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  1. ABOUT THE SERVER Our public Insurgency server is a Dedicated Server built to run fun ArmA 2 style Insurgency ACE & ACRE missions, but with ArmA 3 with updated and modern versions of addons such as ACE and Task Force Radio. For those who played ACE and ACRE Insurgency servers back in ArmA 2, we are trying to revive the gameplay style along with other servers doing the same to provide a fun and realism experience on a public server. This server will be up 24/7 unless updates or restarts are needed. The server may under go mission changes as we like to switch the terrain up from time to time, so don't worry about having to play the same terrain over and over again. We will keep the mission style to insurgency but some missions may have a slight difference depending on the scripting that went into the different missions. These missions are pulled from mission devs that are not part of our group, but will be modified for a better experience, such as adding ACE, Task Force Radio and CUP Terrains. HOW TO JOIN To join our server, all you need is the required addons and the latest version of ArmA 3. REQUIRED ADDON LIST ACE3 ACEX CBA A3 CUP_Terrains_Core CUP_Terrains_Maps Task Force Radio HOW TO PLAY For those of you new players that have not played these style of missions, we will describe how to play. Insurgency is a mission of clearing red grid squares that indicates towns or buildings, within those red markers are hostiles. You objective is not only to clear red squares to turn them into blue or green squares, but also retrieve intel of ammo caches in the region. Intel can be in forms of cell phones, radios, documents, pictures and even talk to civilians for intel. Once intel is acquired, red question marks with a number next to it will pop up on the map. Those question marks will give the approximate distance in meters of the cache from the marker. Once you find the cache, you are to detonate the cache. Once all 12 ammo caches are detonated around the map, the mission will end and restart or move on to the next insurgency map. If players do not want to cache hunt anymore, that is fine. There are also randomly generated side missions that generate around the map, such as, Eliminate HVT's, destroy IED factories, Destroy enemy convoy, Capture and much more. These missions will also give the players rewards such as new vehicles and equipment back at main base if the task has been a success. Being part of our server with the Task Force Radio addon requires all players to join our Teamspeak server for communication. This allows players to have a better realism experience having to use radios to communicate from one side of the map to the other. This also allows better organization in the server for multiple teams of people to communicate with out stepping over each other with default in-game communications. SERVER INFORMATION Game Server IP = Game Server Port = 2318 Teamspeak IP = Unit Website = http://www.1strb.us
  2. This mod adds the ACE3 functional for RHS laser weapons: AGM-114 K, M, N (Launching angles ±38°) DAGR missile (only DIR attack profile, launching angles ±38°) Kh-25, Kh-25ML, Kh-29L, Kh-29ML, Kh-38MLE, AGM-65E (Launching angles ±30°) Mod also changes the laser indicator in AH-64, AH-1Z and the rocket model of the ACE3 AGM-114 to the rocket model AGM-114 RHS. Mod should be on the client and on the server. Requirements: ACE3, RHSAFRF, RHSUSAF Download: Steam Workshop Media: 1 2 3 4
  3. Hello Folks, this is my "new" Mission created for MP Dedicated Clan Server environment. its supporting several Mods and have lots of adjustable functions. Like: Group Manager with ranking (choose your No.1) Invite players to your Group Pre define existing Groups Kick players from your group Request joining a Group Predefine Keys for easy access the Group manager Create own persistent Groups Team Color Management a.m.m. Combat Support: Artillery support with: accurat Laser Guided Rounds a.m. Transport support with: Pickup Landing Rope insertion CAS Support with: Napalm, accurat simulated laser guided JDam and GBU! Predefine Keys for easy access Combat support a.m.m. Civilian interactions Ask for enemy locations Try to communicate and stay polite Trigger Missions by speak to civilians up to 3 missions per group at one time cancel missions in group manager (see above) Task Creator in Main base: Available Tasks: Kill Officer. Destroy Weapon Cache. Wipe Enemy Convoi Find Intel Free Hostages Deploy Communications Download Data Destroy AA or Arty Defend City (WIP) + Main Mission + Clear Area! Special Roles in seperate Slots Pilot (Air support Roles) Logistic (support your friends) EOD (Defuse Mines or IED´s) Engineer (Repair vehicles) Leaders (Manage your Team) Medics (heal 4 times faster) Restrict Arsenal (Parameter) [Configurable Whitelist Files for every Role!] Restrict CAS (Parameter) Restrict (only Pilots can Fly) (Parameter) GPS MAP Force Tracking (Parameter) Revive System (Parameter) ACE3 Supported Mission Environment (Parameter) Choosable Startloadouts for: Vanilla (Tropic/MTP) RHSUS (D/W) R3F(D/W) 3CB(D/MTP/W) BWMOD (D/W) FFAA (D/W) (or choose Random automaticly) Coosable Base Vehicle Sets: RHS,Jack French,3CB,BWMod,FFAA Mod (or choose Random automaticly) Own Logistic System with many Features... Multiple Headless Client Support FPS Optimized Mission! Dedicated Server KIT for Download Find your way to Free the Map! Read the Briefing (ger/eng) REQUIRED MODS (works without Mods too!) ACE3 + ACE Compatibility Mods Supported Maps STEAM WORKSHOP FTP SERVER MISSION FILES (latest Versions) Dedicated Server Starter Kit POST BUGS HERE PLEASE!
