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  1. Hi so I'm trying do do a mission where players will face a zeus with limited powers. The set units and vehicles costs module works fine with vanilla assets but not with units from RHS AFRF. On the wiki I've found this solution: myCurator addEventHandler [ "CuratorObjectRegistered", { _classes = _this select 1; _costs = []; { _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {[true,0.1]} else {[false,0]}; // Show only objects of type "Man", hide everything else _costs = _costs + [_cost]; } forEach _classes; // Go through all classes and assign cost for each of them _costs } ]; it works but only sets the cost of infantry units. I have changed it to: ZeusMaster addEventHandler [ "CuratorObjectRegistered", { _classes = _this select 1; _costs = []; { _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {[true,0.01]} else {[true,0.05]}; // CHANGED the else part _costs = _costs + [_cost]; } forEach _classes; // Go through all classes and assign cost for each of them _costs } ]; which sets the cost of all infantry units to 0.01 and all other objects to 0.05 but i can't change the cost further (i'd like to have cars < helicopters < tanks costs) for example. I've tried adding lines like _cost = if (_x isKindOf "Air") then {[true,0.01]} I've tried removing the " else {[true,0.05]};" part when doing that but it doesn't work... What am I doing wrong? Also I've already limited the access to addons for the zeus player but I'd also like to limit available factions and I don't know if it's possible...
  2. SOF UNITS ADDONS by massi NATO SPECIAL OPERATION FORCES STEAM Collection: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162109803 Hi all, Due to real life business I’m unable to continue upgrading my old mods , since they’re too many and too big to manage in the few spare time. Anyway I’m releasing here few lightweight addons, easier to maintain and update and with no other addons requirements (that I’m using for personal use at the moment), that maybe you’ll find interesting. Those addons are completely independent each other, and they require no other addons, you’ll just need Arma 3 Apex and Marksman in order to fully enjoy them. I decided to make just one thread for all in order to better monitor and track all of them in one place, but you can choose to install just the ones you like. So here we go: US SOCOM Description: This addon provide US-SOCOM units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent US-SOCOM units in following factions: - US-SOCOM(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - US-SOCOM(AOR2): for temperate and wooden areas. - US-SOCOM(AOR1): for arid and desert environments. - US-SOCOM(Rangers): multicam uniforms and Ranger green kits. - US-SOCOM(Woodland): woodland uniforms and tan kits. - US-SOCOM(Undercover OPS): civilian clothes and tan kits. - US-SOCOM(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - US-SOCOM(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - US-SOCOM(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - US-SOCOM(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - US-SOCOM(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. - US-SOCOM(CT): sage uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - US-LAW ENFORCEMENT(SWAT and FBI): black/sage uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipped with custom Colt Mk-18 rifles (normal, CQB and M203 with camo variants) Glock 17 and P226 pistols, they're compatible with other accessories without any requirements. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1141915433 ITALIAN SOF Description: This addon provide Italian SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent Italian SOF units in following factions: - SOF(dig-multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(vegetata): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Covert-Ops): civilian clothes and tan kits. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipped with custom Colt M4A1 rifles (normal, CQB and M203 with camo variants) and Glock 17 pistols, they're compatible with other accessories without any requirements. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Installation. Subscribe from Steam Workshop or use modfolders Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1141978995 RUSSIAN SOF Description: This addon provide Russian SOF units to OPFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and retextured bodyarmor in order to represent Russian Spetsnaz units in following factions: - Russian Spetsnaz(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - Russian Spetsnaz(green): for temperate and wooden areas. - Russian Spetsnaz(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - Russian Spetsnaz(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - Russian Spetsnaz(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - Russian Spetsnaz(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - Russian Spetsnaz(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - Russian Spetsnaz(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom AK-103 (including GL and camo variants), compatible with other attachements without any requirement . - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, bodyarmor, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles and gasmask. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142671136 RUSSIAN VDV Units Description: This addon provide Russian VDV units to OPFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and retextured bodyarmor in order to represent Russian VDV units in following factions: - Russian VDV(EMR): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - Russian VDV(Surpat): for tropical and desert areas. - Russian VDV(Special troops): CBRN operator. - Russian VDV(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom AK-74M (including GL variants). - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, bodyarmor, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles and gasmask. - Paras already equipped with parachutes. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1170200119 OPFOR REBELS Description: This addon provide OPFOR Rebel forces from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa, with units, vehicles and groups ready in the editorusing guerrilla APEX assets. This is a very simple retexture addon that aims to provide a set of rebel units that can fit in every type of environment/island. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with retextured guerrilla uniforms, and A3 vests and headgear. - Rebel factions from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa with related names, faces and languages (when applyable). - No requirements since they're using A3 and A3 expansions assets. - Their loadouts expand tactical capabilities of guerrilla units. - Dedicated rebel technicals vehicles ready in the editor. - Guerrilla groups ready in editor. - Classnames included in addon folder. