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  1. NOTE: 2.16. PROF/PERF up! you don't need a new client on the PERF/PROF server! there is a branch on steam you may use, but beware that sometimes data on Dropbox are newer due to manual build e.g. on weekend: Servers (down, up only if needed): PERF = STABLE branch compatible, no debug layer, no #captureFrame nor diag_captureFrame PROF = STABLE branch compatible, with debug layer, with #captureFrame / diag_captureFrame possible server fps increases and clients may experience higher fps too downloads
  2. I suspect perhaps it may be due to network configuration, but I cannot be certain. Steps to this point, server configuration, using FASTER, my command line: -port=2302 "-config=C:\Users\myuser\Documents\Arma 3 Server\Servers\_8fb3a5354b93452e92cfcbf8ada25c2c\server_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Users\myuser\Documents\Arma 3 Server\Servers\_8fb3a5354b93452e92cfcbf8ada25c2c\server_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Users\myuser\Documents\Arma 3 Server\Servers\_2d07a1c66cd445a79fb23f407280177f" -name=_2d07a1c66cd445a79fb23f407280177f "-mod=@HMCS_Addon;@CBA_A3;@ace;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@3CB_Factions;@ACE_Compat__RHS_AFRF;@ACE_Compat__RHS_USAF;@ACE_Compat__RHS_GREF;@ACE_Compat__RHS_SAF;@ACE_Pharmacy;@CUP_Terrains__Core;@CUP_Terrains__Maps;@G_O_S_Al_Rayak;@Isla_Duala;@FIR_AWS_AirWeaponSystem_;@FIREWILL_Aviation_Pack_Complete_;@Project__Future_Vertical_Lift;@Project_Lightning__F_35B_Armaverse_Version;@Project__FVL_Ace3_Compatibility;@Zeus_Enhanced;@Zeus_Enhanced__ACE3_Compatibility;@ACRE2;" "-serverMod=@Advanced_Towing;@Advanced_Sling_Loading;@Advanced_Urban_Rappelling;" -enableHT -netlog -cpuCount=2 If I can find the options, I will attach client and server logs. After couple of rounds travailing with FASTER to hon the config, I was finally able to start the server itself. Server itself seems to start okay, console seems good, logs do not indicate any errors. I was even able to offer couple of headless client connections; neither here nor there for purposes of this post however. I can discover the server, in either LAN, or in the INTERNET choices, although I have to filter localhost, which tells me that perhaps network configuration, routers and such, need to be dialed in. Do not see my server in any keyword or other filtering criteria searches otherwise. Client gets immediately rejected upon attempting to JOIN, indicating the first mod in the server mods, with errors such as: 13:12:07 Data required by server could not be found: UK3CB_Factions\addons\UK3CB_Factions_AAF\ I am running behind two routers. ISP -> ASUS RT-AC86U (A) -> ASUS RT-AC66U (B) -> workstation (server box) (C) I have UDP port range 2302:2306 port forwarding through both routers, A -> B, and B -> C. Edit: oh, yes, the FASTER server is starting with UPNP enabled, not exactly certain that matters with port forwarding in the picture, but did that anyway. I can say from at least a similar TeamSpeak configuration, that this networking configuration does "work", I connect through the B WAN IP, this seems to work fine. As you can see from the command like, perhaps I am bumping up against some mod count issues, not sure there is anything specific in the configuration that I can do to accommodate a higher number of mods. As an aside, it is also curious that the LAN enumerates something like 8-9 different instances. One theory is that these are one per NIC that are available on my machine, from WiFi (disabled) to hardwired, 1/4 currently in use, to couple of virtual ones for VMs, etc. I am also considering that perhaps two or three of the mods could be dropped, as interesting thought experiments, if it were possible. Assuming it is a constraint on number of mods. I can hop on the ARMA discord real quick if anyone is available and could review a screen share with me to further adjust the configuration. Maybe it is the mods, dunno, *shrug*. Not really sure what to look into next. Cheers, best regards, and thanks so much... Michael
