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  1. Hello! For today I propose the establishment of a clan! That players can join via an option in their refuge for example. These players will have in their "pre-game" profile the name of the clan and will be able to find that of others or that they like thanks to a series of keywords. The reason for this proposal comes from the fact that many players do not understand how to be in a group or have help to understand the game. I am sociable I talk to everyone, but many players do not dare to send a message because they are shy or do not know how to do it. Who knows! Why not also make levels in the clan that could go up thanks to clan quests like "make 1000 eliminations" distributed among the players, even if I admit that it is not a priority but a bonus. What do you think?
  2. I recently started playing and greatly enjoy the game and I think it has a lot of potential. I have compiled some of my and friend's suggestions. It would be great to have a new and perhaps larger shelter that could be shared by a group or clan and could be built and improved by its members. I've already fully upgraded my shelter and feel less purpose to play the game outside of playing with friends. The materials required to improve the group shelter could be immense but it would give a shared purpose for playing with teammates. Group challenges could also be created with the addition of groups/clans. Overall, I think the team shelter and objectives would increase and improve the player base. Additional Suggestions -Make pathways out of shelter to various encounter maps -Highlight shelter upgrade icons a certain color when materials required for building the upgrade are acquired, even if the maximum number of upgrades are currently under construction. This is not the same as the gold icons shown while no upgrades are being built -Allow certain music records to be removed from the record player in the shelter -Allow dropping and sharing of loot items between players in the shelter or in-game. -Allow metal parts to be obtained from deconstructing items -Allow crates to be purchased with crowns in the store -Allow decoys to be activated wirelessly Thanks!
  3. Today, on 8th November 2014, it is the 10th anniversary of [EC] Elite Corps foundation. Exactly ten years ago, on 8th November 2004, the first website of our clan was launched. [EC] Elite Corps is the oldest polish OFP and ARMA series clan. For last ten years [EC] has participated in over 17 leagues, ladders and tournaments, succeeding in many of them. The clan has already been playing four games starting with Operation Flashpoint (2001), ArmA: Armed Assault (2006), ArmA 2 (2009), up to ArmA 3 (2013). Since 2004 the ranks of [EC] have been filled with over 40 players. [EC] Elite Corps is led by the same people from the very beginning - Romanov and Vetis. P.S. More information about the clan can be found on bikipedia.
  4. Our clan started as a Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars clan. For people who played it you know the stuff(linebattles etc). We decided that we should expand our clan. While we still do NW we decided to also play Arma 3 amongst other things( HOI4 War thunder Total war). I myself have a duty of recruiting so the job of recruiting for Arma 3 came on my head(because thats what happens when you are an NCO in the recruiting team). But enough with the background. We want to start our Arma 3 branch of the clan so im pretty new in the Arma 3 recruitment department so some stuff may be out of place. We currently have 12 people amongst our ranks that have Arma 3 and participate in Arma 3 events or as we call them "expeditions". Now i dont really know how many people we get per every Arma 3 event(somewhere between 5 to 10 maybe) but we obviously will start slow in Arma.(our clan has more people but obviously for Mount and Blade) In terms of clan rules we allow: -any type of language because our guys like jokes and really dont get offended -we are semi-milsim but depending on the guys attending we may step up a notch and use a realism mode(like Ace 3 etc). -we accept anyone no matter the experience or in how many clans they were before we are all learning togheter -we dont do required attendence events like other clans may do so its imposible for you to get kicked for not attending regularly -even if you joined for Arma you can always go to our other events without any formalities(enlisting again for other games by talking with a CO or NCO)- -obviously the game is much better when you have friends to play with so you can recruit any of your friends to join What do we exactly do in Arma you ask? Well we play custom missions for now but we are obviously open to experimenting on other things. We also do escape