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142687549 INDEPENDENT GUERRILLA Description: This addon provide INDEPENDENT Guerrila forces from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa, with units, vehicles and groups ready in the editorusing guerrilla APEX assets. This is a very simple retexture addon that aims to provide a set of guerrilla units that can fit in every type of environment/island. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with retextured guerrilla uniforms, and A3 vests and headgear. - Guerrilla faction from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa with related names, faces and languages (when applyable). - No requirements since they're using A3 and A3 expansions assets. - Their loadouts expand tactical capabilities of guerrilla units. - Dedicated guerrilla technicals vehicles ready in the editor. - Guerrilla groups ready in editor. - Classnames included in addon folder. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142683154 CSAT REPLACEMENT Description: This addon provide more realistic uniforms and equipment for CSAT soldiers. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom uniforms, vests and headgear in order to be more realistic and less futuristic. - The addon does not modify any unit(or their loadout), it will only change the appearance of the items without modifying their characteristics. - This will not change any Campaigns or Missions beheavior. Requirements. - Arma3. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142693786 UK SOF Description:This addon provide UK SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent UK SOF units in following factions:- SOF(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas.- SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas.- SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments.- SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments.- SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops.- SOF(Covert-Ops): civilian clothes and tan kits.- SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator.- SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky.- SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea.- SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit.I used web sources for references.Features:- Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. -Units are equipped with custom Colt L119A1 rifles (normal, CQB and M203 black and camo variants) and Sig P226 pistols, they're compatible with all other accessores without any requirements- Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms.- Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon.- Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now).- Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard.- Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively.- There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment.- Wide variety of groups in the editor.- Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now.- Preview pictures in the editor.- Custom flags and markers.- Classlist included in folder.- Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons.Requirements.- Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC.- No addons required.Bugs.Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1145621857 GERMAN SOF Description: This addon provide German SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent German SOF units in following factions: - SOF(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipe with custom HK G-36C and USP pistols, compatible with other optics/accessories without any requirement. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1152857794 FRENCH SOF Description: This addon provide French SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent French SOF units in following factions: - SOF(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK416-HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipe with custom Glock 17 pistols, compatible with other optics/accessories without any requirement. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162059703 Thanks to BI for the great game and to all the community!
  3. We are Recruiting ! Who are we? The G.O.A.T PMC is a Relaxed-Milsim unit. Doing campaign style operations internationally. We currently have around 15 - 20 active members with a few on leave. Coming from all around the Globe, there is almost always somebody online who can help if you have a problem, this includes training, help with mods or just to talk. We're there. Why Join Us? The G.O.A.T PMC is unique. We utilize a payment system which is fully automated by you simply being on the server. This also includes a fully functional marketplace where you can buy all of your own gear and customize yourself however you please. We also have a custom revive system in place alongside ACE medical. We do keep a rank system which is a PMC Style structure. Without needing people to say 'Yes Sir/No Sir'. The hierarchy is simply limited to Section Leaders, and the second in command. The 4 current Sections we utilise are Foxhound, Matchmaker, Cobra (Recon) & Titan (Armour). Our weekly ops follow an interactive story campaign style (Usually backed by up to 3 Zeus players). While 1 Zeus gives us a battle to fight, another could be interacting with us in multiple ways that change the game, offering help or trying to betray us. We do operate on a "Serious, but fun." level, You can laugh and joke but you have to be serious when it counts. We also operate under the case of "We are not military, we are mercenaries." If it gets the job done, We're fine with it. " Our Op times are Saturdays at 6PM CET / 1PM EST. Interested in joining? Message 'Major Dick Harden' on steam. For more information you can view our Steam Group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/goat-tactical
  4. Don't know about you, but I'm tired of running around with a US flag on my Shoulder.... A W.I.P FICTIONAL Custom re-texture of Vanilla ARMA 3 Gear with Custom CAMO's Using Color Pallettes from Altis and Tanoa + Some other classics. It's not my purpose to perfectly recreate the current ADF, this is a futiristic, fictional retexture. Content:Units, Cars, Trucks, Helicopters, Light Armor, Heavy Armour, Planes and much more! taking requests!7 Total Different Infantry Cams now :)Requires... NOTHING! External Dependencies All removed :) This is W.I.P, any constructive Feedback Welcomed and encouraged. Available on Steam Workshop :) & Armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32817
  5. I have tried multiple times to upload my unit image and keep getting a red pop up saying image has to be a png. file and yes it is a png file 400x400 that's 142kb. if anyone has any idea as to why this is happening some input would be great
  6. Hey guys. I'm a bit new to the editor and I've been trying to figure out a few things, mostly whether or not they're possible. Is there a way that I can create an NPC with a specific loadout which I can spawn while playing as Zeus?
