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Found 9 results

  1. OK so I got a little bug in my head today where I wanted to go and make some adjustments to a few things I had used long ago. So I went and downloaded all the Massi faction stuff for USSOCOM and I opened up the old template DEVGRU_Hangar_Template linked here and updated it. I removed all the modded stuff as it was one of my pet peeves that I had to download and use mods that I didn't want to use for just one mission. I used to do it because I never felt like updating this thing to just vanilla. So this updated template only has 2 dependencies and I think 99.9% of the Arma 3 community uses them in one way or another and if you don't they are supremely simple to remove on your own. Mods needed are: ACE and CBA I left all the VAS and ASORGS stuff in the mission as I found they were really simple. I took out all the references to Massi's weapons at the weapons table so if you are wanting to use this for your own stuff then go into the game logics and just type in between the quotation marks in the init field which weapons you want to use there. I also updated the weapons crates to use the larger NATO webbing ones so you can stuff those suckers to the gills if that's your thing. Thanks to @syncie who originally built the stuff out. With all that said here is the Updated Special Mission Unit Hangar
  2. Hi all guys, so what this topic is about? I'm planning to release a small addon of uniforms retexture DEVGRU based of the JSOC mod made by road runner. That means a lot of aor1 aor2 and multicam mix and probably tigerstripe both desert and jungle. There will be also some custom patches that will go on the arm that doesn't support insigna. The mod will depend on the original JSOC mod made by Road Runner. The mod is nearly ready i just need to add the patches and add tigerstripe, or i will add it laters with an update don't know now. And now few pics :D (ps the aor2 shirt + aor1 pants is missing as i made an error in the config) Oh maybe there will be solid colors mix also but will see I m not really sure. The mod will probably be available only trough steam workshop as i prefer to be like that
  3. Old Rascals Club persents Hi everyone,I'm so happy to show u our project in this pack.that was our Alpha version in workshop,hope guys will be like it.please link and like and BTW:the patch's flag if u want to edit ,just unpack and open data/flag/flagXX_co.paa to change.we made 1side empty . this version still have some problem and some bug for real version ,if u think they need rework and fix.please feedback us on workshop page item list. fast maritime (6camo 2size in game ps:the helmet version is kill osama benlade's use) Future plan other versions of helmet(ranger、different variations) CRYE G3(different camo/variations) some vest(maybe) some backpack (maybe) WIP Topic(more information):https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/207505-wiporcs-tier1-equipment-pack/?page=3#comment-3234489 STEAM DOWNLOAD LINK:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138606284 THX of you all support and wait!
  4. NSWDG Gold Squadron | Arma 3 Realism Unit We are a Russian-speaking international detachment. Our time zone: MSK. Gamemode preference:Zeus COOPs Our website: https://vk.com/nswdgoldsquadron Welcome, operator! You are in the location of the division "NSWDG" Realism Unit! We take our activities with full seriousness and use role-based elements to create an atmosphere for the real division of special forces, maintain discipline and subordination. For us, first of all - the unity of the team, the maintenance of the same "cameraman" spirit in the detachment, the creation of a society that is pleasant not only for joint games, but also for communication. Our doors are always open for friendly people who want to immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere of the daily life of the special forces. Join us, get into the atmosphere of the brotherhood of the Seals, and learn from your own experience how one of the best special forces of the world acts! TeamSpeak: eu5.nlhst.com:9565 Mods Collection:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1389467226
  5. Welcome to the 22nd JSOC "Ironhorse" - a fresh, Arma 3 milsim community, now open for recruitment. The 22nd JSOC Realism Unit was founded in January of 2018 by a group of veteran ArmA Realism members who felt like they could create an environment that was reliable, trustworthy, and friendly. The primary focus of the 22nd is on utilizing real to life tactics, techniques, protocol, and communication, while keeping it fun and friendly at the same time. We have Detachments anywhere from Infantry, Rotary, Fixed-Wing, PJ's, CIA, Armoured, and more! At its core, a realism unit is a role-playing unit. We strive to promote an immersive and professional environment for members to role-play in by providing a unique and structured military experience. When in-game, members are expected to act as if they are on a foreign battlefield or in a domestic training environment. For these reasons, the minimum age to join the 22nd is 17 years old, with a probationary period for those younger. The goal of the unit is to always balance the realism with fun. If members are not enjoying the experience, then there is no point in the unit existing. When there comes a point at which a decision between the two has to be made, we always have to remember that this is a game and we are here for entertainment, and we may from time to time err on the side of fun. ZEUS: We have active storytellers and mission planners to put together full missions from scratch. Alive Module: This mod has been carefully edited and tweaked to ensure an immersive experience in the world. Now, towns have AI civilians and OPFOR that will spawn and generate opinions of our unit while deployed in that area. Civilian casualties will only hurt public relations, and may even force more locals to join the enemy side and ambush us during patrols! NOW RECRUITING FOR: 22nd Infantry "Warlander" 22nd Armoured Division DEVGRU S.O.G. ISA (Intelligence Support Activity) Pilots (Rotary and Fixed Wing) Marines (May be coming soon!) We span across multiple maps and write a dynamic and engaging storyline to push our operations ahead. Think you can write storylines for an engaging military experience? We'd love to have you! We are also recruiting those who specialize in basic training! If you're interested or have any questions, then feel free to join our TS and message Director Shifty, Captain Ashen, SGT Hildar, or SGT Knight! See you in the battlefield, recruits! TS Info: Website: https://22ndjsoc.com MODLIST: Modlist
  6. BarbaLata


