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  1. Hi there, recently I stumbled across an "Amin Menu" tutorial and sadly the creator dropped it at 3 videos. I am trying to work on the next part he was going to include as a learning experience but I am unable to parse a variable from one function into another. Currently I have a function which gets the selected unit which works absolutely fine. I tried to make the variable global so it could get accessed outside of the scope but I can't parse it in via the .HPP. Is anybody able to shed some light? adminMenu.hpp //User selection class class playerSelectionBtn: RscButton { idc = 1600; onMouseButtonClick = "(lbCurSel 1500) call JC_fnc_playerSelected;"; text = "SELECT"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.664062 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.346 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.091875 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; //Teleport button class class adminTeleport: RscButton { idc = 1601; onMouseButtonClick = "['unit'] call JC_fnc_teleportToPlayer;"; //Here I try to parse unit into the function text = "TELEPORT"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.250625 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.22 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.091875 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; fn_playerSelected.sqf params ["_index"]; unit = (switchableUnits select _index); //Change the variable to global if (!(isNull(unit))) then { unit setDamage 1; hint name unit; } else { hint "No player selected"; }; fn_teleportToPlayer.sqf params ["_unit"]; //Attempt to "fetch" unit inside the params hint format["Teleporting to: %1", _unit]; //Initial test to see if unit was there. Did have ",name _unit" but that returned a generic error player setPos( getPos _unit);
  2. So here's my problem: I have a line of code that goes into the init box of a group leader to make the group hunt the player(s) by setting a waypoint at the player's current position, however, the code runs at mission start (obviously because it's an init). I want to know if there's a line of code similar to WaitUntil that will work for the unit's init box in Eden. The reason I want to do it this way is because I don't want to mess with .sqfs/variable names for each individual unit/squad. What I have now is copy/paste-able in Eden and that's what I'm looking for. I've tried: 1) WaitUntil, but that command doesn't work in Eden 2) If TriggerIsActivated, but either I'm getting the syntax wrong or it doesn't work either. 3) enable dynamic sim, which is great, but it still places the waypoint at the start of the mission at the players Alternatively, I could loop the code, but I can't figure out how to use Sleep effectively where it's still performance friendly. Here's the code: if (isServer) then { _null = this spawn { Hunt_players_fnc = { _player = objNull; _players = +(allPlayers - (entities "HeadlessClient_F")); _distance = 100000; { if (alive _x && _x distance (Leader _this) < _distance) then { _distance = _x distance (Leader _this); _player = _x; }; } foreach _players; if !(isNull _player) then { _wp = (Group _this) addWaypoint [getPos _player, (50 + (floor(random 70)))]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true","_null = this spawn Hunt_players_fnc;"]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; }; }; _null = _this spawn Hunt_players_fnc; }; }; Thanks.
  3. I've created a soccer ball, and I'm having a pretty hard time trying to find a way to create a config that allows a player to interact with the ball so they can push it while walking, running or possibly shoot at it to push it around. I've seen some on Youtube take a gander at it, but it seems to be mostly scripting. I really want to stay away from it, and keep it as a config in the mod's folder as much as possible. Is there any suggestions, templates to work with or info i can use to make it possible? I will give credit to where credit is due for the help.