  4. Squad name: FIRST STRIKE TACTICAL Timezone/location : -8 GMT / UNITED STATES of AMERICA Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP Contact email: solidkreate@gmail.com Website address: http://1striketactical.proboards.com/ Short description: First Strike Tactical is a private military company owned an operated by Isaac Chavira in the Puget Sound of Washington state. We are a world wide deployable organization. Our company employs former military or police from all allied NATO countries. The Company motto is "Proelio Caedibus Temperatum" which means 'No Quarter'. We strike hard and we strike first anywhere in the world. We have a wide range of military gear that we employ to achieve our mission goal. This unit is a military realism unit. There is a hierarchy although we do not use standard or traditional military ranks. We use what are called 'Grades'. You will start out as a Grade 1 Operator or 'OP1G'. We do use rank insignias modeled after military enlisted chevrons for grades OP1G - OP12G. We are an ACE, ACEX and Task Force Radio squad. We also use advanced medical. There will be basic load outs however weapon choice is up to you. It is Operator preference with some exceptions. The only stipulation is if we are in the desert or woods that you dress accordingly (No enemy uniforms). Also no balaclava or schema only headgear. And the only banned weapons are AK or Chinese styled weapons i.e AK-47, AKSU-74, QBZ-95 ect. IR strobes are required during night operations and so are black uniforms and gear. We will have the basic roles for combat such as: Rifleman, Grenadier, Heavy Gunner, Engineer,Ant Air Specialist, Anti Tank Specialist, Sniper and Medic. JTAC Forward Observer/Striker Operators will also be used in our scenarios. Official designations are as follows: Field Operator-RF Field Operator-GR Field Operator-HG Field Operator-EN Field Operator-AA Field Operator-AT Field Operator-SS Field Operator-MD Field Operator-FS (JTAC Forward Observer / Striker) We hope you give us a try and enjoy your stay with us. Check out the link above and contact me for more information.
  5. Is anyone else seeing this problem? I run a local dedicated server. i.e. it is a dedicated server running on the same PC that I am using for to run the ArmA 3 client. This has a separate directory for the server files. Until recently when I ran this server it picked up the ACE serverconfig.hpp file from my ArmA 3 main installation directory (not the separate dedicated server directory). However yesterday this stopped (thought I am not sure in fine detail when the problem started). Now it does not appear to pick up the ACE serverconfig.hpp file from anywhere and just gives me the default values (I'm mainly interested in modifying the medical system and I don't want to use modules). Running the dedicated server on a separate box does work but that has its own userconfig\ace\serverconfig.hpp file but at least shows the serverconfig.hpp file is OK. Anyone else seeing this problem? I know there seem to have been some minor updates to ArmA/ACE recently and am wondering if these have introduced a bug/feature or am I doing something wrong? I have tried putting the ace\serverconfg.hpp file in the local dedicated server directory but that had no effect. S Edit: I also tried running as a 'server/client' and that does not seem to pick up the userconfig\ace\serverconfig.hpp file. Starting to wonder if this is more an ACE issue than an ArmA one : / Edit2: OK issue was I was not including aceServer in my list of mods. That solved the problem.
