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Found 34 results

  1. MDH Blackfish is a mod, created by Moerderhoschi for Arma 3. You are able to call an Blackfish Gunship and control it. HOW THE ADDON WORKS? The addon automatically add an Actionmenu entry to call in the Gunship. IS THE ADDON MP COMPATIBLE? Yes, call it and use it like in SP. ADDITIONAL FILES Contents of this download/subscription: - signature files - mod description/icons CREDITS Armed-Assault.de Crew - For many great ArmA moments in many years LurchiDerLurch - for your Arma 2 AC-130 IR-Blink script BIS - For ArmA3 Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3407540432
  2. Download: MIL_CAS - Dropbox Description: MIL_CAS is a simple script to allow a mission designer to use the vanilla CAS Module in-game via scripting. All this does is perform the required actions to properly call BIS_fnc_moduleCAS. Best suited for ambience, the strikes shouldn't be relied on for 100% accuracy. Features: - Position and approach heading can be defined. - Plane and type of CAS to be provided can be defined. To use: - Copy the file MIL_CAS.sqf to your mission folder. - Run the script using: nul = [[_position,_direction,_vehicle,_type],"MIL_CAS.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",2]; - _position - array - position for CAS to strike - _direction - number - direction for the CAS to approach on - _vehicle - string (optional) - default: "B_Plane_CAS_01_F" - classname of the plane to fly CAS - _type - number (optional) - default: 2 - type of CAS to be used - 0 - Guns - 1 - Missiles - 2 - Guns & Missiles - 3 - Bomb - Examples: nul = [[getPos player,240],"MIL_CAS.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",2]; - Wipeout will fly in for a "Guns & Missiles" run. nul = [[getPos player,240,"RHS_A10",3],"MIL_CAS.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",2]; - A-10 will fly in and drop a single bomb. Credits: - This uses the vanilla function BIS_fnc_moduleCAS for the actual CAS. All I did was make an easy way to launch it from a script. Media: Everyone knows what CAS is all about, but here is all four types being called in anyway (0.52): If anyone finds any problems please let me know. Thank you.
  3. Title explains, what I try to achieve - thing like this. Shooting straight ahead seems to work (tested with code from BI CAS module used for planes, also works with forceWeaponFire), worse with targeting at ground targets - here I encountered few issues. Heli ignores/will not change direction/pitch/aiming at doWatch/doTarget with or without target reveal (apllied to the heli, heli's gunner and/or driver), target may be allied or hostile unit, whatever. It doesn't even turn minigun turret at the target. Ignores also setFormDir. Said CAS module uses also spawned laser target object. But as soon I spawn it, heli starts to spin around: BTW Similar thing happens after using BIS_fnc_fire (action "UseMagazine" way), but some shots are fired then. Also doSuppressiveFire seems not work with the heli (pity, would be optimal for my need). If applied with position or object, heli will not shoot at it, instead will start doing flybys, like in normal attack pattern until reach some position or indefinitely. I would like to avoid using enforced ways, like setDir, addTorque or setVelocityTransformation, rather to base on AI than fighting with it. Still it may be unavoidable, since to shoot from fixed weaponry at ground level target, heli needs to dive a bit, which without invisible "helping hand" means flying forward (could be countered with setVelocity). Anyway, tested setVelocityTransformation, with partial success. This code: makes the heli turning in right direction, but the turn is too wide (why?). This from the other hand does the trick: but faster, than in 2 seconds and after few more seconds heli starts very rapidly change its vector, like crazy (why?). I have no experience with setVelocityTransformation, so I might misuse it somehow. (_gun/v1 is the heli, _tPos) - target position. I would appreciate any insight.