from Altis since its much harder to escape with a 8 man team then with a duo.We are thinking of doing Insurgency mode but that is a tiring mode which takes more than one event(our events usually lasting between 1 hour on paper or 2 depending if people want to extend the event period) Do I need any DLCs or other mods? We never really ask people to buy DLCs(screw you bohemia we keepin our money) but you may be asked to get some mods from the workshop like the one for our teamspeak server so you can hear people in teamspeak only when you are close(i think its called Task Force Arrowhead) but other then some few modes no. How do I join? Now that I basiclly wrote a short novel I probably should tell you how to join. Its simple with no other complications.You can join via our website https://1stgreeklightinfan.wixsite.com/1stgli (where you can see more detailed info about our ranks and games we play) or just add me https://steamcommunity.com/id/rio1stgli/ and send a message stating that you want to join our clan for Arma 3 and I will gladly guide you. Also our steam group link https://steamcommunity.com/groups/1st_GLI Best regards, 1stGLI_Sgt_Rio
  5. ========================================= Squad name: 1st Force Recon Delta Company Timezone/location : Europe (Timezone CEST) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP, PVE, PVP, FUNOPS Contact email: None Website address: https://discord.gg/U9BdcRN Short description: The 1st Force Recon Delta Company is a semi/serious milsim made up of Arma 3 veterans/newbies. If you are interested in joining check out our Discord for more info, and add one of the Admins/Mods. Language: EN =========================================
  6. MartinWuzHere

    Task Force Phobos

    TFP -Task Force Phobos- is a semi-realistic milsim community. We are currently looking for players who enjoy a laid back expirence, in contrast to hardcore groups. some pros of this unit include 1. No paperwork. You will never have to fill out any forms. Just join the discord (will be linked) and join the BI group (will also be linked) and youll be good to go. 2. 13+ age restriction. this is much lower than many groups, id dare go as far as to say we really dont have one! (just please, try to be mature!) 3. MULTIPLE OPS during the 7 day period. 1-2 ops during the week, plus fri/sat/sun ops every weekend! 4. Minimal training required. youll pretty much just prove that you know what youre doing for your desired role. 5. Absolutely no IRL or arma exprience required. 6. We use TFR/TFAR. This requires TS3, but if you dont have it and are willing to use it, we can def help you through the process of getting it set up! Training- Friday, before operation TFP uses a dedicated server to ensure quality of gameplay, as well as an immersive modpack. Unit members are not required to attend every op, though at least one a week would be great. If anyone has any questions at all, feel free to Dm me, friend me on steam/discord, etc. Have fun and happy Milsiming! Cpl Martin TaskForcePhobos Rep Adv Recce Marksman TFP Discord: https://discord.gg/UMA8Tp TFP BI Group: https://units.arma3.com/unit/taskforcephobos
  7. Come on guys I love Vigor and I wanna keep it cool but I don't just wanna invite my friends to my shelter! I WANNA SHARE ONE! So I wish there can be clans of players and there would also be a clan shelter along with that to meet and hang with the other clan members at. Because if you look at Warframe they just don't have clans and clan members, they have huge Clan Dojos. These dogs are so fun though too, because they are rewarding to all the people who helped contribute to the progression of it and it getting new things and better. So I think It would be cool if the could be like a moderately large shelter for the clan but can keep getting taller like a skyscraper to fit the newcomers joining the clan. And the Clan shelter would have its own Location like the players locations. I think that it would be cool if the Clan shelter was on the shore of a beach. Because then the clan could invest in building boats to sail on the ocean too. I just feel like when I have more friends get this game we won't be able to all be in the same place because there are only duos and you can only invite one person to your shelter. So I think it would be cool if there are Clan shelters so a group can stay connected in that clan shelter.
  8. Hello, my name is Jeremy and i am one of the admins of Arma nelsons server. We are a Semi-realism unit that specializes in Roleplay and fun gameplay experiences. Of course we fuck around and have fun but we also basic our gameplay in realism. if you this that Arma Nelsons is the group for you PM me, join the discord server ( https://discord.gg/ZMk8SZn ) just swing on by the *wolfs legacy* server.