  6. https://imgur.com/a/bRMAu NUCLEAR VACATION TTT/Clue-inspired mission BETA V1.0 =============== SUMMARY ================ You and your friends have won an action-packed trip to Ghost Hotel! However, one of you seems adamant about the whole trip and, as a result, wants to blow the entire hotel up with a nuclear device! Play either the role of Innocent, Detective or Mastermind in this Trouble in Terrorist Town/Clue-inspired mission. Instructions are explained in simple form in the Workshop images and ran through briefly both in the in-game Briefing and game start. ============== MODS & NOTES ============= This is my first big project with an independent release. I've been scripting and mission making for a while now, but this is the mission that of which I'm the most proud of (even if it works on a play-doh and lollipop sticks framework). Uses ACE3, CBA and RHS AFRF for dependencies. Currently investigating for options to remove them. Mission stability is not guaranteed. Play at least with 3 or more players. ================ DOWNLOAD ================= Distributed exclusively from the Steam Workshop through this link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1198370086 ================== CREDITS =================== ArmA III Discord for their constant assistance in coding. https://discord.gg/b3Jqahf BromA for being the point of origin of this meme-filled idea. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/broma3 Badkneegrow, Coryf99 and Nife for helping me with the framework for the mission. You, for looking, and even more if you're playing and testing this! If you play it with friends, please make sure to leave feedback here on in the Steam Workshop page.
  7. Hello I'm sorry if this is on the wrong board. Just need some help troubleshooting a server issue. I'm trying to build myself a training server to improve my skill in a few things. I'm using: CBA_A3, Task Force Arrowhead Radio, ACE3, CUP Terrains, sthud I'll be inserting RHS as soon as I get this basic build working and then finally adding in a small mod pack of vehicles and stuff to practice flying again. At the moment I'm just trying to get these mods working before I get any deeper into this. But I run into an error each time I start the server and attempt to join it. Its saying the ace_realisticnames.pbo is not present or been deleted. Which is not the case, it works fine in the multiplayer editor and I've visually verified that its in the mod packs both on the client side and on my private server's file manager. "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.ace_realisticnames" I have tried the latest version of ACE3 as well as the previous version, in both cases I'm getting it. Any idea why I'm getting this? Thank you for your time and efforts :)
  8. Background I'm attempting to successfully fast-rope AI in an urban environment, which is apparently very difficult. I've already set up the helicopter with a FRIES system which works fine when used by a human of their own volition. I've done plenty of sifting through archives and people have been struggling with this for some time without a clear resolution. It would be nice to be able to make things a lot clearer here. Problems Still requires a human to use the "prepare fast rope action" Pilot does not fly low enough to successfully drop troops with their legs intact Pilot does not hover precisely where he needs to I know there seem to be issues with flyInHeight, particularly over buildings, so I'm attempting to intervene within the ACE scripts to maybe add some extra lines to really force the helicopter down. I've managed to find the deployAI.sqf script from the ACE 3 github repository, but I can't examine the operation of it much more because it references functions which I have no idea how to view. For example: [{[_this] call FUNC(deployRopes)}, _vehicle, _deployTime] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; I've scanned through the entire list of functions with my addons loaded and I can't find deployRopes anywhere. With respect to preparing the fast rope system, does anyone know how I can determine what code is being executed when a human player uses this action via the ACE interaction menu? My hope is that I can find out how to trigger the same commands by script. Outcomes Advice getting a helicopter pilot to hover over a very precise spot Advice getting a helicopter pilot to hover at a very specific altitude Description of how to view functions referenced by ACE Suggestion of how to determine the "prepare fast rope" commands used by ACE interaction menu Thanks in advance.