  4. I've been working on a script the last few days with the aim of spawning an enemy blackfish, having it fly to the nearest player, loiter, and start killing everything in sight. I'm making this for a CTI mission where the players are able to respawn, therefore, I want this thing to be an absolute terror for ground forces until it's destroyed. I've tried several things to make this happen. I've tried: 1) Setting the camouflage coefficient of every unit in the mission to "1", 2) Revealing all units to the pilot/group leader, 3) Setting the groups' skills to 1 4) Separating pilot and crew, where the pilot is set to careless and the crew is set to "Terminator" (a separate issue with this occurred where the gunners/crew group would reset its behavior to "hold fire/defend" even though they were set in the script to combat mode "RED". Unable to resolve that issue, I've abandoned separating the groups. Further, even when set back to RED, it isn't any more effective than having them all in one group. The pilot maintains the proper holding pattern either way. 5) Creating a Seek And Destroy waypoint for the gunner/crew group after separating them from the pilot. 6) Trying to add a "human sensor" to the radar, which is apparently a thing in Arma. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Sensors 7) Finally I tried setting unit state to "Aware" to see if they would enter "COMBAT" on their own when spotting an enemy, but they will not unless an enemy vehicle is present, and after the vehicle is destroyed, they usually lose all interest in Infantry. This leads me to believe that they, for the most part, just can't see the infantry on the ground, despite my attempts to make them see. Tanoa is the map I'm using for my mission so the buildings/trees/ground clutter is probably hiding most of the targets from the gunners. Here's the script so far in a mostly working configuration where the plane will spawn, fly to the nearest player, and loiter indefinitely, possibly taking occasional shots at very exposed infantry and vehicles. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Spawn a Blackfish to loiter around player and kill any enemies. _plane = createVehicle [(["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom), [11567.8,3199.6,0], [], 0, "FLY"]; This spawns the blackfish itself with the variable name _plane _plane addEventHandler ["Fired",{ (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1 This allows it to have infinite ammo }]; _pilotguy = [[0,0,0], WEST, ["B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F"],[],[],[],[],[],232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) moveInDriver _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 1) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 2) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 3) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["spotDistance", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["spotTime", 1]; This chunk spawns the crew, forces it into the vehicle, and sets their skills and combat mode. group variable name is _pilotguy ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["commanding", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["aimingShake", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 1]; _pilotguy setCombatMode "RED"; _pilotguy setBehaviour "COMBAT"; private _markerPos = getPos leader _pilotguy; private _playerList = allPlayers apply {[_markerPos distanceSqr _x, _x]}; This bit sets up the "nearest player" part _playerList sort true; private _closestPlayer = (_playerList select 0) param [1, objNull]; _wpcas = _pilotguy addWaypoint [getPos _closestPlayer, 50]; _wpcas setWaypointType "LOITER"; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterRadius 900; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L"; _wpcas setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; This sets up the waypoint with various specifications, possibly redundant to set the combat mode here as well _wpcas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _plane flyInHeight 300; _plane forceSpeed 60; _pilotguy allowFleeing 0; {(driver _plane) reveal [_x,4]} forEach allPlayers; revealing all players might be redundant with revealing all units {(driver _plane) reveal [_x, 4]}foreach allUnits; while {alive _pilotguy} do { {(_x) foreach allUnits setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef", 1]}; the goal of this line is to have the units' coefficient revert to normal after the blackfish is destroyed sleep 10; _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. Script Example (which I use in my mission): [ Truck, "<t color='#58D68D'>Enganchar UH60</t>", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_loaddevice_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 3) && (Truck_Bar distance Heli_1 < 10)", "(_Caller distance _target < 3) && (Truck_Bar distance Heli_1 < 10)", {}, {}, { null = ["Scripts\Interacciones\Remolcador\Soltar_Heli_1.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [Truck,_actionId] call BIS_fnc_holdActionRemove; }, {}, [], 5, 6, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, Truck]; ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When I put this Script in my Init.sqf file, one appears every time a player joins my dedicated server. Is there a way to fix that? the problem is where do I put my script? or is it a typical Arma 3 problem?