  9. 1st Battalion, 4th Marines "Whatever it takes" We are an experienced group of Milsim players that have been running Milsim games for about 4 years now. We have an amazing Zeus that will provide you with an epic experience and will provide you with a realistic environment. We are a modern U.S. Marine unit that operates in multiple different kinds of environments using modern day tactics that we introduce into Arma 3! All levels of experience welcome and we are more than willing to teach you anything you need to know to be an important asset and teammate in our Milsim! Positions Available [*]Rifleman [*]Grenadier [*]Engineer [*]Auto Rifleman [*]Machine Gunner [*]JTAC [*]Corpsman [*]Ammo Bearer [*]Sniper [*]Spotter [*]Fixed Wing Pilot [*]Rotary Wing Pilot [*]Helicopter Crew Member [/list] Rules: Must be 13+ Must have a working mic. Must have Teamspeak Installed. Must be willing to show up to weekend operations and training. Follow all rules and orders given in game. Be respectful to everyone. Operation Times and Info: Operations are always at 7:30 PM EST. Operation days are Saturday. Some Sundays are trainings. Content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe6evss9YCA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHJEnHkkXRo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh8JJyky3d4&t= Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1535084174 [DON’T LOAD DEPENDENCIES] Application Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zgHA9Xf4x5hC9JxCP9gIbnWXXHg-GW5HM4DSoHWg8hI/edit?ts=5c675f88 Teamspeak IP: (POKE US)
  10. =SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE= PvP Clan in the Arma series since 2003. We only hire the best. We only play PvP. We are =S.O.F= and we have the reputation of crushing our enemies. If you think you have the skills, you can apply. We do not require exclusive membership to =S.O.F=. BIOGRAPHY Arma 3 2019 to today Reborn in the beginning of 2019, =S.O.F= has the objective of rebuilding it's past reputation. We participate in all TvT and PvP events we can find and train regularly to prove that we are the best at what we do. Game modes we play : - Capture the Flag - Sector control - (Team) Deathmatch - Capture & Hold - KoTH (Not often because it's for campers lol) - Advance & Secure And a lot more... Operation Flashpoint 2003 - 2010 We have spent many years spreading terror in Capture The Flag / Deathmatch etc ... Our fellow members will never be forgotten : =S.O.F= BAD'nFEARLESS =S.O.F=I.S._RUS =S.O.F=Zoran =S.O.F=Ice_Cold =S.O.F= »Dio«™ =S.O.F= DimanOFP™ =S.O.F= SpecOp =S.O.F=Reno =S.O.F= GeeZeR =S.O.F= Pavel™ •»KÂ¥VÅÅÑ §HRÎKÊ«• =S.O.F= † §. † And many more ❤️ LINKS Unit page : https://units.arma3.com/unit/sof-ofp Discord : https://discord.gg/8hGseNt HALL OF FAME
  11. Re-Activated December 28 2018 to counter the growing threat of CSAT and insurgents forces. All new recruits are to report to their nearest recruiting office for assignment. Recruiting Station https://discord.gg/NHzqFws Who Are We? -We are a Arma 3 tactical realism community for those who seek tactical team play, and others who want to relive that awesome military life with out the garrison customs and courtesy drama like cult thingy. Our community fosters new players and understands most have been playing fortnite, battlefield and Call of Duty their entire lives. We are here to help you transition from run n gun Rambo lone wolf solid snake American sniper tactics into awesome well oiled CSAT killing tactical machines. We also understand that sometimes a lot of what we teach doesn’t make sense to those accustomed to player revives with a dirty reused needle. So here we offer open membership to all our causal players to come and join us on our Dedicated Server and teamspeak channel to help us take some of these towns on the chaotic KP liberation mission. If you find out that you kinda like the team and some of the Official unit members then ask to officially join the unit. What do I have to do to join the Unit? -Good question! Most of that information can be found in that discord channel I posted in the beginning. But to give you a barnie style breakdown, you first need to attend the units basic training which is broken down into 3 30-60 minute sections Red, white and blue phase. The basic training will go over unit standards, tactics and all roles available for you to fill. After that there is specialized courses for various roles. You can specialize in one or be a jack of all trades, it’s up to you! When do you guys play? - the peak hours among the unit is around 1800 Gmt and we normally hold training on Tuesdays and Fridays, with unit operations on Saturdays. Any other days of the week are normally casual days so jump on and have fun. Can I be pilot? -Sure.....in casual gameplay, going to go ahead and assume you just downloaded the game. So if you want to be a unit pilot I’d prefer you practice, and learn to hurry up and wait. Because having planes blaze down an entire village before the troops get there is kinda a immersion killer. Can I fly Transport? -only if you can land Why do you only have slots for certain roles? -let’s put it this way, if your playing on a football team your likely not running the football if your a lineman and probably not catching the football if your the quarterback. Every position has a role and specific task and if one person is not sticking to their role the whole team fails. So in the 32nd ID we build our squads in a way where just about all tasks can be completed with the least amount of players. A Squad typically consists of about 9-12 players —ALPHA TEAM— Team leader Rifleman. (AT) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman --BRAVO TEAM— Team Leader Rifleman (SDM) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman —Command Elment— Squad leader Medic RTO/FO/JTAC Machine Gunner Other roles are planned for the future as the unit expands but for now we ask that players become familiar with the available roles. And fill them when needed. How to I get into the server or teamSpeak? - super easy, first join the discord and look in the appropriate channels or direct connect here: https://units.arma3.com/unit/32ndinfantry Hopefully you fill all warm and fuzzy inside about what we offer here, and muster up the courage to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask either here, the discord or in game and will try are best to answers all reasonable questions. See you soon........
