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Found 376 results

  1. Heroic slovniacs An Arma 3 CO-OP scenario. Heroic slovniacs trailer: What's this? Takistanian milita has taken a Takistanian army airport, the Takistanian army has requested the help of the Russian army to retrieve that airport. Three soldiers and a Su-25 were sent in order to assist (or more likely do all the job by themselves) retrieving that airport, but are met with a strong resistance due to the fact that the Takistanian milita acquired a huge amount of equipment from the same airport. The mission theme is Close air support (Su-25) that is guided by the help of the three soldiers on the ground, so 4 players. Download from Steam Workshop: Normal version or ACE version. Player slots: Squad leader. Marksman\Enginner. AT soldier. Pilot. I also have an ACE version, which replaces the Marksman with a medic. Pros: I have spent 350 hours on this mission, I hope it will be great enough! Cinematics! (they suck because Arma 3 cinematics suck). Voice acting! (for the commander, it will give you PTSD). Random events (that will kill you, such as a minefield). Long mission (depends if you keep bullshiting or not). Unlock ground vehicles as you progress, making you stronger. Thanks to LAMBS mod, the AI can actually outsmart you by miles, so be careful. Multiple respawn points to save traveling times. Music player (that randomly plays music every 10 mins). The commander welcomes players who connect, and whines when a player disconnects (who the ♥♥♥♥ cares remove this point idiot). There is no acting in this mission, you play however you want and unlock vehicles (ground vehicles) as you play through the mission, as long as your play-style is not about you being a complete idiot, you will pass. At least you can feel that the world is a bit more "alive" than other missions. Cons: The Intro is quite long (7 mins) but that's because I wanted to lay out information in a better way (btw the intro is not boring). Since I wanted the performance to be good (and this mission is so large that I pushed Arma 3 to its boundaries) I had to make it so that the hosting computer (whether it's a player or a dedicated server) take the weight of the scripts and units, so only the host will suffer from a poor performance (if his PC is older than 2018) while the rest of the players will have no problems in performance :), so not a huge con really. Last part of the mission might be heavy on the hosting PC, but you can always quit, since that part makes %10 of the mission anyway. 13 mods (19 if ACE) (most are light weight) so that you can experience the full experience without AI being dumb etc etc. Other stuff: I have became a no life making these missions, and thank to all the people who helped me (even slightly) who are mentioned in the end of the mission, I hope you will give this mission a try, since it doesn't require a huge number of players (3 players are acceptable, 2 players will cause the guy on the ground to eat huge metric tons of organic ♥♥♥♥). Also, I hope Digger won't traumatize you for life. Download from Steam Workshop: Normal version or ACE version. Report any glitch in the comments (below) or I will call out targets for the pilot to annihilate.
  2. Vincent Richard