  6. Hello gents, I am having an issue with Custom Images from Eden editor. I have followed all steps(using ACE Slideshow, and the innit) this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"Images\Image.jpg"]; for changing billboards images. In these steps, you put all the images that you want to be able to found inside the actual mission file. Everything works once I'm in the editor and testing it, the ACE Slideshow works perfectly fine and all the custom images I put on signs work. However, once I transfer the .pbo file onto my dedicated server, log in as an admin, set the mission, it loads, I select the role I want to be on, then I just get an infinite loading screen. I also tried uploading the entire folder that includes the .jpg pictures into my server mission file, however, the admin panel I'm using won't allow anything but .pbo files onto it. Anything helps, thanks
  7. Bonjour, j'implore les développeurs de nous nettoyer vigour avec le saison 5! depuis que vous avez mis les statistiques vous nous avez ramenez cette communauté de joueur insupportable qui ne joue que pour tuer et ruine le plaisir des autres joueurs. je ne suis visiblement pas le seul à m'en plaindre, rien qu'hier sur 5 parties je suis mort 4 fois tuer par un mec caché dans un buisson! le pire un de ces joueurs m'a tué alors qu'il était caché dans un buisson à la sortie (alors que les radiations étaient déjà bien présentes) et il n'a même pas pillé mon cadavre il a attendu le dernier moment pour . mais le plus pitoyable c'est le niveau du joueur, un débutant j'aurais bien voulu être un peu compréhensif mais là il y avait 45000G Microsoft, 1127 expéditions sur vigueur avec un ratio de 1,3. depuis que les statistiques de votre tueur s'affichent automatiquement presque toutes les expéditions sont polluées par des campeurs et joueurs nuls qui viennent juste pour s'afficher. vous avez bien essayer de régler le problème en définissant un mode "match a mort par équipes" et "élimination" mais sans succès, logique se genre de joueur ne cherche que du frag facile ils vont pas risquer leurs ratios. Enlevez déjà l'impression automatique des statistiques du tueur, même mieux les kills effectués en "expédition" ne devraient pas compter pour le ratio. on vient pour de l'expédition, pour trouver des matières premières pour la survie (c'était le mais de vigueur au début) .je suis sur vigor depuis septembre c'était un très bon jeu original et prometteur à vouloir attirer d'autres joueurs vous nous avez ramené n'importe quoi, avant il était très rare de se faire tuer sauf pour le largage, très souvent j ' si rien ne change je désinstalle vigueur, terminé je ne ferai pas le saison 5, si je veux tuer des gens j'ai des jeux comme COD, battlefield, halo et j'en passe et là c'est le but. par contre c'est bien aussi d'avoir revue les xp pour le passage des niveaux c'est moins long. j 'espère vraiment que vous êtes conscient du soucis et que vous allez régler cela vite. merci bon jeu à tous !!!
  8. vengermakato1

    Switch cross play

    Hi, I was just trying to figure out if I who is on Xbox am able to play with my friend who is on the switch at all, and if so how?
  9. server RPT: https://pastebin.com/TxjrbvU4 myself and others in my community have started to get stuck on this screen, the server RPT seems like the server itself is doing fine, this is happening after installing a few scripts, however i was able to join once, had a database issue, had to wipe/reinstall the database and now none of us can complete joining again, and it doesnt seem like the RPT has any player join or leave messages... any help appreciated. 07 thanks
  10. So I have a ww2 mod where fighter planes have 1-2 bombs. Now what i want to make is that for example 5 of them take off in a formation fly over a target i ve selected,switch to bombs drop then and then switch back to guns and engage the enemy aircraft. Also when they are out of ammo they land back at the base get re supplied and all that over again until no plane stands. Idk how to make any of this,so please help. thanks in advance sven
  11. I understand this game is no longer officially supported, but it is still available on steam to serve a 'launching' ground to get people interested in the Arma series. I'm new to these type of games, but Argo seems very interesting, but it seems the community is pretty small so I'm hoping someone can give me a steer on the queries below so I can keep playing (and join the community) otherwise I might as well give up on the game. (1) When playing 'Patrol Mode' on a locally hosted server set up via the browser function, is it possible to change weapon load outs (eg to get a scope or smoke grenades)? I log in as a 'guest' when playing the game (as I read somewhere it is not possible to link to a Bohemia account), and as a result the 'equipment tab' is locked out so I can't change anything or select new weapons. Given the game is no longer officially supported, is there some sort of file I can download so all weapon loadouts are unlocked when I run a the game on locally hosted server? (If so, any instruction on where to find it, and where to install it would be great) (2) When playing Patrol Mode, how can you tell how many AI bots/enemies are left to kill/take out at any particular time - and/or even increase or decrease this number when locally hosting a game? (3) Is it possible to increase the number of spawn tickets?
  12. I'm trying to set up an Antistasi server for my friends (around 3 or so) and it says to port forward 2302 and 2303. So I go and type my IP in Firefox (my ISP is Virgin Media) and I go to the options screen. No option to port forward from what I can see. I do some research and I realize that I have an IPv6 DS-Lite connection. I have no clue what that is but all I know about it means that I can't make a server for me and my friends. I'd like if someone could give me a basic rundown of what this means and can I fix it?
