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  1. Hello community! Having finally started the campaign to Arma 3 (very, very good so far I must say!) I have run upon a problem that I have been unable to solve, The gist of the issue is this: I cannot get past the village assault on Wet Work, no matter how much i change or try once you eliminate the enemies in the square, the game CTD's to launcher. I have attempted the -malloc=system "fix" through steam properties as well as verifying files AND redownloading Arma 3 plus all the mods (none of which are active during the campaign, otherwise it bugs out horribly i found to my detriment). The dump is copied below: Arma 3 Troubleshooting Report Sorry for the inconvenience. Please report this on Arma 3 Feedback Tracker (http://feedback.arma3.com). Thanks to you we may fix the issue faster. Thanks for all your suggestions! Just please dont suggest something i have already done! Thanks! Abbadon
  2. WINGS PRIMARY FEATURES Standalone 2nd Window Viewport of Aircraft Avionic Instruments in ArmA 3 ® Digital Clock, with In-Game/Real-Life time display Fuel Quantity Fuel Flow and Aircraft Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Oil Temperature and Oil Pressure Instrument Vacuum and Amperage Airspeed, Attitude, Altitude, Rate-of-Turn, Heading, Vertical Speed and RPM indicators. Navigation Instruments including VOR1, VOR2, ADF Radio Navigation and Avionics Instrument Panel with support for COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2, ADF, DME frequencies with Morse Code Identifier Adjustable Dials, Knobs and Functionality to provide Realistic Flight Simulation Experiences Compatible with customActions to enable Button Input Functionality to Operate Panel Support for Night Vision Goggles and Panel Backlighting with 2 Colour Modes; Orange and Green Support for Saitek/Logitech Flight Panel Hardware, for multiple devices Integrated Mission Support via Mission Templates and PBO Addon File Create and Navigate between your own Airports via the Mission Editor! WINGS AUXILIARY FEATURES Built as a 2nd Screen Application for Customisable Flight Simulators Powered by ArmARedisDB; a fully functional and real-time speed Memory Database system providing accurate, reliable data results Customisable, gauges and solutions available upon request CONCEPT DESIGN SCREENSHOTS OFFICIAL TRAILERS ADDITIONAL CAPABILITIES In addition to our groundbreaking venture, we have been working alongside ArturDCS to create an additional 'key emulator' application based upon his well renown DCSFP suite. This application is a new, standalone version is built specifically for ArmA use and allows for users to operate the legendary Saitek Pro Flight equipment for use in Armed Assault..! Click Here for ArmAFP Github Repository! This will be packaged with the full release of WINGS. DOWNLOAD LINKS Click Here for Google Drive Mod Download! Click Here for Steam Subscriber Download! NOTICE: The download is available, and we expect changes, defects or errors as the project encounters various mod compatibilities. Please report them here or on the steam community workshop. Please ensure you read the readme.pdf CREDITS & SPECIAL THANKS Bohemia Interactive, inspiring simulation enthusiasts for generations to come! VolumeInfinite, Project Manager, Lead Designer, Lead Artist, Lead UI/UX Design Creedcoder, Lead Programmer 『BLANK』Programming Yax, CBA Input Programmer ArturDCS, Middleware Programmer Special Thanks to Doofer911 (their YouTube channel is available here) for their advice on implementing NAVAIDs into ArmA 3; an upcoming potential feature. Additionally, we would like to thank Crielaard, Firewill and Yax for their flight simulation support/advice!