  7. Hello, i was curious if it would be possible for someone to help me with a personal request/project. I was curious if someone could help (or voluntarily do themselves) me replace the US soldiers in the Cold War Rearmed^2 mod for ArmA 2? NOTE: I will only be using this replacement personally so do not worry about me turning around and uploading this to other websites for download. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could either help me or guide me to the right area to go about doing this. Thank you,
  8. acebelew

    Export Units data

    I did a quick search and did not find this posted before. I was looking for a way to export the data from my unit. I will need to rebuild the unit and was hoping that I would not have to manually enter all the data again. Any ideas are appreciated
  9. Hey there! I've recently formed a new group, AB-12, designed for semi-casual Arma 3 players looking for a group to play with in Wasteland. I'm hoping to create a group dedicated to intense teamplay, and playing Blufor how it's meant to be played, working towards objectives as one. I'm looking for english speaking players who are team-focused, any ages and any experience levels - whether you've clocked 300+ hours or just cracked the game open, it doesn't matter, you're welcome. If you're interested, please search AB-12 on the Arma Units tab, or follow this link directly - https://units.arma3.com/unit/ab-12. Thanks for reading, Elliott AB-12
  10. Hi, When i sign into my BI profile and try to connect my steam account to it, It acts like it accepts everything but when I go back to my BI profile, it does not show as connected. I've tried it on multiple browsers and made sure my cookies are enabled, added exceptions, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. Please be aware of the following rules and guidelines that apply to this forum section (Arma 3 Squads and Fanpages): One thread per squad/unit. The one and only exception: if your unit is active in multiple games (e.g. ARMA 2 & 3) then you can maintain separate threads in each of the relevant squad/fanpages sections. Note that different branches of the same unit do not count separately and thus may not have their own individual threads. [*]Announcements in your thread may be posted no more frequently than once every two weeks. That means any new posts in your thread may be created no less than 14 days apart. If you post too early, there's no guarantee that the post will be approved (or when). Its contents may be added to the previous post, or it might just disappear. Announcement posts must contain actual event info, training announcements, new server details or similar news. Simply bumping the thread for the sake of moving it to the top is not allowed. You may edit the existing posts in your thread at any time, as often as you want. If you have to announce something sooner than two weeks after the previous post, edit that post to add the details. [*]No discussions are allowed inside squad threads. Any discussions in threads will be deleted without warning. Users are advised to contact thread authors directly (e.g. via PM) if they have questions. Thread authors, make sure to provide sufficient contact details, as well as links to your website/forums. If you see people posting in a squad/fanpage thread, please use the report function so that their posts can be removed, then contact the user via PM if necessary. Do not respond inside the thread! [*]Absolutely no thread bumping! (That basically means all posts in your thread must comply with rules #2 and #3.) [*]All the usual forum rules apply here too. Including the 100KB image size rule, so make sure to double-check your squad logos, banners etc. [*]All threads must advertise an existing squad or fanpage, and you must be authorized to post about it. In other words, you may only post here to advertise your own squad/page or with permission of the owner/founder. Accordingly, you may not create threads to discuss other people's squads or pages. [*]Do not create a new thread if you are merely looking for a squad. That's what > this thread < is for. The same applies if you're looking for people to form a new squad - please use the aforementioned thread. INFO: This forum is pre-moderated. That means your posts must be approved by a moderator before they appear. Advertising your squad or fan page here at the Bohemia Interactive Forums is a privilege, not a right. Failure to comply with any of the rules listed above may result in your thread being closed or deleted and your posting privileges for this forum section being revoked. Many thanks to @maddogx for these original and clear rules
  12. Ali-S

    I can't see my units

    Hi, i created my own unit and i joined my clan unit But when i select any unit from launcher or from in-game i can't see it in any server I tried close the game and verify it but it doesn't help Can anyone help me to make my unit show in server?
