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  1. 1st International Response Force An International Military Simulation Unit dedicated to a high level of tactical simulation. The 1st International Response Force is an International Realism/MilSim unit dedicated to a high level of tactical simulation. As a Unit we intentionally choose not to base ourselves on a real life unit so that we can use a structure that is based on the real world but merges officers and NCOs to reduce redundancy. We are a newly launched unit that has been in development for eight months so that we could get our systems perfectly established for the type of experience we want to create. Here are just some of the examples of what defines us: Strong Foundations Spending eight months developing a unit comes with some advantages - we have used our over three years of experiencing running MILSIM/REALISM groups to design a group that will allow us to reach a great level of military simulation without suffering a unit collapse because of boredom and paperwork. We decided to close down our old unit which had more than 140 active players so that we could dedicated ourselves to building a robust MILSIM group that would stand the test of time. The 1st IRF is designed to grow to 160 people, which is in our experience the largest active group that we can maintain at our desired level of quality. Rigorous Training As a unit we have over 30 MOS codes backed up with more than 35 training programs which combined total over 700 A4 pages of written training content. All of our training programs are written by people with real life experience but have been adapted to our specific ARMA environment. This is a step change to the regular “Modified Field Manual” approach of some units as it means we are only training useful and applicable information. The 1st IRF is an environment where anyone can fulfill their ambitions of leadership at any level in confidence that they will receive the highest quality training necessary to perform their function in a correct and standardized way. We don’t believe in making it up as we go along and are religious in our dedication to standards and interoperability. Deployments We don’t believe in the weekly operation concept that many units use. It is brittle and does not work well for international communities. Instead we use a 5 week deployment cycle in our unique deployment battlespace. Elements in the IRF operate on independent deployment cycles with 1 week of training, 3 weeks of operations ( scheduled on a per element basis working around availability ) and 1 week of off time so that members are free to enjoy other games. This system would not work if not for our dedicated team of 57As who manage and run the deployment environment to ensure it is providing a high quality MILSIM experience. A Wide Variety of Elements The 1st IRF is home to a wide variety of element types including infantry ( Airborne, Air Assault, Amphibious, Light and Mechanized Infantry ), Aviation ( Fixed and Rotary Wing ), Logistics ( Air Traffic Control and Logistical Supply Teams ), Armored ( Bradley and Paladin crews ) and Leadership Elements. Each Element has a custom training program and mission set but is equally useful in the battlespace. We do not have any element for the sake of having them and each is essential to our successful operation in the deployment environment. This is due to our “No Magic” policy meaning that we do not use teleports or arsenal’s in the deployment space. If a member dies or a unit runs low on supplies - a real team will need to make the supply run or reinsert that individual. Friendly and Mature Community We pride ourselves on having an open and welcoming community. We only allow 16+ members to become uniformed members of our group but younger players can still join our public servers in order to learn and experience with us. Unit dramas are a constant threat that can be extremely destabilizing to a unit; To prevent this we operate with a high level of transparency as well as defining our stance on all actions in our Discipline Guidelines. Our command staff do not discriminate and we are publicly committed to equal rules and punishments regardless of rank or position. We release all of our materials and tools publicly so that we are held accountable by our community. We are driven to be the best not because of proprietary tools but because of our community. You can learn more about our group and the roles available by visiting our website at: https://1st-irf.com or joining us on TeamSpeak at: ts.1st-irf.com We require that applicants are: 16 or Over Have access to a Microphone and TeamSpeak Maturity and a wish to learn Our info in a short list: Country: International Operations: Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - 1900GMT Timezone: GMT Play Style: Realism/MilSim Attendance Requirements: x2 Operations per month Age: 16+ Website:https://1st-irf.com/ Teamspeak: ts.1st-irf.com:9987 Discord: discord.gg/Auz5Jsp As we are just launching this is a great opportunity to grow with the unit and become part of our founding group!