  3. I am trying to set the players group to a separate group on side civilian when they are "dead" (alive on island) and then if revived have them rejoin their initial group on side east or west, but the initial group always returns grpNull deleteGroupWhenEmpty - Arguments and effects are global (wiki) ("initPlayerLocal" state) - - "initGroup" properly returns group at this point player setVariable ["initGroup", group player]; // Set the player group even when dead // Make sure group is not deleted when empty if (isGroupDeletedWhenEmpty (group player)) then { (group player) deleteGroupWhenEmpty false; }; (respawn event handler) - - "initGroup" returns grpNull (same result when 'player' is replaced with _unit or _corpse), as if it did not exist anymore params[["_unit", objNull], ["_corpse", objNull]]; if ((isNull _unit) || (isNull _corpse)) exitWith {}; // Set unit to civilian side _deadGroup = createGroup [civilian, false]; [_unit] joinSilent _deadGroup; // ... // Find inital group _initGroup = player getVariable["initGroup", grpNull]; // Set unit to initial group [_unit] joinSilent _initGroup; I simply want to be able to freely return the unit to and from his initial group
  4. HI, I have created the below piece of code which to me looks like it should. I get no errors when running the mission, there is nothing in the RPT log on server or client. Can someone please help me identify where I have gone wrong? The below script gets called in client init, I have other scripts adding in actions at this point and they are working OK. private ["_casAmmoCost", "_casFuelCost", "_availableCASCallers"]; _casAmmoCost = 85; _casFuelCost = 20; _availableCASCallers = ["Radioman", "Squad Leader", "Team Leader", "Commander"]; _c = "<t color='#f20000'>"; _callCASAction = [_c + "Call CAS Strike</t>", { _attachedTo = (_this select 0); _actionCaller = (_this select 1); titleText ["Click to mark CAS Target location.", "PLAIN"]; openMap [true, false]; ["call_cas_" + name player, "onMapSingleClick", { titleText ["", "PLAIN"]; _markerName = "CASSTRIKEMARKER_" + (str _pos); _marker = createMarker [_markerName, _pos]; _marker setMarkerType "hd_objective"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText format["CAS Strike (Marked by %1)", name player]; fnc_RemoveResources = { private ["_casAmmoCost", "_casFuelCost"]; _casAmmoCost = _this select 0; _casFuelCost = _this select 1; resources_ammo = resources_ammo - _casAmmoCost; resources_fuel = resources_fuel - _casFuelCost; }; [_casAmmoCost, _casFuelCost] remoteExec ["fnc_RemoveResources", 2]; _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _cas = _group createUnit ["ModuleCAS_F",_pos , [], 0, ""]; _cas setVariable ["vehicle","B_Plane_CAS_01_F",true]; _cas setVariable ["type", 2,true]; ["call_cas_" + name player, "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; true; fnc_RadioMessage = { private ["_side", "_alias", "_message"]; _side = _this select 0; _alias = _this select 1; _message = _this select 2; [_side, _alias] sideRadio _message; }; [west, "AirBase", format["Roger that %1, CAS Strike Inbound at grid %2, clear the target area immediately.", name player, (mapGridPosition _pos)]] remoteExec ["fnc_RadioMessage, -2]; hint format ["CAS Strike Inbound %1", (mapGridPosition _pos)]; openMap [false, false]; fnc_CleanUpMarker = { private "_marker"; _marker = _this; deletion = _marker spawn { private ["_pmarker", "_markerTimer"]; _pmarker = _this; _markerTimer = 1; while { _markerTimer < 30 } do { uiSleep 30; _markerTimer = _markerTimer + 30; }; deleteMarker _pmarker; }; }; _marker remoteExec ["fnc_CleanUpMarker", 2]; }, []] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler }, [], 0, false, true, "", "true", -1, false, "", ""]; _this addAction _callCASAction; if (roleDescription _this in _availableCASCallers) then { _this addAction _callCASAction; }; _this addEventHandler ["Respawn",{ if (roleDescription (_this select 0) in _availableCASCallers) then { (_this select 0) addAction _callCASAction; }; }]; Any help appreciated, thanks.
  5. Can someone please help me on the below: The script is working correctly bar one thing. When the marker is added to the map I want it to have in brackets (Marked by <playerName>) however currently it just adds "CAS Target (Marked by any)" Can someone explain why the name command is not returning the name of the player? I have in the Init box of the unit in the editor: nul = [this] execVM "scripts\add_markcastarget_action.sqf"; This is add_markcastarget_action.sqf _currentPlayer = _this select 0; _playerName = name _currentPlayer; sleep 10; fnc_addActionMP = { private["_object", "_screenMsg", "_scriptToCall"]; _object = _this select 0; _screenMsg = _this select 1; _scriptToCall = _this select 2; if(isNull _object) exitWith {}; _object addaction [_screenMsg,_scriptToCall]; }; [_currentPlayer, "<t color='#f20000'>" + "Mark CAS Target" + "</t>", { titleText ["Click to mark CAS Target location.", "PLAIN"]; openMap [true, false]; _attachedTo = (_this select 0); ["mk_cas", "onMapSingleClick", { titleText ["", "PLAIN"]; _markerName = "CASMARKER_" + (str _pos); _marker = createMarker [_markerName, _pos]; _marker setMarkerType "hd_destroy"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText format["CAS Target (Marked by %1)", _playerName]; ["mk_cas", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; true; }, [_attachedTo]] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler } ] remoteExec ["fnc_addActionMP"];
  6. About Us We're a gaming community founded in December 2015 and predominantly hail from Europe. We play a huge variety of games ranging from FPS, Sports, Racing, Survival, Sandbox and many many more. Our main focus is currently Arma 3. We have both Public and Private servers depending on what you're into. Our Arma 3 Community is between 50-60 players and we like to keep at this level to maintain our community feel. Our Community range from the ages of 16-55 and come from all over the world. That being said we're like minded individuals and this has made the community what it is today. Arma 3 Public Server Last Resort Gaming provide a 24/7 Arma 3 Invade & Annex Public Server. This is open to all and has had over 15,000 unique players since March 2017 and at one point the 4th most popular I&A Server throughout Arma 3. Our mission framework originated on the work by Ahoyworld but is now powered and developed by YAINA, almost certainly one of the best I&A Frameworks on Arma 3. In addition, we also regularly host Public Zeus Missions and Public Events to enhance our Server and provide a unique experience for our players. Arma 3 Private Server - Operations We also provide a Private Server for those that wish to take things that bit further. Here we conduct near MilSim (no "Yes Sir, No Sir" here) Operations. To be a part of it you must apply and go through training. These Operations are hosted every Friday and it's great for those who want to get the most out of Arma 3 and the huge Mod collection available through steam. Arma 3 Private Server - Training In order to become a member and attend Operations you must apply and complete training. In training you'll be taught everything from formations to how to use ACE and TFAR. We pride ourselves on our ability to take someone with the right attitude from completely useless to somewhat less useless. Could that be you? Other Games As previously covered, we're not all about Arma 3. We also play an unending collection of other games. You'll always see someone knocking around the Other Games channels and we welcome everyone. This is an open Gaming Community and we're always happy to see new faces getting involved. If you would like more information, please contact me here by PM, or at ravenlrg@gmail.com In Service, Private Raven