  9. A.C.E - Advanced Combat Environment Mod - Public Beta Release ... when realism matters !! Dear Community, The A.C.E Development Team is proud to present to you today; the public beta version of A.C.E. Mod! The A.C.E. Mod is primarily intended as Enhancement and Extension of the game, it is a full conversion mod and it builds on it's predecessor; WGL Mod (OFP). We had to make many different choices, and we've tried to make the best choices / balance between Realism and Gameplay. The mod is intended to be fully MP Compatible, and builds on the most commonly used frameworks, like XEH and S_Hole Display Eventhandler, to be as compatible as possible with other Mods and Addons. Countless hours of hard work of many different people went into this Mod, and after a few bumps in the road, finding people, fight for motivation, etc, etc, we can finally deliver this release to you. Our Documentation is also still being worked on, please excuse it's current state We hope that we can improve the mod with your feedback and possible help. We also like to inform you, that the A.C.E team intends to move the A.C.E. Mod project over to ArmA2, once released. A.C.E. Mod is looking for dedicated Scripters, Texturerers and Modelers, please visit our Member Application Thread Thanks to all who have made this Mod Possible! A.C.E. Islands Pack is a Seperate Release, not included with the A.C.E. Mod For more information, please visit the BIKI page. Downloads ACE Biki Releases Mirrors much appreciated ! Latest available version: Patch 9 We will keep this posting up to date to inform you about the latest releases
  10. I sent this message to Battleye....... Does anyone have a soloution to this? Most of our guys have tried unloading mods and re-verifying files or just constantly restarting Arma but we really need a permanant soloution to this orr an alternate anti cheat system that works. Thanks for your time.
  11. Hello everyone, new to arma 3 but not for arma series, i have more than 250hours of A2 arrowhead, and 40+ hours of cold war assault. Not looking for squad or clan, just looking for public servers which is coop, more like teamwork. But i can play with some one time to time, mic 8/10 speech (english) 6-7/10.
  12. I'm trying to add a custom action to a passenger in a truck: As you can see, only the default "Join group" action is available. I would like to add another action, for instance "get out of truck". This is what I have, but it's not working: _actionInfo = [ "ScarPipelineWorkerGetOutOfVehicle", // 0: Action name <STRING> "Get out of truck", // 1: Name of the action shown in the menu <STRING> "", // 2: Icon <STRING> // Statement <CODE> { params ["_target", "_player", "_params"]; [_target] orderGetIn false; unassignVehicle _target; }, // Condition <CODE> { params ["_target", "_player", "_params"]; (vehicle _target == _target) } ]; _action = _actionInfo call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [_worker, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "ACE_Passengers"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; ....Any ideas? Thank you, _SCAR
  13. All of the mods for the server.VcomAI: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25381CBA_A3: CBA_A3 A Workshop Item for Arma 3 By: CBATeam CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 Current version: 3.4.0 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission... Advanced Rappelling: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31254Advanced Urban Rappelling: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31357BloodLust: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30802CUP Terrains-Core: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30044EM: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27224Mocap: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27262RHS Pack: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843770737Ace: ace A Workshop Item for Arma 3 By: acemod Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) http://ace3mod.com/img/ace3-logo-black_600.png ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along... Ares Mod-Achilles Expansion: Ares Mod - Achilles Expansion A Workshop Item for Arma 3 By: Kex Add-on description: First of all, I want to thank to Anton Struyk for his Ares Mod which expands the Zeus real-time editor with... Task Force: http://radio.task-force.ru/en/Chemical Warfare: Chemical Warfare A Workshop Item for Arma 3 By: Assaultboy This mod adds Chemical Warfare to Arma III. Github Link Summary I noticed a lack of any chemical warfare mods and I decided to fill the void the best I... Enhanced Soundscape: Enhanced Soundscape A Workshop Item for Arma 3 By: LAxemann If you enjoy our content, feel free to Donate <- (Click). Donations will be shared 50/50 with jokoho. Unlocked Uniforms: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25418Zombies and Demons: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28958------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rules1. No