  12. Squad name: 7th Cavalry Regiment Timezone/location : All US/EU Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop/PVP/PVE, Mil-Sim Contact email: My 7th Cavalry Profile Website address: 7th Cavalry Website Short description: The 7th Cavalry Regiment is a military simulation clan primarily focused on Arma 3. The Regiment was founded October 15th, 2002 and remains committed to military simulation today. This means that when you enlist, you will earn your place as a trooper in one of the oldest gaming regiments online. For the majority of people in the CAV, this unit isn't just somewhere to play, it truly is a brotherhood in which all are respected and supported by their brethren. We have over 220+ Active Arma 3 members spread across 1st Batallion. We have three Company's: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Alpha contains Fixed & Rotary Wing for Transport and Attack. Bravo consists of Mechanized Infantry, Armor, Cavalry Scouts (Ground Recon) and our Medics. Charlie Company, the tip of the spear, is the main Infantry element, with Airborne Infantry & Heavy Weapons. The 7th Cavalry is best known for their in-depth training schools & courses (over 34 different classes!!!) and our high-attendance, detailed, immersive Operations. Want to learn more? Start your 7th Cav Career today! Click the link and choose your Career path ---> 7th Cavalry's Arma 3 Career Pathway For more info, visit Detailed 7th Cavalry Recruitment Post Language: English Signed, =7Cav=Lucius.M
  13. markus.fritzelas

    Suchen neue Soldaten!

    Hello soldiers! We are the Mixed Martial Special Forces! We are a German Arma clan and we specialize in working closely with all vehicles. We are very much into the realism, so we are also looking for members who show a degree of maturity and to keep to the small rules that exist with us to get an even more realistic gameplay. We also expect our players to be good in the team. We use our own ranking system, where you can "serve" us in the career of a batch, non-commissioned officer or officer. Every member can come to absolutely any position with us, with the right commitment. NEW MISSION SYSTEM! We often have the same map for three to four months and use it as if we were abroad with our unit. On these cards, there are many different missions such as fighting terror, Aufklährung, taking of bases, etc., hostage rescue, assassinations and more. WE OFFER: An own Arma server A separate TS server Real awards for special merits Weekly self-made missions that often take several weeks Approximately 14 possible courses (for example pilot, officer, MG-shooter, ...) 1 - 2 real meetings a year (not compulsory) Specially created MOD's and MODPACKS Some partner clans, with whom we always play big missions with between 20 to 100 people WE WISH YOU FROM US: Reasonable behavior. It's about fun, because it's "just" a game, yet we're out to create the most realistic possible feel. A certain maturity Time and Motivation (If you can not do it for a long time, or just is not motivated, this is not a problem at all, but in principle we are looking for members who enjoy Arma and want to go on missions with us!) The necessary equipment to play with us online and via TS (TeamSpeak). Engagement To abide by certain rules If you want to join, just write us a private message on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Mixed-Martial-Special-Forces-321739651718793/?modal=admin_todo_tour Hallo Soldaten! Wir sind die Mixed Martial Special Forces! Wir sind ein deutschsprachiger Arma-Clan und darauf spezialisiert, eng mit sämtlichen Fahrzeugen zusammenzuarbeiten. Uns liegt sehr viel am Realismus, deswegen suchen wir auch nach Mitgliedern, die eine gewisse Reife an den Tag legen und sich an die kleinen Regeln, die es bei uns gibt halten um ein noch realistischeres Gameplay zu erhalten. Ebenfalls erwarten wir von unseren Spielern, dass sie gut im Team können. Wir verwenden ein eigenes Rangsystem, bei dem man in der Laufbahn eines Chargen, Unteroffizieres oder Offiziers bei uns "Dienst" machen kann. Jedes Mitglied kann bei uns, mit dem richtigen Engagement, in absolut jede Position kommen. NEUES MISSIONSSYSTEM! Wir haben oft 3 - 4 Monate lang die gleiche Map und nützen diese, wie als wären wir mit unserer Einheit im Auslandseinsatz. Auf diesen Karten gibt es dann viele verschiedene Missionen wie Terrorbekämpfung, Aufklährung, Einnahme von Stützpunkten etc., Geiselbefreiung, Attentate und vieles mehr. WIR BIETEN: Einen eigenen Arma Server Einen eigenen TS Server Reale Auszeichnungen für besonder Verdienste Wöchentlich selbsterstellte Missionen die oft mehreren Wochen lang dauern Ca. 14 mögliche Werdegänge (z.B. Pilot, Offizier, MG-Schütze,...) 