  4. F/A-18 Super Hornet CAS Module Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3038857968 - Instant Brutal and intense Airstrikes!!  - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Modules for FA-18 Super Hornet Mod. - Support module capable. - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your FA-18 Super Hornet CAS Module Mod folder! - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio if you use radio activation. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Thanks to Jeza for the cool Demo vid! - Hit the rate button with a thumbs up if you like this addon and if you would like to see more modules! - Enjoy. Copyright 2023[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  5. Israeli F-16 CAS Module Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034244501 - Instant Brutal and intense Airstrikes!! - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Modules for Firewills F-16 Falcon Mod. - Support module capable. - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your F-16 Falcon Israeli CAS Module Mod folder! - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio if you use radio activation. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Thanks to Jeza for the cool Demo vid! - Hit the rate button with a thumbs up if you like this addon and if you would like to see more modules! - Enjoy. Copyright 2023[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  6. Turkish F-16 CAS Module Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034211809 F-16 Falcon Turkish CAS Module by ANZACSAS Steve. - Instant Brutal and intense Airstrikes!! - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Modules for Firewills F-16 Falcon Mod. - Support module capable. - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your F-16 Falcon Turkish CAS Module Mod folder! - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio if you use radio activation. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Thanks to Jeza for the cool Demo vid! - Hit the rate button with a thumbs up if you like this addon and if you would like to see more modules! - Enjoy. Copyright 2023[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  7. TGP Simple Cockpit Slew Control the Camera Pilot cameras, AI gunner turrets, and connected UAV turrets can be controlled from the cockpit view via simple controls: Hold key and use mouse to slew. Keybind to slew camera to HMD target or Waypoint (Shift-click, Group, or ACE MicroDAGR). Toggle stabilization. Keys for Turret zoom Vision mode can be changed with Panel Mode or Vision Mode (Vehicle) HOTAS Compatible Keybinds Take Control - avoid having the scroll menu change Collision Lights CCIP Track Track unguided bomb CCIP (roughly). Calculations are a bit off, most accurate at 35-40 degree pitch up loft/toss trajectory. For other bombing profiles, use Gun Elevation Up/Down to adjust camera. Pilot Camera Zoom control is being requested on the Feature Tracker GitHub Steam Workshop
  8. I have a question regarding the new DLC Laws of War and the showcase mission In the showcase where you get to try out CAS and choose the right one without killing civilian you can choose what kind of bomb the incoming jet gets to use. For examble you can order the new cluster bomb. But i dont seem to find any way to edit the CAS module so that the selected bomb is used. I can only choose between guided and unguided. I know if you choose an non virtual CAS provider with artillery you can choose the type of ammo but why not with planes. Hope someone knows more about scripting than me or knows how they did it in the showcase. PS. I know theres a way to force the plane to use a specific kind of weapon by disabling all others but that doesnt seem to work with virtual Provider.
  9. As you can see by the title, I'm trying to make a custom support CAS menu by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu. The script that activates after u call in support would make the player say something with apex subtitles and send in chopper support. Problem is, that it seems like the script only activates to whoever calls in the support. What I mean is that the player who called in chopper support would see the apex subtitles and the chopper incoming for CAS. But to the other players, they won't see the apex subtitles and only see the chopper incoming. Is there any way to make the script activates for all players by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu? I'm still considered a rookie when it comes to scripting, so expect me to be a little dumb. And this is one of my first posts on the forums.
  10. Group: United Task Force (UNITAF) Branch: Flexible Schedule / Attendance - MILSIM just without the Yes Sir no Sir. Availability: Join on operations as often or as little as you like, including reserve roles if you want to join but aren't sure you'll make it. Language: English Time Zone: Central Europe (but we have plenty of people from the Americas and Pacific and wouldn't say no to more) Our Arma-integrated Website: United task force Discord: discord Operation Times: CEST/GMT/UTC - Flexible schedule (attend by choice from 1 to 20 ops a month) using our dynamic ORBAT deployment application. Operation Type: COOP (from 5-man Special Operations missions to 40-men+ beach assault we have it all) Mods: ACE / TFAR / RHS (Full list: mods) Roles available for:- Marksmen- Snipers- Leadership- Fixed Wing pilot- Rotary pilot and gunner- Tank crew- Autorifleman- Anti-tank/anti-air- Everything, seriously, any role is a potential option. Other Information: United Task Force is a one-of-a-kind session based cooperative MILSIM experience for the Arma series. A unique blend of realism, solid teamwork, just without the yes-sir-no-sir. Our Website: United task force FAQs and more information about UNITAF on the website. - 24/7 Public Server - Just search for UNITAF in the public server list. - Private session based MILSIM operations. - Numerous training sessions so you can become an expert in whatever roles you choose. - Our one-of-a-kind game integrated MILSIM website application. - Full of cool and friendly people from across the world. - Powerful and well maintained servers to reduce frame-drops and keep the game as immersive as possible. Email adress: hq@unitedtaskforce.net Website features: /- Order of Battle: Deploying on our missions looks something like this which makes it super easy to keep track of what team you're in and what your radio frequency is etc ORBAT Snapshot /- Operations Order [OPORD] are written in full for all official operations. To add immersion and let you know exactly what you should be doing on operation. OPORD Snapshot
  11. InsanityGamer

    Satchels Only

    If i wanted to make a script that requires a satchel to be placed on a radio tower to destroy it, what would be a method i could use? Basically im trying to make it so players cant just shoot it with CAS or Artillery. someone has to physically walk up and place a satchel on the tower to blow it up.