  7. Who are we? The 10th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) is an semi-realistic, international gaming community focussing mostly on ArmA 3 ALiVE structured missions. We have 3 main regiments; the 1st Battalion 10th Marines, 10th Marine Air Wing and 2/14th Combined Arms Regiment. Each regiment has unique training and courses that are required to progress within the community Additionally, there are multiple optional courses that help to develop skills, and open new pathways within the community. For example, we offer courses such as Corpsman, Weapons Team, Artillery, and Combat Diver Schools. What do we do? The 10th MEU run deployments using the ALiVE mod, this means that the server is constantly active and every action taken has an effect on the mission. We also run full battalion missions on Saturdays at 12:00 pm UTC (with more planned in the future), these missions are all preplanned and come with detailed mission briefings so that everyone is aware of what to expect. During these missions, we aim to take key objectives and to have a larger impact on the ongoing mission. We use a variety of different mods such as; ALiVE,CUP, RHS, ACE3, TFAR and also some custom made mods that have been created for exclusive use in our community. Additionally, we use a custom base building script that allows members to create new FOB’s and outposts to secure areas throughout the deployment. Each deployment will last roughly 4-6 weeks, sometimes longer depending on how long it takes to achieve key objectives. Every deployment will have an accompanying deployment brief that will explain the backstory, objectives, available assets and much more. Every member will be placed into an fireteam or vehicle crew (depending on regiment) and each regiment sticks to a fixed role roster during main events. This is to encourage teamwork and consistency, however members may play any roles they are qualified to during non-planned events (such as midweek patrols). To simulate as best of a real-world scenario as we can, we have a large range of highly-trained selected squad-leaders, trainers and officers that will help you with your journey through community ranks and departments. To help with realism and progression of the story, members are encouraged to fill out a small patrol report after every mission (this is usually done by the senior member of the patrol/unit). While this may seems excessive, we believe that it adds to the mission as a whole and gives missions a purpose. As the 10th MEU is a gaming community we also do play other games such as; Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, Hellion, Conan Exiles, GTA V, etc. Our members often play these games together, strengthening the sense of community and friendship, there is always something to do and no one is left out. What do we offer? Our community is still in the early stages but growing steadily, we have a handful of members already (around 20) and are looking to grow steadily over the next few weeks. We are looking for all types of members, everything from people that just want to play to those that want to take a bigger role within the community. We are looking for members that want to help develop and grow our community, help build trainings and populate missions. Additionally, we are looking for members that are interested in taking an active leadership role within the community, currently these roles will be limited but more will be available in the future as we expand. There are many opportunities within the 10th MEU, we encourage our members to pursue the career paths they want to take within the community and have multiple avenues for members to take. We employ a Warrant Officer system for members that want to still progress within the rank structure, but don’t want to become a Squad Leader etc. The Warrant Officers are our community’s trainers and specialists, they help educate every member and guide them to the next step on the community ladder. Currently. there are many communities available to join and it is hard to stand out against the flood of units. We are hoping to differentiate ourselves by offering a unique style of missions and gameplay, one that revolves around persistence and story, while also offering a strong and stable community to be a part of. The best way to learn about what we do and who we are is to join our teamspeak (see below) and speak to one of our recruitment team. They will discuss what we do and what you can expect from us, as well as answer any questions you may have. Joining Requirements. The 10th MEU has a comprehensive rule set to ensure that all members of the community are kept satisfied and are not bullied or mistreated. The few requirements to join are: All applicants must be of the age of 17 or older. All applicants must own a valid and legal copy of ArmA 3. No ArmA downloadable content is needed to join the 10th MEU. All applicants must have a ping of lower than 300ms to the server and Teamspeak (servers are based in the USA). All applicants must have a working and clear microphone. All applicants must have the TeamSpeak 3 program. All applicants must have read the rules prior to submitting an enlistment form. All applicants must have roughly 25Gb of hard disk capacity in order to download the modset. All applicants should take part in as many operations as possible with a minimum of 1 per month. All applicants must be able to speak and understand English It is also recommended that all candidates have some level of experience with ArmA 3, and the mods we use, however we do accept candidates that are new to ArmA and have documentation that will help get you introduced and familiar with the game. Still Interested? If you’re interested in joining the 10th MEU, go to www.10thmeu.net, go to the enlistment tab and fill out the enlistment form. Upon completion of the enlistment form you can join our TeamSpeak server: ts3.10thmeu.net and wait in the ‘Recruit Waiting Area’ and you’ll be attended to within a timely manner.