1 - 2 Reale Versammlungen im Jahr (Nicht verpflichtend) Eigens erstellte MOD's und MODPACKS Einige Partnerclans, mit denen wir immer wieder große Missionen mit zwischen 20 bis 100 Leuten spielen WIR WÜNSCHEN UNS VON DIR: Angemessenes Benehmen. Es geht um Spaß, da es auch "nur" ein Spiel ist, dennoch sind wir darauf aus, ein möglichst realistisches Feeling zu erzeugen. Eine gewisse Reife Zeit und Motivation (Kann man mal längere Zeit nicht, oder ist einfach nicht motiviert, ist das überhaupt kein Problem, prinzipiell suchen wir jedoch Mitglieder, die große Freude an Arma haben und mit uns immer wieder auf Missionen gehen wollen!) Das nötige Equipment um mit uns online und über TS (TeamSpeak) zu spielen. Engagement Sich an gewisse Regeln zu halten Wenn du beitreten willst, schreib uns einfach eine Private Nachricht auf unserer Facebookseite: https://www.facebook.com/Mixed-Martial-Special-Forces-321739651718793/?modal=admin_todo_tour
  14. Info: Full name: Utopia Private Military contractors. Server location: The Netherlands Language: English Timezone: CEST+2 Realism: Tactical-realism server uptime: 24/7 IP&port: Who are we: Utopia PMC is a multinational tactical realism community. The server is located in The Netherlands, but our default language is English. We treat everyone as a friend, and are patient with new player, because everyone has to start somewhere. Our goal is to create a community in which everyone's opinion counts and that's also the way decisions are made. At the moment we are a small group but we seek to expand. How do we play: We play co-operative game modes, and the default game-mode is liberation (altis). During missions we tend to be quite serious, but we do make jokes in the meanwhile. What do we require from you: Most important: Respectful and friendly behavior to everyone. and we can really appreciate a proper working microphone We require no specific courses, playtime, age or any kind of donation. Mods: We like to keep the server as accessible as possible, so for now no mods are required to play. we do however allow enhanced movement and advanced visuals, and run a few server side mods (for example: A3 wounding system) If the community will be come large enough we will probably will install mods like ACE. When do we play: We are mostly active on friday, saterday and sunday (timezone: CEST+2). For now most game sessions are started from our discord. Contact for further information we advice you to join our Discord.
  15. Task Force Red MIL-SIM Community Who We Are: Task Force Red (www.task-force.red). Task Force Red is the result of a continual evolution of a group of MIL-SIM players from some great communities in the past. We do not tolerate racist remarks and people being generally rude just for the heck of it. We focus on being a tight-knit group with good working relationships within the Task Force structure. When we say hardcore MIL-SIM, we do not require anyone to do push-ups in game or any other stupid stuff. We have members who are current and retired military from countries all over the world and we take great pride in making sure that our members do things the right way. With that said you will get joked with by the team and it's all in good fun; BUT If you are a special snowflake with toilet paper feelings and emotions running up and down the sleeve of your shirt then this is not the place for you. What We Do: Within Task Force Red we utilize mission makers and players to help create and customize missions to be immersive and completely interactive. The "good guys" don't always win in our scenarios and it takes coordinated efforts among our players to ensure that the mission is done satisfactorily. Our missions run the gamut from one off mil-sim to fully persistent A.L.i.V.E based deployments that run 24/7. Our missions, load outs and units are as authentic as possible, with a focus on immersion and realism for our users. Please read below to see what positions we are looking for in Task Force Red. Aviation (Raven) - Both rotary wing and fixed wing drivers and crew members. Logistics - If you want to be a tank crewman or an APC crewman; we need you. Infantry (Hammer) - We are looking for people that are willing to step up and lead or just take a rifle and be a grunt. Medical Personnel: We are looking for guys who are familiar with the ACE Advanced Medical system and if they are not familiar then you need to be willing to learn. Training: We have a training server up with a limited version of our modpack. When you join you will be given access to the training server and prior to doing a mission or deployment you are expected to know your basic kit without us having to do pack checks and make sure you are light enough and able to do the tasks. We like to make sure that our members are capable of doing the tasks that are needed before you waste community resources in a mission setting. On the training server anything is fair game as long as the units are not doing specific training at that time. Age Requirements: We ask that our members be at least 16 years of age. Website for Task Force Red ArmA 3 Units Page Task Force Red Steam Group Teamspeak: taskforcered.ts.nfoservers.com Discord Server for our Forums and OPORDS
