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Found 24 results

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to create a mission where the goal is to rescue an aircraft pilot. In the introduction, the pilot will need to eject from the aircraft using the ejection seat. I'll handle the rest! The idea is to use a pilot with a waypoint circuit. For example, when he reaches his third waypoint, he will eject. Here's how I've proceeded so far: The pilot : - Variable Name : Pilote01 - Init: this setIdentity "Pilote01"; The aircraft : - Variable Name : Raptor1 - Init: this setIdentity "Raptor1"; Inside the third "MOVE" waypoint : - On Activation: AI_PILOTE_EJECT = true; A trigger : - Variable Name : Raptor1_wreck - Condition : AI_PILOTE_EJECT - On Activation: Raptor1 setDamage 0.9; [Pilote01, Raptor1] call BIS_fnc_ejectionSeatRelease; Unfortunately, if I use the command call BIS_fnc_ejectionSeatRelease, the pilot is ejected from the aircraft but without his seat and without a parachute... There must be a way to replace this command? Thank you in advance.
  2. Greets guys (and girls if there are any) ! I need a script bu which only pilots can use choppers and planes. Can anyone explain how to do that? Thanks
  3. Hi. After some long time away im back on a new profile looking for a team to join. I will not go through any ingame training, other then the game it self, briefing and that kinda things. Have been flyging alot in koth but Can verywell do other modes and group flyging as well. Im only a pilot, and im not very good on the ground. hope to hear from you. Think happy, be happy. Tm aka spacemonkey.
  4. Hi. After some long time away im back on a new profile looking for a team to join. I will not go through any ingame training, other then the game it self, briefing and that kinda things. Have been flyging alot in koth but Can verywell do other modes and group flyging as well. Im only a pilot, and im not very good on the ground. hope to hear from you. Think happy, be happy. Tm aka spacemonkey.
  5. All-in-One Single-Player Project by Leopard20 Short description: All-in-one Single-Player project is (at this time, will be) a collection of 3 separate addons that work in tandem to create the ultimate single-player experience. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Long description: Hello guys. I'm sure everyone agrees that the current state of ARMA single-player is not really playable (unless you're alone!). The AI are always a burden and hard to manage. Well, in this project, my goal is to change that. Check out the latest development videos on Superior Intelligence (aka Super AI) in the next post! This project will consist of 3 addons: 1. All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe ver.): The improved and enhanced version of my old , dusty mod, All-in-one Command Menu which itself was basically an improved version of WW AI Menu by Windwalking. 2. Superior Intelligence (WIP) 3. ADDON #3 (WIP) The other two addons are not "command menus" but something entirely different and crucial to the single-player game, and interaction with them will primarily be through All-in-one Command Menu. I will update this thread about the latest development status. Stay tuned! All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe Version) Current version: v1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2023) Some of you may have used, seen, or at least heard of my All-in-one Command Menu mod, which added many new capabilities to the vanilla AI. When I started working on that mod, I was completely inexperienced in scripting, and the mod, despite its great feature roster, became a poorly optimized and buggy mess over time. So I decided to rewrite the mod from the scratch; updated the visuals, rewrote most features and added many new stuff. Without further ado, let's jump into the feature list! Release Trailer: Additional Screenshots: Feature Overview: What's new since All-in-one Command Menu classic: This is a complete rewrite of the classic mod, so obviously there's so many changes. Here is some of the most important ones: Manual (MUST READ): Some of this stuff might be a little hard to grasp at first (but once you learn them you realize how easy and intuitive they were!). I'm very busy right now so I'll add a video tutorial later. For now, try to make do with these! Download: Steam Workshop GitHub Dropbox (Outdated) Google Drive (Outdated) Armaholic Installation (non-Steam): Note: The name of the mod folder has changed! Please delete the old "@AIO_AIMENU" folder if you have the classic version. F.A.Q: Donation and Support: If you like my mod and would like to support it, or you just want to buy me a drink, etc., you can become a Patron! Requirements: Community Base Addons (CBA)
  6. TGP Simple Cockpit Slew Control the Camera Pilot cameras, AI gunner turrets, and connected UAV turrets can be controlled from the cockpit view via simple controls: Hold key and use mouse to slew. Keybind to slew camera to HMD target or Waypoint (Shift-click, Group, or ACE MicroDAGR). Toggle stabilization. Keys for Turret zoom Vision mode can be changed with Panel Mode or Vision Mode (Vehicle) HOTAS Compatible Keybinds Take Control - avoid having the scroll menu change Collision Lights CCIP Track Track unguided bomb CCIP (roughly). Calculations are a bit off, most accurate at 35-40 degree pitch up loft/toss trajectory. For other bombing profiles, use Gun Elevation Up/Down to adjust camera. Pilot Camera Zoom control is being requested on the Feature Tracker GitHub Steam Workshop
  7. Greets guys (and girls if there are any) ! I need a script bu which only pilots can use choppers and planes. Can anyone explain how to do that? Thanks
  8. I'm trying to make a gunship fly at a specific height while circling a target. Only the plane keeps pulling up and down based on the terrain. I've tried using flyInHeight and flyInHeightASL and the latter seems to have worked only for when the plane is flying to the loiter waypoint. Once it reaches the waypoint and begins circling the target, the pilot then starts pulling up and down like a maniac. Any ideas on how I can make this work?
