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  1. SOF UNITS ADDONS by massi NATO SPECIAL OPERATION FORCES STEAM Collection: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162109803 Hi all, Due to real life business I’m unable to continue upgrading my old mods , since they’re too many and too big to manage in the few spare time. Anyway I’m releasing here few lightweight addons, easier to maintain and update and with no other addons requirements (that I’m using for personal use at the moment), that maybe you’ll find interesting. Those addons are completely independent each other, and they require no other addons, you’ll just need Arma 3 Apex and Marksman in order to fully enjoy them. I decided to make just one thread for all in order to better monitor and track all of them in one place, but you can choose to install just the ones you like. So here we go: US SOCOM Description: This addon provide US-SOCOM units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent US-SOCOM units in following factions: - US-SOCOM(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - US-SOCOM(AOR2): for temperate and wooden areas. - US-SOCOM(AOR1): for arid and desert environments. - US-SOCOM(Rangers): multicam uniforms and Ranger green kits. - US-SOCOM(Woodland): woodland uniforms and tan kits. - US-SOCOM(Undercover OPS): civilian clothes and tan kits. - US-SOCOM(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - US-SOCOM(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - US-SOCOM(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - US-SOCOM(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - US-SOCOM(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. - US-SOCOM(CT): sage uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - US-LAW ENFORCEMENT(SWAT and FBI): black/sage uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipped with custom Colt Mk-18 rifles (normal, CQB and M203 with camo variants) Glock 17 and P226 pistols, they're compatible with other accessories without any requirements. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1141915433 ITALIAN SOF Description: This addon provide Italian SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent Italian SOF units in following factions: - SOF(dig-multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(vegetata): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Covert-Ops): civilian clothes and tan kits. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipped with custom Colt M4A1 rifles (normal, CQB and M203 with camo variants) and Glock 17 pistols, they're compatible with other accessories without any requirements. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Installation. Subscribe from Steam Workshop or use modfolders Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1141978995 RUSSIAN SOF Description: This addon provide Russian SOF units to OPFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and retextured bodyarmor in order to represent Russian Spetsnaz units in following factions: - Russian Spetsnaz(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - Russian Spetsnaz(green): for temperate and wooden areas. - Russian Spetsnaz(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - Russian Spetsnaz(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - Russian Spetsnaz(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - Russian Spetsnaz(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - Russian Spetsnaz(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - Russian Spetsnaz(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom AK-103 (including GL and camo variants), compatible with other attachements without any requirement . - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, bodyarmor, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles and gasmask. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142671136 RUSSIAN VDV Units Description: This addon provide Russian VDV units to OPFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and retextured bodyarmor in order to represent Russian VDV units in following factions: - Russian VDV(EMR): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - Russian VDV(Surpat): for tropical and desert areas. - Russian VDV(Special troops): CBRN operator. - Russian VDV(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom AK-74M (including GL variants). - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, bodyarmor, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles and gasmask. - Paras already equipped with parachutes. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1170200119 OPFOR REBELS Description: This addon provide OPFOR Rebel forces from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa, with units, vehicles and groups ready in the editorusing guerrilla APEX assets. This is a very simple retexture addon that aims to provide a set of rebel units that can fit in every type of environment/island. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with retextured guerrilla uniforms, and A3 vests and headgear. - Rebel factions from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa with related names, faces and languages (when applyable). - No requirements since they're using A3 and A3 expansions assets. - Their loadouts expand tactical capabilities of guerrilla units. - Dedicated rebel technicals vehicles ready in the editor. - Guerrilla groups ready in editor. - Classnames included in addon folder. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142687549 INDEPENDENT GUERRILLA Description: This addon provide INDEPENDENT Guerrila forces from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa, with units, vehicles and groups ready in the editorusing guerrilla APEX assets. This is a very simple retexture addon that aims to provide a set of guerrilla units that can fit in every type of environment/island. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with retextured guerrilla uniforms, and A3 vests and headgear. - Guerrilla faction from Europe, Middle-East, Asia, Tanoa and Africa with related names, faces and languages (when applyable). - No requirements since they're using A3 and A3 expansions assets. - Their loadouts expand tactical capabilities of guerrilla units. - Dedicated guerrilla technicals vehicles ready in the editor. - Guerrilla groups ready in editor. - Classnames included in addon folder. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142683154 CSAT REPLACEMENT Description: This addon provide more realistic uniforms and equipment for CSAT soldiers. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom uniforms, vests and headgear in order to be more realistic and less futuristic. - The addon does not modify any unit(or their loadout), it will only change the appearance of the items without modifying their characteristics. - This will not change any Campaigns or Missions beheavior. Requirements. - Arma3. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142693786 UK SOF Description:This addon provide UK SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent UK SOF units in following factions:- SOF(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas.- SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas.- SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments.- SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments.- SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops.- SOF(Covert-Ops): civilian clothes and tan kits.- SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator.- SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky.- SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea.- SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit.I used web sources for references.Features:- Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. -Units are equipped with custom Colt L119A1 rifles (normal, CQB and M203 black and camo variants) and Sig P226 pistols, they're compatible with all other accessores without any requirements- Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms.- Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon.- Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now).- Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard.- Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively.- There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment.- Wide variety of groups in the editor.- Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now.- Preview pictures in the editor.- Custom flags and markers.- Classlist included in folder.- Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons.Requirements.- Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC.- No addons required.Bugs.Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1145621857 GERMAN SOF Description: This addon provide German SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent German SOF units in following factions: - SOF(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipe with custom HK G-36C and USP pistols, compatible with other optics/accessories without any requirement. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1152857794 FRENCH SOF Description: This addon provide French SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent French SOF units in following factions: - SOF(multicam): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): black uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with HK416-HK417 derived from A3 Apex SPARs, so no other addons are required now. - Units are equipe with custom Glock 17 pistols, compatible with other optics/accessories without any requirement. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DOWNLOAD and PICTURES http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162059703 Thanks to BI for the great game and to all the community!
