht fest, im Gegensatz zu einigen anderen europäischen Staaten, the pure Berufsarmeen create have. Die Mehrheit der Schweizer Bevölkerung befürwortet die allgemeine Wehrpflicht, wie sie zuletzt durch die Volksabstimmung vom 22. September 2013 deutlich wurde. Gegründet 13.03.2017 Von James Bond und David Gibson Gruss James
  22. Hello, community. - I want to create a task in the middle of a huge town. The type of the task is not important. - We all know I can simply place enemy units... and even if I use waypoints, they will be very predictable and I will almost always know their possible location and position. - For this reason and in the interest of the dynamic and immersive gameplay I am seeking, I wish to use some kind of a script that would randomly "choose" dynamicaly generated spots and positions and will spawn these groups somewhere around, let's say around the objective in a hidden marker area. - In order to achieve this I could probably create and name the groups first and use their tags in the script that is going to spawn them in this area. - The other possible way would be to include units' correct editor names (classifications) and spawn all of the included units, but this seems to be more difficult to accomplish. So, what would you suggest? As always, thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  23. Hi, everyone from the community! I have an old MP co-op mission that I am willing to remake or upgrade, using more slots, more mods, more options and extra content. This is the mission I am talking about. I, as a host, can see 4 different messages while in game. 2 of them are Text1.sqm and Text2.sqm, which are shown after the player (in this case me) gets close enough to an object as a condition. The other 2 are informations about 2 specific keys for a menu and CAS system, provided by AliVe. 1. I want to know if the other players who join the game are going to see these texts as well, as I guess, am going to be the only one having the files in my mission's folder, and when people join, they are only going to download the mission.sqf file without these additional files. Correct me if I am wrong. 2. Are there any other ways to make all players see these messages when joining the game session, using a specific and concrete condition checked by a trigger OR already existing in some of the mission's files, for example in init.sqf, so all the players would have this option as well? 3. If this way from p. 2 is possible, what code should I use? Is this something like a check (let's say: "waitUntil..." and then the result appears)? Right now I am using an object for the player as a condition and I receive the messages, but I am not sure if all other players are going to see them, too, so what would make this possible for all playable units? Thank you very much in advance! Cheers! 🙂
  24. Welcome to Global Vanguard Security, a multinational Private Military Corporation Who we are: A PMC that officially founded in 2019, we are a group of operators who enjoy a serious operation environment while enjoying a casual atmosphere outside of operations. What we do: GVS accepts various types of contracts, ranging from single deployments to multi-staged operations to satisfy the needs those who hire us. We are hired by both nations and rebel forces, we hold no allegiances except for those that pay the most. What we expect from you: You are required to be 18+ years old to apply and be accepted into the unit. We expect a high level of maturity and adherence to unit policies. There is no attendance requirement, however you will be highly encouraged to attend trainings to move forward in the unit. When joining, you will be assigned a role that will restrict you to a rifleman slot only. Through a few trainings you will be moved into a role that will allow you to expand your knowledge of combat and arma. Why you want to join: Clearly defined roles and unit structure show a clear path forward to move within the unit. All members are encouraged to constantly improve and train to keep up with changing doctrine. Once you have established yourself, you can be given the ability to create and upload your own eden missions to host. All players are allowed to host impromptu, or on the fly, operations from a zeus perspective. How to join: Follow the discord link https://gvsops.net/discord and a staff member will be with you shortly.
  25. Every Friday any number of units show up and we divide up teams then play. all missions are player made and all of it is pvp, every Friday, same time, usually 8pm EST sometimes before. We need more members, on average as of now its only been 30 - 40, we can use even more. Here is the discord https://discord.gg/4ejtgHc Don't have to be in a unit to play, simply let one of fnf staff know you're without a unit and they will sort you. This is modded Arma, RHS is commonly used, ace Basic Medical, custom maps occasionally and during holidays or pre-scheduled annual events, RHS can be changed out for IFA or any other gear/vehicle altering mod.