  3. Hello, I'm trying to print something in the command chat (I'm quite new to Arma 3 scripting). This works 100% for the player character, but not so much for the playable characters. I have a squad of 4: one player and three remaining playables. 1. In Eden -> Attributes -> General -> Init: [] spawn UTIL_fnc_handleMissionStart; 2. I've setup a function library in Description.ext: // some CfgSounds // ... // Function library class CfgFunctions { class UTIL { class Print { file = "fnc"; class issueRadioCommand {}; class handleMissionStart {}; }; }; }; 3. fnc/fn_handleMissionStart.sqf: private _taskAssignmentDelay = 3; private _radioCommand = missionNamespace getVariable "missionStartRadioCommand"; private _groupName = groupId group player; private _message = _radioCommand select 0; private _duration = _radioCommand select 1; private _radioCommandDelay = 0; private _displayIntroText = { private _introTextDelay = 3; sleep _introTextDelay; [ ["Somewhere on Altis", 1, 1], [format ["Year %1", date select 0], 1, 1], [format ["Grid %1", mapGridPosition player], 1, 5, 3] ] spawn BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_SITREP; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THESE 2 WORK FINE: // [west, "HQ"] commandChat "hello world!"; // [[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], "Hello world!"] remoteExec ["commandChat"]; _message = format [_message, _groupName]; [] spawn _displayIntroText; sleep _radioCommandDelay; [_message, _duration] call UTIL_fnc_issueRadioCommand; sleep _taskAssignmentDelay; ["retrieveIntelTask", "ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; 4. fnc/fn_issueRadioCommand.sqf: params ["_message", ["_duration", 0]]; private _radioBeepDelay = missionNamespace getVariable ["radioBeepDelay", 0.5]; ["radio_beep"] remoteExec ["playSound"]; sleep _radioBeepDelay; [[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], _message] remoteExec ["commandChat"]; if (_duration > 0) then { sleep _duration; }; I haven't included the snippet for the missionNamespace variables, they are set in the init.sqf file. When I play as the player, everything works as expected: at some point I get a message in the command chat ([[west, "PAPA_BEAR"], _message] remoteExec ["commandChat"];). When I select a playable however, this doesn't work anymore. I do hear the ["radio_beep"] remoteExec ["playSound"]; but the command message never shows up. If I place the remoteExec directly into the fn_handleMissionStart.sqf file, it works for playables too, I can see the message. I didn't really understand how this remote execution works. Could someone please help me understand why is this working like this?
  4. The RwG Addon "Basebuilding Exile" is now available. Steam Community Link This contains new objects and structures for the Exilemod. So far only wood elements are available and their upgraded versions. These can be crafted as frames, placed as usual in Exile and can then be upgraded with the Wood Planks Upgrade Kit (needs a hammer) and with the Exile Fortification Upgrade Kit reinforced with metal. Item-List Features/Contains - A big gate for transporters. - Different door variants. - An elevator that can lift vehicles and people. - More snappoints - Compatible with Exile objects - 3 Custom/Shadow Lods, different texture resolutions, View Geometry and Phys Geometry - Items Electric Engine, Box Of Nails, Wood Planks Upgrade-Kit, Furnace Kit, Anvil Kit, Workbench Kit - and much more Exile Vanilla If you want to use the objects without frames, you don't need to change anything in the config. Use recipes which create a full wall. CustomCodes Old (Only WoodPlanks-Upgrade) New El'Rabito-WIP (WoodPlank-Upgrade + MetalGrid-Upgrade) If you want to use this variant, then use the attached recipes and customcodes. To upgrade a frame, you will need the Wood Planks Upgrade Kit and a Hammer. Update 1.01 Update 1.01a Update 1.0.2 CraftingRecipes vers.2 CfgInteractionModels WARNING This mod is still under development. There may be errors, which are not intended by the creator. Please report bugs in the Discord "Bugs" Channel If you use Enhanced Movement, write the objects of the RwG Addon in the blacklist, otherwise locked doors can be opened by everyone. The elevator does not write coordinates of players and vehicles in the database. So move/drive before log-out. This mod is an extension for the Exilemod and therefore not functional without it. This mod may not be modified and reuploaded without the permission of the creator. This violate the Steam EULA 6D. Reuploads will be removed without warning via DMCA Notice.