  13. I want to attach my units with dark blue lines to a respawn position module (f5), however I cannot get get it to work. To give you an example of what I mean: Here you can see the units are grouped and attached to one unit leader (light blue lines), but are also attached to the respawn position module (dark blue lines). If I add more units, which I need to do, I cannot add them to the respawn position module. I have tried holding CTRL whilst trying to drag a line between a unit to the respawn module, like I would to attatch them to a squad leader, but nothing. I have also tried holding ALT and doing the same, moving them ontop, etc, nothing. Can someone please tell me how I can attach new units to the respawn position module? Thank You.
  14. The 9th JSOC is a milsim community that will tackle any operation, large or small with special tactics and teamwork. We have a private server that we play on with a few great mods installed. We have an immense ranking system that is based off the army. We have been tackling a few challenges with the community but invite any person that wants to play arma 3 and other games with the community. We have great people who want to make the 9th JSOC re-active in a community, we have amazing leaders who are great at teaching new comers how we run stuff. We welcome any person, no matter the age or hours you have. We have a steam community and teamspeak which are listed here: Steam group - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/9thJSOC TeamSpeak If you want to get to know more about us, please go to the teamspeak and talk to one of our members. We do not care if you join our group on steam, it helps if you join the TS though. Even saying your interested in what we do intrigues us. We'll see you out there!
  15. WurschtBanane

    AI caching

    Hi, i am trying to find a good AI caching script. I tried this: The problem is, that it often does not spawn a few units of the squad, and often disables reappearing of the units when you kill the new sql... I also tried the vanilla simulation manager module, but it turns on the caching for ALL units (empty vehicles too) and does not seem to affect the performance too much. I am also concerned that it might not work for JIP-ing players. Can anyone help me with the script i am using or the simulation manager? If not, can you recommend a script for me (which is not too hard to use and works with JIP and everything)? I want to make my missions work for air support too, so that means if the units (even though its maybe not spawned) position is hit by a bomb, the unit is dead. If you can not recommend caching at all, is there a good AI spawning script out there that works with mods and makes waypoint placement and customization (like the synching with a CBA module) possible?
  16. brafist

    how can i join new member?

    hi, i have created a bran new unit with friends, this unit is open for everybody, and a new person has joined the team but i don't know him and i can't contact him, may be there are athor ways to contact him with the arma unit but i don't know how. if you can help me I will be very thanksfull ;)
  17. 3rd Marine Division Fox Company, 2nd Battalion Marine Raider Team 8316 1st Marine Aircraft Wing 724th Special Tactics Group Hello, and before you read this post I wanted to thank you personally for taking the time to check us out. It will be a bit long, but it will include all the information required to both understand what the unit is about and also how to enlist or get in contact should you be interested. If you have any questions, please feel free to use the resources we provide at the bottom of the post to get into contact. What is the 3rd Marine Division? The 3rd Marine Division, or 3rd MD, is a military simulation unit looking to redefine the standard of military simulation, by providing a drama free, mature, and professional environment where you are a person, not a number, and can have as equal a chance as any to succeed. This group was founded on those principles, and has taken them to heart. Under those principles, we intend to allow our unit to thrive inside the milsim community, and constantly take consideration to the opinions of our player base to further improve the experience we provide. Outside of how we operate, the 3rd Marine Division is the culmination of numerous different assets within the United States Military. We consist of a regular infantry element (2nd Bat, 3rd MD), a MARSOC element (MRT 8316), an aviation element (1st MAW), and a Para-rescue element (724th STG). All these elements operate either together or separately to complete a wide variety of different objectives within our operations, with care being taken to try and diversify the scope of the missions our unit partakes in. What We Do As stated prior, the 3rd MD strives to maintain a mature, professional, and more importantly realistic environment. Considering this, training and operations are held to a high standard, and are done on a fairly regular basis. While we don't have daily operations, we do have a public liberation server which we will play on during the week for the purpose of practice but also enjoyment. Furthermore, we have our private training and operations server, operations being Saturdays at 1800 Eastern Standard Time. Training schedules depend entirely on the unit in which you enlist. These trainings and operations are all of course not only to provide enjoyment, but are also intended to breed the skills required by our members for success. Furthermore, in keeping with our standard, we partake in missions that the real US Military would partake in, these operations include activities such as… Counter Terrorism Large Scale Conventional Warfare Helicopter Based Assaults Defensive Operations Direct Action Hostage Rescue and many more activities that are not needing to be listed Training and Requirements We will begin with requirements, as the rest is not applicable to you if you do not meet these. Must be 15+ (17+ for the MARSOC element) Must be mature and have a professional attitude Must be willing to follow the chain of command Must own a legal copy of ArmA 3 Must be willing to dedicate time towards the unit, as it shall to you Must be able to make at least one unit event a week unless excused Must complete the training process in the required time frame Must maintain respect for yourself and others at all times If you meet these requirements, then read the following. It describes our training process... Training depends entirely on the unit in which you are assigned. Therefore, the length can vary. It will generally be no longer than a month unless you choose to enlist in our MARSOC element. The MARSOC element strives to create a lengthy process, generally lasting a month and a half, to ensure all members are dedicated to the unit. How Do I Join? Joining is a very simple process; it can be done by finding a recruiter, who can be found on our teamspeak at tfv.teamspeak3.com If that IP doesn't work, try or come to our website and make an account at https://2ndbattalion3rdmarines.wordpress.com/ Thank you for reading this post.
