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About Vazlekk

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  1. Vazlekk

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    I am trying to upload an emblem to my Arma 3 Unit. We've put a lot of work into it when I upload it and click save, the file load fills up, it says "Unit Updated" and then a second later a red tab comes up on the right side of the screen saying an error has occurred and removes the emblem. Any help would be much appreciated!
  2. Vazlekk

    My Unit Emblem Error

    As the title implies, I am trying to upload an emblem to my Arma 3 Unit. We've put a lot of work into it when I upload it and click save, the file load fills up, it says "Unit Updated" and then a second later a red tab comes up on the right side of the screen saying an error has occurred and removes the emblem. Any help would be much appreciated!
  3. Vazlekk

    Kill Unit in Trigger?

    So I got it working for the most part. My only problem is now the driver just floors it straight into the rear of the ruined prowler, is there a way to 1. Delay his death giving him a chance to stop 2. Make him stop the prowler when the first blows up. Really appreciating the help guys :)
  4. Vazlekk

    Kill Unit in Trigger?

    I attempted to do Driver setdamage 1; and it said "On Activation: Missing;" Driver is the units name. The IED script is working just fine so I'm rather bamboozled
  5. I'm creating a scenario where two Prowlers are driving down a road. The first will be hit by an IED, once this occurs the Syndikat will open fire on the players in the second Prowler. The driver isn't apart of the group and, ironically, for simplicity, I would like him to be killed in the shooting. Now I would find it simplest if he would just die when he enters the trigger. I tried 'Driver setDamage 100;' and it said I was missing a semicolon. I would just like so when the IED goes off, another trigger just flat out kills the driver.
  6. Vazlekk

    Eden Feature Requests

    As of the current time of this post I think EDEN has it all about covered
  7. Vazlekk

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    So I do a listen server with a couple of my friends and I'm wondering how they can become server members. One of my friends already is but nobody knows how he became a member. Also I personally am experiencing this nasty delay that started recently. As in pressing Game Options, HQ options any of those buttons it all takes about 45 seconds for anything to happen. Also when I get shot nothing happens for about 10 seconds and then I drop dead. It's irritating that I can literally treat myself and then die a second or two later. :( Any help is appreciated.