  2. This topic will cover all the various faction mods I'm making, from different Special Operation Forces or Commando/ Elite regiments across the globe as well as regular military forces or Insurgent groups. They will all have similar core dependencies so it's easier to have multiple factions at the same time, and will all work together with full Editor, Zeus, ACE3, TFAR, VCOM AI, ASR AI, RPGTard, MCC and ALiVE support. Notice- Factions will no longer be added to the list below because I'm hitting the wordcap. If you want to see the whole range of released mods http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198081560124/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 is the best place. The forums page is used more for feedback/announcements and WIP info on upcoming mods rather than DL links. SOF and OPFOR from around the world. DOWNLOAD LINKS (Not all factions listed here due to length, check the workshop for organised collections of factions based on dependencies)- US Navy S.E.A.L.S "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday" and "So Other's May Live" Special thanks to 'H---------', who is a member of the SEALS and one of my consultants. Faction classname- SL Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821140377 Polish GROM Special Forces of Poland. "Siła i Honor Tobie Ojczyzno!" Faction classname- GM Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823664320 MARSOC Marine Raiders The US Marine Corps Special Forces Unit. "Always Faithful, Always Forward" Faction classname- MR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=826018608 US Army 75th Ranger Regiment The US Army's Ranger Regiment circa 2014 "Rangers Lead The Way" Faction classname- BLU_AI Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779932339 Afghan National Army and ANA Commando Brigade National Army of Afghanistan, and it's Commando Unit, pre-2011 Faction classname- ANA Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827872006 British Special Air Service and Special Boat Service (SAS and SBS) The original Special Forces, fighting bad guys since 1941. "By Strength And Guile" and "Who Dares Wins" Faction classname- SAS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=830455109 Central African Rebels Anti-Balaka Movement, Central African Republic. "The Invincible" Faction classname- CAR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831284682 Hezbollah Lebanese Shi'ia Islamist political and military group. Faction classname- HZ Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833316053 1st Brandenburg Division, 1944. Elite German unit from WW2 specialising in sabotage and infiltration. Faction classname- BB Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835581569 Australian 2nd Commando Regiment and New Zealand SAS. Special Forces from Australia and New Zealand. "Foras Admonitio" Faction classname- 2C Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838402883 Israeli Shayetet 13 Israeli Naval Special Forces Faction classname- S13 Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=839868777 Colombian Special Forces Based on the 'Fuerzas Especiales Colombianas' of the Colombian Army "Patria, Honor, Lealtad" Faction classname- MSF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=844283765 People's Liberation Army Special Forces Based on the Guangzhou Military Region Special Forces Unit, "South Blade" from January 2015. Faction classname- PLA Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=845947248 'Praying Mantis' PMC's Fictional Private Military Contractor group from Metal Gear Solid 4. Faction classname- MGS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=848441775 Russian Spetsnaz Based on 'Vympel' and SSO units in SURPAT and Multicam (2012-2017) "Timing, Thoroughness, Reliablity" Faction classname- RUS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=849038969 African Special Forces Both Kenyan and Somali Special Forces (2010-2015) Faction classname- KSF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=849723142 US SFOD-D CAG- 'Delta Force' Combat Applications Group (2016-2017) geared for a Tanoan deployment. Faction classname- CAG Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=851480288 Abu Sayyaf Group A Pacific Islamist extremist group with connections to Al-Qaeda and Islamic State with a penchant for ransom and criminal activities in addition to extremism. Faction classname- ASG Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853221518 German Special Forces Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine (KSM, Naval Special Forces) and Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) (KSM-2011-2015, KSK 2035) Faction classname- KSM Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=855118984 Taliban Insurgency Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Taliban Insurgency to Arma 3. It is mostly based on the 1996-2009 era of Taliban in Afghanistan. Faction classname- TBI Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950850347 Tanoan Defence Forces Tanoa's Defence Forces are loosely based around the Republic of Fiji's Armed Forces and the Indonesian Armed forces. Due to the location of the Horizon island chain in the Pacific, they are using primarily older Western equipment, with some older Soviet-Block equipment in use by Reserve and training units. Faction classname- TDF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=949495255 Pakistani Special Service Wing Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Pakistani Air Force Special Service Wing, No. 2 Special Operations Squadron to Arma 3. It is mostly based on photographs of deployments between 2010 and early June 2017. Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1094613885 PW6- http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/WSZ98MO7XUWxfeP-Fv5HyA/Pakistani-Special-Service-Wing-SFF Private Military Contractors Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds a PMC Contractor faction, with equipment based on contractors in Iraq in a post 2008 time period, as well as PMC's internationally. Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1132804515 [SFF-R] Series (Special Forces Factions, RHS) This is recreations of several of my factions with alternate dependencies on RHS instead of NIA/ SMA weapons. Note that these cannot be enabled at the same time as the normal version due to sharing classnames. Some examples below. US MARSOC Marine Raiders [SFF-R] The US Marine Corps Special Forces Unit. RHS Version. "Always Faithful, Always Forward" Faction classname- MR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=873455461 Abu Sayyaf Group [SFF-R] Pacific Islamist extremists who have ties to Al Qaeda, the Mexican Cartel, and Islamic State. RHS Version. "Bearer Of The Sword" Faction classname- ASG Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=875241040 Central African Rebels [SFF-R] Anti-Balaka gangs of the Central African Republic. RHS Version. Faction classname- CAR Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879843800 Afghan National Army and ANA Commandos [SFF-R] The Afghan Army and their Commando forces from 2007-2011. RHS Version. 'Thunder' Faction classname- ANA Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890504822 Russian Spetznaz [SFF-R] Special forces from 'Vympel' and SSO of the Russian armed forces. RHS Version. Faction classname- RUS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=895826156 Islamic State [SSF-R] Extremist Terrorist organisation from the Middle East, based on photos and videos from Jan 2016 to Feb 2017. RHS version. Faction classname- IS Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=899977490 Taliban Insurgency [SFF-R] Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Taliban Insurgency to Arma 3. It is mostly based on the 1996-2009 era of Taliban in Afghanistan. RHS version. Faction classname- TBI Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951522276 Hezbollah [SFF-R] Special Operations Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Hezbollah organisation to the game. The Hezbollah are a Lebanese Shi'ia Islamist political and military group. The position of Hezbollah as an organisation is tenous, as it is both a legitimate political party and a fighting organisation. This faction is based on photographs and video footage from August 13th, 2013 to early 2017. RHS version. Faction classname- HZ Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098686482 PW6 - http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/2w0_INxMQF-qjz9W5g-37w/Hezbollah-SFF-R Polish GROM [SFF-R] Special Operation Forces Faction mod [SFF] that adds the Polish GROM. Note this version is dependant on RHS Escalation. Faction Classname- GM Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2089932510 US Navy SEALS [SFF-R] The U.S. Navy SEALs were established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962 as a small, elite maritime military force to conduct Unconventional Warfare. They carry out the types of clandestine, small-unit, high-impact missions that large forces with high-profile platforms (such as ships, tanks, jets and submarines) cannot. They form the US Navy's premier Special Operations Force (SOF) and are a component in NAVSPECWAR. Faction Classname- SL Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1354385660 Faction Overhauls/ Replacement Packs. This is campaign and mission replacements for default Arma 3 and Arma 3 Apex factions. FIA Overhauled A replacement pack for FIA units in the official campaign and scenarios that gives them equipment more in line with modern day NATO-backed guerrilla fighters. Faction classname- BLU_G_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858764894 FIA Overhauled [RHS Edition] A replacement pack for FIA units in the official campaign and scenarios that gives them equipment more in line with modern day NATO-backed guerrilla fighters using RHS weapons. Faction classname- BLU_G_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1354385660 Gendarme Overhauled A replacement pack for the Tanoan Gendarme units in the Apex campaign and scenarios that gives them a much wider selection of units and a SWAT team. No mods required. Faction classname- BLU_GEN_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=860128361 Syndikate Overhauled A replacement pack for the Syndikate Cartel units in the Apex campaign and scenarios that gives them several units that appear in the campaign that are not usable, such as Technicals, and adds the un-used Tactical Chest Rig to some units. Faction classname- IND_C_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1209399152 AAF Overhauled The Altis Armed Forces overhaul is focused on bringing the AAF forces