  8. Dearest Arma 3 community, I don’t know if this is the right place for it, I hope so and I'm sorry if not. A friend of mine and I had some major issues running Arma 3 with Hamachi to play some missions. Problem description: If we try to run Arma 3 over Hamachi, which worked just fine in the past, we can't join each other. He can see my server but if he's trying to connect to it, it just keeps connecting until he gets a time out or he disconnects immediately after he joined. Sometimes he’s able to connect but doesn’t have a menu. So, I manually assign him and start the game, my game starts completely normal but his game takes ages to load and if it's loaded he's suddenly in the water of Tanoa, no matter which map we are actually playing. This error occurs since a few weeks, the last time it actually worked was two weeks ago since then we couldn't get it running again. What we already did: • Checking for corrupted files in Arma 3 • Reinstalled Arma 3 • Reinstalled Hamachi • Both several times. • Deactivated our firewalls • Deactivated our Antivirus programs We also did this because we thought it might be Hamachi: http://help.logmein.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/Resolving-Hamachi-Request-Timed-Out Resolving Hamachi "Request Timed Out" for Windows Firewall Also, we deleted every workshop mod we had except for the map we wanted to pay, which was a BCTI mission in Altis. Before the issue occurred, the mission worked fine. We also tried playing the standard apex protocol missions. However, the same Issue occurred. We also checked if it's a problem with the IPv4 but there's no problem. I just wanted to note: Everything works just fine when we were playing Arma 2. Our PC's His: Win 10 (1803) intel i5 8600k Nvida gtx 1070 8GB 16 GB DDR4 Ram Internet connection 150 Mbits/s Mine: Win 10 (1803) intel i7 7700 Nvidia gtx 1060 6GB 16 GB DDR4 Internet connection 400 Mbits/s We couldn't find anyone with the same problem, so we thought we ask right here at the source. If someone recommend to change the ports of my router - I won’t do that. Why? Because I think it should be possibly to play games in coop without changing gaming ports which works just fine for every other game. So, I hope you guys have a fix for this problem. Thanks for everyone helping us out on this problem
  9. Timezone: EST Gamemode: KP Liberation Language: English Short Description: Hi and welcome to the 41st Dagger Wolves Community! We are a growing community that mainly specializes in vanilla and modded KP Liberation missions! We try to focus on organization and communication so if you want to join a unit that offers lots of and different encounters and opportunities consider joining the 41st! We have a few rules to keep us orderly but I am proud to say that our community consist of people that are friendly and inviting!! We hope you will consider joining us and becoming a Dagger Wolf today! JOIN US ON DISCORD Arma Unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/41stdaggerwolves JOIN US ON DISCORD https://discord.gg/wpC6BPJ USE INVITE CODE - wpC6BPJ
  10. Greetings, I am SGT. Patch, staff in 131st T.C.U Based on the British Army / Royal Marines, we are a small but serious group looking for new members. We do sometimes play as Opfor and other factions within ArmA 3. - We host missions / campaigns on a Fri / Sat evening (starting 9pm GMT, 4pm EST) - Full Ranks & Training structure, (whether your an ArmA veteran or not) - Teamspeak Server (ts12.verygames.net:52979). - Steam Group (once recruited staff or another member will invite you to the group). - Websites: 131st.enjin.com; https://units.arma3.com/unit/131st-tactical-combat-unit Come onto the Team speak and poke a member with the [staff] tag!
