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  1. Hey everyone! I am looking at different options to improve the performance during my arma sessions. Frequently, I make use of the hide objects module for various purposes. Now I am wondering if this module, or a code, can be used in a radius around players .. effectively hiding certain objects beyond the distance from players? That way you would only immediately render what you can see, and nothing else beyond what is around you.
  2. I would like to present my compilation of various improvements for ArmA: CWA made by different authors. It is conceived as a complex universal compilation of works by various authors, which do not introduce drastic changes into the game, but make it more modern and increase the replayability of old missions and campaigns, as well as allowing you to complement other mods. The compilation includes not only long-known releases, but also their improved versions, a selection of game elements from various addons and mods adapted for the base version of the game, as well as rare and some new additions. Among other things, here you can find a large selection of various retextures of standard models of vehicles, weather, roads, effects and other things, Nogova with Berghoff's vegetation, high-quality Kolgujev retexture from Marcomio and, probably, the most interesting - standalone-pack of detailed models from ArmA, replacing their standard counterparts. All these works are collected together, classified, illustrated, adapted to each other and ready for an easy and convenient installation. For this purpose, the assembly is released in three versions: two ready-made (full and optimal) and one that allows you to manually assemble it to your taste and needs (for experienced players and developers). It is recommended to pay attention to the accompanying files - they often contain useful information, as well as not to neglect the video and sound settings - they can significantly affect the final result. I will be glad to feedback, criticism, bug reports, suggestions for expanding the compilation. I have no doubt that I missed some work that could be included in it, and definitely did not notice any bugs, so feedback is welcome. Link for screenshots and download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O10-c-Kb83sTjWGTVXWFcYmtZa6GTlkM?usp=share_link
  3. mossRocks = [ "Land_RM_boulder1", "Land_Cliff_stone_small_F", "Land_Cliff_stone_medium_F", "Land_Cliff_stone_big_F", "Land_RM_boulder5", "Land_RM_boulder4", "Land_RM_boulder3", "Land_RM_boulder2" ]; { _objectType = typeOf _x; if (_objectType isKindOf mossRocks) then { _scale = selectRandom [0.9, 1.4]; _x setObjectScale _scale; }; } forEach mossRocks; im trying to pick a random number between 0.9 and 1.4 and have it set Scale for all my lil mossy rocks in my mission im doing this from the init.sqf and from some reason it doesn't work is there any obvious errors in the code im missing? (probably:D)
  4. ========================= EDEN EXTENDED OBJECTS ========================= This mod has been out for a while but I realized that I've never properly presented it. Eden Extended Objects is mainly targeted for terrain building, however you can also use it to extend the standard maps in your missions. If you do so, your users will need to download this mod in order to play the missions. Abusing of this mod in a mission file may result in loss of performance. This small editor extension adds these three functionalities. 1. Insert items that are not available in Eden vanilla. Trees Bushes Clutter Plants Signs Castle ruins Power Wires These items can be accessed under the appropriate Eden categories. LEGAL NOTICE: this mod does not contain any Arma 3 content. All this mod does is expose the existing items from their original Arma 3 file locations in the Eden editor and in user-made scenarios. 2. "Multiply" a selection of objects, thus facilitating the creation of forests, rocky areas, civilian groups, etc. To access this functionality, select one or more objects that you would like to multiply, right click on your selection and in the contextual menu click on "Extended Objects: Multiply". Objects will be created around your original selection. 3. Rotate objects. Apply a random different rotation to each object of a selection by pressing F9. You can find it on the Steam Workshop here. Best, _SCAR.