Team Killing (only excuseable if accident)2. No Radio Spam3. No Toxicity, harassment, racism, etc4. Listen to your squad leader and command5. No leaving your radio frequenty 6. No inappropriate names (we will kick you out)=======================================================================PunishmentIf you violate any of these rules you will be given a warning by a admin, you will be given 3 warnings till we give you a ban from the server. If you don't get a ban within a week, you will get 1 extra allowed ban, meaning if you were on your 3rd ban, you will be placed on your 2st ban. Warning #1 - Verbal WarningWarning #2 - 1 Token RemovalWarning #3 - 2 Token RemovalBan #1 - Whole DayBan #2 - 2 DaysBan #3 - 3 DaysBan #4 - Permanent Ban=======================================================================Ranks For ranking, everyone will start out as a Private, depending on how well you do in your mission and depending on how well your squad leader thinks you performed, you will be ranked up this way. The MVP of the squad will earn a token towards their next rank, once you get 3 of these you qualify for the next rank .After you are ready to rank up, you must poke or ask a squad leader to get a server admin to promote you up.During gameplay you must use a rank abbreviation before your name or else we will kick you from the server.heres a example [ PVT Mogambo ][PVT (your name) ] Heres a list of all the ranks in order....--------------------------------------------------Private - PVT - 0 Tokens---------------------Private 2 - PVT2 - 3 Tokens---------------------Private First Class - PFC - 3 Tokens---------------------Corporal - CPL - 3 Tokens---------------------Sergeant - SGT - 3 Tokens---------------------Sergeant First Class - SFC - 5 Tokens---------------------Master Sergeant - MSG - 5 Tokens--------------------- Sergeant Major - SGM - 5 Tokens--------------------- Warrant Officer - WO1 - 5 Tokens---------------------Lieutenant - LT - 7 Tokens--------------------- First Lieutenant - 1LT - 7 Tokens--------------------- Second Lieutenant - 2LT - 7 Tokens---------------------Captain - CPT - 9 Tokens---------------------Major - MAJ - 9 Tokens---------------------Lieutenant Colenel - 11 Tokens---------------------Colonel - COL - 11 Tokens---------------------Brigardier General - 12 Tokens--------------------- Lieutenant General - LTG - 15 Tokens---------------------General - GEN - 20 Tokens---------------------General of the Army - GA - Can't earn=======================================================================RequirementsIn order to play you need.....Arma 3Teamspeak ( )Mic (recommended)We will annouce when the server comes up in our group, typically when there is 1 hour before we start.=======================================================================If you have any mod suggestings, post them below, we would love to add a more realism experance to our server. :)
  14. Not sure if this is quite the right place for it. I'm running a liberation server running CBA, ACE3, TFAR, RHS AFRF, RHS USAF and RHS GREF. We also run a few server-side mods like Advanced Urban Rapelling, Advanced Towing, Enhanced Movement. We allow clients to use TRYK uniforms (Well right now it's passworded and checking is off but, that's all that we intend for them to run hence a few errors referencing it). The server starts and functions fine for a while but tends to crash at random while people are playing. At first we thought it was related to ACE cookoff and disabled that but it turned out to make no difference. I'm trying to post latest RPT but I keep getting an error on the forum so I'll try it on a reply or elsewhere in a moment. I have others after the same thing to compare if needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated as folks are getting mighty frustrated at losing all their assets because it crashed midway through an assault, or while returning to base, or just not having saved for a few minutes! Ok, some of the RPT. It was too large for most things to handle. I also notice this one may be due to our auto restart not seeming to work. Didn't notice that at first, but sometimes this happens after only an hour or two or server uptime. https://pastebin.com/AVqFZEGz
  15. So one of the missions i'm trying to design, a covert element is moving behind enemy lines in Tanoa. Their mission is to find and rescue civilians that have been kidnapped from the local villages and sold to human traffickers, while also taking out the different camps and higher ups within the network. Now just so you are aware, ACE is being used in this mission and I was going to try to take advantage of the captive systems within the mod as much as I could. I want the guys on the ground to rescue the captives, have the captives join their team temporarily, then the team will escort the captives to an extraction helicopter to get them to safety. As soon as the captive is loaded, I want them to leave the team so the leader is no longer responsible for them.