  2. Name: Green Sea Battalion. Branch: Semi-Serious Milsim. Timezone: EU. Language: English. Op Times: Every Saturday Between ~21:00 Gmt+1 and up to 01.00 Gmt+1. Op Types: Specialize in Police actions and Urban Combat, Ambush and small-unit tactics expertise, typically operates as a Motorised or Mechanized unit. Other Essential Info: Looking for a Paramilitary Unit to join? Or fight alongside your own unit? Then look no further! The GSB will accomplish any militaristic tasks set before it, we specialize in small-unit tactics and jobs which may be too politically incorrect for more visible forces: the sort of combat where the lines of morality are blurred but victory must be achieved at any cost! What kind of unir are we: We are a plurinational mercenary force that resides in the fictional country of Chernarussia. As such, we have tailored our own equipment (Guns, Uniforms, Vests, Add. Gear, Vehicles) to suit our unit, so your stay at the GSB is going to be markedly different from the rest of the units. We are looking for EU units for co op: Preferred would be PMC, Ex yugo or Russian units that are speaking English. We are looking for friendly co ops with a lot Laughter, jokes, vodka in large environment while helping each other and geting blown up togheter with vodka in our hands. New players: It doesn't really matter if you new or just buyed yourself arma 3 to play online. Becouse like us, we where also new players once and we did mistakes like you will. We will welcome you as our own. Arma 3 Unit page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/greenseabattalion Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GreenSeaBattalion Youtube channels: Grey Snail: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2CpUNfLZbHzr4w-ZFmz1Gg - Tzach: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnD5OpEfbco-vQ-6bE28SCg Discord: https://discord.gg/rV3E8NZ Contact: https://steamcommunity.com/id/PabstBlueRibbonTasteMurica/
  3. Leo TuPaS

    TuPaS Team

    New TuPaS MOD Visit our site download our OFP mod and joing on line game https://goo.gl/ui2usQ The readme files of the add-ins are included in the mod folder. We do not stay with the credit of others' work as some think. The TuPaS mod includes a variety of add-ons from various mods with the only purpose of enjoying the game for online games.
  4. Hi, 99th Death Division is a group of people from NA and parts of Europe that get together every week for an immersive zeus event that includes realism and fun. We are looking for people (preferably 18 or older) that are interested in experiencing immersive, realistic community events and have fun doing it. We have a rank structure, however we do not do hyper-realism events such as marches or range etiquette. There is a training requirement for joining but it is just to test if you have a basic understanding of the game and are the kind of person we are looking for. While we prefer 18 or older, we will not turn you away if you are below that age, but you will have to prove your maturity and ability to listen. We will not recruit anyone below the age of 14, NO EXCEPTIONS. The main server we play on is currently 16 slots (mainly because this group was just founded), however we may expand that in the future as our group expands. If you would like to join, we currently meet on our Discord Channel on either Friday or Saturday at 10:30 pm EST. Discord Server:https://discord.gg/QenV27M
  5. Who are we? The 10th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) is an semi-realistic, international gaming community focussing mostly on ArmA 3 ALiVE structured missions. We have 3 main regiments; the 1st Battalion 10th Marines, 10th Marine Air Wing and 2/14th Combined Arms Regiment. Each regiment has unique training and courses that are required to progress within the community Additionally, there are multiple optional courses that help to develop skills, and open new pathways within the community. For example, we offer courses such as Corpsman, Weapons Team, Artillery, and Combat Diver Schools. What do we do? The 10th MEU run deployments using the ALiVE mod, this means that the server is constantly active and every action taken has an effect on the mission. We also run full battalion missions on Saturdays at 12:00 pm UTC (with more planned in the future), these missions are all preplanned and come with detailed mission briefings so that everyone is aware of what to expect. During these missions, we aim to take key objectives and to have a larger impact on the ongoing mission. We use a variety of different mods such as; ALiVE,CUP, RHS, ACE3, TFAR and also some custom made mods that have been created for exclusive use in our community. Additionally, we use a custom base building script that allows members to create new FOB’s and outposts to secure areas throughout the deployment. Each deployment will last roughly 4-6 weeks, sometimes longer depending on how long it takes to achieve key objectives. Every deployment will have an accompanying deployment brief that will explain the backstory, objectives, available assets and much more. Every member will be placed into an fireteam or vehicle crew (depending on regiment) and each regiment sticks to a fixed role roster during main events. This is to