  11. just wanted to give you a heads up for https://www.closequartersgaming.com/. Great new Malden community just starting up staff team have been nothing but helpful since I joined and feel like they should have a larger player base, weekly updates and always taking on new ideas as the moment they are giving 250k to all new players and features a recommend a friend where they give you 25k for everyone you bring in with you! the Teamspeak address is: please come check them out would really like to help these guys off the ground
  12. ConfirmedHuman

    Random Crash in arma 3

    My game is crashing randomly i dont know why The exit code is 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION Please help me (Sry for bad english)
  13. Welcome to the 1 Assault Group - Royal Marine Commandos. Our New Website Sign up form - Click here Welcome to 1 Assault Group Royal Marines, we are an Arma 3 Milsim Unit based out of the United Kingdom, with a player base spread over Europe and the United States. Our unit is based on the British Royal Marine Commandos. We specialize in many different tactics such as Amphibious and Airborne Assault as well as acting as a conventional infantry unit with Patrols, Recce, Checkpoints and many others. Operations and Campaigns 1 Assault Group - Royal Marines, runs a persistent campaign that will last for several weeks, with a lot of diversity, this is thanks to the Alive mod, dedicated, experienced Zeus's and mission makers within the unit. The campaigns can range from a vast array of different enviroments, from the cold of Russia, to the hot deserts of Zargabad. You can expect anything from night raids from an amphibious assault, to a helicopter insertion in the middle of a warzone. Dates and Times Regulars Operations are held on Thursday and Sunday, starting at 1900 GMT with deployment commencing at 19:30GMT. Smaller Operations are held on Fridays, starting at 1900 GMT with deployment commencing at 19:30GMT. Requirments -16 Years Old -Working Mic -Fluent English -Be active 2 times a week -Be mature Roles Available 1AGRM has many specialized roles within the unit. When you join you will be a recruit in our recruit troop, after passing Commando training, you will become a general duties marine, otherwise known as a rifleman. From here you can apply to undergo specialised training in more advanced roles, this may also open you up to higher positions of responsibility within the unit. Some of the roles available are; - Section Commander - Marksman - Assault Engineer - LMG Gunner - Fire Team Leader/ FAC - Medic - Heavy Weapons Specialist Mods Click for modlist Training No matter your experience level, all new Recruits must undergo 1AGRM basic training, this is to ensure that everyone is aware of our SOP’s and is proficient in their role and the equipment they carry. Basic Training consists of the following modules; Infantry Skills: (Navigation, Medical, ACE interaction, Radios) Conventional Warfare (Section Attacks, Break Contact, Ambushes, Fighting in wood and forests, Harbour Areas) Urban Warfare (Modern Urbanised Combat, Checkpoints) Specialised Training: (Amphibious Assault, Airborne Assault, Recce) Other roles require specialized training, which Marines can apply for once they have completed basic training. Contact us Message me, or come on the teamspeak, if you've got any questions, we will be more than happy to answer them! Steam Group - Click Here Good Luck, and we look forward to seeing you on the field! Recruitment Status - OPEN Sign up form - Click here Roster- Click here Discord - Click here Teamspeak - vs16.tserverhq.com:6045
  14. Author: JTS Introduction: Highly scripted sniper mission. Feel like a real sniper Description: A few days ago, the terrorists managed to capture an convoy, which transported chemical weapons. It is necessary to stop them until they leave Tanoa. This morning, our intelligence sent us an information about the location of terrorists who have stolen these weapons. Two Special Forces troops were sent to the enemy territory to destroy these weapons Features: - Hardcore - Cutscene - 2 localizations: English & russian - Realistic color correction - Dead body detection system - Carefully selected beautiful places on Tanoa - Stealth Notes: - It is recommended to enable music in your game settings - Read briefing carefully - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ACE and other mods, which change the behaviour of AI - No JIP (Join in progress) - Be sure you disable all not needed mods before you start the mission Credits & thanks: Urban (Mission testing) Screenshots: Requirements: - CBA A3 - Arma 3 Apex - Arma 3 Marksmen - Arma 3 Malden Download (Steam workshop) Download (Armaholic) Updated: 02.08.2018 *Fixed bug in Cutscene.sqf Updated: 20.05.2018 *Added difficulty option: Easy, Normal, Original (Affects the number of enemies and the distance of detection)
  15. This is designed to work where you have 'enableSentences False' either on server or mission, adding dynamic sounds to units (on death, reload, low ammo, friendly fire, being sniped, nearby teammate is killed, killing an enemy, being shot-wounded etc.) for German, US and Russian factions (POL units sharing US sounds for now). It is similar to my other VO mod, this one uses Day Of infamy and Rising Storm sound samples for factions, well done native Russian and German voice-overs. Still needs lot of work, some sounds are not at equal level, some sound too loud some are silent in firefight etc. nonetheless, I've tested this properly and it is working fine. NOTE: I've only tested with IFA3_LITE so I don't know its compatibility with other mods. Download/subscribe: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361160962