  9. Mission: You are tasked with contacting a civilian informant that knows more about the Insurgent activities in the Area of Operations. Features: Revive System Great Firefights Pilot Roles Teleport to Team Leaders Artillery Support If you come across any bugs then let please let me know in the Steam comments. STEAM WORKSHOP LINK
  10. This addon will add Cold War era aircraft reskins to your A3 for several NATO and Warsaw pact armies. It is intended for use together with the GM DLC to give the some air mobility. It also adds pilot gear for both sides. RELEASE DATE: 28-Apr-19 UPDATE V 1.03: 16-December-19 AUTHOR: Lennard (Steam name: Thunderstreak) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSNAMES: BW UH-1D - "len_uh1d_bw" CSLA Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_cs" LWP Mi-8 - "len_mi8amt_lwp" LWP Mi-24D (AT) - "len_mi24d_AT_lwp" LWP Mi-24P (AT) - "len_mi24p_AT_lwp" LWP Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_lwp" NVA Aero L-39 - "len_l39_nva" NVA Mi-8 - "len_mi8amt_nva" NVA Mi-24D (AT) - "len_mi24d_AT_nva" NVA Mi-24P (AT) - "len_mi24p_AT_nva" NVA Mig-29A - "len_mig29a_01_nva" SCREENSHOTS: REQUIREMENTS: Arma 3 RHSAFRF RHSUSAF RHSGREF KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES: None known at the moment. CREDITS: BIS - Arma 3 game RHS - A2 Ports da12thMonkey - Config help EULA: By downloading this content you agree with the following: - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author. - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon. - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES: V 1.01 - Added ZEUS compatibility - Added pilots for BW and NVA V1.02 - Added NVA Mi-24D and Mi-24P variants - Added NVA L-39 - Added NVA pilot gear - Updated NVA pilot uniform V1.03 - Added LWP Mi-24D and Mi-24P variants - Added LWP Mi-8 variant - Added CSLA, LWP, NVA Mig-29A - Added LWP pilot uniform Download direct Steam workshop Mirrors are welcome! Have fun!