  16. What is OG? The Other Guys is a gaming community for the masses. A hub for players around the world to connect with friends and play video games together. A tight-knit community, that takes everyone’s opinion very seriously, founded on the basis of drama-free, casual fun. We currently have over 350 members, most of which are quite active, playing a variety of different games. We aim to offer a mature, helpful, and friendly environment to all members. How was OG Founded? OG was founded by two members (NrGy and Satic_Rounds) who could not seem to find a leisurely gaming community where they could focus on fun and not routines, regulations, and rules. Ranking in OG Ranks in our clan work very simply. The more active you are, and the more you contribute to the community, the higher you can go. Currently anyone joining in our Discord will be given the role of The Others. From there, after a simple “tag up” mean you put “OG” besides your name, you will be moved up to The Guys. Then, whether you have plans for the top dog spot of The Premium Guys or to just relax with the community you will either see The Original Guys role or The Scout Guys role. Remember, competition breeds success. Gaming in OG As states earlier, OG members play a variety of different games. We have enough members where most people either already play the game you have or are willing you play it. Our discord server is set up where if you play a certain game we will give you a tag of that game that you can use in the game’s text channel or in general to ask if anyone is wanting to play. We also host a game night about once a week where a big group of us get together and play a game (usually free). Although this is not mandatory at all, we see this as a community building event where bonds between friends can become even stronger. Rules in OG 1. Don't be an asshole. 2. Be civil, and no fighting. We are all adults here. 3. NO DRAMA. If you have an issue, come to a Premium Guy with it. 4. No political talk. We are here for gaming. 5. Sharing is caring. 6. Read the welcome message. 7. Do not Advertise other communities (Invites, etc.) 8. If you plan on staying a while "Tag" up. We hope to see you in our Discord Channel! DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/VFPmmcZ
  17. Reality Gaming ARMA 3 Mature Tactical Realism Community [Recruiting] [EU] [MilSim] Reality Gaming Taskforce - 50+ Players (Established 2006) What we offer: - A friendly environment, open for everyone - Sunday Operations (18:00 - 21:00 GMT) designed by a dedicated team - Wednesday Training (19:00 - 21:00 GMT) - Themed Deployments, consisting of 6+ missions with a driven storyline - Casual Operations/Liberation/Antistasi - Large Mod-Pack with custom content (ACE, ACRE, RHS, 3CB, CUP +) Dedicated Servers: A large Task Force structure including fixed/rotary wing and recon specialisation. An active community that also play Squad, Post Scriptum, Escape from Tarkov, DCS, and many other teamwork driven games! Requirements: Age 16+MicrophoneLegal Arma 3 copyLegal Arma 3 Apex (DLC) copy~ 50% participation rate to official events (Training and Operations) How to Join: After registering to our Website you can post an application HERE! http://realitygamer.org/ About Us: Reality Gaming has been exploring the ARMA universe since the release of ARMA1 in 2006. We are a friendly, mature milsim community that believes the best way for ARMA to be played is with friends. We host weekly training sessions and Operations for the community with a focus on teamwork and fun, no ceremonious fluff here! Our rank structure exists to frame our missions and control elements and to provide progression to those who enjoy leading! Our staff is made up of former and active military personnel as well as experienced scriptwriters and mission gurus. For more information: Check out our handbook to learn more about our recruitment process and our standard operation procedures. Visit our Website and Forum If you would like to have a chat with any of our members or staff about the community in an informal way, feel free to join our Teamspeak, join the 'awaiting contact' room and someone should be able to help you out. Teamspeak info can be found HERE or on the home page of the forums. Visit our youtube channel or some of our member created videos! Join our discord to chat with members or ask any questions you may have! You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oprealgaming/ https://twitter.com/realitygameruk http://realitygamer.org/ DIRECT SIGN UP (FORUM ACCOUNT NEEDED)
  18. All information can be found at: SITE: www.2ndrengersbattalion.simplesite.com GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/2ndbattalion75thrangerregiment TEAMSPEAK: More information add me on steam.