  18. This topic will cover all the various faction mods I'm making, from different Special Operation Forces or Commando/ Elite regiments across the globe as well as regular military forces or Insurgent groups. They will all have similar core dependencies so it's easier to have multiple factions at the same time, and will all work together with full Editor, Zeus, ACE3, TFAR, VCOM AI, ASR AI, RPGTard, MCC and ALiVE support. Notice- Factions will no longer be added to the list below because I'm hitting the wordcap. If you want to see the whole range of released mods http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081560124/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 is the best place. The forums page is used more for feedback/announcements and WIP info on upcoming mods rather than DL links. SOF and OPFOR from around the world. DOWNLOAD LINKS (Not all factions listed here due to length, check the workshop for organised collections of factions based on dependencies)- US Navy S.E.A.L.S "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday" and "So Other's May Live" Special thanks to 'H---------', who is a member of the SEALS and one of my consultants. Faction classname- SL Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821140377 Polish GROM Special Forces of Poland. "Siła i Honor Tobie Ojczyzno!" Faction classname- GM Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823664320 MARSOC Marine Raiders The US Marine Corps Special Forces Unit. "Always Faithful, Always Forward" Faction classname- MR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=826018608 US Army 75th Ranger Regiment The US Army's Ranger Regiment circa 2014 "Rangers Lead The Way" Faction classname- BLU_AI Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779932339 Afghan National Army and ANA Commando Brigade National Army of Afghanistan, and it's Commando Unit, pre-2011 Faction classname- ANA Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827872006 British Special Air Service and Special Boat Service (SAS and SBS) The original Special Forces, fighting bad guys since 1941. "By Strength And Guile" and "Who Dares Wins" Faction classname- SAS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=830455109 Central African Rebels Anti-Balaka Movement, Central African Republic. "The Invincible" Faction classname- CAR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831284682 Hezbollah Lebanese Shi'ia Islamist political and military group. Faction classname- HZ Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833316053 1st Brandenburg Division, 1944. Elite German unit from WW2 specialising in sabotage and infiltration. Faction classname- BB Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835581569 Australian 2nd Commando Regiment and New Zealand SAS. Special Forces from Australia and New Zealand. "Foras Admonitio" Faction classname- 2C Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838402883 Israeli Shayetet 13 Israeli Naval Special Forces Faction classname- S13 Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=839868777 Colombian Special Forces Based on the 'Fuerzas Especiales Colombianas' of the Colombian Army "Patria, Honor, Lealtad" Faction classname- MSF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=844283765 People's Liberation Army Special Forces Based on the Guangzhou Military Region Special Forces Unit, "South Blade" from January 2015. Faction classname- PLA Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=845947248 'Praying Mantis' PMC's Fictional Private Military Contractor group from Metal Gear Solid 4. Faction classname- MGS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=848441775 Russian Spetsnaz Based on 'Vympel' and SSO units in SURPAT and Multicam (2012-2017) "Timing, Thoroughness, Reliablity" Faction classname- RUS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=849038969 African Special Forces Both Kenyan and Somali Special Forces (2010-2015) Faction classname- KSF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=849723142 US SFOD-D CAG- 'Delta Force' Combat Applications Group (2016-2017) geared for a Tanoan deployment. Faction classname- CAG Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=851480288 Abu Sayyaf Group A Pacific Islamist extremist group with connections to Al-Qaeda and Islamic State with a penchant for ransom and criminal activities in addition to extremism. Faction classname- ASG Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853221518 German Special Forces Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine (KSM, Naval Special Forces) and Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) (KSM-2011-2015, KSK 2035) Faction classname- KSM Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=855118984 Taliban Insurgency Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Taliban Insurgency to Arma 3. It is mostly based on the 1996-2009 era of Taliban in Afghanistan. Faction classname- TBI Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950850347 Tanoan Defence Forces Tanoa's Defence Forces are loosely based around the Republic of Fiji's Armed Forces and the Indonesian Armed forces. Due to the location of the Horizon island chain in the Pacific, they are using primarily older Western equipment, with some older Soviet-Block equipment in use by Reserve and training units. Faction classname- TDF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=949495255 Pakistani Special Service Wing Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Pakistani Air Force Special Service Wing, No. 2 Special Operations Squadron to Arma 3. It is mostly based on photographs of deployments between 2010 and early June 2017. Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1094613885 PW6- http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/WSZ98MO7XUWxfeP-Fv5HyA/Pakistani-Special-Service-Wing-SFF Private Military Contractors Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds a PMC Contractor faction, with equipment based on contractors in Iraq in a post 2008 time period, as well as PMC's internationally. Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1132804515 [SFF-R] Series (Special Forces Factions, RHS) This is recreations of several of my factions with alternate dependencies on RHS instead of NIA/ SMA weapons. Note that these cannot be enabled at the same time as the normal version due to sharing classnames. Some examples below. US MARSOC Marine Raiders [SFF-R] The US Marine Corps Special Forces Unit. RHS Version. "Always Faithful, Always Forward" Faction classname- MR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=873455461 Abu Sayyaf Group [SFF-R] Pacific Islamist extremists who have ties to Al Qaeda, the Mexican Cartel, and Islamic State. RHS Version. "Bearer Of The Sword" Faction classname- ASG Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=875241040 Central African Rebels [SFF-R] Anti-Balaka gangs of the Central African Republic. RHS Version. Faction classname- CAR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879843800 Afghan National Army and ANA Commandos [SFF-R] The Afghan Army and their Commando forces from 2007-2011. RHS Version. 'Thunder' Faction classname- ANA Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890504822 Russian Spetznaz [SFF-R] Special forces from 'Vympel' and SSO of the Russian armed forces. RHS Version. Faction classname- RUS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=895826156 Islamic State [SSF-R] Extremist Terrorist organisation from the Middle East, based on photos and videos from Jan 2016 to Feb 2017. RHS version. Faction classname- IS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=899977490 Taliban Insurgency [SFF-R] Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Taliban Insurgency to Arma 3. It is mostly based on the 1996-2009 era of Taliban in Afghanistan. RHS version. Faction classname- TBI Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951522276 Hezbollah [SFF-R] Special Operations Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Hezbollah organisation to the game. The Hezbollah are a Lebanese Shi'ia Islamist political and military group. The position of Hezbollah as an organisation is tenous, as it is both a legitimate political party and a fighting organisation. This faction is based on photographs and video footage from August 13th, 2013 to early 2017. RHS version. Faction classname- HZ Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098686482 PW6 - http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/2w0_INxMQF-qjz9W5g-37w/Hezbollah-SFF-R Polish GROM [SFF-R] Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Polish GROM. Note this version is dependant on RHS Escalation. Faction Classname- GM Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2089932510 US Navy SEALS [SFF-R] The U.S. Navy SEALs were established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 as a small, elite maritime military force to conduct Unconventional Warfare. They carry out the types of clandestine, small-unit, high-impact missions that large forces with high-profile platforms (such as ships, tanks, jets and submarines) cannot. They form the US Navy's premier Special Operations Force (SOF) and are a component in NAVSPECWAR. Faction Classname- SL Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1354385660 Faction Overhauls/ Replacement Packs. This is campaign and mission replacements for default Arma 3 and Arma 3 Apex factions. FIA Overhauled A replacement pack for FIA units in the official campaign and scenarios that gives them equipment more in line with modern day NATO-backed guerrilla fighters. Faction classname- BLU_G_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858764894 FIA Overhauled [RHS Edition] A replacement pack for FIA units in the official campaign and scenarios that gives them equipment more in line with modern day NATO-backed guerrilla fighters using RHS weapons. Faction classname- BLU_G_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1354385660 Gendarme Overhauled A replacement pack for the Tanoan Gendarme units in the Apex campaign and scenarios that gives them a much wider selection of units and a SWAT team. No mods required. Faction classname- BLU_GEN_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=860128361 Syndikate Overhauled A replacement pack for the Syndikate Cartel units in the Apex campaign and scenarios that gives them several units that appear in the campaign that are not usable, such as Technicals, and adds the un-used Tactical Chest Rig to some units. Faction