encourage teamwork and consistency, however members may play any roles they are qualified to during non-planned events (such as midweek patrols). To simulate as best of a real-world scenario as we can, we have a large range of highly-trained selected squad-leaders, trainers and officers that will help you with your journey through community ranks and departments. To help with realism and progression of the story, members are encouraged to fill out a small patrol report after every mission (this is usually done by the senior member of the patrol/unit). While this may seems excessive, we believe that it adds to the mission as a whole and gives missions a purpose. As the 10th MEU is a gaming community we also do play other games such as; Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, Hellion, Conan Exiles, GTA V, etc. Our members often play these games together, strengthening the sense of community and friendship, there is always something to do and no one is left out. What do we offer? Our community is still in the early stages but growing steadily, we have a handful of members already (around 20) and are looking to grow steadily over the next few weeks. We are looking for all types of members, everything from people that just want to play to those that want to take a bigger role within the community. We are looking for members that want to help develop and grow our community, help build trainings and populate missions. Additionally, we are looking for members that are interested in taking an active leadership role within the community, currently these roles will be limited but more will be available in the future as we expand. There are many opportunities within the 10th MEU, we encourage our members to pursue the career paths they want to take within the community and have multiple avenues for members to take. We employ a Warrant Officer system for members that want to still progress within the rank structure, but don’t want to become a Squad Leader etc. The Warrant Officers are our community’s trainers and specialists, they help educate every member and guide them to the next step on the community ladder. Currently. there are many communities available to join and it is hard to stand out against the flood of units. We are hoping to differentiate ourselves by offering a unique style of missions and gameplay, one that revolves around persistence and story, while also offering a strong and stable community to be a part of. The best way to learn about what we do and who we are is to join our teamspeak (see below) and speak to one of our recruitment team. They will discuss what we do and what you can expect from us, as well as answer any questions you may have. Joining Requirements. The 10th MEU has a comprehensive rule set to ensure that all members of the community are kept satisfied and are not bullied or mistreated. The few requirements to join are: All applicants must be of the age of 17 or older. All applicants must own a valid and legal copy of ArmA 3. No ArmA downloadable content is needed to join the 10th MEU. All applicants must have a ping of lower than 300ms to the server and Teamspeak (servers are based in the USA). All applicants must have a working and clear microphone. All applicants must have the TeamSpeak 3 program. All applicants must have read the rules prior to submitting an enlistment form. All applicants must have roughly 25Gb of hard disk capacity in order to download the modset. All applicants should take part in as many operations as possible with a minimum of 1 per month. All applicants must be able to speak and understand English It is also recommended that all candidates have some level of experience with ArmA 3, and the mods we use, however we do accept candidates that are new to ArmA and have documentation that will help get you introduced and familiar with the game. Still Interested? If you’re interested in joining the 10th MEU, go to www.10thmeu.net, go to the enlistment tab and fill out the enlistment form. Upon completion of the enlistment form you can join our TeamSpeak server: ts3.10thmeu.net and wait in the ‘Recruit Waiting Area’ and you’ll be attended to within a timely manner.
  6. Reality Gaming ARMA 3 Mature Tactical Realism Community [Recruiting] [EU] [MilSim] Reality Gaming Taskforce - 50+ Players (Established 2006) What we offer: - A friendly environment, open for everyone - Sunday Operations (18:00 - 21:00 GMT) designed by a dedicated team - Wednesday Training (19:00 - 21:00 GMT) - Themed Deployments, consisting of 6+ missions with a driven storyline - Casual Operations/Liberation/Antistasi - Large Mod-Pack with custom content (ACE, ACRE, RHS, 3CB, CUP +) Dedicated Servers: A large Task Force structure including fixed/rotary wing and recon specialisation. An active community that also play Squad, Post Scriptum, Escape from Tarkov, DCS, and many other teamwork driven games! Requirements: Age 16+MicrophoneLegal Arma 3 copyLegal Arma 3 Apex (DLC) copy~ 50% participation rate to official events (Training and Operations) How to Join: After registering to our Website you can post an application HERE! http://realitygamer.org/ About Us: Reality Gaming has been exploring the ARMA universe since the release of ARMA1 in 2006. We are a friendly, mature