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  1. In the Old Man scenario, I found a task diary. The assignment says to read it, but I don't know how to do it. I have searched a lot of sites and there is no answer anywhere.
  2. Explanation of the Mobile Weapons Project The Mobile Weapons Project is a futuristic conversion mod set at the turn of the 22nd century. The intent of the mod is to create a futuristic and immersive setting in ARMA that allows the users to have a unique sci-fi experience. To that end we have created multiple unique systems and functions for the players to help them feel like the soldiers of tomorrow or.. next week. The project will explore multiple concepts for the soldiers of the future through the use of multiple factions and looking to real world experimental projects to help us make grounded equipment and technologies. Examples of this can be seen in our first work, the Conqueror Suit and its planned features such as suits requiring spare parts should the suit get damaged and fuel cells that need to be swapped out when empty. The World of the Mobile Weapons Project 5 years of constant conflicts between the superpowers of the world, never openly becoming a world war, but coming very close on several occasions. The so called 5 years of fire were sparked by the deaths of most of the major world leaders due to negligence on the part of a North American Unions weapons manufacturer known as the Mobile Weapons Manufacturer. This led to the MWM being globally barred from selling weapons and the CEO and a good portion of the board being sentenced to prison or death to appease the world's powers. Many nations started banding together for protection and to gain strength after feeling like they'd been embarrassed and made to look weak. Inevitably this led to conflicts both internally and externally as policies changed and expansionism took over the world again. The Great Pacific Alliance formed with China and Japan at its heart in the East, The nations of Europe having dissolved the European Union formed a new alliance named the European Alliance, and the NAU became isolationist once again only focusing on protecting vital resources and their borders. The final faction to arise during these times was the private army for hire known as the Mobile Weapons Unit who were contracted by the NAU to assist them and their allies. Sporting experimental equipment rejected by the NAU the MWU would be considered a waste of money until the battle in the ghost city of Hing Cho where a company of the MWU tore out their powered armors internal A/Cs and inadvertently solved the issues the suits had been having. If you'd like to learn more feel free to join us at our discord https://discord.gg/YK7wDmQ The Mods Current State The Mod officially released September 27, 2021! The mod right now is building up the Mobile Weapons Unit/ Ardician Armored Corps faction. These factions focus on making use of the Conqueror Suit and advanced weaponry that makes use of the nation's advanced battery and capacitor technology. This has let us give them railguns, energy shields/deflectors, Enhanced speed and resistance innately while wearing an active suit. MOD FEATURES - Functioning Power Armor. Grants enhanced speed, Recoil Reduction, Energy Shields, a variety of sights and an advanced H.U.D. - Jetpacks with a high skill ceiling - 8 different weapons with multiple retextures -25+ uniform/ vest/ helmet items. Testing the jetpack for controllability Retros Testing out the long jump . Finally, since the suit was designed to allow soldiers to operate in the upper atmosphere, we implemented a shielding system. Running on limited charge the shield deplete after every instance that would hit a player at high velocity. (Frag grenades drop the shields very fast) the shields don't recharge organically, but need to have their power cell manually replaced or charged. This gives operators shielding, all though limited. Due to the internal circuitry and such the armor runs very hot on thermals, in fact hot enough heat seeker missiles will chase the suit over certain vehicles. With all this experimental equipment we felt we needed just a bit more to truly make a player feel immersed. So we're working on implementing an armor break system. The system makes it so when hit on certain points there's a chance that certain suit functions will cease to work properly unless the part is repaired or replaced. Future Plans for the Mod The mod is released and we are continuously adding content to it. To make sure that the mod is quality we take the time to concept out our next pieces. Below you can see the concepts for the MK2 version of the armor. We're working on adding in armor and air craft in the coming updates, but we're a new team still learning. Below you can see our concepts and WIPs Concept Pictures Those interested in playing the mod or helping with its development can join here on the discord and someone will be with you to help get you situated! Update: the mod was released here is a link for those interested https://discord.gg/8zd8kHKKRR
  3. Sup everyone. I'm working with a code snippet for fast reload (an old idea that never finished). The concept is to reload the current weapon, dropping the magazine to the ground and cutting the required time to reload to half (I'm a IPSC shooter IRL, so grabbed the concept from there). So far, i've achieve this: 1. Get magazine type and ammo count for current weapon. 2. Remove the magazine from current weapon. 3. Create a magazine of the same type and ammo count on the floor. 4. Insert a magazine from inventory to current weapon. Extra: using ACE, binded the action to double R key tap. The thing is that I cannot control the animation speed. I mean, I want to start the reload animation but at a faster speed; in fact, i need any animation to replace the standar one. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!