  16. Is it possible to stop players handcuffing AI on a selective basis. This is to stop players running off with the medical staff, meaning players cannot find them to be cured of their ailments. Thanks in advance S
  17. Hi I'm the leader of a group (Mastiff-Squad) we are looking for recruits as well as people who would like to join our servers and play with us. Anybody is welcome we just ask you remain mature and play nice with others as of right now we may be hosting a server in a hour or two if you need to contact me do so through my email: harlan201@hotmail.com or on steam as: nightblaze14 and on discord as: harlan201 thank you and we hope to see you soon
  18. Hey guys. Every time I load an ACE3 Mod mission I get this error: Game Logic: (@combat_rhs_usf3) at version (3,8,3,1,4) (or higher). You have none." Game Logic "warning: ace requires ace_combat_rhs_arfr3 (@combat_rhs_afrf3) at version (3,8,3,14)(or higher). You have none." I am using the rhs mods. I downloaded them from their site. I understand something like ACE requires rhs to be a higher version but not sure how it is possible if my rhs is the most recent version. Hopefully somebody can straighten be out. **************************FIXED So what the problem was fellas is within the ACE folder under optional folder was two files I needed to copy and paste into the addon folders. I did this however I added those files in the backup ace folder. Not the ace folder that was running via workshop. Simple mistake.
  19. We are Czech based, ARMA3 unit focusing on Realistic Gameplay. We play as Czech Army 4th Rapid deployment Brigade, because our player base consists of current or former members of said unit in real life. Our Gameplay is relaxed in terms of military ranks and person to person interaction, but firm in tactics, folowing combat orders, and fulfilling appointed duties. We are looking for , new members, occasional players and other units that would join us on battlefield. What we have to offer: Own Public and own private server. Own TS3 server Training and tactical advisory Provided by Real currently serving soldiers, or soldiers whos service ended recently. Technical advice and troubleshooting by experienced Arma Players, server specialists and mission creators. Fun. What is required from you: Black Lion membership applicant Fluency in Czech or Slovak language Age of at least 18 (16 if we decide that you are mature enough) Working headset with working microphone communicativeness will to learn new skills If you have any questions, contact us at INFO@BLACKLION.CZ or on our teamspeak: ts.blacklion.cz
  20. Welcome to AhoyWorld! Who are we? AhoyWorld Enhanced, or AWE, is one of several Arma servers of the AhoyWorld community, creators of Invade & Annex. As a public server, we offer a modded, custom dynamic co-op mission running 24/7 inviting everyone to drop by and say hello! Additionally, there are frequent events and game nights open for all to attend, created by staff and volunteering community mission makers. What do we do? AWE aims to bring fun to an organised manner of tactical gameplay. Our roster is open for everyone to pick any available role and be put under the wings of competent leaders -- or take up the role of command themselves! You’ll be playing alongside like-minded members of an open community that strives to bring realism and cohesion forward into each mission. Daily dynamic gameplay on a dedicated server with TeamSpeak integration No rank structure; everything is public Cohesive platoon-based action with an established CoC Whether spec-ops, para-drops or combined arms assaults, we do it all Focus on teamplay and coordination Welcoming atmosphere Newcomer-friendly! For a preview of how we operate, check out our media distribution centre! AWE Media Distribution We also host accompanying events such as dedicated training sessions for those interested in advancing their skills, or a more milsim-style server running a weekly ALiVE campaign. Which mods are there? Chiefly, we use RHS, 3CB & MGP for our equipment, ACE for our realism and TFAR for our comms structure. There are a number of other gameplay-enhancing mods for you to explore, including a selection of terrains for daily play as well as scheduled events. Our modset aims to contain as little bloat as possible, but it’s still full of content! What should you bring to the table? A positive attitude and open mind for a variety of playstyles Enjoyment of organised, semi-realistic gameplay Ability to listen to a chain of command A microphone and presentable English That’s all we ask of you! Interested? Head on over to http://www.ahoyworld.net if you want to find out more and join us. We have a Steam group as well as several social platforms, and an active Twitch stream! TS: ts.ahoyworld.net Any questions are welcome in here, as PM or directly on our forums. We hope to see you soon! Cheers AhoyWorld Outreach
  21. Hi there I'm currently considering making the barrel cargo net (CargoNet_01_barrels_F) a functionnal refuel tank with ACE 3 framework. Problem, the documentation concerning the way to make a refueling device is non-existant. There is only guidelines concerning the way to make an object refuelable. Refuel Framework I've tried to browse through the code on the Github repo, in this file : cfgVehicle.hpp It seems to contain what I need, especially concerning refuel actions. But in this there is plenty of things that I don't know, despite manipulating configs for more than a year now. Such as all theses QPATHOF, GVAR, QVAR, CSTRING things. I think that if I only copy-past theses things into my box' code, it will not be able to work. Do anyone know about it ? Or has ever manipulated it ? Thanks EDIT : Actually it seems to be not possible by simple config entries, it has to be done via lots of copy-pasting and changing tons of things here and there. But rewrite of all this and proper documentation of the framework seems to be on rails in the Ace team : Github link. The dev in charge of this seems to be @jonpas. Thanks to him if he can do things cleaner than what we have know !