  16. Hi! Are you interested in the RP (roleplaying) scene in Armaverse? Make sure to join our active Discord server right away! Are you an RP player? follow the progress of various RP projects to stay updated with the latest news in the RP scene of Armaverse discuss directly with the project developers to give them ideas and feedback to help them develop better gamemodes find other people interested in RP to play with Are you an RP developer? follow the progress of various RP projects to stay updated with the latest news in the RP scene of Armaverse recruit talented people to your team via the dedicated recruitment channel exchange ideas with other developers and the players to make your gamemode even more awesome get a dedicated channel for your project where you can show your shiny latest features and discuss with the community about it Are you an RP framework developer? follow the progress of various RP projects to stay updated with the latest news in the RP scene of Armaverse recruit talented people to your team via the dedicated recruitment channel take part in collaborative technical discussions with experienced developers to help you deliver framework featuring the latest innovations in the scene get a dedicated channel for your framework where you can show your latest shiny features and discuss with the community about it The community has just been founded but we already have tens of members, several RP projects and we're growing every day. Most importantly, the community and the discussion are already pretty active and people are genuinely helping each other, helping everyone to have even more awesome roleplaying experience in Arma! Join us today! Join us via the link below! https://discord.gg/hBzT2v7 Regards, Ezcoo
  17. Hi everyone, I am stuck on somethan. I'm making a mission in a pre defined area where a player can spawn ai via a addAction. My issue right now is, the player can spawn the mission over and over. That by itself will cause a lot of problems. Others might have a better idea on how to go about this but I thought it would be a good idea before the script spawns the mission it would check to see if there are any OPFOR Units Alive within the marker or a trigger area if there is the mission will not spawn, if there is'nt then the mission will spawn. I don't know how to successfully make a check for opfor units (not players, just AI). Any help would be very much appreciated thank you.
  18. The Wrecking Crew The Wrecking Crew is a realism group that prides itself in its dedication to realistic and enjoyable game play, without the rigid aspects like permanent ranks and having to shout "Yes, sir" at a 14 year old. While we play mostly as British Forces to make coherent training possible, we have a whole host of players who come from all over the world, some as far out as Malaysia and South Africa. You select the role you'd like each week for our editor-driven operations, as long as you are competent and prove yourself by passing the required training sessions for that role, with some not requiring any. This allows you to vary from leading a platoon one week to driving a tank the next. The freedom to experience so many different types of game play without hindrance on the co-operation & enjoyability is something you will struggle to find in most other ArmA groups. Public Server If you would like to experience first hand what it's like to play with TWC, come join us on our public server. It runs different dynamic game modes made entirely in-house with a more relaxed game play than in our operations, but it will still give you a good insight in the community and play style. You don't need to sign up to participate on our public server, just the mods and to connect to our TeamSpeak server. We've created an easy to follow guide on how to get connected here. About our Operations Alongside a public server that runs 24/7, the biggest event our group hosts are weekly 'Operations' with between 20 to 40 people. As well as the occasional 'Joint Operation' with other groups which have encompassed up to 70 people total. Our operations span over a century of warfare, with a monthly rotation of World War 2, Cold War, Turn of the Millennium and Modern Operations. This means that in one month you can liberate a French town from Nazi occupation, halt a Soviet mechanised assault in the plains of Northern Germany, brawl with Iraqi armour in the deserts of Kuwait and patrol through the hills of Afghanistan, searching for insurgents. In these operations any recruit or member can play any role as long as he has received the corresponding training. In our operations we strive for maximum realism. We find real-life solutions for problems that we may face in game, while omitting more tedious parts of military duty like saluting, hour-long marches and range etiquette. We aim for the most immersive experience possible by having minimal HUD, first person only, a single life and using ACRE 2 for communications. Our operations take place on Saturday at 18:30 (UK time) and can last up to four hours or more. Interested in trying it out? If you're interested in participating in public, or signing up to try out our operations, you can check out our website for more information: http://www.thewreckingcrew.eu/. Alternatively, you can contact us on Discord, or pop directly onto TeamSpeak where any member will be willing to help you join with no hassle.