  19. crypticsilence

    Red Ember Clan [=REC=]

    RED EMBER CLAN [=REC=] ABOUT US: We mix serious and play as much as possible and look for people who can communicate and think. Our core group has been around since 2010, mostly focusing on military and team tactical games. Large group tactics is our familiarity as we operate groups in various military tactical genres. We have jobs or go to school and don't want to see gaming as another chore to get done, so don't expect rules that will kick you out based on attendance. WHAT DO WE DO?: Some of our main games are Arma, DayZ, and Squad, but we are not limited to just military games. Join up and play with us on other games if you want! We play PubG, CounterStrike, Elite Dangerous, MOBAs (LoL, DOTA, ), RPGs, E-Sports, etc. REQUIREMENTS: Maturity, Headset/Microphone, and Teamspeak. DO NOT BEG FOR MONEY!! we are generous to our members, but beggars will be removed. We expect members to respect other REC members and to have the ability to communicate wants/needs/problems/issues. COMMS: TeamSpeak - redembergaming.teamspeak3.com (PRIMARY) Discord - https://discord.gg/M5533Hp (Secondary/Back Up) HOW TO JOIN: Join our teamspeak and talk with one of our recruiters, moderators, or admins.
  20. We are a brand new platoon, mainly focussed on Battlefield (4) games, besides we play games such as: PUBG, Rainbow Six Siege, Arma 3 and much more! As i said this platoon is brand new, only a few days old. We are currently still discussing a original and mature name for our platoon, if you join right now you'll have a vote for this new name! Our goal is to become a succesfull laid back and mature platoon with active players from all over Europe. During casual game nights it will all be about having a good time with the other members of our platoon. When we have wars we tend to be more serious and a little try hard, we will play in squads with someone from higher command as leader. We will have one event per week and one or two trainings. Events such as: Promotions, wars with other platoons, medals, challenges for MVP in game, video edit skills or most recruited last week. In the trainings we will help you with improving your general skills for a certain game, think about map knowledge, weapon load out and tips and tricks. We have created our own ranking system within our guild, so we have a strong leading group who have each their own task. For example: Recruitment officer, Event hoster, Social media moderator, Trust person etc. From highest to lowest the ranks are: - Admin. - General. - Colonel. - Captain. - Lieutenant. - Member. - Recruit. - Ghost. Requirements for joining our platoon: - 18+ - A good mic. - Speak decent english. - Be relative active. (You will start as a recruit, in a period of a 3 weeks time we will see if you fit within our guild and are active). Are you intrested, and do you wish to join? Feel free to join our - Discord - and have a chat with one of us! Thank you for your time, and hope to see you soon on the battlefield! The Lazy Goat, Admin.
  21. Welcome! We the Comando Spectre are a simulation clan of ARMA III that has an organizational chart and military equipment based on the Spanish army. Currently we are 38 people. The clan focuses on the simulation in Arma III, however we also play other games without the need for simulation in these. If you are interested, follow these steps: -1st You must speak spanish, becouse this is a spanish clan. - 2nd Read the regulations. It is clear, simple and logical ... but in all places there must be regulations: http://comandospectre.com/normativa/ - 3rd. If you are satisfied with the regulations, fill out the form on the web: http://comandospectre.com/alistate/ These data come to us to a recruitment mail from where we can get in touch with you. - 4th. Register in our forum and create a theme in PRESENTATION to let you know and we have you in mind. http://comandospectre.com/foro/ - 5th. Last but not least, enter our TS3 and contact any member of our command staff and they will gladly assist you: ts130.nitrado.net:10200 Welcome to the clan, this is a simulation clan, but more important is that we are a great family and we want you to be part of it. Our facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ComandoSpectreESP/ Clan presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYDJKF1MuZM&t=
  22. Hello everyone, I participated in setting up a new Wasteland server, entitled ScotishSpecialForces (SSF) Wasteland. The server has everything one can wish for, including extended basebuilding and the admin is very open to suggestions. Now we're a group of 4 and were looking for a skilled set of enemy players to challenge us in the gameplay. Strategic thinking, patience and skill are very welcome. Please post here if you feel up to it.
