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About He'sCalledTheStig

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    Private First Class

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  1. He'sCalledTheStig

    Color filter in mission

    That's great, thank you! Now what do any of those values do? From what I know, one of those groups of numbers is "RGBA".
  2. So I want to create a scifi mission where the players are on an alien planet. Is there a way, other than MCC Atmosphere and the vanilla Post Processing modules, to set a permanent color filter for all players in a mission? I'm thinking something weird like green or purple for an alien atmosphere.
  3. He'sCalledTheStig

    Lip movement (AI "speaking") (setrandomlip) (solved)

    How would I set that up via trigger? or would I have to reference a .sqf? for reference, the variable name is "speaker" and the trigger text is "speak"
  4. So I've tried using the setrandomlip command. It works perfectly well in Singleplayer, but not on a dedicated server. I've looked into the .lip stuff, but honestly it's way too much work for just adding a minor detail in a mission. Is there a way to get setrandomlip working in multiplayer? Currently what I've done is set up a trigger using the unit's variable name to start randomlip, then another one to end it set to activate several seconds later. UPDATE: unticked "server only" on trigger. It now works.
  5. He'sCalledTheStig

    Delaying unit Init until trigger is activated

    Did not work. It says there's a missing ; somewhere and idk what it wants. Here is what I've got: 0 = [] spawn { waituntil { TriggerActivated Trigger1}; if (isServer) then { _null = this spawn { Hunt_players_fnc = { _player = objNull; _players = +(allPlayers - (entities "HeadlessClient_F")); _distance = 100000; { if (alive _x && _x distance (Leader _this) < _distance) then { _distance = _x distance (Leader _this); _player = _x; }; } foreach _players; if !(isNull _player) then { _wp = (Group _this) addWaypoint [getPos _player, (50 + (floor(random 70)))]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true","_null = this spawn Hunt_players_fnc;"]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; }; }; _null = _this spawn Hunt_players_fnc; }; }; }; I tried making a trigger the //someplace else and it didn't work. I'm not sure I understand how to input that.
  6. So here's my problem: I have a line of code that goes into the init box of a group leader to make the group hunt the player(s) by setting a waypoint at the player's current position, however, the code runs at mission start (obviously because it's an init). I want to know if there's a line of code similar to WaitUntil that will work for the unit's init box in Eden. The reason I want to do it this way is because I don't want to mess with .sqfs/variable names for each individual unit/squad. What I have now is copy/paste-able in Eden and that's what I'm looking for. I've tried: 1) WaitUntil, but that command doesn't work in Eden 2) If TriggerIsActivated, but either I'm getting the syntax wrong or it doesn't work either. 3) enable dynamic sim, which is great, but it still places the waypoint at the start of the mission at the players Alternatively, I could loop the code, but I can't figure out how to use Sleep effectively where it's still performance friendly. Here's the code: if (isServer) then { _null = this spawn { Hunt_players_fnc = { _player = objNull; _players = +(allPlayers - (entities "HeadlessClient_F")); _distance = 100000; { if (alive _x && _x distance (Leader _this) < _distance) then { _distance = _x distance (Leader _this); _player = _x; }; } foreach _players; if !(isNull _player) then { _wp = (Group _this) addWaypoint [getPos _player, (50 + (floor(random 70)))]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true","_null = this spawn Hunt_players_fnc;"]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; }; }; _null = _this spawn Hunt_players_fnc; }; }; Thanks.
  7. He'sCalledTheStig

    Blackfish script help

    Actually I was putting your codes at the end of the script and for whatever reason the script just disregarded them. They work now that I've placed them before "while alive". Thanks guys.
  8. He'sCalledTheStig

    Blackfish script help

    unfortunately this code didn't work either. Maybe it has something to do with ace or something.
  9. He'sCalledTheStig

    Blackfish script help

    Unfortunately the code didn't work. The drone lives on. I have actually changed the code to reveal units repeatedly. Haven't done anything with game logic as I don't understand it at all, and what I have now works well.
  10. He'sCalledTheStig

    Blackfish script help

    Update: I've managed a workaround where I spawn an invincible UAV above the nearest player to spot infantry for the Blackfish. It seems to work reasonably well. Although I'd like to have the UAV disappear/die when the Blackfish is destroyed Script as it is now: // Spawn a Blackfish to loiter around player and kill any enemies. _plane = createVehicle [(["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom), [12098.7,-19.4438,200], [], 100, "FLY"]; _plane addEventHandler ["Fired",{ (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1 }]; _pilotguy = [[0,0,0], WEST, ["B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F"],[],[],[],[],[],232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) moveInDriver _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 1) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 2) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 3) moveInAny _plane; _plane setskill 1; _pilotguy setCombatMode "RED"; _pilotguy setBehaviour "COMBAT"; private _markerPos = getPos leader _pilotguy; private _playerList = allPlayers apply {[_markerPos distanceSqr _x, _x]}; _playerList sort true; private _closestPlayer = (_playerList select 0) param [1, objNull]; _wpcas = _pilotguy addWaypoint [getPos _closestPlayer, 50]; _wpcas setWaypointType "LOITER"; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterRadius 700; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L"; _wpcas setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _wpcas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _plane flyInHeight 200; _plane forceSpeed 60; _plane setVehicleRadar 2; _pilotguy allowFleeing 0; _uav = createVehicle ["B_UAV_01_F", position player, [],0,"fly"]; _droneguy = [[0,0,0], WEST, ["B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F"],[],[],[],[],[],232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //spawns a darter drone to spot infantry ((units _droneguy) select 0) moveInAny _uav; ((units _droneguy) select 1) moveInAny _uav; [_droneguy] join _pilotguy; _uav allowdamage false; {(driver _plane) reveal [_x,4]} forEach allPlayers; {(driver _plane) reveal [_x, 4]}foreach allUnits; while {alive _pilotguy} do { {(_x) foreach allUnits setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef", 1]}; sleep 10;
  11. He'sCalledTheStig

