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About tommytom1

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  1. thanks alot @Harzach , it works perfectly ! i didnt know about getMissionLayerEntities which just opened a door full of possibilities so cool. this works fine, thanks everyone _scale = [random [0.9, 1.15, 1.4], 1] call BIS_fnc_cutDecimals; { _x setObjectScale _scale; } forEach getMissionLayerEntities "Rocks" #0; hint "Rock on";
  2. mossRocks = [ "Land_RM_boulder1", "Land_Cliff_stone_small_F", "Land_Cliff_stone_medium_F", "Land_Cliff_stone_big_F", "Land_RM_boulder5", "Land_RM_boulder4", "Land_RM_boulder3", "Land_RM_boulder2" ]; { _objectType = typeOf _x; if (_objectType isKindOf mossRocks) then { _scale = selectRandom [0.9, 1.4]; _x setObjectScale _scale; }; } forEach mossRocks; im trying to pick a random number between 0.9 and 1.4 and have it set Scale for all my lil mossy rocks in my mission im doing this from the init.sqf and from some reason it doesn't work is there any obvious errors in the code im missing? (probably:D)
  3. Thx i guess when i have the peq opened in object builder it doesnt load the texture in game? Also i moved the texture into the same folder as the mesh too and it looks good now, the functionality still doesnt work tho no laser or flash light but it looks great 🙂
  4. Nah it didnt work and my texture doesnt show up in game either the mesh is just white im not rly sure why idk seems like its not gonna work for me lol but idrc about it that much, thanks for the help
  5. Great i can find it in game now and equip it i just gota adjust the mesh alil the only problem is the flash light and laser dont actually work i cant see them at night . thanks for commenting the code and helping me understand, i just copy and pasted the config from the wiki and expected it to be a simple process, do u know how i can get the flash light and ir to work?
  6. So im trying to setup a side attachment for all rifles in the game, im just trying to take the peq2 laser sight from cup and have it show up on the left side of the guns instead of the right where i cant see it, but i cant do that bc my p3d to blender tool doesnt work and i cant edit the p3d files, so im using a custom peq2 mesh i foundt on the internet and used object builder to move the mesh to the far left side i dont think theres another way to do it, anyways i dont see the item showing up in game at all it should be appearing under the rail attachments, heres wat my config looks like if anyone wants to help i can upload the folder aswell
  7. thx i ended up using opfor_units_array = [opfor_soldiers,opfor_soldiers1,opfor_soldiers2,opfor_soldiers3,opfor_soldiers4]; { _x Move (getMarkerPos "retreat_marker"); } forEach opfor_units_array; and then a seperate trigger with allowGetIn false to disembark them , theres probably an better way to do it but this was easier and it works 😄
  8. Can someone tell my whats wrong with this code, im using it OnAct for a trigger opfor_units_array = []; opfor_units_array pushBack group opfor_soldiers; opfor_units_array pushBack group opfor_soldiers1; opfor_units_array pushBack group opfor_soldiers2; opfor_units_array pushBack group opfor_soldiers3; opfor_units_array pushBack group opfor_soldiers4; { if (getMarkerPos "retreat_marker" distance2D (leader _x) < 5) then { _x orderGetOut true; }; _x move (getMarkerPos "retreat_marker"); } forEach opfor_units_array; Im just trying to make each group disembark when they reach the retreat marker. But make it so just the group(s) that reach the marker disembark and not the ones who haven't yet.
  9. Works great! thats good enough for me thanks😄
  10. Im trying to have a task succeed after assembling a ar-2 darter drone, wats the best way to accomplish this?
  11. hey im back again and was wondering if u could help me with somthing else, im trying to make the task destination update and change wen ever a supply object is delivered to the trigger, the best way i thought to do this was to attach a logic entity to each object and have a trigger that looks like this: onAct: Game logic Type: Present Repeatable Cond: this onAct: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList; ["del", Object1M] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; ["del", Object2M] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; ["del", Object3M] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; this works for object 1 and 3 but i always run into issue with Object2M which is attached to Object2, and it doesnt set the task destination like it does with the other two objects. after i deliver the third object the task set destination just never works for the last object (Object2) this is the attachTo trigger Anyplayer, Not present ["del", Object1M] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; Object1M attachTo [Object1,[0, 0, 0]]; Object2M attachTo [Object2,[0, 0, 0]]; Object3M attachTo [Object3,[0, 0, 0]]; so basically im trust tryna make it set the task destination to the next _radioObjects that isnt already in the trigger
  12. cargo container being loaded onto a flat bed using boxloader
  13. Ok lol we're not getting any more errors but the counter part still isnt working, wen i put an object into the trigger it still says 0/3 _radioObjects = [Object1,Object2,Object3]; sd = count (_radioObjects inAreaArray "trig1"); [ "del", [ format ["Cargo %1 /3",sd], "Deliver the supplies", " " ] ] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDescription; thats wat i got, im not sure why its not working 😕
  14. Ok thx, just tried inareaArray and im getting this error; '...bjects = [Object1,Object2,Object3]; sd |#|= {_radioObjects inAreaArray "trig1"} c...' Error generic error in expression im so bad 😧