  5. Hey guys, I have a hard time understanding what thisList or list triggerOne is giving me back as object. The idea is, that when a trigger is activated, it sets the fuel of the car the player is in to 0 (or damages one of its wheels). _list = list tr_fuel1; _vehicle = objectParent (_list select 0); But seems like that what is standing in (_list select 0) is not a player object. So, the noob I am, I check what I get there instead: hint format ["Player: %1", _list select 0]; "Bravo 1-1 Alpha 1: (jan)(s1)" Gives me a lot of stuff in there. The Radio Name, the Players name and the player variable. Is there an elegant way to get the player variable out of this so I can work with it further on? Or is there any kind of way where I can change the returnvalue of (_list select 0) into a player object? Cheers, Jan
  6. Hello, Here is a request for more hints about work drive, very poorly documented. I didn't find a complete topic or tutorial about P drive, or more recently what BI call a work drive. I read a lot of posts about issues when trying to mount this drive, but, no line about the interest for that. As I'm not fond of unexplained tools, I never mounted this work drive til yet, and my addons were fine so far. But I recently discover ( @Larrow point me the right direction) that such (working) drive could avoid unwanted error, especially for path references like: #include "\a3\3DEN\UI\macros.inc" Such line works in due work environment (so P:), but there is no chance to pbo an addon, with such reference to absolute path, if you are working from some folders in one of your disks. In other words, such path must be consistent where you are working and P drive seems to be your friend... if correctly mounted! So, IMHO, there is a need for a tuto browsing these different points: - why mounting a work drive? (and what is it exactly?) - does it cost a large space on my disk? (does it duplicates numerous files?) - How to do that? Really, the Arma 3 tools is not fair with explanation! You can click on "Mount the project drive".. and you get an empty P drive... or click on "Project drive Management"... for roughly the same thing! And good luck - So what? I have an empty P drive (with more or less 80 Go used!, by what?) - I'm not on buldozer, just because I don't want to mod an object or a map, just an addon for example, So what is the next step with my empty drive?? (I placed my completed addon inside P: and there is no difference between P: and my former folder on E:) So, the consistency for pboing an addon, with absolute paths like I wrote, stays hypothetical at this stage. - and last question, btw, how to dismount a P drive? There are not so much explanation once again. The is no real "dismount" tool, just some hints about: WorkDrive.exe /Dismount ... Good luck if you don't have any clue for running that. If I'm right, you can run that on windows power shell or a "command line"... if you know how to reach this executable of course! (under program files (x86)\Steam\... did you succeed in pointing at such path?) Have fun with Arma (even wasting time with tools)
  7. Is there a way to move an object with trigger? For example, I want an object to change its coordinates when a trigger is activated. And in this trigger will be the coordinates where this object will be moved.
  8. Arma 3 Assets Navigating through 1000+ game objects can be a mess. To help you with finding a soldier, vehicle, object, item, weapon or magazine you want, we're going to maintain an official library of Arma 3 Assets on the Community Wiki. Entries are cross-linked, so you can easily access soldier's equipment, weapon accessories or addons they all belong to. Preview images are attached to every object and item with model, so you can check them without even starting the game. Have fun with modding ;) Objects By addons By side BLUFOR OPFOR Independent Civilian Empty Items By addons By type Weapons Vehicle Weapons Items Magazines
  9. I'm making a garbage man type of mission, basically you need to clean camp maxwell, the only thing I need now is to make the trigger check if everything inside it has been cleaned (basically deleted) I used the addAction command in combination with the deleteVehicle command to "clean" the objects. (also every object inside the trigger has the name rock followed by a number if it somehow helps you help me) I need the trigger to check if every object was deleted and if every object was in fact deleted then complete the mission.
  10. Dreamshot-068069dd371912f1

    Objects behind glass are white

    So, im onto this problem for several hours now. im texturing a building rn but some of the objects/walls behind my glass are white. i tried to fix the faces, move the faces to the top, repair, turning and so on but it still wont work. i really dont know what i could more. does anyone of you have an idea?
  11. (On Dedicated Server Setup) Hello, I'm working on a script that spawns in specific AI units in specific locations upon activation of a trigger. This is for performance purposes but also because I want to be able to disable the AI in certain situations. In order to set the unit in exactly the position I want them to be in, I'd like to use the Eden editor. Next I have a few options on how I can spawn them in. I'm not sure how each will tax the server resources and I'd like to use the option that is the most efficient to avoid latency and hardware slog. 1) I've thought about creating each unit individually via script and pass xyz coordinates for placement. I imagine this will be slow, taxing, and may not even be possible from what I've read about the z variable in position. 2) I can place an object like a "can" where I want them to spawn, turn the can invisible and then replace the cans with my units when the trigger is tripped. 3) I can place my units in a group name, set the units for simulation false and hidden in the init and run a script that activates and shows them upon trigger. I'm leaning towards option 3, but what is the resource cost of having a hidden deactivated AI preloaded in place? Should I expect it to be similar to having them entirely loaded and activated? Should I instead use one of the first options? I'm open to other suggestions as well, but would like to get a feel for how taxing a hidden object and a shown object are on the server. I'd also like to know where I can learn more about activating objects visibility, collision, ect so I'd you have a link of be very grateful.