  12. [SP/MP][COOP] LMS 1-8/2 CAAS CAAS is a Singleplayer or Coop mission for 1 to 8 players now (was 4 before) and 2 optional enemy pilots, featuring pilots on the Altis main airport. Mission file: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2206040060 Mission setting: Island: Altis Daytime: 2020-08-17, 05:00 - time multiplier ×30 by day, ×60 by night - can be changed Weather: cloudy - can be changed Mission goal: Wander in Altis skies waiting for the new task to pop. This mission has no ending. Tasks: Destroy convoys, tank battalions, helicopters, jets… and AA! Gear: A-164, Black Wasp, helicopters (AH-9, AH-99, UH-80) Functionalities: - camera intro - briefing & tasks - fully voiced (using Fixed Wings BI showcase) - translated (EN/FR) - randomised: random tasks happen on a random spot on the island - vehicle respawn - loadout selector - HUD colour changer - NO MODS REQUIRED at all - Jets DLC required to pilot the Black Wasp. Feedback: You can contact me on ARMA Discord, or Steam or BI forums for praises, improvement ideas or threats on my (virtual) life. No Paypal here, just tell me if you enjoyed it and I will be more than happy 😉 LAST UPDATE: 2020-11-10 19:33 - bug reports and suggestions are always welcome, otherwise this mission might be in its final state 🙂 Changelog:
  13. MGI GUN RUN Last update: 01/05/2020 Hi all, Here is another script to add a specific gun run, calling a virtual or real CAS. This script is to copy/paste inside BI init CAS module. Nothing more to do! The code will search for "cannon" or "Gatling" in the pilot's weapon. So far, it doesn't work for gunners. You can see "no pilot cannon" in the sub-menu. If you find some non-listed pilot's cannon, let me know. Tips: - Always place your module/aircraft at 2 km from a target area. It's far better for a straight-in approach. You can even place them outside of the map. - Don' try to repeat the CAS too soon with a real aircraft. It will turn around the target without aiming it. Don't forget, pilots are dumb (I can say that referring to my own career). - At this time, Buzzard is far more precise than Wipeout which generously spread ammo with poor efficiency. Code to copy/paste in init field of the CAS module: MGI_CAS_MODULE_1 = this; MGI_CAS = compileFinal " if !(GUNRUNCAS) exitWith {}; private _isVirtual = ({_x isKindOf 'air'} count synchronizedObjects MGI_CAS_MODULE_1 ==0); private _pilot = player getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider'; private _veh = vehicle _pilot; private _home = getPos MGI_CAS_MODULE_1; private _trts = (_veh WeaponsTurret [-1]) select { getText (configfile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _x >> 'nameSound') == 'cannon'}; waitUntil {!isNil {_pilot getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_requester'} && {!isNull (_pilot getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_requester')}}; private _requester = _pilot getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_requester'; 'Gun run requested' remoteExec ['hint',_requester]; waitUntil {!isnil {_pilot getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_supportRunCoords'}}; private _coords = _pilot getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_supportRunCoords'; private _alt = getTerrainHeightASL _coords; private _limit = [40,90] select (_veh distance2D _coords < 2500); _pilot setCombatMode 'BLUE'; _veh flyInHeightASL [_alt +500,_alt +500,_alt +500]; waitUntil {_veh distance2D _coords < 2000}; if (!isNil 'BIS_SUPP_laserTGT') then {deleteVehicle BIS_SUPP_laserTGT; BIS_SUPP_laserTGT = nil}; private _timer = diag_tickTime; _veh flyInHeightASL [_alt +100,_alt +100,_alt +100]; private _resultOK = false; 'In sight' remoteExec ['hint',_requester]; private _typeForIndep = (WEST getFriend RESISTANCE >0.6); private _tgttype = ['laserTargetE','laserTargetW'] select (side _veh == WEST or (side _veh == RESISTANCE && _typeForIndep)); private _tgt = createVehicle [_tgttype,_coords,[],0,'none']; if (count _trts > 0) then { _trt = _trts select 0; private _mags = (getArray (configfile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _trt >> 'magazines')) arrayIntersect (_veh magazinesTurret [-1]); comment ""private _cnt = getNumber (configFile >> 'cfgMagazines' >> _mags select 0 >> 'count')""; _pilot setCombatMode 'RED'; _pilot reveal [_tgt,4]; _veh selectWeaponTurret [_trt,[-1]]; private _cnt =_veh magazineTurretAmmo [_veh currentMagazineTurret [-1],[-1]]; while {diag_tickTime < _timer + _limit} do { _tgt setPosASL (getPosASL _tgt vectorAdd [0,0,(0.18 * (_veh distance2D _tgt)) -270]); _veh selectWeaponTurret [_trt,[-1]]; _veh doTarget _tgt; if ((_veh weaponDirection _trt vectorCos (AGLToASL _coords vectorDiff (eyepos _pilot))) > 0.999) then { [[_veh,_trt], BIS_fnc_fire] remoteExec ['call',_veh]; if (_veh magazineTurretAmmo [_veh currentMagazineTurret [-1],[-1]] < _cnt) then {_resultOK = true}; } else { _pilot lookAt _tgt }; uiSleep .01; }; }; if (!_resultOK) then {_pilot setVariable ['BIS_SUPP_failed',true]}; (['Gun run aborted','Gun run terminated, resuming support'] select _resultOK) remoteExec ['hint',_requester]; if !