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  1. I'm using a TCAdmin panel to manage my server. I've installed my mod list, and have loaded up a modded mission. Took me long enough to get all that right. But now I have a slight issue. The "required mods" page lists no required mods. I can keep our mod list loaded and join it manually, but I'd like to make it so that it ells you what you are missing and forces you to sync up mods to join.
  2. I run Arma 3 servers casually for my friends and I to play on. For the longest time I have been using an old Command Prompt Batch script to download and install Workshop content. Though the batch script works, it's tedious to use and modify. I have created a Powershell script to provide the same functionality, but be a lot easier to add / remove MOD's from it. https://github.com/canuckbrian/A3Scripts/blob/master/A3_MOD_Downloader.ps1 Simple list of mods containing MOD Name, Workshop ID, and a true/false option for downloading Can add/remove/modify the list without updating any other parts of the script Creates a Symlink for the MOD's from the Workshop download location to the Server's folder (requires Powershell to be run as administrator) Automatically finds and copies the .bikey file from the MOD's folder to the server's "keys" folder
  3. Hi!. In a mission I am using the BIS_fnc_dynamicText function to create notifications of completed tasks. When I do the test in SP, the notification appears in the place I want, but when I test it in the dedicated server it appears in another position. Does anyone know what this could be? Thank you! Trigger Task_torre1 = ["<img size='7' image='imagenes\aviso_torre1.paa' shadow='0'/>",safeZoneX-0.15, safeZoneY+safeZoneH-1.50, 15, 1, 0, 892] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_dynamicText", 0]; On SP On Dedi Server
  4. Hey Guys, I created a new Steam account and bought Arma 3, but everytime I want to join a server I get this error: Arma Battleye admin kick ASP: connection problems #87 I tried with 2 other steam accounts and everything works perfect. I hope someone can help me with this error. Thank you!
  5. The following code can only be used on the server. Do not write it in the task file. It is recommended that you create a separate mod mount to avoid revealing RedIS information Connect to redIS server first after server initialization (connection can only fail once and can be failed multiple times) Parameters: [IP, port, password] Redis has a password: "ArmaMapsExt_x64" callExtension ["connectRedis",["","6379","123456"]] Redis password free: "ArmaMapsExt_x64" callExtension ["connectRedis",["","6379"]] Store a string to the RedIS cache server Parameters: [key, value] Cache indefinitely: "ArmaMapsExt" callExtension ["sendMsg",["usename","abc"]] Cache expiration (in seconds): "ArmaMapsExt" callExtension ["sendMsg",["usename","abc","60"]] Gets a cached string from the key parameters:[key] _data = "ArmaMapsExt" callExtension ["getMsg",["username"]] Returns the value if the cache is hit, otherwise returns an empty string Note: the whole process can only be executed on the server! Modules can also only be mounted on the server If you are using client test, please close battleye first, otherwise it will block the load! link: workshop
  6. Arma Project – is a player community that was created for hosting team-based tactical games that imitate real-life armed conflicts through the use of modern technical means. The project aims to achieve interesting, tactically coordinated plays of already created missions. One life per mission, first-person only, no bots, realistic camouflage, armament and vehicles. Main event – Arma Project Games (APG) runs on Fridays and Saturdays from 21:00 Moscow time (GMT+3). Games run on their own assembly of mods for ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, based on Advanced Combat Environment 2 (Complicates ballistics, adds many weapons, equipment, artillery, etc.), many additional islands (Napf, Winter Cherno and Vostok, Caribou, Emita, Fallujah, Fata , Isla Duala, Franken, Zernovo, Isola Di Capraia, Lingor, Celle, Panthera, Queshkibrul, Sahrani, Thirsk, Spritzisland, etc.), many additional mods (RHS, weapons, vehicles, uniforms, various features, etc.), and also a radio exchange mod. The game on the project is very different from vanilla ArmA 2, adding realism, simulator and complicated model of ballistics / weapons / equipment. Arma Project Games (APG) There are 2-3 missions for 100-220 slots; confrontation between two sides (red and blue), which consist of 3-8 detachments with their own commanders and structures; the parties prepare in advance for the mission: they plan their actions, arrangement, tasks, etc. Each mission takes between 30 minutes and 2.5 hours. TeamSpeak: ts.armaproject.ru It was originally a Russian community, but recently we present the English version of the ArmaProject! Translated information about the project, game installation, short rules, Steam guide and community, forum interface and home page. Przewodnik dla początku gry na polskim (Polish guide) An non-Russian section of the forum has been created for communication. TeamSpeak has translators to answer questions and guide you through the game. We look forward to new players and your feedback!