milsim community that believes the best way for ARMA to be played is with friends. We host weekly training sessions and Operations for the community with a focus on teamwork and fun, no ceremonious fluff here! Our rank structure exists to frame our missions and control elements and to provide progression to those who enjoy leading! Our staff is made up of former and active military personnel as well as experienced scriptwriters and mission gurus. For more information: Check out our handbook to learn more about our recruitment process and our standard operation procedures. Visit our Website and Forum If you would like to have a chat with any of our members or staff about the community in an informal way, feel free to join our Teamspeak, join the 'awaiting contact' room and someone should be able to help you out. Teamspeak info can be found HERE or on the home page of the forums. Visit our youtube channel or some of our member created videos! Join our discord to chat with members or ask any questions you may have! You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oprealgaming/ https://twitter.com/realitygameruk http://realitygamer.org/ DIRECT SIGN UP (FORUM ACCOUNT NEEDED)
  7. ABOUT The 101st Airborne Division - Realism Unit is an ArmA 3 focused milsim community. The unit is based off of the real life 101st Airborne Division. We provide and maintain the best quality of milsim within the limitations of ArmA 3. COMMUNITY This is a community driven volunteer organization of gamers, military enthusiast, and veterans alike. We provide a professional, interactive and fun environment for milsim, roleplay and content creators. This unit is currently in the active stage of stand up and seeks both leaders and regular members to fill its ranks. Visit our website for sign up details. MISSION Our mission is to continuously build and sustain a milsim community for the players by the players united under one name. Providing a platform under which to achieve multiple goals for both community and personal relations. We strive for and are proud to maintain the highest quality of milsim taken from the core values of our definition of realism within the ArmA universe. WHY JOIN? Do you enjoy military simulation and the realism aspects in video gaming? Being apart of a team or leading a team of like minded individuals while enjoying the idea of an organization that values strong bonds and unit cohesion? If so then you should consider joining the 101st Airborne Division - Realism Unit. You will not only be a member that's apart of an organization but you will also be a member who shapes the future of the organization. Features Army units Air Force units 25+ Ranks 40+ Awards Custom Award Display 14+ Skill Courses Dedicated Server Teamspeak Server Custom mod pack Annual unit events Plus more! Positions 11B - Infantryman 68W - Healthcare Specialist 153A - Rotary Wing Aviator 11FX - Fighter Pilot 1C4X1 - TACP More coming soon! CONTACT Email: fsec.official@gmail.com Teamspeak: (pass: screamingeagle) Website: http://www.101stabdrealismunit.net/ Units: https://units.arma3.com/unit/101stabd Thanks for your time and consideration, P. Dubois [101st] https://steamcommunity.com/id/Feenx-sama Our motto: "Together, we stand as one!"
  8. Tactical Gaming is a widely established community, with games ranging from MOBAs to FPS's. Our Arma 3 division is a very strong and tight-knit community. We hold operations, FTX's, and side missions every week. We have "mandatory" practices every wednesday and sunday at 1900EST for US, and 1900CEST for Europeans. If you are interested, send in an application at TacticalGaming.net and we will have you saving the world with us in a timely manner. Hope to see you out there soldier!
  9. Joint Nordic Battlegroup 16 We are a Arma 3 unit based in Northern Europe. "Semper metam contingimus - We always reach our goal" What are we? We are focused around the Swedish Armed Forces with infantry, Aviation, Armour, Support units. We offer a serious but still fun and relaxed community where everyone are welcome to play not only Arma 3 but any game or just have a talk in the lounge. We do our best to try and stay open minded about all ideas that our players can give us at all times. Sticking to the fun and serious without the BS. We do our trainings and operations on a weekly basis,1-2 Trainings and then operations on the weekends. Our requirements for all members are. You own a legit copy of Arma 3. You have a working microphone and ts3 client. You are atleast 16 years old. You can and will behave in a mature manner on our servers. You think you have what it takes? Take the first step and contact an officer or recruiter now. Teamspeak 3 server ip: E-mail: info@jnb16.com Website: http://www.jnb16.com Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/JNB16 Arma 3 unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/jnb16 Hope to see you on soon! // G. Joel Battlegroup Commander