(_isVirtual) then { waitUntil {waypointType [group _veh,currentWaypoint group _veh] == 'MOVE'}; [group _veh,currentWaypoint group _veh] setWaypointPosition [_home,0]; [group _veh,currentWaypoint group _veh] setWaypointStatements ['true','']; _veh setFuel 1; {_veh setAmmo [_x, 2000]} forEach _trts; }; _pilot setVariable ['BIS_SUPP_supporting',false]; if (_isVirtual && alive _veh) then {uiSleep 120; deleteVehicle _veh}; "; 0 = MGI_CAS_MODULE_1 spawn { while {true} do { GUNRUNCAS = false; waitUntil {uiSleep 0.2; !isnil {player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider"}}; waitUntil {!isNil {player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_request"} && {(player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_request") #0 == "CAS_Bombing"} && {!isnull (player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider")}}; private _pilot = player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider"; private _veh = vehicle _pilot; private _trts = (_veh WeaponsTurret [-1]) select { getText (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "nameSound") == "cannon"}; private _cooldown = time - (_this getVariable ["BIS_SUPP_lastCall",time -122]) - ((_this getVariable ["BIS_SUPP_cooldown",0]) max 60); BIS_SUPP_commMenu = BIS_SUPP_commMenu + [ [ ["Gun run request",["No pilot cannon!",format ["wait for %1 sec",-(round _cooldown)]] select (_cooldown < 0)] select (count _trts == 0 or _cooldown <0), [4], "", -5, [[ "expression","GUNRUNCAS = true; [] spawn MGI_CAS; player setVariable ['BIS_SUPP_ammoType', 0]" ]], "1", ["1","0"] select (count _trts == 0 or _cooldown < 0), "\A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\WeaponCursors\cannon_gs.paa" ] ]; uiSleep 0.1; showCommandingMenu "#USER:BIS_SUPP_commMenu"; waitUntil {uiSleep 0.2; isNil {player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider"} or {!isNil {player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider"} && isnull (player getVariable "BIS_SUPP_selectedProvider")}}; }; }; Seems to be short? It took me a lot of hours to find this solution. Feel free to test, comment, ask for some implementation. Pierre
  14. Introduction ITC Land Systems is a mod that aims to adds depth and realism to arma’s aircraft, with the main focus being fixed wing aircraft in the ground attack role. Update V1.8 Update V1.7 - performance, usability, reliability Changes: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215419-itc-air-systems-v16-fcr-mavericks-new-mfd-system/?do=findComment&comment=3298124 Update V1.6 - Major overhaul Fully interactive MFDs Sensor slewing system(including HMCS) Realistically configurable JDAMs(programmable fuzes & impact angle) Selectable Nose/Tail fuzes Ripple release for bombs Air-Ground Fire Control Radar Realistic physx based autopilot Rover TGP video feed Realistic targeting for mavericks TGP Infrared marking laser Steerpoint system for navigation and targeting Expect new documentation on the github wiki soon https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=I7_3CVfOZKc Hotfix V1.51 Fixed a GBU-12 guidance problem Fixed a config inheritance issue Update V1.5 - Two seaters and Bomb rippling It has been a while, but here it is, v1.5 Changelog Two seater compatibility Bomb ripple releasing Known issues Waypoint autocycle sometimes may not work properly with paired releases, as the second bomb will release before the waypoint is cycled. Two seater system The two seater system comes in the form of a scripted system that lets the WSO and pilot share the pilot's TGP, and a system that synchronizes the steerpoints between the two users. The WSO camera can by default be opened with left shift + down. Bomb ripple release In V1.5 you will be able to ripple certain bombs, both guided and unguided. If your bomb can be rippled the settings for it will show up in the WPN page when it is selected. Ripple-able bombs include dumb bombs like the mk82, but also guided bombs like the JDAM. The ripple system will also let you automatically cycle waypoints every time a bomb is released. Future plans This update came a little slower than the previous ones, but worry not, my work itself has not slowed down. I have started shifting attention to a new project. For some sneak peeks feel free to join the discord. Update V1.4 - Pylon/Bombs Drag & Weight, SADL Datalink messaging, Fuel consumption indicator Hotfix V1.351 V1.35 Mini-update: Laser codes, GBU-12, APKWS, Laser Spot Search Laser Spot Search & Track The laser spot search feature has been overhauled. Previously it would just find the nearest laserTarget object and lock on to it. In its current form, when you enable Laser Spot Search, the pod will start scanning in its currently set direction and field of view for any laser with the desired code. While searching the TGP will say LSS on the right side. When it finds a laser, the TGP will start tracking it, and will say LST on the right side. Update v1.3 - TAD, SADL, TGP ITC_Air base-classes & Compatibility UPDATE V1.2 - MFDs, Compatibility, LJDAM Contents Here are some of the core features of the mod. To view the full contents of the mod, view the documentation. Rover Munitions WP Smoke Rockets GBU-38 JDAM Steerpoints ITC Aircraft comes with a steerpoint system to help users navigate, target, and communicate locations. Steerpoints are stored in the ACE Microdagr waypoint list, allowing players to easily create