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  1. I want to restrict a area for my player to play in on Altis i want to make a Infantry Game and i want to stop players to use the hole island to run around on. does anyone know if it can be done. i have tried with 4 triggers so if you walk/run inside them you die, but i want to make it so you get a warning and will be told to turn around or you die. // Play3r
  2. (VERSION EN ESPAÑOL) Hola chicos! Mi nombre es Omar y soy de Argentina. Este es mi primer posteo, así que desde ya pido disculpas por mi sintaxis y sobre todo por mi inglés que es pobre. 1) Quiero crear un código que se pueda usar en cualquier mapa; no importa si es Stratis, Takistan, Altis, Chernarus, o cualquier otro mapa, oficial y no oficial. 2) Que sea SOLO CODIGO. No quiero que haya ningún elemento u objetos en el mapa en el momento de la edición, a excepción de nuestro personaje. 3) Este código que estará en un archivo SQF debe poder leer todo el mapa y encontrar solo las locaciones "NameVillage", "NameCity" y "Name City Capital", guardando en un Vector todas estas locaciones. 4) Con cada locación que vaya encontrando, deberá agregar en ella, un Gatillo y un Marcador (ambos dos en el mismo lugar, en la zona cero de esa locación). 5) Que ese Gatillo, se active cuando cualquier jugador entre en la zona del gatillo. 6) Que al activarse ese Gatillo, llame a otro archivo SQF. Aquí les muestro lo que llegué a hacer, pero quedo trabado en la parte de activación del gatillo: Hasta aquí llegué. Creo que hice todo bien, pero se me escapa algo, dado que, cuando ejecuto el mapa y entro a un pueblo no se activa ningún gatillo y eso me frustra un poco. Desde ya agradezco mucho por la posible ayuda que pueda recibir de ustedes. Gracias. (MY POOR ENGLISH VERSION) Hello guys! My name is Omar and I am from Argentina. This is my first post, so from now on I apologize for my syntax and especially for my poor English. 1) I want to create a code that can be used on any map; it doesn't matter if it's Stratis, Takistan, Altis, Chernarus, or any other map, official and unofficial. 2) Make it ONLY CODE. I don't want any items or objects to be on the map at the time of editing, except for our character. 3) This code that will be in an SQF file must be able to read the entire map and find only the locations "NameVillage", "NameCity" and "Name City Capital", saving all these locations in a Vector. 4) With each location you find, you must add a Trigger and a Marker to it (both in the same place, at ground zero of that location). 5) That Trigger is activated when any player enters the trigger zone. 6) That when that Trigger is activated, call another SQF file. Here I show you what I got to do, but I get stuck in the trigger activation part: I am done. I think I did everything right, but something escapes me, since when I run the map and enter a town no trigger is activated and that frustrates me a bit. I already thank you very much for the possible help I can receive from you. Thank you. _All_Locations = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital"], 30000]; _Locations_Count = (count _All_Locations); _Counter = -1; // An Array start with cero. for "_i" from 1 to (_Locations_Count) do { _Counter = (_Counter + 1); _Location = _All_Locations select _Counter; // Triggers creation _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getpos _Location]; _trigger setTriggerArea [300, 300, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true]; // Markers creation _createdMarker = [str(_Location), _trigger] call BIS_fnc_markerToTrigger; _createdMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _createdMarker setMarkerSize [300,300]; _createdMarker setMarkerColor "ColorOrange"; _createdMarker setMarkerBrush "SolidFull"; _createdMarker setMarkerAlpha 0.5; if (triggerActivated _trigger) then { hintc "TRIGGER ACTIVATED"; null = [] execVM "Mi_Loot_Init.sqf"; }; };
  3. Hello, community. - I want to create a task in the middle of a huge town. The type of the task is not important. - We all know I can simply place enemy units... and even if I use waypoints, they will be very predictable and I will almost always know their possible location and position. - For this reason and in the interest of the dynamic and immersive gameplay I am seeking, I wish to use some kind of a script that would randomly "choose" dynamicaly generated spots and positions and will spawn these groups somewhere around, let's say around the objective in a hidden marker area. - In order to achieve this I could probably create and name the groups first and use their tags in the script that is going to spawn them in this area. - The other possible way would be to include units' correct editor names (classifications) and spawn all of the included units, but this seems to be more difficult to accomplish. So, what would you suggest? As always, thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  4. Hello, everyone. Would you help me with the following idea I have in mind: I want a specific item or a custom object, that can be placed in the inventory (and via a script also checked if it's inside of it - to complete the task), to be spawned after a trigger is activated within a specific trigger's/marker's area, for example inside a building (where the trigger or the market is placed to make it appear there like a custom loot). So the player must find the item and collect it, but it should appear on different locations within this area, somewhere in the building. After the item is picked up, a task is finished successfully. What can I use to make it work? Another possible condition, instead of trigger's/marker's area, could be player distance _object < X, and when the player is close enough, the item shall spawn somewhere around... and in this case, I guess, it should be again within a specific area, marked by a trigger or a map marker... So I'd prefer the first option with another condition. Thank you in advance! 🙂