  12. Hello everyone! Welcome to the CSAT ReTexture Thread! What is this? - This is a project of mine I started working on couple of months back, but due to recent improvements, I've decided to take a next step and started uploading things onto the workshop. - It includes different camoed variants of all the vehicles located within CSAT and some objects of some importance, such as camo nets, IR masking tents and tents. About: - First started as a small project, if you can even call it a project, repainting the Tempest (KamaZ Typhoon) vehicles. The video above was the showcase I made for it. At first, they looked really good, I just kept driving around Altis, Stratis and Malden, sometimes for hours. And then it hit me in the head "Why not do it for all the vehicles?". And here we are. - What this addon does is, well, basically adds different textures to already existing CSAT vehicles and objects for different terrains. We're not just talking about one specific color on these vehicles, this is all Hexed, includes 3 different colors per each camo variant, which takes time to properly select each piece and paint, if starting from scratch. - For now, it only contains CSAT Winter, CSAT Desert and CSAT Black Ops variant. Future groups, such as CSAT Urban, CSAT Woodland and CSAT Marines will be added once I'm done with the first three groups I'm currently working on. ( Lack of time.) What now? - Currently working on vehicles and objects. I am in need of templates, so I'm making them on my own. Some templates were used from ArmA 3 Samples, but that only goes for the VTOL and most likely, future content (such as the Spetsnaz gear). - Infantry gear and weapons will be the next step after I'm done with vehicles. - Step after that? There's always a chance of combining static weaponry with these vehicles. Would be nice to have a Tempest roaming around with S-750 or Radar in the back. - Most of the templates are done (over 80%), just a couple more remaining. After that, it will be much easier to focus on the rest of the groups. ( Vehicle templates will be uploaded on Google Drive for others to use and create content of their own, once I re-organize the layers properly. Currently a mess.) It took a lot of hours to make these templates, hopefully worth it. - If there are any problems with the mod or if you do encounter something strange, please feel free to contact me either via this thread or Steam Workshop, where the mod was first uploaded. Download: Steam Workshop Armaholic Liscence: This mod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may not use this on monetized servers, it is forbidden. You may not reupload this mod on Steam or any other sites. Changelog Feel free to contact me on Steam or Twitter. Discord server will be created soon. Social sites: - Twitter - Steam Please do enjoy, more to come! 🙂
  13. I've created a soccer ball, and I'm having a pretty hard time trying to find a way to create a config that allows a player to interact with the ball so they can push it while walking, running or possibly shoot at it to push it around. I've seen some on Youtube take a gander at it, but it seems to be mostly scripting. I really want to stay away from it, and keep it as a config in the mod's folder as much as possible. Is there any suggestions, templates to work with or info i can use to make it possible? I will give credit to where credit is due for the help.
  14. Adds destruction effects to various flammable related Eden objects. Search for "EO Exploding Objects" in the Asset Browser. Object destruction is roughly based on three factors: Size of object, distance from object, calibre of weapon fired. Steam Workshop.
  15. Hey all. Apologies if I posted in a wrong section. I'm getting into modding and I'm playing around with some different solutions. I was thinking about creating and releasing a mod soon. As a part of it however, I need to create a custom object that can draw a text (from its custom attributes) on its flat surface. I really want to avoid creating textures for every single digit and letter of the alphabet. I'm guessing it's possible, as even aircraft HUD's and dials can display current altitude and speed. I tried looking it up on the forums but I didn't find anything useful. Obviously performance is key for me, so if there isn't any good way to solve it, I'm happy to do it with a ton of textures instead. The object is very unlikely to change its text mid-game because it's basically a specific, static sign, so I don't know if having each frame loop to update it is really necessary, unless it doesn't take too much power. In case I need to use the textures approach, can anyone shed some light how to create an object that works with setObjectTexture? As mentioned earlier, I would like to provide some extra options in the eden editor's object's attributes to customise the sign's textures, is there a way of making it reflect its textures set in attributes in Eden after they've been changed? Is there a way of creating textures that glow in the dark, or otherwise having a light on an object that turns on at night and lights up the sign? Thanks!