  11. We are USAF special operations unit "Cassowary Composite Squadron", and we're looking for both experienced and/or inexperienced players. ALSO LOOKING FOR HELO PILOTS and/or logistical support airmen.. Our play style is very laid back, however our forms of organization like ranks and structure are close to realistic. We have a very minimal mods list, so you won't be installing addons for hours. Be advised our group consists of younger ages including myself and our preferred age range is 14-18. Our group size is currently 10 people and we are a relatively new unit. A couple final notes, we do not address each other by rank because it's stupid for a game, and we honestly are just a group of friends looking to have some fun. For more details, comment or contact me at: a3cassowary@gmail.com or join our discord! -We have a dedicated server -North America (Central Daylight Time) -USAF structure -Relaxed -Minimal mods -Preferred ages 14-18
  12. Hi guys, I have seen some videos of Arma 3 jet dog fights in which the gun was used to destroy the enemy plane. The pilot always had a kind of "green lead circle" in the Over Head Display to see where to aim to hit the enemy plane. When I fly, I don't see this point and I always have to estimate myself where to aim. Here is a screenshot of what I mean: https://imgur.com/a/e2EFsfo The enemy is only marked with a square, but there is no circle. What is the reason for this and what can I do to change it? Or is it normal and I am just stupid haha? Thanks
  13. Captain Mason-e0927844420c6c6e

    [WIP] Pilatus PC-12

    Hello everyone! I was looking around and found the lack of civilian fixed wing aircraft. One of my favourite airplanes is the Pilatus PC-12. I found this free model and I was thinking about making it a functional aircraft in Arma and I am just looking for feedback to see if this would be something people would like :)
  14. The FLY ArmA III Air Traffic Module makes it easy to create a network of airports. What's new: *Initial release version 0001 The number one request from Fly Tanoa Air was to make it useful for other maps and vehicles. Done. Check out the readme FLY ArmA III verion 0001 Mission Maker walkthrough video Demo video from tutorial NOTES: * Included: 3 airport markers. 3 approach vectors. 1 cargo box and 1 traffic marker. A small init block and a great big function library. Also a brief intro.sqf you may configure and use if you like. * A DEMO mission on Altis (not the one from the tutorial). * It's possible to add more airports but it isn't a 2 click solution. If you know how, go ahead. If you don't and need help, message me. The next version will make it simple to add more airports. Updates will be to the function library and the module assets will always remain the same. * There are extra functions in there and extra functionality within some of the functions which is unused/disabled. If you want something to be different-- different passengers or less often radio updates, for example-- there's probably already a built-in function for that, just look. * You can absolutely drop this into an existing scenario, just remember to add the init variables and exec the library. * There's no restriction on vehicle type so this is already a taxi service / cargo delivery module, too. Just hop in a car and start delivering people from airport to airport (you can reconfigure the names of destinations of course). * When you open the library the first thing you may think is, "Hey, if I replaced this civilian thing with a military thing, it'd be like a real mission.", and you would be right. I noticed that, too. There is another framework with those edits already made. * Since this is a community asset, community suggestions for features and script improvements are welcome. Have fun!
  15. COOP 1-12 Air-War Over South Asia Here is a port of my Mp mission from Arma 2 to South Asia terrain Arma 3. This mission has been developed for dedicated Server use.Designed to be easily edited and read.If clans/groups would like to edit the mission to use mods etc just add the clan tag in name. - Download from here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1597976809 - Addons Required - - South Asia v1.3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1571581816 - Overview - CSAT have established a Forward Airbase.Our job is to destroy all aircraft in the air and on the ground.Our secondary targets are ground vehicles and lastly the fuel storage,radar and satellite installations. - Factions - - U.S Vs CSAT. - Features - - Dynamic loadouts for aircraft. - AI Helicopter extraction support. - Custom Base / Group Respawn. - Recruit Ai Team Members. - Group Leaders In command of AI will use Group Respawn untill no AI are left then respawn reverts to Base. - Increase or Decrease your viewdistance and Terrain Detail During Mission. - Vehicles Respawn. - Sling loading. - Customisable Weather and Time of day Params at start of mission. - Assets Available - - CH-67 Huron. - AH-99 Blackfoot. - A-164 Wipeout. - F/A-181 Blackwasp II. - Support Trucks. - Growler light vehicle. - Quadbike. - Intel - - Estimated Enemy Strength - Strong. AA Fire,SAM's,Fighters,Helicopters,Tanks,APCs.Be aware there are small patrols constantly moving around.Ground forces will have to try to avoid some contacts for their will be response teams that will support CSAT patrols in contact. - Objectives - - Fighter pilots will have to achieve air superiority first and then turn to targeting the ground vehicles and fuel storage structures required.Recon Ground