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Sneax x

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About Sneax x

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hi, How can i use 'removeAllWeapons player' in remoteexec? or 'deletevehicle vehicle player' with remoteexec? i know the basics about remoteexec and can create some hints,playsound,... with it but i dont know how to do it with those 2? thx for your help!
  2. Hi, i have the following problem... if i kill somebody on my TDM server he dies and i have a respawn cooldown for 3 seconds... so the death person is 3seconds on the ground and then respawns, but in this millisecond the player respawns is spawning a person with no gear only a blue uniform on the death body, after ~0.5 sek the man despawns and the death body is away, if you kill this blue man the person who was killed will die 1 more time... how can i disable those blues on the death/respawn? *sry for my bad english!*
  3. Hi, i want to change the armor of a ifrit... especially the window of the vehicle so if found this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference but i dont know where i have to put this in: // for vehicles general armorStructural= 1; // ranges between 1 and 4.0, default 1 armorFuel = 1.4; // default armorGlass = 0.5; // default armorLights = 0.4; // default 0.4 in all models. armorWheels = 0.05; // default // for tanks armorHull = 1; armorTurret = 0.8; armorGun = 0.6; armorEngine = 0.8; armorTracks = 0.6; // for men armorHead = 0.7; armorHands = 0.5; armorLegs = 0.5; // helicopters armorHull = 0.5; armorEngine = 0.6; armorAvionics = 1.4; armorVRotor = 0.5; armorHRotor = 0.7; armorMissiles = 1.6; armorGlass = 0.5; ??? Thx for your anwers
  4. Yes thats true... i have noticed that too
  5. Thank you very much now its working! @pierremgi
  6. I dont know why... know how it with 3rd view works... could you please send me your complett script? maybe i replaced something wrong? my looks: onEachFrame { _units = player nearEntities [["CAManBase","air","landVehicle","ship"], 17]; _units = _units - [player]; { _color = switch (playerSide) do { case (EAST): {[1,0,0,1]}; case (WEST): {[0,0,1,1]}; case (independent): {[0,1,0,1]}; case default {[2.55,0.55,0,10]}; }; if (side _x isEqualto playerSide) then { if (([player,"view", _x] checkVisibility [AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld[ 0, 0, 0 ],getPosASL vehicle _x])>0 && alive _x) then { drawIcon3D [ "", _color, [visiblePosition _x select 0,visiblePosition _x select 1, (visiblePosition _x select 2) +((_x ModelToWorld (_x selectionPosition "player")) select 2)+ 1.83], 45, -2, -1, name _x, 2, 0.035, "Puristamedium", "center" ]; }; }; }forEach _units; }; and it is not working! Picture
  7. hey... i played a lot with this and the problem is: this only checkVisibility from eyePos player.. how can i change it to third person player cam? i tryed with !( lineIntersects [ AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld[ 0, 0, 0 ], eyePos _units, cameraOn, _units ]) but it is not working!
  8. Thank you very much @pierremgi! works fine
  9. Thx for your answere ! but it didnt changed something on the problem with the wall, also i can see players names if they are in a vehicle but if i get out i cant see their names if they are still in the vehicle, you have any other idears? now the script looks like: onEachFrame { _units = player nearEntities [["CAManBase","air","landVehicle","ship"], 17]; _units = _units; { _color = switch (playerSide) do { case default {[2.55,0.55,0,10]}; }; if (side _x isEqualto playerSide) then { if (!( lineIntersects [getPos player, getPos _x, player, _x]) && alive _x) then { drawIcon3D [ "", _color, [visiblePosition _x select 0,visiblePosition _x select 1, (visiblePosition _x select 2) +((_x ModelToWorld (_x selectionPosition "player")) select 2)+ 1.83], 45, -2, -1, name _x, 2, 0.035, "Puristamedium", "center" ]; }; }; }forEach _units; }; @POLPOX i have no idea how i can add a checkVisibility pram to this thx for your help! (lineIntersectsSurfaces (count = 0)  didnt worked... allways called a error)
  10. Hi, i got the following drawIcon3D script that shows the players names above their heads: onEachFrame { _units = nearestObjects[(visiblePosition player),["Man"], 17]; _units = _units; { _color = switch (playerSide) do { case (EAST): {[1,0,0,1]}; case (WEST): {[0,0,1,1]}; case (independent): {[0,1,0,1]}; case default {[2.55,0.55,0,10]}; }; if (side _x isEqualto playerSide) then { if (!(lineIntersects [getPos player, getPos _x, player, _x]) && alive _x) then { drawIcon3D [ "", _color, [visiblePosition _x select 0,visiblePosition _x select 1, (visiblePosition _x select 2) +((_x ModelToWorld (_x selectionPosition "player")) select 2)+ 1.83], 45, -2, -1, name _x, 2, 0.035, "Puristamedium", "center" ]; }; }; }forEach _units; }; the problem: this shows also the names thought objects where i cant see the player normaly... how can i fix this? also it would be nice if my enime is in a car i would see his name above the car (not works now). Thx for your answer's 😄
  11. Hi, I need a script that every time a player connects on server directly when he is spawning exec 2 scripts (welcome music, intro) but only the player who connected should see it, like a init... i tryed it with Init.sqf,initPlayerLocal.sqf,initPlayerServer.sqf. Init only runs the 2 scripts on Server Mission start. an the other 2 did nothing? could you please help me?... Sry for my bad english!
  12. Hi, i need help with a script: ( addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_killerID"]; if ((isPlayer _killer) && (alive _killer)) then {execVM "shop\kill.sqf"}; }]; it exec a script to a person who killed somebody... the problem is : the script is not local so every time player1 kills player2 the script also get executed on player1,player2,player3,player4.... i what it only for the player who killed somebody! THX for your Help!
  13. Sneax x

    Despawn second Vehicle

    Exactly what i searched thank you!!!
  14. Hi, i got following script : _veh = "B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_olive_F" createVehicle position player; _veh setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; _veh setDir _direction; _veh setPos _position; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh; clearItemCargoGlobal _veh; player moveInDriver _veh; it spawns a vehicle and moves the player inside, what i want now is a script that delets the vehicle if i exec this script again, so if i exec this script again it delets my first vehicle form the script and spawns a new, so that every player got only 1 vehicle on map!. Thx for your help!