  5. Sup all! Do you know if there's a event handler that fires from the client side when the player disconnects? I'm working on a survival mod wich persists player info into a database, and need to force an update when the client disconnects. If I use the serverside events (HandleDisconnect, onPlayerDisconnected, and so on), some player data is not available because the client is no more online, and cannot query for it. Thanks in advance.
  6. Werthles' Headless Module (now v2.0!) Fully configurable module to give headless clients control of editor/script/Zeus AI. -->TUTORIAL VIDEO - CLICK HERE<-- Albert is the name of my headless client... Downloads: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510031102 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29455 Main features: Easy way to create headless client missions HC Setup and Ignore modules Editor/script/Zeus AIs auto-transferred to HC control AI waypoints/scripts/trigger syncs preserved Splits AIs evenly among multiple HCs 3D Debug Mode Here's Why Headless Clients Are Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-WKHrC661g&feature=iv&src_vid=15VK_kNOu6o&annotation_id=annotation_4128809211#t=1m46.4s How To Use: Download the mod and launch Arma 3 with the mod. Edit your mission, adding a WH Setup Module, found under "Headless Modules". Configure the parameters as appropriate for your mission. Add an "Ignore" module if required. Add playable, uniquely named, headless clients. Save your mission as a multiplayer mission. Set up your server and headless clients Play your mission! Players, HCs and the server need to run the WHM mod in order to play. Part 3 of this guide is how I set up dedicated servers and headless clients: Werthles Headless Kit Guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459917508 Setup Module Parameters: Headless clients to be used Repeating checks for spawned AI Time to wait between repeats 3D debug mode for all or just admins Balance the number of AI units on each HC, and rebalance when uneven Delay between module activation and HC setup starting Time between each HC transfer, to aid stability Initial setup report Phrases the module should ignore when checking AI for the HC (can be whole/part unit names/group names/unit type/synced module name) If certain units need to remain controlled by (local to) the server, simply sync these units to an ignore module. Compatibility When combining with mods that require setup time, try increasing the WHM startup delay or activate the module on a trigger, so WHM setup starts afterwards. ALiVE Compatibility ALiVE Profiles: Attach "WH Setup Module" to a radio trigger (or similar solution), then activate once in game (else profiles do not load or save correctly). ALiVE Support Modules: Give the group a distinct callsign, then add this to the list of units to ignore within the "WH Setup Module".Please let me know if you find an issue with this and any mods. I will list any issues found here. I would like to make this compatible with as many mods as possible! Headless Client Tips: Headless Clients must be set as playable and have a unique name. HCs cannot connect to client internet multiplayer servers, only local servers or dedicated servers. This is because IPs cannot be whitelisted with these servers. HCs can only connect to servers which are passworded. WHM will change the locality of the AI being transferred to HCs. This can interfere with some scripts. If it does, you can use the "Ignore" module to stop WHM from giving the HC control of individual groups. See: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-locality/ Links For Scripted Version: WHK Setup Guide (For scripted version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15VK_kNOu6o Werthles Headless Kit http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459317544 Werthles Headless Kit Guide http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459917508 WHK Armaholic Download http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28917 Please let me know if there are any problems/things that could be improved, and I'll get to work on it! I'd also love to see this in action. Please link me if you have screenshots/videos!
  7. Why can people with the Linux client still not connect to the larger multiplayer network? Almost nobody is running legacy servers for Linux users, so almost nobody is playing this game on Linux either... If you're gonna make the effort to port this game to Linux, at least also make the effort to let the Linux players play with their Windows using friends... I would understand if there was some huge feature incompatibility here, but we're talking about a constant difference of 2 minor release versions. This is not some insurmountable barrier, especially since you're not letting Linux catch up on purpose and have it fixed at being 2 minor releases behind. It's pretty infuriating...
  8. I created this MOD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2207947068&amp;searchtext=%40Disable_Zoom+1.0+Vanilla Compiled and signed in V2 and then sent to the Workshop. The MOD works great in single player. But if I try to host it on my server it doesn't work. It gives me that the client / server version are not the same. I downloaded the file from the Workshop for both the client and the server. I use TADST as server launcher, and V2 signature verification is selected. What am I doing wrong?