  7. ❗️🔍What and who we are Welcome, all to a new server and community thriving with content. FreeBeerGaming Custom Server has plenty of mods to keep you looting and on the move for more. Our server is Third person/First. Traders... will be added later. We welcome clan warfare. Our server has a party system so keep you and your team mate's in a group at all times, but don't feel left out for any reason we always are willing to talk to you and sort things out. feel free to use our public music channel for your entertainment. Our server has more then 100 vehicles around the map. Check Out Our First Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI4ZV9Ldk90&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=FreeBeerGaming ❗️Information [WARNING ALL CONTENT CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE !] THIS SERVER IS MODDED AND FOR ARMA 3 ALL SERVER IP'S NEEDED MODS WILL BE IN OUR COMMUNITY DISCORD : https://discord.gg/UjNYasD YOU CAN USE THE NORMAL ARMA 3 LAUNCHER OR YOU CAN CONNECT THOUGH : https://a3launcher.com/ THANKS FOR WATCHING! Arma 3 Server UPDATE_V_1.0.3 All Our Game Servers ip's Start with: [] Arma 3 is: Mods Required to join is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrejAgMKmF_UdkC9zWnDlwliKx92ANn-/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrejAgMKmF_UdkC9zWnDlwliKx92ANn-/view?usp=sharing Steps top install this file. 1. Download and save to a place on your pc where you will remember it. 2. Open Arma 3 launcher though steam. 3. Go to [More] "Import List of Mods From File" then steam will Download/load mods to load order for Arma 3 https://imgur.com/Hkp7lzQ
  8. 1CoReX1

    Internet issue´s

    every 10 seconds to 10 min the connection drops and the game loses connection from the server ??? last 2 weeks And the game automaticly won't connect again to server ... my question is if someone has a similar or the same problem and how to solve it?
  9. strayer49


    The hacker displays text on all players’ screens throughout the server,As the video shows. Not just on my server, but on other servers as well. I checked the server logs, everything seems to be in order, the hacker into the server twice and interference, but the logs do not seem to show. BATTLEYE enabled. And sorry, my English is not very good. Can BI provide some help?
  10. Hello, We Want To Use Liberty Ship On Our Arma 3 Coop Server. But We Could Not Change The US Flag Of Liberty Ship In Multiplayer. Can You Help About This Topic?
  11. I am setting up a dedicated server and I have started adding mods. I had a problem that the server wasn't recognizing the RHS black hawk I had in the mission file which I solved by creating a copy of the arma 3 client's mod in the server root folder. I'm glad I solved the problem, but this also creates another. I have limited space on the server storage but I would like the mods to be kept up to date automatically. That's the reason I spent $8 on another copy of arma. (also because steamCMD timed out downloading larger mods) Is there a way I can use shortcuts to the mod folders in the root directory and have the server recognize it? Or is there another way to deal with the problem?
  12. I created this MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2207947068&amp;searchtext=%40Disable_Zoom+1.0+Vanilla Compiled and signed in V2 and then sent to the Workshop. The MOD works great in single player. But if I try to host it on my server it doesn't work. It gives me that the client / server version are not the same. I downloaded the file from the Workshop for both the client and the server. I use TADST as server launcher, and V2 signature verification is selected. What am I doing wrong?