  16. Hi! I want to create a function that allows me to remove trees in entire maps in a balanced way, basically reducing the ammount of trees on heavily crowded forests. I want to do this as quick as possible, so my take on this was to run a function to iterate over hundred thousands trees, choose randomly 50% of all trees (for example), and store the resulting array in a file, that I could call straight away to remove those objects on mission load. And when I run my function to delete those objects, I receive " Error Missing ] " at this point: (#) _remove = [299376: t_piceaabies_3f#.p3d,122775: t_piceaabies_3f.p3d,507279: t_piceaabies_3f.p3d, ... , ... ]; It is asking me to close brackets before .p3d on first element. I'm grabbing all data with copyToClipboard str This problem only happens when I'm trying to store data in an array, but if I run this inside the game, same logic, I can delete everything I want without problem. Any idea what I'm missing here?
  17. convertedObjects = []; { if (isNil {_x getVariable "preventSimple"}) then { private _interiorPositions = []; _interiorPositions = [_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions; if (count _interiorPositions isEqualTo 0) then { if (lightIsOn _x != "ON" && lightIsOn _x != "AUTO") then { private _position = getPosWorld _x; private _vectorDirUp = [vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x]; private _model = getModelInfo _x select 1; deleteVehicle _x; private _simpleObj = createSimpleObject [_model, _position]; _simpleObj setVectorDirAndUp _vectorDirUp; convertedObjects = convertedObjects + [_x]; }; }; }; } forEach (( allMissionObjects "building" - allMissionObjects "StreetLamp" ) select { !isClass( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "UserActions" ) && ( getArray( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "ladders" ) isEqualTo [] ) }); // add this command to the object's init to prevent it from going simple: // this setVariable ["preventSimple", true]; // use this command to count how many objects were turned into simple objects by the script: // count convertedObjects; // for obvious reasons the script will not turn into simple objects the following objects: // 1) Objects that have interiors 2) Objects that emmit light 3) Objects that have user acctions such as ladders, gates, street barriers etc. The code above replaces all the mission objects (That are not units/vehicles, have no interiors and/or have no lights) with simple ones. I gain +10 FPS immediately after running that code in GLOBAL turning +2100 objects into simple objects on my reference mission. (The FPS increase will depend on how many objects you've added to your mission via EDEN editor). The reduction in stuttering is notorious. Combine this script with other optimization scripts such as view distance and you will get more additional frames than overclocking your CPU without all the dangers! 😉 Special thanks to @Larrow Question for the Arma Gurus: How can I save those results to the mission file so it is those same simple objects right from the start? (Without using such MP resource heavy script). Thanks
  18. Base Builder for ARMA III, ver. 0001 (2019) This MODULE is compatible with BASE GAME (current version) Base Builder under construction... Download: you_fnc_camp readMe: Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND) Have fun!
  19. Hello, my fellow friends from the community! 🙂 -> We all know about some scripts for special effects like those of @aliascartoons. -> Such special effects can be spawned, for example, within marker areas, or attached to objects, placed on the map. -> I would like to create such areas or use such objects, generated randomly on the map and depending on different conditions that are checked by the script over different periods of time. -> In this case, as I suggest or suppose, that a condition can be: 1) if the player is moving; 2) if the player is alive; 3) if the player is X meters away from these objects; 4) if the player is within a marker area etc. They can differ and vary from the possible commands used in the scripting. -> My idea is these effects to be randomly spawned at different locations and time around the player so he wouldn't know where they can appear if he goes through an area multiple times or replays the mission. -> I can later provide example codes of such special effects, but I guess it's more important to define the way they would appear on the map. -> I personally prefer to add some objects on the map, but if they are too many, this could lead to a weaker performance of the PC and dropping FPS. So, is it possible to create these objects randomly and they are named after creation, using specific names, which are also used for the special effects as a condition to be triggered at the same time? We all know about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-like effects from this mod or the effects provided by @aliascartoons. I have tagged him assuming he may also help to find a way and achieve this. Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  20. Need help. I want to get units in a group into nearby vehicles. But my code returns an error, as described in the comment, next to it. In my research I found only how to convert string into object. If they point me in a way to research and learn about, it's a big help. Thank you. private _Grupo = (group p1); private _VEIC = nearestObjects [_grupo, ["Car"], 30]; {_grupo addvehicle _x} foreach _VEIC; sleep 1; { _x assignAsCargo _veic} foreach units _grupo; //error, array type waiting for object (_veic is an array of nearestObjects) {[_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true}foreach units _Grupo;