forces will help to locate targets and to assist with laser target designation and may even be tasked with the destruction of some target structures themselves. - Addon/Mod Versions - F/A-18 SuperHornet https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1936331121 Panavia Tornado GR4 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1936311212 - Credits - - Mission By ANZACSAS Steve. - Team Leader Group Respawn script (1.0) by Mongoose_84 for Arma 1,developed into Group respawn scripts by theOden Arma 2, Edited for Arma3 by ANZACSAS Steve with help from GEORGE FLOROS GR. - Recruit AI Scripts/UI by Bon_Inf*Redux -- by Moser. - GOM_fnc_aircraftLoadout V1.341 made by Grumpy Old Man 17-5-20172. - Dynamic Gfx settings scripts by Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine. - Crate filler v2.12 script by KC Grimes. - Thanks to ANZACSAS Ron for Mp/JIP testing. - Hints and tips - Use the F-181 and arm yourself with HARM missiles.Take advantage of the "stand off" range advantage the Harm missiles have and aquire "lock" early and fire before the Tigris AA Tank can engage. Keep your speed up.Use full throttle before and after engaging in case the tigriss does engage. Heavy usage of chaff/flares is expected. All feedback welcome.:) Have Fun. Steve. Update: 3 Jan @ 12:33am
  16. This page is for discussion of script features in Fly Tanoa Air. Mod page available now. Dev Files Current Version 0042 This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Live readMe [FTA] Guidebook
  17. Too many hyphens in the title for my taste, but let's try this anyway. I'm trying to have a plane armed with a CannonCore based weapon with multiple tracers (this is a secondary issue since it might be solved with a bit of scripting) use a turret that is operated by the pilot. The goal is to make AI and players able to land a few hits without lining up for the perfect shot and never taking it and making me scream in frustration. I had something like this (YouTube) in mind.
  18. Hello there, We are Hydra Pilot Unit [HPU]. We are looking for new members for our ArmA 3 based pilot team. We are a standalone pilot team (with our own TS3 and ArmA 3 server). We organise general training missions and pilot operations every week. We also give personal training to our members, such as: Medevac training, Supply Drop training, HALO and HELO pilot training, CAS training, AA Training and so on... We also have our own division in "Cannonfodder Gaming" which is a international tactical realism clan operating in ArmA 3 (We join there ops weekly to give them air support and air transportation). Requirements to become a member of Hydra Pilot Unit: - Must have a Microphone - Must be Mature - Must be willing to follow orders - Must be willing to work as a team - Must have Teamspeak - Must have Arma 3 and be willing to download necessary mods - Must speak English Open roles: - Transport Heli Pilot - Transport Heli Crew - Transport Plane Pilot - Transport Plane Crew - Attack Heli Pilot - Attack Heli Gunner - CAS Jet Pilot - AA Jet Pilot - Gunship Pilot - Gunship Gunner - Medevac Pilot - Medevac Crew - UAV Operator Apply example (post your apply below): - Name: - Age: - Country: - Prefered Roles (you can choose multiple ones): - Do you already have experience with other tactical realism clans: - Why would you like to join our unit: - Give us a reason why you should be part of our unit: - Tell us something about yourself: Contact Us: TeamSpeak - Steam - LegendForce
  19. tom4_atpl

    [SP] I am pilot

    I am pilot Description: You are commercial pilot in AIRTAK Airways operated on Altis island. Flying as a captain on aircraft An-2 made in Russia. AIRTAK Airways are know as precise airline operator which strictly fly under ICAO and EASA rules and laws. Do not forget that airspace above greece island Altis is divided to civil corridors and military restricted zones which are prohibited for all civil traffic. Early morning you are flying scheduled flights between Altis airport. Nothing important, just routine flights. Safety situation on Altis after war is almost "perfect" just some terrorists and thiefs at non-controlled zone which is marked on the map. Official DLC required: HelicoptersDLC Addons required: STEAM link NON-STEAM link Specials: IMPORTANT: Fly with ATC and mission instructions! If you like my creation you can support me. Thank you. Steam workshop: I am pilot
  20. Something More - an Arma 3 Campaign. [Project DEAD - sorry, explanation below.] Something More* is an in-development Arma 3 campaign based upon the official story-line and set after the events of the Apex Protocol. It is a Single-Player campaign that takes advantage of the latest expansion, Apex, in an effort to combine the realistic, sandbox experience of the ARMA series and an engaging story. Features Prologue of Story based missions Playable cut-scenes Multiple playable characters Piloting aircraft and drones Civilian interaction Decisions matter Playable testing phase Diving/underwater gameplay Downloads Download in a Campaign format here (preferred)... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=750543820 (steam Workshop) Download individual missions via the Steam Workshop here. Created by Tom Mack. - I plan on posting about the development process on my "Tom Has Thoughts" site, if you wish to see how all this was made, then give it a visit. Thanks to Kydoimos, Lexx, IndeedPete and Wiki and everyone who submitted their thoughts to the "What Makes a Good Arma Campaign" Thread. And thanks of course to Bohemia Interactive.