  13. General description Arma Server Control Tool can be used to execute SQF scripts on server directly, by using standalone server side application. Idea behind this project is to solve the problem that, in many cases it is hard or straight impossible for server administrator to execute certain scripts on server, also it most likely involves joining server with game client. A lot of times server admins are not able to quickly react to some event on server due to absence of a PC with installed arma nearby. With ASCT all you need to do is to login to your server with remote Desktop or TeamViewer, right click on script.sqf and select ASCT Execute. NOTICE! This application REQUIRE root access to server, you MUST be able to connect to server with remote desktop or TeamViewer. If you have only web access this application is NOT usable. Target audience This tool supposed to be used only on server side. it is made for server admins and developers. Currently this program can be used only on windows platform. Installing 1) Copy paste @asct folder to root of your server alongside with other addons 2) Change your server startup parameters by adding -serverMod="@asct;" 3) Copy paste “asct_console†anywhere you like. At this point you are basically done, you can now use asct.exe as console app. However there are few optional steps to make your life simpler. 4) Optional. If you are running several arma servers on single machine, you should set "instanceID" in order to distinguish arma servers. To do that execute following expression on server init asct_instanceID = “your_idâ€; Select something descriptive as “your_id†but use only a-z,0-9 and _ characters. 5) Optional. When directory for asct.exe selected, run Add_ASCT_to_context_menu.bat, that should be found in same directory. Remember to run it as administrator. This will add “ASCT Execute†option to windows explorer context menu. In case you have several servers on same machine, open Add_ASCT_to_context_menu_instance_yourID.bat file and edit 3rd line. instead of "yourID" type in same instanceID you used in step 4. Save .bat file and execute it as administrator. 6) Optional. For notepad++ users. Copy paste asct.dll from “Notepad++ plugin†folder to “C:\...\Notepad++\plugins\†Use as console application There are several ways to use app. They all have some pros and cons, choose one you like more. For sake of clear examples let`s assume you put asct.exe in C:\asct_console\ folder. As most console apps, this require user to provide parameters. Only one parameter can be used at once. 1) Execute script from file -f <filename> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -f "C:\my scripts folder\script.sqf" This is simplest method, nothing much to say here, app will read whole file and execute it`s contents. It is also possible to pass only filename, in such case file must be in same folder as asct.exe. This method allow file to have both single line comments // and multiline comments /* */. However, preprocessor directives are NOT allowed (#include, #define, __MACRO__, etc…). SQF files should be encoded as UTF-8. 2) Execute expression -e <expression> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -e "diag_log \"hello from RPT\";" This method is very straightforward, thus can be useful for only very simple commands. As you can see it require to escape inner quotes and some other technical characters like %, it does not support any comments and must have whole expression in single line. However, it might be useful if you like to use asct in conjuration with some batch, PowerShell, VBS or whatever else scripting methods you like. 3) Execute base64 encoded expression -b <base64code> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -b ZGlhZ19sb2cgImhlbGxvIGZyb20gUlBUIjs= This one accepts script expression in form of UTF-8 string encoded as base64. What you see in example is basically “literal†representation of bytes of UTF-8 string diag_log "hello from RPT"; This method combine ability to have whole expression in one line, allowing single and multiline comments and accept expression of any complexity. Encode/Decode algorithm borrowed from here http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/cpp/common/base64.html. You can use online services to encode script as base64, google for it. Optionaly, if you have several instances of arma servers, there is also one additional parameter to tell on which server script must be executed. It can be used in conjuration with other parameters. -id <instanceID> Example: C:\>asct_console\asct.exe -f "C:\my scripts folder\script.sqf" -id your_ID You can use this parameter before or after expression parameter. In this way script will be executed on server with given instanceID. NOTE! In windows, applications have limits on length of parameters. At max it is 32768 characters, but command prompt has own limitation of 8191 character. However, there is no limitation for size of script inside SQF file, so first method can be used on very long scripts. Use as notepad++ plugin If you are using Notepad++, you can install asct plugin for it. It will allow you to execute scripts directly from notepad++. After plugin is installed (see Install. step 4) you must specify full path to asct.exe. To do that, on toolbar press Plugins->ASCT->Settings. There you will see input box, write full path to ASCT and press OK. When you have your script ready, press Plugins->ASCT->Execute to run it. Notepad++ allow to have several documents opened at same time, but only content from currently active document, will be read and executed. if you have several instances of arma servers, you should add their instanceIDs to a list in settings menu, once it is done, you will be able to select target server with "Execute at..." pressed. It is also possible