    Hi.I have a question.How shall vest badge?How's the left.
  8. Hi guys I'm Memura for ORC mod team,Today we will be show you our mod's and our plans. as you can see the ARMA3's SOF gear mod is More and more but is still Imperfect . We think we can make some new stuff of this,so this mod was born. we hope you enjoy and will be like this,so here is our fist step of the Equipment Packs: a new OPSCORE FAST Maritime. We spent a lot of time on modeling,in real life we have family and job,making mods at same time is not easy.but anyway,here we got a brand new hight quality model,your support and like will be our motivation.thx to ARMA3 community. The Maritime will have more variants(different helmet gear) and camo,also with more different sizes(like M,M/L,X/L,XXL),Refer to the reality sizes of the Maritime make it got more individuation.With a right size comtac II headset.we try hard to be realistic and more meticulous. Here is some testing pics of helmet↓ Pics of model: Preview of different camo Pics in game Soon we will have more helmet preview pics in game with more variants and camo!so pls stay follow us,that will encourage us. P.S. If you want to help us,to make the progress faster and better,pls PM to me,I would appreciate it. anyway,have a good day guys,and.... LONG MAY THE ARMA! Cherrs!
  9. Tango-Five-Six

    Task Force: Aegis

    Welcome to Task Force : Aegis (name is subject to change) NOTE: This is going to be the planning and progress page within the forms. Any and all progress will be posted here by myself or others that wish for their work to be involved in this mod. This is not however an area to spout conjecture and idea's. If you have a good idea please PM it to me and I'll figure it out later. Task Force: Aegis is the multinational NATO peacekeeping force sent to the sovereign territories of Altis and Stratis, or as they are better known as Lemnos and Agios Efstratios. To this end they were to bring peace after a raging civil war. I found it odd that in the cannon only USA and the United Kingdom were the only countries present for the campaign, yet the equipment used encompassed several nations. As such I thought it would be fitting to correct this and create a proper NATO forces mod following the Arma-verse canon. This canon will, include the upcoming DLC's and previous DLC's and an overhaul to the Campaign and Islands of Altis and Stratis to see this project through. I hope to complete this project overtime to help me understand Mission Creation, Mod Creation and Map editing and creation. As I am alone in this task of creating this mod any and all help in seeing it through would be a tremendous help. As I am very new to the "mod" side of Arma I've layered my work so I can release content and continue to work on this project I plan to release content in stages... STAGE ONE: Retextures of current in game assets. Creating a unique camo for each of the NATO factions to create a proper NATO Peacekeeping force. USAF: 7th Infantry Division, DEVGRU, SFOD-D, and 5th SFG -the United States Armed Forces will use the typical US items already in game. (UH-80, MH-9, AH-9, M-ATV, etc) UKAF: 22nd SAS Regiment -the United Kingdom Armed Forces will used typical UK items like the Hellcat, and the Merlin. It will probably be accented by other US items to fill out there list. - With the Warrior in game I may add another unit to the UKAF to take advantage of this. (Suggest it to me via PM if you got a good one to mention) German Armed Forces: KSK - As the German vehicles are limited in the vanilla set of vehicles I may have to plan the creation of new ones in the coming stages. Polish Armed Forces: GROM -With the same issue as the German Armed Forces with one asset really being Polish I will have to plan the creation of more items to be made. Italian Armed Forces: IL NONO -with literally no vehicles from Armed Assault being used by the Italian I'll be making up a vehicle or two for this unit or I'll change this to another country that use vehicles from the current list with out breaking Arma canon. Other Countries that might be added. -France, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Chernarus, Saharani, or (insert country I missed here). -Off the top of my head any of these countries could fit into what I have in store for this mod. If I missed one please let me know! STAGE TWO: VEHICLES After the completion of camo's using simple texturing techniques. I'll attempt to expand the camo variants. So for example. the M-ATV "Hunter" only has tan colour variant for Arma. The plan will be to add more than that. Adding to it will most likely be a "Tanoa" shade green, a "Altis" Shade Green, CSAT camo's (Grey Hex, Green Hex, Blue Hex, and Original), CTRG camos (Arid and Jungle) and AAF camo, to all be available for use in the Arsenal Garage. This will be added to all Vehicles, as I wished that BIS would make their camo's available on the different vehicles with the Arsenal Garage being available but only a small percentage of BIS vehicles actually having multiple camo variants. I'll hopefully beable to extend on this as my skill increases adding a Tan and Black variant to this as well as bringing all the CSAT vehicles into the pack as well. STAGE THREE: UPGRADES This, I could only assume, as the hardest part and will require assistance in tackling would be the actual creation of objects and physical items in game in the form of upgrades for vehicles. Again using the Hunter as an example. Upgrades may include the following: Turret rework (so it doesn't look like all the factions use the same turret mount), Extra armour (that actually adds protection to the vehicle), Armored slats on windows, on the sides, APS system that actually protects the vehicle from RPG's and Titan missiles. These being examples you hopefully see what i'm thinking of. This would use another feature that BIS made but rarely use themselves in Arsenal Garage. At the moment, I have limited skill at retexturing weapons and clothing, I also do not own Photoshop as its way to expensive for my tastes. I will attempt to make due with whatever I can get my hands on and create this mod simply to generate skill for myself so I may push on to more elaborate endeavors. With this I hope to complete this optimistically by the beginning of next year. Or I may continue work on it until someone comes along and takes over for me or BIS hires me or something and like I have said I'm going to do this purely so I can learn to create using this game other than game and to introduce myself to the moding side of Armed Assault.