  9. Hi everyone, I'm quite noob when it comes to the server-client interaction in arma, so please bear with me on this one. So I was testing a mission with my friend, with him being the server. I noticed that when my position was close enough to him, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but when we're sufficiently far apart, like at least several kilometers, enemy AIs stopped responding to my gunshots (not going to alert) and will not try to engage, until I'm close enough to them (like 200m+ or so, even when they have weapons with long-ranged scope), while my friend, being the server, did not notice any problem at all (he still got sniped from 600m away). We tried some other simple scenarios and this kept happening so I concluded that it must have been arma's client-server thing. I've tried googling for the reference information about this but so far no luck, though pretty sure I'm just missing the right keyword, so can anyone please refer me to the relevant arma wiki page or any info page about this? Another question is, if this is indeed an issue with arma client-server interaction, would using dedicated server address this? Thank you in advance!
  10. Hello! I had to create a workaround* when using triggers to be able to broadcast sound effects with hints to all connected clients (on dedicated server) and all is good excluding the fact that I'm unable to use the sound I'd like to, probably because I don't know how to correctly reference it (incorrect filename or something the like). I'm using remoteExec to broadcast sounds to all connected clients. Using the method is tried and tested to work with vanilla sound Alarm: "Alarm" remoteExec ["playSound"]; As for the sound file I'd like to use, I tried to use absolute(?) path and filename with and without the extension, like so: "a3\missions_f_beta\data\sounds\firing_drills\checkpoint_not_clear.wss" "checkpoint_not_clear.wss" "checkpoint_not_clear" but all these depending on what I was trying at the time of testing were returned with Sound nnnn not found. When we're talking about vanilla sounds there should not be the need to grab that one sound file I'd like to use and add it to my mission (and then reference the sound from the mission folder) or is there? So how do I correctly reference A3 vanilla sounds to be used in a trigger? Is there perchance a separate config file somewhere that would show the correct names of the sound files with which to reference them? Or should I use setSoundEffect (but I still wouldn't know how to correctly reference the sound file)? * It's all fun and games when you are creating a multiplayer mission and it's sort of slowly closing to be "finalized any moment now!". You've been testing it meticulously by running it as multiplayer mission through the in-game editor. And when you switch to dedicated server to test not much of the already established to be working is actually working, like simple triggers with hints and trigger (sound) effects.
  11. hiho fellow late night scripters, i am working on a script that adds a deadly infection to the player when damaged ("dammaged" EH) in a MP/COOP scenario. once infected, the player takes damage until cured. for the cure addaction, i need a boolean non local variable per connected client ("global" to the client so i can use it in various scripts, but it can not be public to all clients!) called Infection_Cured. at start, Infection_Cured will be true, and once the player is infected, its set to false until the medication is taken. then it is set back to true and the infection damage loop is stopped (exitwith). i can not test MP and am currently only on my handheld mainly i am very unsure if i understand setvariable correctly. for example, i do not understand why "_var = true;" is needed (copied from bi wiki) hence i would appreciate some opinions on my draft script and possible corrections regarding my attempt to create a variable that is available in all scripts but isolated per player thanks in advance for any help or clarifications! vd
  12. I've very nice news about headless client (HC) which is variant of dedicated client for server use we will be rolling out soon (days) new test version for both linux and windows - no more steamclient nor steam account with game ownership needed for HC - HC needs only steam dedicated server binary and set of commandline params - auto-connection recognize & detection of HC by server (server needs some config to allow that) - multiple HC per server are supported - HC can be primary used to offload AI work and secondary for some script jobs - logic for mission & scripting operations with HC introduced - HC are autoassigned to slots - HC are not visible to players - HC are visible to admins - HC isn't counted against playercount in server list - BattlEye supported (1.36 RC2 released 28.11.2014 18:00 CET) today's DEV: •Added: Enable new headless client implementation - see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client for more details note: known limitation, none (except some AI bugs, need repro/confirm) note: what needs to be somewhat tested/determined/improved/changed is disconnect & reconnect of HC and all related to that post bugs, feedback and ideas below
  13. Hello guys, I have a mission with an integrated construction system. Players can build fortifications, I use createVehicle locally on the client for that. Some of the created objects also have eventHandlers attached to them. I now want to allow saving and later resuming the mission. I got it mostly working, however 2 questions remain: 1. Will objects created using createvehicle on a client be saved and restored? 2. I read somewhere that variables added via setVariable will be saved, what about eventHandlers though? Do I have to redo them after resuming the mission from a savegame? Thanks for all tips and guidance in advance, you guys have been of so much help already! Leander
  14. Here is what I currently use.... Init.sqf: if ((not (hasInterface)) and (not (isDedicated))) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; HC_init = (vehicle player); publicVariableServer "HC_init"; }; }; initServer.sqf: missionNamespace setVariable ["HCs",[]]; "HC_init" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _hc_name = (_this select 1); _hc_id = (owner _hc_name); _hcs = (missionNamespace getVariable "HCs"); _hcs set [(count _hcs), [_hc_name,_hc_id]]; missionNamespace setVariable ["HCs",_hcs]; }; as the title says, is there a more efficient way to accomplish this? Thanks.