to select certain server as default target by selecting instanceID from list and pressing "make default" button, after that, selected instanceID will be used in Execute funciton. By pressing "make default" button with no selected server, instanceID will be "unset". Use as windows explorer context menu You can also execute scripts directly from windows explorer by using right-click context menu. Follow step 5 from installation to get “ASCT Execute†option in context menu. Now navigate to folder with your script.sqf file, right click it and select “ASCT Executeâ€. As with other methods, here you can have direct execution on each of your server instances. Security & Battleye This application does not use any “cheating†methods to do it`s job, no memory reading/writing, no dll injections or anything else like this. All it does is using callExtension command to communicate with asct_ext.dll from which receive and call compile expressions. This application is not meant to be used on client, thus it will be immediately blocked by battleye which is totally intended behavior. On server side, on the other hand, battleye have much less limitations (if any) and allow use any extensions. If you like to use application on client for development/testing feel free to do so with disabled battleye.Similarly, asct.pbo is not signed as it should NEVER be required mod, nor used on clients in actual game. In current implementation, there should be no way for cheaters to exploit application in any way, unless they have root access to server. Web interface Allowing to have asct available in browser on remote PC is something that I am very interested in doing. I realize many server owners have no root access, only some sort of web control panel with limited functionality. It would be amazing to allow use of asct for them as well. However, such a thing would require A LOT of safety considerations, it is direct control of server execution from internet after all. Does not seems to be very SAFE idea. Nonetheless I will consider implementing this as experiment. If you feel like helping me out with ssl and web development, send me a PM. Current version and goals Current version of application is Next version will have bug fixing that hopefully will be found in the course on few next weeks. Once all bugs sorted out there will be final version 1.0. There probably will be no new functionality available in final version. License This application is released under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3. If you redistribute this application, please mention author and give link to this forum page. Changelog Download Latest version Google drive (both x32 and x64) Older versions: - Google drive Feel like this tool was usefull for you? You can show your appreciation with small donation, thank you!
  14. playityourway

    [A3]Altis JSOC

    Execute Handcrafted SpecOps & AirOps with others and your friends on our custom Framework. Server Info 80+ slots. Public 24/7 Server. 100+ Handcrafted missions. 7 x 8 man SpecOps squads. 9 different Pilot Slots. 8 Opfor Slots for an element of pvp in each mission. Attach Player Driven Support whenever you need it. Custom Map/GPS UI and Operating System. Whitelisted Addons for immersion. No Required Addons for the server. Loads of grief prevention scripts to ensure you have a good time free from griefers. Advanced AI so they really fight back. Watch our Trailer to get a taste of what to expect Basic Info *https://discord.gg/vxkKY9E * Server Location: Germany * All are welcome! * Our website with everything you need to know. http://arma.playityourway.net/ Milsim Players We have designed this server with experienced players in mind, meaning you. One of our goals is to create a place where we can enjoy milsim styled gameplay with immersion and is free from griefing admins/leaders. New Players From in-game and our discord you can find our guides and also join our “Learn how to Arma” voice channel to talk to other players. These players may even join you in- game and help you learn how to do things. http://arma.playityourway.net/learn_how_to_arma/
  15. Join our Discord! (http://discord.gg/CsuuGe7) steam favourites: direct connect: *Server informations:* 1. Bases need to be paid every 7days (will be removed on the 8th day) 2. Territory moderators have the ability to go through their own doors and open their safes without entering the code 3. revive system 4. The Radiation zone has a protection bubble around it. No bullets will enter or leave the Radiation zone (about 370m from Centre) 5. Custom wages depending on your respect 6. Gambling System (Scratchies) buy them, take part (winners are drawn every 2 min) and if you’ve won redeem your price 7. ZCP: half of the poptab reward is automatically transferred to your bank account 8. Drop crates at the Wastedump to sell them automatically 9. Tigris anti air rockets got replaced with zephyr 10. Non flare helicopters got flares, if a heli is missing, then tell it to an admin 11. Loadouttrader!!! Yes, just walk up to an equipment trader and scroll down on him 🙂 Mods: Extended Base Mod CUP Weapons 1.15.0 CUP Vehicles 1.15.0 CUP Units 1.15.0-hotfix1 CUP Terrains - Maps 1.14.0 CUP Terrains - Core 1.15.0 Chernarus_Isles Advanced Urban Rappelling Exile Mod Enhanced Movement Community Base Addons v3.15.1 Join our Discord! (http://discord.gg/CsuuGe7)
  16. I've recently setup a dedicated server and installed Ace on to the mission. Problem is even logged on as admin I cannot seem to make the server override the client settings. So I figured the next option is to force the override via the cba_setting.sqf but I don't exactly know what to put in that file. I took a look in CBA setting github page, do I just enter 'On Server 2 Force: Server > All' into the sqf?