  22. Josh Jonson

    paradrop waypoint in zeus

    I'm very curious as to how to get this paradrop waypoint in zeus as seen in this video? (at 17 minutes in) The youtuber here seem to be using ACE, MCC, and a few unit and vehicles addons most obviously RHS. Any idea what module or misc mods besides the unit addons are needed for this to work? I know RHS has a paradrop waypoint but it doesn't show up in zeus at all and neither does the 'MCC' modules/systems... Thanks and any help is greatly appreciated. What the youtuber's zeus looks like What it looks like on mine (ACE and MCC installed, seems to have compability issues)
  23. Hello everyone on the ARMA 3 forums! Not sure if this is the correct place to post on, but I'm running out of options and hope to solve this issue. I've been playing on a server called Tactical Realism 2 (hosted by the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment) for a long time. The server utilizes a couple of mods such as ACE, CBA, CUP, etc. For some time now (didn't start this way) I've been randomly booted from the server at different intervals, anything from 2 minutes after getting onto the map to driving down the road 20 minutes later. I simply get the message 'You were kicked from the game', and according to the other players it is a different issue everytime (ranging from ACE-files to Stratis.pbo). I've tried the following solutions: - Verfiying the game cache. - Re-installing ARMA and all of the mods. - Clearing the MPMissionsCache folder. - Creating a new profile (This worked until I re-logged and came back into the server again). This issue does not occur on the private 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment servers, nor does it happen on other game-modes such as KOTH and/or Exile. I've had other players look into the .rpt-files but they have a hard time identifying what the issue might be. My ARMA (and all the mods) are being run from a 750GB SSD with around 189GB of space left, so I don't think it's a hard-drive issue. If anyone here is tech-savvy, I can copy-paste the entire .rpt-log here upon request. I beg anyone, please help me! I'm getting desperate!
  24. I instaleed ACE 2 OA and since i installed it i cant play mission it loads them but as soon as i am in it comes up with the finish thing and i cant play the mission it also does this in editor please help
  25. This mod allows you to attach and detach the RHSUSAF PVS-27 using the ACE3 self-interact menu while using the RHSUSAF M8541A optic or the TA31RCO (Desert). Please note that this only works with the desert colored RCO (ACOG) because there's only currently a model of the Tan ACOG with the PVS-27 in RHSUSAF. As soon as more optic/PVS-27 combos are available from RHS, I'll incorporate them into this mod. I've tested this in SP and on a dedicated server without issue. If there are issues in local MP, please let me know. Feel free to use any or all of this mod, and change it as you see fit. If you wind up using this in a project, I'd appreciate a nod. Thanks to the RHS and ACE3 teams for their awesome content. Special thanks to pabstmirror from the ACE3 team for help on this! Thanks to voiper for his/her writeup on the ACE Interact framework. This is my first mod released to the community - be gentle. I'll try to un@#$% any issues that are found. Thanks http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=933524188 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32794 Changelog: v0.3 -Added hints when PVS-27 attached and removed -Added error handling for instances where the PVS-27+daylight scope combo is incompatible (e.g. An RHS M4 variant with the ACOG+PVS-27 combo) v0.2 -Updated to allow usage of the PVS-27 with the TA31RCO (Desert). -Fixed bug where the interaction would show up if you had a PVS-27 in inventory but an inappropriate scope to match. v0.1 - first release