  13. So like when I enter a trigger I want that the AI that is sitting in a artillery raise the barrel by some degrees and then shoot. If anyone knows another way make a AI shoot with a artillery on a target from like 200m please tell me. Why do I need this? I am trying to make a mission with a BM-21 artillery and I want it to shoot at a target inside of the minimum shooting range like 100m away or something like that. I can use doArtilleryFire but it will only work if the target is above the minimum shooting range
  14. Everything works with unitCapture but not with weapons. When I copy the weapon fire data the output is always [] but movement works just fine. What did I do wrong? My scripts: _Player1move = ; Player1dothings = [player1, _Player1move] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; [player1] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring; Trigger script: [player1, 600, 60, true, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture; Thanks for any help
  15. Hi, I'm using a trigger to spawn AI (CSAT) boats and make them move to a waypoint (to chase the blufor boats) and I am getting a "generic code error" when I try to do this. The code I have so far is as follows: group_2 = creategroup east; enemy2 = group_2 createVehicle ["O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F ",getmarkerpos "spawn2",[],0,"form"]; enemy2 domove (getmarkerpos "waypoint2") This code is situated in the activation section of the trigger. I have a dot marker set as spawn2 and a circle marker set as waypoint 2 (as I'm spawning a load of ground units at the same time who spawn at spawn1). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. I've been working on an Australian Army retexture for some vehicles (M1A1, 'Hawkei', 'Boxer') and have finished with the retexturing, however, I'm having problems trying to write my own config file, I've tried step by step tutorials and read through multiple pages of explanations but still fail at every attempt. The add-on relies on CUP vehicles and vanilla assets. I have a generally 'loose' understanding of how this kinda stuff works but am trying to learn so if anyone could help even the slightest it would be greatly appreciated! So far I've managed this: class CfgPatches { class My_Mod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F_MRAP_01","A3_Armor_F_Beta_APC_Wheeled_01","cup_trackedvehicles_m1_abrams.pbo"}; }; }; //Fractions class cfgFactionClasses { class Reskin { displayName = "Reskin"; priority = 1; side = 1; icon = "Custom_vehicles\data\LOGO_1"; }; }; //Units class B_soldier_f; class reskin: B_soldier_f { class Crewman //Idk random attempt author = "Funky"; _generalmacro = "B_soldier_F"; scope = 2; displayname = "Crewman" identitytypes[] = "head_NATO","G_NATO_default"); genericnames = "NATOmen"; fraction = "Reskin"; model = Uniformclass = hiddenselections[] = {"camo","insignia"}; hiddenselectionstextures[] = weapons[] = {"throw","put"}; respawnweapons[] = {"throw","put"}; magazines[] = respawnmagazines[] = linkeditems[] = {"itemmap","itemcompass","itemwatch","itemradio","itemgps"}; respawnlinkeditems[] = {"itemmap","itemcompass","itemwatch","itemradio","itemgps"}; }; //vehicles class landvehicle; class MRAP_01; class APC_Wheeled_01; class TANK_Tracked_01; //M1A1 Class APC_Wheeled_01 { crew = ""; side = 1; fraction = 'Reskin'; displayname = 'Boxer CRV'; hiddenselections[] = {"camo1","camo2","camo3"}; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"Custom_vehicles\data\Mbase.jpeg","Custom_vehicles\data\Maddon.jpeg","Custom_vehicles\data\Mturret.jpeg"}; class eventhandelers { init = "(_this select 0) setvariable [""BIS_enablerandomization"", false];"; }; }; class MRAP_01 { crew = ""; side = 1; fraction = 'Reskin'; displayname = 'Hawkei'; hiddenselections[] = {"camo1","camo2"}; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"Custom_vehicles\data\hbase.jpeg","Custom_vehicles\data\haddon.jpeg"}; class eventhandelers { init = "(_this select 0) setvariable [""BIS_enablerandomization"", false];"; }; }; Class TANK_Tracked_01 { crew = ""; side = 1; fraction = 'Reskin'; displayname = 'M1A1'; hiddenselections[] = {"camo1","camo2","camo3","camo4"}; hiddenselectionstextures[] = {}; class eventhandelers { init = "(_this select 0) setvariable [""BIS_enablerandomization"", false];"; }; };
  17. Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. In the Config.cpp i'm trying have an inventory item give the user an action that triggers a sqf script. Anyone got any clue on how to do this? Edit: I looked at Addaction but not sure how to add it to Config. Edit 2: I would also like to make a custom grenade (which I know how to do) activate a supply drop. I know how to sqf the supply drop but unsure how I can get the custom grenade to activate the sqf when thrown.
