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About fat_lurch

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  1. fat_lurch

    HOTAS and rudder pedals implementation

    Hi all, I wanted to add a couple of notes on this. (Context note, all my testing was with Experimental version and Workbench version: 1. The chimeraInputCommon.conf file referenced here (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Input_Manager) does indeed exist, you have to go into the Enfusion workbench to see it via the ARMA Reforger Tools. It's a core game file. 2. The game seems to recognize more than 1 joystick. On my setup, I have a collective, stick and pedals that are all separate devices. The chimeraInputCommon.conf seems to have settings for Joystick0 and Joystick1 in my case. I suspect Joystick 1 is my collective since it only has one axis (mine is home-built as an Arduino project, it really does only have one axis). https://ibb.co/6HtHS4f https://ibb.co/yBp3jvZ 3. The collective mapping does seem to be analog, but maybe filtered in some weird way. "CollectiveIncrease" and "CollectiveDecrease" are both defined as analog inputs in the chimeraInputCommon.conf file. I'm using x360ce to emulate a 360 controller. I have my collective mapped as left thumbstick (the new controller default in this Experimental version of Reforger, I was hoping it became a true linear analog for this update). When I sweep my collective through its range I see the in-game collective "snap" to the top or bottom of travel, based on my physical collective. However, there's a small amount of range near the mid point of travel where the in-game collective moves in analog fashion, following my controller. 4. The random strings of characters for various inputs are apparently GUIDs. You have the option of copying them in the Enfusion workbench when messing with the himeraInputCommon.conf file. 5. There are multiple input source types defined in the Enfusion Workbench: InputSourceCombo InputSourceEmpty InputSourceSum InputSourceValue Hopefully someone can use these notes to get farther in figuring out HOTAS (with all this, it seems like BIS really does plan on having full HOTAS support at some point).
  2. As described in the video, I ran in to trouble finding any info on this and it was really handy, so I want to get the word out and try to make this easier for other folks to find in the future. BTW, if anyone can expand upon this (meaning of the colors, how to change the diagnostic window, etc.), please share! Thanks
  3. Added LCD example to original post. Also added link to Discord to discuss ARMA peripherals in general.
  4. Thanks KeyCat! I added the first example mission and sketch in the original post.
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2635818948 This addon provides a framework for ARMA to communicate with Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and any other device that can connect to or emulate a Windows COM port This addon is not currently recognized by BattleEye - You will need to disable BattleEye to experiment with this addon (The addon has been submitted to BattleEye for review and whitelisting) This addon does not do anything on its own - it provides a framework for people to develop code to communicate with devices connected to COM ports. The extension that powers this framework is written by GoogleBen. For basic usage, reference: https://github.com/FatLurch/ARMACOM For more advanced usage, reference: https://github.com/googleben/ArmaCOM Discord to discuss ARMA peripherals in general: https://discord.gg/jKVNWQt7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example 1: LED Control (Switch an LED on the Arduino on and off using a laptop in game) Arduino Code: https://github.com/FatLurch/ARMA_LED ARMA Mission: https://github.com/FatLurch/TEST_ARMACOM.vr/ Example 2: LCD Display (Display in-game data onto an LCD connected to an Arduino) Arduino Code: https://github.com/FatLurch/Basic_Serial_Display Raspberry Pi code: https://github.com/FatLurch/RPi_Serial_Display ARMA Mission: https://github.com/FatLurch/TEST_ARMACOM_LCD.vr
  6. This addon sets up all (supported) helicopters for ACE fast-roping by default when they spawn. This is intended to allow for fast-roping on assets spawned in the game without needing Zeus to add the FRIES system to a given helicopter. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2634777508 https://github.com/FatLurch/FFA
  7. fat_lurch


    Update 2021-10-17: Version: 1.1.1 Added: Prairie Fire DLC Support (Now built-in - external addon deprecated) Added "vn_m2_v_100_mag" to existing 100x 12.7x99 (For Prairie Fire M2, etc.) Added "vn_m60_v_100_mag" to existing 100x 7.62x51 (For Prairie Fire M60, etc.) Added "vn_m134_v_2000_mag" to existing 2000x 7.62x51 (For Prairie Fire M134, etc.)
  8. fat_lurch


    Help Wanted: If anyone is willing and able to model/texture some ammocan, box, magazine variants I'd greatly appreciate the help! I've tried and unfortunately it is just not in my skill set. It took me weeks to come up with the darn M2A1 ammocan model which isn't very good. The GitHub for the project outlines which assets I think are needed so far: https://github.com/FatLurch/Ammocan/issues/40 Thanks!
  9. fat_lurch


    Update 2021-10-16: Version 1.1.0 Added: Support for FFAA Mod Support for HAFM Mod Limited support for Global Modernization DLC CBA Version System CBA option to turn on/off verbose log output (off by default) "ffaa_32rnd_lag40" added to existing 32x 40mm HEDP for LAG 40 (FFAA) "ffaa_safeweapon" blasklisted (allows 12.7x99mm support for M2 etc.) (FFAA) "MG3_762V", "200Rnd_762x51_Belt" added to existing 200x 7.62x51 for MG3 series (HAFM) "gm_120Rnd_762x51mm_b_t_DM21A1_mg3_grn" to existing 120x 7.62x51 for MG3 series (GM) Changed: Slightly more robust compatibility check Reverted back to custom ammocan model
  10. fat_lurch


    Update 2021-10-16: Fixed: Ammocans flipped the right direction when placed in Eden (Thanks TheJoDav!)
  11. fat_lurch


    Update 2021-10-15: Added: Ammocans available in Eden and Zeus Extra ammocans are now visible in the Eden Equipment interface Support for CUP 32x 40mm ammo Support for CUP 200x 7.62x51 ammo Support for CUP 96x 40mm Fixed: Fixed magazine name case sensitivity issue in loadAmmoFromInventory
  12. fat_lurch


    Thanks again for the info 10Dozen, Unfortunately my ignorance is getting in my way. I've gone as far as being able to download and dePBO the files. In the case of the AGS30 for example, I can see the .p3d in the folder but I can't view it in Oxygen/Bulldozer, etc. because it's binarized. What techniques do I need to read up on/study to be able to do something like reutilize the AGS30 magazine from these data packs? Thanks for your time and patience!
  13. fat_lurch


    I'm interested in working on the mass of various ammocans for this addon. Does anyone have any recommendations beyond the "kg * 22" rule for object weight in ARMA? Thanks in advance!
  14. fat_lurch


    Update 2021-10-13: Added: BWMod Support 32x 40mm (Added to existing Ammocan class) 120x 7.62x51 (New Ammocan class) 1200x 7.62x51 (New Ammocan class) Blacklist for "bwa3_dingo_smokelauncher"
  15. fat_lurch


    Update 2021-10-12: Added: Support for Foxhound's LPPV Changed: Simplified reload function Update compatabilityCheck function Fixed: Issue where commanding a reload on the last mag would empty the magazine from the gun and cause a bug