    Blackfish script help

    I mean it will, just pretty sporadically, In today's testing, I found that lowering the altitude and loiter radius by 100 helped a bit.
  12. I've been working on a script the last few days with the aim of spawning an enemy blackfish, having it fly to the nearest player, loiter, and start killing everything in sight. I'm making this for a CTI mission where the players are able to respawn, therefore, I want this thing to be an absolute terror for ground forces until it's destroyed. I've tried several things to make this happen. I've tried: 1) Setting the camouflage coefficient of every unit in the mission to "1", 2) Revealing all units to the pilot/group leader, 3) Setting the groups' skills to 1 4) Separating pilot and crew, where the pilot is set to careless and the crew is set to "Terminator" (a separate issue with this occurred where the gunners/crew group would reset its behavior to "hold fire/defend" even though they were set in the script to combat mode "RED". Unable to resolve that issue, I've abandoned separating the groups. Further, even when set back to RED, it isn't any more effective than having them all in one group. The pilot maintains the proper holding pattern either way. 5) Creating a Seek And Destroy waypoint for the gunner/crew group after separating them from the pilot. 6) Trying to add a "human sensor" to the radar, which is apparently a thing in Arma. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Sensors 7) Finally I tried setting unit state to "Aware" to see if they would enter "COMBAT" on their own when spotting an enemy, but they will not unless an enemy vehicle is present, and after the vehicle is destroyed, they usually lose all interest in Infantry. This leads me to believe that they, for the most part, just can't see the infantry on the ground, despite my attempts to make them see. Tanoa is the map I'm using for my mission so the buildings/trees/ground clutter is probably hiding most of the targets from the gunners. Here's the script so far in a mostly working configuration where the plane will spawn, fly to the nearest player, and loiter indefinitely, possibly taking occasional shots at very exposed infantry and vehicles. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Spawn a Blackfish to loiter around player and kill any enemies. _plane = createVehicle [(["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom), [11567.8,3199.6,0], [], 0, "FLY"]; This spawns the blackfish itself with the variable name _plane _plane addEventHandler ["Fired",{ (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1 This allows it to have infinite ammo }]; _pilotguy = [[0,0,0], WEST, ["B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F"],[],[],[],[],[],232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) moveInDriver _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 1) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 2) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 3) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["spotDistance", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["spotTime", 1]; This chunk spawns the crew, forces it into the vehicle, and sets their skills and combat mode. group variable name is _pilotguy ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["commanding", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["aimingShake", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 1]; _pilotguy setCombatMode "RED"; _pilotguy setBehaviour "COMBAT"; private _markerPos = getPos leader _pilotguy; private _playerList = allPlayers apply {[_markerPos distanceSqr _x, _x]}; This bit sets up the "nearest player" part _playerList sort true; private _closestPlayer = (_playerList select 0) param [1, objNull]; _wpcas = _pilotguy addWaypoint [getPos _closestPlayer, 50]; _wpcas setWaypointType "LOITER"; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterRadius 900; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L"; _wpcas setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; This sets up the waypoint with various specifications, possibly redundant to set the combat mode here as well _wpcas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _plane flyInHeight 300; _plane forceSpeed 60; _pilotguy allowFleeing 0; {(driver _plane) reveal [_x,4]} forEach allPlayers; revealing all players might be redundant with revealing all units {(driver _plane) reveal [_x, 4]}foreach allUnits; while {alive _pilotguy} do { {(_x) foreach allUnits setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef", 1]}; the goal of this line is to have the units' coefficient revert to normal after the blackfish is destroyed sleep 10; _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks in advance for any help.
  13. He'sCalledTheStig

    Init code/script for AI to hunt the nearest player

    Works fine in singleplayer, but doesn't function on dedicated server.
  14. So I found this line somewhere that goes in the init box of the AI vehicle, or the group leader. I want to change it to target the nearest player/playable character instead of "the player". _null = this spawn { Hunt_players_fnc = { _player = ""; { if (isPlayer _x AND alive _x) then {_player = _x}; } foreach (playableUnits + switchAbleUnits); _wp = _this addWaypoint [getPos _player, (50 + (floor(random 70)))]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "_null = (group this) spawn Hunt_players_fnc;"]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; }; _null = (group _this) spawn Hunt_players_fnc; }; Keep in mind I'm kind of rarted when it comes to this sort of thing. Thanks.
  15. He'sCalledTheStig

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    I cant find this topic anywhere. How can I remove the building restriction where it prevents two objects from being built near each other?