classname- IND_C_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1209399152 AAF Overhauled The Altis Armed Forces overhaul is focused on bringing the AAF forces a more modern-day appearance, loosely based on the Hellenic Armed Forces of Greece. Faction classname- IND_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1076246390 CSAT Overhauled This mod is a total replacement of the CSAT faction, bringing them more in line with modern day equipment, weapons and uniforms. Like many of my factions has both a RHS and a NIA version. Faction classname- OPF_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1087988033 NATO Overhauled This mod is a total replacement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation units, bringing them more in line with modern day US equipment, weapons and uniforms. Faction Classname- BLU_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1105165805 PW6- http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/gdAt5Fb9M02mvHiU8lvPqg/NATO-Overhauled NATO RHS Marine Corps Overhaul NATO soldiers have been changed into a force resembling the United States Marine Corps, with more contemporary weapons such as the M4A1 Carbine replacing the MX rifle. The standard uniform is MARPAT Woodland for all infantry units, with most units having SPC vests and MARPAT combat helmets. Faction Classname- BLU_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1179946616 CTRG Overhauled This mod is a total replacement of the Combat Technology Research Group, or CTRG units with new weapons, uniforms and equipment. Faction Classname- BLU_CTRG_B Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1172631651 OPFOR FIA Overhauled This FIA insurgency cell is supported by Iranian CSAT forces, so is armed primarily with older Soviet weapons such as the AKM and AK-74 as primary weapons, with the AKMS and AKS-74-U used in some roles. Faction Classname- OPF_G_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1176983135 INDEP FIA Overhauled- Faction Classname- IND_G_F These INDEP FIA forces are irregular fighters who have remain loyal to the AAF Government during the Civil War, and they have been supplied and supported by the AAF military. Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1437796488 ALiVE Civilian Pack The purpose of the mod is to give more accurate looking civilians for Milsim groups without having to rely on large downloads of civilian equipment. Faction classname- C_AF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935810174 Mod compatibility- All factions have full Editor, Zeus, ALiVE/ Spyders ALiVE, MCC, Dynamic Recon Ops, ACE3, Task Force and ACRE radio support. They also have all functions supported from AI mods such as ASR-AI, LAMBS and V-Com AI, such as deploying static weapons and suicide bomber attacks. Note that not all factions are included in this post. Links to the multiple collections containing all the varied factions can be found on my Steam Workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrad96/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  19. Helldogz

    Clan Insignias in Arma

    I had to deal with the new Units in compare to the old squad.xml. So while I tried to learn more about the systems I found this Insignia function in the BI Wiki. If I remember right I saw a Strider with a so called clan Insignia on its front, once I was playing epoch. Too bad we ended up in a firefight, so I could not ask them how they managed that. Do I have any chance to these functions anywhere like the squad.xml as long I am not the server owner (like in Epoch, Exile, KotH and so on)
  20. Joint Nordic Battlegroup 16 We are a Arma 3 unit based in Northern Europe. "Semper metam contingimus - We always reach our goal" What are we? We are focused around the Swedish Armed Forces with infantry, Aviation, Armour, Support units. We offer a serious but still fun and relaxed community where everyone are welcome to play not only Arma 3 but any game or just have a talk in the lounge. We do our best to try and stay open minded about all ideas that our players can give us at all times. Sticking to the fun and serious without the BS. We do our trainings and operations on a weekly basis,1-2 Trainings and then operations on the weekends. Our requirements for all members are. You own a legit copy of Arma 3. You have a working microphone and ts3 client. You are atleast 16 years old. You can and will behave in a mature manner on our servers. You think you have what it takes? Take the first step and contact an officer or recruiter now. Teamspeak 3 server ip: E-mail: info@jnb16.com Website: http://www.jnb16.com Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/JNB16 Arma 3 unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/jnb16 Hope to see you on soon! // G. Joel Battlegroup Commander
  21. Hi. I want to make a squad get out of a vehicle when a script is activated, and make them get back in when another one is activated. Is it possible to do without scripting, just with triggers init? The unload, load get out and get in waypoints dont seem to work... Btw the squad consists of players and AI. If that is not possible, can i make the passengers and cargo dudes eject? I googled a bit and found something that makes cargo eject but its a btr 80 which means that most people sit on top.