  21. Arma is awesome. Hope you enjoy these!
  22. Story A few weeks ago a buddy asked me to write a script for a helicopter to lift and transport cargo, the 'Helikopterfrachttransportskript', that finally provides the desired solution. At first I thought that there would be something out there already. However, according to his research there are no scripts or tutorials that let you have an AI helicopter reliably hovering over a cargo in ArmA 3 (having it meter-precise is imperative). This hovering and the whole process of picking up and setting down the cargo was supposed to look more realistic than just an attachTo. And so this script was written. It provides a precise hovering over the cargo, great looking attachment of the sling rope and picking up of the cargo as well as putting the load down in the same way at the target position. There are several routine integrated to avoid script errors in cases of explosions or deaths of the vehicle or AI. A description can be found inside the SQF file, how to execute the script. Have fun. Content It is a single ~250Code-Line-Big Script to let an AI controlled helicopter lift diferrent freight goods to a single destination. Purpose The aim of this script is to make it easier to lift freight goods from A to B without having to have a player pilot. Download Missions and Script on GitHub ArmaHolic Link Credits Script & Media: Rockhount Translation: Dorsal Examples
  23. http:// The Air Combat Command and 7th Special Forces Group are looking for mature helicopter pilots for co-op action. Focus will be on transport & logistic type missions and CSAR in the event of downed aircraft. CAS missions in attack helicopters may come further down the road provided we have the pilots to support missions of that nature, but for now strictly T&L / CSAR. Requirements as follows: - Legal copy of Arma 3 - TS3 with working mic set up for "push to talk" - Must not be afraid of mods - we host our own repository on Arma3Synch with around 30G worth of mods. - Skilled or trainable - Mature......I cannot stress this enough. There will be no no one under 18 accepted for flying, and there is absolutely a maturity limit. Training for pilots: - BCT, which is really a formal way of saying "we want to make sure you can survive on the ground, use ACE advanced medical, and won't frag anyone". - Basic flight TRA designed to see how you do, then tailor it to areas you need help in the most. Members have two weeks to complete both parts of Basic or will be dropped from our roster. Additionally, once basic flight has been wrapped up you will be working closely with me on more advanced type stuff in transports. There will be some copilot time, and once trained up we will be switching duties on and off, PAC (pilot at controls) one mission, PIC (Pilot In Command) the next. Come to comms and ask for Aaron, Blur, Spencer, or Gunfighter. Lastly, this is not a recruiting pitch for the 7th, however, the below TS addy will get you to them!! TS3: ts.7thsfg.us ACC Website: http://aircombatcommand.us/ I can also be reached here via PM and on steam: [ACC] Gunfighter - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198217536800/ Looking forward to hearing from you!! ~S
  24. Hi, I have a strange problem (since the Eden-update?). When I want to enter a helicopter as any role (even as pilot) I am not allowed and thrown out again with the message "You need to be a pilot in order to enter this vehicle". It is the first time I encounter this in a mission, did not have this problem pre-Eden. I created the mission on my own but I really don't know where I can set this role selection. I use MCC but couldn't find any settings for this (and again, I had no problems earlier). Any ideas? My mods are @CBA_A3;@Ares;@ASDG_JR;@CHVD;@cTab;@helo_hmds_kimi;@hlcmods;@L_ES;@Leights;@mcc_sandbox;@MELB;@PRKZ;@RDS;@RH_acc;@VTS_Weaponresting;@rhs_afrf;@rhs_usaf;@BC-Phoenix;@BC-Tracers;@st_nametags;@sthud;@task_force_radio;@U100;@Vcom_AI;@cz75_stanceindicator Edit: it has something to do with MCC. When I completely delete MCC modules in the editor, I can enter choppers. Which brings me to the next problem: when I change settings in MCC modules, they are not saved but always spring back to default. I am mostly interested in MCC's "Save gear" function but springs always back to "no". Any help is appreciated