  17. Hello everyone, and thank you for taking the time. I have returned to Arma 3 mission making and server hosting after a break, and have been really excited to get going. I know some ins and outs how to manage a server, and do some troubleshooting already, when it comes to mission making, scripts, and to find out problems with the server and the logs. However, this issue is not something that I have managed to resolve as of yet; There is some kind of desync issue with the server, sooner or later as I am hosting an operation, or another gamemode such as Escape, sooner or later at some point the server will start to desync strongly in periods .. like when AI is spawning or moving about. I have tried to run the missions without some scripts, to test if it fixes the desync but it hasn't .. so I was thinking maybe there is an issue in the mod list, somehow, or corrupted files in the server, or something to do with the server getting overloaded and too busy .. which has led me to read about Headless Clients, which is too complex for me. Current mod list during operations; Mod list during Escape (custom modded); Keep in mind we experience same desync issues, with both mod lists. Perhaps answers can be found in the log, I appreciate if anyone could take a look; This is the log from yesterday when we were playing Escape Tanoa (custom with mods).
  18. Hello gents, I am having an issue with Custom Images from Eden editor. I have followed all steps(using ACE Slideshow, and the innit) this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"Images\Image.jpg"]; for changing billboards images. In these steps, you put all the images that you want to be able to found inside the actual mission file. Everything works once I'm in the editor and testing it, the ACE Slideshow works perfectly fine and all the custom images I put on signs work. However, once I transfer the .pbo file onto my dedicated server, log in as an admin, set the mission, it loads, I select the role I want to be on, then I just get an infinite loading screen. I also tried uploading the entire folder that includes the .jpg pictures into my server mission file, however, the admin panel I'm using won't allow anything but .pbo files onto it. Anything helps, thanks
  19. Hello everyone, I've made a custom mission, using custom mods (from the 506th) and additional addons, along with my own custom faction made through ORBAT. The mission works very well, just some oddball errors. To the point: My friend is able to join the server with ease, no hiccups or errors. Everything operates as normal: Joins the server, chooses a slot, I start the mission up, he downloads the mission file just fine, but then the map's loading screen (tanoa) gets stuck at around 85% of the way. On the map brief, his player even goes to the blue rectangle at that point. Hitting continue, he can still hear everything fine, just as if he were actually in the mission and I can see his name on the player he's chosen. We've tried what seems like everything at this point and I'm at a loss: - Deleted all MPMissionCache (on both of ours) - Made sure his mods works in the editor - Made sure we had the exact same mods loaded, AND in order - Applied the "fix", done correctly as done in the video, found in this video where an init.sqf is applied in the mission file and exported to the MPMissions folder, and I load THAT mission in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y4JuvoT1Gs - Restarted several times Note that when in the editor and loading this mission, or saving it for the first time in the particular editor session, I get this error: []: 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/tiad_506th_Light_Laser_switch/' not an array Also note that when loading the mission on the server we (both) get this error: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.506th_atrophine'. Mods loaded are as follows (in this order): - 506th IR - Community Based Addons v3.15.1 - 506th IR - Advanced Combat Environment 3.13.2 - 506th IR - Mod Pack 3.3.8 - 506th IR - CUP Terrains - Core - 506th IR - CUP Terrains - Maps - 506th IR - RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - 506th IR - RHS: GREF - 506th IR - RHS: Serbian Armed Forces - 506th IR - RHS: United States Forces - 506th IR - Task Force Radio (TFAR) v1.0.325 - CBA_A3 - C2 - Command & Control - ALiVE - Ares - Achilles - NIArms All in One - L3-GPNVG18 Panoramic Night Vision - MLO All-in-One Collection - UnderSiege Patches & Insignias Link to download the .rpt file: - .RPT FILE How can I fix this? What am I missing here? I've spent a lot of time making the mission (too much to admit, especially since it was my first ever real attempt at making a polished mission)