  15. Script Version This mod enables Curators to see the Frames-per-second of each individual client when playing in multiplayer. Allowing the Zeus to identify if there is a widespread framerate problem, or if a few select users are experiencing issues. Comments in the code explain how to modify it if you want to change the 'Warning text' threshold which by default is 20fps.Given Arma 3 is now in 64 bit it's the perfect opportunity for players to test their performance in multiplayer coop games with large scale combat. Find out who's computer is the beefiest when playing with your unit, or be able to identify which player's computers are having trouble keeping up with all the action. A great tool for mission makers looking to maintain an optimized experience for their players when monitoring their progress in Zeus. Workshop Google Drive Armaholic
  16. Hi, I had some problems with the game, so let's go through the steps: I download Argo via Steam, if i click in Play, nothing happens, so I run the game direct via argo.exe, game starts...solved Login, select game mode, ready, and... kicked with the error "Battleye not initializing, restar the game", I restart the game, problem continues... I tried: Go in folder and execute Install_BattlEye. Check integrity game cache. Delete Battleye folder, check integrity and download again. Include BattlEye in firewall exceptions. Authorized the battleye to start automatically in Windows services. Uinstall and install Argo again. Nothing happens, so I started the game and started BEService directly in the task manager... now i can enter in room and play for 1-2 minutes, and kicked from the server with error "BattlEye Client not responding" How do I solve this problem?
  17. Hi, i was playing 2 days ago Arma 3 with Exile Mod, CUP mods And CBA mod on server and without any issue But today i am trying to connect to any server with it keep me connecting and then disconnect and sometimes kicks me So i contact the admin of the server and he told me i see this error: 13:53:06 Client Ali-S - client's ticket has become invalid. Code: 6 I can only connect to servers that have Exile only with vanilla maps but any additional mods it's wont working I tried to troubleshoot this solutions: - Verified the game - Delete Savegame and MPMissionsCache folder - Downloaded all mods again - Tried from Arma 3 Launcher and A3 Launcher - Added/removed parameters - Restarted my PC and my router - Deleted my character from server - Tried new profile - Run as administrator for Arma 3 and A3 Launcher - Direct connect by using server IP Non of these helped, but the admin it could be your steam account ID is doing the issue so anyone have fix for this issue?