a more modern-day appearance, loosely based on the Hellenic Armed Forces of Greece. Faction classname- IND_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1076246390 CSAT Overhauled This mod is a total replacement of the CSAT faction, bringing them more in line with modern day equipment, weapons and uniforms. Like many of my factions has both a RHS and a NIA version. Faction classname- OPF_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1087988033 NATO Overhauled This mod is a total replacement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation units, bringing them more in line with modern day US equipment, weapons and uniforms. Faction Classname- BLU_F Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1105165805 PW6- http://withsix.com/p/Arma-3/mods/gdAt5Fb9M02mvHiU8lvPqg/NATO-Overhauled NATO RHS Marine Corps Overhaul NATO soldiers have been changed into a force resembling the United States Marine Corps, with more contemporary weapons such as the M4A1 Carbine replacing the MX rifle. The standard uniform is MARPAT Woodland for all infantry units, with most units having SPC vests and MARPAT combat helmets. Faction Classname- BLU_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1179946616 CTRG Overhauled This mod is a total replacement of the Combat Technology Research Group, or CTRG units with new weapons, uniforms and equipment. Faction Classname- BLU_CTRG_B Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1172631651 OPFOR FIA Overhauled This FIA insurgency cell is supported by Iranian CSAT forces, so is armed primarily with older Soviet weapons such as the AKM and AK-74 as primary weapons, with the AKMS and AKS-74-U used in some roles. Faction Classname- OPF_G_F Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1176983135 INDEP FIA Overhauled- Faction Classname- IND_G_F These INDEP FIA forces are irregular fighters who have remain loyal to the AAF Government during the Civil War, and they have been supplied and supported by the AAF military. Steam Workshop- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1437796488 ALiVE Civilian Pack The purpose of the mod is to give more accurate looking civilians for Milsim groups without having to rely on large downloads of civilian equipment. Faction classname- C_AF Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935810174 Mod compatibility- All factions have full Editor, Zeus, ALiVE/ Spyders ALiVE, MCC, Dynamic Recon Ops, ACE3, Task Force and ACRE radio support. They also have all functions supported from AI mods such as ASR-AI, LAMBS and V-Com AI, such as deploying static weapons and suicide bomber attacks. Note that not all factions are included in this post. Links to the multiple collections containing all the varied factions can be found on my Steam Workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/id/jarrad96/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  3. =SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE= PvP Clan in the Arma series since 2003. We only hire the best. We only play PvP. We are =S.O.F= and we have the reputation of crushing our enemies. If you think you have the skills, you can apply. We do not require exclusive membership to =S.O.F=. BIOGRAPHY Arma 3 2019 to today Reborn in the beginning of 2019, =S.O.F= has the objective of rebuilding it's past reputation. We participate in all TvT and PvP events we can find and train regularly to prove that we are the best at what we do. Game modes we play : - Capture the Flag - Sector control - (Team) Deathmatch - Capture & Hold - KoTH (Not often because it's for campers lol) - Advance & Secure And a lot more... Operation Flashpoint 2003 - 2010 We have spent many years spreading terror in Capture The Flag / Deathmatch etc ... Our fellow members will never be forgotten : =S.O.F= BAD'nFEARLESS =S.O.F=I.S._RUS =S.O.F=Zoran =S.O.F=Ice_Cold =S.O.F= »Dio«™ =S.O.F= DimanOFP™ =S.O.F= SpecOp =S.O.F=Reno =S.O.F= GeeZeR =S.O.F= Pavel™ •»KÂ¥VÅÅÑ §HRÎKÊ«• =S.O.F= † §. † And many more ❤️ LINKS Unit page : https://units.arma3.com/unit/sof-ofp Discord : https://discord.gg/8hGseNt HALL OF FAME
  4. 1STMRB.US 1. Must be 21+ at the time of enlistment. 2. Must speak fluent English. 3. Must be able to make events in the CDT time zone 2000 hours. 4. Be able to commit a reasonable amount of time to the unit. We are the 1st Marine Raider Battalion Milsim unit, The 1st Marine Raider Battalion is composed of a membership that is elite in skill, and is constantly striving for perfection and our goal is to represent the 1st Marine Raider Battalion to the best of our abilities in and outside of the game. We are a unit of close-knit individuals that like to have fun and play Arma in a realistic fashion. Because of our specific mindset, we are looking for people that are similar in thought and are enthusiastic by wanting to better oneself within the Milsim community. We also expect a professional attitude, and members to be mature, professional and have the will to take initiative in intense situations. The skills you will be taught in the Marine Special Operations Command may also be used in the real world, as what we teach