    Project France WW2

    France WW2 is a project that aims to integrate into Arma 3 French vehicles dating from the Second World War (during the Battle of France in 1940). We have almost all the 3D models made of the land vehicles from that time with the uniforms as well. We just need the integration to be done, that's why we are looking for people who know how to develop / integrate vehicles on Arma 3. In a second time, we are looking for 3D artists and historical advisors to bring their knowledge. If you are interested or you want more information, contact me in PM. France WW2 est un projet qui a pour but d'intégrer dans Arma 3 des véhicules français datant de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (durant la Bataille de France en 1940). Nous avons quasiment tous les modèles 3D fait des véhicules terrestres datant de l'époque avec les uniformes en plus. Il nous manque juste l'intégration à faire, c'est pour cela que nous recherchons des personnes s'y connaissant en Developpement / Intégration de véhicules sur Arma 3. Dans un second temps, nous recherchons des artistes 3D et des Conseillers historique pour apporter leurs connaissances. Si vous êtes intéressé ou que vous désirez plus d'informations, contactez moi en MP.
  3. Revolution is a next generation, fast-paced, open source gamemode and framework for Life type roleplaying missions in Arma 3. --- Revolution as a gamemode has been inspired by Chernarus Life: Revolution gamemode from Arma 2. Revolution started in 2012 as a passion project of a couple of Finnish Arma players who had fallen in love with the gamemode and essentially dedicated their whole free time to it, enjoying it vastly. As rookie developers, they failed to deliver such a complex and large framework, leading to their competitor, Altis Life eventually conquering the Armaverse in 2014. The developer team still wanted to deliver a vastly different experience from Altis Life that would remind the relatively fast paced and completely dynamic nature of Chernarus Life: Revolution or Urban Life in Takistan back in the Arma 2 days. They tried to develop the framework multiple times, but all attempts failed due to monetary constraints, issues with developer group dynamics, health issues or real life events that forced us to quit our passion project. --- --- This time it's different. We've learned from our previous mistakes each time, and we're able to deliver the gamemode much more likely this time thanks to the gained experience. --- --- We want to share the amazing feeling and memorable moments that we had in Chernarus Life: Revolution with as many players as possible. That's why we've decided to make the framework open source and allow monetization of the framework for communities approved on Bohemia's Server Monetization list to allow communities to pay their bills to run the community efficiently. --- --- If you're interested in the gamemode and want to affect its development or just to follow our progress, make sure to join our official Discord! --- --- Best regards, Ezcoo Revolution Developer
  4. Hello everyone! This is my first post haha! I would like to know if it is possible to remove .pbo that I don't use in mods. For exemple, I'm not using the vehicles in RHS. I just want to keep the weapons for the mod Tier One weapons that's using them. Unfortunately, the mod didn't work anymore. Maybe I remove too much XD? Idk if I am very clear, tell me if you need more details. Sorry for my English too xD Thank you for your time!
  5. I have loaded CUP Terrains, CUP Vehicles and CUP Units on my Arma 3 server. But whenever I want to load the mods crash the server. The RAM consumption then breaks down from 2.5GB to 0.6 GB and the server is no longer to be found in the server browser. I once unloaded all my other mods and just loaded the CUP mods and it happens the same thing. But with my other mods, the server works. Only the CUP mods don't work. I did everything right. I put the mod folders in the /arma3 directory on the server and placed the keys from the keys folder of the mods in the keys folder on the server. But it doesn't work. why? Can someone help me? Because we need CUP on the server. I also want to load RHSUSAF on the server but I'm afraid that the same thing happened with CUP. Can who help me? If who needs the log files so he will tell me. I rented my server from Nitrado. Thx.
  6. Hey, I recently watched the Seal Team series. At the end of Season 2, Episode 21, they were evacuated by helicopter. But not normal. they were hanging on a rope. Have a look at it from minute 2:05: https://youtu.be/Sq6iQxhXtkQ is something like that in Arma too? In vanilla or with mods? Because that would be epic!
  7. My mic isn't getting detected by Arma3. It's set to be the only sound device in Windows 10. It's set and working in Steam voice chat The sound comes in through the headset. Pushing the push to talk button displays the channel to which I would be speaking if they could hear. Any help you could offer would be appreciated. Rizen5 3600 + Sapphire Pulse 5600xt + 16 GB Ram - $550+ Arma3 and DLC - $150+ Corsair Void RGB Wireless Headset - $80 Still not being able to play Arma3 because it can't detect my mic - Priceless.
  8. Here I found russian patent is using Arma 3 for simulating intrusion on secured objects: https://yandex.ru/patents/doc/RU2724909C1_20200626 Also there is a article in those company's journal on page 6(11): https://www.sibghk.ru/attachments/article/9419/2021_01_653.pdf that says this technology gonna save 2 billions rubles (22 millions euro) for company. Here is some information about that company: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_and_Chemical_Combine https://www.sibghk.ru/
  9. Hello! Usually I'm not finding help on forums, but this time I just don't know what to do. I'm playing Arma on mods like Immersed weather snow effects , and another with snow , but i have problem because always when I'm saving , leaving game and try to play again on the save ,the menu of mod doesn't show , so i can't change weather options and turn on snow. I really need help because I'm playing with friends on zeus and the snow effects really add a lot of fun to the game . Sorry for bad english but I'm from Poland 😁
  10. Magner85