  22. Hello, In the mission I am currently working on I need the ability to spawn pre-defined units via their string name, to a vehicle defined by either it's editor given variable name, or it's string name. Preferably the vehicles variable name. Then, I'm going to call the script via a trigger that is triggered via the Radio menu. As well as if it is possible, I'd like to then have another script that does the opposite, and de-spawns them, and will be called the same way via a trigger, and they will be On-Off options. Oh and yes, text via side to say that it has been toggled on or off! Any info is much appreciated, as I don't even know were to start. PS: As well as could you explain how to do the same for objects if there is a difference? I could put this information to good use to put the USS Nimitz On station and Off station.
  23. maxjoiner


    Hi all this is my last W.I.P. Original Models by Bohemia Ported and modified by me I hope You like it...
  24. RCWC Team presents! "1985 Real Soviet Army" pack (1985 RSA) is an element of "1985 Real Cold War Crisis" project, intended to reconstruct Soviet Army units 1969-1991. Download [1]: yadi.sk or Download [2]: mediafire Required addon "NewCloud": Download from yadi.sk or mediafire http://imgur.com/a/3Lar7 More pictures inside the archive with the addon. It contains the following components: ----- MODPACK AUTHORS ----- RCWC Projects Team: GURAN aka Special Soldier alexanbros40 Sovietkot aka st90 Nimus ----- CONSULTANTS ----- Kirill Pen'chinskij Vladislav Danilov Stalker2011 aka Eugene Tackleberry NERV ----- ENGLISH LOCALISATION ----- FOXlauncher SoldierEPilot Nimus -Sapper- ----- SPECIAL THANKS ----- ORCS Development Studio team Psykke RHS OFPCAT Liberation mod team Vladislav Danilov ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALL MODELS, TEXTURES AND OTHER COMPONENTS, INCLUDED IN THIS PACK, ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS
  25. FAP UNITS for A3 Latest version: 1.4 (Apr 1 2017) Here comes the FAP .... Foes & Allies Pack, of course <g> :) this addon features: Shots made by: scruffy. I. Factions for my released islands such as: Afrenian Army & Police Molatian Army & Armed Civilians ARL Lingor Rebels GAL Government Army of Lingor Cecanian Army (currently occupying Isla Abramia, in regular & winter camo) Abramian Rebel Alliance & Police (four tribes with 4 camos, trying to restore order on the same island + policemen that operate mainly from capitol of Yolandi) Red & Blue Gangs Alienz Zetaborn & Reptile II. Vehicles There are some vehicles present, but mainly A3 skinned ones: Antonov An-12 Cub (Military & Civil variants) Fennek recon vehicles for Afrenian army (Afrenian Leopard camo) Leopard 2A5 (Afrenian Leopard camo) Abramian Police car (working lights & siren as horn/LMB) Kamaz trucks for almost all factions etc. III. Weapons & Equipment AKM, AKMS and RPK rifles && 40mm Grenade launchers M16A2s/ AR-15s RPG-7 SVD Dragunov PKM M1911 Igla AA Steyr AUG A1 Gasmask SF-10 1 Kilo of Cocaine 1 Stack of Dollars List of classnames for Units: Available at -> http://www.icebreakr.info/fap/classnames.txt Contributors/Credits: - NZDFCrash (soldier model, weapons, configs, etc.) - Sahbazz (mags, configs, help, etc.) - TRYK xmosmos, zabb (Gasmask). - Kiory (head mask for Natives, coming with next version) - LordJarhead (sounds) - Rocket (Steyrs) - Kol9yN (Cocaine pack model) - RobertHammer (Grenade Launcher Hand Animation) - Bad Benson | alien model, scripts, energy weapons for Zetaborn faction - Ryan_D, Colonel26 | Aliens A1 Mod conversion for Alienz/Zetaborn Faction - Hitcher | Spaceships & Tanks Creations used for Alienz/Zetaborn faction - HcPookie | An-12 Cub Download Available here | 7zip archive 200MB Official Website http://www.icebreakr.info