them from the microdagr. Alternatively steerpoints can be generated from the current TGP position with a hotkey, automatically saving them as a microdagr waypoint with the naming scheme “Mark n”(number). Targeting HMCS: Pilots can use a hotkey to lock the TGP to a position they are looking at with their HMD. Steerpoints: When switching steerpoints, the TGP will automatically lock to the position of the selected steerpoint. Radar: Pilots can use a hotkey to lock the TGP to the location of a vehicle currently locked by the radar. IR Marker HMD & TGP Compatibility Requirements CBA A3 ACE 3 Included Aircraft The mod’s features can be configured for any aircraft, but by default it works on 2 standard aircraft and 2 Jets DLC aircraft. All of our mod’s aircraft are custom versions to ensure the mod is always kept completely optional. All can be found under NATO > Airplanes. F/A-181 > F-181E A-164 -> A-10E A-149 -> Jas-39E A-143 -> A-159 Compatibility https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1501767670 Documentation Documentation can be found here Download The mod can be found on the steam workshop
  15. I've been working on a script the last few days with the aim of spawning an enemy blackfish, having it fly to the nearest player, loiter, and start killing everything in sight. I'm making this for a CTI mission where the players are able to respawn, therefore, I want this thing to be an absolute terror for ground forces until it's destroyed. I've tried several things to make this happen. I've tried: 1) Setting the camouflage coefficient of every unit in the mission to "1", 2) Revealing all units to the pilot/group leader, 3) Setting the groups' skills to 1 4) Separating pilot and crew, where the pilot is set to careless and the crew is set to "Terminator" (a separate issue with this occurred where the gunners/crew group would reset its behavior to "hold fire/defend" even though they were set in the script to combat mode "RED". Unable to resolve that issue, I've abandoned separating the groups. Further, even when set back to RED, it isn't any more effective than having them all in one group. The pilot maintains the proper holding pattern either way. 5) Creating a Seek And Destroy waypoint for the gunner/crew group after separating them from the pilot. 6) Trying to add a "human sensor" to the radar, which is apparently a thing in Arma. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Sensors 7) Finally I tried setting unit state to "Aware" to see if they would enter "COMBAT" on their own when spotting an enemy, but they will not unless an enemy vehicle is present, and after the vehicle is destroyed, they usually lose all interest in Infantry. This leads me to believe that they, for the most part, just can't see the infantry on the ground, despite my attempts to make them see. Tanoa is the map I'm using for my mission so the buildings/trees/ground clutter is probably hiding most of the targets from the gunners. Here's the script so far in a mostly working configuration where the plane will spawn, fly to the nearest player, and loiter indefinitely, possibly taking occasional shots at very exposed infantry and vehicles. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Spawn a Blackfish to loiter around player and kill any enemies. _plane = createVehicle [(["B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom), [11567.8,3199.6,0], [], 0, "FLY"]; This spawns the blackfish itself with the variable name _plane _plane addEventHandler ["Fired",{ (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1 This allows it to have infinite ammo }]; _pilotguy = [[0,0,0], WEST, ["B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F","B_Fighter_Pilot_F"],[],[],[],[],[],232] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) moveInDriver _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 1) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 2) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 3) moveInAny _plane; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["spotDistance", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["spotTime", 1]; This chunk spawns the crew, forces it into the vehicle, and sets their skills and combat mode. group variable name is _pilotguy ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["commanding", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["aimingShake", 1]; ((units _pilotguy) select 0) setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 1]; _pilotguy setCombatMode "RED"; _pilotguy setBehaviour "COMBAT"; private _markerPos = getPos leader _pilotguy; private _playerList = allPlayers apply {[_markerPos distanceSqr _x, _x]}; This bit sets up the "nearest player" part _playerList sort true; private _closestPlayer = (_playerList select 0) param [1, objNull]; _wpcas = _pilotguy addWaypoint [getPos _closestPlayer, 50]; _wpcas setWaypointType "LOITER"; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterRadius 900; _wpcas setWaypointLoiterType "CIRCLE_L"; _wpcas setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; This sets up the waypoint with various specifications, possibly redundant to set the combat mode here as well _wpcas setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _plane flyInHeight 300; _plane forceSpeed 60; _pilotguy allowFleeing 0; {(driver _plane) reveal [_x,4]} forEach allPlayers; revealing all players might be redundant with revealing all units {(driver _plane) reveal [_x, 4]}foreach allUnits; while {alive _pilotguy} do { {(_x) foreach allUnits setUnitTrait ["camouflageCoef", 1]}; the goal of this line is to have the units' coefficient revert to normal after the blackfish is destroyed sleep 10; _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks in advance for any help.