  5. =========================== [UCM] Utilities Construction Mod =========================== I'm pleased to announce the release of the Utilities Construction Mod. This mod allows to quickly add construction areas in your missions for pipelines, railways, electric lines, and such. Being a fan of milsim, the main reason I developed this mod was to give an objective purpose for staying in specific areas, especially for persistent servers. Having a lot of small tasks such as the ones that ALiVE gives you it's really great, but having (for instance) a pipeline to build qualifies the presence and gives specific time limits for a faction to be in an area. Video Trailer Video Tutorial on how to use the mod A few images Find UCM on: Steam Github A sample mission can be downloaded from here. Dependencies: CBA_A3 UCM does not need ACE3 to run, but if enabled the Interaction and Cargo functionalities will the the ones of ACE, otherwise they will default to enhanced vanilla ones. Please note that this mod is still in beta. Some changes and bugs are to be expected. Thanks to W4lly63 and 2RGT Hollywood for their help in alpha-testing. Comments and feedback welcome. _SCAR
  6. Hey, Small topic for those who love to play around with randomness. Have you ever tried to find random point in circle? Let`s try find a random point around player in 1000 meters radius. So we can write something like. player getRelPos [random 1000, random 360]; And here we go, seems cool right? No it is not. Let`s try do that 5000 times, and put a marker for each resulting position. for "_i" from 0 to 5000 do { _pos = player getRelPos [random 1000, random 360]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal [str random 100,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; }; Here what we gonna have. As you can see it is not random at all. Dots are concentrated towards center. So how can we have unified distribution? We can write following: for "_i" from 0 to 5000 do { _radius = 1000; _randomValue = random _radius; _distributedValue = _randomValue; if ((1-(_randomValue/_radius)) > (random 1)) then { _distributedValue = (_randomValue + (random (_radius - _randomValue))) }; _pos = player getRelPos [_distributedValue, random 360]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal [str random 100,_pos]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; }; So here is what we gonna have as result Basically what we do here is: As smaller the random value we get as bigger the chance that we will add to this value a bit. (In simple words ;p) Have a good day
  7. Hi All I'm wondering if its possible and if so how i can use Respawn Positions and specify certain areas to spawn it. For example. I have a mission with 2 towns that players will spawn in. I would like the players to be able to select on the respawn screen for example "Elektro" as a spawn area, but have the player load in to specified areas around the town. When i use a Respawn Module in Eden editor i am able to select the town i want to spawn in but i load in at the position of the marker. I want to some how link player spawns to this marker so they load in at the player spawns rather than on the actual marker itsself? If that doesn't make sense i think what i'm trying to re-create is similar to the respawn mechanics from DayZ Origins... Thanks in advance
  8. Trigger List Changed - v2.1 This script is about handling units which enter or leave a trigger's list or trigger area respectively. This is different from handling "thisList" or "all units inside/outside the trigger". It's easy to handle units in the trigger's "thisList", but handling only those which just entered or just left is a different story. Such distinction might be important for instance if a certain value/operation should be added/reduced/applied/executed only on such units or when a unit enters in the very same 0.5 seconds as another unit leaves, which would let the number of units in thisList remain unchanged while one unit is actually different. This function should be executed server side only! Feel free to use, adapt, expand (and maybe give credit if you consider it useful, I'd be grateful :)). Download v2.1 from Armaholic Changelogs: Have a nice Play!
  9. Hey. I am looking for a currently working ((MP)) ammo crate filler script. Not VAS but something I can use for specific items instead of having 50 ammo boxes etc... thanks for the help.
  10. Just encountered a weird bug on Dev branch and now i am curious if other can reproduce or if it's on my side: Please take note that this is with the Saitek X52Pro throttle quadrant.