    Arma 3 Steam Game Ban

    Dear Bohemia Interactive I bough arma3 in steam nearly 2 years ago and went to the hospital for 1 month. I haven`t even played arma3. When I was discharged from the hospital I found that my steam account was stolen. It took me nearly 2 weeks to recover it. Then I found out that my account has Game Ban. I wrote to steam support. Steam support said to write to Bohemia Interactive directly. I did it. 2 years passed and nothing. The game costs really much for the country I live in. More than that, it`s impossible to donate to steam here. I don`t even know the reason of my ban. Please help me if you can. I have the screenshot of the account recovery but in Russian language. Here is my steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198402495477/
  11. Hi, I'm trying to find way how to assign teams/colors for squad in editor. I only found - [this assignTeam "COLOR"] ,but it doesn't work for multiplayer. Anyone knows some command?
  12. Hello! So a bit of backstory, so you know the scroll wheel arsenal that has a restricted option where only "x" amount of items can be in the crate, cargo, etc. until it is used up, similar to how Antistasi has it in their mod? My question is that is there a way I could apply the restricted arsenal concept to an ACE Interaction arsenal or is that impossible? Thanks!
  13. Group: United Task Force (UNITAF) Branch: Flexible Schedule / Attendance - MILSIM just without the Yes Sir no Sir. Availability: Join on operations as often or as little as you like, including reserve roles if you want to join but aren't sure you'll make it. Language: English Time Zone: Central Europe (but we have plenty of people from the Americas and Pacific and wouldn't say no to more) Our Arma-integrated Website: United task force Discord: discord Operation Times: CEST/GMT/UTC - Flexible schedule (attend by choice from 1 to 20 ops a month) using our dynamic ORBAT deployment application. Operation Type: COOP (from 5-man Special Operations missions to 40-men+ beach assault we have it all) Mods: ACE / TFAR / RHS (Full list: mods) Roles available for:- Marksmen- Snipers- Leadership- Fixed Wing pilot- Rotary pilot and gunner- Tank crew- Autorifleman- Anti-tank/anti-air- Everything, seriously, any role is a potential option. Other Information: United Task Force is a one-of-a-kind session based cooperative MILSIM experience for the Arma series. A unique blend of realism, solid teamwork, just without the yes-sir-no-sir. Our Website: United task force FAQs and more information about UNITAF on the website. - 24/7 Public Server - Just search for UNITAF in the public server list. - Private session based MILSIM operations. - Numerous training sessions so you can become an expert in whatever roles you choose. - Our one-of-a-kind game integrated MILSIM website application. - Full of cool and friendly people from across the world. - Powerful and well maintained servers to reduce frame-drops and keep the game as immersive as possible. Email adress: hq@unitedtaskforce.net Website features: /- Order of Battle: Deploying on our missions looks something like this which makes it super easy to keep track of what team you're in and what your radio frequency is etc ORBAT Snapshot /- Operations Order [OPORD] are written in full for all official operations. To add immersion and let you know exactly what you should be doing on operation. OPORD Snapshot
  14. So I want to create a scifi mission where the players are on an alien planet. Is there a way, other than MCC Atmosphere and the vanilla Post Processing modules, to set a permanent color filter for all players in a mission? I'm thinking something weird like green or purple for an alien atmosphere.
  15. Arma Project – is a player community that was created for hosting team-based tactical games that imitate real-life armed conflicts through the use of modern technical means. The project aims to achieve interesting, tactically coordinated plays of already created missions. One life per mission, first-person only, no bots, realistic camouflage, armament and vehicles. Main event – Arma Project Games (APG) runs on Fridays and Saturdays from 21:00 Moscow time (GMT+3). Games run on their own assembly of mods for ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, based on Advanced Combat Environment 2 (Complicates ballistics, adds many weapons, equipment, artillery, etc.), many additional islands (Napf, Winter Cherno and Vostok, Caribou, Emita, Fallujah, Fata , Isla Duala, Franken, Zernovo, Isola Di Capraia, Lingor, Celle, Panthera, Queshkibrul, Sahrani, Thirsk, Spritzisland, etc.), many additional mods (RHS, weapons, vehicles, uniforms, various features, etc.), and also a radio exchange mod. The game on the project is very different from vanilla ArmA 2, adding realism, simulator and complicated model of ballistics / weapons / equipment. Arma Project Games (APG) There are 2-3 missions for 100-220 slots; confrontation between two sides (red and blue), which consist of 3-8 detachments with their own commanders and structures; the parties prepare in advance for the mission: they plan their actions, arrangement, tasks, etc. Each mission takes between 30 minutes and 2.5 hours. TeamSpeak: ts.armaproject.ru It was originally a Russian community, but recently we present the English version of the ArmaProject! Translated information about the project, game installation, short rules, Steam guide and community, forum interface and home page. Przewodnik dla początku gry na polskim (Polish guide) An non-Russian section of the forum has been created for communication. TeamSpeak has translators to answer questions and guide you through the game. We look forward to new players and your feedback!
  16. Hi all! I'm a huge fan of this game, so I showed it to some of my friends and they actually bought it. They asked me if I could make some kind of Battle Royale "mission" and I said: Sure! I was like hm.. okay im just gonna place some vehicles and stuff, do some basic triggers and the drop-off plane...WAIT! The crates! So I opened up Chris' OFP Editor (a cool tool which I use to make briefings, scripts, custom crates and stuff) and made like 40 different crate variations with various weapons in it. So I have these crate scripts in my mission folder, they work but I have one problem. I want to sort of "randomize" them. By that, I mean that when I put down a crate in editor it's either "crate1", or "crate2", or "crate3"...and so on until "crate40" Is it possible? Im using - [this] exec "crate1.sqs" - at the weapon crate's init. line to "define" my crate script or however u say it, it's not my native language lol. Anyway, thx for anyone in advance! Peace! 😄