  21. Hi there. First of all sorry for my poor English. So, i just started "scripting" things for Arma3 and i faced with problem of creating object by client globally. Basic idea was to build the bridge by holding button, but when i hosting a server i (the server ) can make my script work, but not friend of mine (client). With that problem i tried many different solutions like HideObject, then making it's "false" in the body of "holdAction". Here is my code now, holdAction : if (!isDedicated) then { if (playerSide == west) then { [ planks_s, // Object "Construct bridge", // Title "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "(_this distance _target < 5)", "(_this distance _target < 5)", {}, {}, { [] spawn {[] execVM "PlankSimple_S.sqf"}}, // Code executed on completion {}, [], 3, // how long 0, true, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; }; }; And here's my file "PlankSimple_S.sqf" : if (isServer) then { _simpleObject_0 = createSimpleObject ['a3\structures_f_exp\civilian\accessories\plank_01_8m_f.p3d', [5613.273926,4128.347168,13.888593]]; _simpleObject_0 setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.857715,-0.499353,-0.122361],[-0.114261,-0.0469019,0.992343]]; _simpleObject_1 = createSimpleObject ['a3\structures_f_exp\civilian\accessories\plank_01_4m_f.p3d', [5618.109863,4131.231934,14.0554686]]; _simpleObject_1 setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.84041,-0.514142,0.171377],[0.155349,0.0744123,0.985053]]; _simpleObject_2 = createSimpleObject ['a3\structures_f_exp\civilian\accessories\plank_01_8m_f.p3d', [5608.121094,4125.246094,13.159078]]; _simpleObject_2 setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.854349,-0.503035,-0.130551],[-0.151054,0,0.988526]]; }; So once again. I need to make it work globally on server to every client. Thanks in advance. And once again, sorry for my English.
  22. Hey guys, now that i've seen some maps using tunnels, i thought i would make some models for that. These are divided into individual modules and can therefore realize "theoretically" infinitely long tunnels. In addition, there is a saving of resources, since Arma offers no models for such projects. End with eternal stacking of walls and blocks. Here is the first finished project (without MC texture). All models have at least -3 C-LODs -2 shadow LODs in addition comes the -Geometry -Geometry Phys -Roadway -Fire Geometry -View Geometry -Memory - LOD All models get their materials through the Multimats and are scaled differently depending on the LOD. The lowest poly is only textured by a combined _co map. Currently I am working on this tube. I hope I could leave a first, good impression.^^ If you are interested, suggestions or criticism you can contact me. https://steamcommunity.com/id/HGRaVeN103/
  23. Hello everyone, i hope you can help me with my problem...... i try to rotate my Objects from a simple Script that when ever i press a button it rotate a little bit but if i just letting stay it without pressing anything the Object move back at it Start Position..... my Script when i roatiting it is in my keyhandler the folowing : case 18: { _Dir = getDir MoveObj ; _NewDir = _Dir + 0.3; MoveObj setDir _NewDir; };
  24. The fences that surround the Tanoa International Airport; I am able to edit them the way I see fit. The problem I am having is making them have no damage. I have put in the init; this addeventhandler [this allowdamage false]; this allowdamage false; this enableSimulation false; etc. I have put it in the Init ;|; Init+Object Init ;|; Init+Global Object Init ;|; Init+Object Init+Global Object Init ;|; Object Init ;|; Global Object Init ;|; Object Init+Global Object Init. I have tried the Enable Damage tab/checkbox and it seems to only work for doors. If you guys have anything for me on how to make the Terrain Objects not have any damage through the "EDIT TERRAIN OBJECTS," I would be grateful!
  25. Hello All so i have started to play around with terrain builder working on a good size terrain but seem to have an issue when placing objects when in Buldozer i can select an object and move it then move to the next one only to see the object i have just place move by itself a few times i did wonder if it was a memory issue or CPU issue as its like its freezing or something but i have an i7 CPU and 32 GB of ram so the pc should be able to handle it This wouldnt be a problem if i was placing trees but is an issue when placing walls and buildings does anyone have any ideas that can help me ?