  18. Hi, How can i use 'removeAllWeapons player' in remoteexec? or 'deletevehicle vehicle player' with remoteexec? i know the basics about remoteexec and can create some hints,playsound,... with it but i dont know how to do it with those 2? thx for your help!
  19. So I was adding a template to my dedicated server to update it from our old one because my unit was moving to a new map for a campaign. I was able to export the mission from Eden perfectly fine and install it into my server but upon loading it in to test it I get this error and I don't know how to fix it or solve it Picture_ca_paa the map I am using is this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1282716647&amp;searchtext=vidda some assistance would be of great help
  20. Hello all, I've added a hiddenSelection to an ammocan model I've put together so that I can add markings to the can. Something I wasn't expecting: the hiddenSelection texture I apply has to be laid out in the same UV space as the original texture for the can. I had been hoping to use a smaller, transparent texture that I was hoping would fill the entire area of the hiddenSelection. This would be like the patch image in a squad.xml image filling the entire patch area on a vehicle or uniform. Is there a way to set this up in the context of my model? Image for reference: I was hoping the yellow text could be a smaller texture with transparency that would fill the entire "side" of the ammocan where I have the hiddenSelection setup. https://imgur.com/a/xZEd81E Thanks in advance!
  21. From like a week or two I have that anoying problem. I just cant leave a vechicle, it keep "sucking" me into it, and when i actually leave it ppl cant see me, they still see me in the vech. Tried reinstalling, moving to another drive...
  22. Hi all I am trying to make a pvp scenario in which opfor will need to take civilian AI Hostage during the mission, and part of blufors mission will be to free those hostages. I am very confused as to how to make this work as I have no experience with scripting. Any help is appreciated, Thanks
  23. Iv had this problem for months when using the ORBAT. I keep getting the same error when i try to run the game with the exported faction in the add on section, its extremely frustrating as these factions take nearly 3 days to create, iv had to delete them then remake them multiple times. Could someone please help me as i want to make a RMC faction, RAF, RAF regiment RN and so on. Asked this question on the ALIVE forum months ago and no one has replied , posted it on reddit and no one replied either, I even uninstalled and reinstalled ARMA twice hopefully someone here could help me out or redo it for me. (sorry for the crap quality) sorry for sounding so petty. Let me know if i should send you the folder or config etc. Please help https://ibb.co/0BG6Lcc https://ibb.co/rpSWxFn
  24. Hey there, I'm trying to get an object to provide a whitelisted player with the option to purchase ammunition once in close proximity. So far, I've written the following into the object's init: if (getPlayerUID player in _UIDList) then { this addAction ["Buy STANAG mag $100","purchasestanag.sqf"]}; The mentioned _UIDList simply reads as follows under init.sqf: _UIDList=["76561198090900291"]; Is there something crucial I'm forgetting to include? I'm very fresh to coding, so do excuse my ignorance. Any pointers are much appreciated.
  25. Good day, I am currently at a dead end of the MP mission I am trying to create for my unit, solely with ALiVE modules, I don't really use any MCC features but just wanted to leave it loaded in case I need to create a scenario while the mission is running. I wanted to add specific vehicle cargo (custom loadout) in a medevac vehicle(RHS Asset), such as ace medical items. So our medics can replenish their inventory from the vehicle. I did this by adding this in the vehicle's init field: In addition I also added scripts on some vehicles and units init field to assign as ALiVE Combat Support so that ALiVE would work with VCOM accordingly, I followed this steps from ALiVE's FAQ site. I followed what's in the red box: But when I start the mission, the mission loads twice and respawns the vehicles rendering all the scripts I've put useless. I can't figure out how to stop the vehicles from respawning when the mission loads the second time or to have the script run at a specific time so it would execute once the mission finishes loading "Completely". Here's a 5 min. video to show what I am trying to do. https://youtu.be/3nxOfavKnBY TIA! PS: I don't know how to title this since I'm not exactly sure what's happening to name it properly. So my apologies if it's misleading.