  17. So I've tried using the setrandomlip command. It works perfectly well in Singleplayer, but not on a dedicated server. I've looked into the .lip stuff, but honestly it's way too much work for just adding a minor detail in a mission. Is there a way to get setrandomlip working in multiplayer? Currently what I've done is set up a trigger using the unit's variable name to start randomlip, then another one to end it set to activate several seconds later. UPDATE: unticked "server only" on trigger. It now works.
  18. The APEX Drakon Finally, after 6 long months of development it's here... Introducing a new Unmanned Aerial System for Arma III. The jet-powered APEX Drakon offers a new way to control the battlefield in a sleek, effective way. Derived from the General Atomics Predator C 'Avenger', the Drakon comes equipped with a slew of incredible weapons and takes no prisoners. Not only was this model built from the ground up by none other than Kiory, this incredible machine comes equipped with a custom loadout editor made from scratch by AWOL, a well known Arma mod creator. Efficiency, design and quality were all key factors in creating this masterpiece. Prologue After a year into Arma's release, I had become frustrated with the vanilla UAV systems. With a game based in 2035, why were we using propeller driven aircraft? Also, why such a weak armament and why are they still extremely buggy? With those frustrations in mind, I set out to fix it myself. Meeting up with Kiory and AWOL, we began work on a new UAV system that would completely change the way UAV's would be viewed in Arma. 6 months later, the Drakon was released. While we still have a long way to go to get it where we want to, this is a step in the right direction. Addon Contents Includes the APEX Drakon .pbo file which comes with a single Drakon and a custom loadout editor built into the mod. FEATURES Jet-powered UAV system Nearly double the speed of vanilla UAV systems 4 external hardpoints and 1 internal bay Custom loadout editor and service menu (To be included in future builds) HELLAD Solid State Laser system Multiple camouflage patterns Stealth and Laser selectable variants Re-built UAV terminal TUTORIAL CREDITS Arma 3 engine: Bohemia Interactive Project lead: Church 3D Artist: Kiory Code/Scripts: AWOL Video Production: Church END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT: DISCLAIMER You are permitted to install and use this software for personal entertainment purposes only. You may not use this add-on (nor any of its parts) in any other add-on or mod (not even partially) nor redistribute or mirror it without Church's prior consent. This add-on is released under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs For use with Arma III DONATIONS Our incredible mod team could use your help investing more into this mod! If you'd like, please donate to our cause! DOWNLOAD LINKS HOW TO INSTALL AND USE: Simply extract the @Drakon file from the .zip folder and drop it directly into your Arma directory folder! Once in game you must spawn an ammo support vehicle next to the Drakon in order to access the APEX Support Menu. Enjoy! KNOWN ISSUES Keep in mind the Drakon is still very much in an alpha state. This is our first release and there WILL be bugs. Here are a few we are aware of: The Drakon still uses Arma III's unfavorable UAV system. We know, it's something we want to get away from. The Laser Designator doesn't spawn on the UAV unless you first apply a loadout. The UAV flight model needs to be cleaned up. It currently floats too easily and the stall speed needs to be adjusted. The UAV turret cam works when it is stowed away, allowing you to see inside the drone. This will be fixed in a future patch. For some reason the Drakon doesn't get along with ACE's missile system very well. We're looking into that. For now, avoid using with ACE. There may be many others. These are just the ones we're very aware of. Feel free to PM me with any bugs you find outside of these ones. FOR MAKING WORK WITH ACE Thanks to Bamse for pointing this out. Remove these 6 .pbo files in order to avoid conflict with ACE. ace_javelin.pbo ace_laser.pbo ace_laser.pbo ace_laser_selfdesignate.pbo ace_laserpointer.pbo ace_missileguidance.pbo ace_yardarge450.pbo THANK YOU! PLEASE ENJOY OUR MOD!
  19. Just spotted THIS video over on the interwebs. Few keywords from the end of the video: Could reference OFP/ArmA as series. Planning to continue meaning continuation of ArmA, which is to be expected. Shift to new engine, sights locked, major project. I keep hearing ArmA 4 as I repeat those. It caught my ear so bad, and comments on youtube seem to echo my thoughts 😂 Right before this, Op.Drewski put up THIS VIDEO that did some good speculating too. Title might be a little clickbait, but he makes good points, and now the BI video seems to somewhat confirm what he says. Thoughts? 🤔
  20. Story This is a script that I wrote a few weeks ago for a friend. It's supposed to let AI's with specific backpack's deploy static weapons automatically in a combat. You can link specific backpacks with specific static weapons multiple times. This script doesn't work, if the AI is in a combat mode all the time or if the AI never gets to be in a combat mode. There are several routine integrated to avoid script errors. A description can be found inside the SQF file, how to execute the script. It's SP/MP/Dedicated and HC compatible. Have fun. Content It is a single ~80Code-Line-Big Script to let AI's with specific backpack's deploy static weapons automatically in a combat. Purpose The aim of this script is to make it easier to implement a universal script, which makes a combat with AI more interesting. Download Missions and Script on GitHub ArmaHolic Link Credits Script & Media: Rockhount Examples nul=[["B_Bergen_dgtl_F","B_Mortar_01_F"]] execVM "HandleAutoDeploy.sqf"; nul=[["B_Bergen_dgtl_F","B_Mortar_01_F"],["B_Bergen_mcamo_F","B_Mortar_01_F"]] execVM "HandleAutoDeploy.sqf"; nul=[["B_Bergen_dgtl_F","B_Mortar_01_F"],["B_Bergen_mcamo_F","B_Mortar_01_F"],["B_Bergen_hex_F","B_GMG_01_high_F"],["B_Bergen_tna_F","O_GMG_01_high_F"]] execVM "HandleAutoDeploy.sqf"; All 3 examples are possible, because there is no limit for the amount of parameters.
  21. Miroslav Slavchev