  10. 173rd Airborne The 173rd is a professional 'Military Simulation' unit; priding itself on professionalism, realism, accuracy and maturity. Through the guidance of both former and active service members of Armed Forces throughout the world, the 173rd meshes real-world tactics with the Arma game-play mechanics. Through these ideals and principles the 173rd strives to act in a manner that is, above all, other levels presented in other environments and communities. About Us We, as the 173rd Airbone, are seen to perform operations ranking from situations including direct action insertions, Air assaults, and dropping behind enemy lines. We pool our resources to create new content for all to enjoy, allowing a constant stream of feedback from our members to guide our direction. The mutual respect between members, regardless or rank, experience or status; is what allows for us to form a cohesive unit and to truly get the most out of the experience. Furthermore, our reenactment of the 173rd Airborne does not impede the enjoyment or structure of online game-play: We do not require for members to refer to each other by rank, sir or to fulfill unreasonable demands, as well as having a deep understanding that personal issues take precedence. That said, we require a basic understanding of hierarchy whilst in-game; meaning that each soldier must endeavor to perform as their selected role and commit themselves as a member of a team. Our training schedule is a method for continuous improvement across the entirety of the roster, as newer members may offer a wealth of experience, which veteran members may not have had access to. In essence, our focus is to bring all members to a basic standard and build upon existing systems, in order to create a more enjoyable and immersive experience for all. As well as this, we also see ourselves performing a variety of operations ranging from scheduled Campaign Operations; Field Training Exercises; Brief Missions & Co-Operative Scenarios with other Realism Units. Requirements Minimum age is 16 years Must be available for Friday 2000GMT, Saturday 2000GMT Must have a clear, working microphone Must have a legitimate Copy of Arma 3 Must have Teamspeak 3 How to contact us Website: 503inf.enjin.com Teamspeak:
  11. Company Quebec http://companyquebec.enjin.com This community is where there is no "yes sir, no sir" system. Everyone is considered equal. We want a so called serious fun experince were we aim for perfection but in a more fun way. We're an international clan that will be playing on EU timezones, but that doesn't mean that people from NA should not consider applying. We're aiming qualities such as in our operations: -PvP & PvE oriented, as a member your expected to attend both sides. - 1st person only - Low powered scopes, we aim to have infantry men equipped with something that brings balance in PvP enviroment as well. -PvP enviroment will be heavily focused on TvT aspect, KOTH/Wasteland type deals are off the table. - Single life, with a respawn system & spectate mode. We aim to have that realism aspect in that if you're fatally wounded, you will die. We've modified our medical module so that there's a chance that you go unconcious and a medic will be needed to revive you, otherwise if you die, you'll be prompted to a spectate mode and you'll await for respawn which is controlled by the Zeus. -Fun factor in a realistic setting, this is first and foremost a game. We expect that your enjoying your time here rather than having flashbacks of Afghanistan & Iraq. We have fixed slots in squads but not hard fixed. If you want to play something else, then you can aslong as you dont take another persons fixed slot that him/her are going to play in that game. Example: Alpha squad has 2 missing, Johnson usually plays the AR in Alpha Squad, he can ask his SL if he can be apart of the AT team this mission. Example 2: Alpha squad has everyone participating, Johnson & Tyler ask their SL if they can take Roger & Adams spot for the AT team, Roger & Adams need to say it's okay for them to slot into it. We accept feedback & suggestions on community structure from members, but we don't offer company leadership positions to non-military experienced members. With company leadership positions we mean rules and how to community are going to progress. You will still be able to play as a squad leader or a platoon leader. At a base we are an infantry community focusing on warfare as a whole so we aim to play with vehicles and aircrafts. That said, we are not going to be using heavy units like attack helicopters and tanks that often because of balancing. Situations may occur where we field as a tank battallion for example. Age limit is 18. Exceptions can be made but then a current member must recommend you. You are expected to participate in atleast 2-3 dedicated operation monthly but real life always comes first. If real life does come first, we expect to be informed via forums / pms. Forums is the most preferred way. Recruitment process: -Fill in the application on our website (http://companyquebec.enjin.com/home) // If you have problems on filling out your application feel free to join our teamspeak for assistance. -Join our Teamspeak ( for a short interview. - If your accepted, we'll teach you the ropes of how we do things within this unit. (If there's something that we noticed that you already know, we'll skip it and move along to something that your not familiar with) -Trial period is 2 weeks long, under that time, you'll be evaluated further. -Once two weeks is over you are promoted to PVT