  23. Hello everyone, this post is strictly just to advertise and recruit for the 75th Ranger Regiment MILSIM currently as of 11/14/17 headed by J. Romo. I am one of our recruiters M. Polack and I just want to give you all a basic overview of the unit and give everyone a basic idea of what we're about and what we do. Who are we? We are a more -lax MILSIM unit on Arma 3 We are a community of players and friends with common ideas and interests We are a representation of the United States Army's 75th Ranger Regiment currently in the United States Special Operations Command What is our goal? We want to create a large community of people who enjoy to take part in realistic operations on Arma 3 Create large-scale operations including many different assets TACP, Aviation, Artillery, etc. What do we offer? We offer slots in US Army Infantry postions; Airforce TACP slots, and Aviator slots A fun experience uncomparable to other units A friendly environment to all current and prospective members How do I join/Further information Simply follow this link http://75thrangerregiment.shivtr.com/ and visit our website. Just simply apply on the website and if you're interested but not convinced just contact me on my steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061438576/ or contact J. Romo on his steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/taleoffear
  24. Who are we? We enjoy playing ArmA3 in a tactical and professional way and ensuring at the same time a high level of fun is kept within the game. We use tactics and procedures from various armies and modify them to suit our own needs. This allows us to operate in the ArmA 3 platform effectively. Unlike most of the clans out there we do not play as the same army/faction all of the time. Our mission designers are given creative freedom which means in one campaign you may be playing as the Russian Army and then in the next you might be playing as the German Army. The creative freedom also extends to different era's and we have played a number of World War 2 and Vietnam campaigns. What do we offer? * Tactical CO-OP Game Play (No "yes sir") * Rank Structure * A variety of roles available -> * Forward Air Controller [Radio Operator] * Rifleman [Anti-vehicle Weaponry] * Grenadier [Support Role] * Assistant Gunner [Medic] * Automatic Rifleman [Heavy Gunner] * Pilot [Transport, CAS] * Training Sessions/Missions every Tuesday @ 1800 UTC and main operations/campaigns every Saturday @ 1800 UTC * Awards & Qualifications * Fun, Experience and Friendship What are our requirements? * Own a Microphone * Speak English * Age: 16+ * Must own ArmA 3 with APEX DLC What mods do we use? * ACE3 * TFR * RHS * All CUP content * In house mods Application Process Submit an application here -> http://www.gol-clan.co.uk/application We will review your application and then contact you via Steam. Questions? Add me on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/R4IDER-86 or you can join our teamspeak server using teamspeak.gol-clan.co.uk Our History Guerillas of Liberation was founded by a small group of people in 2003 in the game Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis. It originally did not have a set purpose or goal other than to enjoy the sessions we just so happened to play. However after about a year the attitude of GOL began to change to a more casual co-op focused style clan and then eventually to a serious tactical co-op clan. Since then GOL has been constantly improving itself over the years and when Armed Assault came around in 2006 the clan was far different from its original OFP days. GOL fell in love with the superb mod for Armed Assault, Advanced Combat Environment. This increased the realism of the game tenfold while making the game much more challenging. In the summer of 2009 BIS launched their third instalment of the game called ArmA II. The game has brought new challenges to the clan with a huge surge of new recruits and members. Therefore we have had to change the way to operate the clan in and out of game. ArmA2's time period allowed us to keep working on new ideas and new systems to allow the clan to operate more and more effectively. Complete with our ups and downs this clan has grown into something which was never expected back when the clan was first founded and has really impressed the masses with its very long and established history. The clan over many years has prided itself with its willingness to help others within and outside the clan regardless of who they are because the clan has a strong belief in good relations with everyone which in result makes just a better community for the thousands of players in it. Now with the arrival ArmA3 we continue to adapt to the changes and build upon the success of the clan the clan is now of well-oiled machine with excellent administration and great leadership in game. http://www.gol-clan.co.uk/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAJ4By-sLBY
  25. Squad name: 45th Commando Royal Marines Timezone/location : World Wide No Specific Time Zone Requirements Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP/Milsim mission packs Contact email: 45thcommandos@gmail.com Website address: N/AShort description: We are the 45th commando regiment, we would like to appeal to the community for places to be taken up for more information visit our Teamspeak: tangodown.ddns.netLanguage: English [ONLY]