  18. Hello, i noticed the following post about mods and Steam. I also noticed the big support and engagement of BIS_Wizard, a member of the BI Developer Team. Maybe now it's time to ask for something about Steam / Arma 3, because I think BIS_Wizard is the right man for this! ;) I also checked the Forum first, but I couldn't find an existing post about this problem. Following problem: If I download my Server with the Steam CMD with the following command, %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% %STEAMPW% +force_install_dir %A3serverPath%\ +"app_update %A3serverBRANCH%" validate +quit and run the Server, you find the Server with a RED Circle in the Server Browser. All official BI Server are also faced with this problem. And yes, I disabled all custom Mods, verified my Steam/Arma3 cache and tried a lot of redownloads of the dedicated Server (logged in as anonymous and I tried it with my private Steam Account too). So I tried to google this issue... A lot of people don't care about this, BUT if your server is RED and not GREEN, less users connect. Of course, you can connect, but it is RED and not GREEN. :huh: I found a dirty workaround, download the Stable Client and then copy the DLC folders (mark, kart, heli, curator) to the Server Folder and overwrite the server files with the client files. Only one stupid thing with this workaround - if you download the client, you need a Steam Account with Arma 3 (ok, that's no problem :D). But steam will also download all subscribed Mods and that are a lot of mods.... So I have three questions: Is it possible to deliver the same files for client/dedicated Server or whitelist the client files for dedicated Servers, so that the Server shows up with a GREEN dot in the Server Browser? Is it possible to disable the automatic mod download for the Client Download over Steam CMD? (You cant change something there right? Because it's Valves thing? But i ask you anyway - maybe it's possible) Should I open a new ticket (feedback.bistudio.com)? If there is an easy solution, please tell me that magic stuff. If you need any further information, feel free to contact me. Thanks for reading! Internal Armajunkies Ticket: https://armajunkies.atlassian.net/browse/AJWL-76 Greetings from Bavaria, Staynex
  19. Hello lads! I'm currently making / modifying a coop mission in ArmA 3, most stuff works so far, managed to find most stuff i needed in the Forums already. Now i have a little problem, it has been explained a few times already, but i just can't seem to understand it somehow :P How can i manage to make stuff sync between all connected users ? e.g. i have some "addaction" stuff used in my mission, but some of these actions are only executed on the local client side, and not globally for all of the players. As far as i know, i will have to somehow send information (for ex. briefcase collected, which would be a addaction) to the server in which i set a server variable (for ex. briefcase_collected) to a specific value, in this case 1 / true. Then the server would share this information with all collected clients, and by changing the value of the variable, the clients would know that this task has been completed, and it would show the next. I just have no idea how i do this in arma, i am trying for quite some hours now but just can seem to get it right. I thank all of those that give me some hints in advance! B) - PsychOrange
  20. The following are several error in expression messages that I found written to the client/local.rpt log file: 16:46:11 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]> 16:46:11 Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]> 16:46:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater 16:48:54 Error in expression <(distToWater interpolate [-10.0001,-10,-1> 16:48:54 Error position: <distToWater interpolate [-10.0001,-10,-1> 16:48:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater 18:00:05 Error in expression <forceSize interpolate [150,150.1,-1,1]> 18:00:05 Error position: <forceSize interpolate [150,150.1,-1,1]> 18:00:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: forcesize 18:14:00 Error in expression < []]; private "_item"; _item = _queue select _index; if (_timerType == "fram> 18:14:00 Error position: <select _index; if (_timerType == "fram> 18:14:00 Error Zero divisor 18:14:00 File A3\functions_f\Misc\fn_loop.sqf, line 152 Game version: 1.58.135742 See also: Error in expression - fn_groupIndicator
  21. The following error message was written to the client.rpt log file: 21:47:03 Error in expression <0.5],[1,1,0,0.5]] select _teamID; _map drawEllipse [_pos,.4,.4,0,_colorTeam,"#(> 21:47:03 Error position: <drawEllipse [_pos,.4,.4,0,_colorTeam,"#(> 21:47:03 Error 0 elements provided, 4 expected 21:47:03 File A3\functions_f\GUI\fn_groupIndicator.sqf, line 85 These error messages have occurred on multiple occasions when playing co40 Domination! Blufor. Full .rpt file available on request.Game version: 1.56.134787
  22. Recently I started a Multiplayer server with the intent of having a friend join me (he bought and downloaded the game explicitly to play with me). But every single time he joins, he connects is stuck spectating and then it shows he disconnected, we tried removing all addons, we tried having him host and it was the same thing only from my end, we tried different maps, different settings, different circumstances (i would save the game/not save, be in lobby, be in game) nothing seams to work, some assistence would be appreciated.
  23. This is a small units addon I'm using for my gaming team needs so I've decided to also puplish it for anyone else might find it useful. It is based on simple retexture presenting some ISIS warriors (Islamic State). These units are using default A3 weapons and there is no other mod or addon dependency ... you can find all classnames into the txt file included (also a server key is included). Nothing fancy ... just some units. Note : into classnames txt file I forgot to mention some backpacks classnames ... so here they are ... Download Link : REMOVED THIS ADDON NO LONGER SUPPORTED AS IT SEEMS THAT MANKIND STUPIDITY HAS GONE TOO FAR (see quote below) Aplion