  4. [Outdated] Go to thread of the new "Freemode" version Old: Mafia Team Work : Katalaki Bay by Der Kroi CIvilians Life feature video Workshop Subscribe Download from Armaholic for hosting server Screenshot gallery Description : Mafia Team Work is a fast paced and dynamic gamemode inspired by GTA IV Team Mafia Work with common objectives for both teams in PVP (also playable in single player or coop) and features a real civilian and cop life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Katalaki Bay, a small coastline town, who’s inhabitants are terrorized by mafia families that fight each other to expand territories and gain respect of local godfather, Kenny Petrovic. In Mafia Team Work, your family and yourself are working for Kenny Petrovic, in direct confrontation with an other family. Your objective is to earn more respect and prove to Petrovic that your family is the only one to trust. This gamemode is a fast paced dynamic PvP mission, in a customized & optimized area of 9km². Also playable in Singleplayer and Coop with dynamic difficulty. Missions & Targets are common to both teams. Each objective completed add Respect points to your team. When game time is over, the game ends once the current mission is completed. The team that got the highest Respect score will gain the trust of Mr. Petrovic, Godfather of Katalaki Bay. At respawn location, use flag’s menu to get a car. All cars can be field-repaired anytime. Open your GPS to reach objectives faster. You can also follow waypoints (3D Icons) that point objectives locations. . RED Objective: Kill or Destroy . BLUE Objective: Take and drop (do not destroy) . YELLOW Objective: Drop location for car or briefcase (only seen by the driver/carrier) Equipment and weapons can be found in Ammo Crates on objectives, or in your Victim’s Vehicles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOST WANTED ! The Wanted Level is inspired from “Grand Thef Auto”, and tells players how much police attention they are getting, or in a few missions, how much they are actively searching for the objective. Wanted Level 1 and 2 stars are related to your own actions, only the wanted mafia member sees it, and cops will only be after him. Level 3, 4 and 5 stars however, are global. All mafia members will be actively wanted by Law Enforcers. Expect cops, FBI agents, and Army to come in number, protecting objectives assets against the mob. How it works Level 1 : Depends on checks and stops (usually on foot) that randomly happen on the map. If the patrol has not been neutralized or outrun, it will trigger level 2. Level 2 : Hitting a police patrol car, or shooting next to cops or on their vehicle, will trigger Level 2 star, as well as Level 1 backup calls. The various events impacting Wanted levels overlap each other. As a result, shooting down or outrun a patrol does not reset your Wanted index if another patrol is also on your trail. Despite Levels 1 and 2 are related to a single mafia member’s actions, other mobsters are not safe: if a patrol sees a mafia member, they can decide to engage him as well. Level 3-4-5 : Are related to "Take and Bring Back" type missions. Law enforcers will spawn continuously until the end of the current mission. The amount of active reinforcements simultaneously depends on the mission and the number of players connected. Backups, as well as regular patrols will head towards the objective to protect it from the mafia. Wanted Level progression is based on the number of patrols neutralized. Take down a helicopter patrol will piss the cops 2x more than losing a ground patrol. Lvl 1: Police foot patrol Lvl 2: Police patrol car Lvl 3: Police patrol car + Police helicopter Lvl 4: FBI SUV + Police patrol car + Police helicopter Lvl 5: Military armored vehicle + Police patrol car + Army helicopter with sharp shooters------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features : _ Detailled civilian life, on car, on foot, chatting... _ Cops on patrol, reinforcement, apprehend. _ The difficulty level and the amount of weapons are dynamic, depend on the number of player connected. _ FBI and Army reinforcement link to the research level. _ A fast paced dynamic PvP mission, in a customized & optimized area with terrain cleanup for nice driving (9km²). _ Reinforcement system with research level for some Take and Drop missions. _ Stunt Jump with score. _ Bellow 80km/h, you can get out of your vehicle safely. Get out at higher speed is still possible, but is at your own risks. _ 15 detailed missions each with a large random combination. (Others will come). _ Event random with awesome stuff (Heli Army crash for the moment and one Army convoy very soon). _ When a vehicle’s engine is destroyed, it will ignite, and blow up after a moment. _ You can be polite and salute civilian, or you can dis em, or steal their car, and deal with consequences. _ Respawn with a car, no sway, 126% speed on foot, BIS revive. _ Custom sound for ambient life, dialogs and Hint. _ Ballas and Triads gang with an exclusive car color. _ Kill tickets. _ Every player's respawn with same weapon/stuff. Do you want the best ? Rush to the curently mission and get your reward ! _ If you like Hip Hop, you like this mission 😉 _ No mods are required to play this mission, no mods are accepted on the server ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Official Dedicated Server : OFFLINE ; Back with a new version: Freemode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SinglePlayer/Host/Lan If you want to play SINGLEPLAYER, simply host a LAN game in the Multiplayer menu, Server Browser, host Server tab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many more information on your Website : https://mafiateamwork.