    ARMA 3 Warlords

    I am asking the community if you know the name of the woman that speaks in warlords for the OPFOR Team. I really like how she talks and i want to know who she is. Thanks
  22. Hey guys, got a question. I am a newbie at scripting, and I am trying to script a unit to preform an animation from the menu seen in game. So, for simplicity's sake, lets say its Unit 1 and unit 2. I have a script set up so unit 1 uses a death based script to make it look like he took a bullet. So after that script is complete I need unit 2 to make a signal to move up. Problem is, I do not know how to make unit 2's animation start upon the end of unit 1's animation. Can anyone direct me to the proper scripting line, if there is one, or how to make a timed wait for unit 2's animation. Thanks folks
  23. Axel Horh

    Heli fight

    Good day all memebers of forum. I have idea about long term mission for ARMA 1. This will be mission type of Captue City, but by helicopters and infantry. In this mission I'm planing use EXP and money for update ammunition and vehicles. If this mission will be interested of memebers of forum and gamers, I would like to see comments from you. Have a nice day! Start Base Road Map: Link Start Base
  24. So here's my problem: I have a line of code that goes into the init box of a group leader to make the group hunt the player(s) by setting a waypoint at the player's current position, however, the code runs at mission start (obviously because it's an init). I want to know if there's a line of code similar to WaitUntil that will work for the unit's init box in Eden. The reason I want to do it this way is because I don't want to mess with .sqfs/variable names for each individual unit/squad. What I have now is copy/paste-able in Eden and that's what I'm looking for. I've tried: 1) WaitUntil, but that command doesn't work in Eden 2) If TriggerIsActivated, but either I'm getting the syntax wrong or it doesn't work either. 3) enable dynamic sim, which is great, but it still places the waypoint at the start of the mission at the players Alternatively, I could loop the code, but I can't figure out how to use Sleep effectively where it's still performance friendly. Here's the code: if (isServer) then { _null = this spawn { Hunt_players_fnc = { _player = objNull; _players = +(allPlayers - (entities "HeadlessClient_F")); _distance = 100000; { if (alive _x && _x distance (Leader _this) < _distance) then { _distance = _x distance (Leader _this); _player = _x; }; } foreach _players; if !(isNull _player) then { _wp = (Group _this) addWaypoint [getPos _player, (50 + (floor(random 70)))]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true","_null = this spawn Hunt_players_fnc;"]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; }; }; _null = _this spawn Hunt_players_fnc; }; }; Thanks.
  25. Hello Arma 3 Community, My problem is that I have "screen lags", which I had 1-2 weeks ago not. The game (the screen) then hangs for less than a second and is then fluid again. This repeats every 2-3 seconds like you see in the Video. The game is installed on an SSD. I have already reinstalled the game and checked for errors. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz RAM: 15.92 GB RAM System: Windows 10 Graphics card: GeForce GTX 960 The Video: https://youtu.be/Oyy8dHLFdvo