  19. Volition Servers Invade & Annex Game: Arma 3 Map: Tanoa IP: Location: Dallas, Texas Slots: 40 Privacy: Public Welcome to one of the very few I&A servers running on Tanoa from the Arma III Apex DLC. Here, you can finally experience persistent close-quarters and long-range combat in the lush and vibrant environment based off of the Horizon Islands North-east of Australia. This server is running the Invade & Annex Apex Framework released publicly by Quiksilver featuring flushed out performance improvements, enhanced AI behavior, comprehensive objectives and even a customizable radio system to clean up the clutter of public chatter. Source: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/212240-apex-framework/ *Invade & Annex is a persistent mission making mod for in-depth Player vs Enemy experiences* Automatically generated missions with a variety of foes and rewarding objectives! Just hop in the server, pick a role and navigate to the front lines with the help of your comrades in arms! The Invade & Annex Apex Framework persistently generates all of the following: Main AO populated with enemy CSAT forces and complete with multiple sub-objectives to weaken the opposing force and strengthen your chances of victory! Forward Operating Base that can be resupplied and maintained as a respawn point supply depot and vehicle service location for all ground forces! Secondary objective that can vary anywhere from rescuing a friendly behind enemy lines, escorting valuable resources in a convoy, securing enemy intel and even engaging enemy forces under the ocean! Aircraft Carrier that provides 1 friendly CAS pilot a fully armed Black Wasp II jet and UAV drones for reconnaissance and precision destruction Main Base complete with the V44-X Blackfish VTOL plane capable of inserting a fully loaded Marshal IFV behind enemy lines in minutes, large capacity helicopters such as the CH-67 Huron and UH-80 Ghost Hawk to deliver supplies and reinforcements as well as a plethora of ground vehicles from the powerful MBT-52 Kuma tank to the amphibious AMV-7 Marshall Recruitable AI that can be actively commanded to assist in battle! Briefing: You are a member of the NATO BluFor forces. CSAT military has been working with the local Syndikat militia to establish control over the Tanoa region. Primary Objective: Your mission is to completely drive all of the enemy forces out of the region and cripple the foreign control over the island. The enemy has established fortified defenses and communication. Utilize any and all assets to neutralize the enemy defenses, destroy their means of communication and once they are weak and vulnerable, strike directly at their headquarters. Secondary Objective: The region has become war torn and the local populace is not without suffering. Assist IDAP personnel and delivery valuable resources where needed to assist the neutral bystanders in this time of crisis. Tertiary Objective: We are in need of reinforcements but good help is hard to find. Recruit your friends and fellow comrades to join our forces on the frontlines. Rules/Administration: You must be 13 years or older to participate on any assets provided by Volition Servers. Nobody needs to tell you how to behave. You don’t need a set of rules or someone holding your hand. Administration reserves the right to penalize anybody with OR without a proper reason. We’re all friends here, as long as everyone’s having a good time, then there isn’t a problem. Join us on Teamspeak @ VolitionServers.Teamspeak3.com Or Discord @ https://discord.gg/hkKBHgg We provide other servers as well, get to know us! www.volitionservers.com Thank you for reading!
  20. This thread was made last year already but had no replies so im doing it again. Is having clientside mods (BLASTCORE/JSRS) allowed on official servers that our community runs? Thanks
  21. Seal team 7 of the NSWG One is recruiting experienced Arma players. We are a serious mil-sims group based on the Navy's seal teams. We use many different RHS mods along with Ace and Ace 3 mods. We conduct various raids and missions throughout our campaigns. Our primary mission is to eliminate all threats that would seek to cause us harm. We strike with precision and skill. Weather it be a stealth mission or full fire, you can bet we will succeed or die trying. If you are interested in joining NSWG our teamspeak will be linked. Join the Teamspeak and hop into the recruitment channel. . Come check us out. We may impress you more than you realize.
  22. Hello, I've been messing around with trying to make a simple firing range script that when activated puts the popup targets in down position. Then every let's say two seconds pops up a target, if not hit pop down and randomly select another target and repeat. If a target is hit have a counter count how many targets the player has hit then display at the end. This seems pretty straight forward but as I am new I am unable to successfully do this by myself. If anyone could help me make this I would be very appreciateive, thank you. I know there are a few other firing range scripts out there, I have tried a few such as moss targets and it is really nice, I am just looking to make my own simple one. score start at 0 count how many hits tgt1, tgt2 for knowing which targets to connect to.