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custom Difficulty Settings for the better experience : difficulty="Custom"; class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { autoReport=0; cameraShake=0; commands=2; deathMessages=1; detectedMines=2; enemyTags=0; Armor=1; friendlyTags=0; groupIndicators=0; mapContent=0; multipleSaves=0; reducedDamage=0; scoreTable=1; staminaBar=1; stanceIndicator=2; thirdPersonView=0; visionAid=0; vonID=1; waypoints=2; weaponCrosshair=0; weaponInfo=2; }; aiLevelPreset=3; }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI=0.75; precisionAI=0.1; }; }; // Change thirdPersonView=0 to thirdPersonView=1 if you really want third person view. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Workshop Subscribe Website Youtube channel Steam group to be kept informed of the event organized on the server. Facebook Page Discord Channel Armaholic Page
  5. Notice of Cancelation At this time I regretfully have to announce the cancellation of this project. The team we had has lost interest and moved onto other projects. Unfortunately at this time I am not skilled enough to make a mod like the one intended. I am sorry to have let everyone down. The Mech Superiority Project The mech superiority project is a mod project intended to bring mechs from some of everyones' favorite animes to ArmA. Currently in production we have the Humanoind autonomous Knight, also known by fans of Code Geass as the Knightmare frame. This project has several goals before its completion; first to make functional mechs capable of not only participating in combat, but being a serious tactical weapon. Second is to make an effective and realistic pilot system, this goal comprises of multiple things; effective switching of weapons for mechs, defensive systems (shield usage, interceptors, etc), cockpit design and functionality. Third is to work on maneuverability (Flight, boosting). 4th goal is to have awesome giant mech battles. We intend to use the knightmare frames as a proof of concept before moving onto the much larger Mobile Suits from various Gundam series. Armaments To help accomplish the first goal two sets of armaments have been chosen to be both as faithful to the source material, and as effective as possible. The Knightmare is the equipped with a Knightmare Assault Rifle -2 (Name below was a typo). Mounted on top of the missile launcher which holds 4 90mm HEAT rockets, and underneath is a 5.5 machine gun. The slash harkin is a bonus for precise alternate fire, although it's firing will be limited it is a powerful weapon. This weapon system allows the knightmare to fight a variety of enemies effectively. The second sent makes use of an 120 mm cannon capable of taking out even more heavily armored targets from greater distances. Current Progress We have progressed to the configuration phase along with some texturing. We've hit a hiccup in the configs and it is slowing down our progress somewhat but we continue forward. Seeking Help/ or Join us in the fight We are currently looking for modders interested in being a part of this project to help us complete this project and achieve goals. If interested in helping or joining us in the good fight join us on our discord at: https://discord.gg/YK7wDmQ Our Mod Team Zephyrsouza
  6. Date: August 8, 2036, 09:40 Place: Stratis island Situation: NATO forces displace the remaining enemy forces to the north and west coast of the island. It is necessary to carry out the last decisive attack until AAF and CSAT forces are entrenched in their positions. Features: Game Modes - Singleplayer, 3 Player CO-OP; Walkthrough duration - medium; Difficulty - medium; No required addons; Voice acting - no; Titers and descriptions - eng | rus; Arcade Mode - each player controls his own tank; Fast and fun gameplay scenario. Links: Steam Workshop MediaFire Armaholic
  7. Background I'm attempting to successfully fast-rope AI in an urban environment, which is apparently very difficult. I've already set up the helicopter with a FRIES system which works fine when used by a human of their own volition. I've done plenty of sifting through archives and people have been struggling with this for some time without a clear resolution. It would be nice to be able to make things a lot clearer here. Problems Still requires a human to use the "prepare fast rope action" Pilot does not fly low enough to successfully drop troops with their legs intact Pilot does not hover precisely where he needs to I know there seem to be issues with flyInHeight, particularly over buildings, so I'm attempting to intervene within the ACE scripts to maybe add some extra lines to really force the helicopter down. I've managed to find the deployAI.sqf script from the ACE 3 github repository, but I can't examine the operation of it much more because it references functions which I have no idea how to view. For example: [{[_this] call FUNC(deployRopes)}, _vehicle, _deployTime] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; I've scanned through the entire list of functions with my addons loaded and I can't find deployRopes anywhere. With respect to preparing the fast rope system, does anyone know how I can determine what code is being executed when a human player uses this action via the ACE interaction menu? My hope is that I can find out how to trigger the same commands by script. Outcomes Advice getting a helicopter pilot to hover over a very precise spot Advice getting a helicopter pilot to hover at a very specific altitude Description of how to view functions referenced by ACE Suggestion of how to determine the "prepare fast rope" commands used by ACE interaction menu Thanks in advance.