  16. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111460425 F-16 Falcon CAS Module For Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Instant brutal and intense Airstrikes !! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Module for Firewills F-16 Falcon Mod !! 🙂 - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Support module capable. - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your @ANZACSAS Napalm and WP Smoke marker rockets Mod folder! - Enjoy. Required Addons - Napalm Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 Firewills F-16 Falcon Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=366423278 - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - See below for a more in depth how to use guide by Phronk from BI Forums. Phronk says, Here's how to place a CAS module in the editor and edit it: Click the Modules button on the right (Or press F5) Click the category, "Effects" (It's the third one down) Click the "Close Air Support (CAS)" item in the list Place the module on the map Double-click on it to open the module and edit it Very bottom category in edit box lets you change type of attack and CAS plane used Here's how to sync it to a trigger: Place your Blufor player unit Place a trigger and set the Activation to "BLUFOR" Right-click your Blufor player unit, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your unit to the trigger Right-click the placed CAS module, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your CAS module to the trigger Results. Also, the azimuth you set the CAS module to will be the direction the CAS plane will ingress from. If the azimuth is 0, then the plane will come in from the north and egress south Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  17. ANZACSAS Steven

    F-15 Eagle CAS Module

    F-15E Strike Eagle CAS Module For Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111546134 - Instant brutal and intense Airstrikes !! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Module for Firewills F-15E Strike Eagle Mod !! 🙂 - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Enjoy. Required Addons - Napalm Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 Firewills F-15E Strike Eagle Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=582478120 - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - See below for a more in depth how to use guide by Phronk from BI Forums. Phronk says, Here's how to place a CAS module in the editor and edit it: Click the Modules button on the right (Or press F5) Click the category, "Effects" (It's the third one down) Click the "Close Air Support (CAS)" item in the list Place the module on the map Double-click on it to open the module and edit it Very bottom category in edit box lets you change type of attack and CAS plane used Here's how to sync it to a trigger: Place your Blufor player unit Place a trigger and set the Activation to "BLUFOR" Right-click your Blufor player unit, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your unit to the trigger Right-click the placed CAS module, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your CAS module to the trigger Results. Also, the azimuth you set the CAS module to will be the direction the CAS plane will ingress from. If the azimuth is 0, then the plane will come in from the north and egress south Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  18. Hi everybody, A year has passed since I issued the HUD Tactical glasses V 2.3 Thanks to all of you who took time to play with this add-on and feedback for improvement. This add-on is a pack of tools such as AUTO-REPACK, FATIGUE MANAGER, ENHANCED GPS, ENHANCED MAP TOOLS, TACTICAL ICONS, ARSENAL TEST, HALO JUMP,.. and much more! (details below and more info in readme.txt) Forget the "too heavy backpack" penalty, adjust Zeroing, use map tool for MK6 mortar computing, treat yourself at full with a 2nd FAK, auto repack your magazines,... Your settings are persistent from mission to mission. MP environment compatible. I hope this will please to you but I’m aware nothing is perfect. If you have any specific demand as server owner, just ask me. This add-on is not a heavy one! Just test it. Download here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673533220 View video here:
  19. Been looking up some radio protocol for airstrikes.Found a couple of interesting links.- https://imgur.com/gallery/pXiXv https://fas.org/irp/doddir/dod/jp3_09_3.pdf https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a7323/how-it-works-a-us-military-airstrike/
  20. Has anyone managed to add custom weps (bombs/napalm) to the support module pool of weps etc?Been looking thru several modules/functions pbo's and havnt found anything that looks like that yet.