  23. Please note that this topic is for a german ArmA 3 unit and due to this the following text will be in german. Thank you. Wer ist der Special Tactical Service? Hier ein kurzes Vorstellungsvideo: Der Special Tactical Service, kurz "sTs", wurde Anfang 2014, mit dem Ziel regelmäßig ArmA zu spielen, gegründet. Dabei spielen wir mit einem gewissen Maß an Realismus und taktischer Tiefe, sind aber kein „Hardcore“-MilSim Clan. In unseren kooperativen Operationen repräsentieren wir eine fiktive US-Amerikanische Einheit, welche in Monatskampagnen verschiedenste Szenarien abschließt und dabei eine dynamisch entwickelnde Missionsreihe führt. Was uns zu einer Gemeinschaft macht? Innerhalb des Clans herrscht eine lockere und familiäre Atmosphäre. Wir legen viel Wert auf Teamplay, Zuverlässigkeit und eine offene Kommunikation, jeder darf und soll seine eigene Meinung äußern. Dabei entscheidet trotzdem jeder selbst, inwiefern er sich in die Gemeinschaft einbinden möchte und inwieweit er Aufgaben innerhalb unserer Community übernehmen möchte. Wir bieten euch: Häufige Coop Missionen mit unseren 4 Partnerclans Dynamische Kampagnen mit hohem Standart Ein familiäres Umfeld mit Leuten unterschiedlichster Altersgruppen Freie Spiel- und Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten (auch im Bereich Zeus und Missionsbau) Taktisches und realitätsnahes Umfeld während den Events Gemeinsame Teilnahme an öffentlichen Events Trainingseinheiten für Arma - Neulinge und Veteranen Die notwendige Infrastruktur (Website / Forum, Teamspeak und ArmA 3 Server) Wir suchen: Zuverlässige und loyale Spieler Sowohl ArmA-Neulinge als auch Veteranen Spieler mit Interesse an taktischen und realitätsnahen ArmA-Missionen Spieler mit Interesse an Ausbildungen und Weiterbildungen Du hast Interesse oder einige Fragen? Sprich uns direkt im Teamspeak auf ts.sts.wtf an Besuch unsere Website unter sts.wtf
  24. Greetings fellow arma 3 enthusiasts. So i'm currently in a dilemma. Bit new to the whole editing the arsenal. I was wondering if theres a way to COMPLETELY remove an item from the arsenal menu? So it wont show? Many thanks to you all.
  25. Hey, i would like to place an picture during loading screen i placed an picture in init.sqf but it dosnt work :( could someone help me :( // ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 A3Wasteland.com * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Version: 1.2 // @file Name: init.sqf // @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [GoT] JoSchaap, AgentRev // @file Description: The main init. #include "debugFlag.hpp" #ifdef A3W_DEBUG #define DEBUG true #else #define DEBUG false #endif enableSaving [false, false]; A3W_sessionTimeStart = diag_tickTime; playMusic "gameIntro"; loadScreen = "Bilder\intro.paa"; <----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _descExtPath = str missionConfigFile; currMissionDir = compileFinal str (_descExtPath select [0, count _descExtPath - 15]); X_Server = false; X_Client = false; X_JIP = false; CHVD_allowNoGrass = false; CHVD_allowTerrain = false; // terrain option has been disabled out from the menu due to terrible code, this variable has currently no effect CHVD_maxView = 3500; // Set maximum view distance (default: 12000) CHVD_maxObj = 3500; // Set maximimum object view distance (default: 12000) // versionName = ""; // Set in STR_WL_WelcomeToWasteland in stringtable.xml if (isServer) then { X_Server = true }; if (!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true }; if (isNull player) then { X_JIP = true }; A3W_scriptThreads = []; [DEBUG] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "globalCompile.sqf"; //init Wasteland Core [] execVM "config.sqf"; [] execVM "storeConfig.sqf"; // Separated as its now v large [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; if (!isDedicated) then { [] spawn { if (hasInterface) then // Normal player { 9999 cutText ["Welcome to A3Wasteland, please wait for your client to initialize", "BLACK", 0.01]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; player setVariable ["playerSpawning", true, true]; playerSpawning = true; removeAllWeapons player; client_initEH = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { removeAllWeapons (_this select 0) }]; // Reset group & side [player] joinSilent createGroup playerSide; execVM "client\init.sqf"; if ((vehicleVarName player) select [0,17] == "BIS_fnc_objectVar") then { player setVehicleVarName "" }; // undo useless crap added by BIS } else // Headless { waitUntil {!isNull player}; if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf player >> "simulation") == "headlessclient") then { execVM "client\headless\init.sqf"; }; }; }; }; if (isServer) then { diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName]; diag_log "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server"; [] execVM "server\init.sqf"; }; if (hasInterface || isServer) then { //init 3rd Party Scripts [] execVM "addons\parking\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\storage\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\vactions\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\proving_ground\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\JumpMF\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\outlw_magrepack\MagRepack_init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\lsd_nvg\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\stickyCharges\init.sqf"; if (isNil "drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread") then { drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread = [] execVM "addons\scripts\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf" }; }; // Remove line drawings from map (createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false]) setTriggerStatements [ "!triggerActivated thisTrigger", "thisTrigger setTriggerTimeout [30,30,30,false]", "{if (markerShape _x == 'POLYLINE') then {deleteMarker _x}} forEach allMapMarkers" ];