  8. arnau1741

    error mods game

  9. . . . Making missions is tough, it really is. On top of learning a metric ton of scripting commands and SQF syntax, mission makers are also expected to extensively test their scenarios and hope to god everything falls into place as expected. Although it's a job that can feel unrewarding, make no mistake: without missions, no community can exist, and by definition, neither can the ArmA series. So how do we solve these two problems? How do we kindle the interest in making scenarios within the general player-base, without forcing people to spend precious time learning extensive scripting? Throughout the years, BromA - my community of choice - struggled with missions who had a standard of quality, something we could rely on and that wasn't gonna just break at one point or another, pissing off all players and ruining the session. And so, we've started to develop a template for all of our missions, which through lots of testing and debugging, would be stable enough to use and simple enough to be actually utilized. Long story short, as time went by and we got a bit better at scripting, here we are. The Framework comes with a robust and flexible Plugin system, which makes sharing functionality across missions super easy - take a look on what's already implemented. Another powerful feature is the ability to make your missions completely retroactive compatible with any gameplay mods you might want to use: in uses no modules placed from the editor, spawning them all through scripting. On top of making the mission.sqm cleared of clutter that might stop your mission from loading, this also means many module settings are linked to the mission parameters, enabling an unprecedented level of customization. Some of the features include: ACE3, AGM, TFAR, ACRE2, ALIVE and DAC are fully integrated. AI spawning system, complete with unit caching for performance. Cargo loading made simple. Casualty Cap and Body Removal. Casualty Cap for civilians. Commander Lock. JIPs handling. Limit player movement to the AO. Loading screens. Mission time limit. Respawn system with tickets and respawn waves. Setup Zones. Spawn protection. Tasks system which is very flexible and simple to understand. Team Roster. Team killing warning. Very effective Loadout System. Well organized and scenario-agnostic. Important note: this Framework absolutely requires CBA to run. You may need to use a modified version of DAC, compatible with HC to run this properly. Please keep in mind DAC is Silola's work and therefore we ask everyone to keep distribution to a minimum. Yes. Although we don't have any binds like DAC to make its use easier, it's still entirely possible to use ALIVE in your missions and several of our mission makers already have. This project was developed and grew alongside me and its contributors as a great learning experience. As one would expect, we utilized a lot of reference and cannibalized many scripts written by other awesome ArmA modders, so let me stress this as much as I can: although the vast majority of the scripts utilized in the framework have been extensively modified to fit in as a proper Plugin with many hours dedicated to make everything would work, credit to the original authors is fully retained and this is in no way an attempt to upset anyone. That said, this Framework is open-source and free for everyone to use and abuse; if you want to credit me for any of it go ahead but otherwise I really don't care. However, the same might not be true for the authors of the original scripts so please be considerate and don't remove the licenses I've included. List of all Framework contributors. Special Thanks: Ferstaberinde for his work on the F3 Framework and Naught & Olsen for the Core Framework, which basically inspired this one into existing. The BromA and /a3g/ communities, for being nice sports and keeping things always fun to be around. You, for reading all this crap. Although in the future I plan on making a series of video tutorials explaining how to properly utilize every aspect of the Framework, so far the best I've managed is a bunch of dumb streams of myself making missions. This might help you get started on it, but otherwise I recommend the Wiki for documentation. This project is young and still has a long way to go: If you run into some trouble or just have any questions, please hit me up on Steam any time and I'll get back to you ASAP. As a small side note, someone has taken the time to impersonate me on reddit; I do not ever post there so please, kindly ignore whatever is in that account. We hope this Framework helps you to finally make those mission scenarios you've always wanted to make, and then more. Thanks for giving it a shot!
  10. Hi, i made this little mod for ArmA2CO + ACE to allow wheeled vehicles to move faster on any surface, work without ACE too https://youtu.be/lRzerl1D9qE Required: ACE ACEX ACEx_RU DOWNLOAD