  21. ANZACSAS Steven

    COOP 1-6 Save The Platoon !!

    COOP 1-6 Save The Platoon !! Link - ://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1696372535 -See Steam page for Pic- Here is a port of my "Save The Platoon" Mp mission from Arma 2 to Arma 3. This is a Ground Defence/Close Air Support mission.Players have to Save The Platoon from being overrun. Designed to be easily edited and read. If clans/groups would like to edit the mission to use mods etc just add the clan or mod tag in name. - Overview - - U.S troops are in contact with a large force.Unable to extricate themselves,Close and intense Air Support is their only chance for survival. - Factions - - U.S Vs CSAT. - Features - - Dynamic load outs for aircraft. - Custom Weather and Time of day Params at start of mission. - Increase or Decrease your view distance and Terrain Detail During Mission. - Vehicles Respawn. - Assets Available - - A-164 Wipeout. - F/A-181 Blackwasp II. - Intel - - Estimated Enemy Strength is Strong.Approx Battalion strength. - Objective - - Support ground forces in contact and save the platoon!! If you like this mission please hit the rate button with a thumbs up.:) All feedback welcome. Have fun.:) Steve. - Mod Versions - - BWI Mod T-6/PC-6. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1921404732 - F/A-18 Super Hornet Mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1921958131 -Panavia Tornado GR4 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1928190945&amp;searchtext= - Credits - - Mission By ANZACSAS Steve. - GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout V1.341 made by Grumpy Old Man 17-5-20172. - Dynamic Gfx settings scripts by Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine.
  22. Hello! I'm trying to make a huge and long battle, where bots dinamically creating as waves, and sometimes both sides launch artillery and air strikes to the random choosen enemy target. Method of choosing the target is simple. I set big trigger on the map (wich covering area of battle), and choose randomly as Target = list Trigger1 select _rndm;call{[Target] execVM "L39CAS.sqf"} Command DoartilleryTarget makes artillery strikes pretty easy, and i have not problems with realisation. But i can't to make airstrike; I tried to make something by this method: 1)I created mission on the VirtualReality map, and manually maked airstrike as pilot. And i wrote each "step" by this script _plane = _this select 0; _string = ""; while {Zapis} do {sleep 0.001;_arp = [velocityModelSpace _plane,vectorDir _plane,vectorUp _plane];_str = format[",%1",_arp];_string = _string + _str;}; copyToClipboard _string; This _string was copied into separate file "bombrun.sqf". It is a huge array with vectors in each part of time. Size around 240 Kb. 2)I set trigger with activation "Radio Alfa", and initiation. It must run the script, when palyer witch into binocular on the tank or building, and call airstrike by radio call{[CursorTarget] execVM "L39CAS.sqf"} _target = _this select 0; _pos = getpos _target; _posA = getposASL _target; _h = (_posA select 2) - (_pos select 2); _ha = 500 + _h; _y = (_pos select 1) - 5000; _x = _pos select 0; _pl = [[_x,_y,_ha], 0, "CUP_O_L39_TK", EAST] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; _plane = _pl select 0; {_x setBehaviour "Careless";} foreach crew _plane; call{[_plane] execVM "manevr.sqf"}; _grp = group driver _plane; _wp = _grp addWaypoint [[_x,_y + 5000,_ha], 0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_plane] spawn {sleep 29;while {true} do {[_this select 0, "CUP_Vmlauncher_S5_veh"] call BIS_fnc_fire;sleep 0.02}}; [_plane] spawn {sleep 28;while {true} do {[_this select 0, "CUP_Vacannon_GSh23L_L39"] call BIS_fnc_fire;sleep 0.05}}; sleep 60; {deletevehicle _x} foreach crew _plane; deletevehicle _plane; Sub-sqript "manevr.sqf", wich forces plane to make writed manuver _plane = _this select 0; _array = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "bombrun.sqf"; _count = count _array; _m = 0; hint format ["%1",_count]; while {_m < _count} do {sleep 0.001;_vel = (_array select _m) select 0;_dir = (_array select _m) select 1;_up = (_array select _m) select 2;hint format ["%1",_array select _m];_plane setVelocityModelSpace _vel;_plane setVectorDirAndUp [_dir,_up];_m = _m + 1}; 3)I run this on the Virtual Reality map. And it's working pretty well on this map. Each time created planes hit the target, choosed by player with binocular. 4)I copied it to the mission on Altis. And it is not work.Plane just shaking a little bit, but flying straight forward. What's a problem? I'm not very experienced in the sqripting, and i can miss thothing in the command behaviour. Thank you for your attention and help!