you is from real life experience and pre-taught knowledge, the current serving personnel within the Marine Special Operations Command realism unit range from soon to be military to active or ex-military personnel meaning what we teach you is coming from real experience. Candidates will go through a series of courses to make sure that they are ready to take on the challenges the 1st Marine Raider Battalion will come across in combat. These courses will range from battle drills to learning and familiarization with various U.S. and foreign weapon systems. Marine Special Operations Company BRAVO - A Marine Special Operations Team cannot deploy or operate without the support of the Marine Special Operations Company. The Marine Special Operations Company acts as the command and control of the MSOT's within the company. The Marine Special Operations Company establishes and operates the Advanced Operational Base (AOB). Marine Special Operations Team 8121 - A forward deployed element which conducts direct action, reconnaissance, infiltration and various other SOF related mission types, they are an independent operating force which follows the real world MSOT structure. 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Detachment) - Highly trained aviators in-which provide support for the marine special operations ground elements, which may include close air support, insertion/extraction under enemy fire, air reconnaissance and various other tasks. ts.1stmrb.us 1stmrb.us
  5. A MILSIM Gaming Community, Bringing the U.S. Army Special Operations Force to the Virtual World. Many Games within our arsenal, and great leadership to help members grow. Who Are We? We are a Semi-Realism Community. Looking for realaible players and those looking for some fun. How Did We Become Who We Are? Many of us had played in past units together, and had disagreed with the ways other units ran themselves. We decided to make our own and run it our way. Our core players combined have logged over 7,000 hours in-game and have plenty of experience to make the right decisions for the group. What Training Do We Offer? We have a well round group of guys when it comes to roles. We train all of our player in all the basic (Rifleman, AT, EOD, Medic, AutoRifleman, Engineer, RTO) and teach more seasoned players how to be a Team/Squad Leader and Zeus. Check us out at https://www.delta-force.army/ Teamspeak: ts3.delta-force.army
  7. Hello everyone, this post is strictly just to advertise and recruit for the 75th Ranger Regiment MILSIM currently as of 11/14/17 headed by J. Romo. I am one of our recruiters M. Polack and I just want to give you all a basic overview of the unit and give everyone a basic idea of what we're about and what we do. Who are we? We are a more -lax MILSIM unit on Arma 3 We are a community of players and friends with common ideas and interests We are a representation of the United States Army's 75th Ranger Regiment currently in the United States Special Operations Command What is our goal? We want to create a large community of people who enjoy to take part in realistic operations on Arma 3 Create large-scale operations including many different assets TACP, Aviation, Artillery, etc. What do we offer? We offer slots in US Army Infantry postions; Airforce TACP slots, and Aviator slots A fun experience uncomparable to other units A friendly environment to all current and prospective members How do I join/Further information Simply follow this link http://75thrangerregiment.shivtr.com/ and visit our website. Just simply apply on the website and if you're interested but not convinced just contact me on my steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061438576/ or contact J. Romo on his steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/taleoffear
  8. 13TH JOINT TASK FORCE The 13th Joint Task Force is an Armed Assault III realism unit that was formed in June of 2017. The 13th JTF replicates an combined US Special Operations Task Force consisting of the most elite warriors in the world. The 13th JTF was formed under the ideals that no member is valued above the other. Members from the 13th come from all over the Armaverse, which gives us an immensely diverse background. A good amount of members within the 13th are either prior or active duty military service members, giving us access to military insight and real world tactics to utilize in game. We also realize that there needs to be a healthy balance between realism and fun in any MilSim unit. Most of us have been in many units prior, so we have a proficient grasp on what the line between realism and fun is. We strive to provide a balanced mix of realism and fun to provide a Special Operations Forces experience in Arma III. The 13th has many benefits that we can offer you during your time with us. We work non-stop to make sure that you have the most enjoyable experience possible. We have dedicated instructors that will guide you through your first steps, and will educate you on everything you will need to know in order to prosper as a member of the 13th. We also have a team of veteran ArmA III modification