  20. I was able to create public server before and It was visible to my friend as well, but from last night my friend cant see server. My port forwarding is also working fine. I use a laptop to create a public server and then use my PC to join it(both are in one house and Both are connected via LAN wire) but the problem is that : Server is only shown in LAN tab but not in friends tab. When he checks view game info on steam's friend it says server is not responding. UPNP is also enable and its working fine, Tried resetting, rebooting modem aswell. Can anyone help me with this. Appreciated
  21. I'm trying to set up an Antistasi server for my friends (around 3 or so) and it says to port forward 2302 and 2303. So I go and type my IP in Firefox (my ISP is Virgin Media) and I go to the options screen. No option to port forward from what I can see. I do some research and I realize that I have an IPv6 DS-Lite connection. I have no clue what that is but all I know about it means that I can't make a server for me and my friends. I'd like if someone could give me a basic rundown of what this means and can I fix it?
  22. Hi everyone, I've been attempting to install and run an Arma 3 server off of my Linux server for about a week now and I seem to be running into a wall with my configuration. I have the server installed through LinuxGSM and that seems to be working correctly, the server launches and I can see/connect to it, albeit only via the LAN IP, not the WAN IP (also the password param in the config file doesn't seem to be working correctly but thats another issue for another day), and as such anyone trying to connect from outside my LAN can't. This seems to be a port forwarding issue because when I check what ports are active and listening on my linux machine, ports 2302-2306 are being used by the Arma 3 Server, but they are not listening and nothing I do makes them listen whether I try to open the ports from my router diagnostics or through commandline on the server itself (through iptables). I can't seem to find any tutorials that solve the issue either so I figured I'd ask myself. Thanks for any help!
  23. So I was adding a template to my dedicated server to update it from our old one because my unit was moving to a new map for a campaign. I was able to export the mission from Eden perfectly fine and install it into my server but upon loading it in to test it I get this error and I don't know how to fix it or solve it Picture_ca_paa the map I am using is this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1282716647&amp;searchtext=vidda some assistance would be of great help
  24. Hi there, I've wanted to report an issue that I had for almost two weeks now. So every time I join a server it doesn't show the slotting screen, but is stuck in the server loading screen. First I thought it would take a little bit of time, so I waited for a couple of minutes. But nothing happened. I have then tried to fix this myself by verifying the files, reinstalling BattleEye, repairing the mods and eventually reinstalling Arma. I also got help from one of the mods in the community that I am in, but that didn't resolve it either. He then proceeded to check the server logs and saw that BattleEye does not show my steam ID. After deleting all cache from Arma, I noticed that the debug log got a new entry. It states as follows: "[0518/150655.357:ERROR:settings.cc(325)] Settings version is not 1". Now that is unfortunately all that I know, so that is why I could need your help.
  25. Hey Guys, So im trying to setup a dedicated server also to play on with my group. I use Ubuntu server and get the following problem when i load the mission: Even tho the mods are loaded: I made all files small letters already (removed capitals) and this is my startup line: ./arma3server -mod="mods\@cba_a3;mods\@cupterrainscore;mods\@cupterrainscwa;mods\@cupterrainsmaps;mods\@lingordingorisland;mods\@rhsafrf;mods\@rhsgref;mods\@rhssaf;mods\@rhsusaf;mods\@task_force_radio;" -port=2302 -name="FisherServer" -config="server.cfg" The folders contain the PBO files that are in the error, I tried to fix it for 5 hours already :/ Anyone have an idea where this is going wrong?