  23. Hello, i'm very newbie at scripting and stuff i wanna make some kind of CAS/Arty ordenance by pointing at the target (By binoculars for ex) or by putting the Mouse on the map i wonder if there is a function or a way to get that working, i know it exists cuz for example at the Campaign there is a mission when you point at the target or use the map to request mortar fire thanks in advance
  24. Incon Airpower Script package for Arma 3 mission makers that allows players to call in air support for target tracking and precision air strikes. Unlike other CAS scripts, Incon Airpower simulates high-altitude strikes where the aircraft is neither visible nor audible from the ground. As such, the aicraft itself is not spawned, only simulated, thereby avoiding all the hassle of Arma's pilot AI. Works best in single player and low-player-count COOP (lots of players using tracking may cause considerable server lag). Perfect for missions involving SF teams working behind enemy lines to call in coalition airpower onto enemy assets (as in the ongoing real-life operation Enduring Freedom in Iraq / Syria). SP / Co-op / Dedi compatible. Requires CBA. Features Call in guided airstrikes with the radio menu Mark targets with laser, smoke, chemlights or IR strobes (night only for chemlights and strobes, day only for smoke) Aircraft can lock on to and strike multiple targets simultaneaously (thanks to a slightly modified version of kylania's awesome guided missile script) Optional collateral damage assesment by pilot - checks for nearby friendlies, civilians and sensitive targets and will automatically disengage if collateral damage is too high Optional full NATO voice procedure simulation to guide pilot on to target No need for map with airstrip or adding in any aircraft Restrict JTAC capabilities to units with certain items in their inventory Optional unit tracking on map, with accuracy that degrades with overhead cover, weather etc. (only shows targets that would be visible from overhead): - (optional) restrict to units with UAV terminal only - differentiates between friendlies (blue), unarmed infantry (white), armed infantry (pink), civilian vehicles (white, large) and non-friendly vehicles (pink, large) If using a laser designator, the player can mark multiple targets at once and give clearance for a simultaneaous strike: - mark 2 tanks and an infantry patrol, and the aircraft will track and engage those targets simultaneously, even if they move - repeat your last mark if in doubt - if your final target is a laser mark, the aircraft will engage your laser mark while it is active, and revert to your original mark position if it looses your laser mark Realistic air speeds of ordnance: - the higher the altitude of the aircraft (recommended at least 3000m), the longer the ordnance will take to hit the target - missiles will travel faster than bombs - ordnance speeds based on real data Usage License GNU V3 Submit pull requests, fork your own version on Github, drink Bailey's from a shoe, do whatever. This is open source and entirely free to use. Changelog Download from GitHub
  25. Hi When our RTO mark a point on the map and demand a virtual CAS support plane, the plane overflies the target point and then starts to circle it arround and arround and arround. It seems that if the AI pilot can't see the target, (which is most of the time in Dakrong map), they don't drop ordnance. Does anyone know of a way to force the airplane to drop the full Napalm load on the marker point placed in the map by the RTO? (regardless of what is below the jungle canopy, either VC or a lot of innocent bushes.!)