specialists, who take time in curating the best modifications to utilize for our Armed Assault III experience. We also have dedicated in-house modification creators, who can give us custom content when there is none to be found elsewhere. Finally, we have a modification repository. We understand that the most difficult thing about ArmA is modifications. Our goal is for you to have fun, not to be stuck sitting for hours desperately trying to figure out how to modify ArmA yourself. Leave the heavy lifting to our repository servers. SPECIAL FORCES OPERATIONAL DETACHMENT DELTA (DELTA FORCE/CAG) We replicate Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta, other wise known as Delta Force or the Combined Applications Group (CAG). Delta Forces is an elite special mission unit of the United States Army, under operational control of the Joint Special Operations Command. The unit is tasked with specialized missions primarily involving hostage rescue and counterterrorism, as well as direct action and special reconnaissance against high-value targets. Delta Force is the U.S. military's primary counterterrorism units. Delta Force and performs most highly complex, classified, and dangerous missions in the U.S. military, as directed by the U.S. National Command Authority. AIR FORCE SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND (AFSOC) . AFSOC provides all Air Force Special Operations Forces (SOF) for worldwide deployment and assignment to regional unified combatant commands. The 25th Special Operations Wing directly supports our assets on the ground. the 25th SOW and AFSOC provide the 13th JTF with Close Airsupport, Combat Air Patrol as well as ground support operations such as CCT/TACP/Para Rescue Personnel. AFSOC's mission is to deploy highly trained, rapidly deployable airmen who are equipped with specialized aircraft. These forces conduct global special operations missions ranging from precision application of firepower, to infiltration, aviation insertion, close air support, exfiltration, resupply and aerial refueling of SOF operational elements. In addition to the pilots, combat systems officers, and enlisted aircrew who fly AFSOC's aircraft, there is a highly experienced support force of maintenance officers and enlisted aircraft maintenance personnel who maintain these complex aircraft and their support systems, a cadre of premier intelligence officers and enlisted intelligence specialists well versed in special operations, as well as logisticians, security forces and numerous other support officers and personnel. TRAINING In order to operate with the 13th Joint Task Force you will need to pass a wide variety of assessment and selection processes whether you are assigned to the SFOD or AFSOC. Some of this training includes; Basic Combat Training: Learn the basics of Arma III and familiarize yourself with our weapons, and procedures, Advanced Individual Training: Learn land navigation, Military Operations in Urban Terrain, and React to Contact. Special Forces Assessment and Selection: Put your skills to the test and escape and evade current SFOD members as you manuver to objectives. Special Forces Qualification Course: Choose your MOS and Role within the SFOD and Qualify as an Engineer, Weapons Specialist, Medical Specialist, or Communications. Advanced Combat Controller Training: Learn how to call in close air support and transport from every aircraft in the USAF arsenal. Selection Instrument Flight Training: Learn how to pilot a wide variety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft assigned to AFSOC. These are just some of the entry level training's that you will have to endure, there are much more once your prove yourself as a member. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? LINKS: 13TH JTF YOUTUBE 13TH JTF WEBSITE 13TH JTF TS:
  9. Who Are We? The SOF Tactical Realism Unit is a relaxed milsim unit that strives for the best we can do during every operation while having a great time and building friendships with other members. The SOF is based off of the structure of a USMC MEU but allows the members of the unit to become MARSOC qualified as they progress through the ranks and complete various amounts of training. What Do We Do? During modded operations held by the SOF, we do various types of missions that our S-3 staff creates. These range from town capture, intelligence gathering, combined arms, and even stealth operations. With an active and imaginative command staff and S-3 staff, each and every mission is unique. Unit Schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: Public Operation at 1900 EST Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: Modded Operation at 1900 EST Requirements You must be at least 16 years old. Must speak fluent English Must have a working microphone or VOIP device Must have Teamspeak 3 installed A willingness to learn A level of honesty and integrity about yourself How to Join Join the Teamspeak and join us in a Public Operation. Website: SOF Homepage TeamSpeak3: sofrealism.com Public Server IP: Email: sofrealism.a3@gmail.com See you on the battlefield! PFC.Bear.B S-1 Adjutant